Part 4

By JimBob

(Mgg, prost, exhib, fond, oral, ped, cons)

Holly is back at work, and Bob asks her to help break in a new girl with an important customer.  However, as much as the new girl needs the money, she is fearful of being hurt.



Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted 2011 with all rights expressly reserved by its author unless explicitly granted.

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The next day, Holly was back at the old theater shortly after school was out.  She had rushed around, because she had not made any money this week.  She felt fit and ready to go today.  Her knock on the green door was answered by William, as usual.

“Hello William, How are you today?”

“Hello, Miss Holly,  I am fine today.  Mr. Brown said for you to come right on up.”

“Thank you, William.”  Holly skipped to the stairs and ran up to Mr. Brown's door.  It was open about an inch, so she peeked in as she knocked.  She was shocked to see Bob Brown sitting on the couch, with no pants on, and a dark haired girl, kneeling between his legs, sucking on his cock. She’d seen the girl before, but really didn’t know her as she was a little ahead of her in school.  The girl was wearing a rather tight dress, which reminded Holly of her old dresses.

“Come on in, Holly!”  Bob called out.

Holly pushed the door open and closed it behind her, trying to conceal her shock at the scene in front of her.  Er, did you want to see me, Mr. Brown?”  In her flustered state, Holly couldn't call him Bob.

The girl looked around and blushed bright red when she saw Holly.

“This is Susan, Holly.  Do you know each other?”

The girl shook her head.

“No.  She is in middle school.  Hi, Susan,” Holly felt compelled to say.

“Hi, Holly,” Susan shyly said.  She was still clutching Bob's erection in one hand, and it was wet with saliva from her sucking on it a moment ago.

“Susan, Holly, don't be embarrassed.  This is just a job, and you have to learn to do it properly.  When the men are satisfied, they tend to give more tips, and come back more often, and everyone of us makes more money.  Holly has a very special way of sucking on a cock, Susan.  I am going to ask Holly to demonstrate for you and you can watch and learn.  If you can learn that, we will do a little practice for a show.  A dark haired girl and a blonde haired girl making out should thrill the guys, don't you think?”

The girls both nodded.  Holly thought, Does he mean do it with a girl?’  She couldn't tell what Susan thought; the girl was staring at her hand on Bob's cock.  Suddenly, she let go as if it were hot.  Holly saw a clear drop of liquid on the end of Bob's cock.  She knew what it was.

“You don't need to worry, Susan. That isn't pee,” explained Holly to the new girl..”   She leaned in and touched her finger to the drop, then she rubbed her finger tips together.  “See?  It's slippery.  Just like our stuff is.  It won't hurt you.”  Holly licked her fingertips.

“I never did this before,” Susan said.

“Let me show you.”  Holly got on her knees before Bob as Susan moved to the side.  She engulfed the head of Bob's cock into her mouth. She used her lips and tongue to bring Bob to full erection again, then adjusted her head to the right angle and let the head of Bob's penis slip down her throat.  Bob let out a loud moan.

Susan looked apprehensive at the sound; she glanced up at Bob.

Bob caught the look out of the corner of his eye.  It's okay, Susan. It just feels so good when she does that.  Holly, as much as I hate to ask you to stop, I need you to explain to Susan how you do that.”

Holly felt a little embarrassed about trying to explain to Susan about how to suck a cock, but when she glanced at Susan she saw she was really embarrassed too, and that struck her as funny.  She tried to suppress a giggle, then gave up and laughed. 

“What is so funny, Holly?”  Bob asked.

“You are the only one who's not dressed, and you're the only one not embarrassed!”  Holly pointed at Bob's bare legs and her and Susan's red faces.

Bob and Susan laughed too, and Susan felt better when she realized she wasn't the only one with a red face.  She was a shy girl, not popular because of the poverty she lived in.  It didn't allow for fancy clothes or gadgets, or going to social occasions like her peers in school.  Like Holly, she needed money for survival.

Holly noticed that Bob's cock had wilted somewhat.  She nudged Susan. “Do it now, while it’s not so hard.  Try to hold your head like I did, and take a big breath first.” 

Susan turned to Bob and took his whole cock into her mouth.  She gagged once, took a breath and tried again.

