(bb, M+b+, pedo, oral, anal, inc, homo)
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When I was kid, I had a blow buddy named Nick. Nick lived with his dad in a trailer park. On the weekends, I would spend the night at Nick’s and sometimes Nick spent the night at my house. Once the lights were out, the underwear came off and we’d suck each other’s dick. We were both too young to have anything other than a dry orgasm, but still it felt great. It was so naughty. I knew that what we were doing was wicked and wrong, very wrong, a ticket straight to hell should I die before I wake. Naturally, that made it exciting, very exciting.
Thinking back, I must have stayed over at Nick’s maybe a half a dozen times before we were ‘caught’. We were in his tiny bedroom, lit only by the glare of a street light outside his window. Nick was standing and I was on my knees sucking him off when the room lights suddenly came on. Surprise!
My gut tied up into a knot as I turned to look. There at doorway stood his dad! We were in some serious trouble for sure! Nick’s dad was a big, gruff looking man with a dark beard, an earring and several tattoos. He had a strange grin on his face. Behind him stood another man, a skinny guy with a ponytail and a weasel-like face.
“Well looky here, Ed! We’ve got another little cock sucker.”
Nick’s dad grinned at me saying, “You must really like sucking dicks, boy. You’ve been over here, how many times? Always sucking Nick’s little dick. That’s what he’s told me… that you sucked his dick whenever you stayed over. Well... I now see with my own eyes that it’s true.”
My face blushed bright red. I was scared to death, but then saw that Nick was about to burst out laughing. Nick’s dad rubbed my head and then rubbed his crotch.
“Don’t get all upset, kid. Personally, I like boys who suck dicks. Ed does too. Eh, Ed? Tell me boy, how would ya like to suck on some big dicks tonight?”
Adrenaline had flooded my system. I was speechless. I didn’t know what to say or what to do.
“Well, from the looks of things, sucking dicks is what ya like boy, and tonight you’re going to get to suck dick, lots of dicks. Eh, Nicky?” Nick grinned ear to ear.
His dad grabbed me by the ear and pulled me up. “Come on Blow Boy, follow me.”
Just as we came out into the dimly lit narrow hallway, the trailer door opened and two more men came inside. They closed the door and locked it. Completely nude, I was paraded by them and totally humiliated. Nick and I stood in the living area. The men gathered around in a circle around us. Beers were passed around as the men ogled my nine-year old body.
Nick’s father announced, “Boys, we’ve got ourselves somebody new to join in our little game tonight. This is Little Johnny, and Little Johnny likes to suck dick. Don’t ya boy?”
He popped a video in the VCR, pressed play and too my complete surprise, I saw the image of me orally getting after Nick’s genitals on the TV.
“Now Johnny, ya got a choice to make. Do ya want to play our game tonight or do ya want to go home? I ain’t gonna force ya, kid, so if ya don’t want to play, I’ll just call your mama right now. I’ll tell her to come pick ya up and tell her what ya were doing to Nick’s dick.”
My stomach really knotted up. “Don’t call my mom,” I pleaded.
“Ya wanna stay and play, ‘Suck the Dick’ with us?”
That seemed infinitely better than my mom and dad finding out about Nick and me.
“Okay,” I said in whisper.
“Okay what?”
“Okay, I’ll play.”
“Play what?”
“Uh, Suck the Dick.”
“Good. You understand what happens during this game?”
“I guess.”
“What do you think happens?”
“I suck dicks?”
Nick’s dad laughed and rubbed my head. “You’ve got the right idea boy. Okay guys, let’s play!”
The men began stripping and were all soon everyone was naked. Nick’s dad wrote names on several slips of paper and put them in bag. He shook the bag up.
“Okay, Nick’s turn is first so that his fagot little friend can see how this game is played.”
Nick reached in the bag and drew a slip of paper. He announced, “Ed,” then he placed the slip back into the bag.
Ed, the weasel-faced man, sat on the sofa. Nick knelt down and began playing with Ed’s dick. Ed took a pair of dice and rolled a five. Nick’s dad set a kitchen timer to five minutes and sat it down.
Nick sucked in Ed’s uncut and still soft dick and began working him over.
I was still scared, but as I looked around at all the big dicks, hairy balls and bare skin, my pecker betrayed me by becoming stiff. The timer dinged and Nick stood up. Ed sat there with his eyes still closed. What a positively wicked game!
I thought it was my turn, but then Nick’s dad had everyone draw a card from a deck. “Four, seven, jack, three, queen, five. Dan with the three.” Dan was a very muscular short guy, nearly hairless and covered head-to-toe with tattoos. Not only that, he had several piercings, the ears, eyebrows, one in his lip, and both nipples! He reached in the bag and pulled a slip.
