Part 2

By JimBob

(Mgg, fond, oral, inc, 1st, interr)

By a stroke of good luck, Daddy finds that he has two curious little girls on his hands...


Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted 2013 with all rights expressly reserved by its author unless explicitly granted.

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Lisa Marie awoke with a start at her usual time.  On school days she always woke up at seven AM, in plenty of time to make it to school.  Her start elicited a grunt from the big man who was holding her in his arms.  Daddy!  He was naked, as was she.  Now she remembered what had happened last night!  She wriggled out from Daddy's arms, and out of the bed.    She looked for her night gown, then remembered she had not put one on last night.  She ran for the bathroom.  Man, she had to go pee!  When she got up and flushed, she smelled herself.  Phew!  She stank of all the sexual adventures she had last night.  She needed a quick shower this morning, so she turned on the spray and when it was right, she got in. 

Shortly later, she was done, and got out and groped for her towel.  There was no towel!  Then she remembered Daddy's towel game last night.  She looked in the linen closet.  No clean towels there either.  She had to go back into Daddy's room for her towel.  She tip toed in and looked for the towel.  Daddy had draped it over the headboard, right in the middle.  She had to crawl on the bed to reach it, and as she did, Daddy grabbed her leg and pulled her back into his arms.  Oh no!  Daddy was hard again, she could feel it.  She could feel his morning stubble against her face as he kissed her.  She struggled to no avail.  "Daddy!  Let me go!  I got to get ready for school."

Daddy just pulled her in tighter and started to nuzzle her little breast buds.  "Hey!  You're all wet!" hHe said, as he reached over his head for the towel.

"I had a shower."  Lisa said, as Daddy used the towel to dry her front and then pulled the covers over both of them as he sucked her breasts and fumbled between her thighs for her secret spot.

"Daddy!  Let me go!"  Lisa struggled  to pull his head away from her chest, as she tried to cross her legs to stop the insistent finger between them.  "I got to get ready for school!"

"No, you don't.  It's Saturday, babe!  No school today."

Lisa stopped struggling as she considered what Daddy said.  Lisa was a very organized little girl.  Every night before she went to bed she checked her calendar and marked a neat X over the day that had just passed.  That set her mind to the next day.  The events of last night had prevented her from this ritual, so she was now a day off.  It was Saturday!  All she had on for today was dance practice and lessons at two PM.  Lisa relaxed her body as Daddy's finger brushed her clit.  She indicated with body language that she was willing...

Daddy smiled to himself as he felt the little body relax and open like a flower to his touches.  He stroked the clit as the girl loosened and then went into a wild little climax as he continued to stroke the slick softness of her hot little clit.    He stuck a finger into her well lubed vagina as she lay there wide open and relaxing from her first cum of the day.  Her little sheath was slick and hot as it gripped his finger.  Lisa Marie moaned.  Damn!  If only she was a bit older.  Daddy was of the school that thought a girl must be a teenager and have hair on her pussy before she could take a man's dick.  But his balls were aching.  He needed to get off.  Maybe between her legs again?

Lisa felt herself being turned to face Daddy, while he guided his cock up to the juncture of her thighs.    Daddy indicated to her that she should close her thighs to trap the big organ up there while he stoked it between her thighs.  This was almost the same thing Daddy had done to her from behind last night!  Well, not exactly the same.  When Daddy did it from the front, the whole length, almost the whole length of the shaft rode right up against her clit, and the pleasure it gave her was nearly too much for a little girl to bear.  It made Daddy feel good too.  Just a few more strokes and he was going to shoot his wad.  It was a good thing he still had that towel within reach!

Lisa felt a warm flush all over her body from the pleasure spot between her legs.  She made minor adjustments of her body angle so as to get a little more drag on her clit and pussy lips from Daddy's big thing, his pecker as Anna called that thing.  She had to smile as she thought about how she and Anna had speculated about what it would feel like to have a boy's thing in you down there.    And then suddenly, THERE IT WAS!  A little longer back stroke, a little different angle on the next thrust, and the big penis entered between the lips and burrowed straight and true into the waiting vagina. Most of its length was buried  inside.  A sharp gasp from the girl was the only sound.

