(mmbggg, Mgg, inc, fond, oral, pedo, cons)
Kathy plots to get Bob to date her Mom. When the big night arrives, she convinces her mom to let her have a sleepover with Lilly and to hire Laura's Uncle Billy to babysit them.
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unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.
That afternoon when her mom came home, her eyes and nose were kind of red, and she was quiet at dinner.
“What's wrong, Mom? Aren't you feeling good?” Her mom had sniffled a couple of times, and Kathy thought she might be getting sick.
“No dear. I'm just...” Here Mom stopped and Kathy heard a sob. “Oh Kathy,” she said through sobs, “I'm just sad. Tom called this afternoon. He is back together with his wife. He said he can't see me anymore.” She got up and ran to her bedroom.
Kathy hated to see her mom so sad, but she was elated. She had never liked Tom, and she knew from the way he acted toward her that he didn't like her either. So she was secretly happy. Her plan to get her mom and Bob together might work now.
She heard the phone ring, and her mom's call that she got it. After a bit, she went quietly down the hall and listened. Her mom was talking to someone. Then she laughed! Kathy hoped it was Bob calling. Kathy went back and cleaned off the table, filled and started the dishwasher without being asked. Then she even started on her homework.
When her mom came out she was smiling, and she had washed her face. “I just talked to Bob. Did you arrange a date for us?”
“Oh no, Mom. He just told me he thinks you're real pretty and stuff and he likes you a lot, and I told him if he likes you so much he should ask you for a date.”
“This Saturday?”
“Yeah... Um, or something like that.”
“Uh huh. And he should bring Lilly for a sleepover?”
‘Darn big mouth Bob,’ Kathy thought. “Well, I might have said something like that. Then you guys could save money and only have to hire one babysitter.”
“Oh! What about Laura?” Mom asked.
“Yes. Like Laura could come to the sleepover too?”
“Hmm...” Kathy could see she was getting backed into a corner. “I just thought maybe if Laura could come over, then her Uncle Billy would probably come and babysit us. You know, Mrs. Jacobs can't babysit anymore. Can Laura come over, Mom? She really likes Lilly too. Please?”
“Kathy, this is just like your party. You arrange all this stuff without asking anybody, or their mothers.”
“Mom, I'll call them all right away. Can I please have Lilly and Laura over while you guys go on your date?”
“Who said anything about having a date?”
“MOM! You mean you turned down a nice handsome man like Bob, who kinda loves you?”
Her Mom laughed. “I didn't say that either.”
“Mom! Jeez!”
“Go call Laura and see if she can come, and I will call Uncle Billy. I know you have already arranged it with Bob and Lilly.”
“Oh, thank you, Mom, you're the best mom there ever was!” Kathy ran to give Mom a hug, then she ran for the phone. Asking Laura on the phone was only a formality; she had discussed the sleepover with Laura, and Laura had asked her mom so that was a done deal. So was Uncle Billy, but he had been told to act like he didn't know anything about it if her mom called.
And so it came to be that Bob and Anita had their date on Saturday evening. Lilly was dropped off by Bob as he picked up Anita. Laura and Uncle Billy were there on time, and the girls were left in Uncle Billy's capable hands.
As soon as Bob's car backed down the driveway into the street, Uncle Billy was on the phone to his friend Tim. It turned out Tim was home babysitting his little six year old brother Jerry... “Bring him along,” Uncle Billy told Tim. “I've got a girl for him too.”
It was only a fifteen minute walk from Tim's house. The kids had been left Pizza money, and they called in their order next. Tim and Jerry and the pizzas arrived at the same time. So the kids all ate pizza and drank pop until everyone was sated. Well, sated with food anyway.
Hmm, two horny adolescent boys and three horny little girls, and one practically innocent little boy. Showtime!
Now little Lilly was no stranger to sex with her dad, who was, after all, many times her age. So, a boy a mere twice her age posed no problems whatsoever to Lilly. Jerry wasn't even twice as big as her, more like just about right. She eyed him up and down and nodded in approval. He was a good looking kid, and she approved. So after the big brother swore Jerry to silence about even being out of the house tonight, the show started.
“We're all going to play house! Kathy and I are married, Tim and Laura are married, and...”
“I not being a kid!” Lilly said. She picked up Teddy. “I'm a Mommy! Here is my baby.”
“Lilly and Jerry are married.”
Lilly was mollified, and gave everyone a big grin to show she approved. Everyone except Jerry; Jerry she hugged and kissed, much to his chagrin. He pushed her away.
