Matinee Idylls


By JimBob

(Mgg, fondle, oral, interr, cons)

Back in the 60's, I would take my boys to Sunday afternoon matinees.  My boys watched the movies; I watched the other patrons.  And I made up stories to amuse myself during boring kid’s shows.  As they come back to me, I will post them.

Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted 2010 with all rights expressly reserved by its author unless explicitly granted.

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I went into the lobby of the Majestic Theater on Broadway and handed the young attendant my ticket.  He barely glanced at me as he tore it and handed me the stub.  He was used to white guys coming to the matinees with all the little black children.  Were the teen aged attendants even aware of the reason so many of the old white guys attended the matinees?  I had no idea. 

But I knew why this theater was so attractive to me.  No personnel ever patrolled the aisles during the movie.  Almost anything could, and often did, go on inside when it was darkened for the movie.

I did not bother to stop at the concession stand, except to check the crowd for any familiar faces.  Seeing no one I knew, I ducked into the aisle through the curtain that kept the lobby lights out.

The aisle seat in the last row was open, so I took a seat there.  I would sometimes go and sit in the back row while my eyes got used to the dark, and scope out the girls with empty seats beside them.  In many cases, this was an open invitation.  Sex was for sale for candy.

Three girls came in, about nine, six, and four, probably sisters. They stood right next to my seat, looking down toward the front for seats.  The coming attractions had started, and they watched as their eyes adjusted to the darkness.

The biggest and oldest girl was next to me, and after a couple of moments, I let my outside arm drop off the arm rest.  I brought it back up under her dress from the rear. Starting at her left knee, I slowly ran my left hand up the back and outside of her bare thigh, palm on her leg, fingers forward and around slightly toward the front. Mmmm , nice and soft and smooth.   Warm too, almost hot.  Not a sign or a move from the girl.  In fact, one little sister pointed out some seats, but my girl said, “Wait.”

After I touched panties, smooth, slinky rayon, I dropped my hand back down, and moved it to the inside of her right leg.  Back up the even smoother, softer inside of this thigh. The legs moved apart as the backs of my fingers brushed soft left inner thigh skin.  Oh, yeah, baby! She spread her legs open for my hand!  All the way up, to the delightful little bunched up panty crotch.  So soft.   So warm.

I turned my wrist so my hand was palm up, and brazenly cupped that little mound up there, right in my palm, fingers feeling for the slit, rubbing, looking for the clit bump.  The girl stood still there for at least a minute. A long time.   Long enough for the wrist to be turned back and pulled back and to make another foray up smooth upper inner thigh.

I turned and twisted and wriggled my fingers under panty hem on right inner thigh, and up onto a warm, smooth pussy lip. A short move over to the slit, pushing panty crotch over with backs of fingers, and then they turned and followed the cleft up to the wrinkled little bump.  The girl gave a small start, but did not move for another two minutes.  My fingers were so busy...

The middle sized girl tugged at my girl's dress, and then she pointed to some seats about six rows from the front.  Four seats together.  I disentangled my hand as the other children started down the aisle.  Big sister followed, after she got a couple of thank you pats on the inside of her right leg.  I brought the hand back down and out to my nose and lips.  Ah, little girl essence.

The girls went down and sat in the four seats, six year old went in first, four year old second, then big sister.  Rats!  Big sister was in the aisle seat! 

Wait!  She directed middle sis to move over next to a small boy, little sis then moved over, then big sis, and there, on the aisle, was my seat!  Vacant!  I counted to thirty, then I got up and sauntered down the aisle and slipped into the seat next to my entertainment for the afternoon.  Did you see how it works?

I sat next to my little nine year old black girl, who has arranged for my seat to be open.  I saw as I sat that she had arranged her dress so she was not sitting on it.  Girls learn this from being touched by us dirty old men, so I figured she has probably been felt up before.  There were no people in the seats right behind us, so I could talk a little.

"What's your name?"  I murmured.

"Ladonna," she murmured back.

"How old are you, Ladonna?"

"I'm almost ten."  Ah ha!  My guess was right.

