Chapter 3
(Mg, ped, mast. oral)
Bring on the girls!
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And here they come. My three tween girls are on the prowl again. I allow them to herd me into our side of the pool where we were before.
"Okay, what do you guys have in mind?"
"Donna and Sharon want to play with it some more."
"How about me playing with them too? We go one on one around the shallow end, and we both get some touches. How about it?"
"Wait a minute." The girls have to talk that one over. They get in a huddle. The spokesman comes back.
"All right, but they are afraid. They don't want you to hurt them."
"Yes," Sharon says. "We heard it hurts the first time you do it to us."
I can't help it, I have to laugh. "Hey, we aren't going to do THAT! We are just going to do a little touching and feeling."
"I tried to tell them, but you know how it is." Anita says with a shrug. "You know how girls talk at school."
"What do you mean, touching and feeling?" Donna wants to know.
"I touch you and you feel me. Who's first?" I don't want to give them time to think about it and chicken out.
"Wait a minute. We both want to make the stuff squirt out like Anita said it will."
"Look Donna, I can't promise I can do that two more times this afternoon. I will be lucky to get off once more. It takes time to build that stuff back up. How about I get both of you there when I am ready and you both can watch it? That is about the best I can promise."
The girls look doubtful, like they think I am putting them on, when Anita grabs their arms and hauls them off for another conference.
"They don't think they can see enough in the water. They want to see it, and feel it, and maybe taste it." She tells me, shrugging and rolling her eyes.
"Okay, we can do that, but you guys will need to stick around until everyone else goes. Or come back by later this afternoon, after I close the pool. Oh, and no talking about this at the house. And if you come later, don't tell them you are coming back here. Parents have big ears and they are not dumb."
The girls hold another conference. Then their spokesperson comes back. Anita says, "We are going to go back and see if I can stay here with Donna for this week. If I can, we will have no problem coming back sometime later.
If I can't, we will try and come back to swim more, and we will just do what we can today."
"Sounds like a plan to me. I'd really like to have you coming around in that suit all week. I don't know if my heart can stand it though."
"Ha ha! Funnee! We'll be back as soon as we can."
The three girls wriggle their way out of the pool yard. I hope Anita’s suit is dry enough when they get home that her mother does not see how revealing it is.
Apparently the girls realize this too, as they come back in and sit on lounges in the sun. I go over and sit near them so I can soak up some rays. Ellen comes over and sits beside me.
“How do you like my new suit, Jim?” She has on a semi bikini, a lot of thigh showing white at her sides.
"I like it. I'm happy you finally got a suit of your own, and not an old one of your sister's." Then I lean over to whisper in her ear. "How about our game? Do you think I can get my fingers inside there?"
"Sure. I checked when I first tried it on. The elastic stretches." She looks around. "See?" She stretches the leg opening and shows a pale white little pussy lip. "Lots of room."
After she lets the swim suit snap back, I see the girls check out Anita's little white suit, and nod and head for the gate again. Ellen watched me watching them.
"Anita is a pretty girl, huh?"
"How did you know her name?"
"Oh, she has been to Donna's house before."
"Um, you know, I never think about what happened before we came. Did you ever play with them?"
"No, they think I'm too young. But Elise does, sometimes."
"Oh yeah, Elise is eleven, right?"
"Yeah. She is starting to get boobs."
"And hair down there?"
Ellen looks down, "Yeah, she has some hair. I'll bet you would like to look at hers, Huh?"
"Not as much as I like to look at yours, babe."
Just then Penny comes into the pool yard in shorts and blouse, and waves to me and beckons to Ellen.
"I gotta go Jim, Penny and me are going to the store. See you later." She kisses my cheek, and brushes a hand over my penis lump as she gets up. "Tomorrow," she promises.
"Okay, bye, Ellen." I watch her and Penny leave and then my three tweens pop in the gate. They spot me and hurry around the pool.
