By Master Control X

It had been a long week and a long day. By the time I
pulled my car in the garage it was almost 8 p.m. on Friday
night, long past dark. I was looking forward to an
uneventful evening and a wonderful weekend with my wife

As I entered the house I put down my briefcase and made my
way to the family room. I turned the corner and what I saw
made me stop dead in my tracks. The whole room was aglow in
candlelight; dozens of various sized and colored candles
scattered on every level surface. I was stunned.
Standing in the center of the room, Marilyn was even more
stunning. The €rst thing I noticed was her makeup; very
dramatic and sexy, making her big blue eyes even more
gorgeous. And red lipstick. Elegant and alluring are the
two adjectives that came to mind.

She had also bought a new dress; a “little black dress”
that was soft and clingy but had a ouncy, scalloped hem
that fell short of her knees by about six inches or so,
giving way to her black hose and little strappy high heels.
The squarish neckline was low enough that the tops of her
breasts were prominently displayed, but not so much that
they looked like they were about to tumble out. There was
enough skin exposed that you just wished they would. She
had a huge smile on her face, her eyes dancing with
excitement and more than a little mischief. In fact, though
she was trying to hide it, there was a distinct air of
outright evilness lurking deep within those azure pools.

She looked like she was ready for an evening out. For the
briefest moment I panicked, thinking I must have forgotten
our anniversary, her birthday or an important social
occasion. No, everything I knew about was months away.
Momentarily lost for words, I whistled at her and said “Oh
baby! You look incredible! Are we going out to a party?”
She walked toward me, revealing a huge margarita she had
been hiding behind her back. She handed me the frosty
drink, kissed me lightly on the lips and said, “No I
thought we’d have a party right here.” It felt like the

party in my pants was starting already.
I was pretty thirsty so I downed most of the libation in a
few gulps. With an even more evil look on her face, Marilyn
removed my tie. “Finish that James, you’re going to need your
hands” she grinned as she unbuttoned my shirt. I polished
off the remainder of the margarita as she unzipped my
pants. By the time the drink was down, so were my pants and
underwear. As she knelt to free me from the tangle around my
feet, I got a bird’s-eye view down the front of her new
dress. I said to myself the same think I always think when
I see her like that; “God, I love those tits!” They were
jiggling enticingly as she took off my shoes and socks,
leaving me with my unbuttoned dress shirt and a very hard

She stood up, took a couple of steps back and admired her
handiwork. She had always told me that this was her
favorite “look” for a man nude, save for a dress shirt.
She circled behind me, enjoying the way my ass looked
hiding under the shirttail. Then she took my hand and led
me over to a straight-backed wooden chair she’d taken from
our dining room set. As I sat down, I could feel the €rst
dizzy effects of the 16 ounces of tequila I’d consumed on an
empty stomach. She took that moment to pull my arms around
the back of the chair and secure my wrists with a pair of

I wasn’t alarmed because this was nothing really new.
Handcuffs were an item we both used on occasion. However,
tying my ankles to the front legs of the chair was a bit
different, but since I got another inviting look down that
new dress, all I could think about was burying my face in
her bodice and not coming out for a week. Things got a bit
more interesting when she tied a silk scarf over my mouth
so I couldnt talk. Hmmm!

Then she quipped, “Don’t go away Jamesy, I’ll be right back!”
I watched her walk into the kitchen where I heard what
sounded like the beeps our phone makes when it’s dialed.
There was some mufed conversation followed by the same
beep you hear when it’s hung up. Very curious.

Moments later she oated back in the room and turned on the
stereo. God, her ass looked great in that dress! That’s when
I noticed her black stockings were the kind that had seams
up the back. Those must be new too, and probably not her
usual thigh-highs that stay up by themselves.

Soft strains of soprano sax music wafted in the room.
Candlelight and Kenny G. How romantic. My mind was coasting
along, imagining what might come next. I envisioned several
scenarios, but what happened next wasn’t among them.

The doorbell rang.

I was surprised, annoyed and surprised again within €ve
seconds. I was surprised that there was someone at the door
this time of night, annoyed that they had interrupted
whatever was about to happen, then surprised again when I
looked at Marilyn who was staring at me with that
mischievous smile of hers. I looked so surprised that she
actually giggled at me before she turned to go to the door.
I tried to tell her not to answer the damn thing, but the
scarf muted me. Her hips had an extra undulation as she
disappeared into the entrance alcove.

When she came back, she was arm-in-arm with some guy I’d
never seen before. All I could think was “What the fuck is
going on?” I was so shocked that I forgot I was virtually
naked. I was quickly reminded by the guy’s very amused
expression when he spotted me.

Marilyn introduced him. Seems his name was Derrick. From
conversations we’ve had over the years, I know what Marilyn
€nds attractive about men and he looks like he could have
stepped right out of her fantasies.

