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After-school Snack (Fm, infant, incest, lac, oral)
by Delilah (aka Preacherscunt)
Adam appeared to recline comfortably on the den sofa, enjoying a snack of milk and cookies. He had rushed home from school so he could then hurry over to his Aunt Gayle’s house. These afternoon visits with Aunt Gayle were the highlight of his day.
Looking at the sprawled 14-year-old boy, you would never guess at his real state of mind. He looked like many other kids his age; coltishly long arms and legs, brown hair, and hazel eyes that appear brown until you get a close up view. But hiding deep in his mind was the lust and love he held for his pretty Aunt Gayle.
Adam had seen pictures and even video clips on the Internet of sexy young girls. Some of them were even involved in some very exciting activities. But none, absolutely none of them compared to his Aunt Gayle! That’s why he spent every possible moment over at her house. And, if he hurried fast enough after school, he arrived just in time to sit with her while she fed baby Kara.
Gayle enjoyed these visits, too. She really loved being a stay-at-home mom; Kara was the love of her life! But it was nice to talk to someone other than her 18-month baby girl for a while. Even if it was about life at the Junior High School that Adam attended. She remembered those days in Junior High; it had only been a few years since she had been a student there herself.
Now, Adam and Gayle sat facing each other on matching sofas, while Gayle breastfed a sleepy Kara. Adam thought they were absolutely beautiful; the two blond heads drawn close together. He could see the top of Gayle’s full breast move and jiggle slightly as Kara sucked. Adam couldn’t help being envious of the cute little girl. He would really love to be the one with his mouth over Gayle’s nipple. While he chatted away about his boring social studies class, Adam worked hard to control his hard-on. He would die of embarrassment if Aunt Gayle noticed his tenting pants. So, he propped his snack plate on a pillow in his lap to cover his rising lust. Later, when Aunt Gayle went to lay Kara down for a nap, he would slip into the bathroom and take care of things.
“So, Adam, how’s your project going?” Gayle asked. It sounded to Adam like she had a lot more interest in a dumb old social studies project than he did.
“Hmm… the project is going okay, I guess. I have to keep a record of the water used in my house for a couple more days. Then I’ll have to do the report. Hey, Aunt Gayle! These cookies are great!”
Adam tried to keep his eyes focused on Gayle’s, but they kept wandering lower to look at her tits. Gayle evidently felt very comfortable with Adam, because she didn’t bother to even try to keep herself covered while nursing the baby. Kara’s sweet little fist was curled right against her mommy’s breast as she sucked.
“Well, it sounds like you’ve got a handle on it. Man! I doesn’t sound like school projects have gotten any more exciting since I was in Junior High,” Gayle laughed. She happened to catch where Adam’s look had traveled and it made her pulse quicken a beat. Is the little rascal looking at my tits, she wondered?
“Shi…I mean, shucks no! I know water conservation is important, but I don’t think my project is going to save the world, or anything,” Adam said disgustedly as he quickly averted his glace.
Now he was looking at Gayle’s cute little toes painted with bright red polish, tucked up on the chair beside her. God! They are so sexy, he thought. Everything about her was sexy. Fuck! She’s only six years older than him. In a few more years that won’t seem like quite so much and maybe he’ll stand a chance with her.
What Adam didn’t realize was Gayle already thought he was cute and sexy. He didn’t know that her much older husband, Mark, just wasn’t interested in sex, so Gayle stayed really horny all the time. Mark was especially turned off with everything to do with breastfeeding. He found it utterly disgusting that, sometimes when they did have sex, Gayle’s nipples would leak milk.
Gayle found breastfeeding the ultimate! Not only was it special because she was sharing herself with her precious baby girl, but it was also a major turn-on sexually. Whenever Kara put her little mouth over her mommy’s nipple and sucked, Gayle could feel the tug all the way to her pussy and her clit would start to throb. Right this minute, as she sat in the den visiting with Adam, Gayle’s cunt was flowing with juices.
She watched Adam’s face as she switched Kara to her other breast. Yes! Adam was definitely interested in seeing her moist swollen nipples. Hmmm…, Gayle thought. This may be fun.
Adam and Gayle continued chatting about school, friends, and family. As Gayle stood up with the very drowsy baby and headed down the hallway to put her to bed, Adam made a dash to the bathroom to take care of business. He carefully locked the door and gratefully unzipped to jeans to release his straining cock. ‘Whew! What a relief,’ he thought, as he hurriedly stroked up and down the bloated shaft. He was ready to blow in two minutes!
Flushing the toilet as a cover, Adam washed his hands and returned to the den where Gayle was leafing through a magazine. She had buttoned up a few of her shirt buttons, but left the top open wide enough to see the top of her unhampered breasts. She never wore a bra around the house.
Gayle looked up as Adam entered the room and smiled. “Tell me Adam, do you have any girlfriends?”
“Wwwhat?” was Adam’s startled response. Where did that come from, he wondered.
“No, Aunt Gayle!” he replied aloud. “None of the girls at school are interested in me. I’m too boring.”
