(bb, Mbb, ped, nudity, voy, oral, anal)
Sequel to LATCH KEY BOY - Eight year old Bobby introduces his randy tutor to his new friend, Wally.
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It was forty thirty in the afternoon and once again Bobby Jones hadn’t shown up after school at Ned Campbell’s house. Ned fretted that maybe he had gone too far with the eight-year-old by allowing his beefy buddy, Carl, to ravish him so thoroughly over the course of the two days that Carl was visiting. It’s not that Bobby complained, indeed, the boy seemed to enjoy having his asshole repeatedly plundered by the two men. But that was three days ago and Ned hadn’t seen nor heard from the kid since he waddled home on Monday night with his ass a yawing chasm and leaking cum.
“Damn it, Ned,” he said to himself as he looked out the front window in hopes of seeing the boy, “he was coming along so well and you had to push it! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” But no matter how he cursed and castigated himself, the boy didn’t return. “Maybe tomorrow,” he said to the window hopefully.
Tomorrow came and went with no sign of Bobby and by Saturday morning, Ned had resigned himself to the fact that the boy wasn’t coming back. ‘Maybe he’s just sick,’ the old chicken hawk thought. He also considered the worse possible outcome, that the sodomy had been discovered, by his mother or one of his teachers; and if that was the case… Now thoughts of the police showing up at his door occupied his mind and his gut fitfully churned.
Around noon, Ned set down the new book he was reading to fix himself a bite to eat. Sitting down at the table, Ned had just bitten into his ham sandwich when the doorbell rang. He froze holding the bite of lunch in his mouth. The doorbell rang again. Ned set his sandwich down with one bite missing and tried to remain calm as he went to the door. His mouth was dry and he had trouble chewing the single bite of sandwich and swallowing it. With great effort he managed to swallow.Expecting to see a police officer, Ned peered through the peephole and saw a boy and another boy turn and begin to walk away. Quickly he unlocked the door and opened it.
“Bobby!” he called out. The barefoot and shirtless boy turned to look back at with a big toothy grin on his face.
“Mr. Ned! Can you play?”
“Uh, yeah, sure. Come on in, Bobby. Who’s your friend?” he asked as he regarded Bobby’s fleshy overweight companion. He was about Bobby’s height, but while Bobby was well portioned, the other boy was anything but.
“This is my friend, Wally,” the boy announced.
Ned wanted to say, ‘I didn’t think you had any friends,’ but he restrained himself.
Bobby boldly stepped through the door, but Wally hung back. “C’mon, Wally. It’s okay,” Bobby told his chucky buddy. Wally had an apprehensive look, but he stepped into the pedophile’s lair.
“Mr. Ned, can I show Wally your arrowhead collection?” young Bobby asked. “I’ve been telling Wally what a neat collection you have and I just wanted to show him.
“Uh, sure, Bobby. You know where it is. Have you boys had any lunch?”
“I’m starved,” replied Wally at the mention of food.
“Well, I can fix you a ham sandwich or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.”
“I’ll have peanut butter and jelly,” piped in Bobby.
“Yeah, peanut butter and jelly,” added Wally suddenly smiling and bright eyed.
“Two PBJ’s coming up!” declared Ned.
A moment later the two boys were sitting at the kitchen table while Ned set about preparing some lunch for the boys. Ned set the two plates in front of the boys and then set out two glasses of milk.
“Wow! This is the best!” declared Wally as he scarffed down the first half of his sandwich. “What kind of jelly is this?”
“It’s orange marmalade,” answered Ned.
“Can I have another one?” the rotund lad boldly asked.
“Sure thing, Wally,” replied Ned.
After setting the second sandwich in front of the ravenous boy, Ned sat back down and resumed consuming his own sandwich. Before he had finished the first half, the two boys had totally consumed theirs. Bobby stood up and asked, “Can we go see your arrowheads now?”
Ned pointed at the two dishes and empty milk glasses. Bobby immediately took his plate and glass to the sink while Wally dumbly sat there. “C’mon Wally,” said Bobby, “take your dishes to the sink.”
As if jolted out of a trance, Wally jumped up and took his dishes to the sink. Observing Wally’s behavior, Ned correctly surmised that nothing was expected of Wally at home and the results were obvious. Soon Ned was alone in the kitchen and cleaning up while the two boys disappeared into Ned’s “collection room”. He still hadn’t unpacked and everything was still in boxes, the arrowheads, the rocks, the minerals, the fossils, the stamps and his large collection of boy-porn. Thinking of the dirty mags, Ned stopped what he was doing and went to the room where the two boys were digging through a box and pulling out wooden trays filled with artifacts.