“Okay now, it is getting to be night so we all got to go to bed. First we get undressed.”
Everyone started to undress except Jerry. He wasn't sure he wanted to get too close to Lilly with clothes on, let alone without any. But Tim had a talk with him, and he decided to join in. When the girls were down to their panties, they all went into Kathy's room, which had twin beds and a cot set up for Lilly. Kathy and Uncle Billy sat on her bed with just underpants on, and watched Lilly and Jerry strip off their underwear. Tim and Laura were already doing some mutual exploring on the other bed. Ever since the sleepover at Laura’s, Tim had wanted to do more sex stuff, but the opportunity never arose. Now with Laura naked and willing, he wasn’t about to fool around, not pussy was to be had.
When Jerry saw what his brother and the other big girl was doing, he started to get into the game a little. When Lilly stripped her panties off, he held back just a little to look closely at the different parts she had, and compared it to what Tim was touching on Laura. Same stuff, but smaller, just like he was smaller than Tim. Those girls parts were interesting. He wondered where they kept their things they peed with, because he sure didn't see anything. He started to get a little erection.
Lilly was uninhibited about showing herself, and she wondered why Jerry was stalling in shedding his underpants. He was the first one anywhere near her size she had seen even this much of. She wanted him to hurry up so she could see the rest. “Hurry up, Jerry! Take pants off.” She reached out as if to help him, but he slid down the bed out of reach. “Jerry!”
Jerry pulled his underwear down and off. Then he moved in close to Lilly and looked closely at the puffy lips and the thin closed up slit between. “Where is your pee pee?”
“Right here!” Lilly spread her legs open, and pointed at the still mostly closed slit.
“Where? You ain't got no pee pee!”
“Uh huh! Right in here.” Lilly spread her little lips open with two hands, and Jerry saw there were all kinds of interesting things in there, even a little something that could possibly be a pee pee up by the top. A close up look at his first pussy was giving him a stiffie, even if he didn't know what he was looking at. It’s a boy thing, as we all know.
Kathy and Uncle Billy had been watching the little ones and giggling, but Uncle Billy was getting horny. Heck, Tim already had his cock started into Laura. He whipped off his underpants, then reached for Kathy's panties. Kathy slid her panties off, but made Uncle Billy wait. What was Lilly going to do?
Now Jerry was distracted by Laura's crying out, “Ouch!”
It seems Tim was jumping the gum, as usual with teenage boys, and trying to force a dry rod into a dry hole. Laura stood it as long as she could, then she complained.
“Tim, I told you, you got to play around a while first. Lick her pussy. Flick her clit. You got to get her hole wet and slippery.” Uncle Billy considered himself an expert at this. After all, he had “done it” six times now with his niece, so he was an old hand compared to Tim, who had only the one evening with Kathy and Laura to his credit.
“Oh, okay.” Tim said, and dismounted. Then he spread Laura's legs and tried to force his tongue into her dry slit.
“Ow. OW!” A disgusted Laura pushed his head away.
“Tim, Tim, Tim!” Uncle Billy exclaimed as he disengaged himself from Kathy and went to the other bed. “Like this,” he told Tim, and thrust his face between Laura's legs. He began to gently lick Laura’s lower lips, getting lots of saliva into the mix, and gradually Laura's lips opened and her clit peeked out. “Now lick that a good one!” He pointed it out to Tim as he stood up.
Lilly and Jerry had been taking all this in, and Jerry took Uncle Billy's advice to heart. Next thing Lilly knew, Jerry's head was between her legs, and an avid, though totally inexperienced tongue was lapping away down there.
Well, it wasn't her daddy, but it still felt pretty darn good to Lilly, and besides, it brought that interesting little cock, the first little cock she had ever seen, within arm's reach, if she performed a little contortion with her supple little body.
Kathy pointed out the pair on the cot to Uncle Billy, who was on his way back to her. They watched the small pair as Uncle Billy fingered Kathy between her legs. “Aren't they cute?” asked Kathy. “Hey! I wonder if they can do it?” she asked.
“Sure. I'll help him,” Uncle Billy said.
But now Jerry was letting Lilly examine and manipulate his little tool with her expert fingers, while he watched his big brother mount the big girl, and stick his pee pee into her hole down there. Jerry had discovered Lilly had a hole with his tongue, and he had found her little pee pee thingy in the crack got bigger and harder when he licked on it. He was changing his mind about girls. This was kind of fun. It was going to get better in a moment.
