My Eros, Erotica With Feeling

PAGE LAST UPDATED on     June 18, 2003

    Welcome again, friends & lovers.  My stories the past couple of months have gone off in new directions as I try to expand my portfolio and demonstrate more of my potential range in writing ability.  But you do make a difference to me and my writing and I appreciate your support.

    NEWS UPDATES:  I've found my true love recently.  We're talking the one here.  In a whirlwind romance where we've discussed everything deep & serious to light & playful, all the important issues have been covered and found to be fully compatible.  Even though I never knew her when I wrote them, it's her in all of my stories it seems now.  We are now already Promised to one another.  Unfortunately for you, this means I've promised her my heart as well as my sexuality, so I won't be able to write any more stories to individual women anymore.  Not that the opportunities were rampant...but now I write for her, for this site, and for publishers only.  Still, you are more than welcome to read as much as you want and even give feedback still if you wish.  My life is finally complete!

    My audio stories are making a comeback!  Well, okay it's not that big a deal.  I'm just trying a few right now.  They're audio MP3 files and should be about 3 megabytes for a 20+ minute audio story, so slip on your headphones, open that robe, and don't spare the toys as I take you on an audio journey so you can keep your eyes closed & envision it all.  Treat yourself to a little fantasy tonight.  (Wink)

    I've been experimenting at giving out advice, so below you'll see my tips for what to do online when you're a lonely guy looking to cheer up and have fun until you do meet a lovely lady to at least talk to in email.  Since I'm enjoying the new area of giving advice, I've got an excellent set of tips for how to avoid being cheated on by improving your relationships with some good ideas suggested in there.  I'm also working on a set of good tips for how to write juicy emails or even fantasies such as my own that you've been enjoying.  It's remarkably easy...anyways look for that to appear early May under the new "Life" section.  I had no idea what else to call it so that may change, too.  In my advice you'll note that I'm what AD&D calls "True Neutral" since I keep things balanced and can use extremes on both sides to temper and balance the final result somewhere in the middle.  Such as mixing in some good, hard fucking with all of my favourite ways of romantic lovemaking.  We all apreciate the differences in the styles.  (Wink)  But I still try to write a story for you here everytime my inspiration drives me wild as well as the times when my romantic hope swells and spills over, compelling me that a new story must flow and breathe.

    Below this introduction you'll find links leading to some of my written works and as an added bonus I have decided to post some of my poetry alongside my erotica.  Now don't go making that haven't read any of the poetry yet, so how do you know that you won't like it?  Actually, so far two of the poems are erotic.  One of them features oral sex even...oh so NOW you're suddenly interested in reading poetry?  hehehe  That's okay, I hope you enjoy it...and I look forward to trying my hand at more of it sometime, but the stories are just too much dang fun to write. (Wink)

    Mind the dust and don't lean in the wet paint, because if you do that then those clothes will have to come off and then I'd *NEVER* be able to get any work done (Wink).  Hmmm, but now you have me tempted...  (Grin)  OK OK work to be done.  (Sigh)  Dang, I just got some paint on my black know what that means...  (Wink)

    Oh yes, my email address.  Webmasters interested in using my work, or having me create more for you, contact me at:   I don't have a problem with you posting my stories as long as you let me know first that you're doing so and I appreciate such a courtesy...I always enjoy wandering over to the sites where my stories are. I may write, but I certainly enjoy reading, too.  (Grin)  So I'll definitely get back to you if you write me.

    I'm not totally sure what else needs to be said in here yet but I'll update this introduction as I think of new things to announce.  I trust that my stories will still fan the flames of your desires and bring you the sweetest pleasure.  For the next hour experience the sweetest pleasure again and again as you roam the landscape of my sensual imagination.

    And now, welcome to my fantasies...

MY EROS, Stories of Love Made Right (mostly written for women)

My Eros 00 Foreword By the Author  (and some personal info)   (Dated 2001, lots of dust on this info)
My Eros 63: A Little Treat                             (2000)    I give you a hot bath with full-serve treatment
My Eros 67: Something Sensual                     (2000)    I'm a virgin again for you tonight
My Eros 68: You Come To Me Naked         (2000)    My soft fingers explore you once again
My Eros 69: You Dream Of Me                    (2001)    I slip into your dreams
My Eros 70: Wolf Calls                                 (2001)    Forest deep, I search for your affection
My Eros 71: You Take Me Clubbing             (2001)    In a bathroom stall against the wall, audience hears all
My Eros 72: You Call Me From Work         (August 2001)  You're working late so I'm on my way to see you
My Eros 74: Something Wilder                     (March 2002)  My personal favourite of the My Eros series

Dressing Down                                             (August 2002)  Changerooms aren't just made for one...
Whistling Through the Wheatfield Ch.1          (August 2002)  Starts tame...
Whistling Through the Wheatfield Ch.2          (August 2002)  Gets hotter...
Whistling Through the Wheatfield Ch.3          (August 2002)  Explosion of ecstacy...
Isle of Desire 1                                             (February 2003) Hottub steam on winter night serene...
Isle of Desire 2                                             (February 2003) You pounce me on your couch...

Forest Dark In Stillmoon Park                      (February 2003) An experimental werewolf fantasy set in my woods...
Orally Inclined                                              (February 2003) Office oral...funny & sexy...try the MP3 as well
Pass the Honey, Honey                                (May 2003)  Morning fun anytime can be sticky & sweet...

...More to cum  (oh lord that was corny)

AUDIO STORIES - MP3 Audio For Your Listening, Moaning Pleasure

My Eros 63: A Little Treat (MP3)              (June 2003)  Same as text fantasy, 13 minutes of playful seduction
My Eros 74: Dream of Starlight (MP3)       (June 2003)  Same as text fantasy, 31 minutes and one of my favourites
Orally Inclined (MP3)                                (June 2003)  39 minute fantasy read in the way I naturally talk everyday
Pass the Honey, Honey (MP3)                   (June 2003)  14 minutes of honey-flavoured oral loving

LIFE - Tips and Personal Advice

Tips For the Lonely Online Male                (April 2003)  My advice on coping with being lonely/single
Cheating: Saving Yourself the Heartache     (April 2003)  Keeping your relationship healthy & avoiding trouble
Tips For Writing Better Erotica                   (May 2003)  Start writing your fantasies and spice up your emails

POETRY From Mine Own Pen

My First Anthology of Poetry                              (1985-1998)
Bring Me Your Heart                                          (2001)

A Moment In Time                               -Erotic    (August 2002)
These Hands of Mine                           -Erotic    (August 2002)
Your Overlooked Love Is Welcome Here           (August 2002)
Self-Acceptance                                                 (March 2003)
Inside You                                            -Erotic    (June 2003)

....More to come


    Below is an anonymous comment form that lets you type as much as you want and it'll be sent to me to read.  It won't identify who is writing it unless you put in your own email address, and it should be quick & easy for you to use.  Tell me what you think, what you've enjoyed, or what you'd like to see more of.  Later on I want to make this system advanced enough to have polls, but I'm still new to script programming.  (Blush)  And of course although I'd love to hear from you, sending a comment below is fully optional.

    HOWEVER:  If you get an error message after pressing the Submit button, that can be caused by certain browser settings.  I'm always available through email as well & if you tell me specifically not to respond then I will respect that.  Thankyou for your time and interest!
My door is always open, say what you wish.

(If you would like a reply, please enter your own Email address)