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07/09/06 - I'm back! A big thanks to ASSTR for keeping this site intact during the five years I've been away. So what I have been doing for five years? Well, for starters, I've travelled, gotten married, had a baby, and am recently separated.

Two Guys, Berg/Pete, NC-17 - A game of truth or dare and a few too many drinks leave the guys with a bit of a problem.

Dark Angel, Alec/Logan, NC-17 - Alec does a little version control.

All That
Dark Angel,

Alec/Normal (fantasy), NC-17
A musing on the nature of Normal's gladiator dream about Alec.


17/04/01 Sex, Lies, and Videotape
SG1, NC-17,  Jack/Daniel - After a night of heavy drinking, the boys are horrified to wake up on the couch together - naked!  Which of course, begs the big question; did they or didn't they?

Welcome to Melissa's Conceits - the archive of all my fan fiction - slash, gen, and het.  The special of the day is Buffy, but also on the menu are Stargate, Caroline in the City, Two Guys and a Girl, and other miscellany. Coming soon is some Firefly slash - my latest obsession.

A Vague Disclaimer Is Nobody's Friend: if you're under 18, go away. Or at least make sure you delete the history in your browser once you're done. If you object to people having sex - especially people of the same gender, go away.  If you object to dirty words, go away.  If you're here looking to get outraged, go away. Flames will be used to toast marshmellows and posted online, headers intact, for general amusement.

Still with me? The fic is mostly slash, and it's mostly NC-17, but there are some adult and gen pieces.  BE WARNED - there be rape and noncon sex in some of these stories, so please read the warnings and labels if you're likely to be squicked.

I write very slowly, but then I usually have about twenty or twenty five stories going at a time.  If a story is labeled as 'coming soon' you can probably expect it to be up within the month. If you're curious about me, you can check out the about me page.  Hey, you did catch the name of the website, right?

And lastly, a plea: yes, I'm a feedback whore.  If you liked a story - or didn't, for whatever reason - I'd really like to know about it.  I'm a very friendly soul.  No, really.  So, please - email me and give me a piece of your mind. Just whatever you can spare. I promise not to bite unless you ask me to.


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All original material on this site copyright ©2000-2006  Melissa