She prattles on, explaining that she got acquainted with
him on AOL, that she wanted to tell me about it soooo bad,
but she had gotten an idea that would ruin her surprise if
she did. Her voice was brimming with excitement as she
continued telling me that they had “spoken on the phone a
few times”, exchanged some pictures and eventually decided
to meet in person. She asked me if I could guess where they
agreed to meet, as if I can answer. “Barnes & Noble!” she

Barnes & Noble is one of “our” places. We go there often
and frequently enjoy opportunities to people watch,
sometimes even irt with and tease people we encounter. It’s
a great place for Marilyn to show off her legs in the
stuffed chairs they have. I was miffed that she had chosen
“our place” to meet the guy, but I was sure that was her
purpose in the €rst place. She was trying to make me jealous
big time.

She goes on to tell me that she had described her idea to
him there, but that he was reluctant at €rst. So, she says,
she had to “convince him a little in the back seat of her
car”. Derrick, who had his arm around my wife, chimes in
with “She did a very good job of convincing me, too.” They
both €nd his comment very amusing, causing me to test how
tight the handcuffs were. Then she blurts “Oh Jamesy! Guess
what he does for a living?”
By now I’m catching on to her little game and I know what
she’s going to say. Shes always had a thing for certain men
in uniform.

“He’s a FIREMAN!” With that declaration she turns and gives
him a big hug. His arms encircle her and the hug becomes an
embrace. Standing sideways in front of me, no more than six
feet away, she kisses him briey on the lips. With his arms
€rmly around her waist, she leans back and starts
unbuttoning his shirt. After the second button is undone,
she beams at me and observes, “He kisses really good,

She was really trying to get to me, but I was determined to
stay cool. Bound as I was, there wasn’t much I could do

I recalled that we had promised each other a long time ago
that we trusted each other completely and that neither
would get mad if some adventure came along. We vowed never
to hide such encounters from each other. She had obviously
hidden some events from me concerning Derrick, but I knew
it was the same as if she had hidden birthday presents or
Christmas gifts, not because she was sneaking around or
cheating. At least that was what I kept telling myself.
My thoughts ashed back to past times when we’d played
around with others at private clubs and things. We both had
enjoyed that and had even made those kinds of fantasies part
of our teasing of each other and even our lovemaking. This
was different somehow, though I couldnt put my €nger on it.
Distracted by my own thoughts, I missed her €nishing the
unbuttoning of his shirt and pulling it out of his pants.
His shirt was hanging just like mine had been a few minutes
ago her favorite look. She had done that deliberately too,
but I stied my reaction.

Her head was now on his bare shoulder and her low cut
neckline was pressed against his bare chest. They were slow
dancing to Kenny G. Their hips were pressed tightly together
as they moved so it occurred to me that his cock must
certainly be hard.

My thoughts again ashed back a few more years to her high school
reunion where she’d danced several slow dances with an old
boyfriend named Reese. That hadn’t bothered me until later
when she told me how hard his cock had been and some of the
rather romantic things he’d whispered to her. I had really
blown it then. I had felt threatened and ended up
overreacting. She had thought that telling me about his
hardon pressed against her would excite me, but instead I
hurt her by acting as if I didn’t trust her. I learned a
lesson then, a lesson that was being tested again.
She must have been reading my mind. They had circled enough
that I could see her face. My eyes caught hers and I could
easily tell that they were rather glassy with that “I’m in
another world” look. I watched her lips form the words “His
cock is hard.”

Reading my mind indeed. Was she testing me or teasing me?
Probably both. Since she couldnt see whether I was smiling
or frowning, I tried to make sure my eyes weren’t ashing
angry arrows at her. I saw her eyes drift down to my naked
cock. I guess it looked about how I felt; kind of excited
but a bit unsure. Not surprisingly, her staring at it made
it jump a bit and I saw the corners of her mouth curl up
slightly. She wanted my cock hard, was that it?

I thought that was what her little smile meant until I saw
that Derrick’s hands, which had been caressing her shoulders
and back, were now roaming lower. She was still gazing at my
cock as his hands slid down the back of her skirt and over
her round ass. She smiled again and my cock jerked again.
Which one was it, dammit? Was she smiling because of his
hands on her ass or my cock going crazy? Probably both.

I was trans€xed as I watched his hands take liberties with
my wife’s curvaceous behind. With Marilyns arms up around
his neck, her hemline was up quite a bit, too. It didnt
take Derrick long to make that discovery and help it to
lift up further. As her hemline rose, so did my cock. The
sight of her delicious globes being slowly revealed would
drive any man crazy. It had always worked on me.
I could also see the tops of her new stockings and the
little clips that meant she had to be wearing a garter belt
- a black one in this case and also brand new. Something
else was recently purchased I saw as the sheerest pair of
black panties I’d ever seen were exposed. Only the leg bands
and top were black while the rest of the material was barely
visible at all. She had done some serious shopping for

Of course, my view was quickly obscured by a pair of hands
exploring every inch of those new panties. Her face was now
turned away from me, but I could tell by the way her hips
were moving that she was very turned on. I thought I saw
her legs tremble a bit.

