(Mb, MMbb, MMb, ped, exhib, drugs, anal, oral, ws)
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unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.
“You want to spend the night over at Nick’s? Again? Why don’t you ask Nick to stay over here tonight?” queried Johnny’s mom. “You know, it’s quite an imposition on Nick’s dad to have to watch out after you for the entire weekend.”
“But his dad’s taking us camping! We’re going to leave first thing in the morning.” Of course Johnny didn’t tell her that Nick’s dad was taking them to that nudist camp that Nick was always talking about. If he did, he knew he’d never, ever get to go!
“Well, if you have your things packed…”
“I do! I do!” the nine-year-old boy replied eagerly, clutching his sleeping bag and backpack.
Johnny’s mom looked in his backpack and saw that it was basically empty, save for some comic books, a tape player, and a pair of flip-flops.
“You’re not packed! Go get your swimsuit, some pajamas and a couple of changes of clothes. Go on! Get your toothbrush too!”
Johnny shrugged, went back to his room and pulled out a few articles of clothing, clothing that would be totally useless at the nudist camp, and stuffed them into the pack. Then he retrieved his toothbrush and put it in the pack.
“Let me see what you have,” demanded the mother. A quick inspection and he was sent back to get underwear and another shirt.
“Do you have a towel?” Sullenly Johnny went back to the bathroom again.
One final inspection and his Mom jammed all the useless stuff back into his backpack. She could barely get it zipped up. Ten minutes later, Johnny’s Dad was dropping him off, even though he could have easily walked to Nick’s trailer.
“You do as Nick’s dad tells you to do,” instructed Johnny’s Dad.
“Yes, sir. I will,” the boy promised. It was an easy promise to keep, because unlike his own parents, Nick’s dad didn’t take kindly to disobedience of any sort. Johnny knew from experience that if he didn’t do as Nick’s dad told him straight away, he would get his ass blistered and then would have to do it anyway. It was a lot easier just to do it… no matter what.
The boy’s dad watched as he walked up the rickety stoop and knocked on the metal door. The door partially opened. Johnny waved goodbye and slipped inside.
Nick had barely closed the door when Jeter, Nick’s dad, called out to Johnny, “C’mere blow-boy and suck my dick!”
As usual, Nick and his dad were naked. Also as usual there was a nasty video playing on the big screen TV, this time of some black kid being humped by a big brown dog. Also as usual, the place smelled of stale beer and the funny homemade cigarettes Jeter and his friends always smoked.
Bearded and looking very much like a barbarian, Jeter was sort of sitting on the sofa, slouched down with his legs spread apart, drinking a beer. His dick was jutting straight up, beckoning to be serviced.
Johnny dropped his stuff, right at the door and went straight away to Nick’s dad. Besides several tattoos, the only thing Jeter wore was the small key on a chain around his neck. He always wore it and seemingly never took it off.
Rubbing his dark wooly beard, Jeter asked groggily, “Wanna suck my dick?”
Of course Johnny wanted to suck his dick! He was only surprised that Jeter had asked rather than just telling him to do it. Grinning, the eager butt-boy sunk to his knees and grasped the man’s cock, taking a moment to study the branching pattern of the bulging blue veins and to study the scary-looking dragon tattooed on it.
Putting his big hand around the back of the boy’s head, he muttered, “C’mon whore-boy, suck me goddamnit.” Then he pulled him to his wet dick. It was wet from Nick sucking on it when Johnny had knocked on the door. The big spongy head grazed his lips and then slipped into his mouth.
While he bobbed his head up and down, sliding the big dick between his lips, Johnny felt Nick tugging his shorts down. Soon he was completely nude too and ready for a night of dirty fun.
Nick scooted under Johnny, and once he was in position, Johnny felt him spread his ass cheeks with his hands and then felt his blow buddy’s wet tongue licking and probing into his anus. Johnny wasn’t sure what felt better, to have Nick licking his butt or to have a big cock stuffed in his mouth. Nick slobbered all over his hole until Nick’s dad grunted and sprayed the blow-boy’s mouth with his cum.
Ever since Jeter first caught Johnny sucking off Nick and he played “the game” with Jeter and his pals, Johnny had spent as much time hanging out at Nick’s as his Mom would let him. It was always fun, parading about naked, sucking dicks, getting fucked in the ass, and doing all sorts of nasty things with Jeter and Jeter’s friends. Jeter had lots of friends.
Typically he got undressed as soon as he got inside, because if he didn’t, Jeter would take a belt to his butt. Soon Jeter’s friends would start showing up, one, two, sometimes three at a time. Jeter always gave them a choice, Nick or Johnny. Johnny was very proud of the fact that they always seemed to want him. Once he bragged to Nick about that, but then Nick pointed out that Jeter’s friends had all played with Nick many, many times before. He also pointed out that whereas Johnny was usually stuck at home watching some stupid TV show with his mom and dad, he was home sucking and getting fucked.
That made Johnny envious of Nick. He might have lived in a nicer house, but Nick definitely had more fun. He couldn’t help but wish that his own dad wasn’t more like Jeter, but the more he thought about that, the more absurd that notion seemed. If Johnny’s dad ever caught him sucking somebody’s dick, he was certain that he’d be punished for life.
Jeter’s sent dick got soft, and Johnny let it slip from his lips. With his left foot, Jeter pushed Johnny over and off of Nick’s face, spending the boy sprawling out on the floor. With his right foot, Jeter grabbed Johnny’s little nine-year-old boner between his second toe and his big toe and playfully tugged it. Johnny could never figure out how he did it, but Jeter could use his toes almost like they were fingers. At first it caused him to burst out in giggles, but as the immoral man kept tugging, beating the boy off, Johnny began to feel it tingling. Shutting his eyes tightly, Johnny felt the rush of electric shocks radiating throughout his body as that most wonderful of all sensations swept over him.
Despite his fervent desire that the orgasmic sensations filling him go on, and on, and on, the intense pleasure passed in less than a minute, leaving the boy breathless and yearning for the sensations to return again and again. As he lay there, Johnny realized that what I liked best about hanging out at Nick’s was the opportunity to cum, three, four, and sometimes five times in a single evening. Yeah, he liked that. He liked it a lot.
“Do ya two cock-suckers wanna a pizza tonight?” asked Nick’s dad.
In unison, the two boys enthusiastically shouted “Yeah!”