This time Bob stiffened in surprise, then got a big smile on his face.  Susan stuck with his growing cock until she ran out of breath. Then she took it in again, more smoothly this time.  Bob nodded his head to Holly.  “Good girl!” he praised Susan.  “You're getting it now.” He grunted and shifted in his seat, so he could reach the tissues. When Susan backed off for another breath, he pushed her mouth off his cock, and held the tissues to catch the spurting semen. 

Susan jerked her head back in surprise.  She stared with open mouth and big eyes. 

“See, Susan?  You can have a powerful effect on men with your pretty little mouth as well as with your body.  I want you to look at this cum and I want you to take my penis now and lick it clean.  You must get used to the taste of cum, and not be afraid to take it in your mouth and swallow it.”

Susan looked at Holly, who nodded encouragement to her.  Then she took Bob's cock in her hand and licked the semen off the tip and shaft.  Then she took the tissues and examined the remains of that ejaculation that hadn't soaked in.

Holly bent over and looked too.  It interested her that she had some of that same stuff shot off inside of her.  She didn't exactly get all of this baby stuff her teacher had told them in Sex Ed.  She was sure going to find out from some of the older girls in the neighborhood who had boobs, and hung out with boys.  She looked at Susan's little boobs pushing out her tight dress; at least twice as big as hers.  Maybe Susan knew something?  She didn't know about sucking though, that was for sure.

Bob was putting on his pants when the phone rang.  He hitched them up and walked to the desk.  He talked with someone a few moments, looked at the girls, talked a moment more, and then hung up the phone.  He did up his pants and belt, then came back to the couch for his shoes and socks.

“You still want a job?” he asked Susan. 

“Oh, yes sir,” Susan answered eagerly.

“Alright.   There has been a change in plans.  I don't like it, but we are really shorthanded so I don't have a choice.  You two girls are going to entertain a client tonight, instead of the show.  A very important man and we want him to leave here happy and satisfied.  Susan, you watch Holly, and do what she does to the guy.  Holly, you know what to do if he asks for a private show?”

“Um, not exactly, Bob.  You mean a show with Susan?  Ah, should I do it like with Jamal before?”  ‘Holy cow,’ Holly thought. ‘A show with a girl?   What do I do?’

“Yeah, like that, do the boobs too.  You too Susan… you do what Holly shows you.  Make believe you really like it.”

Just then the phone rang again.  Bob answered and then nodded at Holly.  “You remember the room you went to with John?”  When Holly nodded yes, he said.  “You show Susan where to go.  Jim Jones is waiting for you there.”

“Okay, Bob.  Don't worry.  We’ll do a good job.”

Holly and Susan walked out the door and down the hall.

“I know what to do to girls, Holly.”

Holly slowed down.  “You do?”

“Yes.  So I'll show you.  But I don't know about men... except for what I just did with Mr. Brown.”

“You never did it with a man?”

“Some big boys raped me when I was nine.  They hurt me so bad I passed out, so I don't even know what they did.  Um, did it hurt when you did it?”

“Not right away.  I got a little sore after, but Bob gave me some salve to put on it.  But I was a virgin.  It shouldn't hurt now, right?”

“I sure hope not.  Mr. Brown said I had healed up good and it shouldn't hurt now.  I sure hope he's right.”

“Me too.”   By now they were at the door, so Holly knocked. 

“Come in,” a voice called.

Holly looked at Susan and held up her crossed fingers.  Then she opened the door.  A man was pouring drinks out of pop cans into iced glasses.  He was tall and handsome.  He looked a little familiar to Holly.  Had she seen him on TV?

“Come on in girls, and have a drink with me while we get acquainted. My name is Jim.  Who is Holly and who is Susan?”

“I'm Susan.”

“I'm Holly.”

“Sit down, girls.  Beautiful girls and beautiful names.   How old are you Holly?”

“I'm ten, going on eleven.”

“And you, Susan?”

“I'm almost twelve.”

As they sat and had their soft drinks, Jim tried to put them at ease by making small talk with them.  With a small girl on either side he had a hard time keeping his hands off the shapely knees and thighs their short skirts revealed.

When Holly finished her drink, she noticed Susan's glass was already empty.  The poor girl did not get much pop to drink, and though she tried to make it last, the temptation to gulp it down was too much for her.  Holly knew that feeling well.  She caught Susan's eye and they arose from the couch together.

“Did you want us to do a show for you now, Jim?”  Holly asked.

Jim nodded and said, “Yes.  I always wanted to see two lovely little girls loving each other like big girls do.”

