It was the following Wednesday and I had just gotten out of my night class. I told John and Krista that I'd meet them at one of the bars near campus after my class and I was walking over as promised. The night was a cool 65 degrees and there was a breeze blowing across the campus. I have always appreciated the wind, for reasons that I do not know, and as I walked to the Rathskellar I had a contented grin on my face.
I thought about Kyra as I walked, she had gone home to her apartment in a city 2 hours from my campus and without a car, she may as well have lived across the continent. But even that depressing thought wasn;t sufficient to quell my good mood. The night was cool and windy, I was on my way to hang out with my friends, and I was about to engage in a favorite college pastime, the mid-week drinking fest.
As I got to the Rat, I realized that I hadn't seen John since my little tryst with Kyra and Krista. I was suddenly a bit nervous, wondering if John would be able to read Krista's and my infidelity from my eyes. I forced myself to relax. John and Krista had an open relationship and he had slept with Krista's friend Rachael earlier in the year. I swallowed my guilt and anxiety with a gulp and walked into the bar. The bartender knew us well, and after throwing a wave my direction, a stout appeared on the bar, which I promptly picked up.
"Thanks, Jay," I called out as I took the glass. Which resulted in the old finger-point gun gesture. I looked around for John and Krista and found them at a table by the wall. "Hey, guys!" I said as I sat down.
"What's up?" Krista asked.
"Oh not much," I said, "That Professor Kandhar is a difficult bastard to please."
"Which class does he teach?" John asked.
"Symbolic Logic 241," I replied.
"I remember that class, but I had Hillman." he said, "I told you that you should have tried to get him. Man, it was the easiest 'A' I have ever gotten."
"Retrospectively, I think you're right." I looked up and saw another friend of ours walk into bar. "Oh, there's Kel!" I shouted, "Yo! Kel!" and waved him over.
"Hey, y'all!" Kel said, "I'm buying a round. I aced my DE3 exam!"
"What's DE3?" Krista asked.
"Differential Equations 3," came the matter of fact response. Kel was one of those people who 'got' math and it showed. He was doing a double major in Theoretical Mathematics and Astrophysics. Nerd he was, but he didn't look or, more impressively, act the part.
"I'm always up for a free drink," I said. We had a rule among us; we didn't get another drink until we finished the first, so I chugged my beer, as did John, and Krista drained her martini in a way that would have impressed 007.
"What do y'all want?" Kel asked.
John said, "You're buying, its up to you."
"All right, but whatever I buy, you have to drink. Can someone help me get them?"
"I'll go," Krista said. And with that, she bounced off of her bar stool and took Kel's arm, and Kel, to the bar.
John cleared his throat and then said, "So, I heard Kyra and you hit it off pretty well."
"You could say that," I said with a sly grin.
"How'd Krista like her?" John asked.
I looked at him quizzically.
"Look, I know the smell of pussy when I smell it. When Krista came back, she gave a me a kiss before heading into the shower."
I looked at him and nodded while biting my lip. I could not be a spy. "Well, I think they got along pretty well, considering how jealous Krista was of her when they first met. I've never seen Krista jealous before."
"I am jealous that I wasn't there for her first lesbian experience. Jealous of you." John said.
"I don't know how it all came about, but it was great to watch."
"From what Krista tells me, you were quite well serviced yourself. She said you quite enjoyed the ass fucking she gave you."
There it was, out in the open. He knew, he didn't care, and I, realizing that I was stressed out again, consciously and visbly relaxed. "Yeah, well, I did," I admitted sheepishly.
"Dude, it's all good." he said.
After a few moments, I said, "I'm surprised that you don't like it."
"It's not my thing," John said. Intellectually I understood, but my libido thought he was crazy to let Krista's ass be unattended.
"That actually brings me to something I wanted to ask you," John said.
"Krista and her roommate are throwing a party this weekend, and I wanted to surprise her with something," John said in a hushed voice.
"Okay," I said, not quite understanding.
"Since your little fling with Krista and Kyra, she's been talking about how much it turned her on. She told me she's been fantasizing about doing things that require two couples. I'm sure you can guess some of them. So I talked to Kyra and arranged for her to come up this weekend, for you."
"Huh?" I said, " I mean, that's great but what about the jealousy thing?"
"I think that's been resolved, we've all slept with Kyra now," John said. "Man, that sounds like I'm calling her a slut."
