The Ranch

M/g pedo

Ranch hand Jake finds himself in a compromising situation with the rancher's 11 year old daughter Sandy. A situation he seems to have no will power to stop. If you are under 18 or find this offensive, please do not read any further!



The door to my bunkhouse room burst open with a loud crash and the unmistakable form of Miles Robinson stood framed in the doorway. Sandy leapt of my stiff dick just as I was shooting my load. The first squirt splattered her rapidly retreating pussy lips, the second performed a graceful arc in the air and landed on my stomach. I wished the ground would open and swallow me whole!

"Daddy!" Squealed Sandy as she tried to cover her preteen nakedness with her hands.

"Now just what the HELL is goin' on here?" Miles yelled.

"I....I can explain." I stammered, wondering just how on earth I was going to explain why I was fucking his 11 year old daughter!

"Daddy, it's all my fault. Really it is!" Sandy bravely tried sticking up for me. I guess she knew just what her daddy was about to do to me!

"You get yer clothes on and get on up to the house." He growled at her. "I'll deal with you later."

Sandy suddenly looked very scared and scrambled into her nightdress as she ran out of the room, pushing past several ranch hands that were gathering in the doorway. I leapt off the bed and hastily pulled my pants on. The boss took two steps towards me and I felt the full force of his big hairy fist crash into my face!

An hour later, as I drove my truck off the ranch, I figured I was lucky. Very lucky! He could have called the sheriff and had me put in jail and I reckon pedophiles don't last too long in there. Hell, I guess he could've killed me and buried me someplace remote on the ranch! I must have had a couple of broken ribs, bruises all over and I could barely see out of one eye....yes, I'd definitely got off lightly!

My body ached all over! Just turning the wheel on my truck hurt bad! I pulled over at the ranch gate to rest and figure out how the hell I got myself into this mess in the first place. Well, it all started just yesterday afternoon....

....The stallion, Braveheart, reared up behind the young mare, his long swollen penis bobbing obscenely beneath his belly. He rested his chest on the mare's rump and speared her vagina with well practiced ease. The ranch boss, Miles Armstrong, and several of us ranch hands stood by ready to intervene should anything go wrong, but the stallion knew what he was doing and the mare, in full season, was keen to be serviced.

I stood next to the boss, Miles. I was the newest, and at 23, the youngest ranch hand there. I turned and saw the boss' daughter, Sandra, sitting on the fence behind us. "You mind your daughter watching this Mr. Robinson?" I nodded my head in her direction. She looked a mite too young to be watching horses rutting to me.

The boss glanced at her for a few seconds. I thought he was about to tell her to go back in the house but he turned to me with a deep sigh. "Nah....I guess not Jake. She is 11 now after all and I reckon she's gotta learn about sex somehow!" Sandy's mom had died a few years earlier and the boss was raising his daughter by himself.

That evening as I was carrying a saddle into the barn, I saw Sandra in Braveheart's stall. She was kneeling by the horse with her hand under his belly. As I got closer I could see she was stroking the stallion's Dick! The horse was agitated and whickering with annoyance.

"Hey miss!" I called. She was in danger of being crushed between the heavy beast and the stall. "What're you doing in there?" I dropped the saddle and pulled her away just as Braveheart kicked out. His hoof just missed her and crashed into the wood boarding. The kid screamed and wrapped her arms around me in fear.

"Sorry mister!" She sniffled close to tears.

"It's okay." I said, smoothing her ruffled shoulder length brown hair. "What on earth were you doing that for anyway?"

"I....I just wanted to see what it was like." She blushed. The line of freckles across her nose and cheeks clearly visible against the red of her flushed skin. "I didn't know it was so... so big! Is a man's... err... thing as big as that? Is yours that big?" She stepped back and stared openly at my crotch.

"I wish!" I laughed. "A man's penis is a lot smaller unfortunately." It sure felt weird talking about this stuff to a kid, but the boss did say it was time she learned it!

"You’re the new ranch hand aren't you?" She asked.