"You are a very pretty girl, Ladonna.  You have really soft skin too.  Can I feel your soft skin some more?"

"I guess so."

"I'd like to see your legs.  You have very pretty legs, I could tell that.  Can I see your pretty legs?"


"Sure.  Pull your dress up real slow.  No one is looking.  Like this."  I slowly twitched her skirt up a couple of inches above her knee while I looked down at her lap.  She took hold of her skirt and slid it up to the edge of her panties, and then up a little more so I could see the pink rayon covered mound between and above the brown legs.  There was a bright scene in the preview, and I could see every detail.

"Wow," I breathed softly.  "You are beautiful."  Little girls eat up flattery.  I reached over and captured her nearest knee and pulled it towards me.  She got the message, and spread her legs.  She left her dress way up until I said,"Okay," then she pulled it down, but left her legs apart.

My hand was on her warm knee, fingers on soft inside leg skin.  I slowly rubbed my fingers over the round joint there on the inside of her knee, and then my hand started up her thigh, pulling the dress up with the wrist.  I reached my free hand over and grabbed the hem at the bottom of her skirt, and pulled the loose material down and over my wrist so no one could see my light hand on her dark leg.  But I had seen it, and the feel of her silky smooth inner thigh skin kept the image bright in my mind.

"Mmmm, so soft," I murmured in her ear.  She spread her leg even more toward me. 

What a sweet little doll she was, so eager to please me, so eager to get those fingers of mine back up on that feel-good bump.  It had been touched before by white fingers… I would bet on it.  I'll find out before I am done with her today.

I took my time.  It was a double feature, and we had plenty of time to play, so no need to rush.  I loved the feel of soft little girl leg under my fingers.    But I could tell my little girl was impatient.  She wanted her clit massaged sometime today. 

So I decided to play her impatience for all I could.  I worked my fingers slowly up to her crotch.  I fumbled for a moment at her leg band, then I gave up and rubbed my fingers over the smooth mound, as I felt the love bump poking up into the soft material.  I returned to the hem and fumbled some more, without being able to get a single finger up in there. 

She snaked a hand underneath her skirt and adjusted her panties so the leg hem was loose. 

Darn!  She had fixed it so even the biggest fool could get up inside there, but she has picked a real bozo this time. I fumbled some more, managing to close the gap she had opened.  She tried again to fix the panties for the fool, still no luck.  The stupid jerk just fumbled and couldn't get his fingers in there.  I could sense her growing frustration.

Finally I leaned in very close and whispered to her.  "Can you take them off for me?"  A whisper is much more conspiratorial than a murmur. 

She considered for a long moment, then with a long sigh, she did a little wriggling, and leaned way forward while pink panties were slipped down her brown legs and over anklets and patent leather slippers.

"Can I hold them?" I asked in another whisper.

"You gotta promise to give 'em back!"

"Of course, I promise."  I crossed my heart for her, and got a hand full of warm, silky material.

Concealing most of them in my hand, I brought them up to my face and inhaled.  “Ah!”  The essence of young crotch again!  I put them down in my lap and opened them to see the size against my lower torso.  Oh, it is so exciting!  I tucked them down between my legs, up against my balls. 

I placated Ladonna by getting my hand back under her dress and back on her leg again.  Smooth, soft skin lead me back up to the crotch with legs opened as wide as the seat arms would allow.  A finger went unopposed into the bare little slit.  It was damp!  She was ready.  I found the clit with two fingers, and I proceeded to bring her clit to fully erect and pulsing between her lips.

She was a such a hot little thing.  She was moist enough to be opening out like a flower down there, and I could even get a slick finger quite easily into the hole.  Hmmmm .   Nine years old and she was not a virgin. 

Now that she was really feeling the need for a climax, it was time for me to gather a little more of my voyeur information.  I scooted down in my seat and leaned closer. Seeing that I wanted to talk, she leaned over loser to me.

"You like this?"  I think she knows I mean what I am doing with my fingers.

"Mmmm Hmmm."

"Done it before?"

"Never took my pants off before."

"But men put their fingers on it?  Here in the show?"