"Dude, I know what you mean. Don't worry." I said, " Uhh, if you don't mind my pointing it out, it sounds nakedly self-serving."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, bringing up Kyra, I assume, in the hopes of recreating a threesome scenario."
"I suppose, but there's more to it than that. We're not leaving you out of it."
"How's that work?" I asked.
"You see, we're..." John stopped abruptly. Kel and Krista came back with our drinks.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Triple cement-mixers," Kel replied.
"Holy shit!" John and I both said in unison.
We all took our triple shot and clinked our glasses. "To Kel, for acing something so he'd buy us a round of drinks!"
"Yeah! To me!" Kel jokingly excalimed. And with that we all shot our cement mixers. Krista started coughing and Kel started smacking her back to help her. With their attention diverted, John caught my eye and mouthed the words "Trust me".
"You okay?" Joh asked Krista.
"Yeah," Krist replied in a dry, raspy voice. "Doing just great. Whew!"
We all laughed. We stayed at the bar until it closed at 2 am, the parted ways. I was fairly distracted for the rest of the night, but a good time was had by all. Kel actually managed to pick up some girl at the bar named Candace and they ended up leaving together. Lucky him, I thought as I walked alone back to my dorm room.
The rest of the week was like a normal week at college. I spent a fair amount of time in class, a great deal more time sleeping, and some time eating. It was a pretty blase existence on the weekdays. But I always saw John in the back of my head mouthing "Trust me." I would trust John with my life if the need ever arose, and I took him at his word.
When Saturday finally came around, I realized it about 14 hours into the day. I was quite hungover from the rave we went to the night before. I was feeling kind of "blue-sy", and after-effect of the Ecstacy I had taken with this cute, pink haired girl. We danced all night, and when forced ourselves to take a break, we were making out like a couple of teenagers. It was only the second time I'd taken X, but I figured, what the hell, it got my mind off of... TODAY! I shot up to a sitting position in my bed. Krista's party was today. I looked over at my clock, 2:04 PM. "Better get in the shower," I thought to myself.
I got up and got into the shower. After shaving and brushing my teeth, I dressed and wandered over to our food court. I had just paid for my sub when I looked up and saw Kyra sitting across the room. I walked towards her and as I got closer, I noticed she was reading a book quite intently. So much so that I managed to walk right up to her without noticing. I looked at the top of the page for the book title, but I got was the chapter title, "Social Engineering and Sexuality."
"Prepping for tonight?" I asked.
"Wha...?" She looked up in bewilderment until she saw that it was me. "Hey there!" She stood up and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. "No, I mean, what? Huh?"
"Are you preparing for tonight?" I asked again and pointed at the book.
"Oh!" She laughed, "No, I'm reading for one of my Women's Studies classes."
"Ahh," I sounded sarcastic. "Mind if I sit down?"
"Oh yeah, sure, sure," she replied.
"I didn't expect you to be here until later today," I said.
"Oh yeah, my parents came over last night," Kyra said, "and they only live forty-five minutes away from my campus. Well, my mom was nagging me to go shopping with her for antiques today, so I told her I had to meet with a study group at 1. I hate antique shopping, so I just figured I could easily miss her by coming out early and studying here. I didn't figure I'd run into anyone here."
"Oh, I'm sorry," I apologized, "I don't want keep you from studying."
"No, no! I mean like my parents driving by campus and seeing me," Kyra backtracked. "I'm happy to see you, it was getting boring here anyway," she pointed at her book.
"Okay," I replied. "Do you mind if I just eat this real quick?" I hadn't gotten it "to-go". "Do you want some?"
"No thanks... well okay." I split my sub apart and gave her half.
We caught up on previous weeks event's as we ate, all the while glancing deep into the other's eyes. When we finished, I suggested that we take a walk by the athletic fields, as there was a great view over the city from there and the air temperature was a breezy 75 degrees.
As we walked, I carried her backpack while she carried her rather large book. I asked her, "what do you think about the theme for tonight?"
"Actually, I am not sure about everything. Jon tried to explain it to me, but you could tell his mind was racing," she said.
"I am not sure about what exactly he has in mind either," I responded. "I don't think, however, that I will mind it."
"Don't take this the wrong way, but the only reason I came up was because he promised me that I'd like what he had in mind. Actually, I feel kind of slutty being here," she admitted.
"There's no reason for you to feel like a slut," I said. "There is no expectation on my part about anything, and you know Jon is thinking with his dick. I'm sorry if you feel that way."
