Part 1
(Mg, exhib, oral, fondle, pedo, semi-cons)
A story of a young model and an old photographer and a morning photo shoot where they get to know each other.
Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit
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unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.
Jaycee yawned for the third time in five minutes. She had begged her mom to stay up to watch this TV movie, but it just wasn't that interesting the second time around. She hated to admit it, but she wanted to go to bed. Finally she just could not take it anymore.
"Mom, I think I'll just go to bed."
"Sure, dear. Shut the TV off, I'm not watching it. OH! I almost forgot. Wear your nightgown tonight, but don't put panties on. You have a photo shoot tomorrow morning."
"No panties! Why, Mom? We never did that before."
I know Jaycee, this is a new guy, and a... um, different job, and he said he does not want any marks from elastic on your body."
"Why not, Mom? I'll have clothes on, won't I? Jeez!"
Her mom hesitated. "Well, yes, but I think he said something about costumes. Or maybe swimsuits… Something like that. The way the suits are now days, I can see his point... Oh! And Jaycee? I'll have to drop you off, because I have to meet my lawyer in the morning. Your Dad is missing your child support payments again."
"Oh, Mom, I hate to be around a new guy when you aren't there."
"You’ll be okay. This guy pays much better than the other catalog guys. He will probably have an assistant there; for makeup and stuff."
"Humph!" Jaycee said, as she went back to her bedroom. She wished she didn't have to work these modeling jobs. It was so boring. Put this outfit on. Put that outfit on. Turn this way. Turn that way. She just wanted to be able to play and run around like other little nine year old girls did. Not sit in some stuffy old studio all day. "Ugh!" She slammed her door a little harder than usual.
When Jaycee got undressed for her shower, she stripped to her panties, then grabbed her nightgown and a fresh pair of panties, and walked into the bathroom. When she stripped off the panties in front of the mirror, the reason she was in such demand as a model was apparent. Her features were regular, her hair was easy to coax into different styles, she had beautiful brown eyes, a straight shapely nose and very kissable lips. Add to this an absolutely clear complexion, all over her body, with a uniform tan color that was inherited from her Indian father's side of the family. Her body was slender, with long arms and legs. Jaycee was a very beautiful little girl. Her eyes went to her little nipples, which were still just pips. Darn it, they hadn't grown at all since she looked at them last night!
Her gaze dropped to her flat little belly. For the first time she noticed the red marking of her panty elastic waist band. She put the panties she had brought to wear aside on the counter. She would put them on in the morning when she got dressed. She started the water and then got in and took her shower. When she came out, she checked the mirror again. The red marks were still there. She had never noticed that before; a blemish on her otherwise pristine body! She brushed her hair, then her teeth, and donned the gown and went to bed. Though it bothered her for a time that she felt different with no panties, she was asleep in a couple of minutes.
Leona Jones checked on her daughter a little later when she went to bed. Jaycee had kicked the covers off, and was all curled up in a ball. Leona covered her daughter back up after noting that the girl had left her panties off. Such a beauty she was. Leona kissed her daughter on the forehead and left the room.
At seven in the morning, Leona was back to wake Jaycee up. “Jaycee? Wake up, honey.”
“Huh? Oh… Morning, Mom.” Jaycee rubbed her eyes.
“Remember dear, no panties today either.”
“WHAT? Mom! I'll wear jeans then!”
“No, honey. Now listen, this is very good money and the promise of more jobs. The man said no marks. That means wear your blue dress, it is loose and soft. You will only have to go from the car to his studio.”
“But Mom!”
“No buts. Now hurry and get dressed. I'll fix your hair.”
“They'll SEE me!”
“Not if you sit like a lady and keep your knees together. Besides, you are only going to the photographers. Put a pair of panties in your bag, you can put them on when he is done with you. We'll go for a treat after.”
“Get dressed!”
Jaycee got up and went to the bathroom. Then she packed her panties and her cleaning tissues into her little bag. Mom would put some little snack bars in there so she had something if she got too hungry. She put her hair spray and brush in there too, though the photographers usually had assistants to help girls if they mussed their hair taking clothes off or putting them on. She slipped on the blue dress her mom had laid out for her.
Her mom walked into the photographer's house with her. Unlike all the others, his studio was in his home. There was only a small sign, “Alex Hardrick, Portraits and Photography.” Alex opened the door for them.
“Hello, you must be Mrs. Jones. And this must be Jaycee. What a beautiful girl you are, Jaycee!”
