Part 1

By JimBob

(Mg, mg, cons, prost, exhib, oral, interr, ped)

A story of a poor girl who asks for a job in an odd little place behind a green door.

Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted 2011 with all rights expressly reserved by its author unless explicitly granted.

Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read or view sexually explicit material in the community you view such material, please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex between minors and adults, or any other situation, please check the story code before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.

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Holly walked slowly down the street, past the old building with the marquee still advertising a long forgotten movie.  She could vaguely remember her mother taking her to movies there when she was a small girl.  Now her mom was gone, and her dad was alone with her and her sisters.  The theater had closed four years before, a year before her dad had been injured in the accident that killed her mother. 

Her father was only able to run the small news stand he owned for part of the day.  Holly had to try to be mother to her little sisters, and try to feed and clothe them all on the pitiful insurance and disability payments her dad received.  Holly was ten, going on thirty; a little girl with big people problems. 

She had talked to Tricia a couple of days ago.  Tricia was in her class, a girl from her part of town.  Two months ago, Tricia had come to class in a new outfit.  She had been wearing nice new outfits every few days since, and finally Holly had asked her where her family was getting all the money for new clothes.  Tricia had sworn her to secrecy, and then told her she would tell her at recess, but Holly had to swear to never divulge her secret.  Tricia was only telling her because she and Holly had been friends for all their school years.  Now they were fifth graders, but Holly could no longer play or have friends over, because of all her house work. 

At recess, Tricia and Holly were in a secluded corner of the school yard. Tricia made Holly to cross her heart and swear on her mother’s grave, never to tell.  Holly did.

"Now tell me, Tricia.  Hurry or recess will be over."

"Well," long pause while Tricia looked all around.  "I'm only doing this because they want some new girls..."

"Come on Tricia!  Tell me!"

"Okay.  Remember the old theater?"


"Some guys fixed the inside up, and they have... shows." 

"Shows?   You mean movies?"

"Not exactly.   More like people shows."

"Like singing and dancing people shows?"

"N-not exactly."

"Come on, Tricia.  Tell me!"

Tricia looked all around again.  Kids were starting to drift toward the classroom door. Recess was almost over.  "They have girl shows.  Girls and boys.   Girls and men.   I make lots of money.  Men give me tips.  Mr. Brown said he needs girls who can keep their mouth shut.  Go to the green side door on the alley, and knock three times if you want a job."

Before Holly could open her mouth, the bell rang, and Tricia was off.  "Wait!  Tricia wait!  What kind of shows?"

"Green door!   Knock three times," Tricia shouted back over her shoulder.

Holly started over to Tricia’s desk, but the teacher caught her eye and motioned to her.  She went up to her desk.

"Your sister Patty is sick,” her teacher said in a low voice, “and she is in the nurse's office.  She needs to go home.  Your father said he cannot come to pick her up, so you have to take her home."

"Okay," Holly said.  She looked toward Tricia as she picked up her backpack, and put her books for homework in it, but there was no chance to say anything.  Straightaway she went and picked up eight year old Patty and led the pale little girl out of the school.  This meant she would have to come back in a little while for six year old Mindy when she got out.

"I threw up!"  Patty said as they went out the door.  "All over my desk."

"Who cleaned it up?"

"The teacher called the janitor.  They took me to the nurse and she gave me some medicine.  She said I have to stay home tomorrow."

"Well, Daddy can watch you.  You better go to bed when we get home."  Lucky for them, it was only four and a half blocks.

Holly got Patty home, and left her with their father.  When she had to start back to school to walk Mindy home, she had extra time, so Holly walked past the theater.  It didn't look any different from the outside.  She even made a side trip down the alley. The side door had been painted a bright green color. 

She went on back to school, and brought Mindy home.  Then she had to help Daddy with supper.  She asked Daddy if they could eat early, she needed to see someone about a possible job.  Daddy tried to ask her about it, but she put him off, saying she would tell him later.  Daddy was easy to put off nowadays, the accident had done something to his head, so he was only able to take in the most simple things.

Now she was back at the theater.  She walked back and forth in front of the theater for five minutes, made up her mind and headed down the alley.  She walked up to the green door and knocked three times.  A very short pause, then the door was opened.  A tall very dark black man was standing there.

"Yes?"  He said.

"Um, Tricia told me that I might be able to get a job here."