Calling Bobby over, he whispered to the boy, “Do not show him any of the magazines or pictures.”
Bobby didn’t need to be told which magazines or pictures Ned was referring to. “Yes, sir,” he answered.
Ned tussled his butt-boy’s hair and then returned to his kitchen task. There wasn’t much to wash, dry and put up and in a two minutes Ned joined the two boys in the collection room.
“Wow, where did you buy all these?” Wally asked as he surveyed the six trays of arrowheads laid out on the floor.
“I didn’t buy them, I found them. I used to find them around here, when I was a boy,” Ned replied.
“Get out of here!” the pudgy kid retorted.
“When I was your age, there were mostly fields and few wood lots around here. That was before the town had spread over them. I’d wander about and find arrowheads just laying on the ground. I used to find all sorts of stuff.”
“Like what?”
“Fossils mainly.”
“Dinosaurs?” Wally asked with wide eyes.
“No not dinosaurs, but sea creatures, ammonites, snails, oysters, sand dollars.”
“There’s no ocean around here,” countered the disbelieving boy.
“Not now,” the retired teacher explained, “but long time ago, there was an ocean, right here. Where we sitting right, a hundred million years ago, this was at the bottom of a sea. It was part of a seaway that stretched from the Gulf of Mexico all the way to Canada.”
“How come?”
“Well, it was during the age of dinosaurs and world was much different than it is now.”
“Wow!” replied Wally with big eyes as he struggled with the concept of geologic time and the associated vast changes in topography.
“Hey, look at this one!” exclaimed Bobby as he held up a large spear head. With the attention back on the arrowhead collection, the boys clamored and oooed and awed at each new discovery. Bobby had seen the collection many times before, but showing to his friend first hand, he saw a great deal of detail that he had previously missed. Wally was simply wowed by the collection.
Ned sat and watched the boys as they examined the collection and discovered things they had never seen before. Oh, they had both seen pictures of arrowheads, but Wally had never actually seen one, or held it in his hands. But even with the most interesting things at hand, the two eight-year-olds gradually lost interest. Ned observed the listlessness and knew that it was time to move on, but to what? Bobby answered that when he asked, “Mr. Ned, is it okay if Wally and I go in your hot tub?”
“Sure, but you have to shower off first, remember… and you’ll need something to wear.”
“Can’t we just go in our underwear?” Bobby asked. “It’s just like a bathing suit.”
‘Cleaver, boy,’ Ned thought. The kid had never been in that tub in anything but his birthday suit and now he was improvising to make his friend more comfortable.
“C’mon, Wally,” Bobby urged and the two friends disappeared into the central bathroom.
Moments later, Ned could hear the two boys giggling and carrying on in the bathroom. ‘That’s it, Bobby. Play grab ass with him. Damn, what I’d give for a camera…’
After a rather long period, much longer than it would take for just a shower, the two boys emerged from the bathroom dressed only in their tightie-whities. Ignoring Bobby’s near nudity, Ned’s eyes were fixed on the soft flabby body of Wally. ‘The boy has tits,’ the old pervert observed and he felt his cock begin to stiffen. But as intriguing as they were, it wasn’t the boy’s tits that Ned was particularly interested in, but the treasures still hidden by Wally’s underwear, underwear that was stretched tight around the boy’s fleshy hips.
Bobby practically ran for the back door. Wally was in close pursuit and as his bare feet padded along the floor, his body shook and jiggled. Ned considered joining them, but thought better of it. ‘Let’s just see where this all leads,’ he told himself as the boys bounded down the back stairs and to the swirling tub that Ned had prepared for them.
Ned positioned himself by a window so that he could observe without being observed. He watched the two boys frolic about in the water, neither with a care in the world. After a while, he had an idea and got up and prepared the boys two glasses of Kool-Aid, Kool-Aid spiked with a little bit of vodka.
“You boys getting thirsty?” he asked as he stepped outside with his refreshments.
“Yeah!” they shouted in unison.
“Okay, you can’t drink in the tub, so everyone out of the water.” Both boys immediately scrambled out of the water and to Ned’s disappointment, they both still had on their underwear. His disappointment was only mild as the wet white fabric had become nearly translucent, especially in the back, and besides the underwear did not conceal very much to begin with.
Ned keenly watched the boys’ reactions as they each took the first sip of their spiked Kool-Aid. Neither boy reacted adversely; indeed they both drank the sweet, cherry flavored drink with gusto. Then it was back in the water.
