Chapter 4 - When the Cats Are Away
(bg, Fb, Fbg, fond, nudity, voy, oral, nepi)
Jim's parents leave on their trip, leaving his sexually adventuresome cousin, Barbara, in charge.
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Note from the author - This is an erotic story written for the enjoyment of consenting adults. If you are not consenting, don't read it (now that made a lot of sense, didn't it?) If you are not an adult, don't read it (ditto). This story contains pedophilia. Everything in this story is fantasy and any similarity to a real person is purely coincidence. Hope you enjoy. (fb}
With that Mom left and after a little while Barbara came in to also tuck us in. She kissed us both on the mouth. It was a nice wet kiss. She snaked her hand into my pajama bottoms and gave my dick a nice fondle. Then she did the same to Sarah, giving her kitty a nice feel and spending some attention to the skin hiding her little clitoris. Sarah let out a little purr and said how nice that felt.
After Barbara left Sarah whispered to me, "Can I hold your wiener? You can hold my kitty." That's how we wound up falling asleep. I dreamt about the coming week and what fun games we would play. I could hardly wait.
Well, the rest of the week seemed to just drag as I waited for Mom and Dad to leave for their trip. We knew that they'd be calling each day between 5:30 and 6:00 PM. That was when they had some free time from their activities. We told them that we'd be there and wanted to hear about everything that they got to do.
The taxi came and Mom and Dad left for the airport mid morning on Saturday. They had to change their departure from their earlier plans because of a problem at the company. Dad said his assistant could have handled the problem, but he wasn't sure he would make the same decision Dad would have made. Dad made a point to me that there was always more than one way to resolve problems and issues. He told me to remember that because it would help me when I grew up. Growing up was the furthest thing from my mind. I was focused on playing with Barbara and Sarah.
When we were finally alone, Barbara sat us down to go over some of the rules for the coming week. She told us what Mom had given her. Then she added that we needed to be careful, so we weren't discovered by any of our friends. That could lead to problems. One of the ground rules was that when we were in the house we didn't have to wear clothes. We could stay naked if we wanted. She told us that she would be without clothes as often as she could. We thought that would be great.
Barbara then started undressing. Sarah and I did the same. She told us to put our clothes where we could quickly put them back on if someone came to the door. Barbara then headed to her bedroom to check on the twins. Sarah and I followed along. Both Jeff and Caroline were still sleeping so we quietly went back to the living room.
Barbara asked if we wanted to have lunch. We both said yes and naked we all headed to the kitchen. It felt a little funny not having clothes on helping get lunch ready. Sarah busied herself setting the table. I poured the juice into cups while Barbara made the sandwiches. I couldn’t help myself, I just had to say something, “I think this is fun. I wish we could go without clothes all the time. Even when Mom and Dad are here.”
Barbara said, “We'll enjoy it for now, because when your Mom and Dad come back we can’t let on about any of this. It has to be our secret. Hopefully, they’ll leave us home alone again sometime.”
We ate our lunch. Then Barbara suggested that we put our clothes on and go outside and play for a while. She said, "We needed to make sure that everything seemed normal to the neighbors. Be back home in two hours." We both agreed and went out to play. I went next door to play with Bill. Sarah went to the house on the other side to play with her friend, Darla. I had fun playing with Bill, but couldn’t help but think about getting back home to play games with Barbara and Sarah. I could feel my little dick get hard just thinking about it.
Sarah and I made it home when we were supposed to. Barbara asked if we'd like to have pizza for dinner. Of course we did! We all agreed on the topping. She called and ordered the pizza and salad. Thirty minutes later our dinner was delivered. After we ate she asked if we would help her feed the twins. We all went to get the twins from the bedroom. They were awake and amusing themselves. Once their diapers were changed we all went back to the kitchen.
Barbara put them in their high chairs, gave them a cracker to keep them busy while she warmed up their food. Sarah fed Jeff and I fed Caroline while Barbara supervised. Once they were fed, Barbara thought it would be a good idea if we all went on a walk. She said it would be good for them to get some fresh air. The walk after dinner would be a good for us too.
Well, twenty minutes later we were back in the house. It was decided that we'd all take our baths. She said we needed to be good and clean for our evening games. Sarah and I both knew what that meant and happily headed to the bathroom.
We were both naked in the bathtub when Barbara brought the twins in. She had us to hold them while she soaped them up and rinsed them off. She took them back into the living room while Sarah and I washed each other.
At 7:00 PM the phone rang. Barbara answered the phone. It was Mom. I didn't get much from hearing just one side of the conversation. At one point Barnara told Mom that we were both being good. She handed the phone to me. Mom again told me that I'd need to be a help to Barbara and that she was counting on me. I promised that I'd be good and do whatever Barbara told me to do. That made Mom happy. She asked to speak to Sarah. All I got from that conversation was 'okay' and 'yes'. She handed the phone back to Barbara. Goodbyes were said before she hung up.
