by E.A. Grant

(Ff, inc, oral, anal, toys)

Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted 2010 with all rights expressly reserved by its author unless explicitly granted.

Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read or view sexually explicit material in the community you view such material, please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex between minors and adults, or any other situation, please check the story code before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.

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“I know something special.”

“That’s nice sweetie…Eat your cereal Janet.  Mommy is in a hurry.”

“I know what you did in your room last night.”

“Don’t be silly Sweetheart.”

“I do.”

“No, you don’t. It’s not nice to fib to Mommy.”

“I’m not fibbing Mommy.”

“Janet... Stop it.”

“O.K., but it’s true.”

 “I said stop.”

“I do know Mom. I saw you.”

“My bedroom door is always closed and locked. So you certainly did not.”

“I can see you from my closet.”

“Don’t be silly… Please eat your cereal.”

“Well I can… there’s a little hole.”


“I see you lots of times… I saw you last night with that man.”

“Janet… My God!  You’re serious aren’t you?”

“Yes, of course… want to see?”

“Yes, right this minute young lady.”

***** PART 1 *****

Janet was a very pretty, bright, and especially curious ten-year-old. She had long curly black hair and bright brown eyes with full lashes. She only weighed some seventy pounds and stood a few inches over four feet, but they were charming pounds and delightful inches and feet.  Accept for her plump, delicious looking little butt, she really didn’t have any of the curves she would have in just a few years, but was still totally feminine in delicate gestures and fluid movement.  She and her young un-married mother lived in a small moderately expensive condo-apartment in Boston’s south end.

Life was good for mother and daughter. First of all because Martha, the mother, was well educated and had an excellent job with a recent promotion to senior patent attorney for a major medical firm.  The second reason the Martha was so pleased with her life was because of her secret avocation.  She was (she enjoyed the sound of the phrase), a ‘cocktail lounge whore’. Not for the money, no, no, no… she just took the money for the overwhelmingly decadent feeling it gave her. No, not at all for the money, she did it for the sheer fun of it. The excessive self-indulgence in this kind of deviant behavior absolutely thrilled her, tickled her tummy and moistened her pussy.

When Martha was very young, Janet’s age more or less, and long before her pregnancy, Martha had learned that she loved sex, really, really loved it; more apparently, than most little girls. Her first contact was with her two young uncles. They taught her to suck cock when she was even younger than Janet.  They would finger both her holes while they face fucked her and finish cumming all over her face. She loved the taste and feeling.

Then at seventeen, a junior in high school, she had her daughter, the child the direct result of her erotic excesses.   Her baby had immediately become her new first love. She never did know who the father might have been, but knew it could have been anyone of several men including a teacher and a number of her male relatives. But she never would have changed the result for the world; she was very much in love with her new daughter.  After that, she used precautions to be certain that there would be no more surprises.

Then for amusement in college, she had turned to prostitution just for kicks. She came from a well to do family, but blossomed under the feeling of the crude, low-class way she could act as a whore. She loved being a blatant ‘dirty girl’, the words ‘filthy slut’, played in her mind like a personal anthem and made her teeth itch and her mouth water and her nipples harden. Back then the boys all knew she would do the dirty for a few dollars and she did. In an inspired moment she had added females and threesomes to her repertoire all for a bit of cash, thank you, and a sizzling hot memory to masturbate to later alone.

As an adult Martha’s simple method of finding men was tried and true.  She would simply let professional men in up-scale bars pick her up and then bring them home.  She charged them two hundred dollars and let them stay as long as they liked and let them do with her whatever they liked.   One rule was that they had to be out before six AM when Janet would wake up.  Martha had few sexual limits and really got off on mild abuse, which was second on her thrill meter to getting paid for fucking for cash in the first place.  She didn’t have to charge them at all, she made more money than most of the Johns, but the delightfully decadent scenario was just to-to delicious for her to resist.

Martha’s mother would have died if she had known, if she were still alive that is.  ‘Imagine,’ she might have said Martha day dreamed, ‘sweet little Martha, a one-twenty-two IQ, Rhodes-scholar, doctor of law, professional success, mother of a beautiful baby girl, the very embodiment of female achievement and wholesomeness was in the end… just another fucking whore.’

‘Yes, yes, Mom,’ she would imagine replying to her mother, ‘Martha the slut whore.’ Martha loved the sound of it, the tone and tremor danced as it rolled off her tongue and over her lips, it gave her the loveliest goose bumps.


Janet led her mother by the hand, down the hall and into her room then into the closet. “You’ll have to bend down, Mommy.  I made the little hole for my size. On your knees you can see best. There is a piece of that plaster stuff missing in the closet, so all I had to do was cut a small hole with a potato peeler through your side. Actually it’s the second hole, Mom, the first one was behind your bureau and I couldn’t see anything.”

And there it was. A tiny funnel shaped hole that ended with a hole about as big as a lead pencil directly across from Martha’s bed. Down on her knees now she looked through the hole only eight feet or so from her bed; the bed that Martha had been fucking the balls off of a twenty–two year old whiz-kid the night before.  She felt a strange fear-thrill building in her stomach.

Imagining what her daughter must have seen, Martha was suddenly lightheaded and slowly stood and walked out of the closet and sat on her daughter’s bed to clear her head. ‘Oh my, what to do?’

“Listen, Janet, that is very naughty of you.”  What could she do now or say? Why did she feel such a strong sexual excitement?

“You shouldn’t be spying on your mother.”  For some reason Martha was not really as angry as she knew she should be; confused about how she felt, but not angry.  She was, however, curious. 

“Why did you do it, honey?”