"Come in."  The man opened the door wider.

Holly entered and followed the man a short distance down a hall to an open door.  She saw several kids inside, sitting on couches.  Two girls she recognized from her school, the rest were strangers.  The man beckoned a tall, little lighter brown boy over to them.

"Boy, you take this lil’ ole gal up to see the boss man, hear?  And you come right on back down here soon as Mr. Brown say he done with you."

"Yes, Dad.   Come on, girl.  What's your name?"


"Glad to meet you Holly, My name is Jamal."  He held his hand out and Holly took it, and he led her to a stairway.  Holly could not see any of the inside of the theater she vaguely remembered.  What happened to the seats, the screen, the stage? Jamal led her up the stairs. "You going to try to work here?"

"Yes.  Was that tall man your father? 

“Yeah.   His name is William.  Everybody calls him Willie, but he likes to be called William.  I hope you get on.  You're real pretty.  I'd like to work with you.  How old are you Holly?"

"I'm ten.  What kind of work do you do here?"

"I'm thirteen. We're not allowed to tell anybody what we do, unless they are working already too.  Mr. Brown will tell you all about it.”  They came to a door, and Jamal knocked on it.

“Come in.” A voice called out.

Jamal opened the door.  “Mr. Brown, this is Holly.  She is looking to work here.”

Holly stepped through the door.  The man behind the desk was white, with brown hair and a little mustache, about her father's age, and just a little on the plump side.  He looked Holly up and down as he pushed his chair back and got up.  “Okay, Jamal, thank you.  You can go now.”  Jamal squeezed Holly's hand and left, closing the door behind him.

Holly looked around the room.  There was a couch and a couple of leather chairs in the room besides the desk.  There was a screen across most of the back wall.  Mr. Brown spun one of the leather chairs around and sat on it. He beckoned Holly to come stand in front of him.

“Hi, Holly.   Who told you about us?”

“Tricia.  She's in my class.  But she wouldn't tell me anything… just to knock three times on the green door.”

“That is what she was told to do.  So you're ten years old too?”


“Tricia told us something about you.  You could use more money at your house, buy some new clothes and such?

“Yes.  And my sisters need clothes too.  I need to earn some money to help my daddy.”  A tear ran down her cheek. She was embarrassed as she brushed it off.

Bob Brown was busy looking over her figure in her too short, too tight dress.  He noted the lack of a slip, or under shirt, the tiny budding breasts straining the bodice of the dress, no training bra, the scuffed and almost worn out sneakers.  Yes, this was a real possibility! Now to see just how bad she wanted it.   “Holly, can you keep a secret?”

“Uh huh.   I never tell secrets.”

“You can earn a lot of money, but you cannot tell anyone what you really do.  If you do, then there will be no more job and no more money.  We will give you a story you can tell your family.”

“Okay, what do I have to do?”

“Before I tell you that, I'd like to ask you some questions, and I need to check you out to see if you really can do the job… and if you really want it.  At any rate, you get twenty dollars just for your time here, and a free examination.  Fair enough?”

“An examination?”

“Yes, we have to make sure you are able to perform the job, and will do what we ask you to do.  Do you still want the job?”

“Oh yes!  I really want to work.”  Whatever Tricia could do, she could do just as well.

So the man asked her a lot of questions about herself, and her family.  Then  he started in with more personal questions, that made Holly blush to answer them.  No, she had never done anything with boys or men.  No, she had never had any periods yet.

Satisfied with her answers so far, Mr. Brown took her hand and led her behind the screen and told her to get undressed.  It was like a little room in a doctor's office there.  There was a padded bench thing, with paper on it, and he handed her one of those little gowns to put on.  Holly hesitated a moment, but darn, she wanted this job.  She took off her clothes and put on the gown.  She was rather surprised to see Mr. Brown come back in with a white jacket on.  He took her pulse, blood pressure, checked her teeth and throat, and then her heart and lungs with his stethoscope.  Then it got more personal. 

“Will you take off the gown now Holly?  I have to see that your body is alright, no scars or whatever.”

“I have a small scar on my knee, sir.”

“Yes, I noticed that.  I need to check your whole body now.”