Jeter picked up the phone and hit a speed-dial number. “Lem’me speak to Joe… Joe, Jeter here. How’s it going? Good. Listen, I got that little Johnny boy over here tonight… That’s right, I need two pizzas. One medium cheese, the other a large pepperoni with jalapeno peppers. Yeah, Coke will be fine and throw in a couple of orders of them buffalo wings… Yeah, send over a big salad too… Thirty minutes? That’ll be fine. See ya pal.”
By the time Joe arrived with the pizzas, Johnny was feeling a little goofy. Jeter had blown some of the funny smoke in a paper grocery bag and made Johnny wear the bag over his head for a few minutes. When the bag was removed, the whole room seemed distorted to Johnny; the lighting was funny, and he had a bad case of the giggles. Nick had the giggles too, because Jeter had bagged him too.
Johnny had all but forgotten all about the pizza when there was a knock on the door. The two naked boys were about to bolt to his bedroom like they were supposed to whenever someone unexpectedly knocked on the door, but Jeter held his hand up… “Who is it?” demanded Jeter.
“It’s Joe! I’ve got your pizzas.”
Jeter cracked open the door and cautiously looked outside. “C’mon in, Joe.”
Joe stepped inside, his arms filled with pizza boxes and plastic bags containing the rest of the order. Jeter directed him to set everything on the countertop. Then Johnny noticed something strange. Whenever his parents ordered pizzas, his mom or dad always had to find money to give to the delivery guy. This time, Joe dug into his pocket, pulled out a few bills and handed money to Jeter!
Joe was an older man with gray hair. He sort of reminded Johnny of his grandpa, with a kindly expression and soft blue eyes, but his gramps never fucked him before; Joe had, on several occasions.
While unbuckling his pants, Joe looked Nick and Johnny over. As his semi-stiff dick came into view, nestled among a tangle of gray-black hair, he pointed at Johnny and said, “I want that one.”
“Ya take your Viagra?” asked Jeter.
“Damned right I did,” replied Joe as he kicked his legs free of his trousers. “Right after you called.”
Johnny didn’t have a clue what they were talking about, all he knew that was that it sometimes took awhile before Joe got hard, real hard, hard enough to do what he knew the older man wanted to do. Joe motioned with his hand for the butt-boy to approach.
It always struck Johnny as odd that unlike Jeter’s other friends, Joe never got completely naked. He always kept his shirt on and he always kept his dark socks on.
While Jeter and Nick started in on the hot pizza, Joe felt Johnny up, running his hands all over the boy’s nude body. Johnny liked the way he touched him, always gently, like his mother touched him, only Joe touched him where Johnny’s mother never touched him.
Jeter had pulled open the sofa bed. Joe pulled the boy onto the sofa bed, lying head-to-toe, with his dick in Johnny’s face. While the older man licked and sucked on Johnny’s boy-penis, Johnny licked and sucked on the old man’s gnarly meat until he was quite hard.
Something hit Johnny on the back of the head. Reaching back, he recovered the tube of KY that Jeter had thrown his way. Johnny didn’t need anyone to tell him that dick-sucking time was over. Squirting a big glob of lube in his hand, the boy passed the tube to Joe before he coated the old man’s rigid prong. Johnny in turn felt the cold wet lube as Joe smeared it across the boy’s asshole and then felt his finger probe into him as Joe pushed more lube up the butt-boy’s ass.
Lubed up for an ass-fucking, Johnny moved away, repositioning himself, straddling Joe as he lay flat on his back. Grasping the old man’s slicked-up cock, he nestled the flared head up against his puckered hole and then lowered his young ass onto the gnarly old dick. Joe’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as the boy sunk down, easily taking his entire cock up his well seasoned butt hole.
Joe’s dick wasn’t nearly as big as some of Jeter’s friends. There was no discomfort for Johnny, not for even a moment, only the wonderful sensation of having his butt filled with a hard dick. The boy did all the work, rising and falling as he flexed his legs, bouncing on top of the old man, fucking the man’s dick into his own young willing ass, until he felt the warm gush of cum flooding his rectum. The boy felt the dick getting soft, so he stopped fucking and just lowered himself onto his crotch, jamming the softening prick deep into his rectal tube.
It was some few minutes before Joe’s breathing returned to normal and his eyes reopened. Having thoroughly enjoyed the fuck, Johnny smiled down at him. Then with a youthful exuberance, Johnny hopped off, pulling the limp cock from his butt and hit the pizza before it was too cold.
Before Johnny was finished his first slice, Joe had gotten dressed and was gone. It was like that at Nick’s; most of Jeter’s friends stopped by only as long as it took them to get their rocks off once, and then they were gone.
Johnny had just finished eating when two more of Jeter’s friends stopped over. He had never seen either one of these guys. One was slight of build, whereas the other was tall. Both were very neatly dressed. Jeter and the two men huddled in one corner, taking in low voices. Like the two boy whores, Jeter was still completely naked and as they talked, Johnny saw the taller man fondling Jeter’s dick.
The smaller man reached for his wallet, took out some money, and handed it to Jeter. Jeter picked up a metal box and opened it with the key he wore around his neck, and put the money inside while the two men got naked.
Johnny expected a trip to Jeter’s bed or another trip to the sofa bed, but that not what happened. The smaller man sank to his knees and began giving Jeter a blowjob. Jeter likewise sank to his knees, forcing the smaller man to bend over. Meanwhile, the taller man got behind the smaller man, squatted and fucked him while the smaller guy sucked Jeter’s dick.
Johnny had seen this sort of thing a number of times and he’d been in the middle a number of times too. The two boys sat crossed legged on the sofa and quietly watched the perverse fun. After a few minutes, Jeter and the taller man switched. The smaller man sucked the taller man’s dick, fresh from his ass, while Jeter roughly sodomized the smaller man. Jeter and the taller man switched back and forth until the smaller man simply collapsed on the floor while his taller buddy shot off across his backside.
Jeter got everyone a beer, everyone including the two young boys, and the three men sat around chatting and laughing. All the while they were talking, the two men were looking over at the two naked boys. The taller man stood up, found his pants and pulled out his wallet, handing Jeter another wad of cash.
As the two men approached the boys, they switched sides. Evidently the smaller man was going to have Nick, the taller was going to have Johnny. The boys were laid out, side by side on the sofa bed and the two men began kissing the boys. To Johnny, this was pretty gross, as the taller man’s breath was foul and he didn’t like being kissed on the mouth. After all, he might catch something! But the boy had no choice in the matter as the man drove his tongue into Johnny’s mouth. He nearly gagged when he felt a glob of the man’s tobacco tinged saliva tricking down into his throat.
