by   E.A.Grant

(Mg, prost, oral, interr, inc)

Roy had found it easier, more fun, and more profitable to simply whore out his young daughter rather than working at a dead end menial job.  All was well until… But life goes on.

Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted 2011 with all rights expressly reserved by its author unless explicitly granted.

Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read or view sexually explicit material in the community you view such material, please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex between minors and adults, or any other situation, please check the story code before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.

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“I don’t give a damn, Jill.  The nice gentleman wants you to suck his cock, so just do it and do a good job! Do you understand me?   He paid me, I mean us, good money for you and he has to get his money’s worth. So stop being a pain in the ass and suck his cock for him. Go! Or I’ll beat your ass.”

Exasperated Jill shook her head ‘no’ slowly. “Oh, you will not… you never even spank me. You’re just being silly, Daddy.”

“Maybe I’ll just have to start… Now please go to work so we can go home.”   Roy was getting frustrated with his young daughter.  She always wanted it her way and life just wasn’t like that. He had tried to explain it to her, they had obligations to their customers; she just didn’t understand good business practices.

“But Daddy, he’s too big for me. He tries to push too much in my mouth.  And he’s a slob… I did him two times before and I know.” She knew she would lose the argument, but she would bitch anyway. “I hate him!  He’s a stupid fat old man anyway. Why can’t I do old man Fitzgerald again?  He likes me and he is nice to me.”

“Look, Honey, Fitz doesn’t have any more money till his social security check in a week and we don’t work on credit.  Now damn it, Jill, get going!  Don’t make the nice man wait in the van. He might think you’re not coming.”

Resigned to doing what her dad had told her to do, Jill walked from the shadows to the rusty red van. She had never thought she wouldn’t have to do this guy and she didn’t really mind anyway.  It was just that this character was a jerk… Then again, he tipped her well.  

Roy didn’t know about the tips.   Anyhow it was kind of fun to bitch at her dad every once in awhile.  She was getting hungry she suddenly realized; all the cum she had swallowed hadn’t satisfied her in a way a McDonalds giant burger would.

Roy watched as his nine year old daughter turned with a long face and walked to the van parked in a dark corner of the parking lot a few feet away. He heard the door slide open on his rusty red van then heard it slide closed and finally he heard the door lock snap locked.  

Glancing about warily for muggers, he took out his roll of twenties and recounted them, four hundred and fifty dollars.  Good for one day. Jill had given five blow jobs and been fucked twice by the same man; he liked young pussy, once in front and once up her ass. Usually Roy charged an extra ten bucks for the back door business, but this night he had just charged the regular ‘fuck’ fee, one-hundred dollars, to do his little red headed daughter.  Roy smiled pleased with himself. This was a lot easier than stocking shelves at Walmart and a lot more profitable.  He didn’t have to pay taxes and he could sleep-in mornings.  

She slid open the van door and stepped up and into the rear.  Now the acting would start. Men, she had learned, seemed to like it when she acted helpless and younger than her nine years (did they think nine was old?).    They liked her wanting… a poor, helpless little orphan girl needing a strong man; willing to do anything to make the man happy.  Her eyes would have to be at once scared and begging.  A baby girl that desperately needed a daddy.   A daddy with a hard cock and his own need.  That was the way she wanted them to think of her, a lost and homeless little waif that was at the man’s mercy.   

She slid the door closed behind her, flipped the lock closed then turned toward the nude man that was stroking a fat but only semi-hard lifeless erection, at first glance one might have thought he was playing with a dead rat while he waited for her.

“Hi, Mister,” she said in her littlest little girl voice.   Jill’s pretty green eyes looked at the man’s cock as if she had never seen anything so wonderful.  “Wow, it’s really big.”  She dropped to her knees because of the low van ceiling while the smiling overweight man sat on the rug covered floor his legs spread out in front of him as he leaned back against the side wall.

“My daddy said to come into the van and be nice to the man that was already there.”  She was treating him as if she had never seen him before.  Well, it had been months. 

“Do you like my new dress? My daddy bought it for my birthday.”  She twisted her fingers together in a pretend sign of nervousness.

The man, whose name no one seemed to know or think important enough to remember, looked at Jill as if she were some kind of exotic delicious dessert and oh, my… wasn’t he starving for something sweet to eat.   His mouth dropped open just a bit as he stared at the small defenseless, available angelic play thing.

“Oh, yes,” he said clearing his throat. “What a pretty dress…and what a pretty girl. I like pretty girls.  Come closer, Honey.” He smiled at his cleaver little double entendre.

Jill really wanted to get this over with, but continued to play the game the men liked.   “Thank you, Mister.  You’re nice.” She stepped closer then pulled one of her pigtails over her shoulder and began to play with the elastic at its end.  Jill twisted her shoulders from side to side and waited.  She looked at his cock again and it was still only semi-hard. “What do you want me to do, Mister?” It was predictable to Jill.  Men always said more or less the same thing and she had heard it all many, many times.

“Well, will you take off your pretty dress for me, Sweetie? I want to see if you’re pretty all over.” The man seemed to have begun to sweat and his hand moved faster on his cock still without any sign of stiffness.   

Jill did her best to act a little shy then said, “Okay, Daddy said to do anything you said and you really do seem nice. You won’t hurt me will you? I’m just a little girl ya know.” She smiled a tight pretend scared/embarrassed smile, kicked off her shoes, reached down and pulled her dress over her head.     

The man was stunned at what he saw. Jill was completely nude under her dress. It made things go more quickly and there was never anything lost to souvenir collectors.  She didn’t have any tits of course (although some men would remember otherwise), but her buds were cute… kind of puffy with pinkish-tan nipples surrounded by a delicate tan areola.  Lower, a bald mound over her pussy guarded the dark silver grey slit in her clam shaped pussy lips.   ‘Welcome boys, to Jill’s well used and stretched cunt’ her pussy seemed to say.

