All events and characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
For adults 21 and over only. If you are not yet 21, please stop reading here.
Currently, the only websites where my stories can be posted are and - If you'd like permission to host them at another website, please contact me through one of the above sites.
My stories may contain fictional depictions of consensual explicit sex between adult males, adult females, and underage females, ranging anywhere from 13-14 years old, down to about 6 years old. If this offends you, or if such works are illegal in your location, please stop reading now and delete this file from your computer. I do not advocate such relationships in real life, and these stories are works of fantasy only. No children were harmed in writing these stories.
Copyright © 2011 by otakuman. All rights reserved.
This tale is a fantasy, and is in no way meant to promote bestiality (if sex with a talking, bipedal cat-girl could even be called that.) While I (the author) am not the fictional "I" of the story (or am I?) a character in the story does make passing reference to "the one about the runaway slave". That would be my first furry story, "The Runaway Cat-Girl", available at this website and wherever fine literature isn't sold. Like I said earlier, this is a fantasy, and if a furry cat-girl coding goddess actually appeared in my room while I was trying to make my ASSTR website, I can certainly think of better things to do than write about it!
"AARRGGHHGGHH!!! This is driving me crazy!!" I banged my fist on the computer desk, wincing a bit due to hitting it harder than I had intended. My little Siamese cat came running in at the noise, and chirruped at me softly before leaping onto my bed to curl up in a pile of clothes. I glanced at the clock on the screen, and groaned to myself. "Princess, I've been struggling with this for over six hours, it's 4:30 in the morning now!" She gave me a soft 'mrow', and covered her nose with her paw as she curled into a tiny fur ball.
"I just don't know what I'm doing wrong, kitty! I'm following the directions on this HTML/CSS coding guide, and it works when I copy their example, but it doesn't work when I try to put the same code in my page! I've got to take a break, maybe get a snack and some caffeine, that might help me to focus a little better!" As I got up to wander down the deserted apartment hall, I said "I really wish you could help me with this coding, Princess! HAH! That would be quite a sight, my little sweetheart banging away on the keyboard like she knew what she was doing!" I laughed and left the room, as I heard her say "Meow!"
After stopping in the restroom, I decided to eat my microwave burrito in the kitchen and was chugging what was left of the energy drink, when something percolated through my tired brain. "Wait a sec, the cat didn't 'meow' when I left the room … I'd swear she SAID 'Meow'!" I exclaimed to the empty kitchen. I didn't think I was THAT tired, so I hurriedly gulped the rest of the drink and slowly made my way back to my room.
I cautiously edged the door open and looked towards my bed, then breathed a sigh of relief when I didn't see anything but a pile of clothes. Turning towards my computer, I just about jumped out of my skin when the young girl sitting there said "Hi!"
"WHO THE HE …" I bit my tongue on the expletive, and modified my sentence a bit. "Who … Who are you? What are you doing in my room?" I blurted out. As I stared at her, I began to realize she wasn't a human girl, she was some sort of cat person, lightly covered in fur, with triangular ears and a long twitching tail. From what I could tell, she looked to be about 12 years old in human terms. She was just wearing one of my old T-shirts, although it was long enough to cover her decently.
Grinning at me, the girl said, "My name's Cassandra, or Sandy for short. As to why I'm here, you asked for my help, don't you remember?"
Stunned, I looked at her and muttered stupidly, "I … wait, what?"
She got up to sit on the bed, motioning me to take the computer chair. As she sat down, she drew her knees up to her chest and pulled the shirt over them. A portion of my confused brain realized that this exposed her lightly furred slit to my view, and I hurriedly focused on her face as she began talking. "Like I said, you asked for my help! Well, technically, you wished your cat could help you, but let's face it, does she really seem that bright to you?"
I rubbed the back of my neck in confusion and said, "Well, no, but I was just kidding around. I was frustrated with all of this HTML and CSS stuff, I just wanted to make a web page for my stories!"
