
mmmmm/g rape pedo

12 year old Elise is bored and decides to head out for a swim. On the way she spies on a gang of teenage boys in an old ranch house - and suffers the consequences! If you are under 18 or find this offensive, please do not read any further!



Elise was bored. Normally the summer holidays were great fun, playing with her best friend Becky or her big sister Annie, but this week was different. Becky was away on vacation with her family and Annie was staying for a few days at her best friend's house in town. There wasn't even anything to do around the house, her mom was at work as a waitress in the new diner out on the freeway and her dad had his head buried under the hood of their old Ford truck, cussing at the stubborn engine!

Normally she and her sister and a few friends would go swimming in a nearby river known as Taylor's Creek, but without Annie to 'look after' her Elise knew her dad would never let her go alone. 'It's not fair.' She thought. 'Why can't I go swimming by myself, I'm a big girl now!' That wasn't strictly true though, Elise was just 12 years old, she'd just had her birthday a month back. Elise sighed. 'Why don't I just go to Taylor's Creek anyway.' She reasoned with herself. 'No-one will know.' She bit her lip. Then she thought 'To hell with it, mom's not here, dad's too busy, they won't know where I've been and I'll just say I went to the park!' She jumped off the fence and set off for Taylor's creek..

The route to the creek ran through Taylor's Ranch which was now an abandoned collection of farm buildings. All the land round here once belonged to the Ranch, but it had gone bust and the land sold many years before Elise was born. Now the farm buildings stood boarded up and derelict.

Elise saw two figures emerge from some bushes ahead of her. She froze when she recognized Andrew Miller and Shane Levski, two teenagers who lived nearby. Elise didn't like them, they were known as bullies and she hoped they hadn't seen her. She was in luck, they didn't even glance in her direction and turned toward the old farm house. Elise crouched down behind a fence as the two boys made their way to the ranch house, she watched with interest as they climbed in through a window with loose shuttering. Her sister Annie had heard some boys used the place as a den to smoke pot.

She decided to go check the rumor for herself. If she was quiet they wouldn't know she had been there. At the house she carefully pulled the loose board back from the window but couldn't see anything. She heard distant voices and guessed they must be upstairs. Elise climbed in the window as the boys had done then brushed dirt and small pieces of rotten wood off her clothes. She waited for her eyes to adjust to the gloom.

She tiptoed into the hall approaching the foot of the staircase, hoping the creak of floorboards couldn't be heard upstairs. Now she could make out the voices. Comments like "Oh yeah!", "Awesome!", "Chuck us that bottle, Chaz!" and "Wish I was him." Were accompanied by jeering and laughter. She wondered what was going on. "Oi! What are you doing here?" That voice had been close behind Elise and she jumped. Spinning round she saw a tall shadow right behind her and she fled, brushing past the figure who made an unsuccessful lunge to grab her. "Hey, come back here." He yelled. Elise raced for the window but the heavy shutter slowed her escape and she felt a strong hand grip her arm dragging her back into the room.

"Get off me! Let me go!" She squealed as she struggled to free herself. The sound of pounding feet on the staircase preceded the arrival of several more boys into the kitchen.

"What's happening?". "What's going on?" Several voices called.

"I caught some kid snooping around." The boy holding Elise told the others.

"Let's get him upstairs." This suggestion from one of the other boys was supported by calls of "Yeah!" and "Come on!" Elise was dragged up the stairs into one of the bedrooms.

"Hey! It's a girl!" Someone exclaimed as they dragged her into the sunlit room that was obviously their den. An assortment of old chairs, tables and an old grubby mattress filled the space. The tables Were covered with bottles, porn magazines and cigarette packets. An old automobile hub cap was in use as an ashtray.

"Please let me go?" Elise whined. "I won't tell anyone." There Were five of them, all crowding round her in tight ring. She tried to push past but the tall boy who had caught her pushed her back again.

"Who are you?" He asked. Elise didn't recognize him or one of the other boys, the one with long greasy hair. The other three Were Chaz Markov, who she knew was in her sisters class at school, Shane and Andrew.

"I know her, Brad." Chaz said to the tall boy. "She's Annie Flaherty's kid sister." Shane and Andrew nodded in agreement as they too recognize her. "I think she's called Elise."