Fortunately for Johnny, that didn’t last too long, and soon the man had kissed down Johnny’s chest and stomach. Then kissing the boy’s dick and balls, the man stuck a finger up the boy’s butt. Lucky for Johnny, he was still slicked up with lube and cum from when Joe did him in the ass so the butt fingering didn’t hurt at all, it just felt good. From the way Nick was whimpering, Johnny figured his unfortunate friend was getting a dry fingering.
The two men switched off, and switched again and again. Johnny lost track of time and had no idea how long the men sucked boy-balls and boy-cocks, but to Johnny it seemed like forever because the tall guy was always rough with his nuts. It hurt! Despite the discomfort to his little nuts, the fingering and sucking eventually got Johnny off, and how! He was too young and his nuts were too immature to produce semen, but his prostate violently contracted, attempting to expel fluids that simply weren’t there.
Then the two boys had to suck off the smaller guy until he came. Nick won that contest, but he was generous enough to share the creamy prize with his blow buddy. Johnny never did hear what the name was of either of those two men, and it really didn’t matter, because after the small guy got his rocks off, they both got dressed and left without even saying goodbye. That suited the willingly violated butt-boy just fine; he really didn’t like those two, especially the taller one.
Jeter finished another beer and then said, “You two butt-fucks had better get ready for bed, it’s going to be long day tomorrow and I want you both at your best.”
That really didn’t make much sense to Johnny, because he and Nick were already in the sofa bed. Nevertheless, Jeter wandered over to the kitchen sink and washed his cock off.
Even though it was still pretty early, Johnny figured it was time for sleep, but Nick got up and put on a Claude Van Dame movie, a bloody kickboxing movie that was one of their favorites.
With his balls drained, Jeter paid no further attention to the two boys and had started off down the hall to his bed when the phone rang. He let it ring and the answering machine picked up. “This is 789-9876. Leave a message. Beep…”
“Jeter! Jeter, this is Lou. Pick up the phone, Jeter!”
Nick’s dad picked up the cordless receiver, answering, “Yeah… Uh huh… Not tonight… Got plans for tomorrow… Won’t be back ‘til Sunday evening… Ya know, ya need to make reservations for that sort of thing… Not tonight, Lou… Okay, okay. Look, maybe I can squeeze in a blowjob for ya… Yeah, Jerry too. I got two boys here tonight… Nick’s blow buddy, Johnny… Yeah, come on over, but they need to be rested for tomorrow… You can have’em for an hour.”
After retrieving another beer from the refrigerator, Nick’s dad fished the short stub of one of his funny cigarette from an ashtray. Lighting up, he once again filled the paper grocery bag with smoke and then one by one, bagged the two boys.
Johnny was really feeling goofy after that. Next thing he knew, there are these two guys, slapping his bare ass and making him cry. He didn’t know who these guys were other than they were kind of mean to him before one stuffed a cock up his butt while other stuffed his dick into his mouth. In his smoke induced haze, Johnny really didn’t remember much about the first butt fucking, but the cock he was forced to suck on was made an impression… it was huge! After a few minutes the guys switched and Johnny had a funk covered dick in his mouth. He thought he was going to throw up, but his attention was instantly redirected as his pliable asshole was stretched like never before. He forgot all about the foul dick in his mouth as his total attention was on his poor asshole… that fucker was big!
Johnny vaguely remembered that after they left, his poor butt hole was hurting so much that he was sobbing on the sofa bed. Nick’s dad roughly opened his butt cheeks up and probed around for a minute checking for any bleeding. There was none. “Hey, you little shit, you’re okay,” Jeter pronounced. “Now get over it and quit being such a god damned baby. You know, tomorrow you’re gonna be thankful that you got so thoroughly loosened up tonight.” The boy didn’t know what he was talking about, but he would find out the next day.
Nick and Johnny slept with Jeter on the sofa bed that night. After Johnny gave Nick’s dad a good morning blowjob, the two boys ate some cereal for breakfast. Nick’s dad, pouring a cup of black coffee into a go-cup announced that it was time they got moving. Johnny got his backpack and sleeping bag, but Nick’s dad said, “Leave that crap here. You only need a pair of shorts and you won’t be needing them for very long. Go on, you boys put on some fucking shorts and get your asses in the truck.”
The two boys piled into Jeter’s old pickup truck and soon they were on their way. For going camping, even to a nudist camp, they didn’t have much; no tent, no sleeping bags, no food, no nuttin’. Johnny had the gym shorts he was wearing and that was it. Nick too. Jeter, he had on jeans and flip flops, but that’s all. The back of the pickup was totally empty.
They drove for a little while across town and came to a stop at this fancy looking house. Jeter checked a piece of paper and announced, “This is it.”
“We were going camping here?” asked Johnny.
“Not exactly,’ replied Jeter. He pulled up into the driveway, got out and knocked on the door. He went inside for a moment and then reappeared.
Walking up to the truck, he said, “Let’s go, Nick.” Johnny started to follow but Jeter told him, “Get your ass back in the truck until I tell you to get out.” Jeter led his son inside and a few minutes later, Jeter came back, got in the truck and started backing out of the driveway.
“Where’s Nick?” Johnny asked.
“Where in the fuck do ya think he is?” replied his dad.
“Yeah, genius, he’s inside. Now stop with so many questions.”
After a few minutes, Johnny asked him about something else, but Nick’s dad got mad and told him to, “just shut up, kid, and do as you’re told!”
Johnny didn’t know why Jeter was so cross, but he was like that sometimes. Johnny wisely decided it best to just keep quiet. They drove for nearly an hour out of town. Johnny had no idea where they were, other than out in the country. They drove down a series of small gravel roads and finally came to a gate. Jeter got out, unlocked it and then drove in a ways, got out, closed the gate and then drove on into the woods. Johnny figured that this must be the nudist camp. But it wasn’t a camp… it was just an old white farm house that was in sore need of a paint job.
Jeter stopped the truck, turned to the boy and said the first words to him since he yelled at the boy back in town. “Strip!”
Johnny thought of what his dad had told him when he was dropped off at Nick’s yesterday evening, “You do as Nick’s dad tells you to do.” As he pushed the gym shorts down and off, he couldn’t help but giggle.
“Leave ‘em here,” Nick’s dad instructed. “No need for ya to lose ‘em.”
Naked as the day he was born, little Johnny followed Nick’s dad up to the old house. He didn’t mind being naked, he liked being outside and naked, but as he stepped on stones and sticks, he wished he had his flip flops.
