(FFg, Fdom, oral, anal, toys, cons)
(Special notes…I received the idea for this story from a reader to Torrid Tales.” She told me of a true tale that happened on the Island of Jersey in the English Channel. I’ve tried to recreate some of the real story, but of course this story itself is much more fiction than fact. No part is meant to portray any real person living or dead. E.A.G.)
Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit
material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please
leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read
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please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any
resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you
are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are
offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex
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before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not
promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to
unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.
The wind off the English Channel was blowing from the North West and promised an early fall and winter. The woman scampering up the walk to her own back door didn’t seem to have noticed and hadn’t taken the time to zipper up her black leather car coat. She jabbed her key into the lock and swung open the pretty curtained door, entered and closed the door quickly behind herself. She was clearly excited and happy, she hummed a tune from her car radio and dropped her gloves and coat on a chair, something she never did, neatness was one of her signature habits. But tonight was different.
She reached up into the kitchen cabinet and took down the bottle of un-blended scotch. With a cat like smile she poured herself half an old fashion glass of the golden drug. She sipped the peppery liquid she had learned to like so much. Her lips stretched back against her teeth as the drops of liquid touched her tongue.
“I absolutely can’t fucking believe this… she is so fucking completely perfect… what an angel! Oh ,the little bitch has to be mine. God love the little thing… and save her little ass for me.” She shuttered in anticipation while she talked aloud to herself, and kicked off her shoes in a move that you might see on women half her forty-two years.
In her room she took off her tailored suit jacket and pulled the tails of her see through silk blouse free then dropped the blouse on her bed.
“Oh, God, I can’t stand it, it’s so wonderful. What I really can’t do is blow this. I have to do this just right… I have to be very, very cool, not over anxious, very professional… a dedicated teacher.” She continued to hum the same tune as she slid out of her just-a-little too tight skirt. “I’ll teach the brat alright. Teach her things no other teacher ever would. Like sucking my cunt and tonguing my dark hole… and much m –m-m-m-much more.”
Angie laughed to herself, unsnapped her front fastening bra with a flip of her finger, and shrugged it off, letting it fall like a useless dead thing on the bed. Another sip of Scotch and she pulled on her satin robe then picked up the telephone on her night stand. She punched in the two number code of a frequently called number and waited.
“Hi, Ginny, this is Angie. Jesus, did you see that new girl today? What a sparkling, naturally sexy little thing she is. She would be perfect for the club. The other ladies would be so envious of her, you can count on that. Especially that fat asses dike, Hellen.”
“Oh, shit … Then you missed the darling little girl. Ginny, she is so adorable, so sweet. You’re going to die when you see her. Her name is Megan, Megan Halloran. Her folks just moved from the other side of the island so she had to change schools. I read her folder and she is smart enough, but not well socialized and is very shy in class.”
“Yes, yes,” (laughter) “that is just what I was thinking. Some private tutoring is just what she needs.” (more laughing) “Or at least it is what I fucking need. Fuck all Ginny, she is simply delicious, every inch edible. Believe me you’ll be drooling with wet panties when you see her.”
Angie hooked a finger under the hem of her panties and wiggled out of them, the telephone receiver held in place between her shoulder and cheek. Then her mouth twisted into a special, secret smile as she remembered the other reason she was calling her friend.
“By the way, I saw your pussy slave, Mary Lynn, today. She was in her second grade class and gave me a big smile. She is a treasure isn’t she? I never saw a girl… and I’ve seen plenty of small ones in the club and before… that could suck a pussy as long as she did yours. She is insatiable, bless her sweet little slave heart.” She bit her own lip with the memory and squeezed a nipple very hard. She moaned mildly at her own touch.
“Oh, she really is so sweet… I loved watching the two of you together in my bed over the week end. It was just wonderful of you to let me be a spectator at your hot sex secession. I’m sure you could see how much I enjoyed it. My vibrator got a most memorable work out. What did Mary Lynn say on your way home with her? Was she upset with me being in the room?”
“Oh, I’m so glad.” She took another sip and began to massage her tit.
“You’re kidding… Well I’ll be dammed, that adorable little bitch. I’m thrilled. She really said that she would do both of us? Are you sure?”
