Author: UncleJimmie Title: A Quicky with Alexis Part: Pt 1 Summary:A man decides to start molesting a neighbor girl every day Mg, preteen, Yng, 27 year old Jack lived in a rundown mobile home park and his trailer was next to an old trailer lived in by lady called Gram. He took care of the things that broke in her rundown two bedroom place and was rewarded with occasional sexual escapades with little girls. Gram was not aware of it, or if she was, she never mentioned it. Gram made money by taking in temporary foster girls for a short time until a permanent home could be found for them. Hence there were usually some little ones available to be molested or at least to get dirty panties from if he didn't have time to really get serious with the child. Jack made sure Gram had plenty of booze by supplying her with several bottles a week, telling her his friend owned a liqueur store. Gram took in kids for babysitting and sometimes a foster girl or two so he made sure he was very nice to her and did all her fixit stuff. The old lady had the hots for Jack and he teased her along just enough to gain her trust so she wouldn't object when he took her girls into his trailer for whatever reason. And so it was that Jack was outback trimming Gram's plants the first day he saw her. Jack couldn't take his eyes off of the Mexican cutie as she wandered around Grams back yard playing with her doll, occasionally sucking her little thumb as she looked up at him innocently with her black sexy eyes as he trimmed the shrubs. She looked to be 9 or 10 years old. The little Hispanic girl was cute as a bug. Long black hair with a yellow and pink ribbon attached, black sexy eyes and wearing an old worn out short pink dress that only came down to the top of her knees. Her developing hips were obviously growing as they stretched the material of the tightly. Gram had told Jack just last week she was getting a new foster girl for a month and her name was Alexis. The child was in fourth grade and that the little girl's mom was going to jail for a DUI so the court sent the little one to Gram for the duration of the 30 day sentence. The sexy girl couldn't take her eyes off of him either as she was totally enthralled with the nice looking man who had a pleasant smile that little girls instantly fell in love with when they first saw him. "Oh Hi. You must be the pretty young lady that Gram told me about. My name is Jack." He set his trimmer down on a picnic table and brushed himself off. She just stared up at him with her black eyes, smiling and nodded her head. "I'm going inside for a ice cream break, would you like to come inside too and have some ice cream with me honey? I'll even carry you sweetheart." Alexis eagerly nodded her acceptance and giggled as he leaned down and picked her little frame up into his arms. She was so light but very firm, her maturing body growing in all the right spots. Jim's hand innocently grasped her firm buttocks under her tiny dress as he held her close. The soft cotton panties acting as a tiny barrier between his large warm fingers and her naked child behind. The adult gently squeezed them, feeling her up just a bit but not enough to where she would notice him being improper. "Do you like school sweetheart?" Jack asked as he carried her inside his rundown trailer home before anyone could spot them together. Her drunken foster care giver Gram was passed out again and he had decided to start molesting the little girl who had just started living with the old woman. His plan was to go slow, just doing a little bit more everyday, gradually getting nastier and nastier as time went on. Or, if things went his way he'd take advantage of the situation as you never knew how far you could go with a little girl until you tried. Once you broke the barrier of nice adult with innocent child and became nasty pervert with willing little slut things could get interesting really fast. And Jack was a nasty pervert along with all his online pervert buddies who thoroughly enjoyed young girls that let you have fun with their small bodies. Little girls were such whores once you got them into their true sexual environment where they could be as filthy as they wanted to be knowing the men loved it. Earlier today in anticipation of luring Alexis inside Jack had turned on all the hidden cameras that were set up in each room broadcasting the video and sound of him molesting girls out on the internet to a group of friends that exchanged live action sexual molesting. There were about 40 men who shared their adventures live and he had told them a few days ago he was getting ready to do this little girl, Alexis, and had put some pictures up on the net of her playing outside. So now the child molester took cute little Alexis into his living room, locking the door and pulling the blinds as he did so, and sat down on the couch with her still in his arms. His hand staying under her dress feeling her up didn't seem to bother the pretty little dark haired girl. As she sat on his lap facing him she put her tiny arms around his neck and kissed him on the nose giggling. Jack put both hands under her buttocks nonchalantly as he laughed and roughhoused with the preteen. He held her so the camera could see every bit of where his hands were and already there were five guys watching according to the TV screen that showed just a number up in the top right corner that indicated how many guys had logged onto his system. So now that Jack had an audience he continued on molesting her little body in front of everybody. His right middle finger "accidentally" slipped into her butt crack for a few seconds to see if she objected and when