Her head tilted up and she whispered something in his ear.
Moments later his hands slipped from under her skirt, back
up to her waist. Then she turned around. With her back now
to him, she was directly facing me. Her eyes were closed
but she was slowly trying to open them. Her half-veiled
eyes signaled that she was extremely hot. They looked the
way they usually do just before she tells me she wants to
sit on my cock. I desperately wished she would.

Her breathing was slow and deep, causing her breasts to
billow. She looked like the cover of a romance novel. He
obviously thought so too, because his eyes were peering
over her shoulder and straight down her top. Her hands were
atop his as they moved slowly over her pelvis, stomach and
abdomen. Their feet were no longer shufing around on our
living room rug, but her hips were still slow dancing
against the front of his pants.

His €ngers drew little circles around her tits and at one
point actually pulled her neckline forward, giving himself
an even better panorama of her twin peaks. She even moaned
a little, unless there were some sound effects on the Kenny
G disk of which I was not previously aware. Then his hands
moved to the back of her dress and fumbled for a moment
before languidly pulling down the long zipper. A few
seconds later her new frock lay in a heap around her
shapely ankles. He held her hand to steady her as she
stepped out on rather shaky legs. What a gentlemen.

As soon as she was steady again, the gentleman’s palms were
kneading my wifes naked tits like a baker preparing whole
wheat for the oven. She did look gorgeous standing there in
those panties, stockings and high heels. It appeared she had
graduated from the cover of a romance novel to the cover of
a porn tape.

He turned her around so that they were again facing each
other. The action began to pick up pace considerably. The
lust in the air seemed hot and thick enough to set off our
smoke detectors. It was comforting to know that if such a
thing were to happen, we had our very own
on-premises €reman to handle it. He was undoing his belt.

Marilyn stood and watched as if she were in a trance. Since
she was positioned between me and the €reman, all I could
see was his pants hit the oor that were quickly discarded
along with his shoes. He was down to his open shirt, briefs
and socks. There was a pretty signi€cant tent factor in his
briefs as he stepped back towards Marilyn.

There was another embrace, his hands returned to her ass. I
think they were kissing, but because her back was to me, I
was focused on his €ngers working their way under those
wispy panties. He gripped her cheeks and their hips began
to grind. He pried her tight panties down over her ass as
the groping and grinding continued.

Finally, the dirty dancing ended probably because Marilyn’s
mind and legs had turned to mush, consumed by a cloud of
lust. At a distanced of less than four feet in front of me,
she was clinging to him, arms around his neck for support.
His hands were still glued to her naked ass, her panties
down to her thighs.

Her gentleman Derrick did something next that was very
ungentlemanly. His €ngers dug down into her deep cleft and
slowly pulled her cheeks apart. Marilyn’s knees nearly gave
way as I could imagine what she must be feeling. His digits
explored the length of her damp valley until one came to
rest over her fevered asshole. His €ngertip began to draw
lazy circles around it, prompting Marilyn to moan and
babble incoherently. Her whole body was writhing and I
noticed he was nibbling on her neck and shoulders. I wasn’t
sure whether her moans were because of his mouth or his
€nger. Probably both.

I think she was protesting what he was doing, but her hips
seemed to refute her weak objections. A few “Oh god!”s
later and the €ngertip began to disappear. It made it in as
far as the second knuckle before withdrawing and beginning
again. Soon there was a slow, steady rhythm, in and out. My
wife was getting her hot little ass soundly €nger-fucked by
her friendly neighborhood €reman.

I felt a sharp pain between my legs that made me glance
down. My cock looked like an angry cobra and felt like one
had just bitten it. A trail of thick juice had made it’s way
down my shaft and I thought how nice it would be if I were
rubbing it between Marilyn’s sweet asscheeks.
I must have gotten lost in my fantasy for a time because
the next thing I knew Marilyn was standing in front of me
with her panties in her hand. She had a very strange glint
in her eye as she dangled them in front of my face.
“Can you smell them Jamesy? They're very wet.” To
illustrate, she rubbed them under my nose, then all over my
face. I wasn’t sure who had contributed the most to their
wetness, the €reman or her. Probably both.
Then in an act of pure cruelty, she tormented my cock with
them, brushing them back and forth, over and around my
overly sensitive member. I vowed to myself to get her for

The torture continued for some time. She made sure my
wetness was added to the already soggy silk. I felt her
pull my gag down for a moment as she asked me if I was
having a good time. Half out of my mind from the gentle
torment, I started to tell her how I couldn’t wait to get my
revenge on her for tonight. Before I got two words out, she
unceremoniously stuffed the abused panties into my mouth
and slid the scarf back in place! She laughed at my
startled reaction.