“We are glad to meet you Mr. Hardrick.”
“Please call me Alex. You too, little one.” He took Jaycee's chin in a big, gentle hand and turned her head from side to side. “Ah, such a beautiful girl you have, Mrs. Jones. Such a beautiful clear skin. I have just the costume for her.”
“Thank you, Alex. I have to run. I have a court date with my lawyer. Will Jaycee be done before two PM?”
Don't worry about Jaycee. We will have lunch, and I am sure we will finish before two. She will be fine.”
Leona gave Jaycee a kiss. “You be good, young lady and you do everything that Alex tells you to without any static. We need the money.”
“Yes, Mom.” Jaycee allowed Mr. Hardrick to guide her down the hall with a hand on her back. He led her to a large sun room at the back of his house. It was well lit, and there was a backdrop on the wall that looked like a jungle scene. In front of it was a small bean bag chair finished to look like a big rock. There was a fur rug on the floor in front of that, with small plants in low pots scattered around to simulate a jungle. Near a small screen was a spotted leopard-skin like costume spread over a chair.
“I'm sorry to say that my assistant has called in sick today, and when I called your house you had already left. But maybe you and I can make the best of it, Jaycee. I will have to assist you with the costume, it is kind of tricky.”
Jaycee's heart rate picked up. “You mean we are here all alone?”
“Yes. But don't be afraid. I am an old photographer, not a bear. I won't eat you up. At least not all of you.” Mr. Hardrick winked at her.
“Oh,” was all Jaycee could think of to say, but she felt like screaming for her mom.
There was a set of thong panties with a wide waist band on top of the pile on the chair. Mr. Hardrick picked them up and attempted to hold them up to Jaycee as if to check the size. Jaycee flinched away. “Now, now Jaycee. Don't be shy. I want you to put these on, and then come out and let me see if there are any blemishes.” He handed her the thong and indicated the screen.
Jaycee took the thong and went behind the screen and slipped it on under her dress. Then she went back out.
Mr. Hardrick was putting a video camera on a tripod. He looked up and frowned. “No, no Jaycee. You must take off the dress so I can see the body.”
“Take off my dress?” Jaycee's hands automatically went to opposite shoulders to hide her non-existing breasts. “You want me to take my clothes off? My Mom said...” Here her voice trailed off. Her mom said to do what Mr. Hardrick told her to do. She looked down at the floor in dismay.
“Jaycee, dear. I am paying top model price for your time today because your mama told me you were an experienced nude model. Are you telling me you won't take your clothes off?”
Jaycee thought about what he said. If nude meant what she thought it meant, her mom had done it to her again! They needed the money, and she would be blamed if she didn't do what he asked. “Alright,” she said quietly. She didn't even bother to go behind the screen, she just unfastened the dress and slid it off her shoulders and down over her hips and stepped out of it.
Alex drew in his breath. Jaycee in just the little white thong was a lovely sight. No tan lines, no scars, no blemishes and a perfectly formed body, long legs and arms, flat chest and flatter belly; a real beauty. He motioned her to turn around. Her shoulder blades were somewhat pronounced, but not out of line, and her back bone came down to her hips in a little valley that ended with two big dimples at the top of her rounded butt. Not a mark on her. “Yes! Perfect! Now let’s get you into that outfit. Take your shoes and socks off, dear.”
Jaycee sat down on the bearskin rug and removed her shoes and socks. Alex had picked up the pants and handed them to her. They fit perfectly, but ended just below her knees. There were two leg bands that went on her legs just above her ankles. The pants fastened at her waist with a loose tie.
Picking up an expensive digital camera, he raised it for the first shot, but put it back down instead. “Wait.” Alex went into an adjoining room. He came back with a flat box. Jaycee looked inside. There were earrings, bracelets, necklaces and a fancy belt affair of linked plates that Alex picked up and then handed to Jaycee. “Let’s put this on.” He took it from her and put it around her slim waist, his fingers touching her warm skin and sending little shivering thrills through her body. The backs of his fingers on her bare belly as he fastened the clasp tickled her in a way she had never felt before. She had not been touched by a man since her daddy had left two years before.
“That is a pretty belt,” she told him. “I've never seen one like it before.”
“Yes. I've had it for a long time. The color will set off your skin tones. Pick out some earrings, Jaycee.” Alex adjusted the belt so it was riding her hips on top of the panty waist band.
“Oh!” Jaycee was already picking through the box. A pair of brilliant ones with sparkling pendants caught her eye. “Can I wear these? I've never had this kind.”