Holly took off the gown, and stood before him in the nude.  Mr. Brown looked over her body, turning her slowly around.  Then he pulled up a stool, and stood her in front of him as he poked and prodded, then fondled her small beginnings of breasts until her nipples stood out hard.  Then he went to her vulva, rubbed his fingers over the fine little spray of blonde hairs on her mound, and cupped it in his palm as he caressed her clitoris with a finger. Holly noticed then that Mr. Brown wore no rubber gloves in his doctor role.

Finally, when she had responded to his caress down there by her clitoris becoming engorged and hard and standing erect, he said,  “Climb up on the table, and lie on your back, Holly.”

Holly crawled on the table and lay there in the nude as Mr. Brown put some funny metal things in the end of the table.  Then he took hold of each of her legs and bent them back, and wide apart and put her feet in stirrup like things.

Holly was wide open, everything spread for Mr. Brown to see.  She blushed a bright red.

“No need to be embarrassed, dear.  Just a vaginal inspection.   It will only take a couple of moments.”

Holly thought it was taking considerably longer than a couple of moments.  First, she felt his bare fingers on her lips down there, and he spread them even wider open. Then she felt a probing finger enter the small hole down there, not her pee hole, the other one. She felt a small stinging sensation as he tested the size of that hole, and Holly jumped a little in spite of her position.


“Sorry.  You are certainly a virgin, and that is good.”  Then he stuck that same finger up in her poo hole!  He felt around up there while his other hand, his other fingers were tickling her clitoris, or what Holly called her “tickle bump.”  The intrusion into her forbidden hole, and the fingers on her tickle bump were too much sensation for Holly.

“Um-mmm... er, Mr. Brown?”

“It's alright Holly. I'm just testing your ability to respond.  You are doing very well.  Just a moment or so more.   We have an order for a smaller ten year old virgin with blonde hair and blue eyes, and you will get a big bonus if you want the job.  I just have to be sure of your responses.  Just relax, Holly.”

He pulled his finger out of her, and went to a little sink and washed his hands.  Holly thought he was done, so she laid her head back and regarded the ceiling as she waited for him to dismiss her.  As she lay there, very soothing music started coming from a speaker at the head of the table.  Mr. Brown walked around the foot of the table, and suddenly Holly felt something warm and wet down on her private place.  She raised her head again, and met Mr. Brown's eyes.  He had his face in between her legs!  He was licking her on her private place!  Holly had heard rumors that bad men did this, but never thought it would happen to her.

Mr. Brown moved his head up slightly and winked at Holly as his tongue found her clitoris.  As she was coming down from the shock of that sensation, his arms snaked up around each hip, and onto her sensitive little nipples.  Holly was drowning in new sensation.  She dropped her head back again, and closed her eyes.  She tried to think of what to do, but her mind would only dart from her left breast, to her clitoris, to his warm hands, to his hot breath, to his lips closing around her tickle bump and to his tongue!  Ah, his tongue.  It was causing her so much pleasure between her legs she had no idea of what to do.

Then she realized that over the music she was hearing a soothing voice, telling her to just relax.  Relax and listen to the music, and enjoy the sensations.  Just relax...

“Uh!   Ooh!  Oh, yes!”  The words escaped her lips, and she had no idea.  A red flush suffused her chest, up from her nipples, up her neck, even her ears were flushed and warm.  Her hands were clenched, and up in the stirrups, her toes were flexing and wiggling with the delicious torment.  Her hips thrust up, and she used the leverage she had from her leg support to lift herself, not to escape that tongue, but to pursue it.

A warm wave started at the junction of her thighs, and spread up throughout her body.  She was on a rising tide of sensation, it was flooding her body, she stiffened and straightened and Mr. Brown's mouth followed her every move.  Her orgasm took her and she cried out, “Aaaah!  Ooooh !”   She clutched Mr. Brown's head with both hands; held his mouth tight to her mound as her body convulsed, then abruptly thrust it away as her body collapsed onto the table.

Mr. Brown stood, wiped his lips and chin with some tissues and then dried her cleft and mound of saliva.  “Well Holly, you are doing very well.  One final test, and then you are done. You may get dressed now and then join me on the couch.”

Holly heard him as if from a distance.  She raised her head and the music and voice stopped.  She felt very weak, and was hardly able to disengage her legs from the stirrups.  She sat up, then slipped off the bench and found her panties and put them on.  She noticed she was still very tender and sensitive in the area of her tickle bump.  As she slid her dress over her head and down over her chest, she noticed that her nipples were also very sensitive.  She knew that her test was actually a sexual assault, and she knew nothing about sex, but she hoped she did okay enough to get the job.  Just one more test, he said.  She decided she would do her best, no matter what.  She put her socks and shoes on, and walked around the end of the screen. 

