The Politics of Persuasion


"Hold on a sec," she breathlessly said as she clenched her pussy, forcing Seth's cum to ooze out and dribble towards her anus, "use it to fuck my ass."

"How'd I end up in this situation?" I thought to myself as her words sank in. I mean, here was this naked, seemingly insatiable blonde college student naked asking me to fuck her ass and use my best friend's cum as the lube, no less. What the fuck...?


Seth and I decided to go out to the park for dinner. We had gotten take out fried chicken and figured that we'd eat someplace nice, being a glorious 75 degree summer day without a cloud in the sky. The chicken was excellent, though the mashed potatoes had gotten a bit cold, and while we ate, we talked as two best friends normally do; inane bullshit and friendly arguments over any possible topic. Today we were sparring about the upcoming presidential election, Seth in favor fo the incumbent and I undecided.

After we finished out chicken, we sat on the grass drinking the last of our sodas, still debating, mind you, until I was suddenly interrupted by a small dog leaping up my back and over my head. "What the fuck?" I exclaimed. I saw the little white dog running away from me and from behind me I heard a voice calling "Come here, puppy! Come back here!" I turned to find the voice and saw a shapely blond running towards me. As she approached, using a the type of jog you use when you know you aren't going to catch something, I pointed over my shoulder and said, "He went that way..."

"I'm so sorry," she said, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

She put her hands on her hips and scanned the park, "I hate that little fucker," she said.

"Not yours then?" Seth inquired.

"No," she replied, "I'm just dog walking to make some extra cash."

Seth, ever the opportunist to drive a point further than it needed to go, said, "Well, you know, we were just talking about the economy and you know you might not need to work an extra job if we weren't taxed so ridiculously."

"Uh huh," she grunted as she looked at him incredulously. But then an strange look came over her face, the kind you get when you suddenly realize that you have a great idea. "Yeah, well, hold on a sec..." her voice trailed off as she scanned the park again. "You know, screw the fucking dog, I told the owner that if he broke free of his leash again I wasn't going to go chasing him. Freaking cheap skates won't get a working leash. I'm not chasing him out into traffic... again. You mind if I sit down?"

"Sure," we replied in unison.

She looked at Seth. "Why did you say that?" she asked.

"We were talking politics and the upcoming election," Seth replied.

"Ah, let me guess, you're in the conservative camp, aren't you?" she asked with a sideways glance at me.

"Rush is right, you know."

Directing her attention towards me she said, "And you?"

"I'm undecided as of yet. But, though I hate to admit it because I'll never hear the end of it, I'm leaning more towards the conservative ticket." I admitted.

"Ah hah," she said. She paused for a second and was about to start again when I interrupted her. "And what about you?"

"I'm a dyed i the wool..." she started and then finished, "let me make you a proposition."

"OK," both Seth and I replied.

"I'd be willing to sleep with both of you, if you promise not to vote in the upcoming election," she stated.

"What?" we both asked.

"I'd be willing to sleep with both of you, if you promise not to vote in the upcoming election," she restated, wholly for our benefit.

We both looked at her in shock. She was probably ten years younger than we were, a fine specimen of the Nordic blonde bombshell. She was certainly fit and she sported a bust that was positively exquisite.

"Look," she continued, "I feel so strongly about this upcoming election that I am willing to trade modesty and risk ridicule in order to prevent the sitting president from returning to office."

"You can't be serious," Seth said.

"I'm as serious as a heart attack," she countered.

Setha and I looked at each other and our looks were identical; excited disbelief.

"Come on," she said, "let's go to one of your places."

"Ohhhhh-kay," I replied.

Seth and I gathered up our trash and picked up out stuff and started walking out of the park. "I'm Seth," Seth said, "and you are?"

"Does it matter?" she asked.

Seth looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess not," I replied.

When we got to the car I jumped into the back seat and the mystery blond jumped in the front passenger seat. Seth walked around the car to the drivers side and got in. We pulled out of the parking space and as we drove there wasa sort of surreal silence.