To Daddy's credit, he was able, in spite of the shock and the flash of pleasure at the tight entrance and the slick, hot sheath enveloping his cock, he did not react by jerking himself out.  He held himself very still and held Lisa still too.  "Sorry, honey, did I hurt you?"

"No, Daddy... well, just a little sting at first, but it is gone now.  Don't take it out, it feels so good!""

Daddy's cock gave a little jump at that news.

"Oooh!  What was that?  Do that again, Daddy!"  Lisa gave a little shiver of pleasure. 

"You mean this?"  Daddy made it jump again.  And again.  And again.

"Oh!  Yes! Yes!  That feels so good, Daddy!"

"How does this feel?"  Daddy pulled out a couple of inches, then back in gently.

"Oh, yes!  Do that.  Do it again!  Yes!  Yes.  Oh, Daddeee!'"

Daddy did that, over and over and over.  And then a lot more times!

Lisa was in pure bliss and showed it every way she knew how.  "Oh, yes!  Yes!  Yes!  Yes!  Faster, Daddy!  Yes!  Harder, Daddy, do it harder.  Yes!  Push it way in!  Harder!  Faster! Oh, yes!"  Lisa chanted out her first vaginal cum as Daddy fucked her hard, just the way she wanted it.

As the little body in his arm jerked and shuddered, Daddy had his release in huge splashes of cum right up against his little girl's cervix.  Daddy held her close until his cock finally slipped out, then he stuffed the towel that had started all of this between them to catch the mess.  After a little rest, Lisa got up and wiped herself good with the towel.  She stank of sex again, but she was not going to shower and dry off with THAT towel.  She got up and gathered all the towels she could find on beds, and in laundry hampers, threw them all into the washer with soap and started the washer going.  Daddy got up too.  He just put on yesterday's clothes and went to start breakfast.

Lisa went to her room and marked her calendar, getting rid of Friday, and noting she had dance lessons today.  Then she looked in her dresser drawer for panties.  There were no panties!  Lisa muttered some of her new words under her breath, gathered up all her and Daddy's dirty laundry after putting on an old pair of shorts and a "T" shirt.  The smell of frying bacon got to her so she went to the kitchen for breakfast.  The pair managed to get all the laundry done, even their messed up sheets and the house cleaned a little before two PM.  Daddy dropped her off at dance class and went to stock up on groceries while she danced.

When Anna came in, she was carrying a small suitcase, and her mom was right behind her. Anna's mom asked where Lisa's mom was.  Lisa just shrugged and said she didn't know because Daddy brought her.  Anna's mom said she had to make an  emergency trip, and could Anna stay with Lisa for a couple of nights.  Lisa said, "Sure she can.  My mom won't mind."  How could she mind?  She wouldn't even know, unless she came home, and Lisa had given up hope of that happening.  So Anna's mom gave them both a kiss and rushed off.

Now Anna and Lisa were not down the block neighbor friends, They were dance class friends, who had a special bond.  They both liked boys and men.  Then there was the winning performance of a dance they did together.  That is why they had become BFF.  But Lisa was in a kind of a bind today.  Daddy had made her promise not to tell ANYONE about what they had done in bed together.  But even as she was crisscrossing her heart, Lisa's little mind was working faster than a dozen lawyers.  Let's see, she thought, 'That couch is not a bed, so I can tell Anna about all the stuff he did there.  In the shower too.'  The bed itself poised a little matter of semantics.  "Don't tell anyone what we did IN bed,"  he had said.  'How could that take in what they had done ON the bed?'  After all, everyone knows there is a difference between being ON a bed and being IN a bed under the covers.  She decided all that stuff that happened ON the bed could be told too.  That was only fair, right?  However, since Anna would be "sleeping" with her tonight, she would wait until they were in bed to spring her big secret.  It would be hard, but she would do it, she decided.