It was not long afterward that the two boys had tired of playing in the water. Ned watched as the two boys, dripping wet, trod up the stairs and entered his kitchen giggling. Observing that both Bobby’s and Wally’s underwear were skewed and in Wally’s case, half off his rotund buns, their host handed each a towel to mop up the excess moisture.
Handing his damp towel back to Ned, Bobby coyly asked, “Is it okay if we take our underwear off? We don’t want to get your furniture all wet.”
“Good idea, Bobby! Shimmy out of those wet undies and I’ll hang them up to dry.” Bobby, having the go ahead, quickly dropped his drawers and stepped out of them. Wally hesitated, then grinning, he too pulled his wet underwear off and mimicking his friend, held them out to Ned.
“Want to see some really cool fossils?” Bobby asked.
“Yeah!” answered Wally and the two boys, now naked, headed back to the Ned’s collections room.
With trembling hands, the old perv hung up his two trophies to dry. ‘The day had started out so bleak,’ he thought to himself, ‘and now… How sweet it is!’
Joining the two naked boys, he found them sitting by another box open. They had pulled out one tray, but when Ned walked in, he saw Wally quickly move his hand way from Bobby’s crotch. To Ned it was obvious what had happened and with is excitement growing, Ned suddenly became impatient. “Bobby, come here,” he commanded as he sat upon a straight back chair. Bobby came to him immediately.
“Was he playing with your dick?” Ned asked in a whisper. Bobby nodded, ‘yes’. Ned put his hand on Bobby’s back and let his hand slide down to his bare butt. “Here’s what I want you two to do. I want to watch you and Wally sucking each other’s dick.” Bobby grinned down at his mentor and nodded again. “Good, boy,” Ned said and then gave him a playful swat to the butt.
To Ned’s surprise, as Wally sat naked on the floor, Bobby just walked up to him and put his dick in his friend’s face while giving Ned a side view. As Bobby rubbed his crotch into the side of Wally’s chubby face, Wally cut his eyes back to Ned. Realizing that Ned wasn’t going to stop the naughty play, he turned his head slightly towards Bobby and sucked the offered dick into his mouth like a calf going after a cow’s teat. Ned nearly blew his load right then and there.
Bobby turned his head and looked back at Ned with a big happy smile across his face. Then he went to his knees, taking Wally with him. He leaned towards Wally prick and made the final adjustment. Wally never lost oral contact with Bobby’s cock as the two boys settled into a 69. Ned, now certain of what he had suspected before, pulled his t-shirt over his head, stood and dropped his pants.
Even with his face buried in Bobby’s crotch, Wally could just see over Bobby’s hip and saw the older man strip off his clothes. Wally watched the bobbing adult sized cock at full mast and the swaying ball sack as Ned approached the two boys. Ned knelt behind Bobby’s back, his stiff cock protruding from a tangle of graying pubic hair. Wally felt the man’s hands glide over the corpulent folds of his back and down his to his haunches. Reaching behind Bobby, Wally’s hand closed around the thick adult organ.
This had all been too easy Ned realized as chubby boy stroked his cock with a confidence that comes with experience. Yes, much too easy. Ned leaned over to whisper in Wally’s ear as he continued sucking Bobby’s dick. “You’ve done this sort of thing before, haven’t you?” Not letting Bobby’s prick from his mouth, Wally nodded. “You’re a naughty boy and so is Bobby. I like naughty boys like you and Bobby, naught nasty boys, the nastier the better.”
The older man pushed the two boys apart and quickly positioned his cock to the new boy’s face. Wally eagerly attacked the offered prick, sucking it with a gusto that belied his young age. Ned huskily commanded Bobby to, “Go get me some lube.”
Bobby scrambled to his feet and disappeared for a brief moment before reappearing with a bottle of fuck-grease. Ned pulled his stiff prong from Wally’s voracious maw. “Lie down, Bobby,” he told his boy.
Then with Bobby lying flat on his back he ordered Wally, “Suck his cock.” Wally immediately went down on his friend, positioning himself between Bobby legs with his knees tucked up under him.
Wally felt the large hands spreading his ass cheeks apart. Then holding the fleshy orbs apart with one hand, Ned slathered lube over and into the boy’s rectum. Ned could easily get two fingers into the boy without any great resistance and he knew this kid had been fucked before. He considered three fingers, but decided to just get on with it. Withdrawing his fingers from the boy’s ass, Ned quickly positioned his greased up cock on the now partially open hole. With a shove, he effortlessly drove into the boy to the root, drawing out only a grunt from the portly kid. Grasping the fleshy hips, Ned assailed the boy’s butt. The room echoed with the sounds of a vigorous cornholing, with Wally’s bestial grunts, the slap, slap, slap of Ned’s groin impacting the boy’s flabby haunches, as well as Ned’s mutterings.
