Chapter 8
The Rich Man's Toy
(Mff, Mg, MMMg, oral, anal, inc, prost, voy, drug, interr, extrm)
Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit
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unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.
It was a fifteen minute ride to the posh section of town and to the address on the card Bart had given me. Mitzi was fast asleep in the back seat when I pulled up to the gates of the gated street. I identified myself to the guard and told him the address I was to go to. He made a call, then opened the gates and waved me through.
There must have been a dozen or so lavish estates along the street, each on a large lot on what I guessed to be two or three acres each. I found the right address and turned into the drive. There was a splendid fountain surrounded by a circular drive fronting a magnificent home. “Holy fuck!” I muttered.
As soon as I stopped, a blackman in a suit appeared out of nowhere and opened my door. “Good evening, sir.”
“Evening,” I replied.
I stepped from the car and he asked, “Where is the girl?”
“Uh, in the back seat… asleep.”
Without another word, he opened the back door and gently lifted Mitzi out of the car. He carried her up the steps with me following behind, then effortlessly holding her in one arm, he opened the front door and ushered me inside.
I was led into what I presume would properly be called a Drawing Room. There was a man waiting for us dressed in a silk robe or smoking jacket. I recognized him instantly. He was the guy who first bought Mitzi at the show and thoroughly ravaged her.
“Randy, isn’t it?” he greeted holding out his hand.
“Yes, it is,” I replied shaking his hand. “And you are?”
“My friends all call me Reggie.”
“Pleased to meet you.”
He turned to the black dude holding my still sleeping daughter in his arms. “Tate, put the little cunt down over there,” he said pointing to a leather sofa. Without waking her, Tate carefully laid her upon the sofa and then disappeared, presumably to take care of my car.
“Would you like a drink?” Reggie offered stepping up to a bar. I had already had too much to drink that night, but what the hell. “I noticed that you have good taste in scotch,” he said as he filled two tumblers with ice. Pouring the two glasses half full he said, “I think you might enjoy this eighteen year old hootch.” He was certainly right about that!
We sat in a pair of plush leather wingback chairs and sipped the strong whiskey. Presently the stacked blonde bombshell who acted as hostess in the dining room and as the MC’s assistant during the show strode through the high double doors. She was as undressed as before, only this time she was without her bow tie and thong, instead wore a gossamer see-through nightie top that was clasped only at the very top, allowing it to flow back as she walked and revealing it all. She was still in her heels, but now in addition to the diamond earrings and diamond ankle bracelet, she now sported a diamond studded belly chain that set off her hips. This girl was definitely instant boner material!
“Ah, Jennifer!” Reggie greeted the comely girl. “This is Randy. Randy this is my daughter Jennifer. Lovely isn’t she?”
“Stunning,” honestly replied as I squirmed in my seat to not-so-subtly adjust my boner.
“I see you appreciate young women as well as young girls,” Reggie commented with a laugh. “Excellent! A man after my own heart.”
He then directed Jennifer to take Mitzi and get her properly dressed. Rousting my sleepy daughter, Jennifer led her from the room.
“Your little Mitzi is quite the find,” Reggie said once we were alone. “She is a special little girl and should be treated as such. Most of the little cunts we have in The Club are like your friend’s daughter.”
“You mean Hanna? She’s not Clint’s daughter. She’s his niece,” I corrected.
“I stand corrected,” he replied. “I understand that you are something of man of means,” he continued. “I also understand that you didn’t offer up your daughter to The Club for the money.”
“I don’t need the money,” I replied, “I… I…” Just why did I offer her up to The Club to used as a pre-teen whore?
“No need to explain, Randy. I did the same with Jennifer when she was seven and for the same reasons… insatiable lust, that and the thrill of watching other men screw my precious daughter. God, I can’t get enough of that, nor can I resist cute little cunts like your Mitzi.” He raised his glass, “Here’s to young pussy and the joy they bring!”
I tipped my glass to him and then ventured, “What did you mean by Hanna being like most of the girls?”
“Don’t get me wrong, I looking forward to impaling her on my prong. After all that’s what she’s for… Right?” I nodded to him wondering where this might all go. “The Club girls are basically of four types. Girls like Mitzi, who is here for your kicks. Then there are girls like Hanna, sold for the money. The third category is acquired girls… basically we purchase them outright for The Club’s account. Then there’s the fourth, daughters of club girls who have been breed to produce new stock for The Club. Now those girls can come from any of the first three categories and their status as whores follows that of their mothers.”