When Daddy came back from his errands, TWO beaming little girls danced up to greet him, one, his tall blonde pony tailed, blue eyed daughter and one slightly shorter, dark haired, brown eyed little dark skinned beauty.  Both in white tutus and tights.  Both kissed him and declared he was going to have two girls to cook for tonight.  They left him with a slight hard-on and in charge of Anna's little suitcase.  He considered calling Anna's mom, but did not have her number.  He shrugged, he'd just have to wait until Anna went home.  He watched all the little girls perform, wondering if any of the other skimpily clad little beauties had ever experienced what he had done to his little girl.  She looked just as innocent as the rest.  He got hard, and had to hide it behind the suitcase.

The dance lesson ended with a small exhibition of the girls and boys talent for their parents.  Daddy knew that Lisa and her friend would be famished after practice so they stopped for hamburgers and malts on the way home.  The little girls were still in their tutus and tights when they mobbed Daddy after supper for a play fight.  Perhaps  nothing would have happened if Daddy had not grabbed Lisa Marie's pussy and squeezed it through the material of her tights when Anna wasn't looking.  But that is when Lisa's resolve not to tell Anna before bed time went right out the window.  She called Anna into her bedroom, to regroup and plan another attack, and  in a few minutes, Anna was sworn to secrecy and was told enough about Daddy's good feels and touches to make her tingle just thinking about it.  Anna wanted to hear it all, but Lisa convinced her that if they took off their tights, and went after Daddy in just their skimpy costume and panties, Daddy would soon be feeling them both where they wanted to be felt.

Daddy was sitting on the couch reading the paper when the girls launched their second attack.    Daddy was bowled over by the girls, and the paper went flying.  There was so much bare flesh on top of him that Daddy didn't know where to grab first.  He realized that Lisa must have told Anna something.  But Anna didn't seem to be put off by what she had been told, and the dark haired little girl had a body that made a man's mouth water.  He had put on a pair of shorts and a "T" shirt to relax in, and his hard cock was soon tenting the front of his shorts.  He didn't try to hide it.  Indeed, he drug the girls over it, and it over the girl's bodies as they wrestled with abandon on the carpet.  He got an idea when a bare little belly appeared before his face, as the girl's slightly too large tutu slipped up her body.  He caught her and held the bare belly to his face as he made farting noises with his mouth on the bare skin.  Then his tongue found the indent of her belly button and tickled it.  That little girl screamed with delighted laughter.  That soon became the game, as he switched his attention between the two girls, pulling tutu up and panties down slightly to get to the most ticklish flesh.

Lisa and Daddy often played this game and Lisa loved it.  Anna had no daddy to play with her, but she instantly loved the game too.  Daddy made both girls shriek and laugh until they were exhausted and content to each be gathered up in a big arm, to rest their heads on his chest and look down his body at his even harder erection tenting his shorts.  Lisa nudged Anna and they both giggled and slid down Daddy's body a little to get a better view.  Both girls gave a little start when Daddy made his penis give a little bob in his shorts.  Daddy gave Lisa a slight push down toward the tented shorts.  Lisa caught on right away.  "Watch, Anna!"  she called out as she reached down and pulled Daddy's shorts down so only his boxer shorts covered his cock. Anna was looking.

Daddy's boxers were fastened, but there were gaps in the straining closure where glimpses of purplish cock head could be seen.  Anna gave a gasp as she realized just how big Daddy's tool was.    Just then one of Daddy's hands slid down her back and worked its way under the short skirt and under the elastic waistband of her panties and down to cup her smooth little butt in his hand.  She was so engrossed in the sight that had just been revealed that she hardly noticed.  Lisa had a hand clutching her butt too.  It gave her another nudge.  She reached down and opened the top snap and gave a tug that caused the rest of the snaps to pop open, and at last the straining cock had its freedom! 

Anna's gasp was very audible this time.  What a bonus for a spur of the moment sleep over!  She really loved being around Daddy because he always joked and laughed with her and teased her just like his own daughter.  She had often had felt this thing in his pants brush against her body in their play wrestling matches but now she was seeing it in all its glory.  She was fascinated.  She hardly noticed his middle finger search for and find her little rosebud shaped opening down there and began to caress it.  Her body, however, was very aware of the touching and her legs parted to give his fingers free access to all her openings down there.  Lisa seemed as fascinated as she was, staring at her Daddy's bare cock. 

