Lessons of the Daughter
Author: RocketBlast76
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Erotic fiction. If you think it's a remote possibility, don't risk offense by continuing to read any further.
Lindsey stirred as the sun rose on a late summer's Tuesday. The sun streamed through the translucent curtains that hung in front of the bay window in her rather spacious bedroom, increasing consciousness that separated dream from reality. The dream was particularly inviting and Lindsey struggled to stay in her dream world. She remembered a bit of advice she'd heard that if you spin yourself around in the dream, it helped the dream state continue. But it was not to be this time, though it had worked before, and the delicious redhead in her dreams began to fade away into a brilliant haze, trailing her over Lindsey's thigh as she seemingly disappeared. When Lindsey became more wakeful, she realized that she could still feel the heat from the redhead's hand on her leg. She glanced down to see if the dream was, in fact, reality, but was disappointed to see a beam of light shining through the gap between the two curtain halves illuminating her thigh. She closed her eyes in one last effort to recall the dream world, but the daylight had won this round. No matter, she had planned this day for years and that the sun was warm and her mood was relaxed made the lessons of the day that much easier teach.
Lindsey was a not a teacher by trade. In fact she was a newly-appointed Director of Information Technology at one of the largest biotech firms in the country. She'd worked long and hard for the justly won promotion, besting her main competitor by proving that she had the technical and business know-how to carry the department well into the future. The generous increase in salary had helped make being a single mother a bit more manageable and she was now eligible for the bonus program. Lindsey was a practical realist, with a generous dose of passion in her emotional self, though this side rarely showed itself at work (except for that one time...), it certainly came out at other, more appropriate times.
She rolled over and glanced at the clock: 6:15AM. A bit too early to get Abby up yet. It was her summer vacation after all. Lindsey had taken off a few days to be with Abby in the days between the end of her summer job and the beginning of her senior year of high school. She decided to lay in bed for a while longer. She thought about her task for today. It had been the same for Lindsey when she was Abby's age, instructed by her mother as she had been instructed from her own. That she was carrying on tradition was what really lent to Lindsey's relaxed attitude and self-assuredness that this was the right thing to do. It was this lesson, more than any other, that shaped her personality, attitudes, and openness about the human experience. Though the confusion the lesson would initially cause would cast a haze over the value of it initially, it was a tradition steeped in innate value that would be made clear over time. It had become clear for her with guidance, and she would guide her daughter through it as she had been guided; with love, care, and sensitivity.
By the time Lindsey had stopped reminiscing about the values of lessons learned, it was 7:30. She arose, took a shower, shaved, and got freshened up. She put on her favorite white silk robe and wandered down to the kitchen to make some tea and muffins for the two of them. When the tea had finally steeped enough and the muffins were toasted to perfection and buttered, she glanced at the clock and noted that it was time to wake up Abby and bring her into a new world.
"Wake up, baby doll," Lindsey said as she sat down on the bed and stroked her fingers across her daughter's cheek.
After a slight high-pitched whine, the kind of whine you only hear when someone is being woken from a deep sleep, a light, but sleepy voice managed, "Morning, Mom."
Lindsey continued to stroke her face as she woke up. "I've made us breakfast, hon. Why don't you get up and get cleaned up while the tea cools a bit. Okay?"
Abby managed a nod as her arms and back arced out and up in a full body stretch. "OK," she said as she pulled the covers from atop of herself and sat up in bed. Her breasts swayed noticeably under her loose fitting T-shirt as she stood and started walking towards the bathroom. Lindsey had always been secretly happy that Abby had gotten her family's ample bosoms. It helped a young girl to identify with her own body being fundamentally different than a boys. Lindsey's best friend in high school had had several severe depressive episodes due to her not feeling like a girl should since she had very small breasts. She had been teased about it mercilessly by girls in her class and often ignored by the boys. Lindsey realized that this was a sad commentary on our breast-crazed culture, but she was happy her daughter had been spared that extra pain in the tribulations of growing up.
While Abby showered, Lindsey setup breakfast on the balcony outside of the French doors in Abby's room. As she set the small table for the two of them, she looked down the beach at the other summer homes and was glad that she and Abby had been able to get away to this incredible place. The salty wind was uncharacteristically light and the waves were crashing in a gentle rumble a hundred yards away. She sat down in the white wicker chair and sipped at her cup of tea. Just as the first sip slid down her throat, the shower turned off and Abby appeared a minute later in her summer bathrobe.