“You can wear any you want.” Alex pointed her to a mirror on the wall by the screen, then he poked through the box.
As Jaycee admired herself in the mirror, Alex came up behind her and put several beaded circlets around each arm. The ornamental bands had little flower shapes that stood out against her dark skin. Jaycee had completely forgotten she was showing off her bare chest to Alex, as she admired her reflection with the earrings and the many bracelets.
Alex put his big hands on her bare shoulders and bent over to look into the mirror beside her. “I think that is enough jewels for our little Indian princess.” He kissed her cheek, then her neck where it went into her shoulder. Then he winked at her in the mirror. “And now we better cover this up,” he said as he brushed the palm of his hand gently over her chest, brushing across her little pips. As she walked to the chair, he kept a big warm palm on her bare back. Jaycee thought, gosh, his hands are so soft!
Jaycee slipped on the little jacket with the short sleeves that showed off her long brown arms. Jaycee was still admiring her many bracelets, so she let Alex pull and tug the jacket around until it was covering her naked chest.
Alex fastened the ties down the front and made some minor adjustments. “There, little princess. Now we take pictures.” Alex posed her on the bear skin rug. Then he checked the video camera. “Okay Jaycee, I will have you do poses, but you must stay on the rug, so you will be in the camera view. Got that?”
“Yes, Sir.”
Alex told Jaycee how he wanted her to look like she was sneaking around, and then he picked up his digital camera and started shooting pictures as she went through several poses. They took about fifty pictures, and then Alex called for a break. “You want a hot or a cold drink, Jaycee? I have hot chocolate or soda pop.”
“Do you have Pepsi?”
“Yes. Cold it will be.” Alex led Jaycee to a sitting room where there were couches and chairs, and turned on the TV for her while he went to fix their drinks. He decided to give Jaycee a little something extra, a packet of powder that would relax her and mellow her out. The photography was going to get more personal, and despite what the mother had represented to him, he could already see she had never done this type of shoot before. The mother had told him a fib, and apparently had not told Jaycee the truth either.
Back in the studio twenty minutes later, a much less nervous Jaycee was way less skittish under Alex's hands as he positioned her for a few more fully clothed poses, some on his fake rock. He used his hands a lot, and she got used to him positioning her arms and legs, and adjusting her costume. After a few minutes, he paused the shooting for a moment.
“All right now, Jaycee. I want you to unfasten all the ties on your jacket.”
“Take my top off?” Jaycee assumed her defensive posture again.
“No, not yet. Just unfasten it and let it hang open for the next few shots.”
“Oh, alright then.” Jaycee undid all the ties down the front of her jacket. She didn't let it hang loose though, she tried to hold it shut with one hand. Alex posed her in a few poses where both hands were busy, and even opened the shirt a little for the last couple, to show off her tiny breast buds. Jaycee seemed to get more used to her exposed chest.
“Now start slowly taking it off. First turn your back, and let it slide off your shoulder nearest the camera. Kind of flirt with the camera, Jaycee."
When Jaycee looked puzzled, Alex took her to the mirror and showed her several different expressions, how to purse her lips, how to wet one finger tip seductively, how to pucker her lips with a little pink tongue tip sticking out, and several languorous looks. After a little practice, Alex got her back into her pose and they continued.
"Now look over your shoulder. Good girl!” Alex saw the little smile as he praised her. The kid was getting into it. Alex coaxed her into more revealing poses, until finally the shirt was discarded. Then there was a series of shirtless shots and finally Alex was satisfied with those.
“Now the pants, Jaycee.”
Jaycee did not say anything or hesitate. She had panties on now, and she wanted to show off the pretty belly band.
But Alex only took a few pictures as she took the pants off in steps, each carefully posed by Alex so her panties were not visible to the camera lens. As he helped her assume poses, his soft hands slipped over the smooth skin of her chest and back and even got down to her bare ass cheeks and thighs. The mild sedative dose was working, the little girl did not protest. However, he braced himself for what came next.
“Now, Jaycee, we need to take those panties off, because what Indian girl would be wearing panties?”
Jaycee thought about that. “What did they wear?”
“Well, I guess if they wore anything it had to be made of small animal fur. I don't think they wore any under clothes. I'll tell you what; I think our princess will keep her pretty belt on.”
Jaycee thought about that for a moment. “Alright,” she said. Reaching down she slipped the panties off her hips, down over her legs, over her feet, and handed them to Alex. Alex looked at his watch. He figured they could get one more round of pictures in before lunch.