“Adam, boring? YOU? Man, when I was in school all the girls would be all over a boy as cute and nice as you.” Gayle glanced over to watch Adam’s face, “If I were your age, I know I would love having you for a boyfriend.”
Adam gulped and jumped out of his chair. “Well, I guess I’d better go home and work on that project. Thanks, for the cookies, Aunt Gayle. See you tomorrow.” He slammed the door as he made his fast escape.
Gayle almost rolled over in giggles at the look on his face, but she felt an interesting tingle at the thought of possibly teasing and seducing her young nephew. This definitely was going to be fun.
The following day Gayle put a lot of thought into what to wear for Adam’s daily visit. It was a warm spring day, and even with the windows open to catch the breezes, by afternoon the house was pretty balmy. So, Gayle thought it would look natural for her to wear a halter-top and short cut-off jeans. The halter-top made it easy to breastfeed Kara by just slipping her milk engorged tits up and over the cups. And, after some deliberation she decided not to wear panties. The cut-offs were short enough to possibly allow Adam a flash of freshly shaved pussy.By the time Adam arrived, Gayle had his customary after-school milk and cookies waiting for him and was sitting on the sofa, holding one of her tits to Kara’s mouth. Her long, shapely legs were drawn up beside her.
“Well, good afternoon, handsome,” Gayle greeted Adam as he burst into the room. “It must have been hot on that school bus.” She smiled at him, noticing his cheeks were slightly pink from rushing.
Adam stopped short and almost gawked at the sight before him. Gayle didn’t usually wear such revealing clothes. But, it was rather warm, so he decided that they must be appropriate for the day. Little Kara never stopped sucking, but she cut her smiling eyes over to her cousin in greeting.
“Hey, Kara, Aunt Gayle. Whew! It sure is hot for this time of year. Thanks for having my snack ready.”
“I guess I need to spend time getting the pool ready,” Adam continued as he flopped on the other sofa and grabbed a cookie from the plate. “I wouldn’t mind jumping in to cool off on a day like this.” Adam continued in his head, and I really wouldn’t mind jumping into the pool with you… naked!
“I guess it’s the heat that’s made us so lazy today,” Gayle replied. “Kara is ready for her nap early today, so she started snacks before you. Go ahead and eat your cookies and drink your milk while I finish up with her.”
Gayle slowly unfolded her legs as she switched Kara to the other breast. She broke Kara’s suction on her right nipple with a slight popping sound, and turned her around to latch on the left side. Gayle nonchalantly allowed her legs to spread slightly in front of her, hoping Adam would get a peek at the moist spot between them.
She should have been able to bet that her 14-year old nephew’s sexy hazel eyes would latch onto her displayed snatch, much like Kara latched onto her mommy’s tit. Gayle let both breasts remain uncovered as she continued nursing the drowsy baby, trying to appear not to notice Adam frozen gaze.
“If you’d rather have something more refreshing to drink, I have sodas in the ‘fridge’,” Gayle said as she slowly curled her legs back up on the sofa beside her. “You can go ahead and get one, or I’ll get you one when I’m finished feeding Kara.”
“Uhhh.. what?” Adam stuttered. “Hmmm.. no, this is fine, Aunt Gayle.” He quickly resumed cramming the cookie into his mouth and looked down a plate like it suddenly appeared from nowhere. His mind was full of the amazingly sexy sight he had just seen. He was sure that it was something he would never forget. Long, smooth legs topped with a thin shred of denim caught in the crack of smooth, glistening pussy lips. God! If he didn’t go to the bathroom and jack-off, he might blow his load right here in view of his aunt and cousin.
“Adam, would you please hand me that glass of water?” Gayle motioned to the glass on the coffee table. “I’m so parched and I need to stay hydrated so I can produce enough milk for this greedy child,” she laughed.
Adam’s heart jumped in his chest. What was he supposed to do now? When he stood up to pass the glass to Gayle, she would surely see his hard-on pushing against the front of his khaki cargo shorts.
He cautiously remained slightly bent forward as he rose from his seat and walked over to hand her the cold glass. Gayle looked up into his eyes and said, “Thanks, sweetie.” Then, as she reached for the glass, she let her eyes travel down to his crotch.
“I guess I should thank you for something else, as well,” she grinned at him. “Is that a present for me in there?” Instead of taking the glass of water, she used her free hand to softly glide over front of Adam’s shorts. Kara was just about asleep and didn’t seem to notice the exchange between her cousin and mommy.
Adam was struck dumb! “Uhh.. Aunt Gayle? I’m sorry! Here, take the water. I need to go to the bathroom.” He tried to avert his eyes from the close-up view of his aunt’s bare milky tits, with baby Kara slowly tugging on one of them, but he couldn’t seem to stop staring at them.
“No, you sweet boy. I think I see something else I’d rather have than water.” Gayle firmly rubbed his cock through the thin cotton material. She then moved her hand down until she felt skin and slid her fingers up inside the leg of his shorts.