“You can hang onto them for now, Jamesy. I wont be needing
them for awhile”.

She and the €reman found great humor in her remark. I was
not amused. Humiliated, but not amused.

Marilyn plopped down into one of our leather chairs. Her
knees were together but her feet were wide apart. She was
leering at the other guy and as he and I watched, she let
her knees drift slowly wide apart, extending him an open
invitation as it were. He took a moment to enjoy the show
and skim down his underwear. He now had on only his socks
and unbuttoned shirt. Marilyn’s whole body shivered at the
sight of him in her favorite attire. Her knees waved slowly
back and forth and I saw her hand slip between her thighs.
Then she crooked a €nger in the classic “come here”

He wasted no time, striding over to her with his stiff cock
bouncing up and down. He eagerly knelt between her creamy
thighs and began to eat her pussy like he was responding to
a three-alarm €re.

Marilyn started shrieking almost immediately. Her hands
captured her tits, mauling them hard as she writhed
uncontrollably. In moments her eyes rolled back, her jaw
dropped open, her back arched and she came. I don’t remember
hurricane Andrew having as much force. I wasn’t sure what
made me happier - her experiencing so much pleasure or him
€nally emerging from between her legs. Probably both.
He rose up and leaned over her, his rampant cock jutting
between her legs, searching for a home. I saw her grab his
face in her hands and whisper something in his ear. It
appeared they had a brief argument. I think he wanted to
bury his cock where his tongue had just been, but she had
other ideas.

I soon found out what her other idea was. She got up and
walked over to me, still rather shakily, and said “Oh
James! I’ve wanted to try this for so long!” Did she mean
she’d wanted for so long to get her brains fucked out while
I was tied to a chair, or whatever she was about to do?

Probably both.

What she did was lie on her back right in front of me with
her butt against my chair, her legs bent and spread wide.
Derrick shot me an “Eat your heart out, pal” smirk just
before he straddled my wife’s chest. I couldn’t decide
whether she wanted the action to be so close to me because
she wanted to torment and humiliate me further or because
she thought I’d enjoy it more close up. Yeah, probably both.
Though I couldn’t see through the €reman’s back, his hips
began that unmistakable rocking motion that could only mean
that something was getting fucked. Of course, I couldn’t tell
if the recipient of his effort was Marilyn’s creamy tits or
her succulent little mouth. Right. Probably both.

I soon found out that I had be wrong about why she had
positioned herself the way she did on the oor between my
legs, though. As Derrick’s thrusts became faster, she lifted her
legs up until her feet were on the chair right between my
thighs. She scrunched her feet around until I found myself
the recipient (or victim) of a highly erotic cock massage.
The cool silk of her stockings felt so soothing on my
fevered dick, but at the same time my balls were boiling.


My mind went back to a night we had taken a little
adventure to a private sex club named Trapeze. At one point
in the evening we were on a couch in a room where there were
other couples, but mostly single men wearing only towels. We
had been playing around a bit with each other and she ended
up lying down over my lap. Having taken off her shoes, her
feet ended up touching the thigh of a towel-wearing guy
seated on the same couch. I was having a great time playing
around under her black, pleated skirt and several other guys
were enjoying watching too, as evidenced by their
enthusiastic cock stroking. I happened to glance over at
the guy next to us on the couch. He was staring down at his
lap with the most surprised, ecstatic look on his face I’d
ever seen. Following his stare, I could see why. My sweet,
innocent wife’s feet were caressing his hard, naked cock!
I’ve teased her about it many times since that night. She
still maintains that she wasn’t even aware she was doing it.

Remembering that sexy occasion only added to the aching in
my cock as her feet continued to drive me crazy. I wanted
to cum. I needed to cum!

Just as I was about achieve relief, either Derrick or
Marilyn decided to try something else. He stood back up,
his cock still stiff as a €re hydrant. Once again
demonstrating his gentlemanly ways, he helped her to her
feet as well. She wobbled a bit, I’m sure because her mind
was swimming in a sea of lust, and then turned around to
face me. Bending at the waist, she circled her arms around
the back of my neck and starting softly kissing the top of
my head. After a few seconds of tenderness, she grabbed my
hair and jerked my head back, biting and licking down my
face to my neck. Her change in demeanor from sweet to
vicious shocked me. She had captured one of my nipples and
made me wince as pain shot through me. Marilyn had always
found it dif€cult to be very dominate or the least bit
sadistic, but things had changed. The lower she bit, the
more she bent over.

