Wet Dream Schoolteacher - Chapter 1

AUTHOR = Switch Blayde
E-MAIL = switch_blayde@hotmail.com

© 2005 Switch Blayde. All Rights Reserved.  Copying, Duplicating, Downloading, Reposting, or use in any way other than for the reader's personal enjoyment is STRICTLY prohibited without the written consent of the author.
Hetero, Cheating, Slut Wife, Teacher/Student, Exhibitionism

Deep in thought, the middle-aged schoolteacher was perched on the front of her desk. Her legs were crossed, the right over the left, with her foot absentmindedly swinging. The high heel shoe was in danger of falling off her right foot, precariously dangling from her toes. Nancy Mooney didn't notice though.

She was thinking about her husband whose sex drive diminished when he turned 50. Nancy quickly corrected herself -- he lost all interest in sex. That had surprised Nancy. At 5'7" and 128 pounds, Nancy was in great shape and she knew she was attractive. Her short brown hair was stylish and framed her pretty face and green eyes. Nancy thought incorrectly that it was a natural thing to happen when a person got older, but when she reached menopause her body ignited with sexual desire like a Roman candle on the Fourth of July. However, with her husband's non-existent sex drive, Nancy didn't have anyone to put out the fire between her legs. She was still young, attractive, active... and very horny. But no matter how hard she tried to get her husband interested he wouldn't respond.

Nancy raised her eyes to scan the classroom. Her high school class was taking a test and she was obligated to check on them occasionally. Nancy saw one boy quickly look down at his desk. He had been staring at her. Nancy smiled knowing that happened often. It made her feel sexy to know that boys found her sexy. Even a boy young enough to be her son... especially a boy that age. Sometimes her husband made her feel old, but when Nancy caught a man staring at her longingly, even a teenager, she knew she still "had it."

The boy who had been caught gawking looked up, but just as quickly lowered his eyes when he realized his teacher was watching him. Nancy smiled. She definitely had the body and looks to turn men on and she dressed accordingly. Most of the time, Nancy wore skirts or dresses to school. She had to be professional, so none were more than 3 inches above her knees, but when she sat on the edge of her desk she knew it rode up her long legs. There was also something about wearing high heels that made her feel sexy. And since she kept catching boys staring at her feet, Nancy thought they felt the same way.

Now excited, Nancy's foot began moving faster. This caused her thighs to rub together and put pressure between her legs. The increased movement was the "straw that broke the camel's back" because her high heel shoe finally fell off.

Nancy slid off the desk, noticing her skirt ride up her thighs. She usually didn't wear pantyhose, favoring the coolness of the air on her bare skin to uncomfortable nylon. Nancy looked over the classroom and noticed several boys had watched her dismount her desk. She knew why -- to see more of her legs. But Nancy didn't mind. She liked teasing the teenage boys and now she had another opportunity. Very unladylike, Nancy squatted flatfooted with her back straight and knees slightly parted. She felt the cool air on her inner thighs and knew she was exposed to several students who had bothered to look up from their test papers. Nancy didn't wear thongs, finding them uncomfortable, preferring sheer French-cut panties.

While crouching like that, Nancy tried to remember what color panties she had worn that day. She had on a white blouse and black skirt. She guessed the panties were black, but that didn't seem right. Then she remembered. She was wearing her lime green panties, very sheer and cut high. Nancy suppressed a giggle at her naughtiness when she realized some of the boys could see more than they were supposed to. Nancy stood up and supported herself by leaning on the desk while lifting her foot and slipping on the shoe.

When Nancy glanced at the class, several heads suddenly turned down as if choreographed. She decided to enjoy the moment and walked up and down the aisles, starting where the boys had had the best view. Nancy smiled when some of them awkwardly tried to push more under their desks to hide their erections. One boy seemed especially uncomfortable than the rest so Nancy thought she'd tease him more. She leaned over his back, pressing her breasts against his shoulder.

