I woke early on the Saturday morning with a raging
hard-on. The night had been a restless one and my sleeping bag was
twisted around my body. Obviously I had been dreaming of Jules, reliving
the incredible sexual encounter I had with that delightful ten year
old girl last evening. The dreams had no doubt been fueled by the
review of the pictures I had taken of her with my digital camera.
Common sense told me to erase them, to keep no record, but somehow
I couldn't bring myself to do it. Instead, I transferred them from
the memory cards to my laptop computer. My boxer shorts had a damp
patch below the waist band at the front, evidence of those intensely
erotic dreams. I unraveled myself from the
sleeping bag and slipped the soiled garment off. Pulling on my Levi's,
careful not to catch my cock or pubic hair in the zipper, I grabbed
a towel and wash bag and crawled out of the tent heading for the campsite
shower facility.
As I crossed the site, my gaze fell on the camper
van and the small sailing boat on its trailer I knew belonged to Jules'
family. I wondered what she thought of our encounter, probably her
first ever sexual experience. My own feeling were mixed. Mostly I
was consumed with guilt, having never felt such feelings toward a
child before. Fearing Jules had said something to her parents, I expected
a police cruiser to pull up at the campsite any moment! My stiff cock
and wet dreams, however, showed that I found the episode a powerfully
erotic experience.
By the time I had returned from the shower, my cock
had deflated a little. I had only brought enough spare clothing to
see me through my short weekend camping trip, and had only one pair
of boxer shorts left. I
decided not to wear them. I finished dressing and resolved to put
the whole thing out of my mind and concentrate on taking pictures.
The purpose of this weekend camping trip was to take landscape photographs
of the beautiful lake and forest scenery around the campsite. I picked
up my camera bag and headed out into the forest, intent on a long
hike to clear my mind of Jules.
To begin with, the strategy worked. The early morning
sun created perfect lighting conditions for landscape work. I busied
myself with taking pictures. By mid morning though, I had finished
two rolls of film and the light had become too harsh. I headed back
to the campsite. With no activity to keep my mind from thinking of
Jules, I was soon fantasizing of once again finding her in the forest.
My cock stiffened at the
prospect, the coarse interior of my jeans and the extra room from
wearing no shorts providing extra stimulation. I even altered my route
to pass by the small clearing with the log in the hope she would be
there. She wasn't. The camper van was deserted. Jules and her family
must have been out on the lake in their sailing boat. I was both disappointed
and relieved. I had no idea what I was going to do if she had been
there. I mentally kicked myself, collected a few rolls of fresh film
and returned to the
forest heading for a photogenic waterfall I knew of.
The trip to the falls took most of the afternoon.
When I got back to the campsite, Jules and her family were back from
their sailing trip. I busied myself heating some water for a simple
boil in the bag meal. I kept my eye on her as she played ball with
her brother, but she paid me no attention except to look over at me
a couple of times. By the time I had finished my meal and cleared
up, it was almost sunset. I had been fantasizing she would wander
off alone into the forest, waving at me from the trees to follow.
I considered walking into the woods myself, carrying my camera bag
and wondered if she would follow me. In the end I decided it was too
late in the evening. When it got dark Jules and her family retired
to the camper van. I decided on an early night as I was planning to
take some pictures of the sunrise from the slopes of a nearby mountain.
I stripped off and climbed into the sleeping bag trying to ignore
the stiff cock bobbing between my thighs.
I woke suddenly to the sound of a zip being slowly
undone and realized it was the zip on my tent. Fearing an attempted
robbery, I grabbed my tripod to use as a club and quickly unzipped
the inner tent to confront the
intruder. I had pitched my tent close to the campsite's street lamps,
its glow illuminated the inside of the tent so I was able to recognize
the small shadowy figure crouched at the entrance. She froze and stared
at me
with frightened eyes. "Jules!" I gasped, "What are
you doing here?"
"I...I...I'm sorry," she stammered "I...I
wanted t...to see you." The sound of her voice told me she was
close to tears. "I'm sorry, I shh...shouldn't have come."
"No, it's OK." I reassured her. "Don't
go. You frightened me, I thought you were a burglar."
Jules giggled, the tension visibly draining from her.
"Oh sorry," she smiled, "I didn't think."
"So what do you want to see me for."
"I er...I looked for you today, you know, up
in the woods." She mumbled.
"Me too," I laughed, "I was hoping
to see you as well. Guess we missed each other."
"Yeah, I guess."
An awkward silence developed. I checked my watch,
it was two in the morning. "You shouldn't be out this late, your
folks will wonder where you are."