“I not sure I follow you.”
“Take my Jennifer for example. She’ll be sixteen in a month or so and at sixteen The Club girls go into the breeding pool. She will be taken off her birth control and impregnated. The child, my granddaughter, will be for my use and that of my friends until she introduced to The Club as a Patron’s girl.”
“What is the baby is a boy?”
“Then I’ll have a grandson!”
“Of course,” I muttered into my drink. “So you are going to knock her up?”
“No, no, no! We will draw lots, or at least the other members of the governing council will. She will then stay with a Patron as his exclusive whore during one menstrual cycle, before going to the next. After a while, she will be knocked up and then returned to me.”
“I see…” ‘What have I gotten myself and Mitzi into?’ I wondered. “So Hanna… why is she so different than say Mitzi?”
“The members of The Club all have their own peccadilloes. Some… like you and me, like little girls. Some… like you and me again, like young teenage girls. Some like little boys and some like teenage boys. Some are into rather rough games, bondage, whips and that sort of thing and some are into bestiality. With a girl like Hanna, if her Provider is desperate or greedy enough, he will be tempted by the lucrative fees some of the more perverse members are willing to pay. I imagine a pretty girl like Hanna will be irresistible to someone desiring to debase her totally.”
I felt my hackles raise and I asked him, “Is that what you plan for Mitzi?”
“Dear God, no, man! A girl like Mitzi should be fucked and fucked often, but she also be cherished and pampered… like Jennifer. Of course if you want to see some big dog fuck her that can be easily arranged.”
“No! No, thank you!”
“Good. Then we understand each other.”
“What do you mean by ‘understand’ each other? I certainly do not understand. Why do you have us here tonight?”
“What do think, Dad? I’m going to fuck your baby girl again.”
“Hasn’t she had enough for one night? My god, you tore her insides out!”
“Calm down, Randy. I did no such thing. True, I opened her cervix and penetrated into her uterus, but like I told you, she’ll be sore for a day or two, but after that…”
“Sore? You tore through to her uterus and you say she’ll just be a little sore?”
“Yesterday, when you brought her to the photographer for a Club photo ID, she was given a medication that is normally used to induce birth in overdue mothers. It dilated her cervix enough that I could gain purchase and force her open. Yes, she’ll be sore, but mainly from the vaginal stretching. It’s much like training her anus to take a cock. In a week or two of being regularly deep penetrated, her cervix will remain open and she will be able to take my cock or any other’s man’s cock with ease. She’ll even be able to take Tate’s black python.”
“You wouldn’t!”
“Wouldn’t what?”
“Give her to… to…”
“To Tate? Heaven’s no! He’s an employee. He’s not a member of The Club. Why would I turn over one of our girls to the hired help? Of course if you want to watch him fuck her, that’s your business and your call.”
Reggie’s attention was drawn to the door as Jennifer escorted a still sleepy Mitzi back into the Drawing Room. My daughter was now dressed much like Jennifer was, in a see through nightie top clasped at the top only and a rhinestone studded belly chain. Unlike Jennifer, she was barefoot, but like Jennifer she had a diamond ankle bracelet on.
“Ahhh, Mitzi my dear!” he greeted holding his arms out to her. Mitzi pressed up against Jennifer, reluctant to go to him. She looked to me for guidance and with a nod of my head, I sent her to the big-dicked man who would be ravaging her daily for the next few weeks while I amassed an enormous amount of club credits, credits that could be turned to cash or used to purchase some other little girl for an hour, a day or whatever.
Mitzi crawled into his lap and he affectionately hugged her and kissed her. “You are such a beautiful girl, Mitzi,” he whispered into her ear while brushing her golden locks from her face. “Did you have fun tonight, sweetheart?”
“You’re too big!” she replied with a pout, obviously not eager to experience his cock again anytime soon. “I’m sore!” she added.
“That will pass in a day or two, baby. Remember the first time your daddy fucked you? That too probably hurt the first time, but it stopped hurting and after that it just felt good. Remember?” Mitzi nodded that she did remember the first time my cock was up inside her. “Well, just like that, soon it will feel good when my cock is deep in your cunt. Do you want to see my cock again?” Mitzi, nbeing the little cock lover that she was, nodded that she did want to see it again. A moment later his robe was laid open and his big dick was in her hand and growing.
Reggie turned to me and said, “With your permission, I think I’ll give her something to relax her.”
“Do not give her any drugs,” I said empathically.