Mr. Brown was sitting on the couch, without his white coat on, and he patted the seat beside him.  “You've come through with flying colors so far, Holly.  Now you need to be very frank with me, and tell me all you know about sex.”

“I, um, I don't know hardly anything, sir.  Just what the girls talk about at school.  About boys they kissed and such.”

“You've never played show me yours? Or doctor with boys?”

Holly shook her head no.”

“Do you play with yourself, Holly?”

Here Holly blushed, and just nodded her head yes.

“Don't be ashamed, or embarrassed, Holly.  Most of us do that.  But you need to learn things that please men.  The girls that make big tips are the ones that make men feel good. Sometimes a man will want you to make him feel good.  Do you know what to do to make a man feel good, Holly?”

Holly shook her head no.  She didn't know anything about men, except what she had seen of Daddy.

Remember what I just did to you, Holly.  Did it make you feel good?”

Holly blushed a bright red.  Did she remember?  She had never felt like that in her short life!  She looked down and nodded.

“You know, Holly, you are very pretty and appealing when you blush.  If you can do that for some of the men, you will really be popular.  One thing you will have to do is learn what gives men pleasure.  Here is your first lesson.  Now I want you to do to me what I did to you before.”  Bob Brown held his breath.  What Holly did now would determine if she was hired or not.

Holly looked at him.  A flash of shock had shown on her face at first, but she had rearranged her features to ask the question, “How do I do it, Mr. Brown?  Will you please show me how?”

“Good girl, Holly!  Of course I will.  First, you take off the man's pants.”  He indicated his belt.

Holly leaned over and unfastened it. Then on her own, she lowered his zipper.  Mr. Brown lifted his rear off the couch and Holly pulled them down.  Mr. Brown had removed his shoes too, and Holly pulled the pants all the way off and took them and folded them over one of the stools.  She returned to the couch, and regarded Mr. Brown's boxer shorts for a moment.  Gathering her courage up, she took hold of the top snap at the waist band and unfastened it, and then the next one.  She spread the flaps open, seeing the bottom of his hairy belly, and his wiry pubic hair.  The base of his penis where it came out of his body was visible, and the rest sprang out, about half hard.  As he lifted himself, she pulled the shorts down his hips and thighs. 

Holly was faced with the first adult penis she had seen up close and personal.  She pulled the shorts the rest of the way off, and deposited them on his pants.  Then as she returned to the couch, Mr. Brown, naked from the waist down, spread his legs, and indicated she should kneel between them.

Holly had never been this close to a strange man before.  Holly had just the basic knowledge of a man's equipment.  She really was curious about his penis and that hairy sack hanging down, but she was kind of shy about showing her curiosity.  Nice girls didn't look at things like this, but she decided she wasn't that nice of a girl anymore after what they had already done.

Mr. Brown started to speak, “Holly, I know you are curious, and I want you to inspect and look me over as much as you want, but there is something you must learn to do first.  See those tissues on the table?  Take one.”

Holly did as she was told.  “It's wet!”  She exclaimed.

“Yes, it is moistened with an odorless, tasteless antiseptic solution.  Always use one of these to clean up the man's genitals before you handle them or um, do other things to them.  Go ahead, wipe off my cock and balls.”

Holly knew what he was referring to.  She took the tissue and spread it open and enveloped the shaft of his big thing, his cock, in the rag and wiped it up and down.  The loose skin moved up and down too.  She sat back and regarded it in awe.

“Hold it with one hand and wipe with the other Holy.  Then pull that loose skin way down and expose the whole head.”

Holly gingerly held the shaft with two fingers and thumb, and wiped up and down with the other hand.  Then she pulled the loose skin back, having to make two tries at it, until a purple thing was all exposed.  She wiped that off good, then looked at Mr. Brown for instructions.

“That’s good, Holly.  Stretch the skin down as far as it will go and wipe around under the rim, then carefully wipe the sack thing under there.  A man is very sensitive there, so be gentle.”

