(bb, oral, exhib, anal, rim, Mb, inc, MMb, voy, prost)
When ten year old Tommy moved with his mother to a new apartment complex, he quicky found a buddy to hang with, a buddy who along with his father, taught Tommy a few things...
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unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.
Janet Wheeler was ecstatic. She had beat out the completion and landed the lucrative job as the Executive Secretary to the First Vice President of the company that she had been working for as a low paid “pool” secretary. One of the first items on her list of things to do was buy some new sexy work clothes and find another place to live. The apartment complex where she and her ten year old son, Tommy, had been living the past two years was at best a dump, at worst, it was a dangerous dump; not only for her, but for Tommy too. The boy couldn’t even use the only functioning swimming pool at the rundown apartment complex as a gang of young thuggish black boys had taken it over and claimed it their exclusive territory. That was bad enough in and of itself, but it absolutely infuriated her that the manager of the complex would do nothing to correct the situation lest he targeted by the hoodlums too.
So it was a happy day when she and Tommy moved into a relatively new, well maintained apartment complex, a very nice complex with multiple swimming pools, hot tubs, a large fully equipped exercise center and several party rooms where the residents could gather, meet and have a good time. It was a gated complex that kept the bad elements of society at bay. Best of all the apartments themselves were very nice with walls thick enough to muffle the sounds from next door and/or above, upgraded appliances that actually worked and luxurious bathroom appointments.
Tommy was very happy with the move too. At the old apartment he was mostly confined to apartment itself, lest he be assaulted for the fair color of his skin. And if the young gang members weren’t bad enough, some of the adults were even worse.
Of course moving across town also meant that he had to change schools and with the fast approaching summer break, Janet was worried that he might not have time to make new friends. She shouldn’t have worried. On the very first day at his new school, a boy who was in his class not only rode Tommy’s bus to school, but lived in the very same apartment complex. The young single mother was overjoyed to see how excited Tommy was to have a friend, not only at school, but also someone his own age to play with after school.
Tommy’s new friend, Jerry, lived on the opposite side of the complex from where Tommy and his mother lived; but that was of no consequence, as it was perfectly safe to move around the complex without fear of assault or worse. Of course Tommy was forbidden to go into Jerry’s apartment unless his parents were home, and it was forbidden for Tommy to have any guests before Janet came home from work. Still the two boys had the run of the place outdoors. They also had their pick of whichever swimming pool to use at any given moment, but Tommy’s mother insisted that he only use the huge central swimming pool as it was staffed with life guards, high school boys who were glad to make a few bucks for doing not much of anything except flirt with the girls. That was all fine with Tommy… compared to the last place, this was total freedom!
Of course boys being boys, when he felt that he wouldn’t be caught Tommy was wont to bend the rules. He bent the rules the day Jerry didn’t feel much like swimming or just goofing off outside as he wanted to try out the video game he’d just gotten. Tommy was eager to try out the new game too, so in violation of his mother’s standing rule, he followed Jerry to Jerry’s home, before Jerry’s dad was home from work.
On several occasions before, he’d been inside Jerry’s apartment when Jerry’s dad was home, so his only interest was the new video game. The two fifth graders plopped down in front of the big screen LCD TV. Jerry turned the set on and…
“Wow!” exclaimed Tommy. To Jerry the images of a naked big breasted whore being fucked by a naked horse-hung stud were nothing new, but for Tommy…
“Let’s the play the game,” Jerry said as he reached to switch the system from the premium porno channel to video game mode.
“No, wait!” exclaimed Tommy as he grabbed his friend’s hand. “I want to see this!”
“Sure, okay by me,” his new best friend amicably agreed as it was fun to watch the guy’s cock sliding in and out the woman’s hole.
“So that’s how they do it?”
“Do what?” his jaded buddy asked.
“Do it! You know… fuck.” Tommy had heard about fucking at his old school and had even seen it at his old apartment when some black guys dragged a black girl off behind some bushes.
“Yeah, I guess. But it’s not the only way.”
“What do you mean?”
“He’s fucking her pussy… that’s where babies pop out.”
“I know, I know…” Actually he did know, but never really thought about it.
“But sometimes they fuck them in their assholes.”
“Yeah, really.”
“Just watch… you’ll see.”
Tommy did watch and very soon he did see. He also saw something else, a blowjob. Before then it never occurred to him that someone, especially a girl, would put a boy’s dick in her mouth. The two boys watched for a while, but on Jerry’s insistence they switched over to the video game before Jerry’s father came in from work.
Tommy thought that they had been busted when Brad Johnson came in from work, not because of what they were doing (playing a video game) but because he was there when Jerry’s dad was not. Tommy knew his mother would have a fit if she knew, but Jerry’s dad didn’t seem to be at all concerned, greeting both boys warmly before he treated himself to a cold beer.
Now that Jerry’s dad was home, Tommy knew his mother would be along soon and would want him home. The two boys promptly agreed to reconvene at Jerry’s tomorrow and spend the afternoon playing the new game.
Next afternoon, the two boys made a beeline to Jerry’s. After playing the new game for more than an hour, they both agreed that it was just okay and not much of a challenge. Their interest waned. “So what do you want to do now?” Jerry asked Tommy.
“I dunno.”
“You wanna watch something like we did yesterday?”
Tommy’s eyes brightened. “Yeah!”
Jerry dug around in the TV cabinet and came up with a DVD. “You’re not going to believe this shit!” he told Tommy with a grin.
“What’s it about?”
“Two guys… do each other.”
“Do each other?”
“Yeah, you know, fuck each other… in the ass.”
“Two guys? People do that?”
“Yeah, all the time,” Jerry replied with authority. “You want to see it?”
“Uhhhh, okay.”
Just as Jerry had said, it was a video of two rather heavy set guys doing the nastiest things imaginable.
“This just makes me want to beat off,” Jerry told his friend as one guy licked the other’s nut sack. “You ever beat off?”
“Uh, yeah, sure,” Tommy replied. He did know what beating off was as he was a regular practitioner ever since he learned last year that if you rub your dick just so…
“You want to beat off?”
Tommy knew what Jerry was asking. Beating off in bed at night with his door closed was bad enough, but to do what Jerry was suggesting, whacking it while someone watched, would be ten times worse! The fact that it would be ten times worse also meant that it would be ten times as exciting too… but could he really do that? Beat off with his buddy?
“You ain’t chicken, are you?” Jerry taunted.
That did it! No way was Tommy going to act chicken! “No, I ain’t chicken!” he shot back. “Are you!!!”
Jerry answered him by dropping his pants, and not just dropping them, but getting completely naked. “Well, what are you waiting for?” Jerry asked while openly playing his dick.
Tommy suddenly felt that things had gone too far, but how could he back out now? Still it was exciting in a strange way and besides, if he did back out, he might lose his best friend. Throwing caution to the wind, Tommy quickly undressed down to his tightie-whities. He took a deep breath and pushed them down and off. Watching each other stroking the lizard, it didn’t take either of them very long to get that wonderful funny feeling that Tommy had come to love.
While he caught his breath and his four inch pecker deflated, Tommy saw that Jerry’s dad would be home any time. Grabbing his underwear, he pulled them on, explaining, “I gotta go. My mom will be home soon.” Five minutes later, he was home alone, the thrill of what he and Jerry had done still coursing through his veins. That night, he beat off again as he relived the naughty episode at Jerry’s.
The following day was Friday. Naturally the boys discussed among themselves what they had done the previous afternoon and both expressed an interest in doing a repeat that very afternoon after school. They rushed to Jerry’s once they got off the school bus. This time they went to Jerry’s bedroom, got naked and lay side by side as they stroked themselves.
Tommy’s blissful afternoon was ruined when to his horror, he saw Jerry’s dad standing in the doorway to Jerry’s bedroom, watching the two boys masturbate. The pit of his stomach seemed to drop six stories and his ass cheeks gripped at the bed covers as the boy realized the predicament he was now in. With no place to run and no place to hide, Tommy froze. He avoided eye contact and wished he’d never been born. Oh, the shame! What does Jerry’s dad think of him now? What will his mom say? The consequences of getting caught red handed like this was too terrible to contemplate. He didn’t think he could ever face Jerry’s dad again, because… he knew… he knew what a dirty boy he was, dirty down so deep that he could never ever hold his head up ever again. But while his world was crashing down around him, Tommy also came to realize that Jerry was still flailing away next to him.
Tommy felt the older man’s eyes boring into him. “What are you two boys up to?” Brad Johnson asked.
“Oh, hi, Dad!” Jerry answered cheerily without missing a stroke.
Smiling, Brad nodded towards Tommy and said, “Don’t let me spoil your fun. You boys go ahead and finish what you’ve started.” Then he turned away, leaving the two naked young floggers on the bed where he had found them. Nothing in Tommy’s limited experience had prepared him for a reaction like that. One minute he thought he’d been disgraced for life, the next minute it really wasn’t a big deal at all… or so it seemed. His mom could be cool like that too sometimes, just before exploding into a rage. Tommy thought it best to just get the heck out of there and leave Jerry to whatever unpleasant fate awaited him.