Janet was more thoughtful now, she watched her Mom carefully for an indication of how she felt. “I could hear you in there and I couldn’t imagine what you were doing. Then I found out.”

The outrageous idea of her daughter watching her stimulated Martha rather than anger her. She felt the wetness begin between her pussy lips and tightly crossed her legs and squeezed her thighs together. She felt new sensations in her belly, strange, but not unpleasant, in fact she admitted to herself the sensations were actually quite pleasant. The idea of having an audience and that audience being her own daughter was crazy, but erotic. She realized that had she only known her daughter was watching, it would have been a much better climax. She would have really put on a demonstration. ‘The little bitch’, she thought and smiled to herself.

Janet caught the beginning of a smile on her mother’s face and knew she was safe.

“You saw the man, didn’t you, Peanut?”

“Yes… I saw him and you doing the dirty.”

“Oh, my… and how many other times did you watch me and other people?”

“Just a few, two times with other men and once with Mrs. Forest.”            

Martha bit the inside of her lip then asked, “You saw me making love to Mrs. Forest? Well, I…” and then she just didn’t know what to say next.

“Yes, her and then just you by yourself a lot of times.  Those times it was just you and that hot dog looking thing that makes the buzzing sound.”

This was almost too much for Martha. She fought back a smile, bit the inside of her own lip again and went on. “Well, you were very bad to watch without permission, but I’m really not very mad, Sweetie.  Still I would like to know, so I’ll understand, after the first time, why did you keep watching? You knew what was happening. Did you just like watching?”

Now Janet wouldn’t look at her mother. She had liked watching a lot and knew for some reason her mother was not really upset; still she would be careful with her words. Janet’s cheeks began to slowly redden.  She stood looking at the floor demurely, her shoulders slowly turning from side to side. “I don’t know Mommy, I just did.  That’s all.”

“No, Janet, that’s not all.  There has to be a real reason. You knew what you would see.  You must have liked it, I think.”  Lifting the girl up Martha sat her in her lap. She carefully placed a curled finger under Janet’s jaw and gently forced the young girl’s head back until mother and daughter were looking into each other’s eyes. Suddenly Martha knew why her daughter had continued to spy on her, she knew and she loved it.

“I bet you didn’t have panties on in the closet, did you?” Martha spoke   gently to Janet, continuing to hold the pre-teens chin in her hand although Janet’s eye lids had half closed and her eyes focused on her own hands in her lap. “Well… did you, Sweetie?”


“And you had a hand down between your legs, didn’t you?”

With blushing cheeks Janet was now even slower to answer her mother, but she did, in a near whisper, “Sometimes.”

“And where did you learn to do that, Janet.”

The tiny voice again, “From watching you with that hot-dog thing, and the girls at school talk about putting their fingers there. It felt good Mom.” Her eyes lifted to again meet her mothers.

‘God,’ Martha thought. Her daughter was playing with herself at such a young age. Then she realized that she too had been ten (or was she nine) when she had started. The same year in fact that she had begun regularly sucking off both of her teenaged uncles.

“You don’t have to be embarrassed, Jan. Everyone does it.  It’s called masturbating. All men and women masturbate.  It’s very natural. You’re too young for the hot-dog thing, but I have a small vibrator you can use on your clit if you like. Do you know what a clit is, baby?

Janet looked up at her mother still nervous but more confident now, “No, I don’t know. What is it?”

Martha smiled, her erotic buttons had all been pushed, she was on a roll.  But this was her daughter.  Should she stop? She squeezed her thighs tighter and plunged ahead. “A special spot that feels wonderful.  I can teach you that and some other things about your body if you want me to. Would you like that, Honey?”

“I guess so.” She smiled at her Mom. “I just know it feels good when I touch myself.” A bit nervous now, she was twisting and turning her fingers.   

 Martha couldn’t believe she was going to fool around with her own daughter, but she knew she was. She had no idea of making this a biology lesson. Someone had to teach her about sex didn’t they? Who better than her own mother?  It made perfect sense… and what a turn on!

“I can show you all about your clit and how to use the vibrator tonight after dinner, Sweetie. Some other stuff too if you’re interested and  want to learn.” She kissed Janet on the forehead and gave her a squeeze. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you too, Mom.” Janet liked being held tightly in her mother’s arms. Janet’s own excitement was building now.  What would her Mom show her? Her pee hole was a little wet and itchy.

Martha looked down at her precious daughter sitting on her lap now smiling up at her, their eyes locked together in a new bond. She ran a finger slowly, thoughtfully over Janet’s lips, almost mystically.  Then not wanting to lose the moment, she bent forward and gave her daughter a long, soft kiss on the mouth.

The soft kiss, the sweet touch of her daughter’s soft lips, ignited a blaze in Martha’s soul that would become almost uncontrollable.

***** PART 2 *****

Mother and daughter, one at work, one in her fifth grade school room, both realized that something was about to change in their lives. Janet was a little apprehensive about what would happen that evening. She remembered her mother’s kiss and couldn’t wait.

For her part Martha just tingled with anticipation whenever the thought crossed her mind. At two fifteen Janet was let out of school and once home called her Mom, as she always did, to let her know she was safely in the apartment.

“Good girl, Jan.  Be sure to do all your homework, Sweetie, so we will have the evening to do what we were talking about this morning.”

 “I don’t have any home work, Mom, except for some spelling words and those will be finished in just a few minutes. Will you be home at your regular time?”

“Yes, Honey. I went out at lunch time and bought you a special present. I can’t wait to give it to you.”

“Goody!  Then you’ll hurry home and I can see it?”

