Title: Devil's Daughter
Author: RocketBlast_76@yahoo.com
Note: This story contains what some would term as intense imagery and blasphemy. If you are devoutly religious, I doubt you'd be reading a storylike this in the first place, but just in case, there are some naughty refernces. I just call it like I see it.

Stan couldn't believe his luck as he glanced over to see the gorgeous woman sitting in the passenger seat of his car. Wearing a short, black miniskirt and top, Cyla sat relaxed and sure of herself. She noticed Stan's glance returned it with a prize-winning smile and a wink from her silver eyes.

Stan was beside himself. A tactful and romantic flirter he was not, but this alluring woman seemed drawn to him, almost as if every word that passed his lips was golden. He was confused and anxious. Cyla certainly seemed to be experienced, an assumption of her sexual prowess just based on the poise and confidence she had displayed so far. Everything about her seemed to point to her wanting him, but Stan had never had any pursue him... at least not that he knew of and certainly not of this caliber of a woman.

As they drove down the road, Cyla turned on the radio and tuned it to a heavy metal station. Orgy's rendition of New Order's Blue Monday played in the background of the tire noise on the road. Stan didn't talk much, mostly because he was trying to reconciliate the night's events thus far and struggling to bring them into some framework of his life experience. He was failing miserably, as his leg's bouncing up and down was evidence enough of his consternation. Cyla stayed fairly quiet as well, but for an entirely different reason. She reached out and put her hand on Stan's thigh.

"Calm down," she said softly, "I don't bite."

Stan smiled awkwardly. "I am. I..." he trailed off. He realized what hes was about to say, which followed along the lines of 'I don't normally find myself in this situation.' That'd been a way of blowing things he thought. Stan's fragile confidence was waning.

She smiled at him again and said, "OK." They drove on for a few more minutes and finally came to his house. When he got out of the car, Cyla stayed seated. Stan walked around to the passenger side of his Carerra and opened the door for her.

"Thank you," she said as she took his hand. She didn't need his assistance, it was all part of the game.

Stan funmbled with the keys at his door, but soon opened the door to a well kept, modern style house. It showed that Stan was successful, but it wasn't Cyla's taste. It was no matter anyway, as she was not planning on staying there for more than the night. As she looked around the living room, she saw a nice size TV and audio center and a plush black leather couch. The couch appealed to her, especially the way it contrasted with the white carpets.

"Is there anything I can get you?" Stan inquired.

"How about a glass of wine? Red, if you have it."

"Sure. I'll be write back," Stan assured her. "Make yourself at home."

Cyla flipped on the audio system and tuned the radio to the station she had been playing in the car. She sat down on the couch and listened to the music. It was clear that Stan was knowledgeable about audio systems. The music seemed to envelope her on the couch, perfectly balanced and full. She spread her arms out along the back of the couch and closed her eyes, savoring the fidelity. She heard Stan come back into the room, but she stayed as she was, her neck exposed, her ample breasts pushed out slightly, midriff showing off her navel ring. Stan's pace slowed as he came closer to her, a sure sign that he was appreciating her form.

"Here's you go," he proffered the glass, which she took gently.

"Thank you," she said with a smile. She patted the couch space next to her. After Stan gingerly sat down, she tipped her glass towards his. "Cheers" she said as their glasses clinked. The wine was unexpectedly good.

She had realized long ago that Stan would not carry on an especially interesting conversation, but this was no matter. She had a craving that needed satiating. Cyla was interested in carrying the conversation, so she decided to cut to the chase.

"Mmm, this is excellent," she said to Stan.

"Thank you. I was in France and I happened by..."

Cyla interrupted him by putting a finger to his lips. "I don't mean to cut you off, but I've always loved doing this. Take a sip." As Stan took a sip, she did the same, and then leaned in towards his face. Stan swallowed his wine as her lips touched his. Momentarily, Cyla's tongue slid into Stan's mouth. As he opened his mouth, he could feel her tongue slide deeper into his mouth. he tasted the wine on her tongue and felt some wine flowing into his mouth from hers. She hadn't swallowed it. Their tongues played together with the wine splashing about them. As they pulled back, Cyla left the wine in Stan's mouth. He swallowed it down.