She grinned, and said, "Tah daah! That's why I'm here! Those of us at the Bureau of Furry Coding Goddesses like to help out you poor hairless types every now and then. Since you were talking to your cat, our sensors registered the wish, and I was dispatched to help you!"
"Wait, I'm confused … What sensors? What do you mean by Goddesses, and where's my cat?" My mind was reeling, and I still wasn't sure if this was some sort of sleep-deprived hallucination.
"DUUH!" Cassandra exclaimed, "Your cat's whiskers are the sensors, what did you think they were for? And we're not really all-powerful supernatural beings, it's just a nickname, surely you've heard of code gods and such referring to skilled programmers? As for your cat, she was the catalyst … hehe," she paused and giggled at the word play, before continuing, "She was the catalyst that let me come here. I'm kind of sharing her body, she's sleeping right now. By the way, she says she wants something besides dry cat food all the time!"
I looked Cassandra over, and saw that her markings were the same as my cat's points. Automatically, I mumbled, "Yeah … I'll try to get some cans for her the next time I go to the store … This is all so unreal, I MUST be hallucinating this!"
Seeing my confusion, Cassandra reached over and gave me a pinch on my arm, causing me to jump. "See, you're not dreaming," she said.
"OUCH!" I yelped as I rubbed my arm, and asked, "So you guys just come here and help lots of beginning coders like me? How come I haven't heard of a mass invasion of cute cat-girls?"
She looked abashed for a moment, and said, "Well, to be honest, mostly we help out on big commercial software, when a coding problem is causing a big delay. Sometimes we might help on a fan created project if there are a lot of people following it. Anyway, we mostly just do stuff without being seen, like fix little errors in the code, or give a programmer a flash of inspiration on how to get around his problem. Even fixes like that doesn't happen very often, most programmers fix the problems themselves, and very few of them talk to their cats about their problems!"
I looked at her in puzzlement, and asked, "OK, so why are you here? I don't work for a big company, and I certainly don't have hundreds of people waiting for my web page to be built!"
She giggled nervously, and said, "Umm … Actually, I fibbed a little, I'm not really supposed to be here. I'm just a junior clerk-in-training, and I've never even left the bureau before! Look, you just don't realize how BORING it gets sitting on the night shift and monitoring the sensors! Ahh, I'd REALLY appreciate it if you didn't tell on me. I've been monitoring you and your cat for a while, and you always seem to treat her well. When I heard you wish that she'd help you I couldn't resist!"
"Who would I tell? None of my friends would believe me!" I leaned back in the computer chair and thought for a while, before I asked her, "OK, you're here, do you mind helping me with this stuff?"
She grinned at me and said, "It's already done! We're pretty fast on the computer, after all, Cats love mice!" She giggled at her pun and continued, "The only problem was that there were a couple of tags that didn't get closed, and you didn't end some declarations with semicolons. You did really well for a beginner! Since fixing your problems didn't take much time at all, I read some of your stories while you were in the kitchen."
I began stammering about how they were fiction and protected under the right of free speech, but she quickly cut me off. "Relax, cowboy, I thought they were pretty hot! That one about the runaway slave got me really wet, see?" She raised the T-shirt and used her fingers to spread apart her glistening slit, and I felt my heart leap into my throat as I stared hard at her exposed pink insides.
I suddenly realized that all I had on was boxers, as it had been a hot night. I felt my erection grow with surprising swiftness, and I hurriedly jerked my gaze back upwards, my ears burning. "Umm, just how old are you, anyway?" I quickly asked.
"What's the matter, afraid of getting in trouble if we do something naughty?" she teased. "We Cats live about twice as long as you, and in your years I'm 24! I may still look like a 12-year-old of your world, but trust me, I'm legal in both this world and my own! So, now that's out of the way, do you wanna have sex?"
My pulse began pounding in my head, and without thinking, I blurted out, "But … but wouldn't that be bestiality?"
She got off the bed and marched over to me, her paws on her small hips. "Do I look like a BEAST to you, dummy?" she demanded vehemently, her tail lashing.