Holly figured that loving somebody should start with a kiss so she turned to the slightly taller Susan and opened her arms.  Susan walked into her arms and bent her head to kiss Holly, but they both tilted their heads at the same angle, and their noses bumped.  So they both changed to the opposite angle and they bumped noses again. So they both backed up to try a fresh start.

“Hold it, HOLD IT!” Jim said.  “You've never done this before, have you?”

Both girls hung their heads and shook out a no.  They figured they had blown any chance of a nice tip.

“You're both really nervous and a little scared too, right?”  Jim asked in a kind of hard tone.

The heads hung lower and nodded in unison.

“Well then!  Let's all learn together, shall we?  I've never had a girly show before, and I'd rather have a natural one than a rehearsed, made up one.”

The girls dared to look up at him, and seeing his big smile, they dared to grin at him and each other.  Maybe all was not lost after all.

Jim patted the sofa on either side of him again.  “Okay, who gets undressed first?”

Holly looked at Susan, and could see that she was looking nervous about being first.  She was about to volunteer when she had an idea. “Can we do rock, scissors, paper to see?”

“Sure,” Jim said.  “Is it okay with you, Susan?”

“Yes.”  Susan said.

“Okay, ready?”  At their nods, Jim said.  “Go!”

Holly and Jim threw out scissors.  Susan had a rock.

“Whoa!  Susan got us both.  She's last.  Holly, it's between you and me for first.  Ready?  Go!”

They both threw out scissors again.  The next time Holly switched to rock, and Jim went to paper.

“Yea! I'm second.”  Jim was happy as a little boy.  He gave Susan a big hug, and pulled her over onto his lap.  “We'll sit here and watch the loser get naked.”  He kissed Susan on the cheek, and hugged her tightly. 

Holly stood and unsnapped her dress at the neck.  She shrugged it off her shoulders and let it slide down her arms to the elbow, then she held each sleeve while she pulled that arm out.  Since this was a new dress, and she had forgotten to unfasten its little belt, she had to do that while she grinned at the other pair.  Both were looking at her small little beginner's breasts.  Holly had not worked up enough nerve to ask to try on a training bra yet, so she still wore a too small undershirt.  She let her dress ride her hips while she did the crossed arms thing girls do, and pulled the undershirt over her head.  When she dropped the undershirt on the couch, Jim licked his lips at the sight of her swollen nipples.  Unconsciously, he moved one hand clasping Susan's tummy up to her little breast bump and fondled it through her dress. 

Susan stiffened, then forced herself to relax.  She wasn't going to let her fear of men and boys ruin her chance to make money.  She had felt terrified when Jim pulled her onto his lap, but had fought it down and relaxed somewhat.  It actually felt pretty good to her, she had to admit that.  The boys had bitten her little pips of breasts until she had passed out from the pain, she hoped Jim Jones wouldn't do that to her now bigger breasts, but he could keep up his gentle rubbing all day! 

Holly had her belt loose, and dropped and stepped out of her dress and then picked it up and folded it on the couch arm with her undershirt.  Now clad only in a pair of pink nylon panties, and shoes and socks, she did a slow spin for Jim to enjoy her body.

Jim now had a hand on each of Susan's small boobs, and was nuzzling her neck and ear.  She was more relaxed now that he gave no signs of attacking her.  This wasn't bad at all.

Then Holly had to decide.  Shoes and socks or panties next?   She decided panties.  She had an idea.  So she hooked her hands in the waist of her panties, slipped them down over her butt first, and turned another slow rotation with all her butt and just the bare top of her mons showing.  She slid the panties on down her thighs and let them drop.  Then she sat down facing Jim and Susan, carefully stripped the panties off over her shoes, and tossed them to Jim, who was holding his hand out for them.  He stuck them to his nose and gave them a big sniff.  Holly and Susan giggled at his show.

Holly was sitting with her legs spread and pussy open wide for Jim to see it all.  She kept herself wide open and her arms out of the way, so Jim had a good view while she took both shoes and socks off.  When she was done, she jumped to her feet, and turned again slowly for him.  Then she sat beside him on the couch.  “Your turn, Jim,” she said brightly.

Susan was kind of glad and sad both to be put back down on the couch.  As Holly got undressed, a lump had been growing under her butt, until it was getting kind of hard and uncomfortable.  As Jim stood, it became obvious he had an erection.  Holly giggled as he tried to adjust it in his pants.