Jumping off the bed, he pulled on his underwear and threw on his jeans. As he scrambled to button up, Jerry’s dad appeared at the bedroom doorway again with a beer in his hand. Jerry froze as Brad took a long slow swig of cold brew. Brad could see the frightened look on the boy’s face.
“Hey, it’s okay, Tommy,” the older man calmly told the young boy. “All boys do that sort of thing. It’s in your DNA to beat off. So relax… You’re not in any sort of trouble.” Entering the room, Jerry's dad stepped up to Tommy whose hand was now frozen on his stuck zipper. With his free hand, Brad brushed the boy’s hand away from his zipper, and deftly unbuttoned the boy’s jeans. “You want to get your rocks off? Then you go ahead and bust a nut. I won’t tell anyone, especially your mama. It’s your nature as a boy to do that, so don’t let me stop you.” Brad then left the room, leaving the boys to be boys and leaving them to do what all boys do best.
Even though Jerry’s father was apparently cool about it, Tommy was still anxious to get the heck out of there. “Where are you going?” Jerry asked as he sat up on the bed.
“I, I think I’d better go home.”
“Why? Don’t you want to beat off?”
“But your dad…”
“Don’t worry about him. He beats off too. And you know what? He squirts tons of junk. Maybe he’ll show you.”
“Uh… he beats off? Your dad?”
“Sure! All guys beat off. Dad says that for guys, it’s like breathing… something you just have to do. Of course you don’t have to beat off as often as you breathe, but wouldn’t it be cool if you did?”
“Your dad said that?”
Despite the reassurances of his best friend and seeming acceptance by Jerry’s dad, Tommy’s desire to whack his meat had evaporated. He rebuttoned his jeans and zipped up. When it was clear to Jerry that Tommy was going to leave, he changed the subject. “Hey, let’s go swimming! Your mom won’t be home for hours. I can lend you a swim suit.”
Going swimming did sound good to Tommy. He loved swimming. Besides doing something so normal seemed the best thing for Tommy to do at the moment. Gee, maybe it was all okay after all!
Jerry found his old swim suit and threw it to Tommy. Once again, Tommy undressed down to his birthday suit. He was just about to slip on the borrowed swim trunks when Jerry’s dad appeared once again at the door.
“You two!” Brad said with a booming voice from the doorway. “Out here… right now!” Jerry hadn’t begun to put on any clothes yet and Tommy was merely holding the swimsuit in one hand. “I said right now!”
The two naked boys shuffled into the living room. Jerry was calm, collected and unconcerned, but Tommy was deeply embarrassed at walking around without any clothes in someone else’s home. He didn’t even do that in his own home! Brad pointed to the big screen TV upon which was playing the dirty video the boys had watched the day before and beat off. Tommy was now doubly embarrassed.
“Is this why you boys were whacking off… to this?” The scene on the TV was a guy slobbering all over another guy’s cock. “Jerry, I told you to stay out of my things. This is off limits, and you know it!”
“It was just lying around, Dad.”
“Bullshit! It was in my red case and you damned well know that you’re not to get into that! That’s my private stuff! It’s not yours and you certainly should not be sharing my personal stuff to your friends.” Poor Tommy, he just stared down at his bare feet, afraid to look up at either Jerry’s dad or the obscene movie playing on the TV.
“Were you two watching this today?”
“No, sir,” answered Jerry respectfully, knowing that the one thing his father had no tolerance for was disrespect on his part. The fastest way to an ass blistering was to smart mouth his father. “We watched it yesterday, after school.”
“Just stay out of my private things, Jerry. Now go back to your room and do whatever you were doing.”
Tommy was now really confused. They had been busted big time by Jerry’s dad and it still wasn’t a big deal. Jerry explained it when they returned to his room to get dressed for swimming. “Don’t worry about it, Tommy. Dad doesn’t care that we watched that stuff, just as he doesn’t care that we were beating our meat. The only thing he ever gets really upset about is when I get into his beer and booze. Watching a dirty movie hardly counts.”
Jerry picked up his bathing suit and then paused saying, “What he’s really worried about is that you might blab something to your mom.”
“I wouldn’t do that!” Tommy defended. “I’d be grounded forever!”
Jerry, accepting Tommy at his word told him, “That’s what I told Dad. As long as you don’t blab about anything, everything is cool. Dad will let us do whatever we want.”
Tommy was a stouter boy than his friend, so when he tried on the old swimming suit he was quite unable to get it over his hips. “I have to go home and get my own swimsuit,” Tommy lamented. Jerry didn’t have such problems and slipped on his new bathing suit, while Tommy put on his street clothes. Dressed, the boys headed out the door to go to Tommy’s and go swimming. Jerry’s dad asked, “Where are you two off to?”
“Swimming,” Jerry answered.
“That sounds like a good idea, boys. Maybe I’ll join you.”
“Sure thing, Dad! We’ll be at the big pool.”
Tommy never knew his dad or even his father’s name. He had been raised solely by his mother, his grandmother and his aunt. Aunt Mary had been married once, but that was years ago, and his grandfather had died when he little. The only contact he had with adult males was the occasional boyfriend his mother brought home, men who had no interest in him at all; and some of the scary dudes that prowled the old apartment complex. A dad like Brad? This was totally new. He had expected Jerry’s dad to react the same way his mother, or grandmother, or aunt would have reacted, but he hadn’t.
So later when Brad joined the boys in the pool, Tommy was at first unsure and full of doubt. But as Brad began frolicking around with the boys, all those worries seemed to be misplaced. It was just as Jerry had said, his dad really didn’t care that they had been beating off or watching porno.
When Janet Wheeler arrived home from work that Friday afternoon, she was anxious to find Tommy and whisk him off to her sister’s. Some of her co-workers had spontaneously organized an after work party at a popular hot spot. She hated calling her sister at the last moment, but what choice did she have? It was either that or miss out on the party.
Arriving home she called out for Tommy, but he wasn’t there. Her best bet was to look for him at the big pool, where he often went after school with his new friend. Sure enough, she spotted him in the shallow water hooting it up as some man tossed him in the air. The man grabbed another squealing kid and launched him too while several other kids waited their turn.
“Tommy! Tommy!” she called out. Tommy turned and seeing his mom, waved to her.
Janet waved him over, but before she could tell him what she wanted, he blurted out,” “Mom! Can I spend the night at Jerry’s? It’s okay with his dad. Please!”
“I was going to take you to Aunt Mary’s tonight.”
“Aw, Mom! Do I have to? It’s so boring over there!”
“I’ve never met Jerry’s parents,” she replied.
“Brad’s right over there!” her son gushed pointing to the muscular man who was entertaining a gaggle of kids. “I’ll go get him!” He turned and swam away as fast as he could.
He was gone before Janet could say anything else. Janet then watched as Tommy swam up to the big man who was playing with all the kids. He tossed a little girl and then turned to follow Tommy to the edge of the pool.
“You must be Jerry’s dad,” Janet began as she scanned over the very muscular body of the man. He wasn’t unattractive per se, it’s just that she liked her men a lot less hairy and maybe not quite so bulging with muscles. “I’m Janet, Tommy’s mom.”
“Please to meet you, Janet. I’m Brad.”
“Tommy tells me that he’s been invited to spend the night. I don’t want him to impose upon you.”
“No problem. He’s no problem, no problem at all. In fact, he’ll keep Jerry out my hair. They’ll entertain each other all night and all day tomorrow too. Really, it’s not an imposition. Those two get along very well.”
“Well, I suppose it will be okay,” Janet replied. “I’m meeting up with some friends tonight. Tommy knows my cell number if he needs to reach me.”
“You need him back any particular time tomorrow?”
“Uh, send him home around noon.”
“You sure? They may not even be awake at noon,” Brad laughed.
“Well, whatever suits you, Brad. Send him home earlier if you want, or even later for that fact.”
“We’ll play it by ear then,” Brad said while flashing a warm friendly smile.
“Okay. Thanks.”
“Have fun tonight and don’t worry about Tommy,” Brad concluded reassuringly.
‘What luck!’ Janet thought as she exchanged phone numbers with Brad. Once out of Brad’s earshot, she immediately called her sister. “Mary. Tommy is spending the night with a friend, so you’re off the hook.”
“Well, you’re not off the hook, Sister. You still owe me.”
“I know! Why don’t you meet us at JoJo’s. There’ll be lots of people there, Mary. Maybe we can both get lucky!”
Brad took a break from the mob of kids that he always seemed to attract with his horseplay. He retrieved his cell phone from his belongings, entered Janet’s number and called for a large pepperoni pizza to be delivered. Twenty minutes later, he called the boys from the pool. They were a bit slow getting out of the water and as Brad unlocked the door, the pizza guy showed up.