“Yes.  I’ll see you in just a little while. Bye for now, Jan. Mommy loves you.”

“Bye, Mom.”

Martha usually got home around six and that is just when she unlocked the door to her apartment and was welcomed by a smiling Janet. She knew she wouldn’t be in the mood to cook and they wouldn’t want to go out, so she had brought home a large pizza. It was November, so it was already getting dark.  Martha sat two candles on the kitchen table, lit them and turned out the lights.

“Because this is such a special night, Jan, let’s not have any lights on; just candles.  O.K.?”

“Oh, yes! I love just candles. Do you have a special present for me?”  Janet looked particularly pretty in the candle light. Her whole body seemed to glow from within.

“I have it, but you can’t have it until later. You’ll like it.”

Martha handed Janet a slice of pizza on a paper plate and then a glass of Coke. “Now, let’s eat and then we can go to my room and begin your ‘lesson’.” 

Martha looked at her daughter with new eyes. Why hadn’t she seen it before? She was a splendid, almost perfect copy of her mother, pretty, sexual, bright and curious. All the things Martha had been as a nine-year-old girl, but she hadn’t had anyone to explain things to her; just male cocks pushed into her mouth. With her daughter it would be different.  Sex would never be forced, but shared with love and respect.

They talked lightly about school and the coming week. They talked about a new movie they both wanted to see, about school and they talked about a T.V. award show.  They didn’t talk about sex.

“Well,’’ said Martha as she wiped her mouth.  They had finished with the pizza, “take your candle Honey and let’s go in my room.”  Mother and daughter walked down the dark hall and into Martha’s bedroom. They lit two more candles and placed the candles, two on each bedside table. The result was a warm intimate light that gave off friendly flickering shadows and a feeling of safety, comfort and warmth in a strangely floating semi-real world.   

They sat next to each other on the side of the bed. “Now, this is the beginning of the fun, Jan. Why don’t we start where we left off this morning, with a kiss?” 

Sitting her daughter in her lap she bent her head to her daughter and was surprised that Jan had her eyes already closed and her face upturned waiting for her mother’s not very motherly kiss. Martha moistened her own lips and kissed Jan’s waiting mouth. Her lips were soft and sweet beyond description or belief.  She had clearly surrendered to her mother or perhaps she had she captured her mother. Martha ran her tongue over Jan’s lips, but didn’t force her tongue into the girl’s mouth, not yet.

“If I’m going to show you how to enjoy your body,” the mother said softly but with growing excitement, “you’ll have to undress, Sweetheart.  I’ll undress too so you can see how I masturbate and all that stuff. Just for the fun of it, we can undress each other. If there is anything you don’t want to do, just tell me and we won’t do it… O.K.?  But don’t be scared, Honey.  Nothing bad is going to happen… ever.”

“O.K.,” Janet said. She was feeling quite ‘funny’, she had liked her mother’s kiss and now was excited but a little scared too.  She thought it felt like she did waiting in line for the roller coaster, only better.

Martha started by unbuttoning, then taking off Jan’s white lacy blouse. Under it Janet had on an undershirt and Martha noticed for the first time that her daughter had some nipple puffiness that slightly bulged out the undershirt, perhaps because she was sexually excited under the circumstances.  “Now you can take off my blouse, Sweetie.”

Janet wasn’t very sure how to start but suspected she would be able to see her mother’s large breasts soon and that made her very happy; she wanted to see them close up. Slowly she unbuttoned Martha’s blouse pulled it free of her skirt, slid it off her mother’s arms and dropped it on top of her own.  Jan was surprised at how big her mother’s tits, still trapped in her bra were. She giggled, “Wow, Mom… they are really big, aren’t they?”

“Yours will be big someday, Jan. In fact I think we’ll have to buy you a little girl bra very soon. Now off with that undershirt.”

Martha tugged the undershirt off her daughter and looked at the swollen nipples. She was surprised to see the distinctly developed pink areola and the small, pink, erect nipples.  Watching Jan’s reaction she gently brushed the back of her fingers over Janet’s firm pink nipples.

Jan inhaled at the feeling of her mother’s fingers and said “Oh, that tickles Mom… It feels so good.”

Accepting that as permission, Martha kissed Jan again while she repeated the nipple touching. “You are growing grown-up nipples, Honey. They are ever so-so pretty. I know, honey, it feels good, Love. We girls always like nipple touching.  We like to have our nipples kissed and sucked too.”

Bending her head she softly lapped, then sucked on one of her daughter’s nipples. Smiling a knowing smile into Janet’s eyes Martha said, “Your turn now, you can take off my bra.”

Janet unhooked the pretty white, front hooking bra and the cups fell free of Martha’s tits. They were young firm tits, but quite large and they hardly dropped down at all. Janet looked in amazement at the tan areola and the dark brown nipples. Nipples that were, like her own, very much erect. She looked at the nipples then at her mother and then at the nipples again and touched her mother’s nipples with her small fingers. “Does that feel good, Mommy?  I love the way they look and feel. They are really hard, Mom.”

“Your fingers feel wonderful, Jan. Later I’ll show you other thing to do to my tits that feels good too. See if you like this…”  Martha bent forward some and held her tit up so the nipple came in contact with her daughter’s nipple. She moved her nipple up and down over Janet’s nipple several times.  Martha felt electricity rush through her body as the mother/daughter nipples touched… her eyes closed and she moaned.

Jan gasped for breath and then giggled a bit, “That does feel really funny, Mom… really, really good.” 

Martha moved away a little, “Wow little one, I thought it would feel good, but not that good…Christ was that hot.”