Suddenly I felt a jolt and heard her grunt loudly. Derrick
had taken his opportunity and slammed his cock into her
pussy. Her arms around my neck made sure I felt his every
thrust. I watched in amazement as his cock pounded again
and again into her. I was comforted to see he had slipped
on a condom. God, I could hear the sloshy sounds her
hyper-drenched pussy made even though she was biting my ear
and mumbling obscene words into it.

I’d never wanted to throw her down and ravage her more than
I did at that moment. I again swore to myself that I get
her for this. I’d have my revenge!

In the mean time, I was subjected to an avid description of
the activities. “I’m getting fucked, baby. I’m getting really
fucked! Ohhhh! It’s inside me! So deep! So HOT!” Her
commentary continued until at last she exclaimed, “My hot
little pussy is getting fucked by a big, hard COCK!” As she
moaned the word “COCK”, she squeezed me in a death grip and
came once again. She tried desperately to kiss me through
the scarf, her tongue managing to partially work it’s way
between my lips before she screamed “Ohhh god!!” several
times. By the look of the €reman, he too was cumming. The
force of his effort almost toppled all of us as he tried to
bury himself in her depths.

When things subsided, her legs €nally refused to support
her anymore and she sank to her knees. The sound of his
cock slushing out of her was very audible.

Damn! The bastard was still hard!

Marilyn found herself with her head on my thigh, inches
from my quivering pole. I could see her eyes were half
closed. Her body seemed exhausted, but her sex drive
apparently wasn’t. She rested and observed my cock for a few
moments as Derrick dropped to his knees behind her. I think
she forgot for a moment he was there. He was €shing another
condom out of his abandoned pants and soon skillfully had it
in place. I wondered if he had just gathered a lot of
experience donning condoms or if it had something to do
with handling all those hoses. Probably both.

I felt Marilyn’s hand circle around my cock and begin to
stroke it slowly. Coincidentally, Derrick was doing the
same thing to his right behind her. It was an overwhelming
sight to watch a man stroke his cock as he ogled my
kneeling wife.

She looked like she was in a trace as her glazed eyes
followed the passage of her €st up and down my slippery
shaft. Having gathered some energy, she began to slowly
lick it. I couldn’t help but moan and almost choked on the
wadded panties in my mouth.

I could see that the €reman had stroked his cock to full
erection. It even glistened in the candlelight. He waited
until Marilyn slid her mouth down onto my straining cock
before he took aim and leaned forward.
Marilyn was taken by surprise. Literally.

Her half-lidded eyes ew open and her body visibly
stiffened. Her €st gripped my dick until I thought she was
going to crush it. She may have even tried to say something
but it sounded like moaning since her mouth was occupied.

The €reman’s pace was slower and more deliberate this time;
almost relaxed. Marilyn eventually calmed down too,
settling into a slow sucking rhythm that pretty much
matched that of his cock sliding in and out of her.
From my angle I couldn’t really see his cock then, only his
hips calmly stroking back and forth. Trying desperately not
to cum, it took me a while to wonder exactly where the €reman
had inserted his cock. It occurred to me that I couldn’t
actually tell where he was fucking my wife. I tried
mumbling to her through my gag, but she ignored me. In due
time she looked up at me, let my cock slip out from between
her lips and smiled sweetly. I wanted to ask her what was
happening to her. I tried to be more emphatic.


She knew what I meant. She looked me straight in the eye
and said, “’Im getting fucked. Jamesy. I’m getting fucked by
a big, hard €reman’s COCK!”

“Damn you!” I cursed into the gag. I already knew that much! Was he
fucking her ass or not?

Perhaps the word “€reman” inspired Derrick as he chose that
moment to begin a wide circular motion with his hips. He was
literally “screwing” her. Marilyn’s eyes closed while her
mouth emitted the lowest pitched, earthy, downright nasty
moan ever. It almost made me lose control, but I believed
that cumming was somehow “giving in” and I didn’t want to
relinquish what little control I had.

Suddenly, somewhere in my mind a light blinked on. That was
it! Always before, I was the one in control! Now I had none at all.
That’s what was so different that I couldn’t put my €nger on

My revelation was interrupted because Marilyn smiled at me
again and continued in her cruelest tone yet, “You don’t
know where I’m being fucked, do you baby? Mmmmmm. You’re just
going to have to wonder.”

“Bitch!” I yelped into the gag. I was going to make her pay
for that one!

My reaction caused my cock to lurch in her hand. She
grinned and licked a large drop from the head and started
stroking me torturously slow. “Mmmmm. His cock is sooo hot
Jamesyand SO hard!” Her hips began to match his slow
grinding motion. “And it’s soooooo long, Jamesy. It reaches
waaaaay up inside me. Ahhhhh! Oh yeah!”. Her lips pursed
like she was about to whistle, but she just slowly took a
long, deep breath and exhaled the same way, the sound of
the air very audible. She was obviously trying to delay an
impending orgasm.