“Well that sexy little thing must really love pussy to agree to do us both.”
Angie was sure that a threesome idea didn’t come from the seven year old, but as long as she was O.K. with it, it certainly was O.K. with Angie. “But I’m ready… I can’t wait to get that little face clamped against my pussy. I may drown her in pee. Shit, Ginny, I can feel her small lips now.” Angie’s nipples were getting hard and provided her with a steady warm, of sensitive tickling.
“Can we get together tomorrow night? I haven’t had a kid to play with in months, Ginny. The others are so protective of, “their girls”, I wouldn’t even ask.”
“That is just super, wonderful Ginny. We can trade back and forth all night.” (More laughing) “Listen Ginny, I have to go girl. I’m going to call Megan’s parents right away and volunteer to help their darling little girl, same as always. I’ll talk to you later. Kiss your little pussy-slut for me and tell her how much I’m looking forward to our first time together. I’ll be over at eight.”
“O.K. love… good night for now. Bye.”
Angie hung up the phone and walked into the kitchen, immediately forgetting Ginny and her little Mary Lynn and thinking again about Megan . “Just be sweet and concerned Angie girl. Damn, can you imagine what that little girl can do for you?” She lifted the bottle of scotch and poured herself another strong drink, no ice just burning booze for a very hot, very self centered lady that needed a little girl for sex and needed her soon. Again Angie sipped on the Scotch; again she drew her lips back at the bite and shook her head lightly. She licked her lips, smiled and took another sip. Then she went back into her bedroom.
Sitting on the edge of her bed Angie opened Megan’s file again. Sipping her scotch, she flipped through the previous teachers notes again to be sure she hadn’t missed anything… she hadn’t. She took out the school picture of Megan and leaned it against the bed side lamp. Slowly she fingered herself and studied the photo. Her cunt was already hot and very wet. She picked up the phone again and punched in the Halloran’s new number. She listened to the phone ring. Three fingers slid into her sopping cunt; then someone answered.
“Hello. Is this Mrs. Halloran? This is Miss Angie Gleason, Megan’s new first grade teacher.”
Her fingers moved at a slow steady pace that kept her on the edge of a climax. She loved the degenerate nature of the call. The stupid mother would be giving her daughter to Angie to fuck and suck just because Angie was a teacher. She just had to frame the situation properly. Angie reviewed in her mind, she was calling the child’s mother basically to ask permission to turn her child into a slut, a slave to suck her cunt for hours to tongue her ass hole, and to drink her piss. Of course the woman wouldn’t know that and Angie knew from experience that she would be too dumb or trusting; and to Angie that was the same thing… to ask any meaningful questions. Angie’s pussy was feeling really fine now and she replaced her fingers with a dildo from the night stand draw.
“It’s so nice to talk to you too. Your daughter… Megan is that right (?)… Yes, of course, Megan. She is such a treasure at school. We all just love her to death.” Angie looked again at Megan’s picture, and increased a bit the pace of the dildo.
“I’m afraid there is just one problem. And I think before you start to worry, I do have a solution.”
‘The dumb fucking woman will believe anything I say…what a fucking disgrace.’ Angie shook her head and went on.
“I’ve studied the sweet girl’s record from the previous school and she has, as I suspected from watching her today, an ongoing problem of being very shy. Unfortunately that means she never asks questions and never contributes in class. That in turn means, I’m afraid, that her prospects for better marks is not very good. Not nearly as good as they should be based on her past intelligence test.” Angie could feel the tension building on the phone. Megan’s Mom was afraid of what might come next.
“Please, don’t be overly concerned, Mrs. Halloran, frankly it’s not that unusual. I promised you a simple solution. Wha…?
“No… no… no, this isn’t going to cost you a single pound,” ‘you stupid fat cow,’ Angie wanted to add. “It is something I personally do for children I like. Children that show potential… like pretty little Megan.”
“Don’t be silly it’s just something I feel I have to do as a teacher. I’ll tutor Megan at my home a few afternoons a week and all day on Saturdays. That is if it is all right with you and her father. I’m afraid she is so far behind that it will take quite some time to catch her up with the class.”