Kyra's replied, "In reality, I don't mind. I am sexually aggressive and I am not ashamed of it. Last weekend, I did some things that I've never done before and since then I've been thinking about it constantly."
"So have I," I admitted.
Kyra then surprised the hell out of me. "Krista certainly seemed to enjoy herself. Especially when you fucked her ass."
"She wasn't the only one"
"I know, but I mean I was disappointed that I didn't get a chance to do it too. I would have loved to have you do it to me also." She looked so disappointed.
"I didn't realize.. I mean, I'm..." I stammered.
"No, I've never done it before, anal that is," Kyra admitted. "It was a day of firsts and I was too scared to say anything. I didn't want to ruin anything."
"You wouldn't have ruined anything," I countered. I pulled her into my side with my arm and gave her a reassuring squeeze.
"I'm just disappointed that I missed out."
"It's okay. I am sure it will happen eventually." I tried my best to comfort her. It was the first time I had ever seen her vulnerable. "The way you accepted my, uh, playing with it, I just assumed you had done it before."
She shook her head.
"Like I said, eventually." But I pretty much knew when 'eventually' would be, if she was up for it. "Hey! Did you notice that you can see the Capital Building from here?"
Kyra laughed, "That was pathetic."
"What?" I looked quizzical.
"The segue, it was pathetic as in non-existent," she kidded me and rightly so.
"It was, wasn't it?" I admitted. "Well, everything was getting so, well, y'know."
"Yeah," Kyra replied, "I appreciate the effort." She looked over the athletic fields. The women's volleyball team was practicing, as was the men's lacrosse, and and intramural women's rugby game was in full swing. I devoted much of my visual attention there.
Kyra elbowed me in the ribs. "Hey! Do you see that blonde girl second to last in line down there?" She pointed at the volleyball team.
I looked over and saw an attractive, athletic blonde. "Yeah," I said.
"I fucked her," Kyra said matter-of-factly. "She used to go to my high school."
"Why don't you go over and say 'Hi'?" I asked with a wicked grin.
"You're such a perve!" Kyra smacked my shoulder playfully. "You just had two women last weekend and now you want some more. Jeez, most guys go the whole lives wishing for something like that to happen to them once." She had a point. "Nah. Anyway, after we slept together, she wanted to start up a relationship. It happened when we were both drunk at a party. I didn't really like her personality that much, too prissy. But she could eat a pussy like no one else I've been with."
I looked mock-incredulous.
"Oh, excepting you of course," she laughed.
'Uh-huh, sure," I said stiffly, but with a smile.
"You're at least trainable," Kyra said and giggled like a, well, schoolgirl.
"Oh, thanks!" This was slightly deflating my ego.
"Hey, take it as a compliment. Most guys aren't trainable and wouldn't be interested even if a woman took the time to teach them. All they want is to get their dick sucked and fucked. I **know** you love to perform on a woman. That was self-evident."
"Thanks, I guess," I said. "Have you noticed that twice now our conversation has been drawn to sex?"
"Yes it has," she replied. "It seems as though that is our connection, both metaphorically and literally speaking."
"Seriously, though, not that I am complaining, I'm just wondering; do we have any other connections?"
Kyra pondered it for a moment or two and then said, "let's find out."
We spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around campus talking about everything from what kind of jelly we prefer on English muffins to nuclear weapons. It turned out that we had a lot in common. We had both played soccer in our youth, loved the Air and Space museum in Washington D.C., and we both leaned towards the libertarian side of politics. I treated us to ice-cream at the local Mom-and-Pop Creamery where we split a large chocolate fudge almond sundae.
We wound up in my dorm room laying on my bed, cuddling each other and talking about the degradation fo modern rock and roll. We just layed there talking for about two hours when she suddenly said, " Turn your head away from me for a sec."
"Okay," I said as I did as ordered. She took my earlobe in her mouth and sucked on it for a few seconds, swirling her tongue around, and then abruptly stopped.
I started to ask what that was all about, but she got to it first. "I don't know how you managed to do it, but you had a bit of chocolate on your ear. I figured I'd get it for you."
"Oh!" I said, understanding. "Thank you." I leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Only it wasn't quick, and that was not my doing. I started out with a quick kiss, but as I pulled back she didn't. She wrapped her hands around my head and held her lips to mine. I wasn't about to complain. We kissed gently, our tongues gently playing together. I sucked on her lower lip, her my upper.
She pulled back and said softly, "Do you want a lesson?"
I knew exactly what she meant. "You know, I think I could use one."