Holly very carefully followed his instructions.  As she wiped the sack thing she could feel two things moving around inside, like they were trying to avoid her fingers.  She gently held one, and it felt like a big bean in there.  She wondered why they called them balls, when they were like big beans.  Finally, she could not stretch the wiping out any longer.  She looked up at Mr. Brown again. 

“Very well, Holly.  Now I want you to look it all over and satisfy your curiosity.  First point or hold each part and I will tell you the proper and slang names for them.”  He took the tissue from her.  “That is the shaft you are holding.  It is my penis, or cock or dick, or prick; it has lots of names.  That purple end is the glans penis, or head, or little head.  The corona is that rim around the bottom of the head.  It is quite sensitive.  The slit at the end is the urethra opening, or pee hole.  It is also where the semen that contains sperm comes out. Cum or baby juice.   Hold the penis so we can see the bottom.”

Holly complied, being careful not to aim that pee hole at her face, just in case. 

“There, see where the skin is fastened to the shaft and head? That is another very sensitive part.  That loose skin is called the foreskin.  If you move it up and down like this it is called masturbating or jacking a man off. 

“Last, is when you put it into your mouth.   That is called a blow job, or cock sucking.  Jacking off and sucking cock are some of the most enjoyable things a girl can do to a man, besides fucking.   Fucking, that is when the man puts his penis into your vagina and moves it around.  Mr. Hassan is going to pay very well to do that to you, so do not mess around with any boys, or allow anything to be stuck up there before then.”

“Yes, sir, I won't.”

Mr. Brown had spent about five minutes pointing out each part of his penis and showing Holly how that part worked.  Then he had her hold that sack in the palm of her hand.  “That is my scrotum, or sack and my testicles or balls are inside.  Always be very careful with a man's balls.”

“Now this will be your last test to see if you get the job.   I want you to show me how you will play with my penis, and suck me to make me cum.  Remember, you have to try to make me feel that you love to make me feel very good, and that you enjoy what you are doing. So smile and look like you’re enjoying it.”

“Okay, Mr. Brown.”  Holly felt a rush of fear.  She didn't know what she was doing!  Would she please him enough to get the job?  She had never touched a man before now. Then she thought, ‘Tricia probably had never done it either, and she got a job.’  All she could do was do her best and hope for the best. 

She took a careful hold of the penis in front of her and started to move the loose skin up and down as she thought of what to do next.  'Kiss it,' she thought.  'Pretend it is a little doll you love very much.'  That is what she did.  She kissed the purple head, and nuzzled the whole penis up to her cheek and then started at the underside at the base, and slowly ran her tongue up the underside, ending with several licks and kisses of the underside of the head where he had told her it was so sensitive, then she spread her tongue and licked all around the rim of the head.  When Mr. Brown moaned and thrust his now rock hard penis toward her, she knew she was doing something right.

Yesss!”   Mr. Brown hissed. 

Holly held his penis up toward his belly, which opened his sack and balls to her tongue.  She licked all around his sack, and then kind of nibbled gently back up his cock again until she reached the tip, which she licked again, and then slipped the whole thing in between her lips and teeth, closing her lips on it, but keeping her teeth far away, as she licked it all over the head with her tongue. 

Mr. Brown grunted and moaned again, and put a hand on her head to start a bobbing movement and make her lips ride over the corona again and again.  She continued to use her tongue on his sensitive parts, because she remembered how his tongue had felt on her parts.   When Mr. Brown moaned again, and moved his hips. Holly knew she was making him feel good.  She let his hard penis slip out of her mouth again, and licked all over the head, then she engulfed it again, taking it in as far as she could, until she gagged a little and had to let it back out again. 

But that had the desired effect on Mr. Brown.  He bucked his hips up next time it went into her mouth, pushing it back into her throat again, but this time it actually entered her throat a little and she didn't gag.  She pushed her head down on it until it was all the way in her, and his big head thing was down her throat.  But she didn't have much breath, so she let it slide out again as Mr. Brown shuddered, and groaned in pleasure.  Holly took a big breath, then went all the way down on it again.  This time she shook her head a little while Mr. Brown bucked and moaned loudly.  Finally she had to breathe, so she let it slide slowly back out. 