“I plan to pick her up and then drive her home myself. There is no need for you or your husband to do a thing. I would like to begin as soon as possible, perhaps the day after tomorrow… that would be Saturday.”
“Wonderful! Then we have a plan. Saturday at nine AM it is! I’ll pick her up. Now, I wonder if Megan might be available to say hello.
Oh, good, thank you.” Angie stared at the picture for a moment and once more increased the speed of the dildo…. this really felt good…
Megan picked up the phone with a shy, “Hello.”
Angie could picture the shy girl holding the telephone with both hands. She could picture her tiny fingers, her little bow mouth, her tiny pink tongue, her pleading blue eyes, and her long brown hair.
“Well, hello, Megan. This is your teacher Miss Gleason. Did your mother tell you what we are going to do?”
“Yes, that’s right. I’m going to teach you in my home until you have caught up with the rest of the class. It’s going to be a lot of fun, don’t you worry about it being hard. We can work some and play some… you’ll like it. Your very pretty Megan… I think the prettiest girl in the class, maybe the whole school. Today when I saw you I thought you were so pretty I wanted to kiss you. I thought you might not like it so I didn’t. Would you have like that, if I gave you a kiss and a hug?”
“Isn’t that nice. You’re so sweet! That makes me so happy. You’re such a nice girl to say that. Well, then if you don’t mind I’ll just have to give you a kiss when you come for your lesson on Saturday. But for now you better go back to bed, honey… I can’t wait until we can be together. Bye for now.”
Angie had to hang up quickly as a tremendous climax tore through her body. She slumped back onto her bed sweating and trembling. Her belly racked with a set of spectacular spasms, her own juice running from her pussy formed an ever widening stain on her bed sheet.
Some days in school went faster than others. Some days, like that Friday, just seemed to last forever, and some days just went on and on and on. Every time Angie looked at her watch the time seemed to be what it had been minutes before. Several times she tapped on the lens to see if the damned thing had stopped. It hadn’t.
The trouble of course was that she couldn’t wait for the evening and her date with Ginny and Mary Lynn. It was like waiting for Christmas when you’re eight years old. The only thing that helped her at all was seeing Megan again; but this time knowing that the next day, Saturday, she would have her in her house… all to herself…
All day the little Princesses sat just feet from Angie’s desk and quite often their eyes would meet. The shy little Megan would smile, blush and let her eyes fall back on her picture book. Angie would imagine the little sweet heart tight between her thighs while she screamed in orgasm and urinated in the girl’s mouth. ‘Oh God’, Angie thought, ‘it’s going to be something else again… What beautiful lips she has.’
“Can you please help me put these supplies away, Megan?” Angie had asked nodding at the small pile of books and supplies on the floor near the store room door. Naturally Megan agreed to help and didn’t seem surprised when Miss Gleason locked the door with the two of them inside the big supply closet.
“Do you want to know why I really wanted you to come in here, Megan?”
The girl didn’t answer her and looked at the wall behind Angie.
“Because you said on the phone I could give you a hug and a kiss. Do you still want me to do that?”
“I guess so.” Megan now was twisting from side to side and acting even more shy than usual. Her finger went to her mouth.
“O.K., then come here and give me a big kiss.”
Angie felt a familiar tingle in her tummy as she touched the girl’s hands. Megan came willingly to her and closed her eyes. Angie pressed her lips to the girl’s and closed her eyes too. The kiss was warm and long, but with closed mouths. Angie held her close to her pressing the girl against her tits; Angie’s hands cupped Megan’s ass cheeks, but nothing more.
Megan enjoyed her first real kiss a lot and even enjoyed her teacher’s hands on her butt. Of course she knew that was naughty, but who would know? Minutes later she was back in her seat and Miss Gleason was happily back behind her desk.
Angie’s mind went back to the night before. Then after school, she talked with Mary Lynn for a minute and soaked her own panties. She had taken a special bundle from the girl and retreated to the ladies room where she had tasted and smelled the girl’s panties. Finally, carefully she placed the small panties in the crotch of her own panties against her wet cunt lips and pulled them up tight so she could feel Mary Lynn’s undergarment close to her pussy for the rest of the afternoon.
The day did end and Angie went home to get ready for the evening.
