(Mb, exhib, 1st, fondle, oral, anal, rim, MMb, prost)
This story is based on the actual experiences of a reader of my stories. Many thanks to Mike for sharing his early experiences with me. Like an Oliver Stone movie or a “documentary” by Michael Moore, I have played loosely with the facts and have in some insistences have invented entire passages out of whole cloth… at least I admit it, nor do I have a political axe to grind.
Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit
material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please
leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read
or view sexually explicit material in the community you view such material,
please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any
resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you
are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are
offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex
between minors and adults, or any other situation, please check the story code
before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not
promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to
unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.
Mikey clutched his school bag as the train pulled into the subway station. Looking left and then to his right, he warily regarded his fellow passengers just like his parents had told him to do. He was fairly comfortable riding the train by himself as he had done it now for well over a year. At nine, going on ten, he was a big boy, just like his dad told him; and just as his dad told him to be, he wasn’t afraid, cautious, but not afraid.
He could have gone to the public school which was only a few blocks from his apartment, but his mom and dad wanted a better education for him, so they sacrificed and sent him to the nearest Catholic school. It wasn’t that far from his home, but it was too far to walk and only two stations away from the station nearest his home.
Exiting the train without being trampled was always a
challenge, but he had a strategy that worked pretty well. He would stand back, let everyone else off
and then hop off before the doors closed.
Today was no exception except for one pressing matter… he had to pee and
he had to pee bad.
No way could he hold it until he made it home.
His dad had warned
him not to use the subway bathrooms when he was alone, but he just couldn’t
help it today.
Entering the men’s room, the rank smell of stale urine filled his
nostrils. It wasn’t a pleasant odor at
all, but he steeled himself and tried to ignore it. Immediately he saw an open urinal, a low
urinal that would be easy for a boy like him to use. Holding his book bag so that it didn’t touch
the filthy floor he set about his business. There was man standing at the adjacent urinal
when Mikey stepped up to pee. Glancing to his left he saw an older heavyset
man standing there, his cock jutting from his fly. As Mikey
looked at the erect cock, the man turned slightly towards him to give the boy a
better view and then started slowly stroking himself. With his free hand, the man signaled for Mikey to touch it.
Mikey glanced up at the husky smiling man’s round face and
then back down at his big dick.
looked back up at the man and grinned back. Suddenly there was a commotion behind them. The man turned to face the urinal again and
hastily stuffed his erect penis back into his pants just as a uniformed officer
stepped up to the free urinal beside him.
The man turned and hurriedly disappeared outside onto the platform.
, his relief complete, finished his business and zipped
himself up. Once outside he began his
short journey home.
“Hey, kid! Hey, kid!” he
heard from behind.
stopped and the husky man from the restroom walked up to him. “Let me ask you something, kid,” he
said. Then bending over and in a low
voice he asked, “Did you like what you saw?”
Mikey knew the man
was referring to his dick and he shyly looked away.
Enrique expected the kid to bolt, but he didn’t. Emboldened he then asked in a low voice,
“Would you like to see my dick again?”
He saw the kid grinning coyly, but Mikey
didn’t answer directly. The man chuckled
and rubbed Mikey’s shaggy blonde hair. Again the boy didn’t just take off, but stood
allowing Enrique to touch him. “What’s
your name?” Enrique asked.
“Mikey,” the boy answered softly.
“Nice to meet you, Mikey.
I’m Enrique.”
Mikey was torn between his father’s instructions to not
talk to strangers while at the same time he was expected to be polite and
respectful to adults. His dilemma was
solved when he realized the man had introduced himself… that’s not what a bad
person would do. “I’ve seen you around here before,” Enrique told him. “Do you
live close by?” For several minutes
Enrique asked the boy about his school, what his favorite sport was, where his
father worked, did his mother work too? He
learned that Mikey’s father worked for the city
street department and learned that his mother worked as a secretary in an
office. It was mid afternoon and Enrique
correctly guessed that it would be hours before the boy’s parents would be
“You know, last night I made an awesome chocolate cake. Do you like chocolate cake? I work just a few
blocks from here,” Enrique told. “How
about if we go over there and I can fix you a slice. I promise, it’s the
best chocolate cake in town.” Rubbing
his crotch briefly he added, “Then if you want…”
knew that he shouldn’t go with this man, but he was so
friendly, and he was well dressed in pressed kaki’s, an
open collared blue oxford cloth shirt, and a navy jacket.
Mikey was also hungry and knew it would be hours before
either his mom or dad got home and then longer still before they ate
supper. And chocolate cake! He loved anything chocolate.
Just as Enrique had said, it was only two blocks until they
arrived at a townhouse. All of his life Mikey had seen these places, but he had never been in
one. This is where the rich people
lived. His mom and dad did just fine,
and they lived in a very nice apartment, but they were far, far from being
Enrique unlocked the front door and ushered the boy inside. There Mikey was
astonished at the rich wood paneling, the marble floors, the ornate chandlers,
rich rugs and opulent furnishings. Enrique
however didn’t give him much of a chance to see the front rooms as he quickly
ushered Mikey into the large kitchen located in the
back. The spacious kitchen itself was
quite impressive to Mikey, with stainless steel
commercial grade appliances and granite countertops.
Enrique directed Mikey to sit at the
small kitchen table and momentarily he placed a thick slice of chocolate cake
in front of the boy along with a glass of cold milk. Mikey
hardly noticed the four layers, but when he took a mouthful, he knew he was in
chocolate heaven. Enrique sat the table
and watched the smile on the boys face as he ate. “You like my cake?” he asked the boy.
Mikey with his
mouth stuffed, just looked up and nodded his total approval. Enrique was impressed with this boy’s table
manners… he didn’t just shovel the cake into his mouth and he didn’t make a
mess, he simply ate it in a most civilized manner, looking up every now and
then and grinning at his new friend.
By and by the entire slice was consumed and
the glass of milk drained.
“Thanks, that was the best!” Mikey
“Why thank you, Mikey.
Glad that you liked it.”
Enrique stood and took the empty plate, fork
and empty glass to the sink.
Returning, the sixty-something houseman stood before the blue-eyed
boy. For a long moment, Enrique just
stood looking down at his find, while Mikey looked up
into the round smiling face.
Mikey’s eyes dropped momentarily and then looked back
up. It was all the encouragement Enrique
needed. His large hands went to his
looked down and watched as the man unbuckled and then unzipped. With his pants unbuttoned, Enrique lowered
his kaki trousers to his knees. Then he unsnapped his boxer shorts and let
them drop.
was transfixed by the adult cock that was now before him. It wasn’t the first dick he’d seen as he had
played show and tell with friends before, and he’d seen fleeting glimpses, like
today, of men’s cocks in public bathrooms, but this was the first adult cock
he’d seen unfettered and from just inches away.
Enrique allowed the boy to study him for a moment, before he began
unbuttoning his shirt. In just moments,
the blue oxford cloth shirt was discarded carelessly onto the floor.
Mikey looked up at
the olive-skinned bare chested man. He had a husky build, not flabby at all. What little body hair he had was salt and
pepper, just like his scalp hair and pubic hair. Besides the man’s dick, what impressed Mikey the most was that he had large dark nipples, much
larger than anything he’d ever seen before.
Watching the boy for any adverse reactions, Enrique sat in a chair
and removed his polished shoes and socks.
Then he stood and pushed off his trousers and boxers.
could hardly believe what he was seeing, a man, a large
man, completely naked from head to toe and standing not two feet away from
It was all at the same time somewhat
intimidating, yet very exciting and he felt short of breath as he stared at the
man’s nudity.
“Do you like what you see, Mikey? Does it make your dick hard? You can touch it if you want,” Enrique said
Enrique watched as the boy’s hand slowly approached his cock. At the feel of the boy’s small cool hand surrounding his cock, Enrique closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment.
Mikey was amazed at how the warm, heavy, uncut organ felt in his hand and as he stroked it, it began to engorge and stiffen. In just a few seconds it had grown impressively until the foreskin peeled back on its own. Mikey and most of his friends were circumcised, but some were not, so the foreskin wasn’t a surprise. What was a surprise was just how big the whole thing looked; especially compared to the boy cocks he was more familiar with.