“MMmmmm” she purred. “Cock! I
love to make them hard, Jamesy 3;and it feels like I made his
VERY hard. Ooooo!” She paused for effect, then purred “You
were right Jamesy. I was made to fuck.” She wiggled her
hips for emphasis. “I was made for COCK”.

I heard Derrick snicker which made me realize that he could
hear every sadistic word she said. I’m not sure who she
intended to ename with her little speech, Derrick or me.
Probably both. But, I think it ignited her most of all.
She attacked my cock, jamming it down her throat. Her hips
began to thrash wildly, rousing Derrick to fuck faster. She
began making high-pitched whining noises that always made my
balls boil. She was taking us all to the crest and we were
following eagerly.

I came €rst, exploding like Mt. Saint Helens, propelling
blast after pent-up blast straight down her throat. I’m sure
I was screaming into those panties and scarf.
Marilyn was next, drawing energy from somewhere. She was
going so wild it was scary. Scary and beautiful at the same

Like most nice guys, Derrick €nished last. I think he truly
howled at his peak. It was embarrassing.
At the end, everyone collapsed - me in the chair and Derrick
over my wife - into a hot, sweaty, panting pile. The €reman
de-piled €rst, again helping Marilyn to her feet.

Then they hugged.

How heartwarming.

She took his hand and led him into the kitchen. When they
strolled back in, they both were sipping Cokes. She had put
on a €lmy blue boudoir jacket that barely covered her ass
and he had retrieved his shirt. Ignoring me completely,
they sat down together on the couch and chatted like I
wasn’t even in the room. She even draped her leg over his
thigh. I was staring daggers at them. Marilyn €nally
noticed me and said, “If you’re thirsty Jamesy, you can try
sucking on those panties 3;”

I was morti€ed. She had discovered an amazing talent for

After what seemed like hours (but really about ten
minutes), she walked over to me, Coke in hand. “If you
promise not to say a word, Ill take your gag off.”
I nodded suspiciously. The scarf and panties were removed,
but the handcuffs and ankle ties stayed in place. I started
to say something but she put her hand over my mouth and
chided “Un-uh! Naughty boy. No talking”,
She dipped her €nger in the icy Coke and said, “Open your
mouth”. When I did, she stuck her €nger in and said,
“Suck”. I was so dry and thirsty I did so eagerly, which
seemed to please her greatly. She repeated the process
several times, giggling and winking at Derrick the whole
time. The last time she did it, instead of drawing her
€nger all the way out, she started €nger fucking my mouth
which made her giggle even more.

More morti€cation.

“I suppose by now you need to pee, dont you?” she inquired.
Instinctively I started to reply but she held her €nger up
and said “Shhhhhh” like I was a two-year-old. I felt like
saying “If you dont want me to talk, stop asking me
questions, bitch!” I held it in, but added it to my list
for later payback.

She undid the handcuffs but left my ankles tied to the
chair. She ordered me to stand up, which took some effort
but I did it. To my chagrin, she took off my shirt, leaving
me completely naked and reattached the handcuffs behind me.
Next she untied my ankles so I was at least free from the
chair. Then, to my utter amazement, she grabbed my cock and
commanded “Come with me”.

She led me right past Derrick who was trying valiantly not
to guffaw, but did manage a controlled snicker. She led me
into the bathroom and right up to the toilet. She aimed me
and said, “Go ahead. Do it”. It took me a moment, but I did
it. Halfway through she said “Oh baby”, followed by “You’re
such a good boy”. I thought I was going to die, but the
pleased and excited look on her face made my embarrassment
seem misplaced. I was getting very confused. My comfort
zone had been turned into the Twilight Zone and my mind was
rapidly losing its grip.

She led me back into the family room where the €reman was
zipping up his pants and slipping on his loafers. Marilyn
dropped my dick, walked over to him and threw her arms
around his neck. She thanked him profusely for a great
evening as he felt up her ass under the blue jacket.
Raising up on tiptoes and lifting back one foot, she
pressed against him and kissed him sweetly on the lips. His
hands slid up under the jacket to her back, pulling her
breasts against him as they smooched. She looked so happy.

I breathed a sigh of relief. It was almost over, I thought.
Breaking the kiss, she turned to me and said “Be a good boy
and thank the man, Jamesy”.

I was stunned. There was a rather tense moment of silence
as I stood there hesitating. I looked at Marilyn and she
was smiling as if what she asked was a perfectly normal
thing to do. I didnt want to make a scene, so I cleared my
throat and croaked “Thank you, Derrick”. God. I had just
thanked a man for ravishing my wife. I felt as if I had not
just LOST my mind, but that it had been surgically removed.