Brad paid the man and placed the box of pizza on the table. “Okay you two. Out of those wet swimming suits!” Tommy now had a dilemma. The wet swim suit was the only clothes he had at Jerry’s. He’d have to go home and change.
“You don’t need to do that,” Brad told the boy. “Jerry will lend you some underwear if you want. Just leave the wet suits in the bathroom.”
Jerry had already shimmied out of his wet suit right there in the kitchen, and Tommy followed his lead. Brad made no comment, but disappeared into his own room to change into something dry.
Soon the three reconvened around the kitchen table in their underwear and nothing more. They were in for the night, so what else was needed? Tommy thought that it was cool to be sitting around eating in nothing more than a tight pair of tightie-whities. His mom wouldn’t let him do that, but it was fine with Jerry’s dad.
After eating, the boys plopped down in front of the TV to play video games and that occupied them for the next two hours while Brad peacefully read a good book. Bored with slaying dragons and saving fair maidens, they tuned into Wrestle-Mania and all the theatrics that went with that. Once the hokey wrestling show had ended and enthused by the action, the boys began to wrestle on the floor.
Tommy yelped when his drawers were pulled off his hips. He pulled them up and went after Jerry’s drawers. The two boys hooted and hollered as they went after each other. Brad, looking up from his book, watched the two boys at play. Soon, Jerry had Tommy’s drawers down to the knees. Rather than play a defensive move, Tommy went for broke, and in the process lost his underwear completely. All was not lost though, as Jerry’s drawers had been lost too. As the game continued, Tommy looked over at Brad to see if he was going to end it, but Brad didn’t, not even when the game evolved into a dick grabbing free for all.
The boys finally took a break. Jerry showed no inclination to put his drawers back on and his amused dad said nothing about it. It had been hard for Tommy to believe at first, but Brad didn’t seem to care if they were naked or not. As unbelievable as it was to Tommy, it was all okay with Brad.
They split a Coke and then resumed their nude wrestling match while Jerry’s dad watched and acted as referee. Tommy had been having so much fun that before he knew it, it was quite late. Brad told the boys to settle down and go to bed, then he turned in himself. Tommy and Jerry, still naked, climbed into Jerry’s bed together and turned out the lights. For Tommy who had always slept in a pair of pajamas, sleeping in the buff was as novel as it was great. To be sleeping naked with his friend was even better.
Of course with the lights out and with no boundaries separating them, the games continued. Under the sheets and with a flashlight highlighting various body parts, the boys amused themselves. That soon gave way to some mutual fondling which then led to Jerry going down on his friend.
Playing with each other’s dick and balls under the covers was one thing, but Tommy was genuinely surprised that Jerry would actually put his dick in his mouth. They’d seen that on the dirty videos for sure, but to actually do something like that! It was such a naughty thing to do, but it also felt so incredibly good, especially when Jerry wiggled his tongue over his hard dick.
Jerry pulled off. Grinning at his friend by the light of the flashlight, Jerry said, “Now do me!” Fair is fair and one thing ten year old boys are keenly aware of is playing fair. Being fair and playing fair is an important social skill at that age. It was wrong, it was nasty, it was naughty, but fair is fair, and playing fair mattered. Jerry had done it to him so…
Face to face with a dick he was expected to put in his mouth, Tommy hesitated for a moment. Then casting caution to the wind, he engulfed Jerry’s hard little pecker. He had no idea what it was going to taste like, so it came as surprise that it was slightly salty, like the skin on his arm. It also felt like nothing he ever had in his mouth before. It was warm, it was hard and yet it was soft, and the feel of the fleshy tube sliding between his lips was one of the best things ever. Within the first thirty seconds of giving his first blowjob, Tommy knew that he liked sucking Jerry’s dick. He liked it a lot. Almost as much as having Jerry sucking his dick. It was all the better by the fact that it was way beyond the bounds of decency and control set by his mother.
For a long time, the two boys took turns sucking on each other and it wasn’t long before Tommy had a finger up his butt for the first time. That was really nasty and he eagerly returned the favor. He wasn’t real keen on Jerry making him sniff his finger, but other than that, playing with each other’s butthole was fun too.
Jerry had Tommy stroke his cock until he had an orgasm and then Jerry returned the favor. They had both cum dry once earlier while sucking each other off, but having someone else beating his meat resulted in the best cum ever. Sated, the two ten year old boys fell into a deep sleep.
Both boys were accustomed to waking up at six thirty to get ready for school, so for them, sleeping until seven thirty was sleeping in late. Upon waking, the boys talked quietly among themselves so as not to wake up Jerry’s dad, who could be heard snoring loudly in the next room. Soon they decided to play a video game, bounded out of bed and flopped down on the floor in front of the TV bare ass naked. Even Tommy didn’t think anything of it this morning. Actually he did, but Jerry was doing it and Jerry’s dad wouldn’t care, so why not? Nor was he alarmed or embarrassed in the least by Brad’s own lack of dress when the naked man groggily plodded through the room on his way to make coffee. It was however, a surprise to Tommy to see the big muscular man wearing nothing at all except a generous crop of dark body hair, his large organ and heavy nut sack swinging freely as he walked by.
“Morning, boys,” the naked man mumbled as he passed while checking out the smooth bare rumps on display.
Without looking up from the screen, Jerry responded, “Morning, Dad.”
With his game concentration shattered, Tommy muttered, “Morning,” as his full attention was on the naked man’s body. Of course he had known that Brad was a big man, but it wasn’t until yesterday afternoon at the pool that he’d seen him shirtless. Now with the man’s entire body on display, it was hard for the boy not to stare at the older man’s bulging muscles. He seemed to have muscles on top of muscles.
“You boys want a bowl of cereal?” Jerry’s dad asked from the kitchen.
“In a minute, Dad,” Jerry called back. Looking back at the game, Tommy saw that his character was being mortally fried by the dragon while Jerry’s man tried unsuccessfully to save him.
“You’re not paying attention,” Jerry scolded. “Fuck it. Let’s eat!”
Fuck… that was another thing Tommy was getting used to. Jerry used the word a lot, even when his dad was about. If Tommy’s mother ever heard him use a word like that, he’d be punished for life. It was just another thing that Brad didn’t get upset about.
Tommy followed Jerry naked into the kitchen and sat at the table while Brad moved about setting the table. With Brad standing next to him while he passed out spoons, Tommy couldn’t help but stare at the man’s big dick just inches from his face. He only had himself, Jerry and the images of the men in the dirty movies to go by, so it was astonishing to Tommy that a dick could be so long and be so thick. To him, it was huge and every time Brad stood close, Tommy got a good look at it and his balls. Unconcerned, Brad went about his business until he finally joined the boys and sat down with his coffee to eat.
“You boys sure were up late last night,” Brad commented before shoveling in a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. “What were you guys up to, Tommy?” Tommy froze and didn’t say anything. Brad looked at the boy, amused at Tommy’s sudden discomfort. “You know, with that flashlight under the sheets, I could see everything you boys were doing in silhouette. So tell me, Tommy, did you and Jerry have fun sucking each other’s cock?” Tommy wanted to run, run and hide, but… “Don’t get upset,” the big man laughed, “I’m not going to tell your mother. All boys your age do that. I’d have been surprised if you hadn’t.” Brad took a sip of his coffee. “Was that your first time, Tommy?”
Tommy was too ashamed to speak.
“I asked you a question, boy. I expect an answer. Was that the first time you sucked a dick?”
Terrified, Tommy whispered, “Yes, sir.”
“I figured that… Did you like it? Did you enjoy sucking Jerry’s cock?” Tommy wanted to crawl under the table and simply disappear. “I asked you a question, boy! So answer me.”
“I, I, I guess.”
“You guess? Either you liked it or you didn’t. So which is it? Did you like sucking cock?”
“Uh, I…”
“I suppose if you didn’t enjoy it you wouldn’t have sucked Jerry’s dick so many times last night. Am I not right?... You’re not in any trouble with me, so just answer the fucking question.”
There was that word again, but it made no impression on the impressionable boy, but the tone of the demand did. “Yes,” he whispered in shame.
“There! Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“No, sir.”
“Like I said yesterday, if you boys want to beat off, go beat off. If you want to suck each other’s dick, go do it. It’s really no big deal to me, Tommy. Just don’t go around telling anybody about it. It’s our secret, okay. It stays in this apartment between the three of us and no one else… absolutely no one. After all it’s not like either one of you might get pregnant from messing around with each other, but don’t go around blabbing about it. Believe me, you’ll wish you had never been born if you blab about it. Do you understand me, boy?”
“Uh, yes, sir,” Tommy replied half amazed that they weren’t in any trouble at all for what he and Jerry had done last night.
“Good. It’s important that I can trust you... so don’t disappoint me.”
