***  Welcome to the Coyote's Den  ***

This site is a story archive.

All the material is fictional and mostly adult in content.  Generally it is intended as erotic and deals mainly with domination/submission themes usually homosexual but also heterosexual in nature.

If you are looking for pictures, then you are in the wrong place.  Perhaps you could find them here.

If this is not of interest to you, is offensive or unlawful in your jurisdiction please go elsewhere.

I'm looking for the Road Runner                                    Enter The Coyote's Den

Your comments are appreciated  YLeeCoyote@mail.com


© Copyright A.I.L., 1999-2002

The URL for this page is: http://www.asstr-mirror.org/files/Authors/YLeeCoyote/www/index.html

Last updated: December 26, 2003