Jill watched his face as he looked at her and secretly smiled to herself.  Men all loved to look at her soft tender and hairless pussy mound and exposed peach colored cunt lips.  She knew she had him now. If only her dad had sold him on the idea of fucking her they could have made extra bucks  and she would only have to lay with her legs spread, pretending to be having a wonderful time, ‘Wow!  You’re so good mister.’   It would be over in a very few minutes…very, very few minutes.        

“Do you like to see me bare naked, Mister?” she asked reverting again to her little girl voice.

“Oh, yes… yes… Fuck yessss, honey.”

The man was trembling with excitement. Jill knew that it was time to get busy so she could go to McDonalds.  She asked, “Can I play with your pee-pee, Mister?”

“Oh, ya… well sure …of course you can, Honey,” he said almost absently coming out of his dream. “That’s just what I need right now. Fuck ya, kid… that’s what I want.”

“Goody,” Jill said as she reached for his balls rubbed them gently and started to masturbate him. “Oh, gosh, Mister, I really like your pee-pee. It’s pretty and it’s so big.” She knelt in front of him and sitting on her haunches she spread her legs so he got a good look at her pussy hole. He stared at her cunt then reached out and pulled on her soft pliable nipple.

She tried to jack off the semi-hard dick with some success.  He closed his eyes and moaned. But her hand work wasn’t really making the guy  that much harder and she realized suddenly what she hadn’t understood before; the answer to the problem the other two times she had sucked him off was obvious to her now. He simply couldn’t get it up, not all the way…not really, so he couldn’t fuck her any way. If she wasn’t careful he would blame her for his impotence.  She bent down and took the fat head of the big cock into her mouth and began to suck. Her tongue did its magic.

The man moaned with the pleasure of her small young mouth, soft, wet, warm and pre-teen.  

‘What a shame,’ she thought as her experienced mouth slid up and down on his semi-hard dick. ‘It must have been huge when he was young.’  One hand softly massaged his balls and one went to his nipples on a chest covered with gray hair… her fingers twisted and played there.  She lifted herself up a little so he could get his fingers easily in her nine year old pussy and the dark hole further back if that was what he liked.

Little by little his cock did swell somewhat. Then his need seemed to dial up quickly…urgently and then as if he had fallen off a cliff.  He roughly grabbed her pigtails, pulled her forward then pushed her face firmly down onto his cock.   Eyes closed and hands on the top of her head the man began to thrust his hips up toward her face grunting like a pig and fucking her face with a semi-hard cock.

‘Here we go,’ she thought and took a big gulp of air while it was still available. She sucked him harder and harder and made dozens of trips around his cock head with her small tongue. ‘Cum-off you son-of-a-bitch,’ she thought.  

She twisted his nipple as hard as she could and let her other hand slide between his fat ass cheeks and pushed a finger into his dark hole and fingered his ass trying her hardest to bring him off quickly.  Jill’s mouth was over full with the semi-hard and bulky cock.  He pushed as much cock into her mouth as he could. It was hard work and she never could understand why her dad charged less for her to give a guy a blow job than he would charge to let someone fuck her;  She much preferred the later.  The B.J. was three times as much work. Even now being nearly suffocated and with lips burning from the strain of the constant hard sucking on the perverted old bastard, she had to continue to please. And she did. She needed a damn raise she decided.

Short moments later with his sweaty, sausage like fingers still gripping her pigtails as tightly as he would grip an automobile steering wheel before an accident… she got him to cum off. 

The strain on his face as he pushed toward, then over his climax threshold was obvious.  He spit out a river of swears and senseless curses… crude insults and just a string of rough sexual words, all designed to push his mind over the fireworks-flashing finish line.

“Do it…Do it you little cunt shit… You’re just a little whore… A cum slut…a fucking cum slut.   You little pig… suck me… suck me…  You’re a dirty little bitch… Suck faster, damn you… faster… faster. You know you love to suck your Uncle Jim’s big hard cock. Don’t you, you little tramp? So suck it faster you fucking whore cunt.”  Roughly he pushed two fingers deeply into Jill’s pussy.  “I’m cuming girl… I’m cuming.  Suck hard, suck hard… suck hard you fucking little shit….A…A…Aooowwwwwww!”

Then she had to deal with the cum, which in this case was not very much, but it slid down her throat in just two swallows.   She had never known his name until he had said it and would forget it quickly. Finally he released her and she could breathe.

‘God,’ she thought as she fell back on her elbows, dizzy, seeing sparks in her oxygen starved brain. Next time with this jerk she would make her Dad charge extra, or he could give the guy the blow job himself. Then her marketing skills resurfaced.

“Wow!  That was really good, Mister,” she lied. “If my Daddy would let me, I would do you for free. Your pee-pee is so big and you last so long… Wow. You are way cool.”  Then she reached for her dress hoping he would understand the signal that his “date” was over. “Did you like it?  I tried extra special hard because I liked the way you treat me.  I’m just a young girl and you’re really nice.”  ‘The problem is,’ she thought to herself, ‘this ass hole will probable believe all that bull shit.  Oh, well.’

Now she had to close the deal and get the hell out and find something to eat. “Hey mister can you help me?” Out came the saucer size pleading eyes and saint like face.

“Of course, sweetheart,” he panted. The exhausted sweating man had to moisten his lips to talk. He still hadn’t caught his breath. Now he looked at Jill like she was a visiting angel. “What is it, you lovely thing?”

“Well, I’m not supposed to do this but…”   Then again she turned six year old shy…  “Weeellll….I mean…” (Giggle giggle). “It has to be our secret. Okay?”  She put a finger to her lips to indicate the secret and continued in a whisper.  “I need some money for school tomorrow and my dad won’t give it to me. He’s really stingy.  Just a little… about ten dollars.”  She watched his eyes closely, ready if need be, to drop it to five.  “Then I will do something special for you.” She smiled coyly and slid into her shoes ready to leave.

“Sure, Honey. Why not?  You’re a hot little piece and I like you.” He reached for his pants lying to one side. Rooting through grimy bills he separated out a ten.  “There now what are you going to do for me, Sweetie?  Can I have another peek at that pussy?”

