About Monocular Vision:

This site holds and links to the stories and other literary excercises of Monocle | Raziel Moore.

Contents are my own (Monocle | Razile Moore), copyright 1998-2013 (as are the typos, and spelling & grammar errors), and any resemblance to persons or events living or dead or stories already written is purely coincidence and quite unintended unless otherwise stated.

About Monocle | Raziel Moore

I started writing (very bad) erotic fiction over half a life ago, initially to name and confront the demons and succubi dancing in my head since adolescence. I continued writing because I found I liked it, and it provided catharsis for fantasies I would never contemplate acting out, or ever condone in beyond the realm of imagination. I am more attracted to erotica (whatever the medium) written for or directed toward women (and if it focuses on my own preferred kinks, all the better). That is also often the way I end up trying to write. I love the emotion of the act of love, and the animal passion of pure sex. I believe the two are far more easily separable in fantasy than in reality.

I sometimes explore the darker themes and fantasies, including reluctance to non-consent. But I also state categorically that I think rape, in the real world, should be a capital crime. I don't believe that these two statements are contradictory in the slightest. Fantasy and its exploration are places where we may safely face that darkest part of ourselves. But fantasy it must - and can - remain.

The issue of control and lack thereof is not always central to sex, though there is often an element or an instant where control is lost. The exploration and study of it is something that draws me consistently, but not uniquely. There is so much to explore in the world of passion, love, lust, and sensation, and we have both so much, and so little time to indulge ourselves.


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