"Yep, that's right. Name's Jake, that's short for Jacob which I hate!" I said.

"I'm Sandy which is short for Sandra and I hate that!" She giggled. "Can I see know, your thing?"

Damn kid sure is bold. "It's called a penis or Dick or cock and it wouldn't be right. I don't think so Sandy!" I raised my hands defensively.

"Oh, go on Jake, please!" She pleaded. "Just a quick peek."

"I don't know Sandy, your just a kid an' all, I couldn't do it!" I picked up the saddle I'd dropped and carried it across the barn. To my surprise I felt my Dick stir in my pants and I felt suddenly hot and sweaty.

Sandy followed me, still pleading. "Please Jake, let me see. I won't tell a soul!"

"Look Sandy, be fair, if it was me asking you to show me your pussy you'd run a mile wouldn't you?" I kept my back to her as I dusted the saddle off so she couldn't see any tell tale sign of stiff Dick

She was quiet for a few seconds, then, "I don't mind showing you, here Jake, take a look!"

I turned just in time to see her pull her shorts and panties down to her knees. I found myself staring at her bald preteen mound and thin virgin cleft. "Sandy!" I gasped turning away quickly. "Goddamn it girl, cover yerself up before somebody sees us."

"Don't be a pussy Jake." She shuffled awkwardly into an empty stall. "No-one can see us here."

I stepped into the stall, my Dick was rock hard and straining uncomfortably in my pants. Sandy was staring at the bulge and I was staring at the naked junction of her thighs. I didn't know what to do! I should've just turned around and walked away, I know that now, but I was tempted by the wonderful sight of her bald cunny. I sighed and reached for my zipper.

"Wow, cool!" Sandy could hardly contain her enthusiasm as I lowered my pants and shorts to my knees. Her eyes went wide at the sight of my long stiff shaft bobbing before her. For several minutes she was silent, licking her lips and staring at my cock. She lifted her hand as if to touch it but stopped short. "Can you mind if I, err....touch your thing?" She stammered.

I remembered this 'you can touch mine if I can touch yours' game from when I was a kid, only I didn't do it with a grown-up! "I guess there's no harm in it." I shrugged. By now my Dick was aching to be stroked.

Sandy gingerly placed one finger on my taught skin, rubbing very lightly along its length. "Will it grow any bigger?" She whispered.

"Err... no, I guess not, that's as big as it gets." I explained. "Normally it'll be half that size and soft."

"Why does it get hard like that then?"

"Well, that's because when you fuck... I mean, when you have sex it needs to be stiff to push inside a girls pussy, like Braveheart's penis grew big and stiff to service the mare earlier." I was struggling now! Don't they teach kids sex education in schools these days? "Also it feels good,, you know!" I finished lamely. She continued rubbing my cock for another minute or so in silence. She was now using two fingers and her thumb and was examining the foreskin and swollen bell end.

"Hey! Aren't you supposed to let me touch you as well?" I grinned. Truthfully, I wouldn't have minded touching her young pussy then, but I didn't think she would have allowed that! No! I was expecting her to call it a day and leave me alone.

"I, err....guess you can." She shrugged bashfully. "I don't mind."

My heart was racing and my head spun as I reached between her thighs. Her crack was soft and warm to touch. I pressed a finger between her bald virgin lips and felt a slight dampness. This situation was unbelievable! I was scared someone would come and catch us, but still I longed to take this further, to lick her smooth pussy, to sink my cock into her tight virginal cunt! I wriggled my finger between her young cunt lips rubbing the small hard bud of her immature clitty. Sandy sucked in her breath and I felt her push her pussy forward onto my fingers. "That feels good, huh?" I whispered hoarsely as I pushed the first joint of my work calloused finger into her virgin cunt hole. She bit her lip and her face turned red as she nodded quickly.

Suddenly, we heard voices close by and leapt apart, hastily pulling our clothing back on. By the time Zack and Ed, two of the other ranch hands, entered the barn I was tending to the forgotten saddle and Sandy was sat on top of the stall boarding, innocently watching me.