They finished breakfast and after the boys cleared the table and Brad loaded the dishwasher, Jerry asked, “Dad, would it be alright if Tommy and I watched one of your videos?”
“I thought kids like you watched cartons on Saturday morning.”
“That’s the one I want to show Tommy.”
Brad broke out in a laugh. He knew which video Jerry wanted to show his friends. It was pornographic cartoons… of Bart Simpson fucking his sister, Lisa, of Fred Flintstone banging Barney’s wife, of SpongeBob getting a blowjob from a big lipped fish. “Yeah, go ahead. The worst it can do is rot your brains.”
For the next hour the three of them sat on the sofa naked, watching pornographic cartoons. But as outrageously interesting the lurid cartoons were, for Tommy that was nothing compared to watching Brad idly fondling himself as his cock was even larger fully erect than it had been flaccid. He watched with fascination as he squeezed a clear bead of liquid from the piss slit of his fat purplish cockhead before smearing it around the smooth helmet-like tip.
Brad saw the boy watching him. The way the kid stared at him, it was obvious the boy was attracted to him. He winked at Tommy and gave his cock another squeeze. Gathering a new drop of the clear liquid on the tip of his finger, he reached across Jerry and brushed it across Tommy’s lip. Feeling the wet liquid on his lips and not knowing what it was, the boy recoiled momentarily. Cautiously he pursed his lips. It was slippery, whatever it was, and it didn’t seem to taste bad. Pushing his tongue through his lips and returning it to his mouth, he found that rather than being watery, it was somewhat thick and slimy and the salty taste was not unpleasant at all.
Confident that the boy was well in hand, Brad began to stoke his dick as the boy watched him masturbate. Jerry noticed what his dad was doing and turning to his friend exclaimed, “Watch what comes out of his dick!”
Brad had been on the edge for some time and it didn’t take much to push him over the edge. To Tommy’s wonderment, Brad’s cock squirted forcefully, launching a big juicy load on an impressive trajectory that ended halfway up his hairy chest. That was immediately followed by another shot to the chest. The third pulse gained some air and spattered the whitish goo on his hairy tummy. The forth gained hardly any air at all and merely wound up over his thumb and in his thick curly pubic hair. The last gouts simply gushed forth, making a mess all over his hands and his dick.
“Wow!” the astonished boy exclaimed. “What is that stuff?”
“Sperm… it’s what makes babies. When you grow some hair in a few years,” Brad said as his cum coated chest heaved for air, “your nuts will begin making sperm, then you’ll be able to cum like that too.”
Brad did not want to push the boy too far too quick, so to Tommy’s disappointment, he rose and disappeared into his bedroom. Moments later, Tommy could hear the shower going as Jerry’s father cleaned himself up. Fifteen minutes later, the boys were watching the cartoon porno DVD for the second time. Brad emerged from the bedroom, cleaned up and fully dressed for the day. “Okay, you two cock suckers, get your asses up off the sofa and get dressed. I need to do some grocery shopping. Come on, let’s move it!”
“Can’t we stay here?” Jerry whined.
“Just do as I say.”
“But Tommy doesn’t have any clothes except his bathing suit.”
“Well, it should be dry by now. He can wear that and borrow a shirt and flip flops from you.
Later that morning after Brad had run his errands and treated the boys to hotdogs from a sidewalk vendor at Home Depot, he took a call from Janet. She had just wandered in from a night out, yet she coyly asked Brad, “When are you sending Tommy home?”
“You need him home?”
“Yes, I want to take him to see my mother.”
“I’ll send him home right away.” Brad was miffed that he’d waited too long, and now Tommy had to go home. ‘There’s always the next time,’ he said to himself as Tommy headed out the door. ‘That boy’s ass is mine.’
Closing the door he turned to his son. “Do me a favor, son?”
Jerry nodded as his father unfastened his shorts and pushed them down along with his boxers. With his pants down below his knees, he sat in a chair and watched as Jerry took up position kneeling between his legs. He watched as his son’s mouth surrounded the bulbous head of his cock and then watched as the length of his cock disappeared into his boy’s mouth. “Good boy,” the father murmured as he messed up Jerry’s hair. “Good boy.”
Tommy didn’t see either Jerry or his dad for the rest of the weekend. Instead he spent it at his grandmother’s house who lived two hours away. It was too far to drive and come back the same day, so they stayed overnight and all day Sunday. It was dark when they arrived back home. Janet whipped up a quick supper and then sent Tommy off for his bath to get ready for bed. He really loved his old Granny, so even though he would have rather spent the time with his new buddy Jerry, all in all he had a good time.
Monday, the two boys were so excited to see each other again that they got into trouble for whispering to each other during class. After school was out and once the school bus dropped them off, they made it straight away to Jerry’s house. It didn’t take them long before they were naked and playing games with each other.
Returning home from work and a workout, Brad was pleased to see the two boys, lying prone on the carpet buck naked as they fought with orcs and gremlins. Brad retrieved a beer and then sat on the sofa, admiring the form of their nakedness and especially the soft curvature of their smooth bare buttocks, finding Tommy’s somewhat fleshier ass to be most appealing. He sipped his beer and simply watched, not encouraging or suggesting to them to do anything. He just watched. Watched and waited; waited until Tommy went home before he took Jerry to bed with him for a quick ass fucking.
Every day the two boys got together after school, sometimes swimming, sometimes playing video games and sometimes just messing around with each other. And nearly every day, Brad found the two of them together naked. It was enough to drive him crazy. From what Jerry was telling him, Tommy was an eager and enthusiastic cock sucker. On Thursday the boys went swimming and afterwards at Jerry’s, Tommy was introduced to ass licking. Like sucking dick, he was hesitant at first, but once the line had been crossed, he was as nasty as Jerry ever got with his old man and his friends.
Brad bought tickets to a minor league baseball game for Saturday. He called Janet and asked if Tommy could go with them, and if he could stay over for the night. Janet was more than happy to let Tommy go, as she wanted to invite the guy from accounting over for a repeat of the previous Friday night.
The game was played in the late afternoon and by dark, it was over. With the boys filled with peanuts, popcorn and hot dogs, there was no need to stop for anything to eat. Instead, Brad took them directly home. It had been a fairly warm day, not exactly blistering hot, but warm enough to have caused them all to sweat.
Eager himself for a refreshing bath, Brad told them, “You boys, go get a shower and get ready for bed.”
“Do we have to go to bed?” Jerry complained. “It’s early.”
“I didn’t say you had to go to bed, just get ready for bed. You two can then play around… I won’t stop you.”
Jerry and Tommy crowded into the hall bathroom and giggling the entire time, showered together and played grab ass. After drying off they came out into the living room with a towel wrapped around their waist. Soon, fresh from his shower, Brad joined them wearing only a pair of boxer shorts, just in time to see Jerry yank off Tommy’s towel. Tommy retaliated forthwith, and stripped bare, the boys began popping the other with the towels while Brad nursed a beer and watched from his easy chair. The towel popping turned into nude wrestling. Brad was called to referee. Rising from his chair, he approached the two out of breath boys.
“Here are the rules. Both shoulders pinned to the ground for three seconds and it’s over. Loser gives the winner a blowjob. Do you both understand the rules?”
‘He can’t be serious,’ Tommy thought.
“Ready, set, fight!”
Tommy was taken completely off guard as Jerry took him to the floor. Tommy fought back like a wild cat, but he couldn’t pin Jerry down for longer than two counts. He grabbed his friend behind the crotch, digging into Jerry’s anus. Tommy rolled him squealing onto his back and as Jerry squirmed to get free, Brad counted, “One… two…three!” It was over and Brad raised Tommy’s and in victory.
Jerry’s father looked down at him on the floor. “You lost. Time to pay up.”
“He stuck his thumb up my ass,” Jerry protested.
“Fair is fair,” his referee dad ruled. “He pinned you, now pay up.” Grinning up at his dad, Jerry walked on his knees to position himself before Tommy.
Tommy and Jerry had been blowing each other almost every day for over a week. Jerry’s dad knew about it, Tommy knew, but to do it so publicly… Astonished, Tommy felt his cock pass between Jerry’s lips and felt the ever moving tongue begin to do the thing it did so well; astonished because Jerry’s dad was watching the whole thing.
Gleefully, Brad watched his son fellate his buddy. Watching Jerry suck cock was something Brad never tired of. But this blowjob had special consequences and more than just watching Jerry, Brad was watching Tommy. At first the boy looked nervous, but as time went by, he relaxed and was obviously enjoying the experience. Tommy looked up at Jerry’s dad and seeing him smiling, smiled back with a most contented expression.
Brad’s hand went to his boxers and popping the snaps, let the boxers fall to his feet. He watched Tommy’s eyes as they fixated on the large hard prick jutting from the tangle of pubic hair. Brad stepped forward, one, two, three steps, straddling Jerry until his head was below his father’s nut sack. Tommy looked up at Brad looking down on him. He felt the powerful hand cusp the back of his head, forcing him to bend down where the large cock was waiting to be serviced. The boy opened as wide as he could and took the bulbous head into his mouth. Then as Jerry sucked Tommy, Tommy began sucking Jerry’s dad.