Mr. Brown murmured to her, “Just use your hands now.”  He showed her how, then Mr. Brown took a bunch of tissues from a box as Holly jacked and rubbed the loose skin up and down Mr. Brown's penis.  Mr. Brown's slippery wet cock.   He grunted, and thrust his hips up, and semen spurted into the tissues he was now holding over his cock head. “UH!   UH!  Don't stop yet Holly!”  For a couple more seconds, he held himself up, and his cock spurted smaller and smaller jets, until the last ones dribbled down over Holly's fingers.  “Now stop.”

“Mr. Brown!  What was that stuff?”

“Holly, you just made me climax, cum, shoot my load.”

“I did?” 

“Yes.  You can call me Bob now, because you have passed all your tests. You know how to please a man, and I'm sure you will learn more ways.  What you did at the end is called deep throat.  Not many girls learn to do that.  So, if you learn to do that well, you will be in big demand here and make lots of money.  And now, I want you to taste your fingers.”

“My fingers?”   Holly looked at her cum smeared hands.  “Taste your stuff, your cum?  Isn't that the stuff that makes babies?”

“Yes, and it is perfectly safe to swallow.  Some girls like the taste, and most of the men here will expect you to swallow it when they cum in your mouth.”

“Oh,  Holly said in a whisper and looked at her fingers doubtfully.  Then she took one finger into her mouth and sucked it clean.  To her surprise, it wasn't near as bad as she thought it would be.  Yes, she could do this!  Smiling at Mr. Brown... Bob, she licked all her fingers clean.

“You gave me a good cum, Holly, and I'm going to send you home with forty dollars tonight.  Twenty to remind you to keep quiet about what you have learned, and a twenty dollar tip from me for such a good blowjob.  And here is sixty dollars advance for you to buy some pretty panties and a new dress for next time you come.  That will be Saturday afternoon, alright?”

“Yes, Mr... er , Bob.”  ‘Gosh,’ Holly was thinking, ‘a hundred dollars!’  She had never seen a hundred dollars before.  She folded the money carefully and clutched it in her fist.  “Ah, what time, Bob?” 

“Two o’clock.  You will work with Jamal for practice, and then do one show. You’ll be done at four o'clock.  An easy day and easy money.”

“Thank you, Bob.  I'll be here.  I'll shop Saturday morning for some new clothes.”  Then her face fell.  “Oh, I can't.  My Daddy works mornings, and I have to stay with my sisters.”  Holly thought it over.  “Maybe I can take the girls shopping too.  Yeah! I'll be here.”  She made sure again she had her money, and she left.

At home, Holly did not show her father all of her money.  She gave him twenty dollars, and told him she had a job watching some children, and would help with grocery money.  She said she needed some decent clothes for her job as it was a rich family.  Her daddy tried to give her the twenty back, but Holly made him keep it for some extra groceries, and some sweet treats for the little girls.

That Saturday, all the girls went shopping while Daddy worked his news stand.  Holly bought herself a new dress, and then they went over and bought new underwear for all of them.  This pretty well exhausted the funds Holly had.  She hoped she would have something to show for the afternoon work.  But she did have one new dress and they all had some new undies.  Holly felt pretty good as she fixed lunch.

That afternoon, Holly got all cleaned up, and at a quarter to two, she was knocking three times on the green door.  The tall black man opened the door again.

“Hello, William,” Holly said as she gave him a sweet smile.  “May I come in?”

“Sure you can, little lady,” William said with a big smile.  He led her to the little room where the girls waited to be called.

Jamal came into the room and got her at two o'clock.  “Mr. Brown wants us up in his office right away,” he told her.

Mr. Brown's door was open so they went in.  There was a blanket on the floor.  Mr. Brown came out from behind his desk.  “My Holly, you look very nice.”

“Thank you, er, Bob.”  Holly saw Jamal glance at her.

“Now I need you to take it all off.”

Holly was kind of startled by what Bob said.  “Huh?”  Did he want her to undress in front of Jamal?  A boy?

“Yes, Holly, Jamal is going to be undressed too.  You two are going to do the three o’clock show today.”

Holly started to unsnap her dress.  She slipped the shoulders down her arms and let it drop, then spotting a hanger on a hook on the screen, she hung up the dress.

Jamal had slipped his shirt and pants off and dropped them on the couch.  The two children stood facing each other, clad only in their shoes, socks and underpants. Jamal sat on the couch and took off his shoes and socks. As Holly sat on the other end, she noticed the large lump in Jamal's jockey shorts.  She took off her shoes and socks, and both of them stood at the same time. They both grasped their underwear at the same time and pulled their garments down and off.  Holly thought Jamal's cock looked awfully large for a boy just a few years older than her.  And it didn't even look like it was hard like Bob's cock had been.