"Thanks for making breakfast, Mom," Abby said as she kissed the top of Lindsey's head and then sat down. Abby poured herself a cup of tea and took one half of a corn muffin.
For a few minutes, they both sat in the morning sun, sipping their tea, nibbling on their muffins, and enjoying the sea breeze that blew threw their hair. Just about when Lindsey had finished half of her tea, she decided that it was time to let her daughter know about the plans for the rest of the day. She thought back to how her mother had broached the topic with her, but those had been different times, and Lindsey knew that Abby had already been deflowered, whereas Lindsey had not been.
"Hon?" she said, "How long has it been since you and Jason broke up?"
"Oh, about five months now," Abby replied, "Why do you ask?"
"Well, I was thinking that maybe it was time for you to start searching for someone again," Lindsey responded. "You don't seem to be interested in anyone, as far as I can tell... I just want you to be happy."
"I am happy, Mom," Abby replied. "Jason was my first serious boyfriend but we just grew apart. I don't know why or how. It just happened. I just haven't found the right guy yet."
"All right," Lindsey said. She decided to go for the direct approach, as she and Abby had always been honest and forthright. "Maybe the right one isn't a guy." She turned to look at Abby as she said this, to guage her reaction. But Abby didn't even seem to be surprised at her mother's suggestion. That surprised Lindsey, however.
"That's true," Abby said with a light sigh.
"Have you ever...?"
"No, Mom, I haven't." Abby interrupted. "I guess I have have just never seriously considered exploring my feelings about that." Abby paused, half-laughed and said, "I am still trying to figure out what guys want, let alone delving into that maelstrom."
"Well, I would very much like to help you explore your feelings about your own sex. It might open up a new world of experience for you." Lindsey proffered.
"Like I said, Mom, I never really considered it."
Lindsey set her tea cup on the small table before and turned to face Abby. She sat up straight and reached out, taking her daughter's hands in hers. "I think it is time to consider it," Lindsey said. "I need you to trust me like you have for the last 17 years. I want to bring you into a world of passion and exquisite tenderness, but I need you to trust me as your guide. You are of an age where you are ready to blossom into womanhood of your own accord and I feel as though I would be doing a disservice to you as your mother if I did not fully prepare you for one of life's most basic intricacies."
"I do trust you, Mom," Abby leaned in towards her mother, looking into her eyes as she spoke. "I trust you with my life. I know you will never hurt me." She leaned forward and kissed her mother on the forehead.
"Thank you, Abigail," Lindsey's tears started to well up. "I am so happy to hear you say that and I want you to know that I have the same trust and faith in you."
They both leaned forward and embraced. Abby's long, dark red hair soaked up Lindsey's tears as they held each other. After a few precious moments, Lindsey let her hands trace down from Abby's back, over her shoulders and arms to grasp her daughter's hands once again. Lindsey stood and pulled up on Abby's hands as a cue to follow her lead. Lindsey led her back into Abby's bedroom and they sat on the edge of her bed. Abby noticed that her mother's robe was bowed out, exposing her right breast and she was struck, as she had been on other occasions when she'd seen her mother nude, at how similar their breasts were. They sat gazing at each other in silence for a few minutes, one in excited nervousness of having to guide her daughter, the other in excited nervousness of stepping into the unknown. It was Lindsey who broke the silence.
"If you become uncomfortable at any time, any time, please tell me."
"I will," Abby whispered back. She watched as Lindsey's face glowed with a smile, framed by the tendrils of blond hair that fell out of her up swept hair. The glow seemed to brighten with each passing moment as her mother leaned into kiss her. A kiss that started like the kiss a mother would give to her daughter, but evolved into a kiss that lingered a few moments longer that ordinarily would have. Lindsey pulled back slightly to guage Abby's reaction and noticed that she had closed her eyes, her lips were still pursed. Both women knew now the tone of the day and both were comfortable and relaxed. Lindsey's heart leapt as she realized this, and felt the initial nervousness bubble away into the ether.
Abby, on the other hand, felt her nervousness convert into anticipation. She could feel her body becoming electrified, every sensation was amplified, each shiver or shudder dumped adrenaline into her body, drugging her. When her mother leaned to her lips again, it was Abby who parted her own lips, inviting her mother's tongue into her mouth. Lindsey, upon feeling her daughter's parted lips, opened her mouth slightly, extending her tongue to caress Abby's. As their tongues met, Lindsey noticed how hard her daughter's tongue was and so she took the opportunity to curl her soft muscle around it. Abby curled her tongue up and back, drawing it into her mouth and with it her mother's.