“Better than that Mister, look at this,” she said with a big smile. She stood up, turned around and bent over.  She pulled up her skirt up to her waist and spread her feet apart, exposing her tender little girl ass and hairless cunt to the low light.

“Do you like to look at my poop hole and my pussy, Mister? Are they pretty?”   Jill knew that all the men that liked to screw around little girls also like to look closely at their tender, young private parts. 

The man came forward on his hands and knees looking closely at Jill’s pre-teen equipment. “Oh, yes, little girl.  I like to look at both holes. They are beautiful.”

“You can touch them if you want and kiss them if you want to too. I never let men do that, but your special… you’re neat.”

The man never answered, but smiling moved forward like a man entering a sacred place about to be blessed.  He pushed a finger deep into Jill’s cunt and at the same time lapped and kissed her brown hole.  “Delicious,” he said. “I’ll have to meet you again very soon.”  

‘Okay,’ Jill said to herself, ‘Product sold. Now let’s finish this and get the hell out of here and eat.’

The happy man first smelled his finger then put the finger with her juice and the cum from the guy who had fucked her an hour earlier, into his mouth. “Mmmumm,” he said and picked up his shirt to wipe his hands and mouth.

“Gee thanks, Mister. I sure had a great time,” she said as she pulled down her skirt.  Releasing the lock on the door, she slid open the sliding door of the rusty red van and dropped to the ground close to where her dad sat waiting.

“Bye, Mister.”


Jill had been a money-making little whore since she was eight. But it had all started much earlier than even that.   At first it had been only with family members.  But then they had a big family and then there had been friends also;  guys that worked with her dad at his job as a night cleaner at Walmart.  Still early on when she was four, five and six, it was only blow jobs and finger fucking.  He had started charging when she was seven.  Roy loved to suck and finger her pussy and let the others do the same.  Finally on her eighth birthday Roy had fucked her for the first time; a kind of birthday present for himself....and well…“Wow, was that ever good.”

“Yes, sir,” he would say, “if tight is what you’re after, then an eight year old is what you need.” Roy told all his barroom friends about Jill, and invited them over.  Back then he only charged them twenty bucks for a blow job or they could fuck her for thirty right in their apartment.  Lots of nights he would have two or three men waiting for some guy to finish with her so they could ‘have a go’ at her tight little pussy. Roy joked with the men waiting and sold them cheep beer.

There was a huge demand by men that wanted young girls to fuck.  Most men denied it of course,  but they were always the first ones to show up ‘secretly’ at the apartment looking for Roy and asking if it was true about ‘the little girl’.  When the lines started to get too long Roy just raised the price to fifty dollars and the numbers shrank. Then he went up to seventy five and they almost disappeared. That was when he got the idea to use his van… the Rusty Red Van.  He raised the price again, this time to a hundred dollars (front or back) and fifty dollars for B.J.’s.  Now the only men that came to his apartment to fuck Jill for a hundred fifty dollars was by appointment only … on a bed with clean(er?) sheets.  They were business men including his boss from the cleaning company; that was what he called great job security.

The van was perfect. He fixed it all up. Well, please understand, not exactly ‘all fixed up,’ but he did put a shag rug on the floor in back to cover the grease and planed someday to do more. Once a week he would take the rug out and wash it at the Laundromat to remove all the dried cum, cigarette ashes and miscellaneous bodily fluid stains.

So all in all over the months it worked out pretty well. He had a regular set of places to go and tons of regular customers. He just drove into the parking lots and the rest took care of itself while he sipped a beer or two and flipped through old copies of Playboy.  The summer schedule, while Jill was out of school was the same. They would start around nine and go until they had made a minimum of two hundred dollars, and they never made less. 

“In business the secret is,” he told Jill, “ya got to be consistent” Mondays at the Knights of Columbus, Tuesday at the Irish bar, Wednesday at the country and western bar, Thursday at the soft ball park and Friday at the parking lot behind city Hall (The Mayors deputy was a regular).  Saturday was for special guests at the apartment and Sunday was a day off. Actually the winter school schedule was similar except that they started earlier and she got home by ten so she would be in bed before eleven.  Some days there were only four or five customers, but many days there were more.  Jill’s record was twelve B.J’s and five fuckings, in a single day at the ball park during play-offs…three in her pussy, two up her ass.     That day she had been very, very sore and let her daddy know about it; she wasn’t happy.  But even so she had smiled to herself; her tips had been super good.

“Yes, Daddy, I want a Big Mac, large fries and chocolate float.  I’m really, really hungry.” Roy had been good to his word and he and Jill sat down to enjoy their late dinner. For a nine year old that only stood four foot two and weighed a light sixty-three pounds, Jill ate like a gorilla.  She always finished what she ordered. She was small but Roy figured that was part of why the men liked her so much. Her red hair was an attraction and her scattering of freckles made her seem even younger, but it was her tight pussy and rear entrance that most talked about later. Whatever the reason she was money in the bank.

“Tomorrow is the baseball park, Honey.  But the weather report is for rain, so I’m not so sure. We can decide in the afternoon. I guess if we can’t go there we could try the movie theater again.”

“Shit, Dad.” Jill’s eyes rolled in an, ‘I can’t believe he is really thinking of that’ motion.   “That didn’t work out so good last time remember?”

“We’ll be more careful this time, Jill.  No BJ’s for kids.  They never have money anyway.  But we can go to the adult theater in the stripper zone. Not many kids there.”

With a mouth full of burger she thought about that for a moment or two.  She swallowed and said, “OK, if you want to try that for a change, but when we’re done you have to promise to take me to the mall.  I need some new underwear and those stocking the men like so much. Now can I have an apple turnover please?”


‘If it is Thursday, it must be blow jobs at the soft ball park,’ she thought out loud looking through the Rusty Red Van windows, between the slap-slap of the wipers.    “Daddy this isn’t happening is it?”  She sighed knowing it was going to be a long time before she would be standing at the pretzel stand at the mall.  If the game was on there would be a fast four or five customers as she had regulars here, then off to the mall. But if they had to go to the movies and hustle, it would take a lot longer to make any money.  Bummer.