When Daddy, in a loud whisper said, "Touch it," Lisa was first to react.  She was used to following her Daddy's commands and she reached out and clasped the shaft of his cock and began to lightly stroke it.  Anna followed suit, first reaching out a tentative finger to touch the tip, testing it's smooth firm surface.  The cock bobbed in Lisa's grasp as Anna ran the finger around and over the sensitive corona.  Then the girls began to play with it in earnest stroking and moving it around to examine every aspect of it. 

Daddy decided to push his luck.  "Suck on it!"  Was his next whispered command.

"Suck on it?"  Was Anna's whispered query.  Lisa had neglected to mention this part of her previous sex play with Daddy.

However, the ever ready Lisa sprang into action to answer her Daddy's request.  Anna watched her friend lean forward and take the whole head of her father's cock into her mouth and begin a bobbing motion of her head.  Anna watched in wonder as Lisa went down as far as she could on Daddy's shaft.  A moan of pleasure came from Daddy's lips as Lisa did her best to deep throat him.  Anna was fascinated.  She wanted to try that!  She wanted to examine that thing closer with all her senses, and touch and taste were a couple she hadn't been able to use yet, at least not as much as she wanted.  Lisa was hogging the whole thing!  It wasn't fair!  They always shared everything!  That is what best friends did. 

Anna tried to nudge Lisa away so she could get her mouth in there.  Lisa didn't move, but growled deep in her throat, like a dog protecting her bone.  In a way that was what she was doing.

Daddy murmured, "Now Lisa, give Anna a chance too.    Let Anna suck it and you play with my balls.  Be gentle now."

Lisa reluctantly gave up her mouthful of Daddy to Anna and put her hand down between Daddy's outspread legs to fondle his hairy sack.  Anna tried her best to emulate Lisa's deep throat action.  Daddy was busy stripping off the little girls panties.  Neither girl seemed to notice, but both helped him by moving their bodies around to accommodate his action.  Once their little bottoms were bare, Daddy turned them and spread their legs to give his fingers access to their pussies and vaginas.  Soon Daddy had a big finger deep in each wet little pussy and was making the girls squirm and moan with pleasure.

Daddy was also moaning with pleasure, he was very close to cumming.  Anna thought that Daddy's increased movement of his body and his increasing thrusts of his cock into her mouth meant she was doing an extra good job of sucking his cock , so she increased her efforts.  Suddenly, with a loud groan, Daddy lost it.  A huge spurt of sperm shot from his cock deep into Anna's throat.  Anna choked and gagged.  She tried to spit out the cock, but Daddy was thrusting into her mouth in earnest now and spurting cum with each thrust.  Anna thought she was going to drown in sperm.  Finally Daddy was done. He released her head and his cock slipped out along with a mouthful of cum.  Anna swallowed what was left in her mouth.    She didn't mind the taste, but all of the wild thrusting at the end had scared her and she made a resolution to be a lot more careful the next time she tried that.  Lisa was looking at her in admiration for taking in all of Daddy's cum the way she did.  Daddy pulled both girls up by his face for kisses and titty tonguing while he recovered.

Daddy selected his daughter, Lisa Marie , to be the star of the next act.  Not because of favoritism, mind you, it was just that he knew she would fit the part.  Fit on that part?  Anyway, he gently guided Lisa Marie to mount his lower body and straddle his hips until her little cunt was spread wide open just above the business end or his erect cock.  Then he helped her to lower herself onto that big organ as it penetrated deep into her slick little tube.  Ah!  How tight and hot she was!  For daddy, the sensation of the penetration was heavenly.  And there right beside him was another hot little bun impatiently waiting for her turn to be impaled!  It was almost more luck than a man could comprehend.  Daddy guided Lisa into a sliding up and down motion on his long dong and showed her the depth and rhythm of the strokes he thought would do the trick for both of them.    It was Lisa's first time to mount her Daddy this way, but she was a quick study and she soon found just the right action to make her feelings down there start mounting to a crashing climax.