As they got closer, Johnny could make out the features of a man on the porch sitting in a rocking chair. He looked kind of old, older than his dad or Nick’s dad, and like Nick’s dad he had a beard, only it was white and bushy. He was wearing farmer’s overalls without a shirt, and Johnny could see he had almost as many tattoos as Nick’s dad did. He was hairier than Nick’s dad, in fact Johnny was hard pressed to remember seeing anyone with as much body hair as old Coots had. Coots was so hairy that he had once dyed all his body hair brown and played the role of Bigfoot in a low budget kiddie-porn flick where he ravished an unwary group of boys camping out in the woods.
“Is this the boy?” Coots asked in his gravelly voice as his lecherous eyes roamed across young boy’s nudity. Without waiting for an answer he stated, “He’s a good looking, lad.” He wagged his finger and indicated to Johnny to move closer. The boy stepped up close. Immediately Coots was running his hands across the boy’s body and toying with his small boyish dick. He turned him around and told him to bend over. Johnny did and immediately felt the older man fingering his butthole. He wormed a finger up inside the boy and then pulled him in close. Holding the boy around the chest while fingering his ass, he asked, “What’s your name, boy?”
“Well, Johnny. Do you like what I’m doing to you?” Johnny nodded that he was fine with it. “Good,” Coots whispered. He pulled his finger from the boy’s ass and said, “Old Coots and Jeter have some business to discuss. Why don’t you go inside, Johnny and get yourself a soda pop?”
Johnny looked to Jeter and with a sharp jerk of his head, Jeter indicated that he should get lost for a minute. He went inside, found the kitchen and got himself a cold root beer. After the ride, Johnny was very thirsty so he was happy to get the refreshment. Taking a couple of good swallows and always curious, Johnny went back to see what was going on.
He knew better than to go back out on the porch without being summoned, but he couldn’t see or really hear anything at the screen door. Johnny back tracked and entered a room that he thought would give him a good view without being seen. Sure enough there was an open window and he immediately knew that he could probably hear and see what was being discussed.
When he got close enough to look, Johnny saw Coots handing Jeter a wad of money and heard Jeter say, “His ass is all yours… until tomorrow. I’ll pick him up at noon.”
“Don’t worry,” said Coots, “I won’t leave a mark on him.”
“You’d damned well better not put a mark on him. This ain’t Nick. I don’t want to have to explain nothing to his folks tomorrow. You hear me, Coots, nothing!” Then Jeter turned, trotted down the steps and walked briskly back to his truck.
Before Johnny realized that he was being left here, Coots called out, “Hey, boy! Come on out here!”
When Johnny turned to go outside, he noticed something about this bedroom. There were several video cameras set up on tripods and several big lights surrounding the poster bed. He stopped to look at setup, wondering what this was all about, but Coots called him again. “Hey, boy! Get your naked ass out here!” To the boy, Coots sounded like he meant business so Johnny scurried out to the porch.
Johnny ran up to him and was rewarded with a stinging slap to his bare buttocks. “Next time I call for you, you’d damned better well come the first time!” the old man growled. With his eyes watering, Johnny watched as Nick’s dad drove off down the rude driveway, leaving him in this strange place with this strange man. This wasn’t at all what he imagined what camping out would be like at a nudist camp.
“Hey boy, look at me,” Coots said. “I own your ass until tomorrow. You will do what I want you to do. Is that clear?”
Johnny wasn’t at all sure what he had in mind, but he nodded, ‘yes’.
“Say it,” Coots ordered.
“Yes, sir.”
“Do you know how to say ‘no’?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Will you tell me ‘no’?
“No, sir.” For that he got another stinging swat to the butt.
“You don’t say ‘no’ ever! Not while I own your ass. You understand? ”
“Yes, sir… I guess.”
“That’s better. Now that we understand each other, I want you to stand up on my chair so I can get a taste of your young peter.”
It was rather unsteady standing up on that rocking chair and whenever Johnny or Coots moved, Johnny struggled not to fall off. The old pervert grabbed the boy by the hips and steadied him, then leaned forward to suck the boy’s dick. Holding the boy’s crotch to his bearded face, big hands explored the young firm butt cheeks and molested the boy’s asshole, while he slobbered all over the boy’s peter and balls. He spun the boy around and dove into his ass, licking Johnny’s anus and tonguing into his hole for several minutes… Johnny liked that. Then he spun him around again. Coots cold blue eyes were blazing as he grinned up at the boy and said, “I want you to do that to me, boy.”
What could he say? Johnny really didn’t want to lick this old fart’s butthole, but he knew he couldn’t say ‘no’. He just nodded.
Coots sat back and unfastened the bib to his overalls. “You like to suck tits, boy?”
“I guess,” Johnny replied.
“Here’s what I want… for starters, I want you to feel me up, boy, feel me up, play with my nipples and suck on them.”
That sounded better than licking his ass so Johnny got to it. Coots was a hairy old guy, his chest was covered with a thick mat of soft grey/white hair. To Johnny it really felt nice running his fingers through his chest hair, and Coots seemed to enjoy it too. Toying with his fat nipples was fun too, they were big and puffy and Coots really liked it when Johnny pulled on them a lot. But Coots really seemed to like it best when the boy sucked on his nipples. Johnny would suck and Coots would cradle him in his big arms, stroking the boy’s bare back and toying with his hole.
After sucking his nipples for a while, Coots stood up with Johnny in his arms, lifting the boy like he weighed nothing at all. Judging by the size of his arms, Johnny figured that he must not have felt like much. Coots only took a few steps before his overalls were down around his feet causing him to take shuffling steps, but before they reached the screened door, his legs were free and his overalls were left out on the porch.
The big hairy man carried the smooth boy to the room where all the cameras were and deposited the lad on the bed. While he went around turning the cameras and monitors all on, Johnny had a good look at his hairy body. He was covered with grey hair but his body was quite muscular. And his dick! It looked huge and it wasn’t fully hard!
Satisfied that everything was in order, Coots crawled up on the bed on all fours. He wiggled his hairy butt and ordered Johnny to, “suck my asshole, boy and suck my balls.” Johnny had licked a few assholes at Nick’s before and the boy set about his appointed task. Spreading the man open, for a moment he studied the deep shadow of his large dark hole, buried beneath a layer of ass hair, before nuzzling into the deep hairy cleft. Johnny had expected him to smell awful, but he only had a musky odor. That was nasty enough, but at least it wasn’t foul and whereas Johnny didn’t like foul, he loved nasty.