The blonde interrupted the silence a few minutes later. "Come on guys, it's just sex."

"No, that's cool," I replied, certainly in unsure tone, "it's just that its, uh well, never been so, so..."

"So what?"

"Umm, easy." I said hestitantly.

"Ahh," she said. I hoped I hadn't insulted her, but I was in unfamiliar territory, territory like a beautiful woman walking casually up to two guys and offering to fuck the two of them in exchange for a favor which requires those asked to do precisely nothing unfamiliar territory.

She reached back with her left hand and said, "Let me see your hand." I gave it to her and she moved it so that I was cupping her left breast. The word "magnificence" does not do justice to the breast that was in my hand. She helped me massage it, and I could feel her nipple hardening under her shirt. She let go of my hand (I certainly kept mine where it was) and reached over and started massaging Seth's crotch as he drove. He jumped at first (he didn't see it coming, as he was eyes forward on the road in a trance-like state due to the surreality of the situation), but then relaxed as best he could. It was about this time that the air of surreality metamorphosed into an air of lust.

By the time we got to our apartment, I could tell that Seth was quite uncomfortable in his shorts, being that his cock was trying to tear out of them and without much success I might add. I was feeling the same way myself. We managed to walk, albeit not entirely upright, to our apartment door. Just after we went inside, she pulled Seth to her and started kissing him. I closed the door and locked it. Upon seeing her kissing Seth, I figured he would be up first and so I started sliding around them (there wasn't much room in the entryway) to head to my room, to give them some privacy.

Just as slid by them, a hand reached down and grabbed my belt. I turned to look and saw the blonde break away from her kiss with Seth and say, "Where do you think you're going? I promised to fuck both of you and that's what I'm going to do."

I looked at Seth, but he didn’t return my look; his face was buried in her neck. Shrugging my shoulders I stepped towards the pair and put my right hand on the small of her back and the left went back to its former place on her left tit. She turned her head towards me and pulled my neck so that I ended up kissing her. Her tongue was like a wet spear, driving into my mouth as aggressively as I had ever been kissed (or ever since, for that matter). As we kissed a small moan escaped from one of them and we all took it as a signal to move to someplace more suitable than the entryway.

Awkwardly, at first we started moving towards Seth’s room, which was good because he had a king size bed. Eventually, we realized that it was taking to long when we all ended up looking at each other in a pregnant pause. Seth, credit due, picked her up and carried her into his bedroom with me in tow (I wasn’t about to let go of her breast.) Upon reaching the foot of the bed, Seth sat down and laid back, pulling her on top of him. I sat at the foot of the bed and started taking off her shoes, taking plenty of opportunities to caress her legs and sneak a look up her skirt. I couldn’t quite tell if she was wearing a thong or no underwear at all. I wasn’t too concerned, however, figuring I’d find out soon enough.

With her kneeling astride Seth’s body, leaned over kissing him, I slid her socks off and started working my hands up the backs of her legs. When I got to her skirt’s hemline, I pushed it up onto her hips and was delighted to find a purple thong cleaving her beautiful ass into two tight lobes. I could see her labia poking around the string, a wet strand of fluid bridging the gap between the lips. Her anus was barely hidden by the thing strand of fabric, something which I found strangely erotic. I’ve always been a breast man, but the site of her ass stirred something in me. I fondled her buttocks in my hands and watched the stretching of the liquid string between her labia. I decided that once that strand broke, I would take off her thong. I squeezed and kneaded her ass more intensely, praying each squeeze break my self-imposed blockade to removing the tantalizing purple underwear. I saw her anus spread and slightly catch the string as I released the pressure, as if her asshole was trying to protect what dignity it had left.