Jaycee was very cooperative for the next set of pictures with only her bracelets and leg bands on, plus the belt. The little girl was bare from calves to below her elbows. She did some fairly tame poses to start with, keeping her knees together, and turning her flanks to the camera. Then Alex started posing her, so her pussy was exposed from the rear, then the front, and then he got her into some sitting and lying poses where her pussy was partially open so her clit was peeping out. Since Jaycee had no real sexual experience except masturbation in her young life, she was not sexually aroused. And so she stayed very dry. Alex decided that if he wanted more open pictures of her pussy, he would have to see if he could arouse some sexual feelings in the little girl. He decided to break for lunch, and then see if he could get Jaycee worked up afterward.
“How about some lunch, Jaycee? Would you like tomato soup and a ham sandwich?”
“Yes, sir,” Jaycee said.
“You should call me Alex. There is a robe behind the screen you can wear. I have a few more pictures to take after lunch. I'll be in the kitchen making lunch. You can watch TV.” He turned the set on as he went through the sitting room.
A few minutes later, the lunch was ready. He called Jaycee after turning his small kitchen TV to the cartoon she was watching.
Lunch went by with not much conversation. He noticed that Jaycee had the robe closed only loosely around her, and was not too careful about what she showed. Her modesty had slipped quite a ways as she had relaxed and got used to the old man touching her body.
After lunch, Alex took his camera to his computer, and downloaded the pictures onto it. When he put them up on the screen, Jaycee came to stand by his chair. She watched as he went through the first set where she was fully covered. He whistled as he saw one of her face. It was a striking picture, and he wondered how many men would fall in love seeing that one. The next one that caught his eye was one where she had dropped her shirt off her shoulders and was looking back over her shoulder at the camera.
Jaycee crowded closer to look. “That one is good,” she said.
“It's lovely!” Alex remarked as he wrapped an arm around her waist and hugged her to him. Jaycee did not move away when he relaxed his arm.
“Here,” Alex said, and he pulled her around and hoisted her onto his leg so she sat on his one thigh with her legs between his. The robe fell open, and she let it stay that way, bare brown thighs peeking out. After about five more pictures, Alex put his arm around her with a hand on a warm little thigh. Jaycee did not move or show that she even noticed. She was liking the attention from this man who was explaining why some poses were better than others, this man who gave her such lavish complements on her beauty and the quality of her posing. And the man who even asked her opinion on which photos he should choose! No photographer had ever done anything like this before. Jaycee let her head rest back against Alex's chest when she wasn't studying a picture.
They went through the shots of her taking off the pants, and came to where she shed the panties. The first one where the pussy lips and slit showed, she gasped and hid her face in his chest.
Alex took her chin in his other hand, and turned her head so she was looking up at him. “Don't be ashamed of showing off any part of your lovely body,” he told her. Then he bent his head and kissed her very gently full on her lips. When he broke the kiss, they looked into each other’s eyes, and Jaycee felt compelled to offer her lips to him, inviting another kiss. She had not been kissed by a man since her father had left them. That kiss had felt good, and not at all like her father's kisses.
When they kissed again, with more force and heat on Alex's part, Jaycee threw her arms around his neck, and held him to him in a tight hug. Like most little girls, she showed her beginning passion in a hard lip pressing kiss. The robe split further open, and with her legs now sprawled open, her pussy was vulnerable to his fingers, and Alex had his hand right there. He had began stroking her inner thigh a few moments before, and now his fingers slid into her cleft. There was a slight moistness there now, and those lower lips slipped open before his finger as he probed lightly into them, just as her upper lips parted slightly before his probing tongue.
When they broke this kiss, they were both a little breathless. Alex became aware that Jaycee was squirming a little, so he removed his hand from her pussy, and slid it back down her thigh as if nothing had happened. Jaycee struggled to sit back upright, and Alex started the photo show again. Now they were getting into the very personal shots, close up pictures showing only Jaycee's genital area, taken close in from front and back. Alex looked with a critical eye for composition and clearness and focus.
