Chapter 2 - Learning to Play

By JimGee

(Fb, Fg, bg, nepi, oral, inc, 1st)

Barbara comes to live with Jim's family while she gives birth.





Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted 2015 with all rights expressly reserved by its author unless explicitly granted.

Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read or view sexually explicit material in the community you view such material, please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex between minors and adults, or any other situation, please check the story code before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.

Note from the author - This is an erotic story written for the enjoyment of consenting adults.  If you are not consenting, don't read it (now that made a lot of sense, didn't it?)  If you are not an adult, don't read it (ditto).  This story contains pedophilia.  Everything in this story is fantasy and any similarity to a real person is purely coincidence. Hope you enjoy.  (fb}

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Mom and Dad said that if we could, we would try and make it back for the long Labor Day weekend.  I was sorry to have to go, but was looking forward to coming back.  It was fun being with Barbara.  I liked her a lot.

When we got home, I became more interested in my little sister Sarah.  I was watching Mom giving her a bath.  Mom seemed pleased that I was finally showing signs that I liked Sarah.  Once the bath was over and Mom had Sarah on the changing table getting ready to put her diaper on, I asked:  "Mom, why doesn't Sarah have a wiener?"

Mom gave me a curious look and answered, "Well, boys and girls are different.  Boys have penises and girls have vaginas.  When she gets older she will have breasts just like I do."

I asked, "If she doesn't have a wiener, how does she pee?"

Mom smiled. "She has a little hole between her legs where the pee comes out," she explained.  "That is why you can stand and pee, but we girls sit or squat down when we pee.  Come closer and I'll show you." 

With that I moved right up to the changing table.  Mom spread Sarah's legs and using her fingers spread her little slit open.  Mom pointed inside to a tiny little hole and said, "See that little hole right here, that is where her pee comes out.  Boys and girls are different.  Some day you will ask more questions and I'll try and answer them too.  Now run along and play, I need to put Sarah down for her nap."

Outside I thought about what my Mom had shown me.  The next time I'm with Barbara I'm going to get a really good look at her down there.  I had more questions that Barbara may answer, but I mainly wanted to feel her sucking my wiener some more. That was fun! I could hardly wait to see her Labor Day, but that seemed to be a long time away. 

As it happened, when Labor Day came we were not able to go visit Uncle Bob and Aunt Carrie.  Dad had to work and even worked on the holiday.  He said he liked the overtime money and just couldn't pass it up.  I'd much rather go and see my cousin Barbara, but what I wanted didn't count for anything.  It just wasn't to be.

As it turned out, my Dad was promoted and we didn't get to visit Uncle Bob and Aunt Carrie the next year either.  Dad seemed to be working all the time.  Mom said we needed to be understanding and that it wouldn't always be like this.  Dad would be able to take some time off when his new division operated smoothly and start up issues settled down.  He was working hard now, but when he had things running smoothly he could be away without worrying. She said to just be patient.

When I was 8 years old, I came home from school one day to find Dad and Mom sitting at the kitchen table having what looked like a serious discussion.  I didn't think there was a problem between them, as I almost never saw them fight.  I walked up to the table and asked what was the matter.

Dad started, "We have a family decision to make.  Your cousin, Barbara, might have to come live here with us.  What do you think of that?  Would that be okay with you and your sister?" 

Both Dad and Mom looked at me for some reaction.  I only had good memories of Barbara.  She was always nice to me and played games with me.  I didn't even think about our nighttime play activities.  I liked her. 

I answered, "I like Barbara.  I'd like it if she came to live with us.  Why would she have to come here?  Why can't she stay with Uncle Bob and Aunt Carrie?"

Dad and Mom looked at each other.  Mom is the one that answered, "Well, Uncle Bob and Aunt Carrie are very strict and are very religious.  Your cousin Barbara got pregnant and will have a baby real soon.  Your Aunt and Uncle don't want her to live with them anymore.  They plan to send her away to a home for "wayward" girls.  She begged not to be sent there.  She asked if she could come stay with us.  That is what we're discussing."

I thought for a moment. "You could give her my room and I'd move in with Sarah.  We could share her room.  Barbara and her baby can have my room.  It is a little bigger.  I think that would be okay with Sarah too."

"That is really nice of you, Jimmy," Dad said, "but your Mom and I still need to decide if we want to take on that kind of responsibility.  I'll talk with Bob and Carrie to see what expenses they will cover.  Then we'll see.  I think your idea is very generous and shows that you are growing up.  I'm proud of you."