 Martha unbuckled Jan’s belt, un-zipped her skirt and pulled the pleated material down and off the girls thin legs. She could see that Jan’s white cotton panties had a large wet spot in the crotch. She couldn’t wait to find out how wet. “Now your turn, Honey.” 

Jan had seen her mother nude through the tiny hole and at a distance. This was way different. Now Jan was anxious to see her mom nude in front of her. She expertly unbuttoned her mother’s skirt and wiggled it off of her. She was surprised to find that Martha was wearing old fashioned stocking with a garter belt and not pantyhose. The garter belt looked sexy as anything. Her mother’s belly was flat and she had a green precious stone that had been permanently imbedded in her belly button. Jan could see her mother’s pubic hair under her sheer black lace panties.

Martha slowly slid her hands down over her daughter’s sides, then inch by inch, Martha slid Jan’s panties off of her thin legs and looked at her daughter’s completely hairless pussy. The pink-white outer lips were more than moist looking.  They were soaked with beads of transparent juice… ‘Cunt juice,’ she said to herself… clinging to the slit, the slit that was still tightly closed.

“You have such a pretty body, darling. I haven’t paid enough attention to how my little girl was growing up. We’ll have to change that.”

Janet felt a little uncomfortable having her Mom looking at her ‘down there’, but soon ignored it. As her mother stared at her cunt she began to have more tickling feelings in her tummy.  Now she wished that her mother would touch her there. Her pussy needed and wanted to be touched. But it was her turn to take off her mother’s panties.

Martha stood and studied Jan’s face as she lowered her mother’s panties. There was no hesitation or unwillingness at all, only a healthy curiosity.  Then with a little help Janet unhooked her mother’s stockings from the garter belt slid them down her smooth hairless legs.  Finally she unhooked the garter belt itself. Martha sat back down on the bed near the foot board and Jan sat facing Martha close to the headboard.  

The first thing Jan noticed was that her mother must have shaved her pussy hair; she had read about that. The shiny black curls fairly called out to Jan to reach out and touch them. She resisted the temptation and just drank in the vision of her beautiful nude mother. She could smell her mother’s perfume and now some other smell, the smell of her mother’s sex.

“Just lie back on the pillow, sweetheart and spread your legs open for Mommy.” 

Janet did just as she was told and looked into her mother’s eyes waiting. Martha moved up and lay down next to Jan, then bending over her daughter, kissed her gently on the lips. Then she kissed her throat… then her shoulder. She ran her tongue in a silver saliva trail down to her left nipple and Martha kissed the small erect knob of pleasure. She sucked the nipple listening to Janet’s moans of pleasure then moved to the right nipple sucking and biting. At the same time she used her fingers to tease and twist the now slippery left nipple. Jan whimpered in delight and squirmed in a new pleasure while her mother sucked and kissed her body.  

Janet, feeling she needed to do something, let her hand grasp her mother’s big tit with the huge nipple that fascinated her so.  She loved the smooth softness of the tit and squeezed it gently noting with a little surprise the weight of the large fleshy orb. “Your boob is so beautiful Mommy. I wish mine were like that. Will they ever be?”

“Silly girl, of course they will and sooner than you might imagine. I love the feeling of your hands on me, Jan… on my tit. Don’t stop.  When you were a baby you used to suck on my nipple, it made me feel really sexy. Why don’t you suck on it right now, Baby. I would love that.”

Without answering Janet lifted her mother’s tit slightly and lapped the nipple as her mother had done for her. Then with her eyes meeting her mother’s, she sucked the nipple into her mouth and nursed it gently; she never stopped looking at her Mom.  Within the knowing stare there was a world of mutual understanding and consent.

Jan’s untrained tongue circled the very erect nipple feeling every tiny dip and rise of the textured areola. She sucked on her mother as a baby would, sending deep ripples of contentment and warm-pink satisfaction through her mother. Her daughter’s tongue made Martha’s finger tips tingle, her belly contract and her cunt begin to drip.

“Oh, Darling yes!   Yes, suck your Mommy’s nipple baby.  Oh, that feels sooooo wonderful.  Just keep doing what you’re doing now for a minute or so.”

Martha’s hand had slid between her own legs and she teased her clit with a single finger. “Hmmm, you are too special, Sweetheart,” she whispered to Jan as the girl sucked her mother.  After a minute or so she softly removed her daughter from her breast and brought the girl’s mouth up to Martha’s. They kissed once again, softly but now with unrestrained emotion.  Martha brought her cunt juice covered finger up to Jan’s lips and painted them with the erotic mixture. “Can you taste Mommy’s juice Jan.  Tell me if you like it.” They cuddled close.

Jan had seen her Mom’s hand between her legs and guessed what she was doing. The same thing that Jan had done while she watched her Mom from the closet. “It tastes good Mom.  A little salty, but mostly sweet like salty, clear syrup.”

“I’m going to let you taste me down there in a little while, Sweetie.  First let me show you what part feels the best to touch for us girls.” 

Martha had Janet put a pillow against the head board and then to sit up against it.

“Spread your legs open wide, Jan, then open your pussy lips just like I’m doing to mine.”  Martha sat facing Jan with her legs open like Jan’s.  She spread open her outer lips and fingered her clit with her index finger.

“See the little stiff, pink finger, Honey.  That’s what we call a ‘clit’. That really feels super when you rub it.  It is always wet and slippery, so your finger slides over it and gives you goose bumps. You try it, Sweetheart.”

Jan had often felt good while she played with herself, but really didn’t know how or why. Now she did and started to gently rub her clit with wet fingers. Her Mom was right… that was the spot. Her fingers slid back and forth while she stared at her mother’s cunt. She hoped she would be able to taste that clit soon.