Enrique felt the boy remove his hand. He opened his eyes and tussled Mikey’s blonde hair again. Then he turned and walked into an adjacent room. Mikey’s eyes watched the full, olive colored buttocks flexing as Enrique took the half dozen or so steps into the next room. There he sat on a sofa and beckoned Mikey to join him.
As Mikey approached, Enrique lay back on the cushions like a whore ready for business. Making room for the boy, Enrique let one foot rest on the floor, while the other he hiked up onto the back of the sofa, and spreading himself out for easy access. The boy sat where the man indicated, between his splayed legs.
“What time do you need to be home, Mikey?”
“Uh, no later than six.”
Enrique glanced up at a wall clock. It was barely past four thirty. “We have plenty of time,” he observed. Then he placed his hands behind his head and waited. “You can play with my dick and my balls, all you want, Mikey. I’d like that… would you?” Mikey nodded and touched the older’s man’s cock once again.
To Mikey, the mature nut sack was just as interesting as the big hard dick, not to mention all the curly groin hair. The boy’s hand was in constant motion, sliding up the stiff staff and then back down to roll the big nuts in their loose sack. “That really feels nice, Mikey,” the man said. “You like playing with my dick and my balls?” Mikey looked up from his main attraction, grinning and nodding. “Good, you go ahead have fun… I certainly am.”
“Tell me, Mikey. Have you ever before played with a man like this?”
“No, sir.”
“But you have played with other boys…”
“No, sir, not really. I’ve only looked…”
“Is that so?” Enrique had to make a quick decision on how far and how fast to push this jewel he’d discovered. If what Mikey had said was true, the boy was totally inexperienced; inexperienced, but apparently willing to learn. As much as he wanted to push the kid’s face down and make him suck him off, he realized that it would be best to take it slow, bringing him along a little at a time. If he did that he knew, he’d own the boy in a few short days… own him and do whatever he wished with him… push too hard, too early and he could very well scare the kid off permanently, or even worse.
Having quickly formulated an overall plan, Enrique contented himself with letting the lad feel him up to his heart’s content. He wouldn’t push it, not today. Next time, he’d add a little to the mix. But it was imperative that there would be a next time. He had a plan for that too.
Mikey’s attention was drawn to slippery stuff that was seeping from the brownish head of the man’s dick. It was totally unlike anything he’d encountered before, and as he rubbed his thumb across the head, he was struck with how incredibly smooth the head was. Round and round, his thumb circled Enrique’s cock crown, gathering more and more of the slippery stuff with each stroke. Looking up, he saw that Enrique was rubbing his now erect dark nipples, pulling and pinching on them in a lazy unhurried manner.
“Yeah, just like that. Just like that,” he heard the man say. The thumb took wider circles, dragging over the coronal rim and stroking across the odd little flap of skin just under the rim. “Fuck, yeah, Mikey. Just like that. Just like that.”
Suddenly and to Mikey’s utter astonishment, stuff… thick white stuff… erupted from man’s dick, shooting skyward for an inch or so before splattering down onto his bare belly. Again and again, the man spouted, but after the first two squirts, the rest just pulsed out and dripped down his dick.
Enrique had put his arm across his face while he enjoyed his climax. He was still panting when he heard Mikey ask, “What’s that stuff?” Enrique lifted his arm and regarded the naïve boy.
“That’s cum, Mikey. You know, semen. It’s made in a man’s nuts.” Forcing himself to sit up, he scooped up a glob on his finger and held it out for Mikey’s examination. He was amused at the boy’s wide eyed expressions when he stuck his finger in his mouth and sucked it clean. Immediately he scooped up another glob and sucked it off his finger again. The third time he offered it to the boy. The squeamish expression said it all. Enrique just chuckled and put the finger in his own mouth. “It doesn’t taste bad at all, Mikey. Some people, myself included, like the taste.” He then proceed to wipe the remaining cum from his pubes and licked his fingers clean.
Enrique pointed to the clock. “You best be going now, Mikey. I need to finish preparing dinner for Mr. Carson.” He swung his leg that had been perched on the back of sofa over the boy’s head and stood up. Mikey watched as he stepped into a bathroom at one end of the small sitting room. Looking about, Mikey saw that there was a TV facing the sofa in one corner by the bathroom. At the far end of the room was a washer, dryer and a laundry sink. He heard the splashing sound of the man pissing into the toilet and then the nude man reappeared, wiping his groin with a damp washcloth.
Enrique sat by the boy so as to be eye level. “That was fun, Mikey, a lot of fun. Maybe we can do that again. Would you like that?” Mikey did want to do it again, but he was also feeling guilty for doing such a naughty thing in the first place. “I know, I’ll bake some of my world famous brownies tonight. Would you like brownies tomorrow?”
“Yeah!” the boy enthusiastically gushed, all thoughts of impropriety having instantaneously vanished with the promise of a brownie.
“Do you like them with walnuts or pecans?”
“Uh… walnuts!”
“Lots and lots of walnuts?”
Enrique tussled Mikey’s hair once again. “It’s a deal. I’ll meet you at the station tomorrow afternoon after school. Okay?”
“Sure, that’d be fine.”
“Good. Now, I had fun meeting you today, Mikey. Did you have fun too?” Mikey nodded with an approving smile. “What we did today was very naughty, so don’t tell anyone about what we did; not your best friend, and certainly not your teachers. If your mom and dad heard about it, they will be very angry with you for being such a naughty boy. They’ll punish you, Mikey. They might even send you away to an orphanage.” The kid’s expression said it all… he wouldn’t tell.”
“I won’t tell,” the now frightened boy whispered.
“Good. It’s our secret, so let’s keep it that way and we can have fun again tomorrow. Okay?”
“Now I’ve got to get to work, Mikey and you have to get home.”
Next day was another fine late spring day when Mikey hopped of the subway. He glanced about and saw Enrique standing by the wall. He waved and Enrique waved back. Like yesterday, Enrique was dressed in kaki pants, a blue button down collared shirt, a navy sports jacket and polished black shoes.
“Hey, Mikey,” Enrique greeted giving the boy an affectionate head rubbing. “Ready for some brownies?”
“Yeah, you bet!” the boy gushed.
Eight minutes later, Mikey was sitting at the table in Enrique’s kitchen. The older man set a plate with two large brownies in front of the smiling boy, along with a tall glass of milk. While Mikey feasted on the walnut laden chocolate treats, Enrique disappeared into the adjacent sitting/laundry room. Mikey saw that he’d cut to the left and assumed that he was going to the bathroom. Mikey savored the richness of the brownies and marveled at the quantities of walnuts… his mother put walnuts in her brownies, but never this many!
Before the boy was finished eating, Enrique returned… buck naked. Mikey regarded his older nude friend and regarded his nude friend’s big dick. Without saying a word, Enrique pulled out a chair and sat down at the table and silently watched as the boy finished his last morsels.
“Those were the awesomest best brownies in the whole world!” Mikey exclaimed.
Enrique basked in the praise, happy to have pleased the boy so much. “Thanks, Mikey. Glad you enjoyed them. Now do me a favor and put your dirty dishes in the sink. I’ll wash them later.”
Mikey jumped up and did just as he was asked. Returning, Enrique motioned towards him and he stood before the naked man, waiting to see what would happen next. It wasn’t lost on Enrique that the boy’s attention was on his cock, lying dormant for the moment between his legs.
The man reached forward and began unbuttoning Mikey’s white uniform shirt. When unbuttoned, he pulled it off the placid boy’s shoulder and pulled it down and off his arms. Unlike yesterday when he carelessly discarded his own clothes, Enrique neatly folded the shirt and placed it on the table. Mikey’s breathing quickened as the man undid his school trousers. With the fly completely open, the man pulled the boy into his lap and removed his sneakers and white socks. Then he stood the boy up before him and began pulling his pants down. Mikey stepped out of his school pants and again, Enrique neatly folded them and placed them on the table. Standing in just his white briefs, Mikey waited.