"Hey Zack, how ya doin'." Sandy called.

"There you are Sandy!" Zack replied. You'd better get on up to the house, your Pa's been callin' for ya!"

"Ah shit!" she cussed as she leapt of the stall and ran out of the barn.

"That saddle too heavy for you Jake?" Ed asked, commenting on my red face and shortness of breath...

...That had been a real close call and though part of me wished we hadn't been disturbed, I vowed never to get myself into that sort of situation again. However, I hadn't taken into account the wishes of a determined 11 year old!

In the bunkhouse late that night, as I lay in bed reading a book, I heard a light tapping on the window. I was surprised to see Sandy stood outside smiling up at me. "What in hells name are you doin' out there?" I gasped.

"Don't just stand there Jake, help me up!" Her outstretched hand just about reached over the window ledge.

"You must be jokin' me kid, now get on up to the house before your father finds out!" I whispered urgently.

"Jake! C'mon, it's freezin' out here!" She waved her hands up at me ignoring my protests.

"Jesus effin' Christ!" I cursed under my breath. "I don't believe this!" I reached down and hauled her up through the window. She felt cold under the thin cotton nightdress and I rubbed her arms and back vigorously. "What the fuck have you come here for Sandy? You'll get us both in a heap of trouble." I whispered angrily.

"I guess I just wanted..." She started but I quickly placed my hand on her mouth.

"Shhhh!" I warned urgently. "The bunkhouse walls are paper thin." We both stood silently and listened to the sound of Billy snoring in the room next door and shouts of encouragement from some of the other hands as they watched a football game on TV in the common room down the hall.

"I just wanted to... you know... what we did this afternoon in the barn?" She whispered. "It was nice... real nice." I could tell she was blushing even with the dim yellow glow from my bedside lamp. "Can we do that again?"

"Sandy..." I took one step back from her. "...what we did in the barn was wrong. It should never have happened!" I was wearing nothing but shorts and the bulge developing in front as my mind replayed the barn incident for the hundredth time, caught Sandy's eye. She reached out and placed her hand on the bulge. "Sandy..." I protested.

"Please Jake?" Her sweet innocent eyes stared up at me as her fingers curled round my stiff shaft. I could feel my resolve evaporating rapidly until I finally gave in and slowly pulled my shorts down, stepped out of the garment and kicked it to one side. I was standing totally naked before the young child, Dick ramrod hard and pointing accusingly at Sandy's chest as if to say "she's to blame, it's all her fault!"

Sandy's eyes were locked on my cock and she bit her lip as she no doubt reconsidered this course of action. Then in a flash of movement, as if she needed to do it quickly before changing her mind, she pulled the nightdress off and slipped her panties down and stood naked and breathing heavily before me.

My heart skipped a beat and my Dick throbbed painfully, I was close to shooting my load over her soft white skin. "Jesus, this should not be happening!" I muttered. We stood gazing at each other for what seemed like ages. My head felt light, my legs weak and I was breathing in ragged gasps. Finally I found the courage to gently pull her towards my bed. She lay on her back, arms and legs straight. I sat carefully on the edge of the bed next to her. "Are you okay, Sandy?" My voice was throaty.

Sandy nodded and swallowed audibly. I stroked her head, moving a few stray strands of hair from her eyes, which had a startled look. I moved my hand down, caressing her cheek and neck then onto her chest, my fingers brushing her nipples. They were larger than I had expected on a young girl, standing out on her otherwise flat, breastless chest. As I fingered them, they stiffened and changed shape. I licked my lips and swallowed a mouthful of spit imagining the feel of those firm rubbery points on my tongue.

My eyes drifted down to her perfect pussy. The thin virginal cleft formed by two puffy lips of soft white skin curled into the dark space between her thighs. I slid my hand down over her belly and onto her bald mons, my fingers just touching the upper, visible part of her preteen pussy lips. I felt her body shudder, and then she opened her thighs allowing my fingers to slide down the full length of her crack.