"I love doing that," Cyla said with a hint of desire, the first break in her smooth, cool aura.

"That was nice," Stan replied. He breathing was heavy already. She wondered if he was a virgin. If he was, it would make her seduction of him that much sweeter.

"I suspect you might enjoy this then." She handed him her glass which he took. She slid back a bit and untied the front of her black lace top. As the last bit of string slid from final eyelets, Cyla's breasts pushed out and apart slightly. The fabric fell to the sides of her taut, large, C-cup breasts. She cupped her breasts in her hands, massaging the undersides for a moment or two. She reached out to one of the glasses and dipped her finger into it. A bead of wine clung to her finger tip as she slowly pulled her hand away from the glass. She brushed the bead over her nipple, causing the the wine to cling to her nipple. She took her finger to her mouth and sucked it in. Stan sat mesmerized by the droplet clinging to her nipple. Noticing this, Cyla reached down to her breast and lifted it up. She dropped her head and licked her nipple. She looked up at Stan through a lock of hair that had fallen from her up-do, slowly retracting her tongue into her mouth.

Stan's mind, by this time, was racing with pure, unadulterated lust. His cock was becoming uncomfortably restrained in his khakis. He watched her with fascination; here, in his house, a black haired, silver-eyed beauty with a need for, for... He didn't know what she needed, but he knew he would do his best to give it to her.

Cyla reached out to the glass again, which Stan moved towards her, knowing what she was now doing. She dipped her finger in again and brought the red, satin liquid to her nipple. She cupped her breast with one hand and reached around the back of his head with her other hand. As she pulled his face to her chest, he gazed at the exquisite dew dangling from her nipple. His lips parted as his lips reached her breast, his tongue cupping the droplet from the underside. He tasted the wine as it hit his tongue on its way flicking over Cela's nipple. He sucked her nipple for a few minutes. Every so often, she'd dip her finger into a glass and re-wine whatever nipple fancied her. It was a way of directing his efforts.

All the while, Stan was balancing the two goblets in his hands, trying hard to concentrate on the task at lips as well as the tasks at hands. She raked her fingernails over his back while he sucked and played with her tits.

Eventually, she said, "Sit back." He didn't move immediately. "Trust me, I'll make it worth your while."

He moved back and she stood up. She the straps of her top off of her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. She stepped out of her black stilettos and pushed them and her top out of the way. As she sat back down on the couch, she pulled the back of her skirt up over the globes of her perfectly rounded ass. Stan got a glimpse of her cheeks as she sat down. She pulled her feet up on the couch and spun around to face Stan. Her legs were folded together, bent towards the back of the couch. She reached out and got another rose droplet and brought it to her chest. Just as she reached her chest she looked at Stan and shook her head, smiling seductively. She slid her hand down and parted her legs. It was then that Stan saw that her pussy was shaved, except for a small strip above her clitoris. As her legs spread, the black skirt slid up onto her hips.

Stan then realized something that turned him on intensely; she hadn't been wearing panties all night. Stan's lustful haze was thickened as he watched Cyla transfer the wine drop from her finger to the hood of her clitoris. She beckoned him to the wine with a curl of her fingers. He started to put the wine goblets down, but she reached out and stopped him, shaking her head. "I like how it looks," she said softly. He obliged and carefully leaned over to her pussy. As his tongue touched her pussy, he moaned. He started sliding his tongue along the folds of her labia towards her wine-tainted clitoris. Cyla directed his movements with skillful manipulations of his head's position and moaned to encourage him.

While Stan lapped at her pussy, Cyla started to realize that she still had not been satiated and none of what was going on now would do it. Her cravings were intensifying. She needed a drink soon.

"All right, it's time for you to get some attention." Cyla said as she drew her pussy back from Stan's eager lips.

"What do you mean?" Stan asked.