Three weeks later Barbara moved in to our house and became part of our family.  There were many changes beside the bedroom arrangements.  The baby would arrive during summer vacation.  Barbara would have to be enrolled in school to begin in the fall.  Responsibilities had to be outlined as Mom refused to be the one responsible for the baby's care.  A family meeting was held where various issues were discussed and Mom made it clear to everyone that Barbara must be a responsible mom, even though she is still a student.  We all agreed with the plan.  I could hardly wait until Barbara's little baby arrived.  We didn't know if she was going to have a boy or girl. 

Four months later the big event finally arrived when Barbara went into labor.  Everyone was shocked when she had twins, a boy and a girl.  Even the doctors were surprised.  That sure sent my parents into action getting Barbara's room ready for two babies.  Mom sent word to Uncle Bob and Aunt Carrie that they were grandparents to two little bundles of joy. 

Rather than be happy, it was like they didn't care nor wanted to know anything about Barbara nor the babies.  Mom was upset at their reaction and couldn't believe how cold they were.  She commented that she didn't think they were the good Christians that they professed to be.  As far as I know, that was the last time Mom or Dad tried to call them.

Barbara named them Jeffrey and Caroline.  They are so cute and good.  They only cried when hungry or they need to be changed.  I thought it was so neat to be like a big brother to them.  Mom showed Sarah and me how to care for them.  The proper way to hold them and allowed us to help feed them.  It was fun.  Barbara turned out to be a good little mother.  She didn't try and get out of taking care of her two little bundles.  It would be more difficult for her when school started, but somehow we all would help.

When the twins were 3 months old, I was home alone with Barbara and the twins.  Mom, Dad, and Sarah were shopping and would be gone all afternoon.  I knocked on Barbara's door.  From the other side I heard her callout, "Come in."  Upon entering the bedroom I found Barbara and the twins on the bed.  Barbara, Jeffrey and Caroline were naked. Barbara was playing with them. I thought Barbara was even prettier than I had remembered.

Barb smiled and said, "They like to be without clothes. If I remember correctly, so do you. Why don't you take off your clothes and climb on the bed.  You can help me play with them".

I was really surprised when Barbara reached out and fondled Jeffrey's little wiener.  Barbara said, "It feels so nice.  Jeff sure seems to like it when I play with it".  She then bent down and put his wiener in her mouth and gave it a nice little suck.  Pulling up she grinned at me and said, "I like how it feels in my mouth.  He seems to like that too.  Do you remember when I used to suck your penis?  You tasted real good too." 

I was kind of surprised, but answered, "Yea, I remember.  I liked it when you sucked me too!  I remember when you let me feel you.  I was so sad when we couldn't come and visit any more.  I was hoping to play some more like we did.  I never told our secret." 

"No, you didn't tell, did you?" Barbara then took my hand and placed it on Caroline's little kitty.  She spread her legs and told me to be gentle and rub her little clit.  Because I didn't know what a clit was, she had to show me.  After a few minutes she told me, "Give a little kiss and a lick to her kitty.  She really likes it when I do that." 

Thinking that this was possibly a bad thing to do, I hesitated for a moment.  Concluding that when it came to her babies, she was their mommy and the boss; and if she was okay with it, then I was okay with it. Putting aside all thoughts of right and wrong, I bent down and gave a quick kiss to her little mound.  I sniffed her little puss and not finding any unpleasant odor, I kissed her there again.  This time it was a long kiss, a kiss where I dipped my tongue into her little kitty's slit.  She tasted good and I decided that I liked how she felt on my tongue.  I looked up at Barbara and smiled.

Barbara said, "Maybe you could do that for me too and I could suck your wiener.  You know I like to feel and taste penises.  Penis, that's the grown up word for a wiener.  Remember when I used to suck your wiener?"

I didn't know what to say.  I wasn't sure I wanted to stick my tongue in Barbara's kitty.  I just sat there looking first at Barbara's kitty, then at little Caroline's. 

Barbara said, "Why don't you just try giving me a lick to see if you like it.  If you don't then you don't have to do it.  I'll still suck your penis." 

After thinking about that for a little while I decided and said, "Okay, I'll give it a try.  I did like doing that to Caroline." 