she just kept giggling he went a little bit further and slipped his hand underneath her thin cotton panties leg band and felt her bare ass cheeks, all the time giggling and laughing saying "Tickle tickle." The little slut didn't show any sign of wanting him to stop as he got bolder and bolder, easing his finger down to her little asshole and gently probing it as he continued massaging her bubble butt. The little girl had no idea several men were actually watching her get molested for the first time. "Tickle tickle baby. You like that huh baby? You like it when I tickle you there don't you baby? Just like a big girl huh?" He talked to her softly telling her she liked it so she would accept anything he wanted to do to her as he continued his assault on her young body, getting her used to his nasty molesting. Alexis giggled her approval as he assaulted her young body, touching her privates and making her feel good. The man was now feeling her up obscenely and his cock was rock hard underneath her toddler body, anxious for whatever would come next. Using the remote he brought up the computer screen on his 65" TV. Alexis had her back to it so she couldn't see it. Jack wanted to see the guys jacking off and also what his hand looked like up underneath the little girls dress. On the screen five remote videos showed guys jacking off and his local video showed him molesting the little innocent slut. Suddenly one of the guys started squirting a massive load. All the other guys were watching and could see each other too and that started an avalanche. Soon two more men squirted and then a fourth. Jack couldn't help it as he saw the guys shooting while watching him feel up the little one and he started squirting a load right inside his pants that Alexis was bouncing around on. Jack groaned as he shot his giant load, arching his back up tight against her little pussy. Alexis had no idea what was happening and thought he was playing so she bounced hard against his erect ejaculating boner which caused him to groan even louder and then grasped her buttocks, holding them tight against his extremely hard cock as he humped up against her little crotch. The last guy on the screen saw what was happening and he shot a huge load too as Jack's cum juice soaked through the thin tight shorts Jack was wearing with no underpants. The little girl kept giggling and frolicking around, not even knowing she had just made 6 guys shoot a load of jism just by watching her get feltup by the nice man she was hugging so tight now. Jack had all the stuff recorded and if he felt comfortable with her in the next few weeks he would show her all the video recordings and explain to the little girl how she had made all the men squirt their white stuff. However he had to know she would keep it a secret. Now that he had shot his load it was time to clean up and make sure Alexis kept all this a secret. He turned off the TV and stood up with her still clinging tightly to him. "Jack I got's to go peepee." she whined. He set her down on the floor and she saw the big wet spot on his shorts. "You already went peepee huh!" she giggled and put her hand on his cum soaked pants that were bulging out with the remains of a hardon soaked in sperm. Jack flinched a bit as her unexpected touch startled him. Alexis giggled hard and touched him again only this time the little tart kept her hand on his now hardening penis. "It's getting bigger huh?" she giggled as she looked up at him with her smiling eyes and then quickly back down to his crotch. Jack was caught off guard, he hadn't expected her to be so bold. He didn't want to get in trouble though so he pushed her hand away. "Honey what would your Grammy say if she knew you were feeling my peepee?" Jack continued to hold her hand as she quickly replied "She won't know cause she ain't here." "Yeah but what if you told her?" he asked, clarifying the question and making sure her answers were what he wanted to hear. "I won't tell her Jack!! She'd get all mad!" Alexis promised. "But what would happen if she did find out somehow?" he continued. "She'd get all mad and spank me like before." The little girl explained to him. "Before?" his ears perked up "You've done this before?" he asked quickly. "Yeah" she giggled. "Me an my stepbrodders do it sometimes and Gram catched us and she got all mad and spanked me and dem real hard so we make sure she don't know we doing it." she paused "You won't tell will you Jack?" she looked at him with pleading eyes to keep her adventures a secret. "No baby, I won't tell I promise." he then probed a bit "How old are your bothers honey?" "Dey is 12 , 14 and 15" she quickly replied. So three boys were doing her all the time. No wonder she just giggled when I felt her up he thought to himself. "You like it don't you baby? You like it when boys feel you up on your peepee huh?" he prompted her. The little slut eagerly nodded her head "Yeah it feels good and I like to see them make their white stuff come out." she was smiling proudly as her attention now turned back to his wet spot and huge hardon. "Does you squirt white stuff too Jack?' she asked questionably while softly rubbing his bulge completely unashamed as if it were hers. "Yes baby I squirt the white stuff. I have some videos on the computer of me squirting the white stuff. Would you like to see them?" Alexis eagerly nodded her little head. "YES" she almost shouted, still rubbing him. Well, so much for the plan of going slow and gradually working up to pure molesting Jack thought to himself as he clicked on the folder "My Cumshots". End Part 1 ========= My other stories are located at: ========= Send comments to :