At last he was gone and things could get back to normal.
And I could get back at her!

I wanted to throw her on the bed and fuck her brains out! I
expected her to unlock the handcuffs, but instead she took
off her little blue wrap and draped it around my shoulders.
Then she took a step back to admire her handiwork. Maybe she
forgot I still had the cuffs on. “Muff, how about taking off
the handcuffs? I”

“What!” she barked. “Did I tell say you could talk? I didnt
say you could talk. Do you want me to put your gag back on?
Or maybe I should stuff those panties back in your mouth.
Would you prefer that? “

Bewildered, all I could manage was to shake my head “no”.

“Or maybe I should make you WEAR them. They’d look soooo
cute with your little blue out€t.”

I vehemently shook my head “no!”

“Well then, you’d better keep quiet” she said threateningly.

With her hands on her hips, she took a leisurely stroll
around me as if she were inspecting a used car. I didnt
know what to think. I was €nding it dif€cult to think at
all. Once she had completed her assessment, she reached up
and started pinching my nipples. Then, with a remarkably
evil glint in her eyes, she slid her hands under my
feminine attire and caressed my chest as if I was a cheap
hooker. “Mmmmm” she cooed. She kept up the fondling,
pinching and psychological torment for what seemed like an
eternity until my squirming reached a point that satis€ed
her. My resistance had been smashed and she knew it. She
took hold of my cock and said “Be a good little boy and
come with me.”

I have never felt more dazed and confused. My mind was
turning somersaults in a dense fog. This seemed for all the
world like a bizarre dream, but the pressure on my dick was
very real.

She towed me into the bedroom and made me stand at the foot
of the bed facing the headboard. She positioned me so that I
was at the left edge of the mattress. I was so dizzy.

“Jamesy, there’s something else I’ve always wanted to do. I
think tonight is the perfect time. I’m so excited!” With
that, she shoved me hard in the back, forcing me to fall
face €rst over the mattress. I bounced a couple of times
and almost tumbled over the left edge.
Even more bewildered, I caught my reection in a mirror. My
hips were hanging over the end of the bed with the dainty
blue lingerie hanging halfway over my ass. With my arms
pinned behind me, only my toes were touching the carpet. I
looked as if I was starring in the remake of Rocky Horror
or something.

Marilyn was taking something out of the nightstand drawer.
I had to strain my neck to see. When she turned around, she
held in her hand the most realistic looking plastic cock I’d
ever seen, veins and all. The thing had to be ten inches
long and it had some sort of straps attached to it. As I
gawked at her in disbelief, she strapped the phallus in

On her small frame, the thing looked monstrous. She stood
there with a wicked smile on her face, feet apart and hands
on hips, looking for all the world like some sort of
pornographic super-hero. Horri€ed but eerily trans€xed, I
watched as she began to slowly stroke the eshy appendage
as if she were trying to make it even more erect.
I thought to myself that this can’t be happening. What my
eyes were transmitting to my brain was causing sensory
overload or some such thing. I think at that point my
rational mind withdrew and went into hiding, quivering like
a frightened mouse in some dark place deep in my psyche. I
took a deep breath, sighed and closed my vacant eyes.
The next thing I knew I felt something rubbing against my
lips and a coaxing, distant voice saying “Open up
Jamesy...come on...that’s it...a little more...thats right...ohhh yesssss!”
My jaws were forced open wide and there was a warm, rubbery
taste as my mouth was €lled. She was praising me, telling
me how good I was, like she was rewarding a child for doing
a good deed. Then, in a much more stern voice she said..


My tortured imagination envisioned a huge, sweet nipple and
I did exactly as I was told. I heard her soothing voice
convincing me how good it was, how much I loved it and
encouraging me to do more. The nipple started to go away so
I recaptured it and it came back in even further. The nipple
played this little game over and over so that it quickly
became fun. I was drifting in puffy white clouds, gleefully
enjoying this wonderful new contented, mesmerized by
her serene praise.

A few times it slipped away and Marilyn teased me,
insisting I couldn’t have anymore. She even made me beg her
to give it back. I didn’t hesitate since I knew how much it
would please her.

One time she grabbed my hair and kept pulling on it. It
hurt a little, but I didn’t mind because it helped her push
the toy way deeper. She said she wanted me to swallow it so
I tried really hard and I think I did! She was having such a
good time and that made me feel even more content.