"Now that we have the call done," Barbara said, "we can play a little. Actually, we're going to play a lot tonight. But, we need to tire the twins out first. Jim, you rub Caroline's little kitty and Sarah play with Jeff's little wiener." Without objection that is what we did. Both twins seemed to like the attention and cooed with delight. While we were attending to the twins, Barbara was sucking my dick. She had me so hard. I gave a little jump when she eased her finger in my butt hole. It felt weird.
I looked over and Sarah had Jeff/s wiener in her mouth too. It was so sexy watching while I had my dick sucked and was playing with Caroline's kitty. After a while Barbara said it was time to put the Twins down for the night. We carried them to the bedroom and tucked them in. We each gave them a kiss good night.
Back in the living room Barbara said, "I need some loving. The twins had your attention. I'd like some of that too." Both Sarah and I moved to her side and attacked each breast with Sarah on the right and me on the left. We sucked on each nipple and ran our tongues around her areola. I slid my hand down to her vagina and stroked it. It was wet and ready for action.
Barbara hoarsely whispered, "Jim, I need you inside me." That comment got Sarah's attention. She sat back with a questioning look on her face.
Barbara said, "Sweetie, just watch and see where Jim puts his wiener."
Barbara laid back and spread her legs. She beckoned me to come to her. I took up my position between her legs. I aimed my small but stiff pecker to her spread open pussy. I moved the head of my dick through her slot once to get it wet. Then I position the head at her entrance and with one swift movement buried my dick in her vagina. She felt so good and hot. I loved it when we did this.
Sarah moved to get a closer look. She asked, "Do I have a hole like that? Will Jim put his wiener in me too? Does it hurt? What does it feel like? Jim, do you like doing that?"
She was non-stop with the questions. I just kept pumping my little dick in and out while Barbara tried to answer her questions. She asked Sarah to reach between us and rub her clit so that she could have those really good feelings.
Sarah first felt my dick as it slid in and out of Barbara. She then moved up and started to rub Barbara's clit. It only took a couple of minutes before Barbara started to shake as her climax erupted. I followed suit and had my little cum. I think that was the first time I had some liquid come out of my dick. Or at least it felt different when I came. Barbara didn't think I squirted. Later we'd learn that I probably did.
When I pulled out of Barbara she had Sarah give my dick a good sucking. I was still hard even though I had a nice cum in Barbara.
Sarah wanted to know more about what we just did. Barbara told her, "If Jim puts his wiener inside you, it may hurt the first time. You have a little piece of skin that kind of blocks your little hole. How much it hurts depends on how thick that piece of skin is. When mine was broken it only hurt for maybe a minute, then it felt really good. Now, I just love the feeling of when a wiener is inside of me."
Sarah frowned. "I don't know. I want to try, but I don't want it to hurt either. Let me think about it."
Barbara replied, "Sweetie, you don't have to do anything you don't want to. Jim has me to do that with anytime he wants while your Mom and Dad aren't around. They wouldn't like it if they found out. Now, why don't Jim and I kiss and lick your kitty so that you'll feel real good. We both had our cum, now it's your turn."
With that Sarah sat on the edge of the couch with her legs spread. Barbara and I took up position and started to work on Sarah. Barbara kissed and licked her flat little chest while I sucked on her spread open slit. I ran my tongue from her butt hole up to her clitoris. She tasted so good. I just love how girls taste. I tried sticking my tongue in her hole but it didn't get to far. I didn't push it, as I didn't want to hurt her.
Barbara and I traded positions. Barbara concentrated on her little clit. It was peeking out of its protective hood. She used her little finger and probed her vagina opening. When Sarah started to climax, Barbara pushed her little finger into her hole. As Sarah was shaking with her "good feelings", she didn't feel the partial tear in her hymen. Barbara quickly licked up the little trace of blood that seeped from the hole. As Sarah came back to reality, Barbara kept her mouth over her kitty gently licking and soothing her.
Barbara and I sat back together, she whispered to me, "I broke her little piece of skin. She didn't realize it. So if she decides to try putting you inside her hole, there may not be any pain. If there is some pain, it won't be much. You'll be her first." She smiled and kissed me.
"Her first? You mean that there will be others?"
"Most likely," Barbara answered with a smile. "Maybe she'll let you watch, just like we let her watch."
I wasn't quite following all of that, but said that I'd look forward to whenever she was ready.
"I think that might be real soon," Barbara said with a grin.
Barbara looked at the clock. It was getting late and we needed to go to bed. Tomorrow was another day and we could play more then. She didn't want to sleep with us all in Mom and Dad's bed because she wanted to be with the twins so she could hear them if they cried. So Sarah and I headed to our bedroom.
We brushed our teeth, emptied our bladders, gently washed between our legs and headed to bed. We snuggled together naked feeling up each other. As I held her and stroked her bare buns, she whispered to me, "I'd like to try putting you in me, but I'm a little scared. I don't want you to hurt me there."
"We don't need to do that until you're sure," I told her. "Barbara will try and make it as easy for you as she can. I can wait. It is up to you."
She stretched up and gave me a peck on the cheek and said, "Thank You." She then reached down and grasped my penis. And that is how we fell asleep, with my hand full of her butt and her hand full of my dick..
Thanks, JimGee
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