In her second grade class room, seven year old Mary- Lynn too had a case of clock watching. Ginny had told her the night before that they would be having Aunt Angie over for the evening. Mary Lynn knew what that meant … two pussies to touch, to kiss, to suck and to taste, and for sure, lots of pee in her mouth.
Her little ass wiggled every time she imagined the scene trying to satisfy the itch... And it was a bare ass under her skirt that was wiggling. Her teacher and ‘special aunt’ Ginny had told her that she should go to the ladies room and take off her panties.
“Be sure they are a little wet, Honey,” she had said, “and then give them to Aunt Angie in private before school is over for the day.”
She had done exactly as told on her way back to class after lunch. She passed the gift to Miss Gleason outside the first grade class room where she found the teacher waiting. Angie had immediately put the panties in her skirt pocket realizing of course what it was. She would un-wrap the ball of cotton fabric in private in the teacher’s room toilet. Then she would smell and taste the little girls flavor and moan in pleasure as she squeezed her legs together in sweet torture.
The afternoon classes went so—so—slowly. Mary Lynn thought it would never end. She couldn’t stop thinking about her Aunt Ginny and Aunt Angie.
The names never confused Mary Lynn or Megan. In school it was Miss (Angie) Gleason and Miss (Ginny) Potter. At home it was Aunt Angie and Aunt Ginny.
Miss Gleason (Aunt Angie) had been in the room last week when Mary Lynn had given Aunt Ginny a special tongue lapping it had lasted for ever and Mary Lynn loved that her Aunt Ginny kept coming in her mouth time and time again.
And then her mind would shift instantly to Aunt Angie. Aunt Angie’s had huge tits. Mary Lynn liked big tits. When she had given Miss. Gleason the ‘gift’, Miss Gleason had looked around to be sure no one was looking and bent down to give Mary Lynn a good view of the cleavage between her boobs.
“You really like my tits don’t you, you little devil,” the teacher half whispered to Mary Lynn while at the same moment she slid a hand under the little girl’s dress and patted her nude chubby ass. That had been all, but Mary Lynn could still feel the teacher’s gentle hand. It gave her goose bumps and a big smile.
Mary Lynn often stayed at her tutor’s house for the night, for extra study and practice with her mathematics. That Friday evening was such a night, after dinner Mary Lynn had showered and put on a soft pink cotton night gown. She watched T.V. and waited while Aunt Ginny changed into a very sexy outfit. She loved it when the woman she called Aunt Ginny dressed up in her pretty sexy clothes.
The door chime announced the arrival of Angie at exactly eight o’clock. She was wearing a full length back vinyl ‘English duster’ that exposed only a few inches of her shinny black boots. She was wearing black gloves and the coat collar was up framing her pretty face. Her short black hair was combed and sprayed toward the back of her head giving her a radical dark and purely sexual aura.
Mary Lynn opened the door and welcomed her other Aunt into the house.
“Hi, Aunt Angie!” sang the little girl. “Aunt Ginny and I have been waiting for you.”
“Who,” inquired Angie sternly, “who is waiting?”
Mary Lynn looked puzzled for a moment… then added. “I’m sorry Auntie. Aunt Ginny and slave Mary Lynn have been waiting for you.” Mary Lynn often forgot to describe herself correctly, but she was learning.
“You’re such a pleasure dear,” the dark haired ‘aunt’ said with a disarming smile. “I’m sure Aunt Ginny has you well trained. Now please take my things off.”
Ginny was in the living room now and loved to watch her slave in action. Mary Lynn first took off Angie’s gloves then with some help from Angie took off her coat. Then she just stared, Angie stood before her in just her undergarments… but what gorgeous undergarments they were.
To match the dark theme, Angie was wearing all black… even the decorative ribbons were black. Her black lace bra seemed sculptured to her ample tits. Each cup had an opening at the summit to allow the nipples to stick out, available to be sucked. The purple brown nipples and areola appeared quite swollen and ready for sex. Her panties were the same black lace covering her hairless mound, a black patch of satin covered her cunt disappeared between her legs and met the wide lace band in the back. Under the panties was an equally black frilly garter belt that held up black mesh nylons that disappeared into the top of calf high, black boots.