I gulped, and said, "Well … yes, since you ask! You've got a tail, fur, cat ears, and a cat-shaped face, complete with whiskers!"
She scowled at me and said, "We're going to have to work on your species-ism! I'm sentient and can talk, how many beasts do you know that fit that mold? Anyway, do these look like something a beast would have?" She slowly pulled her shirt over her head, and stood before me completely nude … well, as nude as a lightly furred cat-girl could get. Her almost-human-shaped body had the beginning curves of adolescence, and she had two small human-looking breasts, covered with a very light coating of short downy fur.
I ogled her lovely bosom for a moment, my heart thumping, before she grabbed my hand and placed it directly over one of her breasts. "Does this FEEL like an animal teat?" she inquired. I gave it a gentle squeeze, causing her to gasp softly.
"OK, you've got me there, I don't go around fondling animals, but this feels like a young woman's breast!" I said, as I gently teased the nipple with my thumb and forefinger, causing it to proudly stand at attention.
"Mmm …" she purred, and grabbed my other hand, pulling it to her furry mound. "How about this, does it feel like an animal's pussy?" she asked. I slowly stroked the vulva, before gently sliding my finger between her lips and feeling the moist heat of her sex. "Ooo, that's nice!" she murmured.
"Err … This feels like a beautiful human cunt!" I huskily said, as my thumb wandered up to tease her clit. "OK, you've convinced me, sweet Cassandra! Can you forgive me?" Her quick pants of breath told me I was forgiven, as I pressed her button hard with my thumb.
"AHH! Right there!" she moaned, as she pressed her hips into my wandering hand. I continued to gently tease her nipple while I fingered her cleft, her rapid breathing telling me I was doing something right.
I leaned down to take her other nipple into my mouth, the sparse fur around the areola feeling silky on my tongue. I could feel a powerful purr vibrating her body as I licked her areola and nipple, and I plunged my fingers in and out of her sopping slit. She groaned as she reached into my boxers and began slowly rubbing the skin up and down on my shaft. "Oh, darling Sandy!" I said, as I guided her to the bed, "I'm still not a hundred percent sure this is really happening, but I'm going to make the most of it!"
Her tail wrapped around my waist as I lay her on the rumpled bed, and I moved my mouth down to her mound, causing her to gasp in pleasure. She began growling like a wild animal as I slurped up her juices and thrust my tongue deep into her snatch. "OHH YESS!" she screamed, as I wormed my fingers inside her, gently sucking on her clit while my tongue flicked against it.
I felt her beginning to crest, so I used my teeth to lightly tug on her love button while I used my fingers to press against her G-spot. She began to wail, grabbing my head and pushing it into closer contact with her quivering sex. I rolled back the furry flesh surrounding her clitoris, and rapidly flicked my tongue against the erect nub. That instantly caused her to lose control, her vagina spasming tightly on my fingers as a flood of lubrication came pouring into my mouth. I kept up the frantic action of my fingers and tongue for almost thirty seconds as she yowled loudly, until finally she collapsed into a quivering puddle on the bed.
"Oh …. my!" she panted, "I haven't felt that good in a long time, and we haven't even had sex yet! C'mere, lover!" She sat up and grabbed the waistband of my boxers, dragging them down in one quick motion. "Mmm," she purred, taking my organ in a soft paw, "This will be my first human cock! Most of the cat-boys I've met aren't that thick, not that I've met very many. Plus, those spikes they have really AREN'T very comfortable, you know!"
She moved her head down to begin rasping her rough tongue over my shaft, the sensation unlike anything I'd felt before. She hit a sensitive spot, causing shivers to run down my spine, and I groaned loudly. Grinning up at me, Cassandra proceeded to open her mouth wide, before sliding it over the head of my penis. I felt a momentary qualm as I saw her sharp teeth glinting, but I realized she was carefully keeping them from contacting the skin as she slid more and more of my cock into her mouth.