"All right." She kissed me and layed on her back. "First, I want you to unbutton my jeans, but you have to kiss your way down my body.
"OK," I whispered. I kissed her on the lips and then started to meander down her neck. I kissed her chest as far as her scooped out shirt would let me, but cupped her breasts in my hands, letting her know I would be attentive to her entire body's needs. I got to her midriff where her shirt stopped, just below her newly pierced navel.
I stopped and looked up at her. "I like it!" She smiled, it signalled a semi-playfull 'Keep to the task at hand'. Taking the cue, I gave her navel a little extra attention and then started to slowly unbutton all of the buttons of her jeans.
As I opened them, I saw a sexy pair of black underwear that was barely there. I kissed her abodomen and pressed in on her mound through her jeans. I reached up to her hips and hooked my finger into her waist band and started to slowly at them.
Suddenly there was a knock on my door. "Yo! Are you in there? It's Jon!"
I looked up at Kyra and mouthed 'argh'. "Yeah! Hold on a sec!" I called out to him.
Kyra said, "Don't worry we'll finish this lesson later."
I smiled. I went to the door and let Jon in. As he came through the door he said, "Man, I haven't seen or heard from Kyra yet..." He rounded the the corner of my bed and saw Kyra buttoning up her jeans. he jumped back a bit. "Oh! Hello! Jesus, man, I'm sorry, " he excalimed and then turned to Kyra. "Hey! How've you been?"
"Good, Jon," she jumped up with only half of her buttons fastened and gave him a hug and kiss. "How've you been?"
"Fine, fine," he said. "Man, I hate to break up your reunion, uh literally, but we've got to get going."
I hadn't noticed but it was almost 7PM and we were late to arrive at Krista's place. "All right. Kyra, are you ready to go?"
"Yep. Should I leave my stuff here or bring it with?"
I shrugged. Jon said, "Where do you expect to be when you need your stuff?"
"I'll bring it to be on the safe side." She grabbed a scrunchie from her bag and quickly put her hair up into a pony tail. She looked damn sexy with her hair like that. We grabbed her bag and headed out to Jon's truck.
The adventure began.
When we arrived at Krista's house about 20 minutes later. Jon bounded up the porch stairs while Kyra and I took our time. There was already a bunch of people there and I recognized a few of them. Mostly they were acquaintances that I had met through Krista or Jon, but everyone one of their friends I had met had been pretty decent. As Kyra and came through the door, we turned to our left and went upstairs to drop off Kyra's stuff. As we walked up the stairs I asked Kyra, "Have you ever been to one of Krista's parties before?"
Kyra said that she had not. "Ahh.." I said with a smile.
"Why?' she asked.
"Just wait," I said, "I'll let you know when it has become one of 'her' parties."
"O-kay." Kyra eyes widened as she drew out the "okay."
We came back down the stairs and I stopped in the kitchen to get us some beers. As I got back to her, Krista came running over to Kyra.
"Hey! I wasn't expecting to see you this weekend!" Krista gave Kyra a kiss on the lips.
"Well, I heard you throw the best parties and so I had to make it," Kyra said.
"Oh, thanks!" Krista said and hugged Kyra. "Well, I gotta run and get some ice out of the garage. Bye!" And she bounded off to the garage.
I turned and saw some guy checking out Kyra. I didn't blame him, as she looked sexy. He started towards her, ostensibly to pick her up, I assumed.
"Hey there," he said to Kyra. I pretended not to notice. I wanted to see how she reacted.
"Hey," she said simply.
"I'm Charles," he continued, "haven't I seen you before?"
'Total pick-up line' I thought to myself.
"Yeah, I think you have..." Kyra said. That had my attention. "I think you remember the back of my head."
He looked confused. (Well to be totally honest, I couldn't see how he looked as I was trying to remain inconspicuous, but due to his silence following her statement, I could infer a confused look. Anyway back to the story)
Kyra continued, "You're trying to figure out what that means aren't you?"
"Uh, yeah," he replied.
"Well let me give you a demonstration." She reached her hand around my back and pulled my shoulder to face her. She turned to me, putting him behind her, and kissed me deeply for an inordinately long time. She pulled my hands down so they cupped the cheeks of her ass. Taking the cue, I squeezed them gently, but enough to be noticeable.
She broke off our kiss, turned to him and said with a sly tone, "Remember me now?"
He threw up his hands in exasperation. "Whatever," he retorted and walked away.
I tapped Kyra on the shoulder. She turned to me and I said, "You used me!"