"Guess what! Anita is staying for the week!"
I can't help it; the thought of having that little white swimsuit around for a week makes my penis jump and twitch. All three girls see the activity in my swim suit. "Gosh! What is she gonna do for clothes? I know, just wear that suit," I quip trying to distract them.
"She can wear my clothes." Donna says. "We're almost the same size."
I am busy thinking and rearranging my schedule for next week so I can make the most of this opportunity. These older girls are somewhat older than my age of interest, but who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth? I have few enough chances to actually have full sex. Maybe at least Anita...
"Well, can we get on with it?" Donna ruins my mental picture. "What can we do next?"
At that moment, the phone rings. No, not the cell phone. If you said cell phone in those days people would have thought you had an in with the warden. I have an outside bell on my inside phone. I had to turn it on and off when we swam. I get up and leave their question hanging as I go inside to answer it.
The call is from the Stakel's down the street. Ann wants to know if Tommy and Barry want to go out to dinner and a movie with her boys. I am invited too, but I beg off. I have another ax to grind. Things are looking up for a tryst with the girls when the pool closes.
I go out and call Tommy and Barry over. They are only too willing to go, considering we are having leftovers from what they considered a crappy meal last night. So my boys give their two remaining friends the word, and the boys towel off, the other two leaving, and mine going in the house to put some clothes on. Only my tweens and a couple of other girls remain. I'll give the other girls fifteen minutes more, then put out the word we are shutting down, and the three tweens are going to help clean up. Girls and boys often stay and help me straighten out lounges and fix cushions. I have lots of helpers.
I tell the girls we have fifteen more minutes, after I tell my tweens they will stay. We all do jumps off the board for the time remaining. The other girls leave, and I go out and change the sign to red. Then I go in the house and give Tommy and Barry money for snacks and whatever, and send them on their way. The place is empty. I go out and find my girls waiting impatiently.
"Okay. Who is first? Let's get to it, so I have time to recuperate." I sit on a lounge, and I slide my suit down until my half erect cock flops out in plain view. I leave it half way down my thighs. I hear gasps from the girls. Anita pushes Donna and Sharon forward. "Choose." I say.
“Me!” Both Donna and Sharon say together.
“How about you draw straws?”
“Okay.” Sharon nods too.
Anita goes into the pool house. I have a straw broom there. After a minute, during which the girls eye me, and I them, Anita comes back out with two straws of equal length showing in her closed hand. I nod at Donna. “Short goes last.”
“Donna hesitates then draws a straw, then Sharon. They hold their straws up together. Sharon has the short one.
I can see the disappointment on the face. I hitch up my suit, and then get up and give both of the girls hugs. When I hug Sharon, I murmur in her ear. “Don’t worry sweetie, I will save something special for you.”
“Where should we go? I don’t want anyone to see me do it. I’m not a show off like Anita.”
“Gee, thanks Donna.” Anita says.
“I didn’t mean it like it sounded. I just don’t want anyone to watch because I get all embarrassed.”
“Hah! Like you never done it before!”
“I didn’t!”
“Yes we did it together with the Franklin brothers at my house, remember? When we were seven?” Anita reminds her.
“Okay, I remember. I was scared.” Donna is red.
“Yeah, Ronny couldn’t even touch you, you were too ticklish. You peed on his hand!”
Donna hides her face in her hands.
“Anita, lots of little girls are really ticklish down there the first time. It does not get touched much, you know.” I came to Donna’s rescue. “Want to try it in my bedroom, Donna?”
Donna hesitates. “Can we do it over there?” She points to my secluded area bordered by plants and ferns.
‘Sure. You guys can use the diving board, but no screaming. Remember, we are supposed to be cleaning the pool.”
Donna and I sit down together on a double lounge where we are mostly hidden from the other two girls. I slide my suit down to my knees before I sit down. My erection flops out, getting more erect, now that I sense some action is close at hand. Donna sits on the edge.