Lindsey's hand reached up as they kissed and began to stroke the side Abby's head, entwining her fingers in the long red hair. As she played with her daughter's hair with one hand, the other reached around behind Abby's back and pulled her closer. They continued to kiss. Lindsey was surprised at how good of a kisser Abby was, but only a modest amount.
Lindsey had no illusions that if her daughter wanted almost any guy, she could have him without fear of rejection. Abigail reminded Lindsey of a cross between Meg Ryan and Angie Everhardt, just the right mix of playfulness and seduction. It gave Abby the confidence that other people could pick up on. Lindsey had the beauty that produces another or equivalent beauty. She could only see slight traces of her father, a European model that Lindsey had fucked one night in a fit of horniness. He'd never been there, but that had been of no consequence to Lindsey as she had neither the desire, nor the need, for a having a man around.
Lindsey pulled away from the kisses and said to her daughter, as she stroked her hair, "Let's go to my room, there is much more room there."
Abby nodded in agreement. Abby's groin tingled with every sweep of her thighs as she and walked to her mother's bedroom. She felt as if the world had taken on a surreal quality. A pleasant serenity, piqued with sexual overtones. As they entered the room, Lindsey said, "Why don't you lay back on the bed. I will be right back."
Abby climbed onto the elevated mattress, her foot tangling a bit in the sheer white fabric that draped the four post bed with a canopy that shimmered in the sunlight. Her short summer robe just barely came down over her upper thighs. Her red hair splayed out over the pillows, little tendrils blew about in the light breeze that was crossing the room. She could hear her mother getting something from the bathroom, but knew not what.
Lindsey walked back into the room and said, "It is time to discover the smoothness of you body," as she held up a mug of cream and a double-edged, chrome-plated razor.
She walked towards the bed in a seductive swagger, her smile growing as she came closer to her daughter.
"Wait..." Abby said.
Lindsey froze. She prayed that she hadn't scared her darling.
"I, uhh..." Abby struggled to find the right words. Failing, she sighed and continued, afraid of disappointing her mother, "look." Abby drew her knees up so that her heels were touching her buttocks and slowly, hesitantly spread her legs. It was then that Lindsey's frozen body began to relax and her smile became genuine once again. She gazed upon her daughter's hairless mound, shaved so finely that there was no trace of stubble or bumps. Lindsey looked daughter's face. Abby said, "I'm sorry, I know you are disappointed."
A tear fell from Lindsey's eye. She leaned forward and gave her daughter a kiss on the lips. "I am not disappointed, honey. When did you start doing this?"
"A few months ago. I had an urge one night to do it, when I was, umm, getting myself off," Abby admitted in embarrassment. "It was just that the hair was too uncomfortable; it was very sensitive and it sometimes hurt. So I figured I'd get rid of it."
"Just like that?" Lindsey inquired.
"Well, Janet's sister at college told us that ever since her boyfriend shaved her, she couldn't get enough of sex. She said it felt so much better. I think it does too." Abby said.
"Who...?" Lindsey started.
"Well, it feels much better when I am masturbating. I haven't had sex in a long time." Abby simply stated.
"I was wondering if there was a man in you life that I didn't know about," Lindsey said, feeling a little hurt.
"No one, Mom."
Lindsey kissed her again. "Would you show me how you masturbate?"
Abby looked into her mother's eyes. The statement which would have made her very uncomfortable an twenty minutes ago now seemed like a perfectly reasonable request. She trusted her mother with her life. Slowly, she reached down in between her legs and began to stroke both sides of her mound. The wetness from her already elevated excitement had seeped outside of her labia and, without any hair, made her fingers slip and slide with ease. With her other hand, she reached into her robe and began to massage her breasts. Her nipples were already semi-erect from their kissing session, but the excitement, and now the direct stimulation, made them perk up fully. All the while, her eyes were locked in on her mother's eyes. But her head was dreamy and slowly but sure her gaze lost its track behind falling lids.