Enrique reached out and ran his fingers across the boy’s bare chest. “My turn today,” he said looking the boy directly in the eye. Seeing no apprehension in Mikey’s expression, his other hand stroked up his leg and across the boy’s covered groin. For a long minute he fondled the boy like that before both hands came to rest on the waistband of his briefs. Watching the boy’s wide eyed expression, he hooked his thumbs into the waist band and slowly pulled them down, off his hips, down his legs until the boy could step out of them. Enrique brought the day old undies to his nose and inhaled deeply; it was a smell he adored, the funky musky odor of a boy’s crotch.
Placing the undies on the table, he stroked up the boy’s thigh and lightly grazed over his little cocklet. Again and again, he grazed across the boy’s dick before he ever took it between his fingers. Mikey trembled at the wild sensations coming from his hard dick as the man rolled it with his fingers. Leaning forward, the man licked the boy’s nipples as he continued to fondle him.
Suddenly, Enrique broke off the foreplay. Standing, he took the boy’s hand and lead him to the sofa where he lay the boy out like he had lain out the day before. Again the fingers were around the boy’s cock while the other fingers lightly stroked his naked torso. Almost immediately the boy began squirming on the couch. Enrique leaned over the boy and asked, “Do you beat off at night?” Mikey had heard his friends talking about that, but he’d never done it. The boy shook his head. “You’ve never gotten your rocks off?” Mikey didn’t know what he was talking about, so he just shook his head. “Okay… this is going to feel fantastic.” He stopped toying with the little pecker and gently grasp it with two fingers and his thumb. Enrique began the age old motions of self stimulation, only his thumb rubbed up and down the underside of the boy’s dick and not the top.
A minute passed. “Uhhhhhhhhhhh!” Mikey squealed. “Uhhhhhhhhhhh!” The look of panic on his face faded as he tightly shut his eyes. With glee, the old perv watched the young boy orgasm for the first time in his short life. Of course it was a dry-cum as Mikey’s nuts and prostate were too immature to produce semen, but the prostate was quite capable of intense contractions, sending mind bending jolts of pure pleasure throughout the young boy’s body.
When Mikey’s body stopped jerking, the houseman let go of the little prick, sat back and waited for Mikey to return to earth. The now sweating boy’s breathing gradually returned to normal. Bye and bye, his blue eyes fluttered open.
“How was that?” the grinning man asked.
“Gawd… I thought I was going to die or go blind!”
“You won’t go blind and you won’t die from doing that. Feels great, doesn’t it?”
“We’ll do that again in a little while, but I’ve got to get my rocks off first.” The man crawled over and straddled Mikey. With his erection just inches from Mikey’s face, Enrique began stroking off. What with the excitement of getting the boy off, Enrique didn’t last very long, nor did he really want too.
Mikey watched as the foreskin flew back and forth over the large glans just inches away, the leaking meatus deforming with every stroke. Mikey heard the man moan. Three strokes later, the meatus gapped open and thick wad of cum shoot from his dick and splattered onto the boy’s face. The second jet landed a little lower and splattered onto the boy’s lips. The reaming pulses merely gushed, then oozed from the penile opening and dripped onto the boy’s bare chest.
Mikey was aghast that he was now covered with the man’s stuff, especially the stuff pooled between his lips. Enrique rocked back and sat between the boy’s splayed open legs, the sight of the cum covered boy exciting him and satisfying some primitive urge to dominate the lesser male.
Reaching forward, Enrique shoved the cum on the boy’s lips into his mouth.
As bad as things seemed just moments ago, Mikey realized that Enrique had been telling the truth yesterday. The stuff that came from dick didn’t taste bad at all. It didn’t taste great, but it didn’t taste bad.
Seeing the boy’s acceptance, Enrique scooped up cum from the boy’s cheek and offered it to him. To Enrique’s delight, the boy opened his lips and willingly sucked the gooey finger. The man allowed the boy to suck on his finger long after it was clean before getting another glob for the boy to eat.
Having cleaned all the cum from the boy’s face, Enrique saved the cum pooled on the boy’s chest for another use. Scooping it up, he the coated the boy’s small cock and his nut sack. Then to Mikey’s astonishment, he bent forward and took the boy’s cock into his mouth. This was something he’d heard about at school, but never really believed that anyone would actually do such a thing.
The warm wet mouth and the dancing tongue felt like nothing Mikey had experienced before. It was a wickedly delightful sensation and the boy passively let the man suck his cock.
The boy was hard again and Enrique was determined to get the boy off with his mouth. Using his vast experience as a skilled cocksucker, he slid the boy’s dick between his chops, masturbating him with his lips, while flickering over the boy’s glans with his tongue. It took a good five minutes or more, but Enrique heard the now squirming boy’s moans and knew that he was close.
“Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhhh !” he heard as he felt the small cock pulse in orgasm. He sucked until the moaning stopped, the pulsations stopped and the squirming stopped. Then he sat back upright and waited for Mikey to recover.
Slowly the boy came around. Enrique pulled the boy from the couch and led him to the bathroom for a shower before sending him home. The shower stall was cramped, but Enrique was used to that. Taking a bottle of shower gel, he soaped the boy up, paying particular attention to the boy’s genitalia before washing deep up the boy’s butt crack, rubbing the anus, but not penetrating it. Then he had the boy do the same to him. Mikey did a great job of washing the older man’s cock and balls, but was reluctant to give his ass a good scrubbing.
“Hey, I washed your ass good, now you wash mine good,” he gently and playfully chastised. Giving the boy another squirt of body wash in his hand, he directed the boy’s hand to his butt and deep between the cheeks. “Yeah, that feels good, Mikey. Really good. You could rub my asshole like that for hours.”
Mikey did rub it and the nastiness of what he was doing made it all the better, but Enrique didn’t let him do it for hours, only a few minutes before he turned the shower off.
The houseman dried off his new play toy and told him that he should get dressed and head for home. “I need to get to work and put the finishing touches on Mr. Carson’s dinner. We can do this again tomorrow if you want.”
“You have any of that chocolate cake left,” Mikey asked.
“Is that what you want for a snack tomorrow?” Mikey grinned and nodded his head. “It’s a deal! I’ll meet you at the station.”
Mikey reached for his white briefs to put on, but Enrique snatched them from his hand. “I want to keep these,” he said holding the boy’s drawers up so that he couldn’t reach them even when he jumped. “I’ll give them back tomorrow. Okay?”
To Mikey it really felt odd walking home without any underwear on, but oh… what a great day!
Fulfilling his multipurpose role as houseman, Enrique served Jason Carson dinner. As he served the desert, Carson asked, “What do think about improving relations with Cuba?”
“Fuck, Castro,” the aging Cuban exile sneered. “Fuck those shit eaters.”
“I thought that you’d feel that way. Can’t blame you either.”
Carson watched as his houseman disappeared from the dining room into the kitchen. A few moments later Enrique returned with a pot of decaffeinated coffee. Pouring the coffee, he said, “I have something that will interest you, Jason.” He was allowed to use the familiar only when the two men were alone.
“What’s that?” his employer asked.
Enrique reached into his pocket and sat Mikey’s white briefs on the table. “Found him yesterday. Nice kid, very polite and very much a virgin.”
“Virgin? How old?”
“Nine, going on ten. Blonde, blue eyes. Kid’s never had an orgasm until this afternoon.”
“You don’t say? Well, if you manage to keep your cock out of his ass, I’ll double your usual finder’s fee.”
“That’s a deal, Jason. He’s coming along quite nicely, but he won’t be ready for a few days.”
“Take your time, Enrique my friend. Like Christmas, the anticipation can be the best part.”
Wednesday afternoon, Enrique was waiting for his boy at the station. “How was school today?” he asked the boy.
“Not very good. I flunked my math test.”
“Oh, what seems to be the problem?”
“I just don’t get it. I hate math! It’s stupid!”