"Oh! Cassandra! That feels wonderful!" I moaned. Her eyes sparkled as she forced my shaft deeper, almost gagging as she hit the back of her throat, then withdrawing slightly. I could feel her tongue licking the underside of my cock, as she hollowed her cheeks and sucked on the head.
After a few minutes of feeling this incredible pleasure, I was slightly disappointed when she pulled my saliva-coated penis from her mouth with a soft 'plop'. Any disappointment quickly turned to joy when she turned to me and said, "I can't wait any longer, please fuck me NOW!"
I happily positioned myself and obliged her, my well-lubricated glans sliding easily into her soaked snatch. "OH YES! You are so tight!" I cried, as I began thrusting. She wrapped her arms around me, and I could feel her carefully-sheathed claws ever so lightly pricking the skin of my back.
"You … You feel incredible inside me! Please fuck … fuck my cunt hard!" she moaned, her panting words sounding infinitely more realistic than any plastic porn star could utter. She let a low growl bubble from the back of her throat, as I followed her wishes and began pounding my meat in and out of her hot sex.
I began gently squeezing her breasts and tugging on her nipples, causing her to arch her back and thump her tail on the bed. Feeling my balls begin to churn, I withdrew almost the entire way out, and reached a hand down to start rubbing her clitoris.
She gasped at the attentions from my hand, and panted, "Pl-Please keep going!" I grinned at her, waited a couple more seconds, and then slammed my cock all the way into her snatch, my balls smacking against her ass.
She screeched at that, so I slowly slid my shaft out again and waited a second, then repeated the slam, while I kept working her clit with my fingers. Each time I did the torturously slow withdrawal followed by the intense balls-deep slam, it really seemed to raise her pleasure exponentially.
After about ten of those power-slams, she began writhing under me, and screamed, "OHHH FUUUCCKK!" I began thrusting into her as fast as I could, a rapid squelching sound rising from our joined bodies.
I grabbed the flesh surrounding her clit between my thumb and forefinger and began jacking it off furiously like a miniature penis, causing her to let out a loud yowl as her vagina began to pulse tightly around my shaft.
Feeling her orgasm tighten around my organ pushed me over the edge, and I yelled as I pushed as deep into her as I could go, my cock throbbing as it shot jet after jet of semen into her spasming slit. Her tight snatch kept rippling along my spurting length, squeezing every last drop of jism it could from me until I had no more to give.
Slowly, her contractions subsided, and I finally felt my cock being released from her demanding grip. I sighed as I pulled it out, a 'shlup-pp-p' echoing up as my head popped from her tight canal. She giggled softly at the rude sound, and I rolled over onto the bed.
We lay side by side, our panting slowly subsiding. After a couple of minutes, Sandy reached up to run her paw over my chest, and said, "Thank you, that was wonderful! I'm still a little shaky!" Her soft fingerpads walked down my stomach to my groin and began teasing my deflated organ, causing me to groan.
"Ahh, give me a little longer, dear Cassandra, I'm not a teenager, you know." However, my penis seemed determined to prove me wrong, as it jerked under her tender ministrations.
"Oh really?" she teased. "It looks like the mousey just needs a bit of encouragement before it can play again!" She gave my balls a gentle squeeze, then reluctantly moved her paw away. "I guess I'll let you rest for a few minutes, but then you'd better be ready for round two!"
I gulped nervously at her raw sexual energy, but her teasing demands for more caused my organ to began slowly swelling. "Mmm, see, mousey DOES want to play some more!" she laughed, bringing her paw back to my chest. She began to tease my nipples, and shyly inquired, "Umm … have you ever done … anal? I've … I've seen it in pornos, and I've tried a couple of small toys up there, but I was wondering how it felt to really do it!"
"And yes, girls DO watch pornos!" she confided, when I shot her a surprised glance. "Like I said, it gets REALLY boring on the night shift, and human programmers are a horny lot. You've got no idea what people get up to when they think no one can see them but their cat! Plus, even though I'm an adult, my body is going to be stuck in permanent adolescence for another ten years or so, and I get a TON of naughty urges!"