"Jimmy, are you having difficulty?" she whispered, making sure her hot breath blew on his ear.

"N-No, Mrs. Mooney. I... uh... no, no problems," he stammered while squirming.

Nancy smiled and continued walking up and down the aisles, stopping occasionally to tease a boy. She made sure to spend some time with the girls as well, but the sham was to make it look like she wasn't only interested in the boys. Nancy got glimpses of a few hard teenage cocks and felt a tingling in her own loins. She knew her panties were getting wet and wondered if the boys could smell her arousal.

That night, when Nancy got home, she wanted sex more than usual. She tried to get her husband to oblige her, but he repelled her advances. Nancy took a long bath where she had to settle for her fingers. In the bathtub, with one leg dangling over the side, Nancy's fingers were busy rubbing her clit while she thought about the boys in her class... at their cute faces... at their prying eyes... and at their hard young cocks that she knew could stay hard forever.

"Nancy Mooney, you slut," the schoolteacher admonished herself out loud. "You'll end up in prison if you don't control yourself. It's happened to teachers before you. You are playing with fire... they're too young." But then her other self said, "At least it's someone to play with. I miss having sex." Then Nancy had an epiphany as she almost shouted out, "I'll teach at the community college!"

Nancy felt rejuvenated the next day as she dressed for work. She would drop by the nearby community college after school and apply for a teaching job there. She had to do something to prevent a misfortunate mistake with a minor. It wasn't that Nancy was planning on doing anything with her students, it's just that she fretted over something unplanned happening -- something sexual... something that could get her into trouble... something that could put her in prison. The current school year was almost over so it made sense to move to the college level.

Selecting her clothes, Nancy decided not to wear a skirt or dress that day. It wasn't that she didn't want to look sexy. On the contrary, her fingers gently fondled her tight white slacks. They were made of thin cotton and molded to her body. Nancy had discovered that there was something about white pants that drove teenage boys wild. As customary when she wore the white slacks, Nancy put a pair of tan pantyhose on first, forgoing panties. After all, it wouldn't do for the boys to see her panty line under the tight white slacks.

When Nancy stood in front of her class she knew she had made the right decision. All the boys' eyes were locked on her, below her waist. They squirmed more in their chairs than normal. Nancy was sure her high heels accentuated the sexiness of the white, tight slacks. At every opportunity, Nancy bent from the waist, jutting her firm, round ass out at the boys. She even feigned the need to bend over one of her student's desk, thrusting her ass in the boy's face sitting at the adjacent desk. At one point Nancy hoisted her pants up by the waist, causing the thin material to mold her pussy, and took her customary seat on the front of her desk. Since she was wearing pants instead of a skirt, Nancy was able to sit more unladylike. She spread her legs and leaned on her knees as she lectured. Nancy knew the thin white slacks, pulled tightly against her crotch, created a "camel toe" of her puffy pussy mound and slit. Some of the boys didn't even try to look away, not being able to tear their eyes from between their teacher's legs.

Nancy stopped her lecture when she heard a groan. Turning towards the sound, the concerned teacher saw one of her male students with his head down, his face pressed to his forearms crossed atop his desk. He seemed to be twitching. When the boy looked up, Nancy noticed that his face was flushed and she thought he was sick. But his already red face got beet-red when he saw his teacher staring at him. The boy leapt from his chair and ran out of the classroom. Nancy caught a fleeting glimpse of the dark stain on the front of his light blue pants. The poor boy had cum in his pants.

When the class ended, Nancy couldn't wait for all her students to leave. She almost ran to the teacher's restroom where she locked herself inside a stall and yanked her slacks and pantyhose down to her knees. Not even bothering to sit down, Nancy's hand found its way between her legs onto her clit. In less than a minute she had to bite her bottom lip to keep from screaming as her orgasm hit.