Barbara leaned back and spread her legs.  I bent down so I had a close up view.  I could see her inner lips.  They were spread open and I could see a hole toward the bottom.  She looked moist.  I moved closer and inhaled.  She had an alluring smell.  I decided it liked it and sensed that my wiener was even harder.  I extended my tongue and just touched it to her bump at the top of the slit.  Barbara let out a little moan.  I pulled my tongue back into my mouth.  I decided she tasted pretty good.  I decided to try more.  This time I gave her a good lick so that I'd get more of a taste.  I swirled her juices around in my mouth.  Mmmmm, it was nice.

I looked up to Barbara and said, "You taste good, but different than Caroline.  You have more of a taste than she does.  I like both, but you taste really good." 

With that Barbara bent forward and gave me a kiss.  She said, "That makes you my little lover.  We can have lots of fun together like this.   This has to remain our little secret, just like before.  If your parents ever find out, we'll both be in trouble.  We both will probably be sent away and both Caroline and Jeffrey will be taken away from me.  Will you keep this our secret?"

I didn't hesitate.  "I kept our secret before.  I can keep this a secret too.  I like doing stuff with you." 

Barbara gave me another kiss and wrapped her hand around my stiff wiener. 

"Now that we're lovers," she said holding my dick, you need to call your wiener a dick and my kitty's a pussy; Caroline's kitty's a pussy too. Those are grown up words for our parts." 

"Okay!"  I nodded agreements.

"Now let's make Caroline feel real good so she will go down for her nap and sleep soundly".  With that my cousin told me to kiss and lick her daughter's little nipples while she kissed and licked her little pussy.  After a little while we traded places and I really got into licking her tiny slit.  She seemed to get a little wet and tasted even better than before.  Finally, Caroline seemed to tire, so Barbara put a diaper on her and laid her in her crib.  It was no time at all until she was asleep.

Barbara took me by the hand and led me to the bed.  Jeffrey was asleep so Barbara put him to bed too.  Then she said, "Now, dear cousin, let's you and me, play a little more." 

Without any hesitation I jumped back on the bed ready for whatever she had in mind.  Barbara told me to lie on my back.  I did as instructed while she straddled my legs.  My little dick was standing straight up.  Barbara slid forward so her pussy was in contact with my dick.  I could feel her warmth and wetness.  It was nice.  She slid my dick back and forth in her slit getting me wet with her juice.  Then to my surprise she rose up and slipped me into her hole.  It was warm, wet and wonderful. 

Smiling down at me she said, "Your dick isn't as big as Jerry's, but it feels nice inside me anyway.  We can do this whenever we have a chance, if you want." 

I answered, "I like this, you feel nice.  I'd like this.  Yeah, let's do this again."

Barbara said:  "Someday you will make sperm and we'll have to be careful, but until then we don't have to worry."  With that she started to rock back and forth sending wonderful feelings through my whole body. 

I told her that she needed to stop because I have to pee.  She said:  "You don't have to pee, just let it happen and it will feel real good." 

It wasn't much longer that I started to thrust up to meet her movements and then electricity started to shoot through my whole body starting from my dick.  I kind of saw bright white lights, and that was with my eyes closed.   It was the most wonderful feeling I'd ever felt.  I never wanted it to end. 

Barbara stopped moving and just sat with me still inside her.  When I opened my eyes she was smiling down at me.  I asked, "What happened?  I never felt anything like that.  It was great!" 

Barbara said, "Silly, don't you remember. You've had one before. You just had a climax or a cum, don't you remember? Yours was a dry cum for now.  Some day, when you're a little older, your dick and balls will get bigger and you will shoot a liquid out of your dick into me.  It will feel even better.  I liked it too!"

I did remember, but it was such a long, long time ago that I had forgotten.  I didn't want to ever forget again.  I asked, "Can we do it again?"

Barbara, "Yes, but not now.  It won't be too long before your parents come home.  So we need to clean up and get dressed.  You can go out in the yard and play.  That way they won't give anything a second thought and they will leave us alone again in the future."

Mom and Dad came home and found me playing in the back yard.  They asked Barbara if I was any trouble.  She told them that I was a perfect little gentleman and was no trouble at all.  They seemed really pleased with that.  I guess they were thinking that they could have more date nights with Barbara being a built in babysitter. 

THE END of Chapter 2

To be continued...

In chapter 3, Barbara agrees to look after Jim and his little sister while their parents are away at a businesss conference...


Let me know if you like my story.  I'd be please to hear from you... good or bad! 

Thanks, JimGee



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