Jim looked at them and shrugged.  “Why bother?”  He started to unbutton his shirt.  When he slipped the shirt off one arm, then the other, both girls could see his hairy chest with well defined pectorals.  He draped the shirt over a chair back, and then sat down and slipped his shoes and socks off.  Then he stood, faced the girls, and undid his belt and the waist of his pants.  As he zipped the fly open, his bulge in the white jockey shorts was exposed.  Susan gasped when she saw it.  Jim dropped the pants down to his knees, and pulled each leg in turn out.  Now clad only in his jockey shorts, Jim did a muscle man pose, and did a slow strutting circle in front of the laughing girls. 

‘Oh,’ Susan thought, ‘I'm going to see my first customer's thing, and he is gonna put it in me!  I wonder if he will do it to me first, or Holly? I hope Holly, because maybe then there won't be so much of it left. I'm scared!’

Holly was thinking, ‘Jim doesn't look much bigger than John was, and I took care of him without any trouble.  I can do this.’

John danced over to Holly, and stuck one hip out at her, indicating she should pull his underwear down.  Holly worked the side down to the top of his thigh, baring the butt cheek on that side.  He spun slowly for the girls’ appreciation a couple of times, and then pranced over to Susan, presenting his other hip to her.  She grabbed the waist in both hands and slid it down.  But there was a problem!  The shorts seemed to be hung up on something in the front.  Jim motioned Holly over to help, and together the two girls got the member free and the jockey shorts were disposed of.  After a couple more spins, and a little hip shaking that caused his organ to do a bobbing, weaving dance for the giggling girls, Jim backed up to sit down while the girls scrambled out of his way. 

“Your turn, Susan!” he declared.  Both Holly and Jim turned to the blushing girl.

Susan was kind of ashamed of her too small, too tight dress, and wished she could undress in private.  When she realized she had on a pair of her mom's black lacy panties with the waist safety pinned to hold them up, she was truly embarrassed.  She was trapped, and felt that she could never live down the humiliation she was about to receive when Holly did something that made Susan her friend forever.

“Hey, Jim?   We should let Susan be the mystery girl.  Let her get undressed in the bedroom, and then dance out for us, okay?”  Susan didn't see the wink that Holly gave Jim.

“Why sure, Holly, that is a good idea.  How about it, Susan?  Will you be our mystery girl?”

Susan was only too happy to go into the bedroom to wriggle out of her too small dress and too big panties.

When Susan went into the bedroom, Holly quickly explained to Jim about Susan's and her poverty and how they were so embarrassed for anyone to see the effects of it.  Jim had been poor as a child also, and had gotten filthy rich from a couple of patents.  He was able to relate to the girls' feelings.

Just then Susan poked her head out the door.  Holly and Jim sat back to watch.

Susan slipped halfway out the door, so she was partially exposed and partially concealed.  Then she stepped out with her two hands concealing her boobs.  When Holly and Jim pointed to her bare pussy, she brought both hands down to conceal it.  Then she realized her breasts were bare.  She pretended to think a moment, and then shrugged and threw her arms out to the sides.  Then she danced a hip shaking, high kicking dance for the couple on the couch.  Her mom had been a club dancer, and had taught Susan some of her milder moves.  Then she collapsed on the couch with the other two.

Holly had noticed that Jim's erection had grown, and he had absentmindedly fondled himself as he watched Susan dance.  She decided she was going to ask Susan to show her some of her sexy moves.

Taking a naked girl in each arm, Jim pulled them close and nuzzled their cheeks and cuddled them close to him.  Holly's hand landed on his bare thigh, and she moved it to clasp and gently squeeze the shaft jutting up.  Jim gave a surprised and pleased grunt.

“Are you ready for our show, Jim?”

“You bet!”

“Let's go in on the bed.”

The three got up and walked arm in arm together into the bedroom, having to make three tries to negotiate the door.  The king sized bed took up most of the floor space.  Jim crawled on first and over to the far side. 

Holly and Susan paused beside the bed, and both were somewhat aroused from the naked contact, and now much more at ease.  They came into each other’s arms again, and this time Susan took control and kissed Holly, once rather chastely, and then a second with more passion. Susan was the experienced one in lesbian love, as she had a couple of sleepovers with a friend last summer, and a little girlish sex play had been initiated by the other girl.  Susan had responded with enthusiasm.  The girl had taught her to French kiss, and now on their third kiss, she and Holly both were ready for a real sexy kiss.