Sandy groaned, pushing her butt up against my hand. I pressed my hand down to meet her, twisting the heel of my palm on her pussy lips. She sucked in a lungful of air through clenched teeth then let it all out again with a long, low moan.

"That feels nice?" I asked.

"Very nice!" She gasped, her face breaking into a wide grin.

I pushed one finger between her pussy lips, opening them up. She was warm and moist and I could feel her delicate inner lips. Pulling my finger upwards I found her tiny firm bud. Her leg muscles twitched as her thighs snapped shut trapping my finger. Sandy's hand groped its way across my thigh to grip my Dick, and then as I continued to move my finger between her pussy lips, she started stroking my stiff shaft.

I carefully eased myself down next to her, supporting my weight on my elbow, then leaned over and sucked one of her gorgeous nipples into my mouth. As I did this I increased the stimulation of her clitty, sliding my finger up and down her crack with little circular movements. Sandy's cunt muscles clenched and released beneath my fingers, her thighs rubbed together and her young body quivered.

The hand she held my Dick with was gripping me tightly, almost painfully. I could feel her nails digging into my inflamed skin. Fortunately, this held back the tremendous urge I had to cum as I wasn't yet ready for this heavenly encounter to end.

Suddenly she let out a loud moan and her body jumped as though she had touched an electric fence. Thinking she would make a lot more loud noise, I quickly stopped sucking her nipples and kissed her, pushing my tongue between her teeth in the hope this would muffle any further moaning. Sandy threw an arm around my neck and kissed me fiercely, her tongue fencing with mine. She continued to squirm and writhe, making the bed springs squeak, until her orgasm gradually subsided. Finally sated, she lay exhausted and gasping for breath.

I swung my legs up onto the bed and lay down next to Sandy. She still held my throbbing Dick in her little sweaty hand. I began pumping my hips so that my shaft slid through her clenched fingers. As she recovered she started to take an interest in my arousal, stroking my cock again. "Grip me a little harder." I whispered to her. "Ah... that's right, now move your hand a little faster."

Sandy sat up and took a firmer grip on my cock and began pumping me with a regular rhythm. I slipped my arm around behind her and worked my fingers down between her ass cheeks and between her thighs to her pussy. From this angle I could slide a finger into her virgin cunt. She was hot, wet and unbelievably tight. I expected to find an obstruction, thinking that virgins had a hymen or something but my finger slipped all the way in unobstructed except for the tightness, so I guess my knowledge in this matter was a bit lacking.

Now it was my turn to groan and breathe heavily. "Hold me nearer the base." I urged. "Move your hand all the way up and down... ahhh that's good Sandy!" She was learning quickly, I was sure this was going to be the best hand job ever! "Oh god! Faster Sandy... faster." I gasped. "I'm gonna cum." The kid's hand was pumping wildly and it felt like she was trying to rip my Dick off but it was also the most stimulating jack off in memory.

My cum erupted a second or two before the full force of my orgasm exploded. The first thick rope of semen shot out as Sandy was leaning over me and it splattered over her chest. She moved back in surprise so the second shot hit my stomach. Sandy had stopped pumping, holding my cock so it pointed away from her but the rest of my cum bubbled out and ran down her knuckles like lava boiling from a volcano. "Don't stop Sandy!" I whispered urgently. "Keep pumping my cock." She dutifully started stroking my shaft again.

By the time my orgasm was over, both her hand and my cock were coated in my slimy cum. I'd have liked to rest for a bit but Sandy was examining to goo on her hand with a look of distaste on her face. I rolled of the bed to fetch a towel to wipe the cum off her hand and titties as well as myself.

"Thanks Sandy, that was real nice." I smiled guiltily. "It's getting late though, you'd better get on back to the ranch house." I fished her discarded panties and nightdress off the floor and held them out to her.

"Oh!" her face dropped in a theatrical pout. "Can't I stay a bit longer?" She pleaded. "I want to do it again." One of her hands was rubbing between her legs. She was obviously still very aroused and the thought of playing with her delightful preteen body some more made my sore, abused cock twitch.