"I know, babe. Thanks for being a good sport... C'mon, lets' grab a seat on the couch." I looked over and saw two guys getting up from the couch.
"All right." I said. We made our way to the couch and sat down. We hung out there for a while chatting with the people around us. Jon was an excellent hostess-assistant and kept us supplied with cold beer on his runs between the kitchen and the back porch, where people were smoking up. We didn't realize how much time had passed until Krista came over to the table with a deck of cards and said, "I think the time is right."
"Hell yeah," I loudly responded.
Kyra tapped my shoulder and I leaned over. "Time for what?"
"Time for you to find out about one of tenents of a 'Krista' party; There will be a game of No Limits Asshole." I replied matter of factly.
Krista gathered some players and I explained the game to those who didn't know how to play. And I also explained the "No Limits" policy which followed this basic rule: If you rank lower than the person who requests something of you, you must fulfill their request or be ejected from the party outright.
Kyra was up for it and so were most of the other people. Two opted out of the game, they were content to watch. We had about 10 people playing and after the first round Kyra beat everyone, getting rid of her cards first and I came in third.
Kyra knew how to play the game, but the "no limits" rule was new to her. She asked me to get her another beer which I did quickly, as the cards were being dealt.
"Here you are madame," I said playfully.
"Madame? You're kissing up." She had me on that one.
A guy ranking below me laughed at that, so I spun aruond and said, "Chug until I say stop." He did. He also finished his beer. "Okay, get yourself another beer and grab two for me please." He left to get the beer.
We played a few more rounds, and then Krista became the President. I knew what was coming. "Okay," she said, "everyone guess a number between one and a thousand." She paused for a few seconds. "Okay what's you're number?" She was pointing at me.
"183," I said.She continued around to all of the players and then pointed at the guy sitting two seats to my right. "You said 461?" He nodded. "It was closest to my number, 493. Off with your pants!" she ordered him. He hesitated and looked around for support. He wasn't going to find any. Most of the people playing had played with Krista before. "You better hurry up before I make it worse on you," she warned. His pants were dropped rather hurriedly. A lot of the girls playing looked around with concern. Kyra, to her credit, smiled and just looked at her cards.
It was time for me to start my "thing." I looked at the girl who had just become the Asshole and said, "Off with the bra." The beer emboldened me. She said 'all right' and took it off without hesitation.
Kyra glared at me. I leaned over to her and said, "Better watch it, I'm worse on the people I know." She just kept smiling.
Ten minutes later, the girl whose bra I'd ordered removed was topless and one guy was butt naked, save for his baseball hat covering his crotch. Krista was in her bra and panties. I was without my shirt and Kyra, well, Kyra was still rather clothed. I had just won the presidency and I had to do something about that.
"Kyra," I called out., "I'm getting a bit chilly, can I borrow your shirt?"
"But of course," she said and pulled it over her head, exposing her black lace bra. I took her shirt and threw it over my back. I then realized that she and Krista were sitting next to each other.
"Kyra?" I said.
"Yes?" she replied.
"Would you please give Krista a kiss for her birthday?" At that moment, every male's head I could see snapped to face Kyra and Krista.
Jon came up behind me and said, "Man, what are you doing?"
"Just warming them up," I replied. "Why don't you go up to her room and do whatever you need to to get ready. I'll get them upsatirs in a few minutes."
Kyra gingerly leaned over to Krista and kissed her lips, gently at first and then with more vigor. Soon they were making out like a couple of teenagers. There were hoots and sheers from the crowd, mostly the guys but there were some female voices as well.
It was then, as the president that I became the asshole. "Okay, everyone, I think these two might need to be alone. You don't have to go home, but I hate to do it, but you just can't stay here." Krista waved goodbye to everyone half-heartedly, she was too preoccupied with sucking Kyra's tongue. I managed to get them to break apart long enough to escort them up to Krista's room. When we got there, I sent Krista in alone. As the door opened, I saw Jon standing there in a nice suit with a small gift in her arms. I told Kyra to wait in the spare bedroom while a couple of friends and I cleared out the house.
It took about 20 minutes, but we eventually got everyone on their merry way. I went up to the bedroom where Kyra was and closed the door. As I came in, Kyra said, " Can you please let me in on what is going on?"
"I guess I can now," I said. "I'm sure you know this but Krista had a great time last weekend, but she's been longing to try some new things that take, well, multiple people."