“Damn, Baby.  It seems like we’ve been rained out. Look at that mud. We can hang around and see if any of your regulars show, but that sounds like a waste of time. Anyhow some of them will be at the Knights of Columbus on Monday.  Let’s go to the fuck-flicks.  On a rainy evening it should be busy.

“OK, but can I help pick out the guys this time. No more drunks that can’t get hard then blame me.”

“Yes, you can help pick.”

“Thanks… Dad… Daddy-o… Roy… boss man… Pops… Daddy-o daddy-o.”  She giggled knowing how he hated being called Daddy-o, and then slid up close to him as they drove away from the ball field.


Jill saw the neon sign glowing through the misting rain, “Olive G rd n Adu t Arts The ter”.  Raising a skeptical eye brow as they drove into the parking lot Jill observed, “The old Olive Garden could use a little help in the sign department, Dad. It’s a real high brow place I can tell.  Or it could be if someone would find those missing letters.” She giggled and added, “Bet they reuse the popcorn boxes.”

“Don’t be a pain in the ass, Jill. This is just business.  Business is where you find it.”

“Sure it is.  Then why aren’t we down town at the city bank. I could find business there… lots of men and money.”

“Maybe another day, Baby.   This is where we are now, so let’s go to work.”

“Two tickets please,” Roy asked the lady behind the cashers window. There was no line.

The middle aged blonde came closer to the window and had to look down to see Jill. “She over sixteen, Pops?” she asked as she chewed her gum and stared at him with eyes that had turned to pale blue blocks of ice.

“Yes, of course she is sixteen.  Just small for her age.”

Her eyes never left him or softened. She pushed two tickets toward him. “Ya, sure she is, asshole… Eighteen bucks, tiger.”

Inside displayed the same kind of non-maintenance that they had seen on the outside. There was a candy and popcorn stand on one side of the mezzanine entrance to the seating section.  A staircase in the center left of the lobby led up to the balcony and the men’s and ladies rooms were to the left of the mezzanine door.  Soda and ice cream machines were between the wash rooms and a water fountain was under the staircase. Several displays of “XXXX” coming attractions were lit up displaying unknown “Stars” performing all kinds of sex in all kind of combinations of men, women and beast.

“Grease,” Jill said with distaste, “everything is greasy.”  She was right. The carpet was greasy and old, riddled with holes and numerous worn spots. There were greasy smudges on the plastic front of the soda machine and the front of the Plexiglas popcorn bin.  The glass candy display was so dirty it was hard to see what was inside.  Several men were roaming around the lobby drinking cokes, visiting the men’s room and just wandering about.

“Alright, Honey.” Roy bent down and talked in a low voice, “You remember how we did it before.  Try the candy counter first, then the drink machine.  I’ll go to the men’s room, but I’ll keep checking on you. When you find someone bring him to me. Now get along.  We don’t have all day.”

Jill knew the game well. They had played it all summer in the park just before she turned nine. It was simple and straight forward. She and her dad would walk casually through the park close to the playground and look for men that were really, really interested in the pre-teen girls playing softball or wading in the shallow pool.  Then she and her dad would approach them and stuff would happen. This would be the same, she imagined, except if she had to kneel down to do her job, she would be kneeling on a dirty cement floor and not grass.

The other problem was with her dad so close by, she couldn’t ask for extra money for her secret bank. ‘But he might leave me alone,’ she decided consoling herself.

It didn’t take long.  It was a middle-aged pleasant looking man with a neatly trimmed beard that came out of the theater to buy popcorn that talked to her first. She was in front of the candy counter staring at the candy while she moved her shoulders from side to side, in her trade mark fashion, hand clasped behind her back. She was wearing a short pink dress with a big bow in the back… no panties of course.

“What are you looking at little girl,” the pleasant handsome man asked in a fatherly voice.

Jill looked up at him with her big green beggers’ eyes seemingly surprised that he had spoken to her and the performance began.  “Oh….Hi,” she said in a tiny voice, then she looked back down shyly and continued to slowly swing her shoulders. 

The man bent down to hear her better. “Would you like a candy bar, Sweetie?” He touched her arm with his hand and realizing she didn’t mind took her hand.  “Just tell Uncle Albert what one you would like.”

The tiny voice came back quickly, (in business you have to strike while the irons hot her dad had taught her) “I like the chocolate and marshmallow bar best, Mister.” She let him hold her hand and squeezed him back a little.  Her big smile was the hook, freckles green eyes along with her perfect lips, adorable face and great ass that he hadn’t even seen yet. Uncle Al was a goner.

Uncle Al handed Jill the candy bar and she led him away from the counter. Close to the drink machines she stopped and pulled the arm of his shirt to get him to bend over close to her face.

“I like you, Uncle Al.  Do you like me?  My name is Jill.”

“Yes, I like you, Jill. You’re very pretty. You must be with someone aren’t you?  Do you like this kind of movie?”

“Oh, yes, I really like the movies with the people doing ,“she dropped her voice to a whisper, “all those dirty things.  My Daddy brings me to these movies.  He’s in the men’s room.”  She looked in the direction of the men’s room door.  She tugged again on Al’s sleeve. He bent down close. “Do you like little girls?”

The tone of her voice had changed Al realized. And he knew immediately what she meant. “Yes, sometimes I like to play with girls like you. But you’re with your dad, Jill.”

“But he lets me sit with other men sometimes if I like them… and if they’re generous, you know.” She smiled at him adding, “ really want to sit with you.”  Then in a whisper she told him, “I don’t have any panties on.” 

The last statement stopped Al cold. He didn’t know what to say next. Fortunately Roy walked out of the men’s room and walked right up to Al and Jill.

“Who is your new friend, Jill?“ Roy asked with a big smile.

“This is Uncle Al, Daddy.  I want him to sit with me.”

“Well, that’s nice Baby, but what does Uncle Al have to say about it?” Roy held out his hand and he and Al shook hands.  “Hi, Uncle Al,” Roy said. “I’m Roy, Jill’s Daddy. Isn’t she something? Oh and are you any kind of police?”

