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It is with a deep breath and a slightly heavy heart that as of today, March 1st, 2005, I announce my "retirement" as PlanetDweller from the world of online adult erotic writing and take my works offline.

This decision was not made lightly, in fact, it had been at least a couple of years coming.

Between my real-life personal life becoming more complicated and the resulting loss in free time which is needed to write quality stories all but disappearing the web is simply not the place that it was many years ago when I began creating them, this decision was not only the right one to make but the only one I could rationally make.

I want to thank each and every one of your for being a reader of my stories and for supporting my work to help heal the very real-world scars of childhood sexual abuse and incest and God Bless!, Yours, PlanetDweller

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