“Well, Mr. Carson won’t be home until very late this evening, so I’ll have time to help you out after we’ve had a snack and everything.” Mikey understood full well what that everything meant, or so he thought. It was the whole reason to be spending the afternoon with this man old enough to be his grandfather. Being with and playing naughty with Enrique these past two day had been the most exciting and fun thing he’d ever done.
“Oh, okay,” Mikey responded brightly.
The Cuban leaned over and asked quietly, “Did you beat off in bed last night?”
“Uh, no… should I?”
“Of course you should! All boys beat off. Feels good… feels too good not to.” Enrique stopped walking and turning to the boy asked, “You did enjoy getting your nut off yesterday, didn’t you?”
“Get your nut off? Yeah! That was so cool! But… I’m not sure how to beat off.”
“Really? Tell, you what. How about if you practice this afternoon? If you’re doing it wrong, I’ll give you some pointers.”
“Yeah! Let’s do that!”
“You’re on, my boy! You’re on for jacking-off lessons… plus maybe a few other fun things.”
“Like what?”
“Oh, you’ll see. You’ll see.”
Like the day before, while Mikey ate his snack, Enrique retired to his tiny bedroom behind the bath and took off his clothes. Mikey wasn’t surprised at all when he came out totally naked, indeed, he was expecting it.
Slowly eating the delicious chocolate cake, the boy watched as the naked older man sat in his chair, rubbing his large nipples until they stood out prominently from his chest. When he finished, without being told, he took his dishes to the sink. Half way back to the table, Enrique ordered him to stop.
“Haven’t we gotten to know each other yet?” the houseman asked.
Confused, Mikey stammered, “Yeah, I guess so.”
“Then let me ask you this. Don’t you like being naked with me? I like being naked with you.”
“Uh, yeah I like it.”
“I thought so. I want you naked for as long as possible when you’re with me. That means when you come into this house, before you have your snack, I want you naked. You can dress when you’re ready to go home, but not until then.”
“Uh, okay.”
The boy stood there waiting further instructions. “Well?” Enrique asked.
“Well, what?” Mikey asked in return.
“Strip! Out of your clothes, right now!” Mikey hurriedly shucked all of his clothes, leaving everything in a disorganized heap at his feet. “That’s better. Now come here, Mikey.” Mikey stooped to pick up his clothes but Enrique stopped him saying, “Leave them right there. They’re not in the way and if you don’t mind wrinkles, what do I care? Now come here.”
Mikey stood before his sex pal and Enrique immediately began fondling him. Once he had the boy nice and stiff, Enrique slipped from the chair and kneeling on the hard floor, took the boy into his mouth, his hands gripping the boy’s buttocks. The dick sucking yesterday had been foremost on Mikey’s mind all day and he was thrilled that he was being sucked off again and especially thrilled when he felt that funny tingling in his dick announcing that a greater thrill would be soon forthcoming.
The young boy groaned and bucked as the orgasmic ecstasy swept up from his groin to radiate throughout his body to the tips of his fingers and toes. There was nothing like this feeling and Mikey was already becoming addicted to it like it was crack cocaine.
Enrique felt the small organ go soft in his mouth and he released the boy from his oral embrace. Leading the buzzing boy to the sofa, he sat down and sprawled out with the boy sitting between his splayed legs. Mikey thought that they were going to play the same game they played that first day and he eagerly fondled his older friend. But that’s not what Enrique wanted… he wanted something more, much more. But being patient with his pre-teen conquest, he allowed the boy to do as he wished… up to a point.
Gently he pushed the boy’s hands away from his stiff and leaking cock. Mikey looked at him questionably. “I want you to suck my dick, Mikey.” Mikey sat motionless not sure if he heard him right. “I want you to suck my dick, like I sucked your dick yesterday and today. Will you do that for me? I know that you’ll like it.”
Mikey was far from sure about taking this big piss tube into his mouth. He had already learned what a center of sexual pleasure his own dick was, but he still hadn’t fully gotten beyond thinking of its function other than to aim his pee.
“Suck my dick, Mikey,” he heard Enrique say softly again. “It’s time you learned how to suck dicks.”
Enrique patiently waited. He didn’t want to force the kid, but he also needed to move things along. Patience won out. With gleeful excitement, he watched as young Mikey lowered his head to his adult cock. The kid paused, a mere half inch from the goal. “Suck it, boy,” came the gentle command. Mikey opened his mouth and placed it over the Cuban’s fat glans.
Immediately Mikey was intrigued with the texture of the cock crown in his mouth, so silky smooth and salty tasting. His tongue flickered over the head and he pushed more of the cock into his virgin mouth.
“Watch your teeth,” his sex mentor admonished. “Easy on the teeth! Easy on the teeth! That’s better… much better. Now roll your tongue over it. Good boy… good boy. Now suck…release… lick… suck... release… that’s a boy, you’re doing great. Now take a little more in… come on, you can get more dick in your mouth… That’s better. The teeth… fold those teeth back. Now suck you little cocksucker, suck my dick! Yeah, suck it boy, suck it!”
Enrique reached down and taking the boy’s head in his hands, began jerking his head up and down, with each downward push, the Cuban hunched his hips upward, driving his dick deeper and deeper into the boy’s mouth until he felt the kid gag as his cock head bounced off the back of his throat. At that point he released the kid’s head and just let him blow as best he could. “You’re doing great, kid. Keeping sucking, just keep sucking. Yeah, you’re a fast learner, Mikey. Hmmmmmm, I feel it coming boy, I feel it cumming.” Once again he gripped the boy’s skull, this time to prevent him from pulling off as he ejaculated.
The Cuban grunted as his cum spat from his dick into the sucking boy’s mouth. As he expected the kid tried to pull off the spouting cock, but was unable to. After a very brief thrashing about, the kid settled down and just accepted the cum in my mouth. After his cock was completely deflated, he let the boy rise up and off his dick. “Open wide,” Enrique ordered. “Let me see in your mouth.” Mikey opened and the sex mentor saw that he had indeed swallowed his cum. “How was that cum, fresh from the spigot?”
“Okay, I guess,” Mikey replied.
“You’ll get used to it and next thing you know, you’ll get to the point where you want it so bad that’s all you ever think about.”
“Is that all you think about?” the boy asked sincerely.
Enrique laughed and tussling the boy’s shaggy blonde hair said, “Maybe not all of the time, but most of the time, I do. I’ve been swallowing cum since I was your age, Mikey. I didn’t like it at first, but I quickly came to love it, and I think you’re going to love it too. All it takes is practice, practice, practice. You’ll see.”
“Now let’s take a little break and take a look at your math problems.”
“Do we have to?”
“Knowing how math works is very, very important. I know it can be confusing at times, but once you get the hang of it, it’s a breeze… like sucking dicks.”
“I think I’m going to like sucking dicks better,” Mikey said with a grin.
“Well, don’t worry. You’ll get lots of dick sucking practice, kid. You’ll see.” Enrique began to say, but checked himself, ‘A young cocksucker is always in big demand.’
Back at the table, Mikey opened his math book and showed Enrique what they had been studying. Fourth grade math wasn’t too complicated, just the basics. Very quickly Enrique realized that the problem wasn’t the math itself, but word problems… word problems that contained superfluous information. He explained that the key is understand what’s being asked and what information do you need to answer the question.
Mikey was still puzzled, then Enrique explained that word problems are like real life. You have lots of information available, some of which is unnecessary. The trick is to focus on what the actual problem is. “Take for instance, I’m making two cakes. I have six eggs and cat. How many cats and eggs go into each cake.”
“Cats don’t go into cakes!”
“Okay so what’s the answer?”
Enrique could also see the cartoon light bulb winking on above the boy’s head. “Uh, three eggs and no cats for each cake.”
Mikey excitedly bounced in his chair. All he had to do was to look for the cats in the recipe and ignore that information. For the next thirty minutes, Mikey did word problem after word problem, getting each and everything correct. In fact he was so happy to have figured it out that he wanted to do more problems.
“Enough! Enough!” Enrique laughed. “Let’s do something that’s really fun?”
“Like what?” his apprentice asked.