“Little Johnny.”
My butt tightened. Dan put my slip back in the bag. Nick’s dad gave me the dice. Shaking with excitement of the unknown, I rolled a seven. Dan picked me up like I was a doll, turned me upside down and swallowed my little boy peter and my nuts! At nine years old, I wasn’t very heavy and he held me like that for the full seven minutes. Ding! Dan put me back down, with my dick tingling like never before.
We drew cards. Dan got the low card again. He drew a name, “Hank.” Hank was a heavy guy, very hairy and with a big gut.
Hank exclaimed, “Hot damn!” Then he rolled snake eyes, and cursed, “Aw, fuck!”
Dan massaged his pecker and balls for a minute before Nick’s dad called “Time!” Dan went down on Hank for two minutes.
Next round I drew the low card. My hands trembled with excitement as I pulled the slip.
“Jeter,” I said meekly. Jeter was Nick’s dad. I knelt down and tentatively touched his uncut dick, partially hidden by foreskin and a thick black bush.
Jeter rolled the dice and cheer went up, “Twelve!”
Ed took the timer and called out, “Time!”
I sucked in Nick’s dad semi flaccid dick. In my mouth, it got bigger and bigger. I gripped it with both hands as it continued to grow longer, fatter. The foreskin rolled back and the head emerged. The head seemed enormous and I couldn’t hope to get much of his long shaft in my mouth. I remember how smooth the head of his dick felt to my young tongue. He was pushing on my head and I was struggling to take more of it in. He pulled his dick out my mouth. As I said before, Nick’s dad had tattoos, tattoos all over, and I saw that even his dick was tattooed with a dragon!
He had me lie on my back on the kitchen table; my head over the edge flopped back. I opened wide as the knobby head approached my mouth. Then it was in my mouth again. He kept pushing it in deeper and deeper. I felt the head hit the back of my throat and I gagged, but he pushed it in ever deeper, the head sliding down my gullet towards my stomach. I had to breathe through my nose as my mouth was completely filled. Then he sawed in and out, withdrawing his head to the back of my throat before driving back in five inches or so. He must have been watching the timer because he withdrew his dick until only the head was in my mouth. Ding!
I felt his dick throb as something warm shot out of his dick into my mouth. I thought he had peed in my mouth! He pulled completely out, his spewing dick spattering my face with cum. I didn’t even know what it was! Mirthful shouting and laughter filled my ears.
I realized that it didn’t taste like pee, at least not what my pee or Nick’s pee tasted like, it was thick and slimy, salty with a hint of a bleach-like flavor. I wiped a glob off my face and looked at it. It was viscous, yellowish white, cloudy with filaments running through the fluid in wild spirals. Jeter scooped some off my face and put his coated fingers in my mouth. He smiled as I sucked his fingers clean.
I got off the table in time to draw a card. I won again, or lost, depending on your perspective. Gamely I drew a name, “Hank.”
Hank started jacking his dick and ordered, “Get back up on the table boy.”
He rolled the dice and got a six.
Hank ran his newly erect dick into my mouth and down my throat and literally fucked my mouth, his balls slapping me in the eyes with each vigorous thrust into my yawning mouth. Somebody must have been messing with the timer as it seemed to go on forever until he withdrew the tip to my lips and let loose a flood of cum. It’s really hard to swallow with your head tilted back and I nearly choked, sending cum up my nostrils, but I somehow managed to swallow most of it.
Next round Ed got the low card and drew Dan’s name from the bag. Dan rolled an eight. He did Dan on his knees, bobbing his head back and forth, taking Dan’s entire dick into his mouth.
I drew the low card and drew Ed’s name from the bag.
“Get up on the table,” Ed growled.
I now knew just how to position myself for deep throating. He rolled a five. He wasn’t hard when I heard the call “Time!” He put his soft dick to my mouth and I swirled my tongue around his limp noodle until it grew into a rod of hot steel and once again I had my face fucked.
This time when the timer didn’t ring, I knew I was being cheated and I struggled to get up only to find myself pinned down by Hank and Dan. Ed fucked my mouth until he finally came.
When I got up I protested, “That wasn’t fair! That was longer than five minutes!”
Nick’s dad looked at the timer and shook it. “You know, sometimes this thing gets jammed. I’ll watch it more carefully next time.”
Next time was the next time. Once again I drew the low card. Now I felt for certain that the game was somehow rigged. I drew Dan’s name. He threw a twelve. I started to get back up on the table, but Dan lay on the floor and told me to get on top facing his feet.