A bit confused, but quickly catching on Al answered, “No, I’m not a cop.  Yes, she is one fine looking girl and just as sweet as she is pretty. How generous do I have to be to sit with her?”

Roy stepped in close and in a low voice said. A hundred and you can do her… ten extra if you cum in her butt.  Fifty for just a little fun and a BJ.

Two minutes later Jill and Uncle Al were in a dark corner of the theater getting comfortable while Roy walked around the lobby trying to set up ‘Uncle Number two’.


As she had walked down the aisle looking for a private corner, Jill noticed that there were few females in the theater. She only saw three in the semi-darkness and she wondered if they were really female or not.  When Uncle Al found what he thought would be good enough for their little escapade, he pulled Jill to the end of a very dark row and sat down. The closest man was a half-row away and in the dark Al supposed he wouldn’t see a thing. It was obvious from their movements that many patrons were jacking off and not interested in him anyway.  Audience action in a porn movie was the norm, so no sweat.  Al sat in the seat next to the wall.  The first thing he did when he sat down was to unbuckle his belt and unzip his fly. His semi-hard cock lay exposed. No need to be shy. Al really was a handsome man and Jill found herself looking forward to the ‘event’.  That ‘event’ was to be a fifty dollar blow job, but Jill would try to bump it up a level. 

“Why don’t you sit in my lap, Jill?”  Al asked the nine year old.  “We can just fool around a little.”  With that he picked her up and placed her in his lap.

Jill got comfortable and touched his beard. “It feels nice, Uncle Al. I bet it would tickle the inside of my legs, wouldn’t it? I mean if you were doing the dirty with your mouth. I want you to suck my pee hole someday.”

“Maybe someday, Lover.   We’ll have to see. I’m glad you like my beard.” He smiled at her and ran his hand over her thigh and hip under her dress.

“Do you want to see my pee hole, Uncle Al?” she whispered  “You can put your finger in me too if you want.”

“I bet it’s pretty isn’t it?” he said waiting for a flash of light from the screen to be able to see.

Jill pulled her dress hem up to her waist and spread her legs as far apart as she was able. Then taking his hand she led his finger into her. “Oh, your finger feels sooooo good, Uncle Al… Push three of them into me please. It will feel like a real boy’s frig stick.  That’s what Daddy calls it.” She gave off a theatrical moan then asked him, “Can I be your little girl whore, Uncle Al?  You can talk dirty to me if you want.  Its kind of cool.” Jill wiggled in his lap and after a minute got her skirt pulled out from under her butt leaving her nine year old ass in direct contact with Uncle Al’s now very hard cock.

The feeling of her tender young flesh touching his cock almost brought Al off.  Next to sliding his cock into her mouth, cunt or pushing it up her ass, it was the most thrilling feeling in the world. He pulled her closer to him and whispered to her, “Yes, you little slut.  You can be my little fucking girl whore… my cum bucket… my slave cunt.”   Then he gave her a hard open mouthed kiss while he rammed his fingers into her sloppy wet cunt while his cock pulsed and strained for relief.

On familiar ground now, Jill moved swiftly ahead with practiced moves.  She kept her mouth open and moaned into his mouth with little girl moans of astonishment. happily pleading, “Oh, Uncle Al, that is so nice.  Do it more, more, more… keep doing it.” She realized that her little girl voice was sounding a little flat, like she was reading from a script. She stepped it up a notch and brought (more or less), reality to the situation.   “Yes, yes, Uncle Al,” she said in a horse whisper. “I want to be your little whore, Uncle Al.  Just yours. You can do anything you want to me… I’m your little girl slave.”   She wondered if all men really believed the crap she told them to get them to cum off off; she decided that they probably did.

Jill slid off of his fingers.  Time was wasting and just as much as her pussy, she was selling time. Ten minutes max for a BJ customer, then on to other customers. Pushing his legs apart she knelt down in front of him between his crotch and the seat in front. She held her skirt up so it wouldn’t get dirty on the filthy floor and her bare knees immediately stuck to the floor.  Gum, discarded candy, vomit or cum, she had no idea what so she just mumbled an almost silent, ‘Fucking shit,’ then just ignored it and let Al put his fat cock head in her mouth.  This she actually liked to do even if it was a bit of work.  She liked the taste and texture of an erect cock…the pre-cum just adding to her interest. She was pleased that Al was all shaven and used cologne on his organ. The sweet temptation of the smell made her forget the floor business and she was soon jacking him with one hand, sucking his dick and using her tongue to bring him to a climax. Her other hand was gently kneading his balls.  They were large, smooth, tender and hairless.  She liked the smell of them and took time to softly suck and stimulate them.

She had allotted ten minutes to bring old Uncle Al off… it took three.  She felt it coming and prepared for it.  She wouldn’t swallow the cum this time; she had to save room for the giant pretzel with mustard at the mall later.  Her hand worked very fast and in tandem with her sucking mouth.  When he started to cum she kept him going for as long as possible to be sure he was a satisfied customer. Twice she stopped sucking for a second or two while she spat out his cum on the theater floor. Then he was done. She lapped the side of his cock and continued to fiddle with his dick until it was completely deflated. 

Roy of course already had the fifty dollars so there was nothing more to be done. Jill unstuck her knee from the floor and eased into the chair next to Al.  “Wow… that was really wonderful, Uncle Al.”  Jill whined her parting sales pitch, “I hope we can see you again.  You were extra nice.  Be sure my Daddy has your telephone number.” Then she stood knowing from experience that once an adult man came off he wasn’t interested in small talk and would be happy to part company with a nine year old whore before other adults noticed.

“Oh, sure I’ll give it to him now.  Why don’t you run along before some usher decides to find out what we are doing. You are a love, Jill. Bye now.

“Bye, Mister”


Roy was waiting in the lobby with a new friend when Jill suddenly appeared. “Well, there’s my baby,” he spoke out like a happy father. “Come here, Sweetie.  This is a friend of mine.” Then lowering his voice added, “He would like to spend some time with you, Honey.  Shake hands with Uncle J.J.”