It was then that Lindsey looked to her daughter's hands; watching, evaluating, and noting techniques and methodologies. She saw that Abby liked to rub her middle finger deep into the folds of her labia while the index and ring fingers rubbed along the outside, maximizing the amount of contact with her labia. At the top end of each stroke, Abby's middle finger hooked and tapped at the underside of her clitoris before diving back in between the folds. Every ten strokes or so, Abby would take her first two fingers and rub back an forth across her clitoris rapidly, to prime (as Lindsey would put it) her next level of arousal.
Abby, by now, was completely unaware of her mother's analysis and did not notice that she had gotten up and was moving around Abby to view every angle, analyze every movement. Finally, Lindsey ended up at the foot of the bed, looking at Abby's full length. Lindsey was absent mindedly touching her own nipples when she climbed up on the bed, in between Abby's legs. She crawled forward gently, taking care not to disturb her daughter's building ecstasy. When she got as close as she could, she reached out and moved Abby's hand from her crotch. Abby didn't open her eyes as her mother said to her, "Now tell me how this feels." After her words drifted over Abby's body, Lindsey leaned her head down. Parting her lips and bringing the tip of her tongue outwards a little bit, she pulled her daughter's clitoris into her mouth, gently tapping it with her tongue.
Abby jumped a bit at the first contact. The surreality of the situation was immense. She had just finished masturbating in front of a woman who was now inducting her into a lesbian act, which felt so incredible. There was no five-o-clock shadow irritating her tender labia, no confused tonguing of the clitoris. There was simply a wonderfully smooth, experienced, beautiful woman licking her into orgasmic ecstasy. That the woman whose face was buried in her pussy had given birth to her, raised, her and loved her somehow seemed an abstractly appropriate act of love.
As her impending orgasm drew nigh, Abby's began to moan. Lindsey was delighted to hear her daughter's pleasure rising up inside of her. She intensified her efforts and was rewarded by Abby thrusting her hips up, grinding against Lindsey lips and tongue. (Lindsey had a sudden flashback to her dream earlier that morning: was Abby the mysterious redhead?) Soon, Abby's hips began to quiver and a deeply seated orgasm raced through her young body. Abby felt as if all of her tension and pent up lust liquefied and melted into the lips and tongue of the woman she loved above all others in the world.
Abby had climaxed very quickly, due equally to the excitement of something new and Lindsey's oral technique. As she collapsed back onto the bed, panting and still moaning softly in the aftermath of her orgasm, Lindsey crawled up beside her and embraced her.
"Welcome to a wonderful world, my darling," Lindsey whispered into Abby's ear.
"I don't understand," Abby said as she teared up, "what is going on. Why are you doing this?" The reality of the situation was starting to hit home.
"Oh, my darling Abby," Lindsey comforted, "I don't ever want to frighten you. This has bee a tradition in our family for generations. The lesson lies in learning to listen to your body, to shed the inhibitions that culture puts on you, and enjoy the human experience as fully as you are able."
"But what would people say?" Abby stammered.
"People, on the whole, do not have the capacity to understand that sex, love, brotherhood, sisterhood, and things of that nature are all interconnected," Lindsey replied. "It is my job, as your mother, to prepare you for life. What kind of mother would I be if I let you go off to college in a year unprepared for the feelings and experiences you are going to face. It is part of my job to raise you as tolerant of other ideas as possible, that boundaries of humanity, culture, and sexuality are human boundaries. They are not absolute, nor are they always tolerant. I've always taught you to be independent. I've always supported your decisions because it was important for me to do that for you. Nothing has changed. I have always encouraged you to break the limitations that you, other people, and society put upon you, to rise above what you ever thought possible. Now, you know that the sexual boundaries or our society are not absolute. And in having broken that boundary, can you say that I love you any less, that I care for you less, or that I wish to harm you?"
"No," Abby replied with a sniffle.
"There is much more to learn, my daughter. You and I have now broken through the last boundary. How far you wish go now is up to you," Lindsey said.
"I don't know, Mom. I think I need a while to figure this out."
"I understand," Lindsey replied, "and, truth be told, I said the same thing when my mother did this for me. I will be your guide for anything you wish. I can only offer you my experience and my willingness to learn. There are things I do not know. Things that you may want to do that I have never done. But know this, there is nothing I will not do for you. Nothing that we can't share and experience together."
"Thanks, Mom." Abby curled up into a ball next to her mother's breasts, like she did when she was small. "I love you."
"I love you, too, my angel."