Brad looked down at his new conquest. At long last he had another boy to suck him off, and perhaps even another boy to swap among his friends. He was proud of the role Jerry had played in bringing Tommy along to be delivered to him, and now the boy was his. Now when he came home from work, he’d have his choice as to which boy sucked him, or maybe they could both suck him. Sucking his dick was just the first step in the process of turning Tommy into a boy whore to be used at will.
Brad felt Jerry move between his legs; the position was now too difficult to suck Tommy’s dick, so the boy backed out from between his father’s legs. With Jerry now out of his way, Tommy could get onto his knees and take the monster in hand and force more of it into his mouth.
As Tommy began polishing his knob, Brad felt his ass cheeks being pried apart and the tongue he knew so well licking deep into his cleft until the brown star target was pierced. “Oh, fuck yeah,” he moaned. “Suck me, boys, suck me. That’s it boys, suck me good.” Grabbing Tommy’s head, Brad began moving the boy’s head back and forth, fucking the boy’s face as the boy sucked and licked. “Watch the fucking teeth, boy,” Brad had to admonish on occasion, but all in all, the ten year old boy was doing a good job of stimulating just under the cock rim at the juncture of the thick cock tube.
Brad grunted in pleasure as he was serviced. “This is good! So good! Good boys, good boys.” he hissed through his teeth. As his nuts began to boil, Brad wanted to pull out for a moment to cool off, thus extending his pleasure, but there were goals to be met and now was the time to meet them. Holding the cock sucking boy by the ears so that he could not pull off without ripping his ears off, Brad let loose with a massive load. Tommy felt the fat tube running on the underside of Brad’s dick pulse as a stream of hot nut juice shot into his mouth. He wasn’t expecting anything like this and tried to pull away but couldn’t as the cock pulsed once again and more spermy spunk flooded his mouth. He was about to choke on it so he did what he had to do, swallow, only to have more semen injected into his mouth.
As his ejaculation eased and the pulses became weaker and smaller, Brad released the boy’s head and allowed him to catch a breath. More spunk surged from his cock. To his delight the boy slurped it up as well as all of the following diminishing flow.
As the mighty cock began to weaken and droop, Tommy went at it all the harder, getting more and more cock stuffed into his mouth. ‘Jerry was right,’ Brad thought, ‘Tommy does enjoy sucking dick.’
When his dick became so sensitive that it made Brad jerk from the continuing oral assault, he pulled his soft dick from the boy’s fervent mouth. Twisting his hands, the big man rotated the young boy’s head upward. It was a thrill to see all the cum surrounding the kid’s entire mouth, a mouth that was grinning up at him. “That was good, Tommy. You’re gonna be in great demand as a cock sucking whore boy,” Brad praised the grinning boy.
Needing a cold beer in the worst way, Jerry’s dad released Tommy and stepped away from the two lads. He stayed in the kitchen for a several minutes, guzzling his beer, savoring his victory and plotting out his next move.
In the living room the two boys were discuss what had just taken place. “How did you like the taste?”
“I dunno. Kind of odd. It wasn’t bad, but I can’t say it tasted all that great.”
“You’ll get used to it and then you get to liking it.”
“You like the taste of it?”
“You and your dad, do you… you know…”
“What do you think?”
“Yeah, you do, don’t you.”
“You think he’ll let me do that again?” Tommy naively asked.
“Tommy, you can count on it. Dad loves a blow job.”
Having finished his beer, Brad headed to his bedroom, passing the two naked boys who watched as he passed.
“Your dad has such a big dick,” Tommy observed.
“I guess so,” Jerry answered. “He’s got big hands and feet too.”
“What’s that got to do with it?”
“I dunno. It’s just a saying.” The boy’s discussion of Brad’s dick ended when he returned to the living room and knelt beside the two boys, placing a small case down on the floor beside him.
“Jerry, lie flat on the floor. Not that way, face up.”
“Okay Tommy, let me see you give Jerry as good a blow job as he gave you. That’s it, get between his legs. No, don’t lie down, on your hands and knees. That’s it, boy, suck that dick!”
Tommy went to town on his buddy’s small dick. It was so much easier to get into his mouth than the father’s thick prick was. The fact that Jerry’s dad was now watching him suck on Jerry was exciting too because it was so wrong on so many different levels. ‘What would Mom think?’ Just the thought of that made him slobber on it and rub it all over his face. He was a dirty, dirty boy and he was loving it.
Suddenly he felt something cold and wet between his butt cheeks. Then he felt the large fingers rubbing his anus. He liked that too. The rubbing soon transitioned into probing and soon a fat finger was working its way up his ass. It was a lot fatter than anything Jerry had stuck up inside him before, but it still felt really, really good. ‘How come something so bad feels so good,’ the boy wondered. He then decided that anything that felt as good as what he was doing tonight couldn’t possibly be bad… there was just no way no matter what his mama might think.
The finger moved in and out of his rectum several times before it was withdrawn. He felt something hard, hard like plastic, pushing up inside him and then a sudden gush of cold liquid. The plastic nozzle withdrew and the fat finger went back up inside him. With his mouth stuffed with dick, Tommy moaned; he was enjoying the finger fucking he was getting.
While he sucked and sucked Jerry’s dick, the finger moved in, out and all around causing Tommy to hump his hips as his ass was fingered. Abruptly the finger was pulled from the boy’s ass, and Jerry’s dad lifted him upright and off Jerry’s cock.
“Jerry, come around over here,” his dad instructed. Jerry scrambled up and as soon as he was out of the way, Brad pushed Tommy back down with his head on the carpet and his butt hiked up in the air.
“Stay right there, Tommy,” Brad told him taking a last quick feel of the boy’s butt.
Tommy wasn’t at all sure what would happen next as Brad now came around and squatted over his back. The boy felt the man’s big hands grasp his cheeks and spread them apart. “Do him, Jerry,” Tommy heard the man say. A moment later, he felt the spongy head of his buddy’s small prick poking into his backside and then entering his anus. The small dick pumped in and out without finesse. With the big man squatting over him, had Tommy wanted to escape his first buggering, he really had no way to escape... not that he wanted to. What was happening was naughty and dirty beyond all measure, but it felt as good as it felt odd.
Jerry flailed away for several minutes, during which by accident, he had pulled out several times. He struggled to keep is immature boy pecker inside his friend’s ass, but it was too short to stay put for very long. By and by, his dad pushed him back and out for good. “Your turn, Jerry,” his father said.
Jerry knew exactly what his father meant by that and what was expected of him. As Brad stood and stepped away, freeing Tommy from the cage formed by his legs, butt and hands, Jerry took to the doggie position to be buggered, face on the floor, hands reaching behind and spreading himself open to be sodomized.
Turning, Tommy saw his friend a foot away and saw the looming presence of Jerry’s dad standing over him. “How was that, Tommy? You like it up the butt?” Tommy nodded that he did. “Good. Well, Jerry is waiting for his turn. So go ahead. Do him like he did you.”
Tommy scooted into position on his knees, but before he was too close, Brad reached down and with a handful of lube, grasped his sex, rolling it around until Tommy was squirming under the assault. Then Brad rubbed a generous amount of lube over and into his son’s asshole.
Tommy jumped when Brad popped his ass cheek, telling him, “Get to it, boy.” Giggling, he moved into position and put his stiff 4 inch prick’s cockhead against the offered asshole. This new game he was being taught was fun! He jammed his hips forward and nearly bent his dick in half. Second time, he held it in place and just pushed. It didn’t take much pressure for Jerry’s well trained and oft used anus to open up and accept the new prick.
Like Jerry, Tommy flailed away at his buddy’s butt without finesse. Whereas being ass fucked wasn’t new to Jerry, until a moment ago, he was just as inexperienced in doing the buggering as Tommy was now.
For the next half hour, Brad sat back, drinking beer and watching the two boys taking turns with each other. As far as he was concerned the night had been a smashing success. He contemplated running his fat dick up Tommy’s young ass. The boy wouldn’t object… at least not at first, but he knew the boy needed some additional training. He didn’t want the boy’s first cornholing with a big dick to be a bad experience. ‘Just bring him a long slowly. Stretch that asshole and it will be mine,’ he thought with a grin
The two young boys grew tired of their new game and joining Brad on the sofa, sat on either side of him. Brad tussled Tommy head. Tommy, in desperate need of a male figure in his life, took it a sign of affection and snuggled into the muscular man’s side. Tentatively at first, the boy touched Brad thick arm and found it to be rock hard. He tried to encircle the bulging bicep with both hands, but couldn’t make his fingers touch. Finding no hint of rejection, Tommy hands began to explore the ripped body of the man, his hands testing the rock hard pectorals and the tight rippled abdomen before gliding over the bulging thigh muscles.