“Like sucking my dick. Don’t you think I deserve another blow job?” Mikey grinned, hopped off his chair and knelt before his mentor. Taking the large soft cock in his hand, he bent forward and stuffed it into his mouth. “That’s my boy! That’s my boy,” the Cuban houseman praised. “Suck it, Mikey. Suck it good and blow my wad in your mouth.”
Mikey looked up letting the semi erect cock slip from his mouth. “You promise?”
“Promise what?”
“That you’ll blow a wad in my mouth?”
Enrique laughed. “Yeah, kid… I promise. Now suck me boy, suck the cum right out of my balls!”
Basking in the glow from his latest cum. Enrique stroked the little blonde boy’s head. “You’re learning real quick, Mikey. I just might have to enter you in a dick sucking contest.” Mikey beamed up at his mentor, pleased to have pleased.
The Cuban helped the boy stand up and told him to sit up on the table. “What are you going to do? Blow me?”
“I just might, Mikey. But we have other pressing matters... beat off lessons.” Mikey hopped up and sat on the edge of the sturdy wooden kitchen table. “Now lie back.’ Mikey lay back on the table with his legs hanging down. He jumped and giggled as Enrique swooped in and took a quick suck on the boy’s peter. “Now beating off is as easy as giving blow jobs,” the sex mentor explained. “Just take your dick between your fingers like this and then stroke up and down as fast as you can.”
Mikey did as instructed and was whipping the lizard like a pro. As the boy concentrated on keeping up his furious pace, Enrique stepped over to the counter top and picked up his cell phone. Flipping it open, he caught a short video of the boy masturbating on the table. ‘Jason’s going to love this,’ he said to himself.
Mikey caught sight of him and shouted, “Hey!”
“Don’t worry. After we look at it I’ll delete it,” the houseman lied. That seemed to satisfy the boy so he continued whacking off while Enrique videoed the action. After capturing a short clip, he closed the phone and set it back down. Moments later the boy was grunting from self pleasure.
“How was that?”
“That was awesome.”
“You really don’t have to do it that fast or that hard. Tonight when you’re alone in bed, try it nice and slow. Believe me that can be really good! Now how about a tit sucking?”
“Tit sucking?”
“Yeah. I want you to suck my nipples like a baby feeding on its mama.”
“Okay, I guess.”
Back on the sofa the husky man lay back and directed his charge to his large nipple. Enrique loved to have his nipples sucked, not as much as being ass fucked or having his dick sucked, but still it just felt good to him. His friends always said that his nipples were so large because he nursed babies… and that was true to a point. He had nursed a baby during a previous employment. The kid was suckling, mama wasn’t around, so why not?
As Mikey set about sucking the Cuban large nipples, Enrique wrapped his arm around the boy to toy with his ass. The boy never protested his anal caresses, but then again he didn’t want to hurt the boy with a dry knuckle, so he just toyed and stroked across the boy’s asshole while his own nipples got a workout, smiling as he enjoyed the boy’s nibbling teeth and suckling lips while he reflected on the boy’s progress.
The next day Enrique met Mikey at the station as he had done these past few days and escorted him back to Jason Carson’s townhouse for an afternoon of molesting the boy. So far Mikey hadn’t objected to anything the Cuban houseman had done with him and Enrique felt certain that today’s sex games would be met with no objections.
As soon as the boy stepped into the kitchen, he disrobed without being told to. Then while Enrique went into his tiny bedroom to undress, the young boy was treated to lemon meringue pie. When the husky older man stood behind him and rubbed his dick into the back of the boy’s head, Mikey laughed and turned to playfully bite at Enrique’s dick. Enrique let the boy suck him to an erection, then he pulled back and urged the boy to finish his pie.
After placing his dirty dishes in the sink, Mikey wondered what fun games his new friend had in mind. Willingly the boy was led towards the back. Seeing the bed through the bath-passageway, Mikey thought correctly that Enrique wanted to play in bed, but to his surprise, they stopped in the small bathroom and Enrique started the shower. Showering after their sex games was to be expected, but showering before…
The Cuban directed his young companion into the hot shower and then joined him. After only a perfunctory washing of the boy’s genitals, Enrique settled into thoroughly washing the boy’s ass. Pressed up against the side of the small walk-in shower, Mikey flinched as his anus was penetrated by a soapy finger, but made no effort to prevent the ensuing finger fucking. It felt funny to the boy and he wasn’t sure if he really liked or not at first. But when Enrique removed his fat finger after a minute of plundering the boy’s tight rectum, Mikey was disappointed that the game was over so quickly.
Still pressing the boy’s small body against the shower wall as the warm water beat down upon them, Enrique leaned forward, gently biting at the boy’s ear. “Did you like that, Mikey?” the older man huskily whispered into the young boy’s ear. To Enrique’s delight, the boy silently nodded. A moment later Mikey felt the soapy finger invade his anus once again… this time the boy pushed his ass back into the penetrating finger. ‘Your ass is mine,’ Enrique thought, ‘or rather Mr. Carson’s.’
After another minute of two-knuckle-deep fingering, the boy felt the finger slip from his asshole. “Now do me,” he heard the old pervert say.
No longer held against the wall, Mikey turned. Enrique handed the boy the soap, turned facing away and braced himself with his thick arms. The Cuban’s eyes closed slightly as the boy’s small soapy hand traveled up and down the deep valley of his ass, raking over his well used anus. Resting his head against the wall, he reached back and pulled his meaty buttocks apart. He moaned as the boy tentatively penetrated the readily yielding hole, a hole that was regularly visited by not only his employer’s cock, but used by Carson’s friends’ cocks too. An enthusiastic bottom, Enrique loved the feel of a cock up his ass, for that matter he loved the feel of a fist up his butt too. Carson rarely hurt him, but Carson’s friends enjoyed abusing him. His ass was for the taking, by man and beast alike and after a weekend of depraved debauchery, Enrique could hardly sit or even walk. But after a day or two, he was ready to be used again and his bank account was accordingly fatter. What could be better than enjoying a through ass reaming and getting paid for it too?
Mikey found the well used hole offered little resistance to penetration, even when he used more than one finger. The concept of sticking his entire hand up Cuban’s ass never occurred to him, but he rapidly progressed to three fingers as he mimicked the motions that Enrique had just used on him.
As lovely as the fingering was, Enrique had other goals for today. He had told Carson that he thought the boy would be ready soon and he was eager to deliver the boy as he was promised a substantial bonus if he delivered by tomorrow. But more importantly he was to deliver the boy an anal virgin and deliver him willing to be deflowered.
Enrique turned, pulling the boy’s fingers from his ass. He shut off the water and stepped from the shower stall. Grabbing a large fluffy bath towel, he quickly dried the boy off before using the towel on himself. Discarding the damp towel on the floor, Enrique took the boy’s and led him to his Queen-sized bed. As spacious as the rest of the house was, Mikey was struck by how tiny the bedroom was. Then again, Mikey’s bedroom was tiny too, but at least there was room for a chest of drawers in Mikey’s room, here there was only the iron framed bed. He noticed the various ropes tied to the four corners, but had no idea as to what their use was... nor would he find out today.
Mikey allowed the Cuban to position him face down on the bed with a pillow under his hips. He felt the large hand slide up his crack. Anticipating being anal penetrated again, the boy waited as he was felt up. Then he felt the bed moving as the Enrique repositioned himself between his legs. Soon thereafter he felt the Cuban’s hands take each of his butt cheeks and spread him open.
Mikey gasped in shock as he felt the warm moist tongue dig into his anus. At first he didn’t know what it was, but looking back over his shoulders, he saw the Cuban’s head buried in his ass. He’d been doing naughty things with this man all week, naughty and dirty things… naughty and dirty but fun, and this way naughty, way dirty and way fun! He couldn’t believe the sensations he was feeling, of the large wet tongue, powerful yet flexible, delivering sensations he’d never dreamed of before.