Tim got his dick into Laura without any trouble and started screwing her with total abandon. Like all adolescent boys, it was “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.” He was going for his cum, and if Laura wanted one, she better keep up.
But to his little brother Jerry, that looked like great fun. He had rubbed his little penis in his hand, and that felt good. He had stuck it in a knothole in a fence, and that had felt good too, but a little rough. He had stuck it in the neck of a bottle, and almost did not get it out. But that hole down there was nice and soft, and it stretched. In fact, he was thinking of trying it out. He mounted Lilly like he had seen Tim do Laura.
A really big thrill went through Lilly when Jerry pushed her back down on the bed and crawled between her legs with his little pecker sticking straight out. Hey, the little two and a half inch thing was about the size of one of Daddy's little fingers that had been up there. This was her chance to try out one of those things that was her size and see what all the fuss was about. She spread her legs wide and reached down to guide her first ever cock into her pussy.
“He didn't need any help!” Uncle Billy said. “The kid is smarter than his big brother.”
Kathy had a warm feeling down by her pussy from watching Lilly take in her first cock.
Everything didn't go real smooth with the two little ones. Like most boys, Jerry over estimated the length of his tool, and on the first couple dozen strokes he pulled it all the way out several times, then missed the hole going back in, so there was some false starts, and fumbling around. But Lilly managed to get her legs locked around his hips, and by limiting the length of his stroke, she got him somewhat under control. “Do it like dat, Jerry!” was her command. The boy complied and they went at it like a couple of rabbits.
Now that her little friend was fixed up, Kathy could relax and sink back on her bed, pulling Uncle Billy down into her. Laura had told her about Uncle Billy fucking her several times when he had been staying over and when he had babysat her. Uncle Billy was quite the accomplished lover now. He was no longer self centered and interested in only his own cum. He knew girls were more compliant and much more pleasant to fuck if they were enjoying it too, especially if they had a cum to look forward to… or perhaps several cums.
A long, slow stroke was Uncle Billy's first choice. He had thrust all the way into Kathy as he first mounted her, and he held himself right inside her tight little sheath, as the pleasure washed over him. Then a long slow withdrawal until only the head was in, and another long, slow plunge. His foreskin had fully retracted from the head, and every sensitive nerve ending in the head and corona was dragging over the wrinkles and folds of Kathy's sheath, and the sensitive nerve endings there. Is it any wonder that both kids were sighing and moaning and grunting in unison? Kathy had found out with Bob that being vocal had increased both their pleasure.
Even Lilly and Jerry had picked up on it, and gave out the occasional grunt or little cry. They had slowed their pace a little, but were still at it hot and heavy.
A few minutes into the fuck, Uncle Billy got more eager, and increased his speed and shortened his stroke. This was good for Kathy, because she had found with a slight adjustment of her hips, she could keep the head of his cock rubbing her “sweet spot” right near the very base of her clitoris. The short, rapid strokes brought her orgasm monster right out for her, and she had her first little one. She made Uncle Billy aware of it by the way she raked his butt and the back of his thighs with her heels. He came awfully close to the brink, and had to pause for a few moments to get things back under control.
Meanwhile over on the other bed, Tim had cum way ahead of his partner, got the towel, cleaned up, put the towel under Laura's butt to catch the stray drip, and through that whole process had not lost his erection. He slipped himself back into Laura's now slightly squishy hole, and started in again at a much slower pace. One Laura could enjoy and respond to. She too began to make little passionate noises of approval.
Lilly was not getting much out of the intercourse with Jerry except a little friction on her clit gave her about the same thrill she got from her Daddy's littlest finger going in her. She really wanted to try it with her on top like Kathy did with Daddy, but Jerry successfully resisted all her efforts to push him off so she could mount him.
Jerry wouldn't have gone for a girl on top anyway. This was too much like wrestling, and everyone knew that the one on the bottom in a wrestling match was the loser. So he was staying on top. His older brother would have to set the example for him first, and Lilly lucked out there.
Tim was getting a little tired, what with having already cum once and all, and he picked that time to let Laura do some of the work. So they switched. Jerry caught that, and watched the big girl sink down on his brother's erection. That looked like fun too.
Ever the copycat of his big brother hero, Jerry told Lilly she could go on top for a while. So with only a little trouble, Lilly managed to get Jerry's little shaft moistened up again and into her little hole. This was better. She got her clit rubbed a lot more, and even Jerry got into it again, and started humping up into his little riding partner. He actually got a cum, a dry one of course. He didn't even lose his erection, and only missed a couple of strokes. It was, after all, his first cum. It didn't amount to much. Neither did Lilly's cum a few moments later. But she knew Kathy had been getting them riding her daddy, and it made her feel extra good to think she was just like Kathy in that way too.