Finally they broke their lip lock, and sank down on the bed, smiling rather sheepishly at Jim as they did.  Jim smiled back, and turned on his side and propped his head up with his arm, all ready for the show.

He didn't have long to wait.  Susan took control again, first kissing a supine Holly on the lips, then the cheek, then the ear, then down her neck to her left breast bud, taking the whole pink nipple into her mouth and then giving it a quick suck before moving to the other nipple.  Then she kissed her way to Holly's tummy, stuck her tongue in her belly button to make her squirm and giggle, then down over her mons to her pussy lips.  She spread these open with her two hands, and then licked and sucked Holly's clit until it became erect and protruding from her cleft.  Now that she was a night and a day without salve, her pussy was quite sensitive; it did not take much of this until Holly soon stiffened in a shuddering orgasm.  Susan sat up and watched Holly come down from her climax and then the girls changed places. 

Holly didn't want to just repeat Susan's show, so she crawled between her spread legs, and put her pussy with its engorged clit against Susan's pussy, and did a vigorous rubbing thrusting motion, which stimulated them both.  After a couple minutes of this, she put her mouth to Susan's breast and gently sucked the nipple in, while she rolled on her hip so her hand could massage Susan's clit that was now as erect as her own.  Both girls were wet from their combined juices.  Holly moved up to give Susan a long, deep French kiss.  Then she moved right back down to Susan’s cleft, which she opened wide with her hands.  She licked from clit to perineum, and then back to clit, which she took in her lips and very gently nibbled and chewed until Susan cried out in her orgasm. 

Both girls lay resting from their orgasms until Jim lifted Holly into his arms and rolled onto his back.  He kissed Holly and licked the pussy juice from her lips and chin.  Then he switched her to the side, with her head on his shoulder, and collected Susan.  He kissed her and licked the more or less dried pussy juice off her face.  Then he cuddled both girls for a few moments.  Holly caught Susan's eye and nodded down toward where Jim's erect cock was standing between their bodies.

They moved down as one person, and they both lay with their heads on Jim's hips and fondled his erection.  Neither girl had seen many men’s cocks, but Holly was slightly ahead.  She pointed out his balls, and told Susan to always be gentle with that part.  The girls forgot all about Jim listening as they looked him over and discussed what they were so closely examining. 

Jim laughed when he heard Holly, an old hand with three cocks in her mouth but only one inside her, telling Susan all about the male organ.  This made the girls aware of him again.  They decided to get busy, and both girls kissed and licked their way up his shaft to the head, a girl on either side.  When they got to the head, they took turns licking it and sucking it in.  Both girls elicited groans and grunts and hip thrusts from Jim as they took turns, until he reached down and grabbed them and hauled them back up to his chest.  “Enough!  I'm about ready to cum, and I want to do this right.  Who wants to be first?  No, wait.  Who wants to sit on this first?”  Jim nodded down at his cock, as he had his hands full of little boobies. 

Glancing at Susan, Holly saw the scared look.  “Me!”  Holly said. “Let me go first.” 

“Holly can be first,  Susan said hiding her relief.

But Holly was already crawling up and as Susan moved back, Holly straddled Jim's hips and got herself in position over Jim's cock.  As Holly felt it slide in between her lips and up against her vaginal opening, she started to let herself down on it.  Wonder of wonders, the head popped right into the hole and it slid smoothly and easily into her. She guessed she was all healed up, as there was no pain, only the delicious feeling of fullness and a warmth that was starting to rise from the pit of her stomach.  She smiled at Susan to show her it was no big deal.  Then she started to work that cock over, using it to rub her clit and sheath so she got the good feelings she wanted.

Jim was also getting the good feelings he wanted from one of the tightest, hottest little pussies he had been in.  He only lacked one thing to make him really happy, and she was lying beside him.  He pulled a strand of Susan's hair to get her attention, and motioned her to come close to his lips.  “Sit on my face, sweetie.”


“Sit on my face.  I want to lick your pussy.”

“Oh!  How?”

“Crawl up by my head and kind of sit facing Holly. I'll help hold you up.”

Though she thought he was a little nuts, Susan did as she was told. Jim got a hand under each flank, and helped Susan get into position over his face.  When she felt the first flick of Jim's tongue, she was sold on that particular position and what Jim was doing to her.