My cock jumped at her words, and started swelling more rapidly as I said, "I tried anal once with my ex-girlfriend, but it ended disastrously. She was much too tense about it, and it caused both of us some pain!" I gently twirled my fingers in the fur on Cassandra's back as I continued, "I think that's one of the things that led to the break-up. Of course, it didn't help that she was kind of a prude, and considered me a pervert for writing my stories!"
Cassandra giggled and said, "Well, of course you're a pervert! So am I! Why else would we be lying here naked, talking about anal sex? The truth of the matter is, most people ARE perverts. I do like your stories, though!" She turned around and straddled my chest, her furry rump sticking into my face. "I really DO want to try it if you want to, you know. If you'd like, you can check to see if I'm tense or not!" She winked at me naughtily, and began lightly teasing my cock with a single digit.
The sight of her wet vulva and puckered rosebud stirred my organ to half-mast, and I slid two fingers deep within her snatch, causing her to moan as I scooped out a mixture of our juices to use for lubrication. I moved the fingers up to her sphincter and generously spread the slick stuff all around, then gently pushed my finger against her hole.
"Oooo! That feels nice!" she murmured, as my finger easily slid in with just a little pressure. I grabbed her twitching tail and gave it a gentle squeeze as I moved it out of the way, and continued my explorations.
"How does that feel, Sandy?" I asked, as I began slowly pumping the single digit in and out of her tight back door.
Her moans of pleasure seemed to indicate it was fine, so I began to wiggle the finger around as I worked it into her ass. She started playing with my cock, which rapidly sprang to life in her nimble paws.
I shuddered as she sucked my still slightly-soft organ into her mouth, and I brought another finger to her hole. "Are you ready for the second one, baby?" I asked.
She emptied her mouth for a moment to say, "Oh yes, stick both of them in there, it's making me feel sooo good!" I followed her instructions, and gently pressed my middle finger into her entrance. It slid in easily, and I began to finger fuck her tight ass with both digits, pushing them in deeply and then trying to stretch her ring each time I pulled them out.
Her gentle oral technique soon had me standing at attention, and I felt that her sphincter would easily take my cock, so I reached over to the bedside table and pulled out some anal lube left over from the failed attempt with my ex.
I squirted a generous glob in her ass crack, and worked it deep inside her with my fingers. Then I passed the lube down to her waiting paws, and I groaned as she used her paw to coat my cock with the cool slick stuff.
"I'm … I'm ready for you to cram your cock into my ass!" she said, although I wondered if she was feeling as brave as she sounded.
"Are you absolutely sure, Sandy? It might be best if you were on top, that way you could control the speed and depth. Let me know if you feel any pain, OK?" I said, as I wiggled my fingers some more in her gently-stretched opening. She moaned assent, and turned so that she was facing me.
I held my shaft steady as she crouched over it, aligning the head with her lubricated entry. She grinned at me, and slowly pressed downward, grunting a bit as my glans pushed past her tight ring. "Oof! I can feel it stretching me!" she groaned, and continued, "It doesn't really hurt much at all, and it feels pretty good at the same time! I'm going to try to get it deeper!"
I watched in amazement as she slowly worked her bottom down onto my cock, and I could feel her tight sphincter massaging me as it slid down my shaft. She grunted again then smiled at me, as I felt my penis bottom out. "OHH! It's … It's filling me up completely!" she gasped. From my viewpoint, it appeared that she had taken almost the entire length.
"Oh, Cassandra!" I groaned, "Your ass is so tight around my cock!" She grinned at me, and cautiously lifted up her bottom, then pushed it down onto my shaft again, giving me intense sensations of pleasure.
Evidently finding that a combination of her willingness to be anally violated and the slick lube had removed the possibility of any pain, she began to slowly pump her hips up and down on my organ, each stroke causing a low moan to emerge from her throat. The sensations were incredible for me as well, and I was glad I had already come once that night, or else I would have filled her ass then and there.