Nancy cleaned up and went back to her classroom for her next class. After what had just happened, Nancy did not tease this class or the others for the rest of the day. She was going too far. It was too dangerous and she had to do something about it. When school let out, Nancy drove to the community college and filled out an application.

Nancy finished out the school year without getting into trouble. She still teased her students, but resisted going further. When the offer came for her to teach at the community college Nancy felt relieved. The dangers of being around horny teenage boys would end.

Several times during the summer break, Nancy was put in situations that tested her fidelity. Nancy and her husband lived a country club lifestyle, often attending formal gatherings because of her husband's work. Just like Nancy teased her students, she also flirted with men at those gatherings.

At one party in particular, Nancy thought a man was exceptionally sexy. She spent more time around him than anyone else, and made sure to flirt. More than once, Nancy leaned into him, pressing her braless tits against his body and whispered in his ear making sure her hot breath was felt. She'd giggle in her sexy manner and place her hand on his back or hip, and leave it there for too long.

Later that night the man, whose name was Peter, kept an eye on Nancy. He noticed she stepped outside for some fresh air and followed. Nancy jumped when she felt his hand on her lower back, just above her buttocks.

"Oh, it's you," Nancy exclaimed when she turned to face the man.

"Yeah, kinda crowded in there."

"I needed to escape. Too many people."

"Yeah, this is better," Peter said and put his hand on Nancy's waist.

When Nancy didn't pull away, the man began stroking her side. The length of his strokes got longer and longer until his thumb was bumping into the side of Nancy's breast. She was about to push his hand away when he leaned down and touched her chin with his other hand, tilting her face up. When their lips met, Nancy let out an audible sigh and parted her lips to accept his tongue. While they kissed, Peter's hand kept moving up and down her side and his other was on her lower back holding her close to him. When that hand dropped lower and grabbed Nancy's ass she moaned into his mouth and her legs felt like rubber. It had been so long since a man touched her like that.

Peter placed his leg between Nancy's, pressing his thigh against her pussy. Her own leg felt the hardness of his expanding cock and, without realizing it, she moved her body against his. Peter's hand was now on her breast, gently fondling it while Nancy's tongue moved more urgently against his. Nancy wasn't even aware that the hand on her ass pulled the back of her dress up, that is, not until she felt it slide under the waistband of her panties onto her buttocks. The stranger's hand felt wonderful against her skin and Nancy was lost in the gentle caress. But when she felt the hand slide lower and a finger attempt to enter her pussy, Nancy jumped back breaking the contact. She was breathing hard, staring at the man smiling at her. Nancy realized what she had been doing, and what her body had almost succumbed to, and ran back into the house. For the rest of the party Nancy clung to her husband because she knew her willpower was not strong enough to be left alone with Peter.

Later that night, after her husband shunned her attempts to have sex, Nancy's mind wandered to the stranger at the party. She wondered how far it would have gone and if Peter was a good lover. Nancy had been spellbound by his caresses and the feeling of his cock. A man other than her husband had his hand inside her panties and touched her naked ass. And she had humped his thigh while feeling his cock on her leg. Nancy knew that her body had betrayed her, craving the man's touch, which caused the happily married woman concern and fright. But part of Nancy regretted running away from the stranger. She knew that if she hadn't, she wouldn't be feeling the yearning she now felt.

Nancy didn't even bother hiding in the privacy of the bathroom. Her hand caressed her breast, imagining it was Peter's hand, and her other hand went between her legs. Nancy's husband was fast asleep next to her while she masturbated thinking about a stranger fucking her. Nancy moaned so loud when she climaxed that her husband woke up. After she told him it was nothing, her husband mumbled something, rolled over, and went back to sleep.

The encounter with Peter wasn't the only one during the summer months, but it had gone the furthest. Nancy knew she had been that close to committing adultery. It didn't help that she fantasized about Peter when she masturbated, and she seemed to be masturbating more often. Nancy's flirting didn't stop though. She was addicted to it. It made her feel more like a woman when men drooled over her, just like it had in the classroom with the teenage boys.