"Oh, its OK. They're all asleep. I just went
to the bathroom." She shrugged.
I noticed Jules was wearing just a nightdress. I was
feeling the cold night air on my naked chest as I sat up in the sleeping
bag. "You better come in for a moment, or you'll catch a chill."
"You sound like my mom." She giggled. Jules
crawled in beside me and I zipped the tent flap shut behind her. I
had brought the double size bed roll my wife and I usually use and
our sleeping bags are the sort that can be used individually or opened
out and zipped together to make a double size bag, but I had only
the one sleeping bag on this trip. I unzipped it and opened it out
to form a blanket we could both use.
I was sleeping with no shorts on and when I opened
the bag out, I saw Jules' eyes stray to my crotch. My cock was totally
flaccid, just a limp worm of wrinkled skin, no doubt due to an intense
fear of discovery I was
feeling. I patted the bed roll. "Come on," I said "you
must be freezing." Jules shuffled across to lie next to me and
I pulled the sleeping bag over us both. She was cold. I could feel
the chill radiating from her little body. Wrapping my arms around
her, I snuggled her close to me, rubbing my hands rapidly over her
back to generate some warmth. "How's that?" I asked.
"Mmm...nice. Your all warm." She replied.
I moved one hand down to rub her bare legs below the
hem of her nightdress."You should have put a coat on before coming
out." My parenting instincts were taking over.
"Yes mom!" She moaned. Then we both laughed.
"Your...thing was all tiny and...er, shrunk?" She said,
changing the subject.
"Well, yes." I replied. "It can't be
stiff all the time, it would be very uncomfortable if it was. That's
what a cock looks like when it's er...resting. It only gets stiff
when it needs to for sex."
"Can I...touch it again?" Jules asked.
"If you like." My stomach was turning over
in knots with worry. Sound, especially voices, can carry a long way
at night on a campsite. It would only take someone else to make their
way to the bathroom and it would be all over for me. Jules' hand moved
slowly down to my crotch. Her cold fingers gingerly poked and prodded
my cock. Finally, She took the flaccid lump in her hand, gently massaging
it. "Wow! It feels really weird." She remarked.
I could feel a sexual ache growing in my loins. "If
you keep doing that you'll be able to feel it growing."
"Cool!" She said. Then, "Jeez! That's
really spooky." She gasped when She felt my cock slowly lengthen.
Eventually the shaft stiffened as She continued to fondle me. "Awesome,
how do you do that?"
"It's not me." I explained. "Your doing
that, I have no control over it." I slid my hand from her back
down to her bum, rubbing her ass in little circles until I had worked
her nightdress. fabric up exposing her panties to my probing fingers.
I caressed the panty fabric, toying with the hem and slipping my fingers
into the warm enclosure between her thighs.
Jules sighed, parting her legs to allow me to rub
the panty fabric stretched over her pussy lips. We lay like this for
several minutes, each stimulating the other. Eventually Jules hesitantly
asked, "Er...you know...er the last time, that er...special thing
you did?"
"Hmm, yes." I mumbled into her hair. "You
liked that, didn't you?"
"Oh yeah!" She nodded her head vigorously,
her cheek felt soft and warm against my chest.
A few more moments of silence followed. I knew Jules
wanted me to lick her pussy, but She was too embarrassed to ask. "Would
you like to experience that pleasure again?"
"...Please." She whispered, her breath tickling
my chest hair.
I gently eased her onto her back and rolled the sleeping
bag down. Her nightdress. had some kind of furry animal picture on
the front. Leaning over her, I kissed her forehead then the tip of
her nose, making her smile. I kissed her mouth, just a small peck
at first which She tentatively returned, then again with my mouth
partly open, sucking her lips. Jules gradually relaxed, parting her
lips and returning my kiss with some passion as She explored this
new pleasure. My hand wasn't idle while we kissed. I had slipped it
under the hem of the nightdress. to caress her tummy, moving it slowly
upwards lifting the garment up her body until one of her small cone
shaped tits lay under my palm. I spent a delicious few minutes playing
with Jules nipples, teasing them between my thumb and forefinger.
I continued to pull the nightdress. up until her breasts were exposed,
lowering my mouth to suckle on the erect teats.