"Yeah. Jon didn't say it explicitly, but I think she wants to experiment with various configurations, if you get my drift. She is comfortable with both of us. We had fun last weekend, so if you are up for it, great. If not, that's okay too."
"No, this will be a good experience. I just have to prepare myself."
"For what?" I asked.
"You'll see..." and with that she got up, went into the bathroom and locked the door. I sat there wondering what was going on. She came out a few minutes later.
"How do we know when to go in there?" Kyra asked.
"I asked Jon about it tonight and he said he'd switch on some music when he was ready for us. We're supposed to come in quietly so she doesn't know we're there."
"Well there's music playing now. What if she sees us?" she asked.
"Jon said he be sure to take care of that... I don't know, doggy style maybe..." I shrugged. "You ready?"
She kissed me on the nose. "We'll postpone your lesson until we're alone. Tonight, let's just blow Krista's mind."
"After you," I said.
We opened the door to Krista's room slowly, being careful to tread silently. Krista was laying on her stomach and propped up on her elbows giving Jon a fantastic blowjob from the way it sounded. Jon's eyes were closed when we first opened then door, but he opened and noticed that we were there. He motioned us over with an almost imperceptible nod and then put his hands on Krista's head. It must have seemed to her that he was just guiding her head, but in reality he was covering her ears so she coudln't her Kyra and I. Once we were by the bed, Jon reached down her back and motion Kyra to put her hands on of his. They rubbed Krista back for a few moments and then separated. Krista didn't notice at first, but when Jon's hands were by her shoulders and Kyra was rubbing Krista's ass she pulled her lips from Jons dick and looked over at Kyra. "Hi," Krista said softly.
"Hey," Kyra replied.
Jon decided to let Krista in on what was going on. "Babe, since it is your birthday and all you have been talking about is how you wanted to be adventuresome, I asked for some help from our friends."
Krista turned around again and finally saw me standing behind Kyra. "Hey there," she said. I just smiled.
Jon continued. "Tonight is your night and your wishes are our commands. Do with us what you will."
"Ooo!" Krista said like a little girl. She thought about it for a few seconds and then said to Kyra, "Come here, babe." Krista pulled Kyra over and gave her a quick kiss. She then tugged at Kyra's bra, unfastening it deftly. Kyra's breasts came bobbing out, proud as they could be. Krista then sat up to slide Kyra's pants off, pausing to kiss her abdomen as her face slid by. Kyra stepped out of her jeans and flicked them across the floor.
"Kyra, come and lay by me." Kyra obliged her. "Ok, guys. Go to the foot of the bed." We followed her instructions. "Kyra, I want to get my pussy licked, do you?"
"Absolutely," Kyra responded in a heavy sigh.
"You boys know what you need to do, then," Krista said and layed back.
Jon and I cliimbed onto the bed and layed on our stomachs. Krista was already primed and naked, so Jon went right to work on her. I took Kyra's legs and put them ove r my shoulder. I kissed her mound over her black thong and the started tonguing her pussy through the flimsy material. As I felt Kyra relax, I pulled her thong to the side and slid my tongue into her wettening slit. I licked the entire length of her labia, running my tongue under the edges of her puffy lips. My tongue started working its way into her pussy, swirling around as much as it could inside of her vagina. She tasted as sweet as I had remembered. Her clit started to swell as my nose kept brushing by it when I was tongueing her.
I reached up to carress her breasts when my hand ran into something. I took a peek up towards her face and saw that she and Krista were kissing and fondling each other's breasts. That sight fueled my efforts and I started tapping at Kyra's clit with my tongue, sucking it into my mouth as I tapped. I reached my hand up underneath myself and slid two fingers into dripping wet pussy. I was tapping her G-spot with my fingers as I nibbled at her clit. Both the girls were moaning softly now. I looked over at Jon and he loked like he was going to town on Krista. Her legs were shaking and she was breathing deeply and loudly.
Suddenly, Krista said, "Someone has got to fuck me now!" She sat up and flipped over onto her hands and knees. She moved her head to Kyra's tits and started sucking them as Jon moved in to fuck Krista from behind. Krista groaned as he slid into her. Jon had a decent size dick. Once they established their rhythm, I disengaged from Kyra pussy and stood up to take my pants and boxers off. I then slid Kyra's legs up and positioned my dick at the entrance to her pussy. As I stabilized myself, my cock was sliding up and down Kyra's labia, soaking the tip with her juices. Her pussy was so wet that when I slid into her, I went all the way in on the first thrust. Her pussy felt like warm, soft butter as I fucked her. Her pussy was tighter than I remember it and I was delighted by that fact.