Adam stood, frozen in place, eyes closed tight and still holding the glass of water. He felt like he was in a dream. A hot, very hot, erotic fantasy. The touch of his aunt’s cool hand running up his leg was thrilling! If she went much higher, she would touch his painfully full balls and straining teenage dick, and then it would be all over!
“Adam, set the glass back down before you spill it and then come back here to me,” said Gayle in a soft voice.
Adam did as she directed, as if he were in a trance.
When he was standing back in front of them; his cousin still sucking sleepily on his aunt’s luscious nipple, Gayle asked, “Now, Adam, do you have a problem with this? I would really love to see your big cock. Do you mind if I unzip your pants now? I think you will like it.”
“God, Aunt Gayle! Uhhh… I dunno. Am I in a dream? This is like something I have always dreamed about. You are so hot and sexy!” Adam gushed the words as he replied.
Gayle took that as an assent, and she proceeded to undo the button at the waist of his shorts. “This isn’t a dream, Adam, but you’re like a dream come true to me. Let me unzip these shorts. I think they’re a wee bit snug right now.”
“Aunt Gayle, you’re my dream come true. I can’t tell you how often I’ve fantasized about something like this happening.” At the rasping sound of the zipper being pulled, Adam looked down in time to see Kara’s eyes pop open and her mouth grin at him around her mommy’s nipple.
“Uh… Aunt Gayle, maybe you should put Kara to bed first,” Adam said nervously.
“No silly,” Gayle laughed. “She’s not finished yet. Besides, her sucking on my titties makes me so hot and wet and horny. I want to keep that horny feeling while I feel you.” And as she said that, Gayle released and wrapped her hand around Adam’s hot, hard cock. “Plus,” Gayle continued, “MY fantasy has been to suck your cock as Kara sucks on my nipples.”
“Aarrggh! Auntie! God! I’ve never felt anything like this before. It’s so good, but go easy… please!” Adam didn’t want her to stop, but he was afraid of cumming too quickly and embarrassing himself. He couldn’t believe that his aunt had really been thinking about him in that way. What an eye opener, a revelation!
“It’s okay, baby. It’ll be real easy, especially this first time. I want you to give me your sweet boy cum; shoot it in my mouth and on my tits. God! Mark never lets me suck him anymore!” Then Gayle stopped talking as she filled her mouth with her nephew’s hot meat. “Mmmmm…”
“Aarrrggh! I’m not kidding, Gayle! I’m gonna cum! Oh, God! Shit! Fuck!!!” Adam exclaimed as he felt his hot load rising up and shooting out into his aunt’s hot sucking mouth.
“Mmmm… Yes!” and on that cry, Gayle pulled his cock out of her mouth and continued pumping it with her hand, shooting the rest of his cum onto her milky tits and a little onto Kara’s surprised face.
Adam sagged as his knees nearly buckled underneath him, and watched in awe as Kara sucked some of his cum into her mouth along with her mommy’s breast milk. She had a rather puzzled look on her face, but didn’t slow her nursing.
“Oh, Adam, sweetie, baby, that was so wonderful. I love the taste of your sperm! I’ve missed that glorious taste.”
When Gayle finally released his cock, Adam just slid down onto the floor in front of the sofa. Gayle gently patted and rubbed his head with one hand and cuddled Kara with the other.
“Gayle, that was awesome!” after what just happened, Adam felt like he was allowed to drop the ‘Aunt’ from her name. “YOU are awesome! I can’t believe Uncle Mark wouldn’t let you do him like that. Is that what you said?”
“Yes,” Gayle replied sadly. “Our sex life has not been good for a long time; every since I got pregnant, actually. If I didn’t have my sweet, precious baby, I would think that my marriage to Mark was a huge mistake. But Kara is worth everything.”
“Why did you marry Uncle Mark? I know he’s a lot older than you. You were what, 18 years old when you got married?” Adam questioned. “Uncle Mark must be at least 10 years older than you.”
“Actually he is 12 years older than me, sweetie. I was 18 and Mark was 30 when we got married. He seemed so much more mature and romantic than the other boys I knew. Adam, you’re very mature for a 14-year old; not just in your looks but in your behavior, too. You could pass for 18, maybe even 20. But, when I was in high school, all the boys my age seemed younger; they were very immature.”
Adam turned his head so he could look up into Gayle’s face as she still sat on the sofa, nursing Kara. “Thanks, Gayle, for saying that about me. I don’t always feel like I fit in with other kids at school. Most of them are all babies!” he said, disgustedly.
Then, with his face turned toward her, Adam caught a faint whiff of pussy perfume. His cheeks reddened and his cock stirred back to life. Even though he had never smelled it before, his body was able to identify that aroma immediately. Pheromones, he thought, now THERE’S an idea for a school project!
Gayle noticed the look in his eyes, and she said, “Well, you are more mature and grown up than most of them, that’s why you don’t feel like you fit in. But, speaking of babies, I think this one has finally crashed. Let me put her to bed for her nap. I’ll be right back so we can finish what we started.”
As Gayle rose to carry Kara to bed, Adam got another, closer view of her not so hidden treasure. He grabbed that glass of water and took several gulps. His Aunt Gayle was too good to be true!