Holly laughed when she saw the expression on Susan's face.  Then when that little distraction was over, she went back to her task of trying to satisfy Jim, and herself at the same time.  If you were counting, it might have been that she was trying a wee bit harder to satisfy herself.  Jim didn't know that, so he was having a heck of a good time.  Cock buried in a tight hot pussy, and tongue up in a tight, sweet little pussy, what more could a man ask for?

It was too much of a good thing for Jim.  He had planned to get his cock into both girls on this first screw, just in case there was not a second one.  Jim was a man who knew his limitations, a conservative sort of a fellow.  But the overactive pussy of Holly caused him a problem with control, and suddenly, he lost it, and couldn't get it back.  He couldn't unseat Susan, who by now was working on her second orgasm.  He groaned, then grunted out his climax as semen spurted deep into Holly, whose vaginal muscles reacted just the way they were made to do, and milked Jim's penis dry.

When Jim realized he was over the top, he took Susan with him by some frantic tongue work on her clit, with his tongue at just the right angle.  At the same time Holly was brought to her peak by the warm rush inside her vagina and she and Susan fell into each other’s arms.

Upon hearing Jim's feeble cry for help, Susan lifted herself off his face and let him catch his breath as she sprawled on the bed beside Jim and Holly, still joined by Jim's rapidly deflating cock.  When it slipped out, Holly hurried to get up and run into the bathroom.  She had a feeling that she needed to pee, and after doing that, she let a few more drips of Jim's semen run out before she cleaned herself.  Then she got a washrag and towel and went into the bedroom and cleaned Jim up.  This operation attracted Susan's rapt attention.

This was the first male penis that Susan had seen that was not erect and ready for action.  She had seen the three teenage boys that had raped her.  They had all been erect when they exposed themselves, and she had not been conscious enough to see or remember anything she saw afterward. Bob had been erect when she got his pants off.  And Jim had been erect all the time his cock was in view.  But now it was smaller, and soft, not at all threatening.  Susan thought it was kind of cute.  As soon as Holly got it cleaned up, Susan moved in and checked it out. The sack and balls looked much bigger, now that the cock was smaller. Holly left her to her devices, and crawled up to snuggle with Jim.

Susan kept on fingering the flaccid member, noting that the head now was completely covered by the loose skin that had been retracted from it while it was hard and erect.  She wondered if it would taste different.  She sniffed it close up, then she carefully and gently took it into her mouth.  It only tasted a little of soap for the first few seconds.  Susan spit it out, and used her fingers to strip and slide the foreskin down the shaft to expose the little wrinkled, but still satiny feeling head.  Back into her mouth it went.  Jim raised his head and looked down at her, but didn't say anything.  He was too busy exchanging French kisses with Holly as he fingered her nipples with one hand, and her clit with the other.

To Susan's surprise, after she had been playing with, and sucking on Jim's cock for about five minutes, a wondrous thing happened.  It started to come to life again!  She felt it growing in her mouth, and she took the half hard organ in deep like Holly had shown her.  This had an immediate effect on Jim.  He had given up on the idea of fucking both girls today, but now he decided he was going to repeat the earlier screw, but with the girls’ positions reversed.

Jim pushed himself up on his elbows, and he and Holly watched Susan at work.  Not wanting to take a chance on being betrayed by his eager cock again, Jim reached down and pulled Susan up.  “Sit on it, baby!”

Susan felt a little terrified.  Was it going to hurt?  Her girlfriend on the sleepover had used a carrot on her, but that had not been as big as this cock had grown to again.  But Holly had taken it all, and she was smaller than Susan.  She mounted Jim, but had trouble holding Jim's cock upright.

When Holly saw that Susan was fumbling, she reached in and held the cock, and helped guide Susan into the right position. When she felt the head slip up into the hole, she said, “Now, Susan!”

When Susan felt the head stretching her vagina entrance, she bit her lip and sank down upon the stiff rod Holly was holding for her.  Just a small sting as the bigger shaft stretched the scar tissue of her lost hymen a little, and slipped up inside of her.  She gave a huge sigh of relief, and maybe something else.  She didn't know what to compare it to, but she knew it felt good.  There was a fire starting deep in her loins.  She was getting her first sexual flush up her chest too, and her nipples on her little breasts were erect.