On her bed, Kathy was well into her second orgasm while Uncle Billy was still working on his first. Though Uncle Billy could not match Bob in size or finesse, he more than made up for it in speed and endurance. Kathy had picked up a few tricks of her own to help her toward an orgasm, and she used them all tonight. She even used a couple on Uncle Billy to help him along without him even knowing it.
And so it was that Uncle Billy suddenly picked up the pace, and his shorter, faster strokes brought on Kathy's final big one, and his big one, which was his best one so far. He made a mental note that Kathy was going to be a girl worth watching and cultivating when she got into Jr. high and got some boobs and hair down there. He was going to watch for his chances when she was visiting his niece too. He wasn't all that particular about age.
As he jerked and pumped out the rest of his cum, and slumped down on top of her, Kathy held him tight as she enjoyed his closeness. But that lasted only a few moments. Like Bob, after his cum Uncle Billy was too heavy for her and besides, she couldn't see Lilly from underneath him. So she pushed him off. She saw Laura was riding Tim and Lilly was riding Jerry! She should have tried that. Too late now, after her two big cums she no longer had the strength, even if Uncle Billy could get it up again.
Tim was trying to keep his second orgasm at bay until Laura had her cum, but he jumped the gun again. Only the sensation of his first couple of strong spurts of cum up into her brought Laura's climax on. So they joined Kathy and Uncle Billy in lying side by side and watching the two little ones humping away.
After a few minutes, Tim called out, “Come on, Jerry. Get her done. We got to walk home yet.”
Lilly found herself unceremoniously dumped off her ride. Not that it bothered her that much; she was getting kind of bored with the whole thing now that she had hit her high spot. She was a big girl now! Just like Kathy and Laura. Now that everybody was getting up and looking for their underwear, Lilly rounded up the big girls for a group hug. Then all the girls headed for one bathroom, while the two big boys went to the other one in turns. Jerry just got dressed. He had the little boy aversion to water and washing up. When the girls came out of the bathroom, Kathy sniffed, then she opened the window up wide, even if it was kind of chilly outside. The bedroom smelled kind of like Bob's car did after they had been doing sex. She didn't need her mom coming in and smelling that!
Once the kids got dressed, they were all hungry, so they scrounged up ice cream and cookies for a snack. Tim and Jerry went home, and after a half hour of TV, the girls went up to bed too. An exhausted Uncle Billy went to sleep on the couch.
Bob and Anita got home about one AM, and Bob took Uncle Billy home. When he went to tell Anita he had a good time, she told him, “Aren't you going to come back here? I thought we were all having a sleepover.”
“I'll be right back!”
Before they turned in that night, Bob and Anita checked on the kids, and kissed them lightly and adjusted their covers. Kathy wasn't aware, but had she been, she would have been pleased with the results of her campaign. Lilly would have been happy too.
So the next morning, the girls awoke to the delicious odor of bacon frying. Kathy couldn't believe her nose. They always had cold cereal for breakfast. Kathy discovered that sometime in the night, Lilly had crawled in bed with her and was snuggled up to her side. Lilly was not used to sleeping alone. The girls all trooped downstairs and stopped in shock at the kitchen door.
“DADDY!” Lilly yelled, like she hadn't seen him for years. She ran and jumped into his arms.
“Bob?” Kathy said. “Where's Mom?”
“Still in bed, I think,” Bob said.
“Um... Ah, did you sleep over too?”
“OH, BOY!” Kathy shouted. “Lilly! We did it!” She clapped her hands over her mouth as Laura gave her a poke in the back.
“Did what?” Bob asked.
“Nothing… never mind.” Kathy wished she could bite her tongue off.
Just then the bacon needed turning, so Bob had to put Lilly down and get back to his cooking breakfast.
The girls all decided to make a trip to the bathroom and get dressed real quick, maybe giving Bob time to forget Kathy's boo-boo. They trouped out of the bedroom just as Bob called out that breakfast was ready.
As they were getting ready to sit, and Bob was putting a taller stool by the table for Lilly, that little girl said, “Daddy, I really, really don't need a high chair.”
Bob stopped and looked at her. So did Kathy and Laura.
Lilly realized what she had done. “Rats! I mean wats!”
“You could say your R's all along, couldn't you? Why you little imp!” He reached for Lilly.
