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Annetta slipped the new nightgown on, feeling the silk caress her skin as it slid downwards. Running her hands over the fabric, she fantasised. . . . ****************
The woman was standing beside a large four-posted bed. Wearing a long silk gown, she played gently with her breasts as she waited for her Lover to pleasure her. The silk flowed softly around her nipples and the ripple effect caressed her torso gently. She loved the sensation of silk on her skin and she loved her Lover's use of it on her skin, and the impatient woman could hardly wait for her Lover to touch her. Footsteps could be heard in the passage. The woman knew she would feel her Lover's touch on her soon, feel her Lover's arms around her, feel her Lover's kisses on the tender lips that already were quivering in anticipation.Her Lover entered the room, and went straight for a set of drawers on the opposite side of the bed. The waiting woman watched her Lover take out a short ribbon from the drawer and then walked round the bed. They kissed, tenderly, and the Loved One was pressed down onto the bed. Then her arms were tenderly raised and tied to two poles. The same happened to her legs. Her Lover stroked her belly lightly before moving to the welcoming moistness of her cunt. The bound woman moaned as she felt her Lover open her lips and touch her bud. She jumped in pleasure as her Lover's fingertips stroked the sensitive bud, then she felt fingers stroke their way to her open cunt. Moaning even more, the woman shuddered as the ribbon was laid along her lips and gently pressed against her clit. The pressure was increased and the silk bit into the flesh around it. The woman bucked into the pressure, and the ribbon was pulled backwards and forwards. Backwards and forwards. Backwards and forwards. Backwards and forwards. The moans were getting louder. Backwards and forwards. Backwards and forwards. The moans were getting louder still. Backwards and forwards. Backwards and forwards. The Loved One felt her legs being untied and raised and fastened to a pole above the bed. Her bottom was lifted from the bed and her Lover knelt beside her. The ribbon was pulled down towards the bed, pressing eve harder on her cunt and clit. The ribbon was soaking wet and buried deep in the wet flesh, but it was still pulled back and forth. Back and forth. Deeper and deeper. Back and forth. Deeper and deeper. Back and forth. Deeper and deeper. Back and forth. Deeper and deeper. Her Lover slid the ribbon out and kissed her on the soft, wet lips. Then the Loved One felt her Lover's face sink into her lips, sucking, nibbling, and pulling. She felt her Lover lick her, then suck and nibble her. As the woman felt her Lover pleasure her more and more, she groaned her enjoyment. Her Lover focused on her bud. The bound woman shrieked as she felt her Lover's teeth on this most tender spot. Her Lover bit her, licked her, and then suckled her. Teeth made contact again and then were replaced by tender tongue-lashings. Suddenly the Loved One felt her Lover slide first one finger into her, then two, then three. The fingers plunged deep into her, driving her wild. She needed release, but knew that her Lover had plans for her before that happened. Abruptly her Lover reached for the draw and took out three vibrators; one small and two large size. The small vibrator was rested on the captive's chest, and one of the others joined it while the third was slid into her. Her Lover switched it on, low, and watched the shockwaves run through the panting woman. Bending to kiss her on the hot wet lips, her Lover removed the other large sized vibrator and coaxed it in alongside the throbbing vibrator. Turning it on, her Lover watched the results. The effects on the willing victim were amazing, her body was jerking as the double sensation from the vibrators pulsed into her. As well as the obvious sensation from the vibrators, the woman was experiencing shockwaves from the interaction of the two appliances. There was one smooth-coated and one ribbed one and the delicate ripples were counterpoint to the main waves. The Beloved gave herself up to the pleasure, and arched her back in ecstasy. Her Lover turned the speed up on both vibrators and then fingered the puffed-up clit. Rubbing it slowly, her Lover drove the woman closer to the edge, before picking up the small toy and turning it on full before pushing it against the bud. The woman screamed in pleasure, then screamed again as the two large vibrators were plunged in and out of her. In and almost out. Deeper in and nearly out. In and out. The movement took on a rhythm of its own. In and out. In and out. In and out. As the combined assault picked up speed, the woman screamed. Screamed again as the three vibrators felt as though the noses were touching, then pulled apart, then pushed deeper into her. She came with a massive jolt and her Lover leant forward and tenderly kissed her eyelids. **************** **************** The Lover The woman waited and watched on her monitor as her Beloved slipped into her nightgown. The monitor showed the Beloved caressing her breasts and the watcher smiled at the