"Well now Elise." Brad smiled. "Nice of you to come visit us, would you like a drink?" She shook her head. "Get young Elise a drink, Paul." He instructed the boy with greasy hair. "One of our special cokes." He winked. She reluctantly took the offered can hoping they would let her go once she'd had the drink. The coke had a funny taste but it wasn't unpleasant, she gulped it down as quickly as she could.

"My, weren't you a thirsty girl! Get her another one." Brad burped and Elise could smell the beer on his breath. Paul poured coke into her can from another then added some clear liquid, like water, from a bottle. Elise refused the drink but the refilled can was thrust into her hand anyway. This time it tasted less like coke and she realized they must be putting some kind of alcohol in it. Again she gulped the drink.

"I really have to go now, my dad'll be looking for me." Elise burped. "Thanks for the drink." She walked forward and nearly stumbled into Brad. Her legs felt strangely weak and her head was spinning.

"There's no need to hurry." Brad pushed her back again. He seemed to be the ring leader. "Have another drink." He shoved the bottle of clear liquid under her nose, but now she could see the label read 'Bacardi' and shook her head. He pressed the top of the bottle against her lips and tipped it up. Elise pulled back and the liquid splashed her face and T-shirt. Brad grabbed a handful of her hair and used it to tip Elise's head back.

"Ow!" Elise yelled. As her mouth was open brad tipped the bottle up and poured a good shot down her throat. Elise coughed and spluttered, the fiery liquor burning her mouth, she spat as much out as she swallowed, spraying most of it over him.

"Bitch." Brad yelled and tipped the bottle in her mouth again. Paul stepped forward and grabbed Elise's arms, stopping her from struggling. She refused to swallow so Chuck pinched her nose stopping her from breathing. "Drink! Drink! Drink!" Andrew started the chant and the others joined in. Elise tried to hold her breath but she knew she couldn't do it for long, then she just had to swallow the liquid, gulping desperately. They pulled the bottle out and Elise gasped for breath only to have it shoved back in again and she had to drink some more.

Finally they let her go and stepped back. Elise felt queasy, the room wobbled as she took the first few steps towards the door. Before she got half way the room spun round so the door was now to her left and she turned to follow it. The door then spun back the other way to disappear behind her. Annoyed, she turned again but the room tilted up until the floor hit the back of her head. She could hear the boys laughing as though they Were at the far end of a tunnel, then everything faded out.

"Think she's all right?" Andrew giggled.

"She'll live!" Brad laughed. "Help me drag her onto the mattress." Between them the boys dragged Elise across the floor, dumping her on the old mattress. Her T-shirt had been pulled up exposing the delicate upward curve of one breast.

"Hey! Check this out guys." Paul said as He pulled her shirt right up. "This young chick has tits!" They all stared wide eyed. Elise's boobs Were perfect cones that rose a good two inches above her chest even though she was lying on her back, topped by small dark aureole and tiny rounded nipples.

The tense silence was broken by low whistles and comments like "Cool" and "Awesome". A discussion started about who had touched a girl's tits before. Only Brad had groped a girl at a party once but that didn't count because she had her bra on. Paul placed his hand on one of Elise's boobs. "Oh wow! They feel so soft!" He spoke quietly. Suddenly they all wanted to feel and five hands pawed and groped the young girls tits.

Consciousness returned to Elise. She felt lousy. Her head was numb and when she opened her eyes, the room was still wobbling. She could see the faces of the boys above her and feel their hands pulling and squishing her boobs. She knew what they Were doing was wrong but she couldn't seem to do any thing about it! When she tried to move her hands, intending to push them away, they refused to do as she wanted. Then she decided to tell them to stop but her mouth refused to form the words. Darkness descended as she lost consciousness again.

The boys laughed at her feeble efforts at protest. They all had stiff erections pushing at the front of their shorts by now, plainly aroused. "Hey, let's peek at her pussy!" Shane suggested. They all looked at each other in silence for a second then as if they had been given a signal, five pairs of hands began fumbling with the fastenings of her denim cutoffs. Between them they eventually managed to undo the belt, open the button and zipper, but mostly they hindered each other in their haste to be first.

"Hold it!" Brad called. "One at a time." He slapped the others hands away exerting his leadership over them. "I'll go fist." He pulled Elise's shorts down revealing tight plain white panties that had molded themselves to her curves. The shape of her pussy could be seen clearly in the fabric. The others licked their lips and leaned forward in anticipation as Brad peeled her panties down. They all stared in awe at Elise's cunt. She had just started to grow hair that lay flat and dark against the white skin of her mons. It grew in a fan shape above the deep crack formed by her full hairless labia.

