Welcome to my world of erotic fantasy. My stories are based on adult male and young prepubescent and adolescent female encounters, frequently incestuous in nature. The stories are almost always consensual and non-violent and contain not one element of real-life events.
I will not insult your intelligence by writing disclaimers. If what I write is disturbing to you, feel free to not read the stories. But, by proceeding to the story pages, you're attesting to the fact that in your jurisdiction this type of material is legal and you are of legal age.
A word before you read any story:
I often write from an unusual perspective; both the first person point-of-view and the third person point-of-view at the same time. This switch of perspective can, for some, be disconcerting. However, I find it provides a more immersive experience. I'll let you be the judge.
Tempest has graciously offered to host my site so my stories are not lost with the unreliability of asstr-mirror.org (which seems to be losing functionality daily). I encourage you to visit and bookmark my site You can find it here.While you are there, you should read the excellent stories written by Tempest. He has a large collection of erotica, all of which are very well written!