knowledge of what the woman was going to know that evening. The Lover switched the recording on and left the room. Walking down to the bedroom the Lover smiled at the thought of her Loved One's juices and the taste of her. Sweet and salty, the juices were going to pour this time. The Loved One was going to be caressed and then tempted with orgasm only to have to wait until her Lover decided to allow it. Once in the bedroom the Lover took a short, half-metre ribbon from a drawer and then Lover and Beloved kissed long and tenderly. Still kissing, the Lover lowered the gowned women to the bed. Then gently the Lover fastened arms and legs with silk straps to the four corners of the bed. The Beloved was so beautiful like this, her thighs apart, her cunt welcoming attention. The Lover was aroused just looking at the Loved One, but reached for the woman's silky flesh. Slowly the Lover stroked the warm, wet lips and gently probed for the clit bud. The Loved One's flesh was warm, soft, wet and the Lover loved it. Finding it, the Lover fondled it, listening to the light murmurs before placing the ribbon against the pink flesh. Sliding the ribbon back and forth, the Lover increased the pressure on the captive. Moans became groans of pleasure and still the ribbon delved deeper into the flesh of the Loved One. The ribbon went deeper and deeper.Deeper and deeper. The Beloved screamed in ecstasy. Deeper and deeper. Deeper still. More screams. Deeper yet. The ribbon started to get tangled in the inner lips. The Lover paused in the tormenting to raise the legs of the Beloved. Once fastened to the pole above the bed, the Lover sat on the bed and looked down at the hot flesh. Smelt her perfume. Tenderly the Lover touched the captive's bud, then picked up the ends of the ribbon and pulled it back and forwards and deeper and deeper into the Beloved's flesh. The woman's Lover bent to kiss the bud as the ribbon was pulled out. Then, finding the bud, the Lover put tongue to it and gently, carefully, licked her. The bound woman bucked towards the lick so the Lover licked again. Sucking the flesh before another lick: this one was deeper and the Beloved felt fingers enter her. More sucking and nibbling. Suck. Lick. Fingers go into the Beloved's cunt. Suck. Lick. Nibble. Suckle. Suckle deeper. Fingers thrust in and out. Lick. Suck. Lick. Fingers delve into her then withdraw. Carefully opening the swollen lips, the Lover locates her bud. The Lover smelt her, felt her. Bit her. Riding the bucking motions, the Lover caressed the tenderness and then closed teeth around the flowering bud. The Loved One screamed as she felt teeth close on her tenderness. The teeth released the flesh, and then they closed on it again. Hard. Then the Lover's tongue fondled her abused flesh. Tenderly, the Lover licked the bud. Fingers plunged into her and then were almost withdrawn. They re-entered her, but this time a third finger joined its companions. The Lover then reached for three vibrators from the drawer. The small pen-like one was laid on the Beloved's chest along with the smooth larger one. The ribbed one was carefully slid into the open cunt. The vibrator was turned on. Low. The Lover watched as the shockwaves ran through the Loved One's body. Pulses were going through the Loved One's torso and she screamed her pleasure, knowing it turned her Lover on, hearing the impact on her senses. The Lover turned the vibrator turned up. Higher. Ever more intense shockwaves shook the Beloved and her Lover carefully slid the other extra large vibrator into the warm, moist cavity. The Loved One moaned as she was stretched, but her Lover was careful and soon the two were inside. The second vibrator was switched on. High. A scream of pleasure came from the bound woman as gentle pressure was applied till only the tops of the vibrators were outside. The Lover clipped a handle onto the tops of these exquisite torture devices. The Lover rested as the vibrators pushed the captive closer to the edge. Picking up the small toy, the Lover switched it on before using it as a pen to locate and torment the swollen clit and bud. The small but fierce tip found its target and began to stimulate her. The woman screamed as the pressure propelled her closer to climax. Her bud was so tender that the merest touch on it sent her into ecstasy, and her Lover knew just how to prolong the pleasure-giving. The pen drew circles round the clit and pressed ever deeper into her, seeking the other two toys. The Lover thrust the two larger toys deep into her, and the Beloved cried out as they were withdrawn, only to go deeper into her again. Then the two larger toys were plunged into her and pulled out halfway. They plunged in again and the pen pressed hard into her, trying to touch the other two vibrators. Out and in again. Out and in. The pressure was increased, and the Loved One bucked and screamed her pleasure. This is what the Lover enjoyed, taking the other one to the limits of sensuality. One final thrust, and then kissing as the shockwaves subsided. **************** "Hello Chris, are you doing anything this evening? No? Fantastic. Come over here and we can have some fun. This is what I had in mind 3; "