“Well, you did that like a real slave, Mary Lynn. Now come and give your Auntie a big kiss.” Ginny watched as her little doll ran to Angie and jumped into her arms. She was dressed in a similar manner… all black but with plain black nylons and no boots. Both women gave off the feeling of dark Goth-like coolness and a hidden danger of some sort. Mary Lynn, very much their willing slave tonight, loved the game and thrilled at the idea of the two grown up ladies, both school teachers, wanting to do naughty things with her. She knew she was a very lucky girl.
Angie held the girl well off the floor while they kissed. It was a deep open mouth kiss that Mary Lynn usually reserved for just Auntie Ginny, but tonight was different and she loved the feel of Angie’s tits pressing against her belly. Angie’s hands were of course under the little girl’s night gown grasping her bare ass. It was chubby and firm and very pleasing to the touch. Angie held her now with one arm and used the other hand to open her ass crack and finger her little girl asshole. The lack of any lubricant meant that she couldn’t push her finger up the child’s ass, but she did rub it back and forth several times and then smelled her finger. “You smell delicious slave Mary Lynn… Here taste your own butthole.” Angie slid her finger into Mary Lynn’s mouth letting her suck the finger for a moment.
“Oh, God you are such a little slut, Mary Lynn. I could just eat you all up.” She set the girl down and Ginny pulled off her night gown leaving the little girl nude.
“Go jump up on the bed slave Mary,” Ginny told her, “And be sure your legs are wide open when we get there.”
Moments later the two women entered the bedroom, each with a tall drink for themselves and ice water for the cunt slave. Mary Lynn was stretched out on the bed waiting for them. She had drawn her legs up a bit and opened her cunt for them to see, offering her tight little cunt to them to do with as they liked. Her little fingers held her delicate outer lips open while one small finger explored her pussy, concentrating from experience on her stiff clit.
“Will you look at that little brat, Ginny… She wants to get fucked. She is in the right position for sure. Well, she is too small for that,, but some fingers will be up her holes very soon.”
“Yes, very soon Angie… Why don’t you use her mouth first. I want to watch for a few minutes. Perhaps we could try a small strap-on later if you like.”
“Fine… Right now I can’t wait to feel those lips at my clit.” Angie knew that Mary Lynn was well trained from what she has seen the previous week. She appeared to be a wonderful cunt sucker, but would she be as free with a new ‘Auntie’ as she had been with her own second grade teacher, her Auntie Ginny?
Angie started by straddling Mary Lynn and slowly rubbing her wet pussy up and down over the girl’s thin leg leaving a long silvery smear on the white hairless skin.
“Does that feel good, Baby? Do you like the feel of my pussy on you?”
“Oh, yes, Auntie,” Mary Lynn said. “You feel hot and sexy to me. It makes my own pee hole feel tingly and wet.”
Angie just smiled and stared at the little girl. She looked at her tiny nipples and her pretty face. She looked at her mouth… mostly she looked at her mouth. She slowly moved her finger into the pussy slave’s small mouth and played wither her lips running her finger between her lip and teeth and then gently pulling her lip away. “That mouth is mine to do with as I like,” she said softly to Mary Lynn. “It’s so very lovely, isn’t it girl?”
“Yes, Auntie… I’ll do anything you want because I want to be your little girl slave.”
“Yes, my cunt slave,” Angie smiled. “Stick out your tongue, slave girl.” Quickly Mary Lynn stuck out her tongue. Angie bent low over the girl, her hips still sliding her well lubricated cunt over the girl’s leg, and kissed her tongue…then lapped it. She moistened the girls full lips with a wet tongue and finally spit on Mary Lynn’s tongue.
“Swallow my spit, slave.” Mary Lynn smiled and swallowed her Auntie Mistress’s spit.
Angie adjusted her position and straddled Mary Lynn’s face, a knee on either side of the girl. She looked down into the trusting little face and smiled. “We are both going to like this, Sweetie. Just don’t stop sucking.”