“Oh, Mommy, that does feel good.  It feels really, really good. Can I feel your cl…clit?  It’s a lot bigger than mine.”     

And that is just what Martha was thinking too. “Of course you can, Baby.” She moved closer to Jan and placed Jan’s finger on her clit. “Is that what you want to feel Jan?”

“Oh, yes.  Just like that… Your clit is really warm, Mom. It feels really sexy to be touching you like this.  I know it’s naughty,” she looked at her mother’s clit with a fascinated pleased gaze, “but it’s super fun.”

Without asking, Martha slid her hand between Jan’s legs and fingered her daughter’s hairless cunt, concentrating on her small clit. Jan’s clit was naturally smaller than her mother’s, but just as excited and stiff. The pleasure of being sexual with her own daughter caused ripples of delight to surge through Martha’s blood. The questions about incest were still there, but minute by minute they were fading into the background. She knew now that for her and Jan, this was the right thing to be doing. This was surely the most gratifying erotic experience of her life.  She loved it, and so did Janet.

Instinctively Jan thrust her pelvis forward a bit and spread her thighs even further.  The girl liked Martha’s touch and wanted more. Martha smiled inwardly and added a second finger to Jan’s hot cunt, sliding in the preteen’s slippery moisture and beginning her ‘daughter-pussy-rape’. Mother and daughter closed their eyes and enjoyed the sensations of feeling and being felt for a minute.

“I know you like that, Janet, but I have something even better to show you.” Martha sat up and knelt in front of Janet.  Jan disappointed that her Mother had stopped fingering her looked at Martha skeptically while her mother repositioned her.

“Now, Baby, this is real grown up sex. I know you’ll like it a lot… You’ll see. Lay down flat for Mommy and spread your legs open again… Yes, that’s it, Sweetie.” Martha spread the young girl’s legs apart a little more... “Now Honey, bend your knees and grab your legs behind your knees and pull them apart and back.  That will make your pussy wide open for me, and even your sweet little bum hole.”

Martha helped Jan who seemed very interested in what was going to happen next.  Jan rolled her pelvis forward perfectly giving her mother a full clear view of her ass hole and cunt.

“Oh, Baby, what a beautiful little cunt you have and such a cute butt hole. We should have been doing this a long time ago, Sweetie… I’m sorry if I wasn’t being a good mom. But I love you and I love that pretty pussy. Now I’ll show you how grown up females make love. Hold your little cunt lips open for your mother.”

Jan held her cunt open while her mother, lying on her stomach between Jan’s legs began to make incestuous oral love to her daughter.  Lifting Jan’s ass just a little Martha started by taking long laps between Jan’s legs.  She played and lapped with her ten-year-old daughter’s asshole with her tongue a little and then lapped from her back hole to her clit. Back and forth she went several times while Jan wiggled and moaned her pleasure.

Martha kissed and lapped the hairless mound that had only the slightest fine mist of tan hair covering snow white skin. Jan’s cunt was soaking wet and some wetness had stained the sheet under her ass. Martha couldn’t believe the delicious aroma of her little daughter’s cunt. She could clearly smell Jan’s pungent wet sex and the bitter sweet smell of urine.  Mostly there was the overwhelming smell of a horny female who needed, wanted and sought sex. The daughter wanted to have sex with the mother; of that Martha was now certain, and the feeling was mutual as Martha’s dripping pussy could give evidence.

Martha covered Jan’s complete cunt opening with her mouth. She ran her tongue deep into her daughter’s cunt and then slid her tongue around the inside walls of the girls pussy.  She lapped between the outer and inner lips and sucked a little on Jan’s clit, then she did it all again, and again and again, but each time she sucked on the clit a little longer, sucking and pulling it and then temporarily abandoning it.

Eventually Jan put her hands on her mother’s head, tightened her young fingers in her hair and pulled her in tighter while she rotated her cunt into her mother’s face. That was what Martha had been waiting for. Taking the signal as a green light to do what she liked, she sucked the hard little clit into her mouth and lashed at Jan’s baby clit with her tongue. At the same time Martha pushed one then two, saliva soaked fingers up Jan’s virgin ass and began finger fucking her black hole.

“Oh, stop... Mommy stop! Please, it hurts… Oh, stop, my poop hole is too small.  Just stop for a minute.” 

Martha stopped pushing her finger up Jan’s ass for a moment, but was pleased to feel Jan still pushing her pussy tighter against her mouth.

“I’ll go slower in your pooper, Jan. Just relax your hole, then you’ll like it. If you’re going to be Mommy’s little slut you’ll have to learn to get ass fucked. I love to do it and have it done to me. You will learn to like it I promise.”  That was the first time Martha had thought of Jan as her slut.  It was a fun thought she would pursue. 

She held Jan’s clit tight between her lips and sucked it, played with it and abused it with her tongue. At the same time she started to move her finger in and out of Jan’s ass again slowly at first then faster but Jan’s ass hole was clearly more relaxed this time. 

Jan had begun to sweat and moan with her eyes shut while Martha moved her toward her first real climax. With two fingers up her daughter’s ten-year-old ass, Martha sucked her closer and closer to the precipice of bliss. With her other hand she twisted and pulled on Jan’s tender, but swollen nipple.

Martha had stopped for a few moments.  Jan opened her eyes to see why. “That felt so good, Mom.  Why did you stop?”

“I didn’t stop, love, I just had to get you one of your surprises. Now pull your legs back up like you had them.”  Martha resumed her prone position close to Jan’s cunt. “Way up dear so I can see your poop hole. That’s it… good.”