“That’s it, boy,” Coots moaned as the boy’s tongue licked his hairy shit hole. “Stick it in… Oh, fuck yeah…That’s it you nasty little bugger!” He really liked what Johnny was doing and Johnny found it lots of fun too in a nasty sort of way, so he stuck his tongue into the old man as far it could go. To the boy’s surprise, the large asshole gaped open so that it was easy to get his tongue up him deep as he could. For several minutes Johnny stabbed his tongue deep into the man before his tongue got really tired.
Coots rolled off to the side leaving Johnny on his hands and knees. Fondling himself, the man smirked and asked, “You like to suck dick?”
Johnny smirked back and crawled towards the huge cock sticking up from a tangle of gray hair. Johnny had seen some pretty big dicks before at Nick’s, but nothing quite like this. It was as big around as the boy’s ankles and nearly as long as his foreman. The head was a massive affair, very round and bulbous and still partially covered by a large flap of foreskin. It was dark too, especially the head, several shades darker than Coots’ tanned skin. The cock tube was very pronounced and quite wide and the cock slit seemed to be nearly an inch long. Coots squeezed his cock head, forcing the meatus to gap open.
“Stick your finger in there,” Coots instructed. Johnny’s boyish fingertip easily went inside the man’s cock slit. “Deeper,” the man groaned. “Deeper.” Johnny pushed more of his finger into the yielding cock tube. “Ah…” groaned the man with his eyes tightly shut. “Deeper.”
By the time Johnny had pushed his finger in to the second knuckle Coots’ bearded face was contorted in a grimace, his large fleshy body trembling and shaking. Suddenly the old pervert opened his eyes, looking about as if searching for demons, his arms spread and his hands reaching and grasping a remote control in each hand on either side.
To Johnny it was really weird having a finger stuck up inside a dick. Suddenly the man had a tube of KY Jelly in his paw. He pulled Johnny hands and extracted the finger from his cock. Then he placed the head of the tube against his gaping piss hole and injected a wad of lube into his cock.
“Try it now, boy” gasped the dirty old man. “Stick your finger up my dick. That’s it, that’s it… fuck… fuck… more, more… oh god damn, more, ahhhh, ahhhh, fuck!”
The entire length of Johnny’s index finger was now inside the man’s cock. Coots was looking left and then right. Johnny looked to see what he was looking at and saw the two monitors, each filled with the image of the great cock with a finger stuck inside it.
“Now move it in and out,” Coots gasped. “Oh fuck! Fuck! God damn, god damn,” he breathlessly cursed as Johnny did as he was told and finger fucked Coots’ dick. This went on for several minutes with Johnny abusing Coots’ dick and coots cursing and moaning and sweating like a pig. Finally the big man grasped Johnny by the wrist and forced him to stop. For nearly a full minute, Coots held Johnny’s hand and finger motionless, then he pushed the boy’s hand away to end his self-inflicted abuse.
Johnny was shocked that the meatus remained gaping open.
“Ya see that camera? Ya see that TV monitor?” asked Coots panting and nearly out of breath. “Point my dick at that camera. Move it around… there! Stop! Back up. I wanna get a good shot right down inside my dick, so watch the monitor. That’s it, that’s it, a little to the left, the other left! Hold it! God damn if that ain’t nasty!”
“Okay, let’s do it again,” he huffed. Johnny watched as Coots shot more lube down his yawning cock tube and then squeezed off some on Johnny’s fingers. Coots manipulated his cameras until he had two good views of his dick. “Okay, boy… all the way in. Fuccccck! That’s it… okay, now all the way out. Oh, shit. Now back in again... Now out… In… Out… In… Out. Now use your middle finger. Oh, fuck! Fuccccck! Hold it a second… oh god damn. Uhhhh… Okay, push it in… fuccccck!”
For a good half hour Coots had Johnny abuse his dick, cursing and hollering the whole time, especially when he had the boy push his thumb into his dick. Johnny was afraid he was hurting the man, and he was, but Coots egged him on, sobbing while videotaping this abuse for a well heel customer. Finally Coots had had sufficient footage and told him to, “Stop! That’s enough. That’s quite enough. Oh… my poor dick!”
After several minutes of holding his dick and moaning, Coots crawled out of bed. To Johnny he seemed to be hurting and he was. But a few minutes later the old goat shuffled outside onto the porch carrying with him a high definition video camera on a tripod. “C’mere boy!” came the robust order from outside.
When Johnny made it outside, he saw Coots standing in the sunshine and looking to setup the camera. “Here, lie down over here,” he directed the boy. “On your back. Now lean back on your arms.” Coots adjusted the camera and the stepped up near the boy. Johnny was looking up as the big hairy man grasped his now soft dick. A hard stream of hot yellow piss hit the boy square in the face. Instinctively Johnny turned his head away and was hosed down on the side of his head. The stream began playing across the body of the debased boy with no let up in volume or force. Suddenly the stream was shut off abruptly. “Okay, now I want you on your hands and knees. That’s it, put your head to the ground. Now reach back and spread open your ass. Johnny did as he was told and the stream of hot piss splattered across his bare back and played up and down his ass crack until Coots’ oversized bladder was emptied.
The barefoot shoved against the hip of the prostrate boy and sent him rolling onto the ground to wallow in the dirt and piss-mud. Johnny looked up and saw Coots signal to him to stay put. The man adjusted the camera and the stepped around the boy so a not to block the camera’s view. Kneeling he lowered his soft cock to the boy’s mouth. Johnny didn’t need any directing, he simply opened up as Coots stuffed his mouth with the massive flaccid cock. Soon the monster began to engorge with blood. Johnny’s eyes got wider and wider as the great cock relentlessly grew in his mouth. Coots was unyielding, forcing Johnny to accommodate the increasing penile volume with his mouth and then his throat.
The boy found it increasing difficult to breathe, then impossible to breathe. Instinctively he began to struggle, desperate to catch the slightest a life giving breath. The besieged boy stopped struggling and went limp. Coots extracted his cock from the boy’s throat. With the obstructing cock removed, Johnny’s autonomic nervous system kicked in, filling his lungs with oxygen. The first thing Johnny was aware of was the needle-like jabbing inside his brain. He was still dazed when the cock was shoved deep into his mouth and cut off his airway again.
Coots watched the boy carefully as he passed out and then regained consciousness. Again and again he took the boy to brink and then revived him. All Johnny would remember was the choking sensations, the desperation followed by the stabbing needles in his brain as the darkness lifted. When he finally awoke for good, he was cradled in Coots strong hairy arms, his face covered with yellowish-white ejaculate.