While I was transfixed on her bottom, Seth slid up and pulled his cock from his shorts, upon which the blonde’s mouth was eagerly sucking. I heard the slurps and moans that signify an especially wet blowjob and it made me look away from her crotch, and leaning around to my right I gazed at my best friend getting sucked and deep throated by the same woman who owned the ass with which I was enthralled. Her head bobbed expertly as her upswept blonde hair started falling from the clip which previously held it. When I finally looked back at her pussy, I saw that the fluid string had broken (as I was unknowingly still kneading her ass while I watched her oral adeptness.) “Finally!” I thought.

I reached up to her hips, found the waistband (waist-string, really) and pulled it down to her knees slowly, savoring the view as her bald pussy and ass were revealed in their full glory. I leaned forward and inhaled her scent. It was light and quite pleasing, actually, not the heavy musky scent you sometimes find. Using my nose, I traced from her clitoris to her pussy, separating her labia and clearing the path for the tip of my tongue, a taste test. Upon reaching her vagina, I slid my tongue in slowly. She clenched her pussy around my tongue as I slid into her. I remember thinking about how tight it was and how much I was going to look forward to fucking her later. Her blowjob became more dynamic and I had to coordinate with her rocking hips. I could hear Seth starting to moan with some urgency.

Rather abruptly she pulled Seth’s dick out of her mouth with an audible *POP* and said to Seth “I want you to fuck me.” Sliding her hips up to his own, I lost my opportunity to dine on her pussy, but was quickly rewarded with a gorgeous showing of her guiding his cock into her saturated pussy. Once they established a rhythm, she turned her her head back over her shoulder and said to me, “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, darlin’. Come up here next to me.” I obeyed her and walked around to the edge of the bed and then stepped up onto it so that I was standing next to her. She reached up and unhooked my belt and started struggling with my button. I quickly came to her aid and once it was undone, she whipped down the zipper. My cock sprang up and smacked her in the side of the head as she bent over pulling my shorts and underwear down to my ankles. She straightened back up and grabbed onto my dick, pulling into her mouth not a moment later. During her first initial slurps I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it onto the floor. As she was still fucking Seth, the bed was bouncing around a lot and I was finding it difficult keeping my balance, my short being around my ankles and all. I put my hands on the back of her head for some balance as I stepped out of my shorts. However, she took it as a sign that I wanted to be deep throated and so she obliged me. It wasn’t my intention, but the ecstasy that ensued when she did it certainly didn’t cause me to ask her to stop doing it. Screw the other leg, I was balanced and getting expertly sucked off.

Seth, having been blown and now fucked (while he watched the girl suck off his best friend simultaneously, I noticed) was about to cum. She noticed this and pulled her head away from my cock to give him some direct attention. Seth said, quite breathlessly, “No, keep sucking him.” Who was I to argue?

Without a moments pause she popped my cock back into her mouth and continued where she left off. I noticed she was actually gagging a bit, but it didn’t seem to bother her, so I didn’t back her off. Within a minute Seth was about ready to explode. She kept right on sucking me as he bucked underneath her in a writhing orgasm. After his spasms subsided, she unlatched her mouth from my penis and swung herself off of Seth’s throbbing cock (it was twitching involuntarily after she dismounted him) and laid on her back next to him, her legs spread wide so that I could easily seen her well-fucked pussy. She motioned me over to her. I stepped over Seth and knelt down in between her legs, taking in an incredibly erotic view. After a minute or so I started sliding my way towards her sopping pussy, my dick straining and guiding the way to her. She held up her hand in the universal “stop” sign.

"Hold on a sec," she breathlessly said as she clenched her pussy, forcing Seth's cum to ooze out and dribble towards her anus, "use it to fuck my ass."

Floored doesn’t begin to describe my reaction. I must have looked somewhat ridiculous, my jaw agape, my dick sticking out like a horizontal flag pole, and a woman asking me to fuck her in the ass, using my best friend cum for the lube, no less, and I was frozen. I’d never even considered anal sex before. It had never even entered my mind as within the realm of possibility. I simply had never thought about it. But with the intense, erotic, surreal scenario that I found myself entwined, it seemed like the exact right thing to do. So much so, in fact, that straight sex just seemed passé.