Lilly shrieked and darted under the table, and scrambled out on the other side. She headed for Kathy, but then saw Anita standing in the kitchen door, so changed course. “MOMMY!” The little girl ran up Anita's legs, and scrambled into her arms like a little monkey, not stopping until she had her face buried in Anita's neck. “Save me Mommy, save me!”
Bob stopped for a heartbeat, and then continued around the table with a different objective. For in that plaintive little cry, and in the woman's reaction in hugging the child close, wrapping her tight in her arms, the coming together of the two adults in the room to make a family was a done deal. Kathy and Lilly had won the battle. Bob hugged Anita and his daughter close and tight, and Kathy, seeing this, rushed in to slide herself into the hug too. Even Laura joined in, she was so happy for Kathy and Lilly.
So we now know that the question was sprung and answered that morning, and in her mind, Anita began to make plans. There would be a small wedding later that spring, and Kathy was to be ring bearer, and Lilly was to be flower girl. They sat like a family for breakfast of bacon and scrambled eggs and toast, one of many to come. Laura reveled in Kathy's and Lilly good fortune. The three girls went to the bathroom together to exchange high fives and congratulate each other on their carrying off their plan. It was a happy Sunday morning for the family to be. But today was Sunday, and Sunday was matinee time, right?
Well, the movie was another scary one that Lilly didn't really want to see. So Lilly stayed home with Anita, to have some private Mommy daughter time with her. After Laura called home for permission, Bob and Laura and Kathy set off for the theater; except they went in the wrong direction. They went to the river, to an even more secluded spot that Bob knew. There was a gate on this road too. There was a cabin on the river here too. Two bedrooms. It belonged to Bob, who had just bought it, and it was going to be sprung on Kathy and Lilly that Thursday. Now the plans were changed.
Bob made Kathy and Laura swear to secrecy from Lilly, because Bob wanted to surprise the kid. There was a beach with thousands of rocks by the river. They all agreed the little girl would no doubt pee her pants when she saw all those rocks.
Friday the sale had gone through, and Bob now had a key to his new family's weekend retreat. Today he and the girls were going to break it in. On the bed. In the nude. When they were all undressed, Bob laid in the middle, and cuddled the two fourth graders, who were both trying to get a rather reluctant penis to erect itself. It could have been too much action the night before, when it had been engaged with a real woman who had been denied one of those things for too long, and she tried to make up for her lack in one night. Four times, Bob had cum into Anita's thirsty vagina. Four times.
Kathy and Laura had to both drop down and use all they knew about men and boys cocks, licking, sucking, rubbing, fondling balls in the hairy sack. Finally the two girls’ efforts paid off, and Bob's organ came roaring back to life. Kathy started to suck on it.
“Be careful, Kathy!” Laura said. “You'll make him cum and we'll never get it up again.”
“No, Laura, trust me on this. I'll be good for a long time now. Here, come on and sit on my face. Let me taste that sweet little pussy of yours.”
Laura climbed on and leaned forward. “Aah! Ooh!” she cried out as Bob moved his head back and stuck his tongue up into her back hole. “Bob! That's so nasty!”
“Nope! Tastes alright to me.” Bob dug his tongue back in again, as Laura reached both hands back to hold her bottom cheeks open for his tongue. “Mmmm,” he moaned into her butt. Bob was a man who enjoyed his work.
“Oh! Oh! Oh!” Laura almost lost it as Kathy reached up with one hand between Laura's wide spread thighs and found her clit to rub. “Oh, wow, Kathy! You just gave me one.” Laura had to brace both hands on Bob's chest to hold herself up.
Bob grabbed Laura's haunches, and pulled her back up so his tongue could reach her vagina and clit. “Mmm, yummy!” As he tasted her freely flowing juices.
Kathy decided she had Bob's cock nice and wet. Her slippery juices were flowing freely, and she could feel that she was nice and wet too. She hopped up and straddled Bob and with his shaft clutched in one little fist, she rubbed the head through her lips and guided it up into her as she sank down on it. “Ah! That's nice,” she breathed as it slipped into her.
Bob just mumbled out a long groan. He literally had his mouth full.
Laura and Kathy now clasped their arms around each other’s shoulders, and locked lips and tongues in a torrid kiss.
A sexual current ran from Bob's cock, up into Kathy's vagina, up her body, out through her tongue that was entwined with Laura's. It jumped to Laura's tongue, down through Laura's body to her clit. The current jumped to Bob's tongue and coursed down through his body and up into his cock, where it made the circuit again. It caused heat to spread through both girls’ bodies, and soon they were quivering in a mutual orgasm. They broke the kiss and the closed circuit, and rested motionless, cheek to cheek. Bob rested too, and waited for them to stir.