From my vantage point I could watch Krista suck Kyra's nipples as Kyra fondled Krista's breasts and rubbed her back. We all fucked and sucked like this for a few minutes, working up quite a sweat. Krista suddenly pulled herself off of Jon's cock and spun her self around. She took his dick glistening with her pussy juices and started to suck it hard. Kyra took advantage of Krista' position and slid a few fingers into Krista's pussy, I could see Kyra rubbing Krista's clit with her thumb as her index and middle finger slid in and out of Krista's slit. I continued to fuck Kyra with a slow steady rhythm. She seemed to be responding favorably toit, but then there was so much erotic energy in the room it is hard to tell. I watched as Krista deep-throated Jon right before she slid his dick out of her mouth. She then spun around again and stuck her ass up in the air. Jon plugged right back into her pussy and Krista again turned her attention to Kyra...
Or so I thought at first. Krista slid past Kyra's breasts with a passing nibble and pulled her head to Kyra's pussy. I spread Kyra's legs apart and leaned back to give Krista as much room as possible. Krista started tongueing Kyra's clit as my cock slid in and out of Kyra's pussy. Somehow, I don't know how she kept her balance, Krista's hand was on my ass, helping guide my rhythm with Kyra. She then moved her hand to my balls and started tickling them as they slid by her fingertips. It felt surprisingly good, good enough that I accidently slipped out of Kyra's pussy. Krista shot her hand up to the base of my dick and held it there. She moved her head down and engulfed my cock in her mouth. I felt her tonguing gliding over my cock. I imagined that she loved the taste of Kyra's pussy as much as I did and wanted to get every drop she could. She began to bob her head in rhythm with John's strokes into her pussy. She sucked me for a minute or two and then guided my cock back into Kyra's pussy. Krista took up station at Kyra's bush, letting her tongue play over her clit while my dick slid in and out of Kyra's pussy just an inch below.
After a while, Krista lifted her head and said, "Hey Kyra, you want these guys to switch?"
"Ooo yeah," Kyra purred.
Taking our cue, John and I traded places. I watched John slide into Kyra's pussy. Kyra and Krista looked so damn sexy. I started positioning myself behind Krista. Krista reached down in between her legs and shoved her finger into her pussy. She worked her fingers in and out of her pussy, getting slicker with each thrust. She pulled her fingers out and started groping around, ostensibly for my cock, so I put it in her hand. She took my cock and rubbed her juices over it, which was hardly needed as I was still dripping wet from Kyra's pussy. Krista pulled my cock towards her. Istarted to push into her pussy, but she moved it up and pressed the head against her ass. I knew what she wanted. She glanced backwards and smiled with a wink, then went back to Kyra's clit. I slowly pressed my dick against her anus and it began to loosen. She relaxed even more and as I gently pushed against her asshole a bit more slid in. Once my head slid all the way in, I started to pump her more vigorously. She let out a deep groan and her ass shuddered.
Krista moan set off a cacaphony of erotic utterances, most of them unintelligible groans and hums of delight and pleasure. As I fucked Krista's ass, my legs started getting tired and Krista noticed that I kept shifting my weight around. She suggested a change of position. "This is my night, right?" She looked at John.
"That's right, Babe," John replied.
"All right, then," she replied. "Jay, lay on the bed face up."
I complied and Krista straddled my crotch facing away from me, but towards John and Kyra. "Hold on a sec," Krista said and lifted her ass up. She grabbed my cock and slid it back into her ass. It went in in one smooth stroke. Damn that's a great feeling. You could see on John's face that he knew what we had been doing when she and I were going at it doggy style. And here I was with my dick up his girlfriend's ass... "John, you're gonna fuck me," Krista interrupted my thought process. She leaned back as she said this to John, exposing her pussy to her boyfriend with my cock driven deep into her ass. It took a moment for John to react, I was worrying that he wouldn't be able to go through with it. But he slid forward and pressed his cock up against her slit, rubbing it up and down a few times, and then slid into her pussy. As he slid in, I could feel his cock pressing through the membranes between Krista's ass and pussy. Krista let out a long, "Oh fuck!!! Uhhm!" She let John get a rhythm going, and as I was on the bottom, I just let any incidental movement be my pleasure. In short order, however, Krista started driving the motion of all of us. John and I were along for the ride.