Brad placed his hands between the child's legs, his fingers stroking her pussy flesh. As his confidence grew his fingers probed deeper, pushing between her pussy crack and exposing her delicate coral pink inner lips and virgin cunt to the hungry view of his friends. Eventually He relinquished his monopoly and his hand was instantly replaced by four others that pawed between Elise's thighs pulling and poking at her tender girl flesh.

Elise woke again and was immediately aware of what they Were doing to her. With a lot of effort she managed to sit up and push their groping hands away. "Gerroff me!" She slurred. "Leave me alone." Her head was spinning and their laughter sounded as though they Were in a cave. She saw Brad approach holding one of the magazines. He showed a picture to the other boys but she couldn't understand what He was saying to them. Whatever it was spurred them into action. Paul and Shane pushed her back down whilst Andrew and Chaz pulled her legs apart. Elise felt dizzy again as the sudden movements nearly caused her to blackout again.

Brad held the porn magazine close to Elise's pussy and parted her labia peering closely at her inner flesh and comparing what He saw to a picture in the mag showing a woman holding her pussy lips wide apart. "Her cunt hole isn't as big as in the picture." He informed the others. "Maybe because she's just a kid?" He turned a few pages and found a picture of a man licking the woman's cunt. "You do that to her." He said to Chaz.

"Ah, yuk!" Chaz grimaced. "No way, man!"

Brad then passed the offer to Andrew who also refused. "The one that does that to her gets a blow job from the kid." He challenged the others.

"She aint goin' to give a blow job." Shane said skeptically.

"She is, coz we'll make her." Brad replied.

"Guess I'll do it!" Paul decided. He changed places with Brad. The others cheered him on, relieved He had volunteered. He studied the picture then lowered his mouth to her cunt. She smelt of sweat and urine and He nearly didn't do it but since He knew Brad and the others would ridicule him, He placed his lips on her crack giving her a kiss. Paul found it very stimulating to touch a girl in this intimate way, He stuck his tongue out, licking her hairless pussy lips. He pushed his tongue into her crack and felt the soft ridges of her inner lips, the tiny bump that hid her clit and the depression that marked the entrance to her cunt. He tried to ignore the salty, tangy taste by thinking she would soon be sucking on his cock.

Elise tried to work out what they Were doing to her now but they held her flat so she couldn't see properly. One of them was bent down between her legs and she could feel something soft, warm and wet touching her pussy. It felt really nice, much better than when they had poked her with their fingers! It felt just like when a dog licked your face, then she realized just what they Were doing! She was disgusted, embarrassed and deeply ashamed that it felt so good. Elise tried to wriggle away but they held her firmly and all she succeeded in doing was to rub her pussy on the boys mouth which only made it feel even better. She began crying with frustration and shame.

For several minutes Paul continued to lick Elise. His cock was rock hard and throbbing within the tight confines of his shorts. He felt ready to explode and worried that if He did squirt his pants He wouldn't get the promised blow job, and He would be ridiculed by his friends. "OK, her turn to suck me!" He told Brad.

"Get your worm out then." Brad said as He and the others lifted Elise up into a kneeling position. Paul dropped his pants, his erection had lost a little of it's stiffness and urgency due to nerves. "Stick it in her mouth." Brad said pulling Elise's hair sharply back forcing her head up. Elise opened her mouth to scream and Paul slipped his cock between her lips. "Suck on it little girlie." Brad told her as He continued to pull her hair. "Suck it like a popsicle."

Elise sucked, hoping Brad would ease up with the hair. He did, He pushed her head forward until Paul's cock filled her mouth almost choking her. She was pulled back by the hair until the boy's stiff meat almost came out of her mouth, but then she was thrust forward again. The process was repeated roughly several times. Paul then took over holding her hair but He used it to hold her head still whilst He thrust into her mouth. He groaned loudly and pumped his hips faster then Elise felt something hot and slimy fill her mouth. It squirted down the back of her throat making her cough. Paul's cock pop out of her mouth and she spat out stringy gobs of white stuff.

The boys all cheered Paul when He shot his load in the kid's mouth. Shane, Chaz and Andy all wanted to be next but Brad declared He was going to fuck her. The others knew better than to argue with him. Brad pushed Elise onto her back and dropped his pants. She put up a fight but it was weak and He was able to push her knees apart and settle himself on top of her, rubbing the head of his stiff cock up and down her virgin slit.