Daddy now turned his attention to the little girl waiting impatiently for her turn.  Anna could tell by the look on Lisa's face and the slurping sounds coming from her busy pussy that Lisa was in little girl heaven.  Darn it, SHE wanted some of that action!  Daddy soon turned to her.  He guided her into a sitting position on his chest, a naked thigh on each side of his upturned face.  The little white tutu was blocking his view of her body, so he stripped it off and tossed it to one side.  Then he pulled her up over his face , her wide open pussy lips right above his lips.    The next thing Anna knew, Daddy's long tongue was lapping at the lips of her pussy, licking the little clit, then moving down into her slit to test the opening to her vagina, testing it for size.  Would that little vagina accept his hard cock?  It had been opened by Anna's friend's uncle with his big fingers, and Anna had used a hairbrush handle in there too, so there was no cherry there to worry about.  Daddy kept Anna aroused with tonguing and fingering her clitty bump, causing her to squirm and moan as she rode his mouth.   

Lisa was nearing her peak.  She had been riding Daddy's big cock as hard as she could, and each time she reached an apex, there was another just a few strokes farther, and then she gave a little scream of pleasure as she shook all over with a big cum.  She was finished.  She slumped off Daddy's cock and slid off his body to snuggle her tired body against his warm side. 

Daddy was still hard and more than ready for Anna.  He lifted her willing body, turned her around, and positioned her over his cock as Lisa had been just a few minutes ago.  Anna grunted as Daddy's cock head entered her.  It was the biggest thing that had ever been in there!  Lisa had recovered enough to get up on an elbow to watch her friend get deflowered by her Daddy, and she saw the few drops of blood flow down Daddy's shaft as Anna grunted in pain.  Then the big head was in and sliding slowly into Anna's slick sheath and the pain eased for Anna.  It was not only not so bad anymore, the big cock was filling her in a most pleasureful way!

Lisa was ready to go again, so she crawled over Daddy's face, but was turned toward Anna so she could watch her Daddy penetrate deeply into her little friend.  Daddy was quick to strip off her tutu also.  He gazed up at Lisa's naked little butt as she lowered her hot little pussy down to Daddy's waiting lips and tongue.    Daddy licked her from her little rosebud hole in back to her little clit peeping out in front.  Lisa sighed in bliss and then focused her attention on Anna as Daddy's big cock was visibly disappearing up into her friend.  "Oh, wow!" she said.

'Oh, wow!'  Daddy was thinking.  His erection was sliding into the hottest little vagina it had entered in a long time.  It was tight, tight, TIGHT!  Daddy could feel all the folds and wrinkles of Anna's hot little vagina caressing the corona and shaft as it was opened to allow it to enter where no man had gone before.  Her sheath, adjusting itself to his size, felt like little fingers caressing his cock.  He could hardly keep himself from humping himself into her and fucking her little pussy for all he was worth.  He had to keep his cool.  No way did he want to hurt his daughter or her little friend.

While Daddy was being careful, Anna was being kind of frisky.  She liked the feel of her pussy adjusting itself to the size of that big shaft.  She let herself down on Daddy's cock until the big tip started to try to press through her cervix.  That was a little too much, and it hurt, so Anna backed off a bit.   Now that felt better, and she began cautiously sliding up and down on the big shaft. 

In between her own sighs of contentment from Daddy's tongue action on her two holes and clit, Lisa watched her Daddy's cock sliding in and out of Anna.  She knew that feeling.  She knew from Anna's expression just when the big hot splashes of Daddy's cum went shooting deep inside Anna's cunt.  She had felt that herself too.  When Anna's eyes closed and she began to slump forward on Daddy's chest, Lisa scrambled out of the way.  She had felt that, too.  She knew that what Anna needed now was to be drawn into Daddy's waiting arms while soft kisses were rained all over her face and especially on her waiting lips.  Lisa lay beside Daddy and hugged both the big and little bodies as they came down from that double climax.

Tomorrow was Sunday and just like tonight, they would play and love Daddy some more, far into Sunday night.  But now they all needed their rest.  The man and two little naked girls soon sprawled together in deep slumber.

End of Lisa Marie and Daddy


All of my stories are fiction, and all of my characters, places and events are products of my imagination.  Do not try this at home.

Thank you to all of you readers who take the time to comment on my stories.  You give me incentive to keep it up.  Thank you all.


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