“J.J., this is my daughter. Isn’t she special?  A whole lot of female packed into four feet however many inches, I’ll tell you that.  And only nine years old imagine?” Then he lowered his voice again.  “The tightest little cunt you’ll ever find my man, believe you me.”

“Hi there, Jill. Your daddy does a lot of bragging about you, but I can see how pretty you are, so that much is true for sure.”  Then Mr. J.J. bent down and whispered in Jill’s ear, “You ever suck black cock, Honey?”

“I do whatever my daddy says to do Mr. J.J.   And yep, I have done that bad thing with men of color before.”  Jill looked up… way-way up at the grinning black man.  ‘Holy shit!   Will you look at the size of this ass hole! If his feet are any indication of his dick size, he’ll spear me like a skewer going through a hot dog length wise at my Girl Scout camp fire.” (Jill was an enthusiastic member of the church Girl Scout group). 

“Daddy, I have to go to the girl’s room.  I got some dirt (?) on my knees and I have to wash.”

“Run right along, Honey, and be sure to wash your face too.  There are some dry smudges around your mouth.”   Roy knew of course that the smudges were the cum that marked the conclusion of the last happy customer.

Jill, followed closely by her own red pigtails, came bouncing out of the ladies room quickly.  “Okay Mister. Where do you want to sit?”  Bright eyes and every bit, apparently, an innocent little girl, Jill took J.J.’s huge hand in a show of submission.

Before J.J. could speak Roy answered for him. “Oh, no, honey, Mr. J.J. would like to take a ride in our Rusty Red Van and do whatever he wants to do with you while I drive around the city. He thinks he would like to be a little more private than the movie theater.  So I told him for a little extra, I would act as chauffeur and you two can play in back.  Won’t that be nice?”

“Oh, yes, Daddy that will be fun.”  Jill could see her pretzel with mustard disappearing little by little into the distance and waving bye-bye. In the Rusty Red Van there wouldn’t be any way of getting rid of Mr. Big Shoes any time soon.  In the theater she could get it over with and scram, as she had done many times in the past, but not this time.  Jill just adjusted to the facts of her life, smiled and resigned to do what she had to. A dark cloud passed over her face for just a moment then she was her bright cheery self.   

“Goody, Mister.  We can have lots of fun in back of the van. I can’t wait.  Can we go now, Daddy?”

“Right this minute, Sweetheart. Off we go.”  


Roy was pleased with himself. He had spotted the black man entering the theater. He looked a bit disoriented and a bit embarrassed as well. Roy recognized him as a new comer to the porn theater setting and possibly an Out-of-Towner, a fact that proved accurate. Introducing himself Roy hadn’t taken long to get to the point.  “I bet your looking some good porn aren’t ya?  Or maybe a bit more than just a movie?”   Roy leaned in close grinning, eyes shinning conspiratorially. “The way I see it, we all are looking for a bit more one way or another. Don’t you agree?”

“I guess we all are, I suppose.  I mean no one comes in here to see ‘Snow White’ do they?”

“Exactly my good man… Ho, ho, ho.  Now the… ‘a bit more’, is what I want to ask you about. What did you say your name was my friend?”

“John J. Weatherstern. But all my friends just call me J.J.”   

“Very well, very well…nice to meet ya Mr. J.J.”

The black man J.J. was a tall full bodied man with an abbreviated little goatee.    Now he smiled naturally displaying sparkling white teeth. “You seem to have something on your mind Mr. ----?”

“Me? Oh my name is Roy.  Yes indeed.  Now this is the thing.  There are plenty of… let’s call them ‘ladies of the night’ just outside on the street,” Roy leaned in and in a whisper added, “A trashy lot if you ask me, and none too clean, if ya get me meaning.”  He was sizing up J.J. as he spoke and didn’t see anything he didn’t like. “Now beg your pardon my friend, but I have to ask you, ’Are you a policeman’?”

J.J. laughed, “No, no I am not… I’m an artist. I draw cartoons. Now what is it you really want to say, Roy?”

Apparently safe Roy relaxed. “You’re a cleaver one that’s for sure… Yes, to the point.” He cleared his throat and went on, “I have a little girl…” Rpy waited to gauge J.J.’s reaction to this revelation.  “She’s nine and lets men of good taste ‘fool around’ with her for a small sum. She is almost a virgin I assure you and not yet wise to the ways of the world, but for the right man she can be a real delight. She…”

“Okay, Roy let’s get to it. Yes, I’m interested I have had similar recreation in my home town. Now how much? …Dollars, Roy!  I’m talking dollars.  Keep it low.”

“Ah, yes the cost…  Well for a clean looking respectable looking man such as yourself I can keep the number low.”  Roy had been sizing up J.J. and didn’t hesitate to tell him.  “If you want her here in the theater a blow Job is fifty, or you can fuck her in one of the seats for a hundred while you watch the movie.  On the other hand if you want to use the back of my specially equipped touring van while I drive up and down the expressway, well that is different. You can strip her nude and use all her holes… mouth, asshole or pussy for an hour and a half for the small sum of two hundred fifty U.S. dollars… and I buy the beer.  And believe me my friend, the way this girl can suck a cock back to life is magical. Your money won’t be wasted at all… What do ya think?”

“I think I want to see her first.  Then the van sounds good if she is decent looking.”

They only waited another five minutes before Jill came popping out of the darkened theater. “Hi, Daddy” was the first thing she said with a big smile and a cum mustache on her upper lip.

While she was in the ladies room, J.J. peeled off two hundred and fifty dollars from a thick roll and gave it to Roy. “She appears to be a delightful little girl, Roy. Now I want to get my hands on her ASAP.”  It was the most money, actually over double the money, that Roy had ever received for Jill’s pleasures for an hour or so.  Could Daddy pick’um or what?