Brad sat back and let the boy explore to his heart’s content and was especially pleased when the boy fondled his cock and his balls.
“You like my dick as much as you like Jerry’s?” Brad asked Tommy. Tommy looked up into Brad’s chiseled face, and nodded. “Then show me you like it… lick it and then suck it. And while you’re at it, lick my nuts too.” Tommy looked back down at the imposing erect male organ and lowered his head.
This time was different. The first time Tommy sucked Jerry’s dad’s dick, he was coaxed, almost forced into it. This time he was going down on Brad willingly, as willingly as he would go down on Jerry. He still had a hard time of getting something that big into his mouth, but he tried hard to stuff as much of the mature cock into his mouth as possible. He pulled off to lick the shaft and too his delight, he was soon joined by Jerry.
‘Is this fucking great or what?’ the older man said to himself as he watched both young boys licking his cock at the same time and watching as they competed to mouth and suck his glans. “Fuck, yes!” he muttered in approval while rubbing both boy’s head.
To Tommy’s surprise, he was suddenly lifted up in the air. Brad held him aloft looking down, giggling in delight, much as one would lift a baby. Then he lowered the boy to his mouth and engulfed both his immature cock and balls, before lifting him back up. Up and down Brad effortlessly lifted the boy and then lowered his immature genitals to his greedy mouth. Sometimes he took just Tommy’s cock, sometimes just his little nut sack and other times he took both into his mouth to suck briefly before lifting the happy boy towards the ceiling. He did each several times before lowering the boy back down to suck his cock once again.
As far as Tommy was concerned, this was proving to be the most fun he’d ever had. Playing with Jerry like this after school was great fun and he looked forward to the end of the school day, but playing like this with Jerry’s dad was even better. Better because not only was it fun, it was naughty fun and the best part was there no danger at all in getting into any trouble about it, not unless his mom suddenly walked in and that was so unlikely as not to merit any concern. He could get as nasty as he wished, Jerry could get as nasty as he wished and Jerry’s dad could get as nasty as he wished, and it would all be fine. Being and acting nasty wasn’t discouraged, indeed at Jerry’s it was encouraged, and knowing that thrilled Tommy.
The two cock sucking boys laughed elatedly as Brad’s dick began to pulse and spout, playfully fighting over who received the most cum, both in their faces as well as in their mouths. As Brad’s cock grew softer, Tommy found that he could put more and more of it in his mouth, but for Brad the dick gobbling had gotten a bit too intense and he had to push the boy away.
Tommy sat up with a smile beaming from ear to ear, his face coated with clots of whitish goo. “Go look at yourself in the mirror, Tommy,” Brad chuckled. The two boys rushed to the bathroom so that Tommy could see what he looked like covered in cum.
When the boys returned, they were still in a playful mood. Brad, knowing the best way to secure Tommy as reliable sex partner, quickly thought up a naughty game to play. “Jerry, go get me a set of dumbbell bars.”
“You want weights on them?” his son asked.
“No, just the bars.” Jerry tore off to his dad’s bedroom and quickly returned with two short steel bars.
Taking a bar in each hand, Brad stood and held out his hands. “Hold on,” he told the boys. Using two hands, they each grabbed a bar and held on as Brad lifted them off the floor until his hands were nearly touching the ceiling. Tommy held on tight as he and Jerry were lifted and then lowered to the ground. That was cool enough for Tommy, but he squealed in delight when Brad drew his crotch to his face and playfully sucked on the boy’s prick for a moment before lowering him. Up and down, Brad lifted the boys, nuzzling into their cocks and balls and sending the boys into fits of giggling. With a mere twist of the wrist he changed the game to butt-nuzzling and crack licking. Jerry was used to his dad sticking his face in his butt and licking him, but for Tommy this was something totally new, new and totally nasty!
When Tommy’s hands tired of holding, he let go of the grip when his feet were close to the ground. Jerry of course was used to such games and wanted to play on, but Brad had other plans. After lowering Jerry and releasing the dumbbell grips, Brad held Tommy by one arm and ran his hand up the boy’s ass crack. Tommy giddily hooted and hollered as his asshole was molested.
Suddenly Brad removed his hand from the boy’s ass, lifted him over his shoulder and hauled him off to his bathroom. Turning on the shower, he didn’t wait for the water to warm up, and simply carried the boy into the cold spray and lowered him. The initial emersion was quite a shock to boy’s nervous system but the water quickly warmed up. Hastily Brad lathered up his hand and washed the cum-crusted boy’s butthole. He made short work of washing the boy’s entire body and then handing the soap to Tommy, instructing the boy to “clean my ass.” Tommy did as he was told and took great care in washing the man’s anus. By that time Jerry had joined in and soon all three were squeaky clean.
With the shower completed, Brad grabbed Tommy by the waist and hauled him in the crook of his powerful arms back into the living room still dripping wet. Still giggling from the naughty play, Tommy was gently lowered onto the ottoman face down. Immediately his legs were spread apart and wedged open between Brad’s knees. Tommy had no idea what was about to take place, but fun is fun and he tried to get away only to have Brad’s powerful hand grasp him behind the neck and effectively immobilize him. “Reach back and spread your ass open for me,” the big man ordered. Still pinned by the neck Tommy reached back and pulled his ass cheeks apart. “Now stay put,” Jerry’s dad ordered.
Brad loosened his grip on the boy’s neck, and was pleased to see the boy continue to hold his ass open, taking a moment to admire the boy’s recently deflowered and newly dedicated cockway. There was no sign of anal abuse, but Brad knew that would soon change and that his new whore boy’s tight pinkish brown asshole would soon look like his own son’s asshole did… puffy, slightly bulging, red and well used. No one who might be alarmed was likely to see it, only those who relished a willing butt boy like him.
Tommy’s eyes shot wide open as the large wet tongue of Jerry’s dad dug into his backside, licking and probing. The earlier finger fucking by Brad and the ass fucking by Jerry had loosened him up enough that Brad could orally probe deep into the boy’s anus. Brad knew the kid liked this sort of thing as Jerry had dutifully reported to his father what had taken place between the boys. But ass eating wasn’t what Brad was primarily interested in, so after five minutes of rimming the boy’s asshole, Brad pulled his face from between the kid’s cheeks. Rocking back on his heels he pointed to the case and motioned to Jerry to bring it to him.
Tommy’s body jolted briefly as he felt the cold wetness of lube smeared once again into his ass. As the tip of the bottle was shoved into his ass, Tommy expected that he’d be finger fucked again and eagerly he spread his ass open even more. He felt the cold liquid shoot up into his rectum and then felt the nozzle of the bottle as it retreated from his ass. He waited for the thick finger to penetrate him once again, but what abruptly entered him was wider, much wider. As his anal ring snapped closed around the tapered butt plug, Tommy jerked upward.
“How’s that feel, Tommy?” Brad asked the kid while giving the anal trainer a gentle tug to properly seat it.
“Uh, okay… I guess,” the boy answered.
“Feels good?”
“Uh, yeah… I guess.”
“We’ll just leave it in for while and let you get used to it,” the man explained. For the next half hour or so, Tommy moved about the apartment and played video games with Jerry while the butt plug was firmly seated in his asshole, stretching his sphincter so that it could accommodate an even larger plug. It was somewhat uncomfortable at first, but became oddly pleasurable by the time Brad took him and placing him on his hands and knees, removed the first plug and inserted an even larger one. Tommy couldn’t help but grunt as the larger tapered plastic toy was inserted, nor could he help but gasp as the thickest part of the plug slipped past his anal ring. It left him panting for breath and motionless for the next several minutes as his sphincter gradually relaxed. While the discomfort turned into an odd pleasurable feeling, Tommy remained kneeling on all fours with his face on the carpet and butt high in the air. The back massage Jerry’s dad was giving to him also helped immensely.
“How does it feel now,” he heard Jerry’s dad ask.
“Okay, I guess,” the boy once again answered in a low voice.
“Ready for me to take it out or do you want it to stay up your ass?”
“You can take it out,” Tommy answered. It felt like his asshole was being turned inside out as the plug was pulled from his anus, but once it was out, he felt oddly empty.
“Want it back in?” the boy was asked. Tommy nodded and the plug was reinserted. He enjoyed the feeling of fullness for only a few moments before the plug was pulled out of his ass again, only to be reinserted, a process that was repeated over and over until his anus gaped open.
With the butt plug removed, the boy felt strong fingers now gripping him at the hips. He felt something wide and spongy nestle up against his butt hole, it felt a lot like Jerry’s dick did, only much bigger, just before it went up his ass. Once a solid contact had been made, the pressure began to increase as Jerry’s dad pulled Tommy’s hips toward him while pushing his cock into the boy’s anus.