Cyla just looked at him knowingly and he seemed to get the message. "I want you to stip down to nothing." She reached out and took the goblets from him so he could undress more easily. After he was naked she motioned him over to the couch. She handed the goblets back to him and stood up. She turned away from him and bent over, giving him a vivid looked at her well-licked pussy as she slid her skirt down her legs. She stood and Stan noticed that another few locks of her hair had fallen down, beautifully framing her face. Cyla reached for a glass, took a sip, and handed it back to Stan. She knelt down in between his legs and carefully slid his cock into her mouth, not spilling a single drop of the cool, red liquid. Stan felt the coolness of the wine splashing over his dick, countered by Cyla's hot, exploring tongue.

Stan leaned his head back and closed his eyes. As he did this, he started lowering the goblets. Cyla's noticed this mid-stroke and reached up, lifting his arms to let him know not to drop his arms. Secretly, she loved having a man's arms outstretched while she gave him a blowjob; passionately defiling the image it represents.

She felt the wine warming up from the heat of her tongue and the friction of her lips sliding up and down his cock. Stan was close to being ready. Cyla slid his cock deep into her throat, both of them moaning with pleasure as she did it. She started fondling his balls as she sucked on his penis, tickling them erotically.

Stan was following her guidance. He was growing pre-orgasmically numb. He was oblivious to the world outside of her mouth. He was primed to go. Cyla glanced up at him, noticing his pose remained static and this pleased her. His eyes were closed, head lolled to the side, arms outstretched. She swallowed a bit of the wine, the suction of which made Stan moan with pleasure, rousing hm temporarily form his haze of eroticism. Cyla felt her canines descending and sharpening slowly, an exquisitely painful and erotic feeling. Luckily, they were far enough apart that Stan's cock slid between them, albeit barely. After they fully descended, they were as sharp as a surgeons scalpel. With a gentle twist of her head, she cut into the flesh of his penis just enough to open the larger blood vessels slightly. She retracted her teeth back into her jaw and looked up at Stan. He was beautifully oblivious.

She continued to watch him as she intensified her efforts. As his blood flowed into her mouth she sucked and swallowed hungrily. Savoring the taste of his life over her tongue. Stan savoring the feeling of Cyla's tongue sliding around his cock had started feeling light-headed. The light-headedness helped induce him to come. He started panting and moaning more intensely. Every so often he would hold his breath for a few seconds, trying to increase the orgasmic buzz that was building in his body. Cyla recognized the signs and started taking his cocker deeper and sucking harder. As she did this, she drank more.

Stan knew he was about to cum. He felt so incredibly light-headed, fueled by his impending orgasm and the fact that this beautiful woman was sucking the life out of him. Suddenly, his body slammed into an intense orgasm. Cyla felt his semen travelling down his cock before it started splashing into her mouth. She watched his face and body contort with pleasure. Cyla sucked harder, her tongue mixing and then swallowing semen and blood in a exquisite cocktail of life.

Like so many before him, Cyla watched the goblets, still half-full of wine, drop as Stan dropped from consciousness. The goblets crashed into the couch, spilling the wine on the leather and then flowing over onto the white carpet below. Cyla was struck by the thought of how much the wine falling from the couch looked like a blood-red waterfall. Cyla took one more drink from the fountain of her life and then let Stan's semi-flaccid cock fall from her lips.

She looked down at Stan, unconscious, but not dead... yet. "What a pathetic species these humans are," she remarked aloud as enjoyed the contrast of wine stain on the carpet and the blood stain that was slowly forming below Stan as the last of the spillable blood dripped from his body.

She slid back into her miniskirt and re-laced her top, once again confining her perfect breasts. She bent over and took his keys and wallet from his pants on the floor. As she walked towards the door, she stopped to check out her appearance in the mirror; perfectly beautiful, as usual, except for dribble of semen mixed with blood hung from her lips. She licked her lips and swallowed his remaining life into her body. She glanced at Stan's reflection behind her in the mirror. She blew him a kiss and said, "It was fun, babe!" She turned and walked out of the door. As she left she could hear the radio playing Devil's Daughter, from Ozzy Osbourne. She smiled to herself.

She let herself into Stan's, no, her car now, and realized it'd been a while since she had a Porsche. Expertly, she backed out of his driveway and sped off into the moonlit night.