Jaycee looked on with embarrassment. Since Alex had used a longer focus lens, she had not been aware of the extreme close ups. As she wondered why he could possibly want pictures that showed only that part, several thoughts were going through her mind. Why had Alex kissed her? She thought kisses were for lovers; at least that was what she had learned from watching TV. Another thing that bothered her was why had she wanted to do that second kiss? Did she love Alex? Why? And last but not least, what had his hand been doing to her while they kissed? She could swear it was down in that place where her mom and teachers had told her that no man should touch. No one had ever explained to her why a man would want to touch a girl there anyway. But she was sure she had felt his fingers touching and even rubbing a little, and that part he rubbed, however briefly, had sent waves of heat and the most delightful tickling sensation rushing through her body. Then he took his hand away. But it was still close. She looked down and watched as his fingers rubbed the inside of her thigh. That felt good too, but...
Alex's voice interrupted her thoughts. “I need more shots. These last ones are just not open enough.” Jaycee felt a thrill go through her. He wanted more pictures of her secret place. She had something down there that caused this man to want to touch it and take pictures. A sudden thought came to Jaycee, and she blurted out the question.
Pointing to herself on the computer screen she asked, “Alex, why do you want to take those big pictures of me, um, down there?”
Alex decided to be honest. “Jaycee, there are a lot of men who love little girls, and they like to collect pictures of them and look at them when they are… ah, lonely. So I will sell these pictures of you because you are a very lovely girl all over, and you will make a lot of men feel very happy seeing such beauty. So what do you say that we take a few more pictures?”
Jaycee slid down off his lap, and as she walked to the set, she slipped the robe off. She wanted Alex to take pictures of her now, so it would make all those men feel happy. She felt special. The other kids might have more time to play, but her pictures were going to make men happy. So she was special.
Now she willingly got into the pose that Alex wanted. But when Alex looked through his camera's viewfinder, he frowned.
“What's wrong, Alex?”
“It just isn't quite right. Jaycee, I'm going to try something. This should loosen you up, and we will be able to take some great pictures for the men. It is something special I would only do for you, okay?”
Jaycee was really flattered. Alex thought she was special! “Sure, Alex. Go ahead.”
To Jaycee's surprise, Alex got down on the bearskin rug and pushed her so she was lying down. Then he spread her legs wide and crawled between them.
“Ooooh!” Jaycee gasped. Alex had put his warm, wet tongue right into her crack, and he was licking her down there! Licking what she called her special place! That was so nasty... and so darn nice! It felt good when she rubbed it sometimes in bed, and it had felt fantastic when Alex had rubbed it a little when they kissed, but… all that was nothing to what his tongue was doing to it now!
Jaycee simply could not remain still. Her first move was to grab two handfuls of his hair, to push his head away from her. But by the time she got her grip, his tongue had touched her clit several times, so her instinct was to pull his head up the tiny way needed to get it right into the best part of her. Her instinct was right. The tip of his tongue was now caressing the hardened little tip of her clit that had peeked out. Oh, my! The lights and stars and the tingles, and the warm rush up her chest all appeared like magic. She had to work so hard for that feeling with her finger. But it only got better. Jaycee's hips and thighs were flexing, her legs kicked out, and bent again, her toes flexed and straightened, her chest and tummy heaved and strained for air. Her fingers clenched in his hair first tried to pull his tongue into her, then to thrust his head away when the sensation became too intense. Jaycee was almost into her first ever stages of orgasm when Alex suddenly rose up and pulled away from her. She whimpered in frustration.
“There! That will get it nice and loose and moist and open! Now let’s take the rest of our pictures.” He picked up his camera.
“Ooh,” Jaycee moaned. She was almost there. Why did Alex quit on her? It took her half a minute to get herself together enough to move.
Alex was well pleased with Jaycee's poses now. She exuded sexual desire, her looks at him, and thus the camera lens showed her desire to continue what he had started. Her pussy was now open, clit engorged, lips moist and parted to show the lighter pink interior, the translucent hymen plainly visible, all her parts open and inviting inspection. And Jaycee was ready for more sex, her face and body language showed it. Alex got fifty terrific pictures in the next fifteen minutes.
“Okay, Jaycee! That is the last one. We are done!” Alex put the camera down.
Jaycee's last pose had been flat on her back on the bearskin, legs open; an open and vulnerable pose. She didn't move out of it.
Alex knelt between Jaycee's legs, and put his hand on her upper thigh. Jaycee looked up at him, as Alex brushed his fingers first down young girl’s thigh to her knee, and then back up the inside of her thigh until it came in contact with her wide open cleft. Alex brushed his fingers up the cleft, over her engorged clitoris as Jaycee's hips flexed and shoved her pussy up into his fingers.