Elise was panicking, she had heard Brad tell the others what He was about to do and she tried to fight him off. She was still weak from the excess alcohol though and her struggles amounted to nothing. She could feel his stiff cock plowing between her pussy lips and jabbing painfully at He vagina. By wriggling as much as she could, she hoped to stop him from succeeding in his aim.

Frustrated by the child's struggles, Brad used his hand to hold and support his cock at the entrance to her fuck hole. He pushed hard and felt resistance, but He kept the pressure up and his cock plunged in. The kid screamed. Brad held still savoring the feeling of her hot tight cunt gripping his meat, it was great!

Soon the urge to fuck took over, He started pumping his hips slowly ramming his cock into her damp hole. "Oh fuck! This feels good!" He groaned. His rhythm increased until suddenly his cock throbbed with pleasure, flooding Elise's pussy with his seed. "Oh god, that was awesome!" He exclaimed as He collapsed on top of her.

"Come on, my turn now!" Andrew pushed against Brad's shoulder. He already had his pants down and was rubbing his stiff shaft in anticipation. Brad rolled off sideways relinquishing his conquest to Andy.

Elise had given up struggling after the stab of pain that marked the loss of her virginity. She had held herself rigid as Brad had defiled her, sickened and ashamed by what was happening to her. She was glad when Brad rolled his not inconsiderable weight off her, leaving her pussy feeling very wet. When Andy settled himself on top of her and easily slid his cock into her well lubricated cunt, she didn't bother trying to fight him off, she lay passively waiting for it to end.

Andy didn't take long, half a dozen quick thrusts and He groaned as his cum joined Brad's. Chaz took Andy's place between Elise's thighs. He had laughed at the speed at which Andy had cum and was determined to take his time, savoring every moment of his first ever fuck. Chaz slid his stiff cock in Elise's tight hole causing the cum that still filled her to ooze out with a slurping sound, then He began a slow, rhythmical fucking, savoring every gentle thrust.

Elise lay still again letting it happen. She kept her eyes closed, partly because she didn't want to see who was fucking her this time and partly because the room seemed to spin when she opened them, making her dizzy. This boy was different from the other two, his gentle action didn't hurt her pussy like the others had. She began to feel a nice sensation between her legs and her body responded automatically by pushing back against the boys thrusts, her cunt muscles contracted against the stiff invasion of his cock, increasing the pleasure she was experiencing. Elise felt a fresh wave of shame engulf her as she realized she was starting to enjoy being raped.

Her world contracted until she was only aware of the boys weight on her body, the steady rhythmical pressure of his thrusting into her private place, and the slow build up of that nice feeling in her loins. The background noise of the joking, laughing teenagers in the room, the musty smell of the mattress all faded to insignificance.

Suddenly the boy grunted and groaned into her ear, his movements became jerky and urgent then she felt another rush of the slimy stuff boys squirted from their cocks fill her pussy. He rolled off her and she felt chilled as the air in the room cooled the sweat on her skin. She felt disappointment that He had finished, but wasn't sure why her body wanted more, and that confused her.

Andy was next. He had self consciously kept his pants on the whole time and didn't dare touch his cock in front of the other boys. He was the youngest at only 14, and felt embarrassed that they had exposed themselves and openly wanked but now He realized He would have to do the same or He would never live it down. He knelt between the girls open thighs then dropped his pants only as far as was necessary. He lay on her quickly and began thrusting at her as He had seen the others do. To his dismay his cock hadn't entered her cunt and all He was doing was riding his shaft up and down her cum soaked slit. He tried to get his cock to spear her but the nerves He felt had softened his erection, the one time his cock head entered her vulva there wasn't enough rigidity to force its way into her tight hole. He started to panic, thrusting harder, but that just made things worse.

Elise found the situation quite exciting. She had been expecting his cock to invade her as the others had but when He missed her pussy hole and rubbed his thing up and down her crack, it felt so much better. She had no idea this was because of the extra stimulation her clit was receiving, she just felt a sudden irresistible increase of the nice feeling between her legs. She moved her hips in opposition to Andy's, lifting her bum off the mattress to meet his weak thrusts. Suddenly her body shook with her first orgasm. She gasped and groaned out loud as each wave of pleasure coursed through her body. Once it was over though, the reality of the situation came back to her and she cried with shame. The other boys noticed Elise having her orgasm and crowded round to watch. Calls of "She loves it!", "Fuck her good!" and "let her have it Andy!" filled the room.