For a good long moment, nothing happened even though Brad was increasing the pressure second by second. ‘He’s too tight,’ the pedophile father lamented to himself. ‘He’s not quite ready, I’m going to have to stretch him more…” Suddenly the boy’s sphincter gave way and the fat head of his big prick popped inside the boy.
“Owwwww!” Tommy cried out at the searing burning pain in his ass.
Brad rubbed the boy’s back and soothingly comforted him telling him that the worst was over and that the discomfiture would pass with a few minutes, minutes that seemed to Tommy to be more than a few. Still the pain did quickly mellow and soon it was just the odd and strangely hot sensation of having something so big up his butt. “You tell me when you’re ready,” Brad instructed.
‘Ready for what?’ the boy thought even though he had a pretty good idea of what would soon happen. ‘It felt kind of good when Jerry stuck it in deep,’ the boy thought. With the pain of moments ago now forgotten, Tommy nodded his head. Suddenly his eyes were crossed and he grunted, “Uhhhnnn,” as the thick tube of man meat was shoved a little ways up his tender ass. "Unhg. Unh. Unhg. Unh. Unhg. Unh." The apartment filled with guttural rhythmic grunts as Tommy was sodomized by the older male. This was nothing like when Jerry stuck his dick up his ass. This was… worse, or rather it was better. The boy felt the big dick up his ass pulse several times as Brad unloaded in his rectum. Then to his disappointment, the cock softened and slithered out of his asshole, leaving him empty.
“Come look at this,” Jerry’s father told him as he held Tommy’s ass cheeks open.
“Wow,” the boy exclaimed as his friend’s hole stayed open and stream of whitish fluid drained from it to run down Tommy’s thigh to the floor.
“Clean him up,” his father ordered. Having been trained since birth to do what his father demanded without question, Jerry pushed his face into Tommy’s ass and lapped up his father’s sperm as it oozed from the slowly closing hole.
For Tommy the night was not over. He slept with Jerry and Brad in Brad’s big bed and was sodomized twice more before he went home later the next day. Even though he was sore the next day, Tommy gushed to his mother about how much fun he’d had with Jerry and his dad and how he wanted to spend the night again, that very night.
“You have school tomorrow, young man,” his amused mother told him. “Maybe some other time, but only if Jerry’s dad wants to put up with you.”
Tommy didn’t have to wait for the next weekend or wait until Jerry’s dad invited him. He only had to wait for the next day… after school… and after swimming. A half hour or so before Brad came home from work, the boys merrily stripped off their wet bathing suits and enthusiastically set about playing a video game.
Tommy couldn’t help but compare how thing were so different at Jerry’s than at his house. At home, it was eat your vegetables, zip up your pants, do this or don’t do that. No matter what he did, his mother would always correct him, even when he wasn’t doing anything wrong. His Gran and his Aunt Mary were like that too. Before he ever met Jerry, he decided one night to sleep naked like everyone did at Jerry’s and was busted. His mom didn’t punish him for it per se, but she raised Cain about it. Of course he said nothing about what went on at Jerry’s and thought how much more fun it was being with guys rather than his mom with all her rules, his grandmother with all her rules or even his aunt with all of her rules. At Jerry’s there were no rules except to do as Brad told you to do the first time and to stay naked at all times. Tommy liked going naked and he liked the sex games at Jerry’s.
Seeing the two boys sprawled out nude, Brad was very pleased as Tommy apparently had no regrets about what had happened Saturday night. Indeed, Brad was supremely confident that he had his choice of which boy would suck his dick tonight.
Jerry heard his father and glancing over his shoulder, greeted his dad. Tommy looked over to where Brad stood and smiled warmly before returning his attention to the game. Brad kicked off his shoes, stripped off his shirt and then his jeans and boxers. Kneeling naked between the two naked boys, Brad slid his hands up the two boys’ bare buttocks and back. Jerry, used to his father’s affections kept his eyes and attention on the task of slaying a gargoyle. Tommy however, instantly lost interest in the game and rolled onto his back to give the man’s large hand free access to his boyish genitals, an invitation that Brad immediately seized upon.
As his immature boy cock stiffened, Tommy looked up with an encouraging smile at the muscular man who was brashly fondling him. From the man’s expression, Tommy knew that he was pleasing the older man, a man he wished to be his dad. A big powerful man who could protect him, nurture him and teach him the ways of men. But he also knew that Brad could never be his dad, at least not like he was Jerry’s dad, but he also knew that it was somehow important to please him.
Despite the fact that he was enjoying the fondling, Tommy moved around and nuzzled his face into Brad naked crotch, his lips eagerly searching for the big knob of Brad’s cock. Finding it, he surrounded the fat crown with his lips and rejoiced in the sensation of sucking a big dick.
“Damn,” Brad muttered as the boy threw everything into the task of blowing him. “You sure are an eager cock sucker,” he mumbled in approval. “That’s it, little buddy, suck my dick. Yeah, that feels good.”
Brad leaned back and sat on the floor, propping himself up with his arms slightly behind his back to watch the naked 10 year old suck his dick and lick his heavy balls. It was obvious that the kid enjoyed sucking him.
He looked over to his own son who was now watching them while he stroked himself. Jerry had been sucking his dick since he was an infant. At first Brad had felt a bit guilty about that, encouraging his baby boy to suckle on his prick while his “friends” watched on their computers. At the time he really didn’t know who these “friends” were, other than the fact that they exhibited their boys too and had them perform various sex acts online. Every day he swore he’d stop and not ever do it again, but once he was home at night and his girlfriend had left for her job as a stripper… it was too tempting and too easy and so exciting. After a while, the meetings were in person where they swapped boys and watched each other with them. Not long after that began, his girlfriend ran off with some rich dude to be his whore, leaving him with Jerry and no restraints. With the loss of her income, he needed to make ends meet and what better way to raise cash than to provide Jerry to someone willing to pay generously to play.
Gently he pushed Tommy off his dick and signaled to his son to take his place. Jerry did not hesitate to take his dad’s cock into his mouth. As Jerry crouched before him, Brad instantly saw the possibilities. Grabbing Tommy by the back of his neck, he drew his new butt boy in close and whispered to him, “I want you to lick and suck on Jerry’s butthole. Will you do that for Jerry and me?” Tommy nodded against the strong hand at the back of his neck and the powerful grip was released.
Having rimmed Jerry before and wanting to please Brad, Tommy moved behind his friend, spread open his ass cheeks and began licking at the swollen orifice. ‘This kid will do anything I want,’ Brad reflected as he watched the depraved boy performing analingus. A butt sucking boy could fetch a handsome price he knew, but he had to be absolutely certain the boy would be as willing to be debased as Jerry was. ‘Only one way to find out,’ he thought with a grin.
The telephone ringing intruded upon Brad’s pleasure and he did his best to ignore it. The answering machine picked up and Tommy’s mother voice came on. “Brad, this is Janet, Tommy’s mom. I need to stay at the office for another hour or so. If it’s not a big inconvenience, will you look after Tommy until I get home. If you can’t, just call me. Thanks. You’re a life saver.”
Tommy looked up from Jerry’s saliva wet butt, grinned at Brad and dove back in between his friend’s buttocks. Brad rose and reached into the TV cabinet and pulled out a bottle of lube. Tommy felt the slippery fingers working on his backside and he knew what was coming. The feel of the fat spongy head between his ass cheeks confirmed it. He felt the pressure build on his anus and then it slacked off.
“You want your ass fucked, Tommy?” Brad asked the butt licking boy. Tommy nodded his head that he did. “So you like my dick up your ass?” Again Tommy nodded and his face was smashed between Jerry’s cheeks as the big cock abruptly drove up his ass. It was all Tommy could do to hang onto Jerry’s hips as he was fucked and not all that gently.
It went on and on and on, or so it seemed at the time to the boy as he was sodomized. Not that he minded, it felt good to be fucked like that, fucked by the man he so desperately wanted to please so as to be accepted. He needn’t have worried, Brad was very pleased, very pleased indeed at now having two boys at his disposal and use.
As the man’s orgasm began to build rapidly, he pulled out of Tommy’s ass and immediately rammed his dick up Jerry’s oft used hole. It wasn’t that he was reluctant to cum in Tommy’s ass, or that he preferred to cum in Jerry’s ass, it was simply a matter of control, control over Tommy. He wanted to see if the boy hesitated in slurping up his cum as it dribbled out of Jerry’s asshole. As he suspected, Tommy didn’t hesitate to go once again after his buddy’s now cum leaking butthole, indeed Tommy seemed to relish the nastiness of it all.
It was a week later that Jerry and Tommy were once again playing video games in the nude. Tommy was quite used to all this by then and he embraced the “no clothes rule” while in the apartment. A bit of thrill ran up his spine and his asshole tingled in anticipation as he heard the key in the front lock and then the sound of the door opening. He was now having day dreams of living and being naughty with Brad and Jerry, day dreams of wanton buggery and debauchery. Now once again he had an opportunity to act out his dreams of decadent depravity, or at least until his mother came home.
