Too-Kay Web

Story List

Update listing

Below is a list of when the various updates to the site occurred.

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September 2000 The Le Restaurant intros and first three stories; "Make-believe", "In Captivity?", "Battenburg Ice-cream" in both html format and text format
October 2000 Two 'miscellaneous' stories; "Silent Running","Ribbons Galore!" in both html format and text format
November 2000 First three chapters of "A Sexual Exploration" in both html format and text format
The addition of Feed-back Forms to all html story-files, and the standardisation of filenames throughout site
February 2001 This listing in both html and text format, two more 'miscellaneous' stories, "Dreaming" and "Kidnapped" and one more Le Restaurant story, "The Take-Away" in both html and text formats
May 2001 The addition of one more Le Restaurant story, "Three Cheese Soufflé and Chips" in both html and text formats, and three 'miscellaneous' stories, "Thrusting", "Summer Games" and "The Slow Quickstep", all in both formats
November 2001 No update due to Real Life interuptions
May 2002 The addition of the last Le Restaurant story, "Double Trouble?", Chapter 4 of "A Sexual Exploration", and two 'miscellaneous' stories, "After the Ball" and "Double the fun". All additions in both text and html formats
January 2004 The addition of the first part of "Fuck Suzy", chapter 5 of "A Sexual Exploration" and "The Fuck" in both html and text formats
April 2004

Part two of "Fuck Suzy", and two 'miscellaneous' stories, "Spoons" and "Iced Cream" in both formats

July 2004 Three more chapters of "A Sexual Exploration" in both formats
September 2004 Part three of "Fuck Suzy" and chapter 9 "A Sexual Exploration" in both html and txt formats
January 2005 Part four of "Fuck Suzy" and "Whore's Punishment" in both formats
February-March 2005 The removal of the feedback forms from the html pages, addition of a link to an external guestbook and a 'miscellaneous' story, "Don't Know Much, But I Know I Love You . . . (1)", in both formats
April 2005 The posting of "The Hair Salon" and Chapter 10 of "A Sexual Exploration" in both formats

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