[There’s going to be a SPANKING tonight!] [Sister Innocenta]
The Stories of Sister Innocenta
  • After School (mf 1st)

    Matthew was bigger than most of the boys in the class—or the school, for that matter. Not so much tall as, well, big—he filled his clothes, unlike the other boys who were either tall and thin or short and heavy. And he needed a favour. And he knew how to relax young girls.

  • Coming Out (ff 1st, no sex)

    Zelda has her suspicions about Rosemary. There is something very boyish about her, almost butch. Then Zelda discovers something about herself that she never knew.

    A gentle, coming-of-age story about student life in South Africa in the eighties.

    [Reader comment: Humbug—a satirical look at our penchant for being pre-occupied with ourselves]

  • Kristina and the Crunchy Potato (MF interr)

    A story of forbidden lust in South Africa under apartheid

  • Luke (MF, soya sauce, oral, rough, fist, yoghurt, sushi, light bondage, condom)

    Carol is called to a crisis at work and has to leave Luke to get the cream for dessert. A tale of where paying attention to sell-by dates can get you.

    [Condom] This story is a
    Pendragon Challenge
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