Enrique reveled in the musky taste of the boy’s asshole as he probed into it. Next to taking a cock up his ass, rimming an asshole was his most favorite thing to do, especially a young boy’s asshole. During Jason Carson’s weekend bacchanals, he was there not so much as a participant per se, but there to serve and to be used. As such, he rarely stuck his cock up someone’s ass, not that he wasn’t allowed to, it was just that he preferred the role as a bottom. Likewise, he sucked and licked ass after ass, usually while being buggered, but rarely did anyone rim him. Unlike being a top, Enrique did enjoy being rimmed as much as he enjoyed rimming. And here in this boy was someone he could train to orally pleasure not only his cock, but his anus as well.
Mikey wiggled his cute little butt as the fat tongue ravished his hole, lapping at it and probing into it deep. His sphincter relaxed and the tongue dug into him deep… not as deep as the finger had penetrated him, but deep enough to wiggle around inside him in a most licentious manner. Unlike the relatively brief fingering the shower, the Cuban’s rapacious tongue slathered and laved over and into the boy’s rectal orifice for quite some time. Every so often the ass eater would pause to see how long the boy’s anus gapped open before it slowly closed.
As much as Enrique enjoyed riming the boy, eventually his pleasuring tongue grew tired. The Cuban rocked back and reached for the bottle of lube that he’d placed within easy reach. Mikey felt something cold and wet on his asshole and then he felt the Cuban’s thick middle digit slide up inside him. Enrique glanced at clock on the wall and settled in for a long afternoon of anal play with his boy.
Mikey didn’t know which he enjoyed the best, the tonguing of his ass or the fingering. But as enjoyable as they both were, he eventually had all that he could handle after Enrique had induced several dry orgasms by palpitating the boy’s immature prostrate through the wall of his rectum. The boy rolled over and away from his molester, grinning up at the round faced man.
“Had enough for now?” Enrique asked. Mikey nodded in silence. “Okay, now it’s my turn.” Mikey watched as the Cuban positioned himself face down on the pillow and watched as the husky man pulled his ass cheeks open to display his dark hole secreted away in the hairy valley of his clef.
“I want you to lick me the way I licked you,” Mikey heard him say. As Mikey stared at the dark puckered shit hole, he realized that what the Cuban had been doing to him was not only naughty and dirty, but downright nasty. And as much as he enjoyed being licked, he wasn’t at all sure that he wanted to lick.
Enrique waited for a moment then turned to his boy and said, “I know what you’re thinking. I was hesitant the first time I rimmed another guy, but you washed me didn’t you? You did a good job too. I’m clean… as clean as you are… Go ahead, Mikey. Just try it. After doing it a few times it will be one of your most favorite things to do… Trust me on that. I know it is for me.” Mikey still didn’t move so he added, “Hey, fair is fair. Right? I’m not asking you to do anything I wouldn’t do. Now come on. Try it.”
The sense of fairness that boys that age hold nearly sacred had its effect upon Mikey. Fair is fair… The boy lowered his face closer to the spread open cheeks of the middle-aged Cuban. The sight wasn’t in the least appealing. Closing his eyes, Mikey nuzzled into the older man’s hairy butt crack. It really didn’t smell nearly as bad as he thought it would, musky and earthy, but not vile. His tongue cautiously ventured from his lips only to quickly retract at the feel of the coarse hair that lined the cleft. Again his tongue ventured forth and ignoring the hair he made first oral contact with Enrique’s anus. The soft puckered hole felt strange on Mikey’s tongue and he was pleased that the taste wasn’t at all unpleasant, odd, but not unpleasant. Again and again the boy gently licked across the man’s butthole, gradually becoming bolder.
Enrique moaned in pleasure as the boy’s tongue explored his anal opening. First just on the outside, but by and by, the exploration became more daring as Mikey cautiously probed into the hole itself. Soon the boy was wallowing his face in the man’s butt in a depraved demonstration of self debasement.
To Enrique’s disappointment, the boy’s tongue tired all too soon. No matter, the line had been crossed and next time he knew that the boy would hardly hesitate to give a rim job. He rolled over and offered his hard cock to the boy who eagerly gobbled it down. ‘Yes, my boy, you’re definitely ready. Very ready. You’ve come a long way in a very short time,’ the Cuban thought as the boy sucked cock. ‘Mr. Carson is going to be very pleased with you.’ With dollar signs dancing his head, the Cuban settled in to enjoy the boy’s mouth.
Enrique felt the first stirrings in his groin of a building climax. Gently he pushed the sucking kid off his dick and positioned him once again face down, this time without the pillow under the hips. Reaching under a pillow, he extracted a bottle of Astroglide and slathered is cock with lube. Then he positioned himself over the boy, holding his weight off the young lad with his stock arms. The Cuban nestled his erection in the clef of the boy’s buttocks and began moving his cock back and forth along the smooth furrow formed by the boy’s buttocks. Looking down and back, the houseman watched his uncut cock move along the meaty fold as he masturbated himself with Mikey’s butt crack.
Mikey felt the hard adult cock sliding back and forth along the juncture of his buttocks. It felt funny what the man was doing, but then everything the man had done this week felt funny at first, but seemingly always felt great in the end.
Faster and faster the Cuban pumped his hips, sliding his dick faster and faster against the boy’s smooth groove. Had Mikey been able to see it, he would have seen the brownish head appearing and then disappearing into the protective foreskin, the head deforming slightly with each change of direction of his thrusts. He would have also seen the natural lube oozing forth from the gaping meatus as the movement quickly had its effect on the older man.
Mikey heard the Cuban grunting and felt the man’s cock pulsate and felt warm fluid shooting onto the bare skin between his buttocks. The Cuban moved off the boy and Mikey felt the Cuban’s big hand slide between his cheeks, smearing the spermy cream into his crack and wetting his asshole. Mikey felt Enrique rubbing for a moment and then he felt the man’s hands prying him open. An instant later the man had buried his face in Mikey butt, licking up and down the crack and over and into the boy’s asshole. The initial oral assault only lasted but a minute before the fat wet tongue began to penetrate the boy’s anus once again. The anal ring was already relaxed and offered little resistance to the oral probing.
After several minutes of deep tongue play, Enrique rocked back and holding the boy open, again watched the slightly gaping hole slowly close. Looking up at the relentless wall clock, he knew it was time to call it day. Releasing the meaty rump, he gave the boy a playful slap to the ass. “Come on, Mikey. We need to get you cleaned up for your mommy.”
Friday afternoon, Enrique nervously watched the clock. Unlike the previous four afternoons, he wasn’t going to meet the boy at the station. It had been dangerous to meet him there day after day as someone who knew the boy may see them and alert the boy’s parents. But it had been necessary too… necessary to insure that the boy didn’t entertain any ideas that maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all, or entertain the idea that it might be more full to meet his friends and play basketball or some other such thing. No, he had to ensure that the boy came with him every day for indoctrination.
But today he wanted the boy to come all on his own. He wanted the boy to be willing, absolutely willing to participate in what was in store for his virgin ass today… indeed, he wouldn’t be a virgin for very much longer if he did show up.
He had carefully explained to the boy that he wouldn’t meet him at the station and that the boy was to come straightaway to the townhouse. He also told the boy that if he did come, that something extraordinary would happen. Mikey for his part nodded his understanding and sealed it with blowing the Cuban once again before he went home to his parents.
Enrique was certain that Mikey would show up… but with kids, you never knew. Suddenly his heart leapt as he heard the front door bell. Rushing to the door, he peered through the peep hole and saw that it was indeed the boy!
Enrique opened the door just wide enough to admit the young lad. Stepping into the opulent foyer, Mikey was surprised and burst into giggles at the sight on the stark naked man he came to see. Enrique tussled the boy’s shaggy blonde hair, turned and strode to the kitchen. The sight of the naked man’s buttocks flexing as he walked away was strangely exciting to the boy, resulting in an erection. At school, all day he had thought about this afternoon and what was in store for him, just like every day that week since his first excursion into man-boy sex Monday afternoon. He had no idea what the Cuban had in mind… every day there had been something new, new and exciting, and everything that the older man had shown him he’d enjoyed… including licking buttholes. He liked this sex stuff, liked it a lot. More importantly, he trusted Enrique… more than even his own parents, parents who he knew would go ballistic and throw him out onto the streets if they ever knew what he’d been doing.