Having been stimulated all afternoon, Ned didn’t last too long before he filled Wally’s rectum with a several bolts of thick jism. Ned pulled back and spread the boy’s ass checks. He wasn’t surprised that the hole remained open for several moments before it slowly closed.
The sharp crack of a hand slapping against a butt filled the room and Wally’s head bolted up from Bobby’s groin.
“You’ve got a nice ass hole, boy,” Ned said, “and you’ve been using it for more than just taking a dump.” Ned then leaned over the boy’s back and wrapping his arms around him, grabbed two full hands of fat-boy tit. “Nice tits, too,” he growled as he mauled the boy’s chest and nipples. The boy whimpered at the rough treatment, but he never really cried out, nor did he protest his treatment in anyway.
Ned released the boy’s girlish breasts and shoved him over onto his back. Ned’s hand shot to his crotch and under a fold of flab he grasped the boy’s prick. “Is this for me?” he asked the wide eyed boy. Wally nodded in assent. Pushing his free fingers into Wally’s mouth Ned asked, “Is this for me?” Again Wally nodded in assent. Ned released his grip on the boy’s prick and plunged his hand down deep between the boy’s flabby thighs; the boy’s butt cheeks slippery with the residual lube and sperm granting easy access to his asshole. “This will be for me too,” Ned declared.
“Now here are the house rules. You may come over whenever you want and stay as long as you want. You will be totally naked every minute that you are here and you will service me whenever I like. Do you accept these conditions?” Wally nodded that he understood. “Good. Now tell me, who’s been buggering you?”
“My uncle.”
“He’s done a very good job with you, Wally. Did he teach you about rimming?”
“Eating out his asshole.”
“Oh, yeah!”
“Good, let me see how good you are.”
Ned lay on his back and hiked his knees into the air. Wally, eager to please, buried his face in Ned’s butt and began to lick and probe the older man’s anus. Ned turned to Bobby and instructed him to, “finger fuck his ass.”
Bobby jumped up and stuck his hand between Wally’s cheeks. Quickly he found Wally’s loose hole and pushed a finger in. “See how many fingers you can get up his ass,” Ned told him. “Use lots of lube.”
Ned demonstrated to Bobby how to hold three fingers together to penetrate his friend. Seeing the ease in which Bobby was having, Ned suggested four fingers then all five. “Shove your hand up his butt!” his mentor urged. Wally grunted into Ned’s asshole and to Bobby’s amazement his entire hand disappeared up Wally’s butthole. “Now make a fist.” Wally lifted his head and moaned, but only briefly as Ned shoved his head back down to his saliva slickened hole. “Now really fuck him, Bobby!”
Wally lifted his head again and protested, “Oh, god damn! God damn!” Bobby stopped trusting.
Ned lowered his legs and sitting up, gripped Wally’s head between his hands. “You want him to stop?” Wally, slack jawed and drooling, had a dazed look in his eyes. Ned asked him again, “Do you want him to stop?” A smile began to form on the portly boy’s chubby face. “That’s what I thought,” said Ned before he directed the boy’s head into his crotch. Wally didn’t hesitate to take the pungent cock, fresh from his ass, into his mouth. Ned looked up at Bobby and nodded for him to proceed with the fisting.
Ned gleefully watched the rolls of fat shake like Jell-O as Bobby fisted his friend’s ass. “You really know how to suck a man’s dick, boy,” Ned hissed as his Wally’s sucking lips slid up and down his nearly rejuvenated shaft, giving Ned great pleasure as well as scouring his cock clean. But as much as Ned was enjoying the show, he didn’t want Bobby to overdo it and possibly injure his new friend, so after a minute, he told Bobby to stop.
Bobby opened his fist as directed and pulled his hand from Wally’s stretched ass hole. “Wow, my hand was all the way up your butthole, Wally!” he declared.
Ned pulled the boy’s head from off his dick. Wally stared back at him with glassy eyes, a string of foamy saliva mixed with pre-cum connecting his slack pudgy lips to Ned’s cock crown. Ned hunched his hips upward pushing the mushroom tip of his cock to just inside the boy’s open lips. Wally’s lips closed over the offered penis tip and began to munch away as if on automatic. Ned lowered his hip and pulled the cock away from the boy, holding his head up to prevent him following it back downward. With a hand under his chin, Ned patted Wally’s puffy cheeks praising, “You’re a good boy, Wally. A very good boy.”