My hand, having been displaced from its favored position
by my mouth, found its own way south, slipping under the elastic waist
band of Jules' panties, to fondle her cunt lips. My finger traced
the moist crack between Jules' thighs, gently parting her labia and
stimulating her clit before moving down to her tight cunt
hole. I pushed my finger in as far as her hymen and wriggled it about,
encouraging her cunt juice to flow. Inevitably, my mouth followed
my hand. I kissed and nuzzled my way down to her pussy, pulling the
panties down to her knees. The small size of the tent made it difficult
to reach her cunt with my mouth without folding
myself in half, so I had to shuffle around until I was facing Jules
feet. At last I was able to kiss her nether lips, to push my tongue
into her crack following the trail blazed previously by my finger.
I licked her clit, running my tongue in little circles
around the tiny hard button. Jules moaned her pleasure, rocking her
hips gently against my face. Slipping my tongue lower, I pushed the
tip into her pussy hole
trying to ease it past the tight ring of her hymen. The tongue is
a strong muscle, but lacks the rigidity to penetrate the membranous
fold of tissue that protects a young girls cunt. I returned to the
stimulation of her clit. Because of the position we were in, my rigid
cock bobbed only inches from Jules' face. She had noticed this and
took hold of it with one of her hands, rubbing me once again. Suddenly,
without warning, She leaned over and planted a kiss on my cock head.
I stopped what I was doing and looked at her.
Jules shrugged. "I...just wanted to see what
it was like." She whispered.
I reached over and stroked her hair. "That's
all right," I replied "that felt very nice."
She smiled and kissed the head again. "What do
I do?"
"Kiss it like that or lick it," I suggested
"or you could suck it like you would suck your thumb." I
couldn't believe I was teaching a ten year old to suck cock!
Jules frowned. Then after a few seconds thought, She
stuck her tongue out and tentatively licked my cock. Then, obviously
deciding it wasn't too bad, She licked me again, this time lingering
and rubbing her tongue on me. "What happens when your...er stuff
comes out?" Her expression revealed She didn't like the idea.
"It's OK, I'm not ready yet and I wont let it
happen anyway." I promised. "I'll tell you to stop before
it then." She smiled at my reassurance and continued licking
my cock. I bent my head back to her pussy. After a minute or so of
the most delightful gentle licks, I felt her lips stretch over the
tip of my shaft and She began
sucking me just like a child sucking a thumb. It was the most erotic
feeling I have ever felt, I had to concentrate very hard to keep my
promise to her!
While I was licking Jules' clit, I slipped my little
finger into her cunt hole hoping it would be small enough to ease
past her hymen. Although her barrier still resisted, I was able to
insert the tip past the obstruction to the depth of my finger nail.
I gently fucked the membrane with my finger, pushing in and out with
small movements in an effort to loosen the membrane. Jules was breathing
rapidly through her nose and moaning into my cock. Her hips were bucking
purposefully, grinding her cunt against my face. She began twitching
uncontrollably as an orgasm shook her body. Suddenly my finger slipped
further into her hole, past the first joint. Jules gasped, clamping
her thighs on my head and hand as She thrashed uncontrollably for
a few seconds.
"Wow! What did you do." She asked after
her orgasm eventually ebbed.
"I hope I didn't hurt you? I just slipped my
finger into your er...vagina."
"It was really awesome, didn't hurt or nothing."
"Does it still feel nice?" I still had my
little finger in her cunt and began gently fucking her with it again.
"Yeah, it feels good. Kinda weird, but good."
"You can do this to yourself, you know? You can
make the good feeling and give yourself an orgasm."
"Yeah? I...er, I rubbed myself there before."
She blushed. "I was doing it today up by the log when I was looking
for you. I never put my finger inside me though."
"Hey, that's good." I encouraged. "Did
you have an orgasm?"
"Nah!" She shook her head.
"Here, why don't you try." I withdrew my
finger from her pussy and gently pulled her hand between her thighs.
Jules rubbed her pussy, pushing her finger between
the lips. "How do I do it?" She asked. I guided her finger
into her cunt hole, teaching her to finger-fuck herself and to curl
her finger up behind her clit and stimulate her own G-spot. While
She explored herself, I turned around so that my throbbing cock rested
on her thigh, just inches from her pussy. My face was very close to
hers, and I kissed her passionately, kisses She eagerly returned.
"Jules, do you know what fucking is?" I
ventured, between kisses.
She gaped at me wide eyed. "That's a naughty
"Well yes, it is. People mostly use it as a swear
word." I explained "But do you know what it really means?"
"Yeah, I think. Is it like...doing it, you know,
proper sex?"
"That's right." I said "Where did you
learn that?"
"My friend Hannah. Her big sister says she's
done it."
"Did She say what happens when you have proper
"No, her sister wouldn't tell her."