Finally, the new semester started. Nancy had the normal jitters of starting a new job, especially since her students would be young adults rather than teenagers. Nancy chose her clothes carefully for the first day of class. She selected one of her more conservative dresses, although she wore thigh-highs and high heels. Nancy lifted her dress to her waist and looked at the sheer pale-blue French-cut panties she had put on. "Maybe one of the lucky boys will get a peek at these," she thought, and then admonished herself for the brazenness of it.

"Boys will be boys," Nancy thought later when she saw her male students looking her over. She tried to pretend what they were doing was wrong, but inside she was thrilled. She still had it so why not flaunt it?

Nancy noticed a stool in the front of the classroom. It was tall, with a ring around the four legs supporting them. Nancy dragged the stool next to her desk and climbed onto it, placing one foot on the ring and letting the other hang down. She caught one male student gaping and instantly knew that he had seen up her dress. Nancy didn't know if he only saw thigh or if he got a glimpse of her sheer panties. Either way, she loved his reaction.

Nancy continued lecturing, keeping an eye on the boy. When she was sure he was looking, Nancy turned towards the boy and lifted her other leg, placing that foot on the ring too. In doing so, she spread her knees as if by accident. All the while, Nancy was stealing glances at the boy. It was obvious by his bulging eyes that he saw completely up her dress at her sheer panties. Nancy put her knees together and very ladylike smoothed out her dress, but she enjoyed the way the boy was squirming.

The days passed and Nancy had become comfortable in her new job and the community college environment. In some respects it was easier than teaching high school since she had more freedom and latitude. It didn't take Nancy long to begin dressing more adventurously, wearing shorter dresses and skirts and tops that showed off her breasts. She even wore her scandalous white slacks from time to time. Nancy discovered that the absenteeism of her male students was almost zero and correctly attributed it to her teasing.

At the end of her last class of the day, Nancy was standing next to her desk talking to a student about an assignment. The rest of the class was filing out of the classroom, bunched up and pushing each other to get out quicker. All of a sudden Nancy felt a hand squeeze her ass. She whirled around, but only saw a sea of students. There was no way to tell which one had touched her.

Nancy became nervous. All the teasing she had done in the high school never resulted in a boy touching her. But one of the college students did just that. What was so nerve wracking about it was that it sent a thrill through her. One of her students grabbed her ass... right there in the classroom.

The next day Nancy studied the boys' faces in the class that she had been fondled in. None of them showed any sign that it had been him. But Nancy knew that one of them was guilty... but which one? Not knowing drove her crazy. She decided to tease them more than usual to identify the guilty student.

That class was treated to a voyeuristic display like no other. Nancy bent over and flashed her tits; she climbed onto both her desk and the tall stool numerous times during the class, always parting her legs to show her sheer panties; she even once nonchalantly scratched her thigh while sitting on the desk having first pushed her skirt above the top of her thigh-highs. But when Nancy checked, ALL the boys were squirming in their seats with hard-ons. She had failed to flush out the culprit.

When the class ended, Nancy stood near the front of her desk with her back to the students leaving the room. She was ready to spin around and confront the boy as soon as he put a hand on her. But none did. Nancy was left in the classroom alone and unmolested. She sat in her chair with her elbows on the desktop, cupping her face in the palms of her hands.

"Mrs. Mooney, you okay?"

Nancy's head shot up. Bobby Murdock, one of her students, was standing next to her.

"I'm fine," Nancy said a little shaken. "Just fine."

"You don't look fine."

"Well I am. I'm just tired."

"Actually, you do look fine."

"Bobby, what do you want?" Nancy asked a little disturbed.

"Mrs. Mooney, you're a fox and a tease."

"What?! How dare you!"

"You've been showing us your tits, ass, and pussy all semester. But today you won an Oscar for 'Best Tease'."

"Listen, Bobby, this has gone far enough. I'll forget everything you just said if you leave right now."