Jan felt her mother spread something like cream around her ass hole. Then she felt something hard and smooth entering her hole.

“Don’t fight it, Jan.  You’ll love this, Baby… relax your hole.  That’s a good, Baby.”

Jan felt the ‘thing’ slide into her, it made her a little uncomfortable, but not much. Then her mother’s mouth was at her cunt again only faster and harder.  She felt her clit being hard sucked, pinched, bitten and whipped by her mother’s tongue.  Her mother was sliding the ‘thing’ back and forth now and it no longer was a bad feeling, but had become quite pleasant. It was bigger by two, than the fingers that her Mom had pushed into her, perhaps the size of a real cock, but her back hole accepted it willingly. She was so close to… what? Something, but she knew not what.  Closer and closer and closer.

Now her mother did something to the ‘thing’ and it began buzzing and vibrating inside her and Jan exploded in a torrent of new feeling. Bells and buzzers went off in every muscle; her blood felt like it was boiling. Her eyes rolled in their sockets.  She saw roman candles, lightening, stars and burst of color that were indescribable.  She was floating and she was pleasantly drowning in a sea of strange wonderful feelings. Her brain said, “Stop.”  Her body disobeyed and continued to be consumed in the fire of passion.

She may have fainted or may have just lost track of time, but the next thing she knew her mother was gently lapping her clean between her legs. Martha gently lapped and penetrated her daughter’s ass hole and pussy with her tongue.       

“Oh, Mom, what happened to me?”

Martha smiled and explained. “You had a climax, Jan.  Your first real one I would guess. You almost drowned me with your juice.” She laughed and hugged her daughter. 

***** PART 3 *****

They lay together for a few minutes until Martha decided that Janet had rested enough. Martha’s sexual nerves were on a razors edge.  Still she had to go slow with her daughter and not push to far too fast. She knew that if she moved at Janet’s pace things would work out best. She would have to suppress some of the sexual delights for the time being.  It would be just a matter of time, she knew before Jan would want it all.  Just as she had at Jan’s age.  Yes, she would learn and experience strap-ons, fisting her mom, bondage and of course, being used by adult men with big cocks. All of that and so much more… but one careful step at a time.

The mother could think of so many wonderful ways the two of them could enjoy each other. To begin with, Jan had to not only like the sex, but feel safe with her mother.  Martha would enjoy giving and receiving simple sex with Janet. Teach, teach, teach with patience.

“Come along, Baby, let’s take a shower together.  We should do that from now on. I’ll wash you and you wash me.  How does that sound?”

“Sounds like fun, Mom. I feel all sticky down there. Can we do it  you know, the sex stuff… again later?”

“I’m sure we will, Jan.” Martha smiled down at her daughter knowing that they certainly would be doing the ‘sex stuff later’.

Within moments they were laughing and playing in the ceramic tiled shower stall.  They each had a bar of soap and Martha started by soaping Jan’s arms tummy and chest. Of course she pulled gently on Jan’s nipples and saw the reaction in her daughter’s dancing eyes. ‘Could it be,’ Martha wondered ‘that her daughter was just as much of a slut as her mother?’  She hoped so. In fact now thinking about it and smiling, she was sure of it.

“Now you do me, Honey”, Martha said.

The warm water ran over both females while they washed. Jan enthusiastically started to soap her Mom. She loved the way the soap and water made her mom’s skin slide under her fingers. She was so smooth and warm and thought she was so sexy. She paid special attention to her mother’s swinging tits. Washing away the soap with the detached shower-spray, Jan again sucked her Mom’s nipple. Martha just closed her eyes and moaned. Jan’s finger found her Mom’s clit and played with it for a minute.

Martha took a moment, not very long, before she was on her knees lapping at Jan’s still erect clit. Martha’s hands pulled Jan’s ass cheeks so Jan’s cunt pushed into Martha’s mouth. She whipped at the tiny pink finger of pleasure then stopped and stood.

“It is so much fun taking a shower with you, Jan. Why didn’t we do it before?”

“Because you never asked, Mom. I would have done it.  I always had a sexy feeling about undressing you.”  Jan giggled surprised she had said that. But it was true. 

Jan put her head between her mother’s tits, her right arm around Martha’s waist. Her left hand found her Mum’s pubic hair. A moment later Jan’s fingers were plunging in and out, deep in her mother’s pussy. She turned her face up to her mother and with the warm water cascading over them they kissed, a slow deep kiss of promise… a special kiss.  They both knew that they were now lovers. They continued to hug and kiss for a few minutes, Jan continuing to finger fuck her mother.

Then Martha spoke, “Remember what I did to your bum hole, Jan? You know with my mouth?”

“Of course, Mommy. It was really nice. It tickled and it felt sexy. Mostly it just felt good.” Jan was no longer hesitant talking to her Mom. She talked to her like any friend.

“If I turn around, can you do that for me, Little One?  I love to have someone playing with my dark hole.” Martha put a hand on either side of Jan’s face and looked into her eyes to see if she could see any hesitation or doubt; there was none, just a look of adventure and interest in an exciting new activity.

“Sure, I’ll do that, Mom,” Jan said while her fingers continued to perform.

“Jan, you know that your mother is a slut… You know that don’t you?  A dirty slut most people would say.” The water continued to pour down.

“What’s a slut?” her innocent daughter asked.

“It’s a girl who enjoys sex very much; enjoys it a lot.”

“I guess I know that. I enjoy it too, with you. Does that mean I’m one too?  I hope so.  I like what you like. Can I be a slut too, Mommy?”