Hand in hand J.J. and Jill followed Roy to the Rusty Red Van in the theater parking lot.   Roy slid back the siding door and stood aside allowing J.J. and then his daughter to crawl in the back carpeted section.  Jill quickly locked the door from the inside as if she almost expected J.J. to hesitate at the rusty old vehicle and perhaps even want his money back. The van left the parking lot quickly and used the close by on-ramp to drive onto the expressway.

Roy had drawn the curtain across the van interior just behind the driver’s seat giving J.J. and Jill some privacy.  He hated doing that but business was business and he had principles. Roy would have much preferred to park and watch his daughter getting fucked while he jacked off, but alas, personal pleasures had to be abandoned in this kind of situation.

Jill knew she was in for a hell of a time, not that she minded usually, but he was so damned big she thought, ‘This guy’s cock will be sticking out of my mouth if it is anything like what I expect it to be. Still she was her usual professional horny self and wanted to strip for him and then see how big his dick was.

She started by using her little girl voice and andmoving her shoulders slowly. “Mr. J.J., do you like my dress? My daddy bought it for my birthday.”  Twisting her fingers in a familiar scene she studied her hands while she waited for him to speak.

“Oh, yes, Jill, that is a very pretty dress. And you’re a very pretty girl.” J.J. had spread out lying down beside Jill, running his hands over her legs.  He pushed off his shoes.

“I bet you want me to take off my pretty dress; don’t you? I don’t mind ya know.” Her eyes came up to meet his now. “But I need help to get it off Mister J.J.   I don’t have any panties on either ya know.”

“Yes, I want you to take it off and I will help you. No panties?  My, my, such a naughty little girl.”

Jill had been kneeling down beside him. Now she turned around and said “Please un-button my dress in back, Mister.”  Of course she didn’t need any help but had learned that if she got her mark involved early he became very excited quickly and wore out faster, “and un-tie the bow, please,” she added in a perfect, polite seven year old voice.

J.J. was fascinated with the nine year old.  She was delightfully at his mercy and willing to do whatever asked. He could hardly believe his good luck.  She was the perfect little pre-teen street slut andhe was mesmerized by her pre-teen sexuality.  He had rented many pre-teen girls from parents, but never one as sexual as Jill.  He could feel his heart begin to race unusually fast as his cock rose to new heights and steel like hardness.  

She had kicked off her shoes when she climbed into the van and now she let her dress drop. She was totally nude with her back to J.J.   His eyes moved over her slowly then reversed and repeated the tour.   Her slim form was enticing, but it was her well formed ass that held him fascinated.  Firm, full and appetizing, her white ass cheeks were works of art he could hardly wait to get his hands on… to separate, lap and suck.  Lordy Lord!   Man she has an ass to die for!’  

Licking his lips he told her, “Turn around little girl.”

Jill seldom thought of sex in the Rusty Red Van as “fun” or “pleasurable” or even “interesting”; it was work and just what she had to do to make money.    Except for this part, the stripping part where she showed off her thin pre-teen body and watched the desire build in the eyes of men.  She liked to hear the men’s voices become dry and scratchy and then tremble and crack with emotion. She knew they were fascinated by her young ass that they all agreed was a wonderful sight in a hundred different ways. ‘Was it really so different from other nine year olds’ she wondered?  Then she loved to look at their eyes while their eyes stared at her soft hairless mound and just below it the obvious sinuous pink slit that showed through the puffy pale cunt lips… a hint of moisture… a promise of paradise. Their first touch was always a light touch of her newly (barely) swollen, nipples, as if testing to see if she were really there.

J.J. was just like the rest except he seemed even more into the little girl thing than the others Jill had been with.  It seemed to be an extra special thing to him and not just another little girl; perhaps his first little girl, or perhaps every little girl was a first time.   He looked her over carefully his breathing becoming more rapid and shallower. J.J.s’ hands out lined her body as his fingers slowly skimmed her skin. Over her hips, her arms, her neck and face, over her legs, her knees, her thighs; the delight made his stomach hurt in the most pleasantest of ways.  His reaction to her nudity was the same as most men’s reactions, but somehow deeper, more intense. He couldn’t believe that she was his to do with as he wished.

J.J. touched Jill’s nipples gently, his eyes going slowly to her eyes then dropping back down to her pink slit.  “You are very pretty, Jill,” he said with a soft gentle smile.

She knew what that meant; the end of her fun.  It was time for her performance. “Thank you, Mr. J.J.,” she said in her regressive little girl voice.  “I like you a lot.” Jill’s shoulders began their slow sway back and forth, her fingers twisted together in a cute pretend nine year old nervousness. 

“My daddy said I should make you feel good. Do you want me to make you feel good, Mister?” 

Jill eyes closed, waited for a moment and the expected kiss happened.   J.J. cupped her head in his hands and closing his own eyes kissed her lips, first gently, then harder. His tongue found her lips and moistened them while she slowly opened her mouth to him. His huge tongue explored her demure mouth while her tongue began to twist over his doing its magic dance.  Jill’s hands slowly moved to his crotch and J.J. could feel her small hands begin to feel his already hard cock.  The trick was for Jill to make J.J. feel in charge while at the same time moving the entire event along. This was of course not a love affair… it was business. Daddy always said that, “time was money so don’t piss around wasting it.  Make’em cum off quick, Jill,” he had told her.  No one knew that any better after all this time than Jill.  “Let them fuck your asshole, your mouth or your cunt, but get it over with.”

J.J.’s hands were everywhere at once. Turned on he was in a hurry now himself.  His hand went between Jill’s legs and a finger almost violently disappeared into her wet hole easily.

Ohhhh,” he sighed at the feeling of her tight, sweet wetness.  She was kneeling between his out stretched legs and the two of them between kisses managed to get his pants and shirt off, then his shorts and he was as nude as Jill.  To her surprise and delight his just average sized cock stood up straight and straining.  The taunt purple/black head leaking pre-cum that ran down it’s sides and over his balls. Jill bathed her small hand in the pre-cum weeping from his dark cock and began to pump up and down slowly.