Brad could see between Andy and Elise's thighs and noticed Andy's cock was soft. "Hey! He's not even fucking her." He told the others. "He's got a softy!" He pulled Andy up by the T-shirt so the others could see his cock drooping between his legs. "What's the matter, not turned on by girls?" Brad scoffed at Andy.

", I couldn', it wouldn't go in her c....cunt." Andy stammered in shame.

Paul stepped forward, his cock stiff as He rapidly rubbed his fist along it's length. "I'm ready to fuck her, step aside faggot."

Brad pushed him back. "You can fuck her from behind and she can Suck Andy at the same time." He showed them a picture in one of the magazines. Between them they lifted Elise onto all fours and Paul held his stiff cock up to the child's exposed cunt, then rammed it in with a loud groan. Brad pulled Elise's head up by her hair and told her to Suck on Andy.

Elise looked at the soft floppy cock dangling before her face. It glistened with gobs of slimy cum from the other boys. She opened her mouth, sucking it all in, surprised at just how soft it was. She gagged a bit on the taste of the cum, but once her saliva had washed it off and she had swallowed a couple of times, it wasn't so bad. After a couple of minutes she could feel his cock getting harder in her mouth. When Andy's cock was fully erect and He started fucking her mouth, Brad let go of her hair.

Behind Elise, Paul was slamming his cock into her cunt with such force that his thighs Were slapping loudly against her buttocks and she was being jogged forward with each thrust. After a few minutes He emptied his load into her and was replaced by one of the other boys, she didn't know who! Elise ignored what was being done behind her and concentrated on Andy's cock. It wasn't as long or as thick as Paul's had been and she found she wasn't choking on it. She looked with interest at the small wrinkled bag that swinging below and at the bush of course hair that grew just above the point where his stiff shaft joined his body. Almost without warning, Andy ejaculated into her mouth. He had stiffened and his gentle thrusting rhythm had faltered. Elise could feel his cock pulsate between her lips as a small quantity of his slimy cum oozed into her mouth. Andy's cock quickly softened and slipped out.

He was immediately replaced by Brad, whose cock was thicker than Andy's. Elise had to open her mouth really wide to accommodate him. More cum was being pumped into her already full cunt. It oozed from her abused slit soaking her tummy and bottom, it dribbled down the inside of her thighs. When the next boy, it must have been either Shane or Chaz, started fucking her it made a slurping, squelching sound.

Brad held the girls head firmly in his hands, curling his fingers tight in her hair to ensure He had a good grip. He forced his cock into her mouth repeatedly, trying to make it go further in with each thrust. He couldn't hold on for long though, before his cum boiled from the tip of his cock. He held himself in her forcing her to swallow it.

When no-one came to replace Brad, Elise folded her arms and placed her forehead on the mattress seeking a more comfortable position while she waited for the boy fucking her to finish. At last, after what seemed like ages, He groaned and added another few drops of cum to the mess in her cunt. After He withdrew she waited in the same position, expecting one of the others to carry on. When no-one came she sank slowly onto the mattress, lying on her side and curled into a ball. The sun streaming in through the window warmed her skin, her mind felt fuzzy from the alcohol and the boy's voices seemed distant. Elise fell asleep.

She was awakened later as one of the boys rolled her onto her back, He lay on top of her and fucked her. She fell asleep again before He was finished. She woke again later, this time on her side as one of them fucked her from behind, and another used her mouth. When they Were done she drifted off yet again.

The next time she woke was from a chill wind on her skin. She noticed the sun no longer shone through the window and realized it must be late afternoon. It was quiet. She sat up and saw she was alone. She stood up, feeling a little queasy, her head felt sort of numb but at least the room had stopped spinning. Her legs and bottom Were sticky with half dried cum. Her face and lips felt crusty where cum had dried on her skin. She would have to wash it off before going home.

Elise picked up her scattered clothes. She decided she daren't put them on or the cum would be noticeable when she got home. She couldn't say anything to her parents about what had happened she realized, she'd be in a load of trouble for going to Taylor's Creek as it is, never mind going into the old Ranch house.

She left the house carrying her clothes and headed for the creek. She would have a swim to wash all the muck off then head home, hoping she wouldn't be asked too many questions by her dad.


The End




© 2005 Samara. Commercial use in any form requires the written permission of the author.