Following close behind the naked houseman, Mikey saw the plate of brownies and a tall glass of milk sitting on the kitchen table for him. Before sitting and feasting on the tasty snack, he quickly shed all of his clothing as he knew he was expected to do. Naked, he went to eat, but Enrique told him to come with him first. Once in the adjoining sitting/laundry room, Enrique told him to lie on the floor, face down. Mikey lay on the rug as he was told facing the bathroom. The Cuban disappeared into the bathroom and quickly emerged carrying a strange contraption, what appeared to be a rubber bag with a hose attached. The man quickly moved behind the boy and without warning, pushed the bulbous pre-greased nozzle tip up the boy’s ass. Suddenly, Mikey felt the rush of warm water rushing into his bowls. It felt kind of funny and then felt kind of good, but soon he felt some discomfort. He tried to clamp his asshole down on the nozzle to stop the flow, but the water continued to flood into him unabated. The discomfort grew and grew until the boy cried out, “Stop! Stop! Stop!” Immediately the flow of water into his bowls stopped.
“Now when I pull the nozzle out of your ass,” Mikey’s mentor said, “You hold it in and run to the toilet as quick as you can. Ready? One, two, GO!” Mikey bolted up and charged into the bathroom. Soon thereafter the slashing sounds gave evidence that he was evacuating. The noises continued for some minutes and then faded away. The sound of the toilet flushing filled the adjacent room. Mikey walked out, not at all sure what to think.
There stood Enrique, holding the enema kit. “I think that may have been a little too much water,” he stated as if commenting on a dish needing a pinch more of salt. Mikey stood in the doorway and stared at the man and the contraption he held. “Lie down. We need to do it again.”
“That hurt!” the boy declared.
“It won’t hurt this time. Trust me. Now lie down, Mikey.” Mikey lay facing the bathroom door. This time he knew exactly what to expect as the bulbous nozzle went into his ass. Almost immediately, he felt the warm water flooding up into him. It was a weird feeling, but not totally unpleasant. Soon he was feeling bloated, and thankfully the flow of water stopped before it became uncomfortable. Again Enrique told him the obvious followed by, “One, two, GO!” Again the boy bolted to bathroom, just barely making it before his sphincter gave way to release the brown floodwaters. Twice more Enrique flushed the boy’s bowls until the expelled water ran clear. When the houseman was satisfied, he took the boy into the shower and cleaned him up.
Mikey was thankful when he could at last sit down and eat his brownies. While he ate, Enrique stood by close by his side. Mikey couldn’t help but turn his head and gaze at the man’s cock only inches away. He looked up and met the Cuban’s dark brown eyes and then looked back down as the man began playing with himself. By the time he had finished his first brownie, Enrique was stroking away. There was no way the boy could ignore the man’s cock as he was whacking himself off just inches from him, besides, it fascinated the boy and he periodically looked up and grinned at his masturbating mentor. He had maybe a fourth of the second brownie remaining when Enrique pushed the tip of his dick against the boy’s lips. Mikey opened up to suck the offered dick, but with the stroking hand and fingers were in the way. Instead he held his mouth slightly open until the semen shot forth, most coating his lips, but with some going directly into his mouth. Mikey squealed with laughter at the lewd act, and playfully tried to catch as much as he could on his now extended tongue.
His orgasm waning, the Cuban wiped his dick on the boy’s face without objection and then watched as the boy polished off the remaining morsels of his snack. Mikey stood to take his dirty dishes to the sink as he knew he should, but Enrique told him to leave them. Then Mikey was bent over the kitchen table. He watched as the tube of KY Jelly was taken from the table. The coldness of the lube on his anus made him flinch, but otherwise he didn’t move as Enrique worked a generous portion of the lube up his asshole. By now Mikey was getting familiar with Enrique’s ass games and enjoyed the molestation of his anus. Mikey’s asshole was fingered for several minutes before Enrique declared him ready enough. It never occurred to Mikey to ask what was he ready enough for, as he just accepted and enjoyed everything that was done to him so far.
He was told to stand up and when he did, he was astonished to see Enrique licking the fingers that had just been up his ass. “Want a taste of your ass?” the husky man asked. Mikey shook his head in the negative.
“Don’t you ever tell me, ‘no,’ when I ask you to do something,” Enrique stated firmly, his eyes telling the boy that he meant what he said. Mikey was spun around and his asshole was invaded again as far as Enrique could get his middle finger to go. Then pulling out, he stuck the ass-coated finger in the boy’s face and just as he expected, the boy took the slimy finger into his mouth and sucked the juices from it. “Good boy,” the mentor praised as he pulled the finger from the boy’s sucking maw. “Now come with me.”
Mikey followed the Cuban from the kitchen and back to the foyer. Then to his surprise, he was lead up the wide staircase to the second level. Mikey had never been upstairs before, as he had spent all of his time at the house in the kitchen and the adjoining houseman rooms. He’d been through the foyer coming and going, but had never been in any of the luxurious rooms of the main house.
At the top of the stairs, they turned and walked down the gallery towards the front of the townhouse. At an ornately carved doubled wooden door, Enrique knocked. Mikey didn’t hear a reply, but the houseman took him by the hand, opened the door and led him inside the library. Mikey glanced around quickly taking in the shelves of books, the leather sofa and other furnishings. They walked to the middle of the room and then stopped and waited.
“Uh, what are we doing here?” he finally asked after about a minute.
“To meet Mr. Carson.”
“Mr. Carson?”
“Shhhh and be still!”
Mikey was suddenly keenly aware of his nudity and the nudity of his friend. Suddenly a door on the far wall opened and out walked a man dressed in a silk robe. He was a nice looking man, and about the same age as Enrique. The man hardly looked at Mikey, but instead took a seat in a high backed leather chair.
“Mr. Carson,” Enrique began with more formality than usual, “this is the boy I have been telling you about.”
Carson nodded, fussed with his pipe, and then said, “Come here, boy.” Nervously, Mikey approached the strange man. “Your name is Mikey, I understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
“I’m Mr. Carson and this is my home. You like my home?”
“Oh, yes, sir! It’s very nice!”
“Thank you, Mikey. Enrique tells me you that you’re a naughty, naughty boy. Seeing you standing here without a stitch of clothing seems to confirm that. I like naughty boys. Are you comfortable being naked in my house?” Mikey nodded slightly. “Good. I want you to feel comfortable here, and I want to feel comfortable having you here. Tell me, do you like playing sex games with Enrique?” Again Mikey nodded. “Yes, Enrique told me that. Do you want to play sex games with me?” Mikey’s head lowered and he glanced up, smiling shyly. “That’s good, because that’s the reason you’re here… to play sex games.” Carson reached out and fondled the boy. “You like it when I play with your dick?” Again the boy nodded.
Carson unfastened the belt to his silk robe and opened it to expose himself to the nude boy. “Do you want to play with my dick? I know you do, so don’t be shy…”
The boy stepped closer and reached out to fondle the Carson’s cut cock. It was the second mature cock he’d ever seen and it was so different from Enrique’s. Whereas the head of Enrique’s cock was usually hidden by the foreskin, making the whole thing look like sausage-like, Carson’s cut cock fully displayed the flared head. Of course being circumcised himself, Carson’s cock adult looked a lot like Mikey’s, only bigger, much bigger.
As the boy rolled the man’s dick in his hand, it grew larger and bigger… hardening and growing longer and longer… soon it began to rise up against gravity. Mikey was familiar with all this, but what fascinated Mikey the most was how it throbbed once it was fully erect and how it soon thereafter began to seep the slippery clear liquid.
Carson watched as the boy’s head moved closer and closer to his dick. He want to just push the boy’s head down, but knew that it would be best if the boy took the initiative… of course if he didn’t, gentle force could and would be applied. It was just so temping to put his hand behind the boy’s head… just a gentle reassuring, a little nudge, but Carson controlled his now heated libido. Quickly he decided on another tact and reaching down, lifted the boy’s head by the chin. “Stand up, Mikey.”