Jim had been watching his cock sliding up into Susan as he felt the head spreading the sheath open, the visual and tactile experience made him a little dizzy, and he had to drop his head back, but he did manage to get a hand on each little breast and caress and tweak those erect little nipples. 

Now that Susan was aroused, the breast fondling felt really good, and finally that part of her earlier attack made sense to Susan.  The boys had toyed with her nonexistent breasts and got mad when she did not react.  At the time she had felt nothing except maybe a little ticklish.  Then they started to bite her, and after that it was nothing but pain.  Now she had hands on her breasts and that felt good, and a big cock inside of her belly, and that felt wonderful.  She had about decided she was only going to do this kind of stuff with girls, but now that she was actually having sex with a man, she was so happy she came in and asked for work.

“Holly!  Come up and sit on my face,” Jim asked Holly.

She hurried to comply.  Holly was always ready to have a tongue doing delicious things to her pussy.  When she got herself arranged, and Jim went to work on her, she started playing with Susan's breasts.  She was a little jealous of Susan, as she had actual breasts, while hers were only starting to have anything but a big swollen, sore looking nipple that itched all the time.

Susan felt Jim's hands on her flanks, urging her to start moving herself on his cock.  She started rolling forward and back, and the fire in the belly went up several degrees.  That felt good!  Jim didn't have to do much coaxing to get her into the rhythm that felt good to both of them.  She had wanted Holly to be first, because she’d thought Jim would be worn down and her time with him would be short. How happy she was to learn that he now had much better control and was able to last almost twice as long, long after Holly had climaxed on his mouth and dropped off to lie beside them and watch sleepily.

After Jim had felt the girl climax twice, he finally took pity on her and allowed himself to reach his bucking, spurting second orgasm in a preteen girl that day.  He was exhausted, but he felt he had really gotten his money's worth.  After Susan got off, the three lay side by side on the bed for a while, then the girls got up to go into the bathroom and clean up.  They went in together, as girls do.  Jim lay there and listened to all the giggles and whispers coming out.  He finally got up and cleaned himself off with the towel he found on the floor beside the bed and got dressed.

The girls finally came out to find Jim was gone.  They felt kind of sad, because they had discussed kissing him goodbye.  But the two crisp fifty dollar bills they found tucked into their shoes made them both feel much better. 

Once dressed, they made their way down to Bob Brown's office. There another surprise awaited them.  Jim had stopped in, and told Bob about how impressed he was with the girls.  There was also another hundred dollar bill waiting for each of them. 

Susan was thrilled beyond words.  She had the money that Bob had promised her earlier coming too!  Two hundred and fifty dollars all together!  Wow, she was rich!  New clothes!  Underwear that fit!  She could help put food on their table!  Susan's eyes filled with tears of happiness.  After promising Bob she would be back the next day, Susan hugged and kissed Holly and left for home.

Holly left soon after.  She had assured Bob that Susan had done as much as herself to make Jim feel good, and she would be a welcome employee.

Holly was glad to get home and help get dinner ready.  She sent Patty out to play as she knew from experience that babysitting your sisters and housekeeping was hard on little girl spirits.  After the dinner dishes were done, and the girls had all played outside and watched TV for a while, Holly and her daddy had a little quiet time to themselves. 

When Holly came back from tucking her little sisters in, Daddy made room for her on his lap, and they sat and cuddled for a while.  Holly was very tired from her multiple orgasms that afternoon.  She nodded off during their TV program, and Daddy let her sleep on his lap until his eyes grew heavy too.  Then he turned off the TV, picked the sleeping girl up and headed down the hall.  He paused at the door to the girl's room, then looked down at the sleeping girl, and then at his open door.  As he started to turn, the girls' door opened, and Mindy practically walked into them.

Gotta go potty!”   Mindy said, as she padded down the hall.

“Okay,” Daddy said.  He nudged the door open and deposited Holly on her side of the big bed.  He stripped off the dress and shoes and socks, found her gown hanging on a hook in the closet, and slipped it over the sleeping girl's head and arms.  Then he covered her up and kissed her cheek, and did the same to Mindy, who had climbed back into bed and snuggled down.  With a long sigh, he went out, shut their door, and after pausing with his back to it for a moment, went into his own lonely bed.    

End of Part Four



My stories are meant to be erotic fantasies. All people, places and events exist only in my imaginatiom. Don't try this at home.


Thank you to all of you readers who take the time to comment on my stories. You give me incentive to keep it up. Thank you all.



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