Alex leaned over and kissed her lips as his fingers caressed her clit. When he pulled his lips away to kiss her cheek and ear, Jaycee ran her tongue over her lips and tasted the slight moistness he had left there. She tasted herself. She had wet her exploring fingers in bed, and she knew that taste well. When Alex's lips came back to hers, she opened her lips slightly, and felt his tongue enter. Her tongue darted to his lips to meet it as she moaned and twisted under his demanding fingers.
Jaycee French kissing? Alex decided it was just accidental, like a tongue continually going to explore a new cavity, or a fever blister on a lip. But it was a start. He allowed his tongue to play with her tongue for a while as he flipped her clit with his finger so she would associate that feeling with their tongue play. When her tongue finally retreated, he moved his face down to caress her little pips with his tongue, then her smooth little brown tummy. As he moved his hands to her knees to spread them wide, Jaycee humped her pussy up, searching for his mouth again. She couldn't wait for it to get back to her slit!
Alex felt Jaycee grab two handfuls of his hair again and shove his head down so his mouth was pressed into the junction of her thighs. His tongue sought out her hard little clit and tasted her juices as it dipped in to test her virginal membrane for the tiny perforation. She was secreting a small amount of slick liquid, but not enough to lube a finger's entry into that small hole. He left a lot of saliva there to help his finger's passage into that territory as yet untried, unexplored, untested by a man. Then Alex rolled his middle finger in the slick mixture and quickly shoved it into her hole, eliciting a start, and a small yelp of pain from the girl. Alex did not pause in his tongue work on her clit, and Jaycee paused only momentarily in her response.
Jaycee whimpered in discomfort a couple of times when Alex began to finger fuck her with his slippery middle finger. She tried to close her legs once, but his head was in the way, and besides, she wanted that tongue on her clit. The little twinge of pain she felt from her slightly torn hymen was only a momentary reaction, and the feel of his finger working inside of her, occasionally rubbing over her “G” spot distracted her from any small pangs she felt externally.
Very soon, Jaycee was making almost the same whimpering sounds that she had made when Alex first inserted his finger, but these were quite different. These were little cries of passion, of striving to find that plateau, of almost but not quite reaching that climax, that orgasm. She wanted that orgasm so bad, and Alex was bringing her so close... And then he sucked her clit into his mouth, between his teeth, and ever so gently, he chewed on it.
Jaycee went over the top. She never had felt such a crashing body vibrating orgasm before. She cried out, and pushed Alex's mouth away from her pussy with as much force as she had just been pulling it into her. She had experienced all the new sensation she could handle for one day. Jaycee was satiated.
Alex wisely left the girl where she lay and gathered up his camera gear and put things in order while Jaycee rested. Finally the girl's body stirred, she rolled over and sat up.
“Are we finished, Alex?”
“Yes, Jaycee. You can get dressed now, dear. Your mother should be here in a half hour or so.”
“Alright.” Jaycee felt so nice and relaxed. She had a momentary loss of balance, but Alex’s big soft, gentle hands were there to catch her bare little body and steady her. Jaycee slipped off the bracelets, leg bands, belt and earrings and gave them all back to Alex. Alex watched the now completely naked girl dig into her bag for her panties, and then she paused for a moment, and posed for him naked, and smiled at him prettily. “I hope I can pose for you again, Alex.”
“I am sure you will, my dear.”
Jaycee got dressed, and went to the sitting room to watch TV as Alex puttered around cleaning up the equipment. The thong panties went into his pocket as he walked into the bathroom. A few minutes later, a much more relaxed Alex came out, and went to sit on the couch with Jaycee and chat while they waited for her mom.
“So, Jaycee. You want to come back and pose for me again?” Alex asked.
“Oh, yes, Alex!” But, um, don't tell my Mom what we did, that we um, kissed and stuff, okay?”
“Oh, no, Jaycee, that is our secret. I kissed you because I thought you were such a special girl, and I was so pleased with the way you posed. I got some wonderful photos and I'm sure the men will love them.”
Jaycee gave Alex a shy little smile to acknowledge his compliment.
Just then the door bell rang, and they both headed for the door. It was Jaycee's mother, and after a short conversation about how pleased Alex was, and how good the session had gone, Alex presented Jaycee with a ten dollar tip for herself, and her mother with a check for her work.
Jaycee's mom asked her how the session really went when they were in the car. Jaycee was noncommittal about taking her clothes off; just saying that she didn't want to talk about it because she was tired and hungry. She wasn't about to tell her mom what Alex had done to her, let alone that she had enjoyed it very much. However, she was thinking about doing that again if possible. She hoped Alex felt the same way she did.
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