Then she took it away and didn’t let me have it anymore. I
felt sad, but she said she wanted to do something else so I
was glad again. Sure enough, it felt like she was kneeling
behind me, rubbing the back of my legs and kissing me all
over. Licking, too. Her lips were so soft and warm.
Then I felt her pull my hiney apart and start to ick her
hot tongue all around there. She had done this lots of
times before. She always told me how much she liked it,
too. Then she pulled me REAL wide and stuck her tongue way
up me. She was being really bad, but that was ok, because
she sounded like she was having a very good time and it
made me feel really warm. She could play with me all she

She was moaning loud. Then she moaned REAL loud and pushed
her tongue into me hard. So hard it hurt, but that was ok
because that felt good, too. She sounded very pleased and
that made me smile and feel glowy all over.

Then I felt her stand up, but now she sounded really mad.
She was saying I was a “bad little slut” and that I needed
a spanking. I was so confused. She starting spanking me
really hard. It hurt, but it made me feel even warmer all
over, so I started to squirm. That felt really good. She
kept asking me if I liked “watching her get fucked”, but I
knew better than to answer. What she said DID make me
remember things that I saw earlier and THAT made me squirm
even more!

She stopped spanking me after awhile and I was surprised at
how hot I felt back there all prickly and tingly. Then it
felt like she was putting her tongue back in me, but
different. It was cooler and way bigger. Then she said
something really mean.

“I heard what you called me before. It wasn’t very nice,
Jamesy. So how does it feel now,


Suddenly the puffy white clouds exploded and I came
crashing back to the bedroom. A severe pain in your asshole
will do that every time. I believe I could feel every fake
vein on that plastic monster. Her tongue fucking had
provided some moisture at least, so the thing was oozing in
rather that tearing me apart.

She was talking in a constant stream of invectives. “What’s
happening to YOU now, baby? Huh? You like having your hot
little ass fucked? Yeah. You love having a big, hard cock
fucking you, dont you? Your ass was MADE for cock, wasn’t
it? Now you know what he was doing to ME, don’t you! Yeah.
He was fucking your wife’s hot little ass, wasn’t he! It felt
GOOD, James! His cock was so hard, and so hot. Oooooo and it
was so BIG!”

My cock was getting very hard. I wasnt sure if it was
because of what she was telling me or because the monster
had reached my prostate. Probably both. When she started
fucking me back and forth it made my cock rub against the
bedspread, which felt amazingly good.
Then I noticed that Marilyn’s verbal abuse had turned into
something more like a confession.

“He made me suck it, too, James. That’s right. When he was
sitting on my chest and fucking my tits, he slid his big
cock right in my mouth! At €rst I didn’t want to, James. I
promise I didn’t! So I tried to pretend it was yours, James.
I really did! But after awhile I just couldn’t any longer. It
was so different and so good. I didn’t want him to stop,
James. It was so hot! Ohhhhh! I wanted to feel it all the
way down my throat!”

I could tell she was getting very excited. There was
sometimes little gasps between her words and she was
breathing harder every second. Then her mood turned almost

“Ohh James! I love you, baby! I love you so much! He was so
sexy! He fucked me so good, baby!”
See what I mean by “almost”? It didn’t matter to me at that
moment anyway, because I was about to cum. The bedspread
was doing a great job for me. She had stopped talking and
each loud gasp had a higher pitch. When she started
screaming and doing her best to push the thing up between
my lungs by way of my colon, I don’t think she even noticed
that I was creating a hefty dry cleaning bill for the


I awoke to the sound of the phone ringing next to the bed
and Marilyn’s cheery “Hello? Oh HI!” There was light
streaming through the windows, so it must be morning.
My €rst thoughts are always “What day is this and do I have
to go to the of€ce?” Some rather grumpy brain cells responded

that it was most likely Saturday and they doubted I had any appointments. I
was pleased.

My next thought was “Man, that was one hell of a dream I
had last night!” Followed closely by “I gotta take a piss”.
I was amused.

When I tried to roll out of bed, some disturbing questions
surfaced, such as:

“Why cant I move my legs” and

“Why are my arms over my head and tied to the headboard”?

And last but not least, “Why does my ASS HURT SO MUCH”!!

Perhaps it had not been a dream after all. I was troubled.
Once my hearing came up to speed I became aware of my wife’s

“Oh yes! Last night was incredible! You must have made me
cum a hundred times!”

“Huh? Oh he’s ok. You won’t believe what happened after you
left, though.”

I look in the direction of her voice to €nd her sitting
naked in the chair with the phone in one hand and her pussy
in the other. Her legs were open and her €ngers were making
lazy little circles around her clit. She was staring at my

“No!” (Laughter) “He didnt fuck me. I fucked HIM!”
(Uproarious laughter)

“What am I wearing right now? Nothing, of course!” (Giggle)

“It is? As hard as it was last night? Oh Derrick!”

My cock, by that time, was standing straight up. I’m not
sure if it was because of her unabashed phone sex or the
fact that my bladder was about to explode.

Probably both.

Then I wondered if she was having the phone sex to arouse
herself, the €reman or me.

Probably all of the above.