Mrs. Monocle
For loving a man with all his inner monsters.
I count myself blessed, and damn lucky.
You, the Reader
For taking the time to read these and other words of mine.
My Co-Bloggers, Will Crimson (RedBud), Ximena, and Blue Eyed Gypsy at
The Erotic Writer
Partners in literary debauchery.
The Erotica Reader's and Writers Association
A clearinghouse of all things erotica. Excellent discussions and writers abound.
Remittance Girl
One of the best writers of and about literary erotica out there, period.
Lost Boy
A connoisseur of otherworldly erotica with links and stories of encounters with the
un-, sub- and super-natural.
Pink Pussycat's Corner
A fine collection of erotica, and more, from a fine individual.
I shamelessly stole code from here to make these pages.