ReadyOne Stories

All stories on this site are copyright (c) by ReadyOne. You may download and keep ONE electronic copy of each story for personal use; but reposting, making hard copies, posting on other websites, etc. require the specific permission of the author.

Please notify the author of any missing links or missing stories.

Recent Additions

These are all the stories posted this year. The most recent stories are on the top.

Mike and Marsha 08/06/2002 (M/F, first, enema, anal, spank, sex)
Cousin Charlotte Gets Her First Spanking 08/06/2002 (fff/mmmm, spank, mast, no sex)
Cousin Charlie Gets His Hands on Sara 08/06/2002 (m/fff, nc, mast, no sex)
Cousin Lulu Teaches Cousin Charlie 08/06/2002 (m/f, bond)
Cousin Lulu Rides Again 08/06/2002 (m/f, romance, sex)
Sharman Didn't Do It 07/25/2002 (M/f, spank, no sex)
HR Lady 07/25/2002 (M/F spank, sex)
Handyman's Hand 07/25/2002 (MF, spank)
The Girls Remember 07/25/2002 (MFFF/F, spank, sex)
Nobody Talks About It 07/25/2002 (FM, spank, oral, anal)
Cousin's Club Benevolent Society 07/21/2002 (mmmm/fff, teen, mast)
Lori's Back in Town 07/21/2002 (M/F, in-law, spank, sex)
Spanking Seduction 07/21/2002 (M/F, spank, lang, sex)

Write ReadyOne

Please tell me what you think. Tell me what this site needs. I would prefer a return address, and I'll respond if you include one. If you want anonymity, you still may have to enter some junk for the e-mail address because the program doesn't like blank space there.

    Write ReadyOne

By Category

Cousin Charlie and the Cousin Club Benevolent Society

Goings on with and around a dozen+ Junior High and High School aged cousins.


Bottoms up and hands or instruments applied.


These are the stories which don't quite fit any of the other categories.

FAQ: Story codes for readers courtesy of Uther Pendragon

FAQ: Becoming an ASSTR Author

Alphabetical Listing

These are all the stories which are presently available at this site. I've listed them in alphabetical order. That will help you find a story if you know its name, but it's not much help otherwise. Every story appears in at least one of the categories above.

Cousin Charlie Gets His Hands on Sara 08/06/2002 (m/fff, nc, mast, no sex)
Cousin Charlotte Gets Her First Spanking 08/06/2002 (fff/mmmm, spank, mast, no sex)
Cousin Lulu Rides Again 08/06/2002 (m/f, romance, sex)
Cousin Lulu Teaches Cousin Charlie 08/06/2002 (m/f, bond)
Cousin's Club Benevolent Society 07/21/2002 (mmmm/fff, teen, mast)
HR Lady 07/25/2002 (M/F spank, sex)
Handyman's Hand 07/25/2002 (MF, spank)
Lori's Back in Town 07/21/2002 (M/F, in-law, spank, sex)
Mike and Marsha 08/06/2002 (M/F, first, enema, anal, spank, sex)
Nobody Talks About It 07/25/2002 (FM, spank, oral, anal)
Sharman Didn't Do It 07/25/2002 (M/f, spank, no sex)
Spanking Seduction 07/21/2002 (M/F, spank, lang, sex)
The Girls Remember 07/25/2002 (MFFF/F, spank, sex)