A Return to College, Part 4
Disclaimer: If you are easily offended, don't risk offense by reading this.

Author's Note: This section is not yet finished. I am posting it to provide a pointer as to the direction I am taking the story.

Kyra and I pulled into the parking lot outside of my dorm. Surprisingly, we were both wide awake, considering the night's preceding events. We both sat in the car silently for a minute. I glanced down and noticed her backpack was partially unzipped. Inside I saw a hint of her black thong in the ambient light. She wasn't wearing it... There are few things that turn me on so much as a beautiful woman wearing no underwear. I started getting aroused just the thought of her bare pussy. It was at this point that I realized that there was very little about Kyra that did not arouse me.

I didn't notice it but I was just looking at her longingly, my pants growing ever tighter. She noticed my gaze and said, "What's wrong?"

I snapped out of the fog of arousal enough to make an intelligible response. "That's the great part. Nothing is wrong. I was just thinking."

"About what I don't even have to imagine," Kyra said through a laugh. Then she turned to look at me with a serious face. "Are you ready to learn?"

I reached into her bag an lifted her thong up, hooking it with my index finger. "What's this? Preparing a lesson plan?"

"Mmm.." she hummed, "maybe." She snatched them from me an opened the car door. I followed suit. She skipped down the walkway to my suite, her breasts bobbing quite freely. I chased after her her. When she stopped outside my suite's locked door, she spun around called back to me in a loud whisper, "Lesson 1; Always keep up."

I finally caught up to her and smiled. "What like these?" I pointed to her nipples, which were poking through her white blouse in the cool air. I didn't think she was wearing a bra...

She smacked me playfully, "Lesson 2; Don't be a smart-ass."

"All right, " I said as I unlocked the door. Remembering my manners I made a grand sweeping gesture for her to enter first. Abruptly forgetting my manners, I cupped her buttocks as she walked past me.

"You sure are playful," she admonished me. "Are you sure you're ready to learn?" I just smiled, unlocked my room and slid into the darkness pulling Kyra in after me.

"OK. From here on out, I am your humble student. Teach me as you wish, my dear." I slid onto my knees, sitting on my heels in the seiza position. I tried to look innocent, but it was lost because I was smiling a bit too much.

"All right, my dear boy," Kyra said as she drew her voice into a more authoritative tone. "I want to begin with an object lesson in female anatomy. And lucky for you, I will be providing the objects.

It was hard not to smile at that.

Kyra sat on my bed with her legs crossed. It was dark in the room and the only real light was coming in through the cracks of the Venetian blinds and making the beige carpet glow warmly. I could make out her legs, but as she leaned back onto her elbows, her torso disappeared.

"I can hardly see you," I informed her.

She leaned over and turned on the lamp next to my bed. Luckily it had a dimmer knob, which she adjusted to a warm glow. I could see her more clearly now.

"Come over her and kneel in front of me." Kyra ordered. As I moved she continued. "A woman needs to feel appreciated, desired, and respected. We need to be comfortable with our partners, and we also need to feel like our partners want to make us comfortable. So, if you would please slide my sandals off and give my feet a good rub, I'd really appreciate it."

She pointed her toes as I reached up to slide her sandals off. Her calf muscles showed themselves off. As I slid off each sandal, I kissed her foot gently. Then, taking each foot in turn, I gently, but firmly, massaged the arch, soles, toes, and heel. Using my thumb, I traced her arches, feeling them relax as my thumb glided by. Every so often I planted a soft, wet kiss on her feet. I don't know why. It just felt like the right thing to do at the time.

After a few minutes, Kyra said, "Mmm, thank you. Could you do my hands now?" She leaned forward and offered my her hands. I could almost see down into her cleavage. It was tantalizing, but I tried to focus on the task at hand. I heard one of my suitemates getting up to use the bathroom. I wondered what he was doing up at this hour but then quickly realized I was losing focus. It was hard to concentrate when I was as worked up as I was from the car. Especially since I could just smell her wetness faintly.

Sensing that I was getting ansy, Kyra pulled her face to mine and gave me soft, slow kiss on the lips. Leaning back she pulled her legs up onto the bed spreading them. I had a eye-level view of her shaven labia, with a little line of dark, red hair rising vertically from her clitoris. I wanted to dive into her like I would into a pool but I resisted, waiting until I was instructed to do something.

"You already know the parts. I want to show you how to make them purr," Kyra coyly said. I smiled at her joke. She continued, "The first thing you should do when going down on a woman is ascertain her mental and sexual states. Mental meaning, 'Is she being aggressive? Passive? Vocal? Et cetera.' Sexual meaning, 'Have you been forplaying for a while? Is she wet? If you were masturbating her, how aroused is she already? Et cetera.' For example, what do you think my states are?" she asked.

I though about it for a moment and then replied, "Mentally, you are confident and assertive, as you are in control of everythign right now. Sexually, we are just beginning."

"Good except for one thing; we are both in control. I am responsible for your pleasure and, in this case, instruction. You are in control of how much you learn and how much pleasure you give to me."

I nodded.

"Since we are just starting, I want you to try this. I want you to tease the wetness out of me. I don't want you to drive it out of me, tease it out. Just remember, there's more than one button to press on a woman."

(This story is still in process)