To Nancy's relief, her student turned and walked to the door. But he didn't leave. Bobby lowered the shade over the window part of the door and then Nancy heard the click of the lock. When her student spun around and walked towards her, Nancy leapt from her desk and backed up until she contacted the wall behind her. Her body was trembling.

"So, you don't tease, do you?" Bobby said standing right in front of Nancy. "Then how would I know that you have a little bow on your bra? And how would I know the panties you're wearing today are yellow... and very see-thru too. Did you ever think of shaving your pussy, Mrs. Mooney? You have quite a bit of hair there."

Nancy was speechless. She was being confronted by her student, one much bolder than the inexperienced high school teenagers she had teased.

"C'mon, Mrs. Mooney, you were even checking out our dicks. I saw you. Why do you think I backed away from my desk? You got a good look at my hard-on, didn't you? Is that what you like? To get young boys hard so they have to jerk off?"

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it," Nancy pleaded. "It's just that..."

Before Nancy could finish, Bobby pulled her by her arms against his body. He wrapped one arm around her body and held the back of her head with his other hand as he pressed his lips to hers. Nancy struggled to break free but the boy was too strong. She snaked her hands between their bodies in an attempt to push him away, but her hands instantly went to his arm when she felt his hand under her skirt cupping her pussy. Nancy pulled on her student's arm, trying to tear his hand away from her pussy, but she wasn't strong enough. However, now that Bobby's hand had released her head she was able to break their kiss and create some space between their faces.

"Bobby, stop it!" Nancy pleaded, feeling his fingers rub her pussy. "You mustn't. My god, stop it!"

But Bobby had no intention of stopping. He rubbed his teacher's pussy through her panties while his other arm held her tight around her waist. Nancy's hand alternated from trying to pull Bobby's arm to pushing against his chest. She continued attempting to break free until she felt Bobby's finger snake under the leg band of her panties and sink into her pussy. When he began finger-fucking her, Nancy wrapped her arms around his body, clutching him tightly, and leaned the side of her face on his chest.

The fight in Nancy was replaced with lust. It had been a long time since something other than her own fingers were inside her pussy. She had always got hot teasing her students, and today was no exception. Typically, Nancy would attend to her needs in the teacher's restroom or wait until she got home. But Bobby had come to her right after her last class. Her student was young and handsome, and she had noticed his hard cock earlier. And although his touching was not invited, it felt good to the woman whose sexual desire had peaked since menopause without anyone satisfying her.

Bobby's fingers were insistent. He now had two inside her twat and they were pumping in and out. Nancy clutched the boy and shamelessly humped his fingers. She was lost to the sexual stimulation. Bobby dropped the arm that was holding Nancy around the waist but she didn't pull away. She continued to cling onto her student, moaning like a bitch in heat. Bobby used his free hand to lower his zipper and fish his hard cock out.

Without removing his fingers, Bobby grabbed his teacher's panties with his other hand and pulled them to the side. The wispy material shredded in his strong hand. Bobby wedged his legs between his teacher's and pried them apart. Then he bent his knees to lower himself and guided his hard cock to her pussy. He used the fingers that were inside her to open her up and inserted his cock. The horny student straightened his legs, thrusting upwards. When Nancy felt his cock enter her she held him tighter and lifted her legs, wrapping them around his body.

Nancy's head now rested on Bobby's shoulder as she was impaled on his cock. Her arms and legs held him tight as she moved up and down. It had been so long since she had been fucked that nothing mattered other than fucking him. It didn't matter that they were in her classroom, or that he was younger than her, or that he was her student, or even that she was married. There was a hard cock inside her and it felt wonderful.

"Are you on the pill?"

Nancy heard Bobby whispering in her ear and replied, "No, but it doesn't matter. I can't have children anymore. Oh Bobby, you feel so good inside me."