The big man carried his fuck-toy like a small puppy over to a garden hose and there unceremoniously hosed off the body fluids that coated the butt-boy’s entire body. As Coots hosed the boy off, he saw the distressed expression on the boy’s face.
“Hey, the hard part’s over, kid,” the man told the boy. “From now on, it’ll just be fun.” The sullen expression remained. “How about some ice cream? You like ice cream, don’t you?” Johnny liked ice cream, he liked it a lot. Still, he was so sure he was safe with his man. He’d almost killed him! “What flavor do you like? I’ve got chocolate and strawberry.”
“Can I have both?” Johnny ventured cautiously.
“Hell, yes!” roared the big man with a laugh. “I even have some whipped cream. You like whipped cream?”
Coots was pleased to see a wan smile and a hopeful look in the boy’s eyes. Coots bent down and grasped his toy-boy under the arms, lifting him high above his head. Slowly the man lowered him to where he could slurp up Johnny’s little cock and balls. In quick secession the old pervert popped the boy’s genitals in and out of his mouth three times before declaring, “You’re simply delicious!” Gently dropping the now giggling boy back to ground, Coots said, “Now, let’s go get that ice cream!”
Completely naked, the old man scooped up two large bowls of chocolate and strawberry ice cream and set them at the table. Then with a flourish, he sprayed on a thick topping of whipped cream.
Looking at the huge serving of ice cream before him, Johnny was in hog heaven. He’d never been given that much ice cream at one time in his entire life; not even half as much! With gusto he dug into his treat, the abuse he endured forgotten. When he’d eaten his fill, he still had nearly half a bowl of ice cream remaining. Pushing back from the table he waited while Coots polished off his own huge serving. Coots wiped his bearded chin with his bare forearm, looked at his toy and whispered, “C’mere.”
Johnny scooted off his chair and approached cautiously. Johnny shrieked in surprise as Coots quickly shoved the nozzle of the whipped cream can against the boy’s cock. ‘Phlllaaaaapppp!’ Peals of laughter filled the farm house. With an adroit quickness that belied his size, Coots had the laughing boy standing in lap. More laughter erupted as the dirty old man licked at the whipped creamed covered dick as Johnny twisted and turned trying to make his escape. To Johnny’s surprise, he managed to wiggle away. This was fun!
Coots grinned at his sex-toy and squirted a blob of whipped cream in the foreskin shrouded tip of his big dick. Completely forgetting the earlier choking blowjob, Johnny stepped up and licked away at the cream covered cockhead.
With his dick cleaned, Coots shot another wad of whipped cream up under Johnny’s balls. Compliantly Johnnie allowed Coots to position him so that the man could lick and suck his little bald nut sack clean. Coots followed that by shooting some cream just behind his own heavy nut sack. Johnny didn’t hesitate to nuzzle into him and scour the hairy nuts clean. Back and forth, Coots directed the oral play, laughing as much as the boy was at the delightfully naughty game.
Johnny’s eyes grew big as the whipped cream shot between his ass cheeks. A moment later he was draped over a chair, holding his buttocks apart. He giggled at being tickled by the whiskered face rubbing between his splayed open butt as the large tongue licked and lapped. Long after the whipped cream was gone the tongue was still flickering and probing into the young boy’s asshole.
Coot s was pleased at how easily and deeply he could tongue into the boy’s butt. ‘Old Jeter was right,’ the old perv thought, ‘he is experienced.’
To Johnny’s disappointment, the man stopped his analingus of his young ass. Coots pulled the boy to his feet and then took his place draped over the chair with his hairy ass creeks spread. The old man hooted when the foamed cream squarely hit his asshole. A contented smile spread across the perv’s face as the boy’s small tongue first made contact with his old and frequently abused anus. “That’s it, baby. Eat my ass. Damn… That feels so fucking good.” Hearing Coots’ encouraging words, Johnny set about in earnest servicing the old man’s anus orally. “Damn, you really know how to have fun, boy. Yeah, lick it, baby. Fuck me with it. Mmmmmmmmm.”
Johnny worked diligently in the sweetened musty crack. He and Nick had done this a time or two. One time it was great nasty fun, the other time it was just nasty. This time it was great nasty fun to be licking and sucking on the huge hairy butthole. He soon tired though and pulled away to give his tongue a rest.
Coots didn’t complain. The boy would eating his asshole a lot between now and when Jeter picked him tomorrow. For now, it was games… anal games and the old fag was in his element. Quickly he had Johnny on his knees with his butt high in the air. Johnny was expecting another quick burst of whipped cream between the cheeks, but what he got was the nozzle of the can shoved up his ass and then a long blast right up his rectum. Johnny eyes got big as the hissing continued and his bowels filled with the expanding cream. To Johnny it seemed like it would never end, but after forty seconds the propellant had been expended.
“I gotta shit!” the boy cried as he hopped to his feet. Coots roared in laughter as the naked boy scampered to the bathroom, a puff of stiff white foam hanging from between his smooth butt cheeks. Johnny barely made it and as soon as his ass was on the seat, his bowls unloaded. With whipped cream and shit sputtering from his ass, Johnny looked up to see Coots, leaning against the framework of the open door, grinning and playing with his thick semi-erect dick.
Johnny’s guts spasmed again, sending another blast of fecal contaminated whipped cream into the toilet bowl. When the cramping passed, the boy looked up as the gray haired man stepped up to him. Straddling the boy’s leg, Coots brushed his cock across the boy’s face. Johnny knew what the man expected of him. He nibbled at the cock head as it brushed across his face and lips until the cock settled down and pressed into the boy’s mouth. With the flared rim of bulbous head wedged firmly behind his lips, thoughts of Coots choking him again flashed through his mind. But contented with the feel of the boy’s tongue fluttering along the underside of his cock crown, Coots didn’t drive his huge cock into the back of the boy’s throat.
The farting and splattering noises of defecation ended. Pulling his cock from the boy’s mouth, Coots opened a cabinet and pulled out an enema bag. “Clean yourself up some, and then lie down on the bathroom floor,” he instructed the nine year old. Johnny cleaned himself up as best he could with toilet tissue and while Coots prepared the enema, he waited on the cold linoleum floor. He felt Coots spreading his ass checks with one hand and then felt cold lube being worked into his butt. Johnny enjoyed the deep finger fucking he was getting and was disappointed when it was suddenly over. Then he felt the cold lubricated probe penetrate and lodge inside his sphincter. Almost immediately, warm soapy water was flooding into his colon. Soon, Johnny was uncomfortable and then the cramping really began; still more soapy fluid flowed into his rectal chamber. Mercifully the fluid stopped flooding into his bowels. Johnny jumped up and just barely made it to the toilet before his asshole erupted with the enema fluid and more fecal matter. The first blast from his gut wasn’t quite over before the big cock was pressed into his face again.