“Sure, we can both be sluts, Jan. Mother and daughter sluts.  But you’ll be my special slut and I’ll show you everything sluts like me love to do.  Would you like that, baby?”

“It sounds so naughty.”

“It is naughty, baby.  Very naughty and it has to be our secret.”

Martha turned around, bent over and held onto the chrome bath bar, displaying her asshole and swollen cunt to her daughter.

Jan knew what her mother wanted, of course, but took a moment to enjoy the sight of her mother’s asshole and cunt so clearly in sight. She sprayed Martha’s ass with the shower-sprayer, then washed Martha’s cunt and back hole. She enjoyed hearing her Mom moaning as she played the spray back and forth. Then she took a taste.

Jan’s little tongue was not long enough or strong enough to push very far into the tight hole. She did get a little of the bitter taste, but contented herself, and her slutty mother, with a long wet session of hole lapping. Jan’s fingers were back in her mother’s cunt playing with her clit.

“Oh, Baby that’s enough, that’s enough for now. Mommy is so close to her climax I think we should get back to the bed.” Standing Martha turned around and hugged her daughter.  

All Martha could think about was her daughter and the wonderful garden of delight that had already opened up and the possibilities yet ahead. How she loved Janet, she thought. Yes, they were indeed two peas in a pod. 

***** PART 4 *****

Dried and giggling, mother and daughter rushed to get under the covers and the warmth the blanket promised for their still damp bodies.  Nose to nose they cuddled, cuddling turned to hugging and hugging turned into kissing then finally kissing turned to touching.  Kissing had made both their cunts tingle.

Martha slid her leg between Janet’s legs and moved the leg against her little girl’s pussy.  Smiling, Jan responded at once by pushing her once again wet pussy against her mother’s leg. No longer tentative or unsure of what her mother wanted, she had become more aggressive. Only an hour before, they were just mother and daughter, now she was her mother’s sex toy, and she accepted that as truth… but she also knew that her mother was her toy as well.

“Gosh Mom, that feels so-so nice on my pussy. Your leg is going to get all wet,” she giggled.     

“Your wet cunt feels terrific, Baby. Your juice feels sexy as hell. Now I have another present for you.”  Martha reached over to the bedside table again and unwrapped a young girl sized pink vibrator shaped just like an erect cock. “Here Sweetie…you’ll love this. It’s bigger and softer than the vibrator I pushed into your butt hole.  Its soft plastic with lots of tiny plastic fingers, it vibrates like the other one, but the end twists and is filled with bouncing beads inside of the plastic. It will give your little pussy the best feeling of anything except a real man’s cock.”

Martha turned on the new vibrator and touched it to Jan’s cheek. She watched her daughter as Jan concentrated on the sensations. A big smile broke out on Jan’s face as she looked into her mother’s eyes. “Oh Mom, that is so neat!  It’s a really strange feeling.  Can you do it for me on my pussy.”   

“Of course, sweetheart, I was planning to. But first you should try sucking the end like I did to the man’s cock last night. You said you saw me didn’t you?”

“Yes, I saw you.  It looked gross, Mom.  But I bet its fun isn’t it?”

“Oh, yes it is fun and men love it.  So you should get used to the feeling. Open your mouth Jan and close your lips around the soft head.”

Martha put the rubber cockhead inside her daughter mouth and Jan tightened her lips around it. Martha turned the vibrator on low and moved the sex toy in and out of Jan’s mouth as if it were an adult male face-fucking Jan’s ten-year-old mouth. The idea so excited Martha as she watched the toy move in and out that she knew she would have to arrange just that activity soon for her baby girl with a fat male cock, a real live cock. She took the vibrator out of Jan’s mouth and smiled at her.

“Did you like the feel of a cock in your mouth, dear?”

“It felt strange in a good way. Can I do that some day?”

“I’m sure you can, Jan, maybe with one of my male friends. Would you like that? I’m sure you will.”  She smiled at her Baby girl, rubbing the faux-cock across her daughter’s lips.

They were both warm now so the bed clothes were pushed aside. “Now just lay down, Honey, no pillow and spread those pretty legs apart for Mommy…  That’s it; you really look like a slut, baby. Okay, just close your eyes, Honey and think about a handsome movie star sticking his cock into you and fucking you like crazy.”

“Or I can think about you,” the young girl said, “with your tongue inside me again.” Jan smiled at her mother and closed her eyes.

Martha kissed her daughter again, turned the vibrator on low.  Wetting it in her own mouth, she applied it to Jan’s already wet, swollen cunt lips. Using her fingers to spread open Jan’s cunt, she placed the mildly vibrating tip against the firm clit.  Jan instinctively pulled away just a bit and then relaxed her body back against the vibrating plastic.

“God, Mom, that really tingles and tickles at the same time!  I can feel the beads bouncing around too. Oh, fuck… sorry about the bad word Mom…. that feels so good!  It feels great!  Wow! Really great.”

“I like to hear you use those words, baby, when we are alone, Jan. You can say anything you like and so will I.  Now say it for mommy.  I want to hear you say, fuck.”


“Again… like a slut would.”


The stimulation to Martha from hearing her young daughter use ‘adult’ words while they were playing was a big turn on for her, just like watching her with the plastic cock in her mouth.  She started slowly massaging Jan’s clit with the vibrator.

“Now let Mommy do all the work, Baby.  You just listen to me and feel the sensations.  Mommy loves hearing her little slut say, ‘fuck’.”


“Mommy’s going to fuck you with this,” she hissed while rubbing the vibrating dildo against the girl’s clit. “You want your mommy to fuck you?”