Reaching behind herself Angie’s finger pulled at the girl’s nipple and she slowly lowered herself down toward Mary Lynn’s mouth. Angie unsnapped the removable crotch from her panties and was pleased with Mary Lynn’s interest and desire to please. The full truth was Angie hoped the girl liked sucking her, but in reality it didn’t matter if she liked it or not… Angie meant to fuck the little girl’s mouth whether she liked it or not. She pressed her dripping wet cunt against the child’s mouth without concern for Mary Lynn. She was absorbed in her own release and wasn’t concerned in any way about the girl.
“Now suck me slave, Mary… suck me and make me happy.” Now she began to ride the small girl and watched her at the same time. She ground her cunt into Mary Lynn’s mouth and felt the girl sucking on her clit and running her tiny tongue up her hole an inch or so. Angie relaxed for a moment, just long enough for her to relieve herself in the girl’s mouth. A tiny trickle of piss deliberately passed, mixed with pussy juice escaped Angie’s cunt and was immediately swallowed by the small slave, except for a tiny bit that ran from the corner of Mary Lynn’s mouth. Most disappeared into Mary Lynn’s tummy.
Seeing the girl swallow the piss, Angie began to use her cunt to fuck the girl’s mouth faster and faster. Soon Angie was close to her climax. Bending a bit she grasped Mary Lynn’s head between her hands and forced the girl’s mouth firmly against her pussy. Mary Lynn had never stopped sucking Auntie Angie’s pussy and knew what would happen next. And it did.
Angie started to shudder and softly wail. While tears of joy ran down Angie’s cheeks, Mary Lynn sucked her off. During the final moment of climax Angie locked Mary Lynn’s head between her thighs and began to cum and cum and cum, hot pussy juice ran into Mary Lynn’s waiting mouth. Angie enjoyed every single little tickle or thrill of the climax. After a moment or so the bulk of the sexual, sensual storm was over. But not quite every electric flash had finished as they continued to tease and tingle every muscle in her body.
“Open your mouth wide slave, Mary Lynn… and drink my golden offering.” Once again she held Mary Lynn’s head tightly in place as she pissed and pissed into the slave’s mouth. Finished she made Mary Lynn lap the drops off her pussy lips and made sure she had swallowed it all before she let the second grader relax her head back against the pillow to rest. The seven year old was breathing deeply with a mild flush to her cheeks and a big smile on her face. Her tongue continued to flick out to lap bits of juice and piss off her lips and chin.
They were just getting started. In her little sexual euphoria Angie had all but forgotten Ginny. Now as she moved to give Mary Lynn a rest she realized that Ginny was right behind her on the bed. Ginny had spread open Mary Lynn’s legs and pushed a wet finger up the girl’s ass. She had been fingering the slave all the time Angie had been face fucking her. Over many weeks now, she had slowly stretched Mary Lynn’s ass hole to take three fingers and the girl liked it a lot. Now she too stopped for a brief rest. When she removed the three fingers the anus stayed open for some moments inviting further play. That gave Ginny a new idea.
Mary Lynn had enjoyed her mistress’s fingers. Now with a rest from sucking Aunt Angie’s pussy she could relax and enjoy the finger fucking she was getting. She moaned sweetly, closed her eyes and pushed back in rhythm to match Ginny’s motion. “Mmmmmmm,” she moaned. The child was a slave not just to the two women, but lately a slave to her own erotic feelings and pleasures. After a few minutes Ginny retracted her fingers and seemed to abandon Mary Lynn for the moment.
Angie was laying down resting and watching rubbing her own tits. She spread her legs and put one on either side of Mary giving the girl a close up look and smell of her cunt. With her little ass still in the air, Mary Lynn moved up to suck Aunt Angie’s hard erect nipples. The big tits had fascinated Mary and she couldn’t wait to start nursing on them. She had all but forgotten her own pleasure when she felt the tip of the strap-on dildo tickling at the opening of her ass hole. At once she knew what it was. Her Auntie Ginny had used the plastic cock to fuck her for the first time months ago and still used it a couple of times a week, but this was the first time for it to be near her back hole. She knew what to do from all the fingering; she relaxed and pushed out ward slightly to open the hole. It was all that Ginny needed and applied pressure against the tight little pink hole.
Mary could feel the oil covered dildo beginning to open her tender young ass hole and the pain was more than she had expected.