It wasn’t until he had emptied his bowels and Coots stepped back that Johnny noticed the video cameras, red lights glowing, mounted in the corners of the bathroom. After cleaning himself with tissue, the old man helped him up and led him into the shower. It wasn’t like the bathtub shower that Johnny was familiar with. This was a walk-in shower, quite large and completely open to the rest of the bath.
The boy howled when the cold water first hit his bare skin. Coots seemed to impervious to it. After about thirty seconds, the warm water began to flow and was soon almost too hot for the boy. Coots adjusted the temperature to a more comfortable level. The video camera aimed at the shower caught for posterity (and the kiddie-porn trade) the images of the young hairless boy being washed and fondled by the old hairy pervert, of the big man’s soapy hands roaming at will across the boy’s body, between his smooth butt cheeks and bathing his little prick and balls. It also caught the images of the boy returning the cleansing favors, of his small hands surrounding the big prick and massaging the great balls, of his small hands lost between the hairy fleshy cheeks and lingering much too long for simple hygiene. The big hand thrusting up between the boy’s cheeks left little to the imagination as the boy spread his own ass cheeks for the camera.
Confident he had more than enough shower footage, Coots turned off the water. While he dripped water, the old man dried the boy and then dried himself. Coots directed the boy onto his hands and knees and then had the boy lower his head to floor with ass hiked up in the air and facing a camera. He retrieved a tube of KY Jelly from a cabinet, inserted the tip in Johnny’s asshole and squeezed off a great glop into the boy’s ass, lubricating him for the upcoming video passages.
Then from another tube, he greased up his finger and massaged a salve into the boy’s anal ring. Almost immediately Johnny felt a peculiar sensation in his anus, as the specially formulated topical anesthesia and muscle relaxer began to take effect. As odd as that sensation was, he was distracted from it as Coots inserted a greased butt plug into his ass.
Johnny’s sphincter gripped the rubber device and held it firmly in place, filling him comfortably. This was a new experience for the boy and one that liked immediately. As nice as the butt plug felt, it felt really odd when he was walked into the bedroom equipped with the elaborate remote controlled video cameras and high intensity lighting.
Coots placed a foam rubber wedge in the middle of the bed and then positioned the butt-boy upon it with his ass hiked in the air. While Coots fiddled with cameras, Johnny waited. No one needed to explain to Johnny as to what would soon to take place and his asshole throbbed with growing anticipation. As much as Johnny enjoyed having his asshole played with and fucked, the size the Coots’ organ concerned him, and rightly so. He vividly remembered the man who had ass fucked him last night at Nick’s, or at least he remembered his dick. He was big and it hurt. Coots’ cock was even bigger.
He felt the big man climb up onto the bed and move up behind him. Then he felt the man’s hand slide between the base plate of the rubber butt plug and his cheeks. Coots gently tugged on the plug, enough to stimulate Johnny’s anal ring muscle, but not enough to pull it free. Johnny moaned and his hips began to move as the device pulsated against his sphincter. Suddenly Coots tugged a little too hard and the plug slipped from the boy’s ass. Actually it came out not because he pulled to hard, but because the boy’s anal muscle had enough relaxed to allow the plug to slip out freely.
Coots popped the plug in and out of the boy several times with ease while he kept an eye on his video monitors. Even though the angle wasn’t the best, even in the monitors he could see that Johnny’s hole remained slightly agape when his ass was vacated. Pleased that his cameras were catching all the lurid action in great detail, Coots picked up a larger butt plug, displayed it to the cameras and then inserted into the boy.
Johnny’s eyes got big and he grunted as the larger plug was forced into his ass. To Johnny it seemed to be as big as that fucker from last night. It really didn’t hurt, but it was somewhat uncomfortable as it stretched his asshole wide.
Coots massaged Johnny’s smooth buttocks and rubbed his back to make his fuck-toy as comfortable as possible. Coots leaned over the squirming boy and kissed his neck and his ear and whispered, “You just stay here. I have to attend to something. When I get back, my cock is going up your ass and we’re really going to have some fun. Now just relax and let your asshole adjust. I’m bigger than this butt plug, but I won’t hurt you.”
The old perv left the boy and returned to the bathroom. From his cabinet he loaded an alprostadil penis suppository into the applicator and then inserted the suppository two-inchs inside his urethra. Compared to boy’s fingering his piss tube, the discomfort was so minor as to be unnoticeable. Confident that in ten minutes he’d have a massive hard-on that would last for well over an hour no matter how many time he ejaculated, Coots returned to his butt-boy.
Again he played with the butt plug, tugging at it and helping the boy’s sphincter to relax. The anal massage, coupled with the topical muscle relaxer and anesthesia, caused Johnny’s asshole to rapidly dilate for a fucking to remember. As the perv worked the boy’s ass, his cock began swelling; not so much from the erectile aide he’d used, but from the sheer excitement in anticipation of sodomizing this boy.
Finally the big plug popped out of the boy’s ass. With a hand held camera, Coots documented the boy’s gaping hole, pulsating as if winking to the audience. In, out, in, out, Coots inserted and gently popped the plug from the open entrance into Johnny’s body. The boy’s ass was ready.
Discarding the butt plug, Coots greased his pecker up and re-greased the receiving orifice. Leaning over the boy’s back, Coots kissed his ear and whispered, “You wanna be fucked?” Johnny, though still apprehensive, nodded his assent.
The old fucker sat upright. Checking the monitors left and right, he put his fat cockhead to the open asshole of the boy.
Johnny felt the big organ nestling between his cheeks and felt the head pressing into him. To the cameras it looked to be an impossible fit; small open hole and fist sized cock crown. The pressure on Johnny’s asshole was relentless. Even more relentless was stretching of his asshole around the massive cock head. The maximum diameter of the big butt plug was quickly reached, then exceeded and still the cock had not entered into the boy’s rectum. Johnny was gasping as the discomfort increased.