Mikey stood, feeling that he had somehow let down this man he’d never seen before. He glanced over at Enrique expecting a reproach, but the Cuban just stood passively, slowly stroking his semi-erect cock.
Carson stood, mere inches from Mikey, his six foot-two frame towering over the young boy. Slipping the silk robe off, he handed it to his houseman who was expected to put it away. Carson reached out and stroked the boy’s head. Reaching for the boy’s hand he said, “Come with me, Mikey. I think we’ll be more comfortable in my bedroom.”
Mikey took the offered hand and was led through the door from where Mr. Carson first appeared. The spacious room of course was beautifully furnished, a fact not lost on the middle class boy. Carson went straight to the big four poster bed, the luxurious mattress was so thick that Mikey had to use the step stood to climb into the big bed. The bed felt so soft, yet it so firm that it didn’t shake when Mikey flopped down on his back in the middle, his arms outstretched and his hands running over the cool sleekness of the rich gold brocaded satin sheets. He liked this bed… liked it a lot.
Carson joined the naked boy, positioning his cock near the boy’s face. Mikey didn’t hesitate this time and immediately began to nurse on the mushroom shaped glans of Carson’s cock. “That a good boy,” he said softly to the boy. Now Carson’s hand came to rest on the boy’s head, stroking his hair and gently encouraging the boy to fellate him. After a minute or so of cock crown sucking, Mikey began to move his head, driving the man’s cock in and out between his lips. “That’s the way, you little cocksucker,” Carson hissed. “You’re everything Enrique said you were.”
Carson looked over at Enrique who was hovering nearby awaiting orders, his dick painfully erect from watching the kid give head. “You haven’t fucked this kid in the ass, have you?”
“No, Mr. Carson… You’ll be the first and he’s ready for you.”
Carson pulled his cock from the sucking boy’s maw and told him to lie over the pillow that Enrique was now positioning in the middle of the bed. Mikey did as he was told. He felt his ass cheeks begin separated. Expecting to feel a finger or perhaps a tongue on his asshole, he was surprised to feel the fat cockhead pressing against his anus.
Enrique stroked his face and told him, “Just relax. Mr. Carson is going to sodomize you. He’s going to fuck his cock up your ass. Just relax and don’t fight it. It may be uncomfortable at first, but your ass will adjust… after that, it really feels good. Trust me, Mikey. Just relax. Now push out like you’re trying to shit.”
Mikey tried to relax and pushed out like Enrique had told him to do. He felt the cock push in, opening him up slightly. Carson’s cock now gained mechanical advantage and the boy’s asshole was forced more and more open. Suddenly Mikey gasped as the cockhead popped inside his anal ring muscle. Enrique was right, it really didn’t hurt all that much, but it was a little uncomfortable. For a minute Carson held his cock still, letting the boy get used to the feeling. Then he jabbed his hips forward.
“Ughn!” Mikey grunted as the cock jabbed an inch into his rectum. “Ughn!” he grunted again and more cock was shoved up his young ass. To Mikey, it now felt like a big turd was moving the wrong way. “Ughn! Oh, shit,” the boy cried out in discomfort. “Ughn! Oh…..” Carson stopped pushing into the boy for a moment until the boy stopped moaning. “Ughn!” Mikey cried out again staring right into the face of the grinning Cuban.
“You’re doing good, You’re doing real good. Now just relax, Mr. Carson has most of his dick in you. Do you want him to stop?” Mikey, his face covered with sweat and slightly contorted couldn’t answer.
“Take his dick, boy! Take it all!” his sex mentor urged.
“Just another inch of dick.”
“Almost there…”
“Ughn! Oh, fuck!” With the adult cock buried to the hilt up his butt, Mikey missed the subtleties of Carson’s pubes rubbing against his smooth buttocks; all he could think of was that the man was going to shove more and more of his big dick up his ass and there really wasn’t anything he could do about it. To Mikey’s surprise the discomfiture he felt began to mellow and in its place was a feeling of fullness.
The boy gasped as the cock was pulled from the depths of his bowels. That felt good… so good. Then the cock pushed all the way back in, causing the boy to grunt. Then out it slid; in, out, in, out the cock moved relentlessly in his rectum. He heard Carson making some remarks, but he really didn’t hear them other than, “He’s so fucking tight. God, I love it!” Suddenly the cock began to move with greater ease as his sphincter muscle gave up resistance and became slack. Carson, of course, was waiting for this and feeling the anal ring relax, he began to thoroughly ravage the boy.
Mikey’s head was pulled back by the hair. Slack jawed the boy watched dreamily as the Cuban scooted up to him, nestling his crotch into his face. To Enrique’s delight, Mikey began sucking his dick while Carson continued to sodomize him. “Yeah, suck his fucking dick, you cocksucking butt boy,” Mikey heard Mr. Carson say. As the man’s dick moved in and out with ease, all discomfort evaporated as Mikey excitedly wallowed lustily in the debasing depravity of being so thoroughly used. The pounding cock also pounded on his prostate and in an all out rush, the first anally induced orgasm suffused his young body.
On and on it went and the longer he was sodomized, the more Mikey didn’t want it to end. But end it did. He heard Mr. Carson bellowing from behind him and then felt for the first time a load of cum shooting up his ass. Moments later, his mouth was flooded with the houseman’s splooge. He felt the two mature cocks softening in his mouth and in his ass. Enrique pulled out and moved away from the debased boy. A moment later he felt the Carson’s now limp dick slither from his abused anus.
To Mikey’s surprise the cock in his ass was immediately replaced with a mouth, a mouth that sucked and slathered over the yawning hole oozing with spend.
Carson sat back, struggling to catch his breath and watched his houseman fetching his cum from the boy’s anus. He shook his head in wonder. What a prize he had in Enrique… and what a prize Enrique had delivered to him. ‘What a filthy bugger,’ he thought, ‘and worth every fucking penny!’
“We’re you going?” Mikey’s mother asked Saturday morning seeing her son dressed and holding his knapsack.
“I told you. I’m spending the night at Ricky’s”
“Who is Ricky?”
“I already told you, Mom. He’s a new kid at school.”
“You never told me.”
“Yes, I did! And you said yes! I told him I was coming!”
“Oh, very well. And just where does this Ricky live?”
“He lives in this awesome townhouse!” Mikey gave his mother the general location but was vague on details. His mom was familiar with that area and its luxurious townhomes.
“Hmmm, I see… Do you have a phone number?”
“Yes. Here it is.”
His mother took the scribbled note written in her son’s hand. “Let me just check and make sure it’s oaky with Ricky’s parents.”
“It is, Mom. It is!”
She picked up the telephone and dialed the number. She was surprised when a man answered quite formally, “Carson residence.”
“Uh, may I speak with Mrs. Carson?”
“I’m sorry Madame, but Mrs. Carson is not available at the moment. May I inquire as to the nature of your call?”
“I’m Mikey’s mother and…”
“Oh, yes! Master Ricky is eagerly expecting him. I trust Master Mikey will be along soon?”
“Master Mikey… uh, well, yes, yes of course.”
“Splendid! I will inform Master Ricky that Master Mikey will be here soon. May I convey the Carson’s gratitude for the play date.”
“Uh, yes! By all means and thank you so much for the invitation!”
“No, thank you, Madame. Master Ricky has so few friends and is so looking forward to having this weekend.”
“Well, if Mikey is any trouble…”
“Now don’t you worry. I’m sure that we can handle any problems that may arise.”
Mikey’s mother hung up the phone. “Well, I’ll be! Mikey, you didn’t tell me that your friend’s parents are rich.”
“They are?”
“Yes, they are. Now you best be running along. You don’t want to keep them waiting.”
As Mikey headed to the elevators his mom called out, “You remember to say ‘Yes, Sir, no, Sir, and yes, Ma’am, no, Ma’am.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” he called out as the elevator doors opened. Secure in the knowledge that her precious little man would be well taken care of for the weekend, his mother smiled and waved as Mikey stepped into the elevator. Little did she imagine.
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