"Uh huh."

"How many men?"

"Just two...  No!  Three.   One man not in the show."

"What men did it in the show?"

"White man like you.   Put their finger right up in there."  ‘Like you could have if you weren't so damn dumb,’ is what she was too nice to say.

"Who else did it?"

“Other white man.   That one there did.”  She indicated a man sitting three rows in front of us on the seat on the other side of the aisle.  He was a regular patron of this theater too, as I had seen him several times.  We both looked at him and his small companion seated next to him.

“She's getting it,” I whispered. “He's doing her right now.”  To those of us in the know, it was quite plain to see.

“Uh huh.”

“Who else did you?”  I am slowly stroking her clit as we talk, sliding a slick finger over the kernel of corn sized bump in the swollen little clit hood; just enough to keep her feeling good.

"Mama's boyfrien.   He did it in my bed.  He did Leticia too." 

Leticia heard her name, and glanced over at us, then back to the movie.  She was the six year old.

"How old is Leticia?"

"She be seven now."

"He stuck his penis in you?"


"Mama's boyfriend.   He stuck his cock in you?  Prick, dick, willie?"

"Oh!  Yeah, Mama boyfrien Leroy did it to me.  Mama was drunk."

"He squirt in you?"

"Uh huh...  It run out.  He do Leticia, she cry!  Blood come out too!  Not me."

Leticia glanced over again, then partially turned her back on us.  She didn't like to be reminded of the blood, I guessed.

I let the conversation go for a while, and concentrated on bringing Ladonna to a climax.  First I took her to the edge a couple of times, then I brought her over.  Ladonna bit on her hand to keep from crying out when her orgasm hit.  She pushed my hand away from her clit, but held it close and tight when she came.  I found it quite endearing. 

When the first movie ended, I gave Ladonna her panties back, but asked her to just hang on to them for the second movie.

After the girls had made a trip to the bathroom, and they were seated again, I got up and went back to the concession stand.  I came back with two popcorns, four drinks, and candy for each of the girls.  This caused Leticia and Maddy to warm up to me some. 

Leticia was a darling little seven year old.  But old Leroy had cooled her off to men who wanted to fool around.  She wanted no part of Ladonna's new friend.  Apparently the bastard had raped the little girl when she was six.

When the movie started again, I slipped my sweater off, and spread it over my lap.  Then I got my cock out and brought Ladonna's hand over to wrap her fingers around it.  As I jacked myself off using her hand, stroking myself to a climax at the same time I used my fingers on the other hand to bring her off again.  I was going to have to wash that sweater off again, as I could not catch all the cum in my hankie.  I put my tool away, but I decided I was going to taste my little Ladonna while her panties were off…

I got her pussy up to the front edge of her seat as I pretended to have to get down to look on the floor for something she had dropped.  Quickly I stuck my head under her dress as she held it over me and I licked up her slit, sticking my tongue in to lap up that sweet juice.  Ladonna got a new first.  Now she had had three white guys hands and fingers up there, and a hot tongue on her dark little clit.  It was really dark under that skirt, and I was in a hurry, so I could not tell if it was light pink or dark pink flesh up inside those lips. Maybe next time.

After I had spent all the time I thought I could get away with up there, I got back in my seat, brushing my knees off, and Ladonna put her panties back on before the show ended.  Maddy was an interested spectator.  I don't think she even knew Ladonna had her panties off all through the movie. 

As a bonus, Ladonna got Maddy over on her lap, and held her legs open and her panties over to one side while I got to finger her four year old clit while she wiggled and giggled.  Leticia was aware, but she feigned indifference.  I love a challenge, and I promised myself next time I would take on that little girl.

I followed the girls out of the theater so I could watch them in the twilight and check out the people who picked them up.  A black guy and woman in a fancy car.   I wondered if the guy was old Leroy.

And that was my very first time with Ladonna and her sisters.


Did you like my story?  Good? So so?   Lousy?   Let me know, or I can't fix it.

All my stories are fantasies.  Nothing is real.  Do not try this at home, or in your local theater.



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