“Please Auntie… it hurts too much. Please, please stop.” She could feel that her Mistress hadn’t slowed or stopped and now Auntie Angie was holding her hips tightly and firmly in place, preventing her from moving away from the intrusion.
“Stop, stop it hurts me… stop!” Tears had started in the wide open eyes of Mary Lynn. She bit her lip and hoped the pain would end.
The head of the undersized dildo popped into the dark cannel, Ginny paused for a moment or two and then continued to slowly push the semi-hard imitation cock up the seven year old’s ass.
“It hurts too much please, please.” Mary knew Auntie wasn’t listening to her now, but the burning pain was terrible. She was at the mercy of the women. Slowly the pain seemed to soften some… moments later it was a pleasant pain. It was sort of like the first time Auntie had pushed the dildo up her little cunt; it hurt so good and she only hoped that Auntie wouldn’t move to fast. She thought that this might not be so bad as long as it didn’t hurt her any more than it did at that moment. In fact she was beginning to like it. In fact she was beginning to like the pleasure-pain a lot. She hadn’t the slightest idea that getting fucked up her butt could hurt so much and at the same time feel so thrilling.
“Oh, Auntie” she moaned, tears had not stopped and still lay wet on her cheeks…“Oh… oh it hurts, but feels so… so good. Just don’t stop, please.” She began to push back in rhythm with her Aunt, to get more of the strap on cock into herself.
The sight in front of her was driving Angie crazy. The little girl getting fucked up the ass… raped up the ass really, instantly made Angie extremely horny again for young sex. She pulled Mary’s head down to her cunt holding her head in place with her finger woven into the girl’s hair. “Suck me again, Mary, my love, my little beauty. You are just so incredible little one. Make love to my cunt with your mouth, darling. I need your lips on me so badly. Suck my clit, Honey. Auntie wants to feel your pretty lips on her needy pussy.”
Mary was just as excited as either woman and willingly opened her mouth to her new Aunt’s glossy wet cunt. She immediately sucked Angie’s clit into her mouth sucked it and played with the stiff slippery knob with her inexperienced tongue. The pleasure Mary Lynn was experiencing, at both ends of her small body, was immeasurable. The pleasures to the two teachers, pleasures of sight, sound, and stimulations was no less so.
Ginny was pumping very hard into the tight ass of her little slave in full deep plunges. Angie continued to lightly hold Mary’s head to her pussy and with eyes closed, head thrown back, moaned her application. She rotated her hips in small slow circles soaking Mary’s cheeks, chin and nose with her cunt juices as a result.
The taste of Auntie Angie was delicious to the little second grader. The smell and taste of Auntie was quite different than from Auntie Ginny… more flavor… fuller somehow, like an ice cream had more flavor than an icy; not better, just different. She drank in the perfume of her Aunt‘s sex and then literally drank in her pussy juice when she came… and cum she did.
Like a mad woman Angie started with a moan and that built to a full erotic scream. Her body shook and she again held Mary’s face tight against her cunt. No discernable word was said by her until she was obviously on her way down from her sex high. “Oh Fucking shit… Fucking shit… Fucking shit,” she moaned and whined through clenched teeth, her fingers digging deeper into Mary’s hair never wanting it to end, but knowing it would. She was coming down little by little. The tremors washed over her with less and less force.
“God Mary Lynn, what did you do to me? I may have to steal you from Auntie Ginny.” She fell back onto a thick pillow eyes closed relaxing and catching her breath. She didn’t see her little sexy friend start to cum.
Ginny holding Mary’s hips in a vice like clutch, did notice the girls sudden tenseness. Reacting instinctively she grabbed the fist full of hair that Angie had just abandoned and pulled back forcing Mary’s head back and up. Then she plowed deeply in to Mary’s ass with the strap on.
“Go ahead my little slave tell me to stop, beg me to stop… it hurts doesn’t it? Tell me.”
Mary was beyond hearing her Mistress and beyond caring what she wanted, but she did more or less hear her. “No… no,” she said in a rising voice. “Don’t stop Auntie… push harder.” Then, “Oh yes… yes… do me, do me, Auntie… Oh!… Oh!… Oh! I’m cummmmmming…”
Part 2 Coming soon...
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