Uggghhhnnn,” the boy grunted. “Ugggghhhhnnnn.” Still his asshole was stretched even farther. “Ugghhnnnn!” The camera recorded the seemingly impossible as the fat cock head disappeared into the nine year old boy. Suddenly to Johnny’s relief, the head popped behind his rectal ring, bringing about some measure of relief to the abused muscle.
Coots paused for a moment with just his dickhead inside the butt-boy. On the monitor of another camera, Coots could see the boy’s face, twisted in a grimace. Knowing the worst was over, the man began pushing his huge cock into the boy. Inch by inch, the ravening monster was fed into the boy’s poor rectum while the kid grunted and moaned, the elastically yielding walls of his colon yielding to the unremitting intrusion.
With just a few inches of cock in the boy, Coots’ hips began moving, driving his cock in a shallow fucking motion, letting the kid’s ass adjust to his thick girth before driving deeper into the boy.
Thing were going smoothly and Coots was able to stuff the boy full of his cock without causing any real pain. Johnny was uncomfortable, his guts cramping around the big dick in his ass, but it really didn’t hurt. He felt full and incredibly bloated, but the sharp pains like last night were totally absent. Just as he was getting comfortable though, another inch of cock meat was shoved up inside him, taking away his breath.
With the root of his cock pressing against the boy’s stretched asshole andf his cockhead pressing into the sigmoid bend of the boy’s colon, Coots was genuinely surprised at how easily Johnny had taken his dick fully. Most boys would have been crying and carrying on, but not this little butt-fuck. He seemed to be enjoying it.
Even Johnny was amazed at how much dick had been shoved inside him. With each passing moment, the cramping was easing and discomfort was fading, giving way to a comforting warm glow. Coots had kept his word, he hadn’t hurt Johnny and Johnny was able to relax and let the man have his way with him. Still the magnitude of the violation made the boy grunt and groan as the big cock moved inside him.
Coots took his time. He had at least a hour and half before the erectile medication wore off and during that time, he would fuck the boy silly, coming up his ass two or three times if history was his guide. The old butt fucker felt the boy’s sphincter give up its struggle and relax like a worn out rubber band, resistance of the boy’s body to the man’s invading cock faded to nothingness. He could now fuck the boy at will without fear of tearing tissue.
But before the serious ass-pounding began, Coots removed all of his cock from the boy, and for the camera repeatedly withdrew and reinserted his cock into Johnny’s young yawning and violated anus.
Satisfied that he had sufficient and excellent footage, the real fucking began, slamming deep into the boy with punishing strokes, making the little whore boy howl gleefully.
It was about noon the next day when Coots saw Jeter’s truck bouncing up the rough track that led to the isolated farmhouse where over the years many a boy had been violated. Noting who it was, Coots continued what he was doing, sitting in his favorite armless rocker with the little boy’s abused dick between his fingers as he bounced the deranged kid on his demanding stiff cock.
Jeter saw the pair up on the porch. Of course seeing the kid still naked wasn’t a surprise as Johnny clothes, what there was of them, still lay on the floor of his truck where the gym shorts had been discarded yesterday. Nor did it surprise him to see old Coots in the buff as that was the old perv’s favorite state of dress, or rather, undress. At a distance from the truck, it just looked a grandpa with his grandson in his lap, even though both were nude.
It wasn’t until Jeter made it up onto the porch that he could see the base of the thick fuck rod poking out from the boy’s buttocks and Jeter could see the outline of the buried big dick distorting the kid’s bare belly. And it wasn’t until he was up close that he could see the boyish peter, red from abuse as Coots continued to masturbate the boy. But what alarmed him the most was Johnny’s expression, glassy eyed and slack jawed, with drool dripping from his mouth.
“Jesus Christ, Coots,” Jetter exclaimed, “I told you not to hurt him.”
“He ain’t hurt. Fucked up, but not hurt,” the hairy old man said as he pulled the boy’s head back with a handful of hair. “Little bastard got into my magic brownies this morning and ate two or three of the god damned things before I was even up! He’s just higher than a kite.”
“You know, I never seen a boy who loved being ass fucked as much as this one. I’m afraid he won’t be worth a shit to anyone else for a week, but hell, this kid can take an ass pounding! Keeps asking for more.”
“You know, it’ll be a few hours before he comes down enough for you to take him home to his mama, but you gotta take him with you now. I’m plumb wore out.”
Jeter shook his head, exasperated with the condition his best whore boy was being returned to him. Still there was time, plenty of time and Jeter had an urge to bust his nut.
“Hold his head, just like that,” the pimp requested. A moment later with his jeans discarded on the porch floor, Jeter straddled the pair sitting in the rocker and guided his tattooed dick to the boy’s slack mouth. As soon as his cock head brushed across the crazed boy’s lips, the boy greedily gobbled at Jeter’s dick head.
“Give me some of that action,” Coots demanded. Jeter pulled his cock from the boy’s mouth and pushed it into the greedy old pervert’s mouth. The studded tongue expertly lashed at the sensitive underside of Jeter’s cock and very quickly brought things to a head.
Just as Jeter was about to erupt into the old fucker’s mouth, he pulled out and squirted the boy in the face and in the mouth. Sated he rocked back and watched as Coots scoured the boy’s creamed face, lapping up Jeter’s jiz.
With speckles of semen on his beard, Coots lifted the boy off his cock with a wet sucking sound like a boot pulling free of thick mud. The boy moaned, protesting the sudden emptiness he felt. Coots deftly put him over his lap and spread apart his ass checks for Jeter’s inspection.
Gazing directly up into the boy’s rectal canal, Jeter muttered, “Jesums! I can’t take him home looking like that.”
“He’ll close up in an hour or so. Should sober up in a few hours too. Here, he’s yours. Now if you don’t mind, I need to start editing all that video. Let me tell you, Jeter; they’re gonna love it. Don’t be surprised if I call you for another session with this one. He’s not a cry baby like your other kid.”
“Is that his name? Pain-in-the-ass is more like it.”
It was late in the afternoon before Johnny walked into his house with his backpack from his “camping trip” with Nick and his dad. He still had a slight buzz on and struggled to act as normally as possible.
“How was the camping trip,” his mother asked as she stirred a pot on the stove.
His asshole still slightly agape and throbbing, Johnny managed without giggling, “Great! Thanks for letting me go, Mom.”
His dad, sitting at the kitchen table reading a magazine, looked up briefly and added, "Well, boys should go camping. Builds character and good memories.”
“How’d you stay so clean?” his mother asked. “I was expecting you to be filthy. Well, you go wash up. Supper will be ready in a half an hour.”
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