Slowly the white globs of freshly leaked cum reached the top of her anus. I slid forward and used the head of my dick to rub it around her asshole, simultaneously lubing both of us. She squeezed her pussy again and dribbled out more. I reached down with my hand and scooped it into my fingers. I took Seth’s cum and began to coat my penis with it, jerking off a few times. I inched forward and pressed the head against her backdoor. With continuously increasing pressure, I slowly started to slide into her ass. It was tighter than anything I had ever experienced. I felt the head pop by the initial muscle and I was struck with the thought of how much it reminded me of climbing and setting a chock. I felt anchored into her body. After a moments pause to reflect on the feelings I was encountering, I slid forward even more. I didn’t even need to work back and forth to get all the way in, I was pre-lubed. I looked at the blondes face and she had a lustful smile on her lips, her head and neck arched to the side and back, eyes closed, breath held. I looked over and saw Seth propped up on one arm staring at my penetration into her. I got the distinct feeling that he had had the same thoughts about anal sex as I had previously had.

Once I was completely embedded inside of her ass, I slowly began to slide in and out of her, speeding up as it seemed fitting. Once we established a comfortable rhythm, she opened her eyes and said softly, “I think you like it…” I returned a slow nod. Anything quick would have broken the trance I was in. After a few minutes of listening to the sticky wet sounds of our entanglement, she said, “Let me climb on top of you”. I begrudgingly withdrew my cock from her anus with a similar *POP* as when she had pulled her mouth from Seth’s dick. I looked into her gaping anus and marveled at how it throbbed itself closer to its natural position. My fascination was broken by her hand pushing my left shoulder back in an effort to get me on my back. I readily complied and rolled onto my back. Thankfully, Seth had anticipated where I was going to roll and had moved out of the way.

The blonde moved to stand above me, straddling my hips. Slowly, she squatted over my crotch and reached for my well greased member. Guiding it to her anus once again, taking careful aim, she abruptly dropped her ass popping my dick into her like a champagne cork. It was the most intense feeling I have ever experienced. Working her legs like two pistons, she fucked me, working herself and I into an ecstatic frenzy, with an ever increasing pace. I watched her pussy dribbling fluid over the base of my cock as it penetrated her ass.

After a few minutes of this, she tired and dropped to her knees, thankfully keeping my cock buried inside of her. She slowed our rhythm to a long, slow pace, working her anus from the base of my penis to the tip. I felt the urge to explode inside of her growing and I felt my dick harden even more. She suddenly reached down and started frigging her clit with a fury. She shuddered as she started to cum, her moans were all that I could hear. She slammed her ass down onto my hips, plunging me deep inside of her; I could feel the spasms of her muscles as she enjoyed her orgasm.

As her climax subsided, she threw me for another loop. She pulled my dick out of her ass and slid down my body. Without any hesitation she sucked my cock into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the head. Unable to cope with this new level of eroticism, I started pumping my cum into her mouth. Never losing her rhythm, she swallowed it all. With a slight suction, she pulled my limp dick out of her mouth. A small droplet of saliva or cum slid out of the corner of her mouth and stuck to her face.

Looking up at Seth and myself, she asked, “So, have I convinced you two that my side is the better choice?”

Seth and I just smiled to shit-eating grins.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” she said with a smile.

Quite surreally, she simply gatherd her clothes and redressed in front of us. Seth and I stayed as we were on the bed, him sitting and me propped up on my elbows. With a cutesy “See ya!” and then blowing a kiss to us, she bounced out of Seth’s bedroom and out the apartment. Seth and I looked at each other.

“Can you believe what just happened?” I asked my best friend.

“Man, I don’t know what to think,” was the reply.

And true to the nature of true friends, we simultaneously suggested to each other and agree what should be done next in one word: “Beer.”


-- The End --