"I can tell you. Actually, I'd love to have proper
sex with you. Would you like that Jules?"
Her eyes lit up with interest, then a frown of doubt
wrinkled her forehead as She realized She didn't know what was involved.
"I...I don't...know." She whispered.
"It's OK if you don't want too." I soothed.
"We could just do the same as we did before if you like."
I desperately wanted to fuck her, but I didn't want to press the issue
in case She left suddenly.
"W...what do I have to do?" Jules was still
finger fucking herself, so She obviously hadn't lost interest after
having her orgasm.
"Well, you don't HAVE to do it at all."
I reminded. "But only if you want to, I'll put my cock inside
you, just where your finger is now."
"Will it hurt?"
"I don't really know the answer to that one,
Jules." I admitted. "I've heard it's supposed to hurt the
fist time, but not always. You can get your finger in, even my finger
fits in. My cock is bigger than our fingers
though, so it might be a bit uncomfortable at first. If it is, then
we'll stop straight away. I don't want to hurt you."
Jules digested my little speech, then having made
up her mind, withdrew her finger from her pussy. "OK, lets try
it." A look of eagerness returned to her face. My cock throbbed
at the thought and once again I had to concentrate to prevent a premature
ejaculation. I maneuvered my lap under her ass, lifting and parting
her legs over my thigh so that my swollen shaft protruded between
her thighs. The head of my cock resting on her cunt lips. Both Jules
cunt and my cock were oozing love juice, so there was no shortage
of lubrication. Taking my stiff shaft in my hand, I guided the swollen
head between her pussy lips, using it to part them and stimulate her
clit. Jules moaned her pleasure, rocking her hips and pushing her
pussy against my cock.
I slipped my cock lower, easing it into her tight
virginal opening. Pushing gently so that my swollen cock head slipped
into her pussy as far as her hymen, I asked "How does that feel
"It's nice." She breathed. "Doesn't
hurt or anything."
"OK, I'm going to push a little harder now, you
can tell me to stop anytime." I could feel the resistance in
her vagina as I pushed up, then suddenly felt it give. My cock slid
up her cunt, the hot wet tube enveloping the first three inches of
my stiff cock. I withdrew slightly then pushed in again, repeating
the gentle movements until her pussy was taking four or five inches
and I could feel my cock head pushing against her cervix. Jules lifted
her hips away from my thrust and pushed her hand against my thigh,
obviously finding my deeper thrusts a little uncomfortable. I backed
off a little. "That better?" I asked.
"Yeah, that's nice now. It was hurting a little
before." She looked down between her legs and watched as my cock
slipped repeatedly between her pussy lips. "Wow, were really
doing it!" Jules relaxed as I kissed her tenderly and fondled
her tits. I continued fucking her with slow gentle thrusts. She slipped
her hand between her legs to feel my cock as it entered her body,
fingering her clit at the same time.
The pressure of my climax was building rapidly and
Jules was meeting my thrust, pushing her cunt onto my pole. Suddenly
my cock erupted, pumping my load of cum into the restricted space
within her vagina. It was the best, the longest lasting orgasm I could
remember. 'My god.' I thought, 'this is a ten year old girl I'm fucking.'
My cock continued to pump long after the supply of semen had been
A minute or so after my orgasm began, Jules gasped,
throwing her arms around my neck as her hips jerked uncontrollably,
signaling her own climax. We lay quietly, hugging each other and panting
for several long minutes. My cock lost its stiffness, the tightness
of Jules' pussy squeezed it out to flop into the pool of cum that
had collected on the mattress between her thighs. More cum oozed from
her hole to dribble down her ass crack. Eventually, I roused myself
and used my towel to wipe the mess from our bodies. "You really
should get back to your camper before someone wonders where you got
to." I advised. I was beginning to feel guilty and frightened
of discovery now that the fog of sexual desire had lifted.
"Yeah, guess so." She said as She pulled
her panties up and covered her delightful breasts with her nightdress."Er...that
was really great, thanks." She said as She unzipped the tent
flap. I guessed She was feeling
guilty or embarrassed as the realization of what She had just done
dawned on her.
"Thank you, you were really wonderful."
I called to her retreating back. She turned briefly and waved good-bye
before disappearing into the darkness. I lay awake for some time thinking
about what had just taken place. I felt a mixture of shock and desire.
I wanted to repeat that wonderful experience, but feared the consequences
of discovery. In the cold, post sexual loneliness, I resolved to pack
up and leave first thing in the morning.
The End