“Okay kids, down on the blanket.  Holly, you on the bottom.   Jamal, you are going to do Holly first...”

And so the rehearsal went.  Bob Brown ran them through it once, then a second time in costume and with music. Finally he was satisfied and it was time for Holly's first show to begin.

The two children were on a low round couch like affair on one side of a twenty foot wide circular stage. There were loge-type boxes all around the stage,  every box having an excellent view as the stage rotated.  The boxes had only a single male occupant each, all adults, while most but not all had a much smaller female as well, and four of the boxes had two small females attending to the male occupant as they waited for the show to begin. 

As the lights came up, Holly was lying on the couch in a sheer white vest, and pantaloons, designed to reveal, rather than conceal her undeveloped body.  Jamal was fanning her with a palm leaf fan.  He was clad in a small loincloth.  In the background, there started a recording of a couple of drums beating out the opening bars of Ravel's Bolero.  The hypnotizing flute music started the refrain and the stage started to slowly rotate.  It made a full revolution before the princess beckoned to her slave as the lone flute was joined by an oboe.  Jamal knelt at her side as Holly opened the tie on his loincloth and let it drop.  Jamal's large cock flopped free, and began to harden as Holly lovingly fondled and stroked it.  Jamal leaned over her, and they kissed as Holly stroked Jamal to full erection.  As the audience members looked on, the ones with companions toyed with their little bodies as they watched the show.  The lone males stroked their own members.  The woodwinds joined in the refrain.

As Jamal kissed Holly, he first stroked her body over the sheer vest and pants, which hid none of her charms.  Then he began to strip the girl.  As he stripped the garments from her body, he began to kiss and lick his way down her chest, as Holly moaned and sighed in passion.  Violins joined the flutes and woodwinds.  As Jamal slid down her body, Holly had to release his erection with a final lingering caress. Jamal's head moved from Holly's nascent breasts to her stomach, then to her lower lips, her body writhed in ecstasy as her legs opened wide to give all the men peeks at her most intimate parts. 

The princess writhed and twisted under the thick lips and long strong tongue of the boy. Her pelvis was moving up and around as his lips found her clit. The contrast between the petite white bodied girl, and the tall, brown slave was not lost on the viewers.  As the brass instruments began to join in, and the music grew louder, the sexual excitement between the two youngsters continued to mount.  The men in the audience had their naked little partners either between their legs fellating them, or they were being cuddled and molested by the men as they watched the show.  The music swirled on, sinuous and sexual.

As Holly had to save her virginity for the man who had bid the most for it, Jamal was not allowed to use fingers or tongue on that tender part of her, so he concentrated on her clit.  Holly moaned aloud and cried out little cries, not all of them fake, because Jamal was very adept at rousing sexual feelings with his long tongue.  Jamal knew the instrument to listen for that signaled the middle of the piece, and when he heard it, he proceeded to bring Holly right up to her orgasm on his dancing tongue.  As she orgasmed, Jamal abandoned her sex and slipped up beside her to hold her and kiss her lips. 

Holly very soon recovered, and sat up.  Jamal sprang to his feet, but Holly beckoned him to kneel before her on the couch.  She took his erect penis by cupping one hand beneath it, and bent down to take him between her lips.  The pair was in profile to the audience as the stage slowly rotated.  Then Holly cupped both her hands around Jamal's balls, deep throating the boy as she had learned to do with Bob Brown. Jamal grunted and groaned. 

“Go easy on that throat thing, Holly,” Jamal told her in a low voice.  “I got to last a while longer here.” Jamal had enough experience with intercourse that the constriction of Holly's throat around the head of his penis made him think of a tight little pussy, which made him want to shoot his load.  Jamal was desperately trying to think of anything besides having his cum, but the girl was a wonderful cock sucker, and that thought came back to him every time Holly moved her tongue around the head of his cock.  “Hey, girl, give me a break, okay?  Fake it for a minute.”

So Holly just bobbed her head on Jamal’s cock with her mouth loose around it, and no tongue action.  It looked real enough to the audience. 