"Oh FUCK!" she moaned, "This is making me so wet!" The lube we had applied made passage of her tight hole easy, and I could feel the sphincter loosening a bit each time she slid her ass down my pole.
I moved my hand to her sopping vulva, and began to massage her clit, causing her to greatly increase her speed. She started slamming her rump down on my stiff rod, her buttocks slapping my thighs with each blow.
I was startled when she began growling, the sound increasing whenever my cock slammed deep into her ass. I gave her cheeks a couple of light swats, causing her to pound even faster. Moving my hands back to her clit, I started vigorously squeezing and rubbing it.
Suddenly, she yowled again, and I could feel her anus clamping down tightly as her third orgasm of the night crested. "OHHH!" she cried, "SLAM … SLAM MY ASS!"
While her orgasm was still flooding her body with pleasure, I gently rolled her over onto some pillows, my cock firmly wedged in her rosebud. As I propped her ass to stick up in the air, I saw her tail was twitching violently back and forth, and I gently stroked down her back like I'd do to a normal cat.
I waited until her sphincter had relaxed its death-grip on my shaft, then I started to thrust deeply into her lewdly positioned rear. Still feeling the effects of her previous orgasm, she wasn't able to do anything but moan fervently into a pillow.
I picked up the pace, my balls slapping against her vulva with each thrust. I slid my hands down her chest and started to squeeze her breasts, causing her to gasp loudly.
Her previous orgasm had barely begun to subside when I started, so I could feel her body quivering as a fourth one approached just a couple of minutes later. My own was fast approaching as well, and I began to jackhammer my cock in and out of her tight rectum, causing her moans to increase until they were almost a continuous sound.
She moved a shaky paw to her clit and started to frig herself rapidly, as I tugged on her nipples and rolled them between my fingers. My balls were jumping as I pounded my shaft deep into her welcoming ass, and I whispered, "I can't hold out much longer, baby!"
She whimpered into the pillow and increased her crazed motions on her stiff clit, and I felt her begin to shudder as her flying fingers caused her to peak. She screamed in joy as the pleasure overtook her, and her sphincter began to clench tightly around my rigid intrusion.
Her cries of pleasure seemed to bypass my ears, and sent a strong signal directly to my primed genitalia. I let out a hoarse shout as I pushed my cock deep inside her spasming rump, my seed boiling out from my balls and shooting down my shaft to jet against the walls of her rectum.
I remained crouching over her for a bit until my last few spurts trickled to a stop, then I collapsed onto the bed, pulling her gently into the crook of my arm as I toppled over.
We both lay in that position for several minutes, too exhausted to do anything but lie there and spoon, our panting breaths rasping in the stillness. Finally, I groaned, "Ohh … That … That was amazing! Thank you!" I kissed the back of her neck, and began to lightly rub her shoulders as she started to purr.
"WOW!" she panted, "That last… Just WOW! I've … never had … one right after … another like that!!" Slowly catching her breath, she continued, "It was like a … an entirely different level! Thank you for the best night I've had in a long time!"
"No, thank you, sweet Sandy! I certainly had a most memorable night as well, and I might even be able to get a story out of it … Of course, no one would believe me if I said it was true!"
She giggled at that and turned to face me, leaning over to kiss my lips. It was a most peculiar kiss, her small muzzle making it feel unlike any kiss I'd had before, but at the same time feeling closer to a human kiss than a lick or sniff from an animal. "I'll have to leave soon, or I'll get in trouble," she said, then giggled as she looked at me and confided, "Ya know, I kind of wish I hadn't fixed ALL of the errors! That way, I could have an excuse to come back!"
"Well, now that you mention it, I've thought of trying to learn JavaScript," I said, giving her a wink. "I've looked at that , and I'm sure I'll have MANY problems with it, and of course I'd naturally tell my little kitty of all my frustrations!"
She sat on the edge of the bed and stretched, raising her arms high above her head, and I couldn't help but ogle her pert young breasts and small hips. "Mmm, that JavaScript can certainly be a pain," she giggled. "It might take MONTHS for you to get it right!"