"Well... I guess it won't hurt if you stay a little longer." I shrugged. Sandy bounced up and down with excitement, making the bed springs squeak again. I slipped off the bed once more and knelt in front of her, pushing her legs open. I pulled her butt towards me causing her to lie back across the bed, leaning on her elbows with a puzzled look on her face. I was looking at her virgin pussy close up. Her nether lips were slightly parted allowing her swollen inner lips and clitty to peep out. Her pussy and mons glistened with cunt oil. I licked my lips, eager to taste that delicious fluid.

"What are you doing?" Sandy asked.

"I'm going to lick your pussy." I replied.

"Eeewww!" Her face screwed up and she stuck her tongue out "Disgusting!"

"If you liked what I did to you before then you won't be saying that in a minute." I smiled. She raised her eyebrows, doubting my suggestion that anything could be better than her last orgasm. I bent my head between her thighs and placed my tongue on that small patch of skin between her butt hole and cunt. Keeping a light touch, I slid my tongue up the full length of her pussy crack tasting the tangy juice oozing from her cunt. Sandy's thigh muscles twitched and she sucked in a deep breath between clenched teeth.

"How was that?" I smiled up at her.

"Oh boy...!" She gasped.

"If you still think it's disgusting I can stop now." I said lifting my head from between her thighs.

"No... no!" She pleaded. "Don't stop... its nice... it's really nice."

Smiling to myself, I returned to her pussy, licking her everywhere between the thighs. Sandy lay back with a long sigh, opened her legs as wide as she could and pushed her butt up to my face giving me full access to work on her delicious pussy.
As she got nearer and nearer to her second orgasm, I curled my tongue into a stiff tube so I could push it into her tight cunt hole, tongue fucking her. Then I moved up to her clit, rapidly flicking the tip over her swollen love bud. I moved my hand up under my chin so I could push a finger into her little cunt. I had learned a little stimulation trick from an older woman a couple of years before and was keen to try it on Sandy. With my palm facing up, I was able to curl my finger into a hook shape inside her cunt so the tip of my finger could rub on the area directly behind her clit. This little sweet spot has a slight ribbed texture to it and I'd learned it was very sensitive.

Sandy's body twitched each time my tongue flicked her clitty and I could feel her cunt muscles clenching and releasing on my finger. I moved my free hand up to her chest so I could play with her delightful preteen nipples once more. Sandy's hands were gripping handfuls of bed sheet as her whole body tensed for her orgasm. As her body convulsed she turned her head and buried her face in my pillow so her involuntary cries of passion were muffled. Her thighs snapped shut with surprising force, trapping my head as she ground her throbbing preteen pussy on my face.

When her orgasm was finally over she released my head and I was able to climb up on the bed. She threw her arms around my neck and we kissed passionately. My cock was stiff once more and I couldn't resist rubbing myself against her thigh.

"Sandy...!" I mumbled between kisses. "Time for you to go."

"No, not yet Jake. Please." She whispered back. "I don't want this to stop... ever!"

"It's best you go, what we've done already will get us into a whole heap of trouble and if you stay any longer..." I shrugged, unable to voice the thoughts going through my mind.

"But I don't care, I want to stay." Her hand found my throbbing Dick and gripped it purposefully. "I think you really want me to stay too." She smirked.

"What I really want right now Sandy is to fuck you!" I groaned into her ear. "Which is why you really need to be going. We've done a lot of nice things tonight but if you stay, we'll end up fucking and I'm not sure you're ready for that Sandy, you're still just a kid! You might regret it later."

For several minutes she lay quietly beside me, not moving, not saying anything, and obviously thinking about what I'd said. She still held my Dick but had stopped rubbing it and the feel of her small sweaty palm on my sensitive shaft was wonderful. Finally Sandy turned to me, her eyes wide and moist with emotion. "I want to stay with you Jake." She whispered hoarsely. "I... I want you to f... fuck me!" The moisture gathering in her eyes began to roll silently down her cheeks.