“You can use two or three fingers in my pussy, Mr. J.J.,”  Jill whispered to her quick time lover, you can put a finger up my poop hole at the same time if you want.  She wiggled on his fingers and continued to kiss him while she purposely squeezed and jacked his cock harder and faster.  

J.J. was becoming more and more excited almost to the point of loosing self control.  “You are so sweet, Jill.  So nice to touch and kiss.  I’m ready to fuck you now… Please let me do it to you now , Sweetheart. I can’t wait another instant.”

“Okay, Mister.  If you want me now it’s Okay.  Let me sit on top of your big man cock and see if I can get it all up inside me. You’re really big ya know,” she added to please him.   Jill had often had bigger cocks in her and just said that to make the men, in this case J.J., feel special enough to let loose and fuck her hard and cum.    He hadn’t sucked her cunt yet and she hadn’t sucked him, but he seemed more than ready to do her and that was fine with her.  This could be really over in just a few minutes.  She would wiggle her cum soaked pussy and her asshole in his face later when they finished, then suck his cock dry to be sure he didn’t want seconds.

“You have to lie down on the floor Mister and I’ll sit on you.”

“Okay, Jill, but hurry I need to fuck you badly…I want my dick up that hot tight cunt… I need to fuck your little hole right now!” Breathing quickly J.J. laid down on the floor of the van, his face a face of agony flushed and sweating… waiting to get fucked. “Hurry, you little bitch, hurry,” he added urgently

Jill positioned herself over his cock and using her practiced moves began to lower herself onto his cock. She knew all the tricks of making him cum quickly and used them now. “You can talk dirty to me Mr. J.J..    I know you want to…you dirty old man.  You like fucking little girls,  don’t you… you bad, bad boy.” By then she had taken all of his cock inside her nine year old fuck tunnel and was beginning to sloppy fuck him up and down.

“You’re a really bad old man, Mister... You put your fingers up my pussy and my poop hole too… I bet you want me to suck your asshole and lap your balls, don’t you.” She quickly moved his cock from her cunt to her asshole and continued to fuck him. “Yes, you’re a dirty old man.  You like to fuck little girls up the ass like this.  Don’t you?  You like them to bend over so you can fuck their tight little ass tunnel.  Isn’t that true?  You like to stick your cock right up inside their little shit hole?”

He was fucking her back now forcing his cock up her tight little dark hole.  Shaking his head from side to side, eyes closed, the dirty talk was doing its job.  He was getting more and more excited and violently holding her hips and slamming into her.    Lowering her voice she spoke to the man that was listening less and less, but responding more and more. “You’re a pervert bastard, Mister… Aren’t you?  You like little girls with no tits and tight little holes but no hair.”   

She stopped for a minute to catch a breath realizing for the first time how hard they had been fucking.  Sweat ran continuously off both of them.  She reached down and began to twist one of his fat black nipples between the hard thrusts that he continued to force up and into her.  Then in a surprise move he seemed to explode into action.  Grabbing her hips he rolled them over putting her under himself,  J.J.’s wide body forcing Jill’s legs wide apart.  She was helpless as he plunged deep into her cunt hole and began to power fuck her pussy harder faster and deeper than ever.  Jill disappeared under his huge body, her face only barely coming up to his chest. She struggled to find air to breath, her pussy burned from the hard thrust he was inflicting on her then he cried out and she helped him climax.

“Fuck …fuck… fuck,” he yelled loud enough for Roy to hear in the driver’s seat.  “Fuck me you little white whore… Fuck your Uncle J.J.!   Jaws clenched, eyes closed tightly and a fierce grimace on his face, J.J. unloaded his hot cum into the pre-teen’s cunt. His body was stiff as a board WITH every muscle tense and straining.  Sweat dripped off his face, off his bare back and dripped off his dark glistening ass in a constant flow.  He had lifted himself up with his arms straightened to get a tiny bit more cock head up the little girl’s pussy. She could breathe again and she watched him closely not knowing what to expect.  Then he growled three times, “Aw…Aw…aw…,” a surrendering sound and he was done.   He collapsed seemingly exhausted on top of Jill. 

Jill was not surprised except that he had been more excited than most of her clients had ever been. Maybe this had been his first time with a pre-teen; maybe not, but he did get wild.   She waited a minute or two but he never moved and she thought he must have passed out from the fun of it all, or just sleeping.  Slowly she crawled out from under him, no small job itself, his soft cock plopped out of her and she freed herself.  Sitting up she shook him to wake him up, but still no response. Then she looked at his face. His eyes were open and staring into eternity his jaw slack his face lifeless. He was dead.


Jill carefully put her dress on and peaked through the curtain to get her father to stop the Rusty Red Van.

“What is it, Sweetie?” he asked while he pulled the van to the side of the highway.

“He’s dead, Daddy.  Mr. J.J. is a goner… I guessed I fucked him to death,” Jill said without a hint of mirth. “I don’t know what happened.  He was a nice man too.”  She sounded a little confused and a bit sad, but not too confused or to sad.

A minute later Roy confirmed her suspicion. “Dead as a door nail,” he pronounced with finality. “Well, fuck.  There’s only one thing to do.”

Twenty minutes later in the slum section of town the Rusty Red Van pulled up to a darkened deserted semi-enclosed bus stop. It was almost dark and it was still misting and raining, a fact that helped conceal what they had to do.  They pulled the large man out the side door of the van with a great deal of effort and sat him up on the bench inside the semi shelter… nude.  He really did have a kind of small cock Jill thought as she took a last look at him. They piled his clothes next to him.

“Bye, Mister,” Jill said without looking back.   She hopped back into the van. “Okay, Daddy what now?   Can we go to the mall?”

“Not yet, Honey.  Why don’t we go back to the porn theater for one more blowjob. We need the money, and then we can go to the mall.

“Okay, but just one BJ.  The mall closes at midnight today, and I want a pretzel with lots of mustard.” Jill looked out the side window of the van and smiled. She could buy lots of whatever she wanted now.  Under the carpet in the back of the Rusty Red Van, she had hidden J.J.’s wallet and it was loaded.

The End


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