Krista gyrated on our cocks for a good three minutes. During that time, I looked over at Kyra was was watching Krista in amazement; she was frigging herself as she watched. Between the double penetration we were giving Krista and watching Kyra masterbate herself into a frenzy, I thought I would cum at any time. Luckily, however, I didn't.
Krista looked over at Kyra and shook her head. Between her thrusts, krista breathlessly panted, "Kyra, let me lick you. Please, let me lick you." Kyra kept frigging herself as she stood up and straddled Krista's face. Once Krista's tongue touch her pussy, Kyra's hands went to her legs and she moned, "Oh god!"
Krista had wanted to experiment in group sex, well now she had a cock in her ass and pussy, and she was eating the sweetest pussy in the world at the same time. Mission accomplished as far as I was concerned. I think it was the idea that her fantasy was coming true that pushed her over the edge. Krista's body started shuddering, her anus clenched around my cock after she slid John and I deep inside of her. She lowered her lips from Kyra's sweet pussy and moaned, "Yes!" as she started cumming uncontrollably. She buried her face into Kyra's pussy and it sounded as though she was humming into Kyra's slit as she came.
Surprisingly, John came in Krista's pussy right as she started coming down from her orgasm. It didn't bother me in the least. John pulled out of Krista's slit and flopped on the bed next to all of us. Krista maneuvered her way out from underneath Kyra, forcing my cock to slide out of her ass. As she moved, John's cum dribbled out of her and over my dick. Once Krista was out from underneath Kyra, Kyra simply dropped to her knees, landing her pussy right on my waiting mouth.
It was at that point that Kyra noticed the cum on my dick. She leaned over and started licking it off of me, surprising the hell out of me. She had never had anal sex, but yet this was the second time she went down on me after having anal sex with Krista. Though, admittedly, Krista's ass tasted almost as good as her pussy, so I guess I could see her non-aversion. We sixty-nined while John and Krista lay collapsed in a tangled knot. As Kyra's expert lips and tongue massaged my dick, I felt an orgasm building deep within me. She felt it as well and sucked with more flourish. I tried to keep my concentration, focusing on licking her to an orgasm, but it was difficult considering her aptitude with blowjobs.
I wasn't going to be able to stave off cumming any longer with the way Krista's mouth slipped over me. I let it go, a huge load started streaming into her mouth. She took it into her mouth, swirling it over my cock and her tongue. She pulled me deeper into her mouth, the head hitting the back of her throat, and another spurt shot down her throat. Kyra took these two huge loads of cum with grace, spilling not a drop. She gently sucked my cock after I finished cumming.
When I recovered my senses, I returned my attention to her. I slid my tongue into her vagina, tasting and savoring every flavor she offered. I reached up and tapped her clitoris with my fingers as she rocked back and forth on my tongue. With my other hand, I kneaded her breasts and tapped her nipples, feeling her reactions to see what was working for her. Eventually, I hit upon it, I moved my tongue to her clitoris, sucking it into my mouth and tapping it with my tongue as my fingers tapped her G-spot. My other hand was rolling her right nipple in between my fingers, which she occasionally grabbed and squeezed even harder than I thought I should, but I took my cues from her.
She started vibrating, grinding her pussy against my face harder and harder. Soon she was rocking with spasms, her juices flowing over my face, tongue and fingers. After her orgasm subsided, she laid down next to me and whispered into my ear, "Do you want to keep going?"
I nodded and whispered back, "I just need to rest for a bit."
"Not here, anyway." She kissed my cheek. "When we go back to your place."
I nodded.
Krista lifted up her head and said, "Hey guys, we have to do this again."
Kyra said, "Sure, though next time, we should act out another person's fantasy."
"Oh definitely," Krista replied.
John said, "Well, guys, we've got to get some sleep. You're more than welcome to stay here. We know the bed is big enough." He laughed tiredly.
"Thanks, man," I said, "but I think were going to head back to my place. Right?"
"Yeah, we'll see you later. Sleep well," Kyra said and then pointed to Krista, "you unleashed sex fiend." Krista smiled.
We dressed and got our things, the went out the front door. As we walked to the car, Kyra said, "That was fun, but are you ready for your lessons?"
I was getting my second wind. "Absolutely," I replied with a smile.
We rode back to my dorm in a satisfied silence. Kyra sighed gently a few times as we drove. I put my hand on her thigh and she did the same. I looked at her in the red light of the last traffic light before geeting to my dorm. She looked back at me and blew me a kiss and a smile. I smiled back contently.
Perfectly content.