“Touch it, Donna. Use both hands.” I reach for her hand and overcome the slight resistance she puts up and drag it over to my cock. She clasps it loosely.
“It’s so hot! What’s that stuff? Pee?” She points to a clear drop on the tip that has just sprung from the hole there.
“It’s not pee. It is slippery fluid that comes out to make things slip together, like this thing slipping in there.” I put a finger on the vee of her suit where it goes between her legs. “We are not going to get very far, unless you kind of lie back here and relax, and let me show you what you want to know.”
“Okay, sure.” Donna lies back next to me, but is careful not to lie close enough to touch me. That is all right, when it comes right down to it she is shy and scared.
I turn on my side, and rest my head on left palm, while I begin to idly trace the line of her jaw with the other. She has lost, and regained her hold on my cock as I turn. A good sign. I let my hand trace its way down her neck and over her upper chest to her bra. It is slightly agape on one breast, and I run a finger over the soft rise there. Up pops a little nipple and I finger that as she giggles. She is busy examining my penis.
“I’m going to touch you now,” I say. “Is it okay with you? Here, like this.” I say to give her time. I move my hand down, hold her fingers tighter around my shaft, and show her how to jack the skin back and forth.
“Is it going to squirt?”
“Not for a while. I’ll let you know before I do.”
I’m really not that much of a breast man, though I do appreciate lovely little blooming buds, and so this time when My hand leaves her hand I head for the flat tummy next to me. She draws in her breath as my hand lands and slides down toward her suit. I’m sure it is her reflex pulling belly muscles in, to get smooth tanned skin away from my groping hand. Then even smoother white skin pulls in and away after my fingers easily, and I might add expertly slip between the waist band and skin and down into the suit front. Her hand jerks my penis a little harder as she feels my fingers on her mound of love. Ah, I rest my hand there for a moment as I think how I love to rest my cheek there as I lightly finger the fresh petal of a small bare pussy. Not this time though. Back to business.
My finger tips turn super sensitive. I do not do manual labor, so my finger tips are soft, as is my palm. My touch is gentle, but knowing. Down over the Mount of Venus my fingers go. I pick up the feel of wisps of fine hairs spreading in a fan out from the lower center, and there it is, the start of the cleft, the upper edge of the hood of her clit. The hand on my cock stops moving. What this girl said indicated to me she has a super sensitive clit. I wait, then slowly advance. If she is into puberty, the more sensitive part will be within an inch or less of where my finger tip is now, below the hood. The clit will be flooding with blood, as is my little guy’s head, and she will feel an almost unbearable shock at my first touch.
“Donna!” She opens her eyes and looks into mine. “Kiss me!”
Surprise and uncertainty shows in her eyes. Without waiting for an answer, I lift myself, lean my upper body over her, and bring my lips onto her slightly open mouth. I slip some tongue into her open lips, and as she stiffens in surprise, I let my finger explore that little wrinkled hood, find the hard kernel inside the lower lip, and hold firm pressure on it. Donna stiffens, relaxes, and stiffens again with the pressure. She is clutching my cock with a tight grip. I pull back a couple of inches from the kiss. Looking her in the eyes, I slowly but firmly rub my finger tip over her clit. Her lower body flexes as my finger caresses her.
I lower my lips to hers, more slowly this time. She is ready to meet them now. Her lips part and a little tongue tip meets mine. Ha! I was sure she and Anita had practiced this. I know my girls. Now she wants to see how a man’s kiss feels when she is more aware. As we hold the kiss, I finger her clit more, then leave it to explore down between small inner lips in slightly moist flesh, then down into fresh moisture and I feel the hole and hymen there. It is intact, and has only a small perforation. I test it with fingertip. No go. She stiffens, then relaxes as I move on, then tenses again as my finger finds her clit again. My finger is lubricated with her juices now, I can be more free and easy with my rubbing, and I go to work to see if this little girl will cum for me. Her lips grow lax. And I break the kiss. She moans and sighs. Her eyes are closed. I lean back, cheek on palm again and I concentrate on giving her good feelings. My eyes wander down her shapely legs to her bare feet. Her toes are turned downward, her feet are clenched. As I watch, they flex open and back, and her toes curl up toward her body and spread. The knees flex and her thighs open wide and then partially close. She moans and then I hear a small cry like a kitten, then another. Her hands clasp her breasts, then move down and her fingers dig into her belly.
“Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!...” With a final stiffening, and a small convulsion like spasm, Donna has her cum for me. Her final lunge has dislodged my finger and I withdraw my hand and stick my whole finger into my mouth to get the flavor of her pussy juices.
After a couple of minutes, Donna opens her eyes. Her hand comes back to grasp my cock. She meets my eyes and blushes. She looks down at my cock. “What happened to me?”
“You had yourself a little cum. An orgasm, they call it.”
“I never did THAT before.”
“You mean when you and Anita or Sharon do it?”
Donna’s eyes flash up to meet mine and back down. She blushes redder, if possible. “You know everything about us.”
“Everybody does it. I just guessed.”
“Do You?”
“Sure, like this.” I grasp my shaft and jack my cock a few times. “Now you do it. I’m close too, watching you was pretty sexy.”
“I neglected it. Sorry.”
“You were busy.”
She sits up, then slides off the lounge so she is on her knees beside it, with both hands working my cock, jacking me with long strokes.
“Yes... Do that. Feels good.”
Donna looks around, but the other girls are busy in the pool. Donna stares at my purplish head as she strokes, then bends forward, and I feel her lips brush the tip. She lifts her head, licking her lips, then bobs again, and I feel the entire head engulfed in warm mouth. Her tongue plays the corona as if she knows what she is doing. She looks up at me.
“Am I doing it okay? I watched Anita.”
“You are doing fine. Way better than I hoped.”
She smiles. She stops stroking for a moment, replacing it with lips and tongue and with taking me in with tight lipped bobs up and down until a deep one sets off her gag reflex, and she coughs it out. But all this has been enough. She manages to only start again with her hands for a couple of strokes, I feel my balls surge.
“Fast strokes now, I’m cumming!”
Ten fast ones and I groan as I spew cum in small arcs to splatter on my chest and stomach. The last couple are weak and run down over her fingers. She starts to wipe them off on my chest, then pauses, looks at me and pops a finger into her mouth, just as I did. Then she licks off the whole hand. Then she dips a finger in one of the little puddles on my chest and wiggles a finger around in it. She smears it up over my nipple, giggling as the little thing stands up hard under her finger.
“Just like mine do.”
I recover quickly, and I sit up, and then I pull my suit up more easily now, as Donna watches my flaccid organ flop loosely around.
“Is that how big it is all the time?”
“More or less. It depends on how hot it is, stuff like that.” I cup my balls and show them to her. “This sack is a very good temperature control. If it is hot it stretches and keeps my balls and sperm away from the heat of my body. If it is cold, it tightens up and pulls them up to keep warm. So it keeps the sperm just at the right temperature.”
“Oh. I didn’t know that.” She reaches down and fingers my balls and my sack. “They don’t feel empty.”
“They aren’t, but it takes time to recover from an ejaculation. Seen enough?”
“Um, yes. What does your thing feel like now?”
“Just soft and getting back to normal. How about yours?”
“Oh, I still got tingles.” Donna rubs her suit right over her mound. “Right down in here. I’m still wet too.” She pulls he suit out from between her legs. Thanks, Jim.” She leans over and kisses me, a quick one on the lips as she gets up to go back to the pool.
The usual disclaimers apply. My stories are pure fantasy. Enjoy them. Do not try to emulate any characters. They are all figments of my overactive imagination, and do not exist in real life.
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