"Sandy..." I began, but she silenced me with a kiss.

"I want to do it Jake. Please." She threw both her arms around my neck and pressed her young naked body against me.

"Okay my love..." I whispered into her ear. "You can stay." We kissed and caressed each other for quite a while. She gently stroked my Dick as if trying to imagine its size squeezing into her virgin pussy. I fingered her cunt pushing first one, then two fingers into her wet hole gradually stretching her in preparation and spreading her love juice all over her pussy lips, ensuring she was well lubricated.

Finally I could wait no longer, I needed to fuck this young precocious child, so I turned onto my back and lifted Sandy up so she sat on top, straddling my lap. I rubbed my cock head back and forth between her pussy lips, spreading them open. She seemed to know this position would allow her full control over the fucking and held herself up, just clear of penetrating distance, enjoying the feel of my stiff Dick between her cunt lips and no doubt finding the courage to take it further.

Sandy soon found the courage and I felt her weight bear down. My cock squeezed into her tight vaginal opening. She paused, looking down between her thighs at the sight of her bald pussy lips stretched over the end of my shaft. Sandy leaned forward, braced herself with her hands on my chest, and then settled her weight in my lap. My cock bent under the pressure as if refusing to cross the threshold until suddenly her cunt muscles relaxed, allowing it to slide up inside her eager pussy.

Her eyes went wide and she gasped, once again pausing to look between her legs. The feel of her hot, tight virgin cunt nearly made me cum then, but I managed to delay the inevitable outcome for a few more minutes. I slipped my hands under her butt and lifted her up a few inches before letting her pussy settle back onto my cock. A look of amazement crossed Sandy's face and she tried the same movement again herself.

Sandy rode me for several more minutes. The sight of her tight pussy lips clinging to my cock as she rose up followed by the awesome feeling of my cock sliding into her bald preteen cunt as she sank down again was just too much to bear. I couldn't hold back my orgasm any longer. My cock throbbed almost painfully as I felt the first hot rush of cum shoot up my stiff shaft....

....and that's when the door to my room burst open!

An hour later, as I sat in my truck wincing from the pain, it had started to rain. It was one of those typical mid west downpours, the heavy raindrops pounded on the truck's bodywork like a mad drummer. There was a flash of white to my left and I thought the boss had come to kill me after all but just as I hastily rammed the truck into drive I realized it was Sandy. She was soaked to the skin. The nighty she still wore clung to her otherwise naked form like a translucent second skin.

I climbed painfully out of the truck. "What are you doing here Sandy...?”

"I hate him... I hate him!" She cried. "I never want to see him again!" I saw that her face bore the telltale red marks and bruising of her father's anger.

"Sandy!" I gasped. "Are you okay?" I hastily lifted her into the truck out of the pouring rain and examined her damaged face by the truck's interior light.

"Take me with you Jake... please!" She pleaded. "I don't want to go back!"

"Sure sweetheart, I'm not letting that monster anywhere near you." I said wondering what I was getting myself into now. Sandy threw her arms around my neck and burst into tears. She felt ice cold in her wet nighty. "Better get out of this before you catch a cold." I said peeling the wet cloth from her shivering body. I pulled a shirt from my bag and she slipped it on as I tossed the nighty into the dirt road.

I saw movement along the road near the ranch and recognized the unmistakable bulk of Sandy's father running towards the truck. I slipped the shift into drive again and roared away from the ranch with the rear end fishtailing in the wet mud.

Sandy slid along the seat and cuddled up to me and she soon fell into an exhausted sleep. The oversized shirt rode up as she shifted to a more comfortable position giving me a glimpse of her bald pussy crack. I had no idea where we would go or what we would do. We were on the run like Humbert Humbert and Lolita in the Nabokov novel. I had no idea how long it would be before Miles Armstrong or the Feds caught up with me, but until they did, I was sure gonna have me some fun!


The End



© 2007 Samara. Commercial use in any form requires the written permission of the author.