I swallowed as much of his dick as I could and found that I could swallow it all. While I was pulling my head up and down his long cock I felt him spreading my ass cheeks. My eyes went wide as he stuck his finger up my ass. It really felt pretty good and I didn’t object, I just squirmed my ass and bobbed my head until he shot off in my throat. I kept sucking even as his dick shrank and grew soft, sucking out as much of his cum as I could.
The next several rounds I didn’t draw the low card or have my name drawn, but I watched with enthusiasm blowjob after blowjob. We played this game for a long time until everyone had sucked everyone and everyone had been sucked by everyone.
It was getting late and I thought the game was over. Nick’s dad disappeared into his bedroom for several minutes. He returned, placing several tubes of what looked like tubes of toothpaste on the table. He popped the top of another beer. “Round Two!” he called.
Nick drew the low card and drew his dad’s name from the bag. Jeter had Nick get on the floor on all fours with his butt up in air. Jeter rolled a six. Then he took one of the tubes and squeezed out the colorless translucent substance onto his finger.
Jeter ran his finger up Nick’s upturned and now squirming butt and then for the full six minutes slid it in and out, adding a finger every now and then and twisting his hand all the while.
It wasn’t long before I drew the low card. I lucked out and drew Nick. I got down on all fours like he had done with his dad and he rolled a seven.
I felt his finger glide into my butt. If I had thought the first game was wicked, this game was dirty and wicked. Again we played for a long time until everyone had fingered everyone’s asshole. My butt was sort of sore when Nick’s dad called out “Round Three!”
I quickly found out what Round Three was all about. I drew the low card and picked Nick’s dad’s name out of the bag. He rolled a four. Then he explained to me that since this was my first time that this might hurt a little.
He put me on all fours again and put the stuff that I now knew was KY Jelly all over his dick. I was only nine, but I got the picture. He told me to relax and to push like I trying to take a shit. He put his dick to my virgin asshole and pressed, I felt him rotating his hips and then “Time!”
I saw stars as he pushed into my ass. My asshole was stretched wide. Wider than it had been stretched by the biggest hard turd I had ever passed. Wider than when Hank had put three fingers up my butt during Round Two.
“Are you okay boy?” he asked rubbing my shoulders. The pain was suddenly gone and breathlessly I nodded ‘yes’. Then he began slowly pushing in deeper and deeper. He filled me up and just kept his dick inside me until the timer rang. Then he withdrew. My butt burned with a warm glow.
It wasn’t long before Hank’s dick was pushing up my ass. Nick’s dad kept reminding him to take it slow, to take it easy, reminding him that I’d never been fucked in the ass before until a few minutes ago. Hank did take it easy, and slowly fucked me for his nine minutes.
Ed drew the low card and drew my name from the bag. I threw a five and I told him to get down on all fours. Now I discovered what a disadvantage Nick and I had in this game. My little pecker was too damned little to do anything but mash up against his shit hole. I couldn’t get it in, and even if I could, it wasn’t long enough to go anywhere.
Ed was having a great time, urging me, “Fuck me boy! Come on, put it up my ass!” I fruitlessly humped away trying my damnedest. Ding! I felt frustrated.
Hank drew Dan’s name and got a full twelve minute fucking. It was really the first time I had seen anyone get fucked before. Hank was on his back. Jeter and Ed held his ankles and pulled his legs toward his shoulders, rotating his butt off the ground. Dan slid into the slot with his knees spread wide. Nick and I watched as Dan’s dick disappeared into Hank’s upturned butt. Before that night, I had never imagined anything this sinful existed.
It seemed to take forever, but when at last I pulled a low card, I jumped with joy. I put my hand in the bag, wishing and praying I that didn’t draw Nick. I pulled Nick’s dad name.
I shouted, “Yes! Ooga , ooga, ooga!”
Jeter looked at me and grinned. “So you’re eager for another butt fucking! Okay, Johnny boy, get your ass up on the table and get on your back. That’s it, now grab your ankles and show us your hole.”
He rolled the dice.
He made a big production of stroking his dick to a hard-on. He greased up his thickly veined, dragon tattooed dick and put it to my burning hole. He pushed and I pushed until he slid right in. He started slow, but once he knew for sure that I was comfortable having my ass reamed, he picked up the pace. I felt his heavy balls slap against my young ass as he thrust harder and harder. As his dick plunged in and out of my willing and needy hole I knew that I was a bad boy, a very bad boy.
Fortunately, I didn’t die in my sleep that night and go straight to hell. I made it to confession the very next day. The priest was very interested in what I had done and made me tell him what I had done over and over before he absolved me of my sins. He then invited me to his office for milk and cookies, but that’s another story.
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