Bobby's hands cupped his teacher's buttocks and pulled her up and down on his cock. Nancy held on for dear life with her arms and legs. She was suspended in the air, sliding up and down on a cock. But then she felt Bobby's hands grab her ass tighter and hold her still. She tried to move up and down, but he held her in place. And then she felt his hot sperm shooting into her.

"No, not yet!" Nancy cried out in disappointment.

"When Bobby stopped cumming he said, "Don't worry, Mrs. Mooney, I ain't done."

Bobby took a few steps with his teacher clinging to his body. Nancy felt her desk under her and relaxed her grip. Bobby guided her to a sitting position and flipped up her skirt. Nancy looked down and saw her student's hard cock inside her pussy. It had white streaks on it testifying to his cumming inside her. She supported her upper body by putting her hands on the desk behind her. Free now, Bobby began a slow fuck.

"Oh god yes!" Nancy moaned. "Fuck me. Bobby, fuck me."

Bobby yanked his teacher's blouse out of her skirt and pulled it apart. Nancy's buttons went flying in all directions. Then Bobby grabbed her bra, pulling it up and freeing her breasts. He leaned forward and began sucking on one while ramming his cock in and out of his teacher's pussy.

"Yes, darling, fuck me. Suck my tits," Nancy encouraged her young student.

Nancy's legs were dangling over the desk, her heels banging on the side each time her student thrust into her. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, pulling him to her while she pushed up. Nancy's body shuddered as her climax swept through her and then her legs dropped again. Bobby didn't stop fucking his teacher and soon Nancy recovered and was pushing up to meet his thrusts. She came again, just before he rammed his cock all the way inside her and filled her pussy for a second time with his sperm.

Bobby leaned forward and collapsed onto Nancy. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight. Nancy showered kisses all over her student's face, hugging him close. From time to time she clenched her vagina muscles feeling his cock twitch in response. She knew what she had done was wrong, but she didn't have any regrets. It had been too long since she had felt the way she felt at that moment. Nancy held her student tight until his softening cock slipped out of her pussy.

Bobby stepped back and looked at his teacher. She was lying on her desk with her legs spread and did not bring them together. Her shredded panties did nothing to hide her gaping pussy which was leaking his sperm. His teacher's naked breasts were jutting out from below her raised bra and moving up and down with her heavy breathing.

"Bobby..." Nancy said softly.

"Yes, Mrs. Mooney?"

"Thank you."

"Thank you?" he repeated, incredulously.

"Yes, thank you. It's been a long time since anyone made me feel this good."

"I sure wish you were my biology teacher. I think I'd ask for after school tutoring."

"Don't worry, I'll be your biology tutor." Both laughed and then Nancy said, "Oh my, look at my clothes. This is going to be interesting."

Nancy removed her ruined panties and handed them to Bobby with a smile, telling him they were a souvenir. He grinned sheepishly and stuffed them into his pocket. Nancy slid off the desk and smoothed out her skirt then tugged her bra down, adjusting it over her tits in front of her student with no embarrassment. Then she pulled her blouse together, tucking the shirttails into her skirt as best she could.

"I'm sorry I tore your clothes," Bobby said.

"Don't worry about it. I'll figure a way to get into my house. But next time you'll have to be more careful."

"Next time?"

"You don't think this was a one time only thing, do you?"

"Well, I didn't know how you would feel."

In response, Nance got on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to Bobby's. He grabbed her body and thrust his tongue into her willing mouth. They passionately French-kissed like teenagers for a while and then Nancy pulled away to catch her breath.

"Wow, I forgot what it was like to kiss like that," she said, breathlessly.

The two left and went to their individual homes. During the ride home, Nancy thought about what she had done and wondered why she hadn't done it sooner. She wondered if her teasing was a subconscious way of attracting men to do what Bobby had done. She was happier now than ever that she had switched from teaching high school to college. What just happened was inevitable, and it wouldn't have been smart doing it with an underage boy.

THE END (not yet)   go to Chapter 2

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