“Yes,” the girl moaned.

“Is that because you’re a little slut?  Mommy’s little slut?”

“Yes, Mommy, I’m your little slut.  Fuck me, Mommy.  Fuck me.” 

Martha got into a comfortable position beside Jan. From the little clit vibration Jan’s cunt was sopping. Martha no longer had to hold the outer lips open; swollen, they stayed open alone so she let her right hand hold the vibrator and resting on her left elbow twisted Jan’s nipple with that hand.

She bent forward and gave Jan a long open mouth kiss. Jan’s lips were soft, tender, wet and almost feverish. When Jan ran her tongue into her mother’s mouth, Martha bit it gently and held it captive with firm lips while she circled the small tongue with Martha’s much larger one. Releasing her tongue she sucked Jan’s lower lip into her mouth. Breaking the kiss, the mother locked eyes with her daughter, and pushed the now slippery head of the plastic cock into her ten-year-old daughter’s hot wet cunt.

It was all heaven to both females.  One the student, the other the teacher. The vibrator in Martha’s hand kept moving, over the girl’s clit into her the pussy, but not too far, then back to the bursting clit.

Jan’s mother turned the vibrator up to almost full power, her fingers were covered with her daughter’s pussy juices and she had started to rub her own gushing pussy against Jan’s hip harder.

Martha covered Jan’s mouth completely with hers and let their saliva mix enjoying the taste and feel of her ten-year-old’s small mouth.  ‘Oh, God, how I love my little girl,’ she thought, ‘and now on a whole new plane.’ She pushed the vibrator firmly against Jan’s clit, bit her lip not gently this time and firmly pinched her nipple. The result of the loving attack was immediate.

Jan exploded in movement. Her hips moved in strong rotations against the vibrator, her back arched and her body stiffened, relaxed, stiffened and relaxed again and again as a series of climaxes flashed through her young body.

Oh ,fuck, Mom.  Fuck… fuck… fuck… I can’t stand it!  Fuck! Stop it please, Mom.  Fuck, oh, God fuuuuuccccckkkk!!!!”   Then Jan, in a perfect contradiction, put both of her hands on her mother’s and continued to shallow fuck herself.

“Holy shit… Holy shit, Mom… Fuck me, Mommy, fuck me!  Fuck your baby girl, Mommy.  You called me your slut… Yes, yes, I’m your slut, Mommy!  Fuck me, fuck me…. ” Then a wailing screamAhwwwwww!!!!”   Her own hand drove the vibrator deep into herself. Ahwwwwww fuuuucccckkkk!!!”

The girl stiffened for a full three seconds while the vibrator buzzed away and then totally collapsed, completely relaxed, breathing deeply, sweating profusely, with a huge smile on her face. Neither of them would notice until later the thin line of blood that exited her cunt or the red spot on the sheet.

Martha was more than excited by the actions of her little girl. Rubbing her cunt against her daughter had almost brought herself to a climax. Now she wanted to finish it and she knew just how she wanted to do it.

“You’re right, baby, you’re my little slut now.”  She pulled Jan into the middle of the bed and spread her legs wide.  “You know how much I love you, Jan and that is why I want you now.  I want your body to do as I wish with, to fuck, to fuck my little slut. I’ll hold your hands, Lover and you can love my pussy just the same way I did yours.” 

Martha started by sitting on her daughter’s stomach and putting Jan’s hands together and holding them with one hand against the bed high above Jan’s head. Martha moved into position putting her pussy directly over her daughter’s mouth. Jan just smiled up at her mother and opened her quite small mouth. 

Martha knelt while she lowered her cunt to her daughter’s mouth. Her swollen clit dipped into Jan’s mouth like a dangling treat. Jan lapped her mother’s cunt with her ten-year-old tongue; dipping, turning, twisting and probing at her mother’s feminine folds.  

Martha closed her eyes and lived for the now, the new feeling that surged through her was delicious high voltage stimulation.

Jan, reveling in her new role as a slut, teased and sucked at her mother’s clit just enough to move her mother along the road to ecstasy. Step by step with her fingers holding fast to Martha’s ass cheeks, she lapped and teased sucked until her mother began to shiver in the throes of a deep climax.

“Oh, dear God… Suck me, Janet, suck your Mom. Ohhhh!! Ohhhhh!! Ohhhhh!!   Oh shit, Baby... This is so, so, so… Eeeeeeeee Awwwwww!!!” The mind blowing orgasm lasted for over a minute and felt like it would never end; the thrill that hurts.

Martha pushed her cunt firmly against her young daughter’s mouth while the fires of incestuous love and fulfillment raged through her. How long had it been, if ever, since she had had that kind of satisfaction? She had no idea. But she would want it again and she’d want it soon.  

After a short break to catch their breath, mother and daughter each blew out the candles on their side of the bed and cuddled under the covers. They kissed softly and folded themselves into each other’s arms. Janet, an angelic smile on her face in the dark, was the first to surrender to sleep. Her mother lay awake for a few minutes, re-playing the incredible actions of the day and letting her mind drift to thoughts, deliciously naughty thoughts, of the future. That future would start the very next day.  

The slutty mother grinned, thinking of the surprise she held for sweet, darling George and his wonderful cock, a cock that never seemed to go soft for very long. 

“Yes, my darling, Mommy’s going to show you how to be a true slut.”  With visions of her ten year old daughter impaled on George’s cock, the mother drifted off to sleep.



To Be Continued in Part 2

In Part 2, Matha wants to see her little girl fucked, fucked by a man.

Link to PART 2


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