But his delight in the immediate prospect of having his mouth and his ass used, turned to embarrassment once he realized that some other man was with Brad. The boy's eager smile vanished as he suddenly became acutely aware of and embarrassed by his total nudity. He wanted to run and cover up, lest the stranger think ill of him. His friend Jerry on the other hand, was no more concerned about his or their nudity than on any other day and kept playing the game. Tommy ducked down, hiding behind Jerry’s body as he tried to disappear into the carpet.
“Tommy, come here!” ordered Brad in his usual no nonsense voice. Tommy had no choice but to get up and come to him. He knew better than not to do what Brad told him to do. The ten year old boy rose to his feet and staring down at his bare feet, padded over to Jerry’s dad and his friend.
“Tommy, your mother called me earlier today. She has to go out of town with her boss again and won’t be back until tomorrow. You’re to stay here tonight. You can wear one of Jerry’s shirts to school tomorrow. Your shorts aren’t too dirty, are they?”
“No, sir,” the boy replied keenly aware of the eyes upon him.
“Good. Now look up.” By the boy’s chin, Brad lifted the boy’s downcast face to look up at him and look up at the strange man. “This is my friend, Mr. V. I’ve told Mr. V all about you and he wanted to meet you.”
Brad turned to his heavily tattooed friend and said, “This is Tommy. The boy I told you about.”
“Pleased to meet you,” Mr. V said to Tommy, his hand reaching out and caressing the boy’s face. “Beautiful.”
“I take it that you approve,” Brad told his friend.
“Damned right, I approve.” Mr. V then instructed Tommy to face away from them. Tommy felt the man’s hand rest on the back of his neck and then slide down his back and over his shapely bare buttocks. “You’ve got a nice ass, Tommy,” the man complimented. “A very nice ass.”
Brad had complimented him before on the fullness and shapeliness of buttocks, so the comment didn’t strike the boy as particularly odd. As the man gently rubbed the boy’s butt, Tommy’s initial shyness evaporated. And as the man freely felt him up, Tommy couldn’t help but get hard after a minute of butt exploration. The hand left the cleft of his cheeks and along with the other came to rest on his shoulders to gently coax him to turn.
“I see you have a hard pecker, Tommy,” Mr. V said and began fondling him as he stood. “You like me playing with your ass and your dick?” Tommy looked up and nodded with a grin.
Gently holding the boy’s small stiffy in his hand, Mr. V turned to Brad declaring, “You have a deal, Brad.”
The two men shook hands to seal the deal. “You can use my bed,” Brad explained. “Just keep the door open so I can check up on things.”
“Check up on things?” snorted Mr. V. “Hell, you just want to watch!” he laughed.
Taking the naked boy’s hand, Mr. V led Tommy to the bedroom. Looking down on the nude boy still prone on the floor playing his game as they passed, Mr. V thought of all the times the kid’s father had rented him out to him. Having a new butt boy was certainly going to be a treat, and if Brad hadn’t been bullshitting him, the new boy was hardly used and had low mileage on his young ass; mileage that he would increase before going home to his wife and his own kids that night.
The man instructed Tommy to sit on the edge of the bed, which he did. Whatever embarrassment the boy held minutes before were now replaced with an excitement, the naughty excitement of doing something forbidden. But what really fascinated him were the multitude of tattoos covering his muscular arms. He’d seen other men with similar tattoos and the practice fascinated him. The man reached out and gently shoved him to lie back on the bed. Smiling down at the boy, he slowly pulled his hand down the boy’s torso to his waiting dick.
“You like this,” he asked the boy as he fondled him. Tommy nodded that he did like it. The man stopped and pulled his shirt over his head revealing his fully tattooed torso. Awe struck, Tommy watched as the man ran a hand over his tattooed chest, stopping to tweak his pierced and ringed nipples. Then he knelt before the boy, lowered his head and took Tommy’s young four-incher into his mouth.
Tommy squirmed upon the bed and moaned at the sensations coming from his dick, the hot wetness, of the way the man tickled him with his tongue and caressed him with his lips. It was a feeling that any open minded male, young or old would delight in and the young boy was powerless to resist it. Looking toward the open door way, Tommy saw Brad standing there watching. To Tommy it was reassuring that Jerry’s dad was looking after him with the stranger. Feeling secure in an odd sort of way, he felt his orgasm building within minutes, building until the intoxicating feelings he so loved radiated from his groin and swept through him to the tips of his fingers and toes like an electric shock.
The man watched the boy’s motions become increasing erratic and knew the moment the kid had plunged over the precipice. ‘Little shit still has a hair trigger,’ he thought as he released the boy’s prick from his oral assault. He stood and after kicking off his shoes, waited for the boy to open his eyes and when Tommy did, the man began unfastening his belt.
Through the foggy afterglow of a good cum, Tommy watched the man unzip, lower his blue jeans and then step out of them, taking a moment to discard his socks too. Then knowing he had the boy’s full attention, he lowered own his briefs. In wonder Tommy studied the tattoo serpent coiled around a leg as it ascended from his bare foot up his leg, wrapping around his buttocks and emerging from between his legs. But as interesting as the tattoo was, what he quickly focused upon was the stiff rod of man-meat jutting forth from a tangle of pubic hair. Uncut, it was quite unlike Brad’s cock, though just as large and imposing, and it was very unlike either his own or Jerry’s circumcised peckers in both size and appearance, especially when he pulled his foreskin back to reveal an arrow-like head.
The man stepped forward and crawled up onto the bed, straddling the boy as he positioned himself. Then he bent forward and lowered his large penis to the butt boy’s face. As soon as the arrow-like head touched his lips, Tommy opened his mouth and allowed the hard cock to slide into his mouth. The first thing the boy noticed was the difference in the feel of this tapered prick compared to Brad’s fat dick. Then there was the flavor. It wasn’t that it was funky, because it was, it was just stronger tasting than Brad’s sweaty unwashed prick was. The funky man-odor of his balls wafted upwards to his nostrils, but because of their position, he really couldn’t nuzzle into them and relish the aroma.
Encouraged by the boy’s willingness to suck his dick, the man dismounted the boy’s head before he blew his load. Catching sight of Brad watching in the doorway while Jerry nursed at his father’s cock, he asked, “Where’s the fuck grease?”
“On the night stand,” his host replied.
“Oh, yeah,” replied Brad’s friend and customer. Taking the tube of KY in hand, he slathered up his dick. To the man’s surprise, Tommy drew back his legs and held them under the knees, presenting and offering his asshole for fucking. “God damn, if he ain’t the eager bugger,” he said to no one in particular as he moved into position.
Tommy watched as the tattooed man guided the head of his cock to touch Tommy’s anus. He felt a little pressure and then felt his anus blossom open and the long tube of flesh slide into him. With the man fully impaling him, Tommy let his grip on his legs go, stretching out his arms across the bed as the sodomy began. This time it was man who had a hair trigger. The boy was well trained for sure, but still tight and the aggressive humping motions he made with his hips spoke volumes of the boy’s enjoyment. The room filled with cry of masculine pleasure as the first load of cum for the night shot deep into Tommy’s receptive rectum.
Spent, Mr. V as Tommy and Jerry knew him, rocked back and sat back on his heels to catch his breath. He sensed Brad’s presence before his long hair was used as grip, turning his head to the side where Brad’s cock waited for him. Without hesitation, Mr. V took his friend’s large cock into his mouth and enthusiastically sucked and slobbered all over it until it was hard as a steel spike. Still gripping Mr. V by the hair, Brad pulled him to the bed and had him lie prone over the edge next to Tommy. Mr. V reached back, spread his cheeks open and felt the momentary cold of screw lube being worked into his hole.
“Yes!” the tattooed man hissed as he felt Brad’s thick cock slide up into him. “Fuck my ass, you bastard! Fuck my ass!”
Tommy watched in amazement at the spectacle beside him. After a dozen strokes, Brad reached around feeling for Mr. V’s prick. Finding it hard and ready, Brad pulled out giving his fuck buddy a parting slap to the ass. Mr. V wasted no time and mounted Tommy for a second time. This time the butt fucking went on considerably longer before more nut juice was deposited in the boy’s gut.
Exhausted for the moment by his efforts, the man yielded the boy’s ass to his host. He would wait and watch until Brad was finished, then climb aboard for a final fuck. After his third go at Tommy’s butt, Mr. V lay about for quite a while as he rested up before showering and going home to his wife and his two impossible teenage daughters. He was in no rush as he had told his wife he’d be late that evening. Still it was getting very late and there was always work in the morning. As he lay staring up at the ceiling, Tommy explored the intricate tattoos and nipple piercings.
“Well, what do you think?” Brad asked offering his guest a cold beer.
“Worth every penny,” came the honest reply. “The guys are going to love this one.”
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