The music was an extended version of Bolero, and lasted a full ten minutes.  Since Jamal's half of the show was half of that time, he was hard put to last under the dual stimulation of first performing on Holly, and being aroused by her reaction, and then having her perform on him.  Damn!  That little girl was good!  Just started in, and a virgin, and she could suck a cock like a pro!  Jamal caressed Holly's tiny breast buds while she took it easy on him for a couple of full rounds.

“Now do it!”  Jamal told Holly as the choir chimed in above all the instruments.  “Make me cum, girl!” 

“Um,” was all Holly could say with his penis in her mouth.  She pulled her head back, looking up at him adoringly, as Bob had taught her, and placed one hand under his sack to cup and hold it, and one hand holding the rigid organ, as she lifted it to allow the head to rest on her extended tongue.  She lovingly licked up the bottom of his cock, paying particular attention to the frenulum, the little tie of foreskin to penis head that Bob had told her was most sensitive to men.  Jamal groaned with pleasure.  Her eyes were fixed on her lovers face as she licked the head of his penis, gazing upward at his face.

Jamal moaned loudly as Holly engulfed his whole head and most of his shaft with one small forward lunge of her head.  On her withdrawal, Jamal was visibly shuddering.  On her next forward thrust, Holly took in his entire organ, the head visibly stretching her throat.  Holly's hands were now clutching Jamal's lean flanks for support.  His two hands went to the sides of her head to hold her to him as he thrust his hips forward.  Then he slowly withdrew the length of his penis, and as the head was about to clear her lips, he slowly thrust it all the way into her willing mouth again.

The music hit the closing bars in a crescendo of instruments, cymbals, and big bass drums.  As Jamal began to pull out, he began to cum.  The first spurt went into Holly's mouth.  The rest, she directed over her breasts and stomach.  Bob had told them that the men liked to see evidence that the man, or boy, in this case was actually cumming, and not faking it. 

Jamal had been saving up semen for three days for this show.  He had not been with a girl, masturbated or anything to save up for this moment.  All the practicing in the afternoon had brought him to the brink, but never over it.  So he was good for four very long, strong spurts, and four smaller, weaker ones.  Holly started to rub the large streams of semen running down her chest over her breasts and stomach as she took the spent and deflating penis back into her mouth for the last round of the stage. 

Jamal dropped down to his knees too, and the two embraced and kissed a passionate kiss as the music came to an end, and the lights went down.  They escaped down a corridor between booths as the audience applauded them.  Bob Brown was there to congratulate them and give them towels to clean off, and robes to cover their nakedness.  The two girls for the next show went down the corridor to the stage.  Bob Brown took the kids up to his office to wash up and get dressed.  When they were done, he had the receipts for their show, and the tip money that had been collected for them.  When the kids were dressed, he was ready to distribute their money.

“Holly, Jamal, you put on a great show.  All fifteen booths were full, the audience loved it and they gave you three hundred dollars in tips.  Now Jamal has been doing this much longer than you, Holly, so he is entitled to the larger share.   In this case I think sixty to forty would be reasonable... Ah, what is it, Jamal?” Jamal had been shaking his head.

“I want Holly to have an equal share.  She did good and we made more because of her being so pretty and sexy and all.  Make it even.”

“That is very generous of you, Jamal.  Equal it is. One fifty for Jamal and one fifty for Holly.”

Holly was not sure what all the talk about the split was, but she got it that Jamal had given her a good compliment. Then when Bob transferred some bills to her pile, she had got some of his money.  She said “Thank you, Jamal,” and hugged him and gave him a quick kiss.  The boy blushed.

Bob Brown dismissed Jamal then, but he kept Holly for another hour while he told her more about handling the customers.  She was not to be with any men until the rich Arab had taken her virginity, and she had recovered from that.  But Bob told her she could be in shows and with  certain men who would respect the restricted sex she was allowed, so she could come in after school for a couple of hours, and on Saturday afternoons.  Bob also told her that the club would open a savings account for her if she did not want her parent to see how much money she made.   


Holly decided to put her salary into the savings, but to take her tip money home.  She had a good hiding place, and she had more groceries to buy, and more clothes for her sisters.  She felt rich, but knew the money would go fast.


The end of Part 1



All of my stories are fiction, and all of my characters, places and events are products of my imagination.  Do not try this at home.

Thank you to all of you readers who take the time to comment on my stories.  You give me incentive to keep it up.  Thank you all.



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