Wally hardly ever heard any praise of any sort. He was always Fatso, Tub Boy, or worse and no one ever gave him credit for doing anything right, heaping only demeaning comments on his already shattered ego when he did something wrong. The only person who seemed to like him was his new friend Bobby, who like himself, was shunned by all the other kids. It was funny that they had just recently, that very week, become friends. They had both seen the other at school, but neither made any attempt at friendship, expecting the usual rejection from the other. But once they did meet, they found that they had much in common and each accepted the other as he was, and not how he was supposed to be.
And now Mr. Ned, an adult was praising him, an adult who was nice to him, who took an interest in him, who showed him wondrous things and allowed him to just be himself. Besides his teachers who were nice to him only because they had to be and then for only so long before they lost their patience with him, the only adults he ever came in contact with were his mother, who ignored him, and his uncle, who had used him since before Wally could remember. To Wally, Ned Campbell was everything that Bobby told him he was… his friend, and his tutor, and someone who took a genuine interest in him. Maybe, just maybe, Mr. Ned would be his friend and tutor too. And once Mr. Ned had released his head, the boy, eager to please, went down on him again.
Ned for his part, just lay back and let the pudgy cocksucker have his way with his appreciative dick. After letting the boy suck him for several more minutes, Ned pushed him away and rolled him onto his back. Ned went after his fleshy nipples first, sucking them greedily before going down on the boy and returning the oral favor.
This too was something new for Wally. His uncle and his friends used his mouth and his asshole, but they never played with his dick unless it was to cause him pain. Other boys, besides Bobby, had sucked him, but that was always for the entertainment of the beer swilling friends of his uncle. To have Mr. Ned doing wonderful things to his boyish cock was the best ever. Mr. Ned did like him and that sealed the deal for Wally. In meeting his own needs for boy cock, Ned had unknowingly thrown Wally a lifeline, a lifeline that was to maintain by sex, lots of sex.
The three way suck fest in the collections room wound down with three very happy participants. It was now late afternoon and Bobby told Ned that his mother would be home soon and that he needed to go. Wally too needed to go even though no one would actually care if he showed up or not.
“Don’t make yourself scarce,” Ned told Bobby as the boy slipped on his still damp underwear. “I missed seeing you this week.”
“I was getting to know Wally,” Bobby replied.
‘Yes, and that was a good thing too. Thanks for introducing us.”
“You’re welcome, Mr. Ned.”
“Can I come back too,” Wally asked fearing a negative answer.
Ned tweaked the boy’s swollen nipple and told him, “You are welcome here anytime. Just remember the house rules... I want you naked.”
“Oh, I will, Mr. Ned, I will. Thank you for the best day of my life!”
“Maybe you can come over some night and I’ll set up the telescope. Have you ever seen the rings of Saturn?”
“You can see them?”
“With a good telescope and if it’s the right time of the year you can. And… I have a very good telescope.”
All too soon for Ned, the two boys were on their way home.
It was nearly an hour later and Ned had returned to the new book he had been reading before the boys had showed up at noon. He heard a noise at the front door and looked up. Ding dong! Setting the book down, he answered the door. To his surprise it was Bobby and Wally.
“Boys! I thought you both had to go home,” greeted the pleasantly surprised Ned Campbell.
“We did,” replied Bobby. “I’m supposed to be spending the night at Wally’s house and Wally is supposed to be spending the night at my house,” the boy said with grin. “Is it okay if we spend the night with you?”
“Okay? Hell, yes, it’s okay!”
“Can we see the rings of Saturn?” asked Wally eagerly.
“It’s a clear night, so I don’t see why not. But Saturn won’t be up until late tonight, but I’m sure we can find something to do in the meantime. I know, how would you boys like to go to Putt-Putt tonight, play a little golf, play some games, eat a hot dog or three...”
“YEAH!” the two boys shouted in unison. Neither had ever been to Putt-Putt and they both so desperately wanted to go.
“Well, I’m glad to see you in shoes and a shirt, Bobby,’ commented Ned as he tussled Bobby’s hair.
“Mom made me. To go to Wally’s.” Changing the subject Bobby asked Ned, “Is it alright if I show Wally those magazines tonight?”
“Those magazines?” Ned laughed, “Sure, Bobby, maybe it will get you both in the mood.”
“C’mon Wally! Wait ‘til you see this!”
As the two young boys scampered to the collection room, Ned called out to them, “House rules, boys! House rules.”
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