When the girls lifted their heads and looked around, Bob hoisted Laura off his chest where she had settled after her wild orgasm. “Okay girls, time to switch,” he announced.
Kathy grumbled, but then she realized she had not sat on Bob's face that she could remember, it had always been Lilly, and so she jumped up, letting Bob's boner pop out of her like a cork from a bottle of vintage champagne.
Bob helped a somewhat disoriented Laura turn around so she was facing him, and Kathy held his cock up so Laura could slowly sink down on it with a soft sigh of satisfaction.
That left Kathy waiting for Bob's signal that he was ready. When he motioned to her, she stepped over his head, and carefully squatted, facing Laura. A shock ran through her body as she felt the tip of Bob's tongue trace the rim of her little puckered hole. Oh, it felt so deliciously and delightfully nasty. Then, Bob took some of her weight on his hands under her rear, and brought her up, so his tongue could explore up into her vagina, and up into the folds of her clitoral hood, to the very core of the ultra sensitive little clit; Kathy gasped in shock and surprise. So this was why Lilly's eyes would roll back in her head sometimes when she sat on her daddy's face. When Bob licked over that ultra sensitive little bud several times in quick succession, Kathy had to grab Laura's shoulders and lift herself a little to get away from that tongue. But she immediately settled back down. That was too much! But it was a nice too much. She had to have more!
Meanwhile Laura was making the most of her ride on Bob's rigid pole. Bob was humping it into her as fast and hard as he could. However, Bob had spent the night with a very healthy and horny woman. He was barely able to keep that action up long enough to bring Laura to an orgasm, let alone himself. Laura was getting close though, with all Bob's effort. She only needed a little help...
Kathy to the rescue! Noticing the expression on Laura's face, Kathy decided to help her friend out. She dropped a hand down between Laura's wide spread legs and found Laura's erect little clit, and curling her finger so it speared into the folds of Laura's clitoral hood from the right direction, Kathy wiggled her finger where, and in the way it would do Laura the most good. Laura came, hard and hot.
But even her frantic wriggling and jiggling did not finish Bob off. When Laura slipped off the pole to sprawl in exhausted bliss by Bob's side, the pole remained rigid and upright.
The rod bobbed and jerked in the air, and caught Kathy's eye. She dropped down onto Bob's stomach, without losing the mouth to pussy contact, and engulfed the big head of Bob's cock into her mouth again. She tasted Laura's distinctive sex taste, and it wasn't bad, so she sucked and licked the cock clean. She was so happy, she began to hum her favorite song to herself as she sucked the head deep into her mouth and back out.
Bob's response to the throaty vibrations upon his dick was immediate. He groaned out his pleasure several times, and he doubled his efforts on her clit. So Kathy hummed louder and sucked harder. Bob began to softly chew on her clit. Now Kathy moaned and hummed and Bob groaned and chewed and sucked, and suddenly they both exploded.
Bob had to get his tongue busy lapping up an increased flow from Kathy's vagina, she came almost as much as he did.
Kathy got Bob's full load well into the back of her mouth and her throat, but she avoided choking by swallowing frantically.
As they licked and sucked each other clean, Bob thought back to how far this little girl had come, from that first matinee meeting.
Kathy thought about that first meeting too, about the innocent little girl she had been, and about all those things she said she would never do in a thousand years. She licked the last ooze off the head of Bob's cock as she guessed that thousand years had passed pretty damn quickly. She smacked her lips, and got one last little smear of cum off the back of her hand between her thumb and forefinger. She grinned to herself as she remembered...
Laura? She just let out a snore and a snort and rolled over.
When Kathy and Bob came home after dropping Laura off, Lilly ran out to greet them. First she had to recite what “Mommy” had taught her.
“Round the rugged rocks, the ragged rascal ran.” Then she had to give Bob a big kiss. Then she whispered something in Bob's ear that made him chuckle as he put her down.
Know what she said? ... Give up?
“Better bwush teeth, Daddy. You taste like Kathy's pussy!”
All of my stories are fantasies. All people, places and events are from my imagination. Don't try this at home.
To all the people who commented on my stories, thank you. I am glad you enjoy them. This story of Kathy was a lot of fun to write, and I love the characters. But it is time to move on. I am slowly losing my sight, so I do not know how long I can keep writing, and I have a few more girls still running around in my head. I hope I can let them all out.
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