“It’s just to relax her, and just for the next two days. It really will be better for her.” I knew I couldn’t prevent what was about to happen and I really didn’t want her suffer, so what choice did I have? Reluctantly I nodded my consent. “You can be there the whole time if you insist.”
“No, I don’t think so. Not tonight.”
“Very well. Now that that’s settled, I think I’ll take this little cunt upstairs for some fun. You are welcome to stay the night if you wish. Perhaps you’d like a toss with Jennifer?” What man wouldn’t want a toss with Jennifer? As if on cue, the buxom and comely Jennifer came and sat in my lap. She leaned in to give me a sensual smoldering kiss that only an experienced woman can deliver. Mitzi? With Mitzi out of sight and with delightful handful of generous tit, I put Mitzi out of mind.
Having been banging flat-chested Mitzi and Hanna these past few months, I had forgotten how much fun playing with a set of tits could be, and Jennifer had the finest pair I had ever laid eyes, hands and/or lips on. I wallowed my face in her hooters and when she stood up to take me to her bed, Reggie and Mitzi were gone.
In her room was this enormous canopied bed with mirrors in the top and I swear, she fucked my brains out that night. Wow! What a tigress! I couldn’t get enough of her. She mounted me and taking me in she squeezed my cock with her heavenly vagina until she milked me dry. Sex with Ann was never like this!
Sunday morning after expending myself in Jennifer’s wondrous pussy, a servant came into the room, bearing coffee, tea or me. She was of course a teenage girl, maybe fourteen, a redhead and dressed much like Jennifer had been before we hit the sack, except that this girl had a simple silver belly chain and no diamonds.
“Tasha, come join us,” Jennifer told the girl after she served me coffee in bed. Tasha unfastened the clasp to her see-through nightie top, kicked off her high heels and crawled into the sack with us. Now I was treated to two experienced pussies at once, both experts with their mouths as well as their cunts. It was an exhausting morning.
I was in no hurry to go home, so I lay about enjoying these two beauties’ charms until Reggie came in dressed in his robe. It was odd lying in bed naked with this man’s daughter, but he thought nothing of it. “Randy, I have a proposition for you.”
“Sure, Reggie. What do have in mind?”
“Let’s discuss it over breakfast.”
He turned his attention to my redheaded playmate. “Tasha, get Mr. Randy a robe.” Tasha jumped up and pulled from a closet full of robes, a blue paisley number similar to the dark red silk robe Reggie wore.
After I was dressed by Tasha, I followed Reggie down to the dining room. We were served breakfast by Tate who apparently acted as the household cook/butler as well as doorman and car valet. We were served a light breakfast of a fruit salad and variety of muffins. While we ate, Reggie got down to business.
“Randy, Just to put your mind at ease, Mitzi is doing just fine.” Mitzi? I had more or less forgotten about her. “I’ll have Tate bring her down in a moment so you can see for yourself.”
“Now remember what I was telling you about the various types of girls we have at The Club?” I nodded that I did remember, though my head told me I had had much too much to drink last night. “I understand that you’ve been home schooling Mitzi and that other girl.”
“Yes, Hanna. As I told you last night, some of the girls we have purchased outright. Naturally these girls no longer have parents, if they ever did, and I was wondering if you would be interested in teaching them and grooming them. An ignorant girl may be useful, but by God, they should be able to read.”
“How many girls?”
“Just three.”
“Just three?”
“They’ve been newly acquired. I think the oldest is five. They will live with you, sleep with you and do whatever you teach them to do. Interested?”
“I don’t know if I have room for three more girls.”
“Nonsense. You only need one big bed, and besides, Mitzi won’t be in the way.”
“Where will she be?”
“Here, or at the home of one of the other Patron’s from the governing council. They all live here on this street you know.”
“No, I didn’t know… You mean I can’t have Mitzi with me?”
“Not for the next few months… it’s best that way. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t see her whenever you want or have sex with her whenever you want. She just needs to become acclimated to her new life.” I sat in stunned silence as I never anticipated being separated from my daughter for such an extended period. Tate came in and Reggie directed him to bring Mitzi to him.
A few moments later, Tate came carrying my totally nude baby girl to his boss. Reggie had been toying with himself under the table, and when Tate entered with Mitzi, Reggie stood and discarded his robe. He took Mitzi from Tate and turned to me. Mitzi was semi alert, but obviously groggy. “Watch this,” he told me. Then with her facing towards me, he lowered her onto his huge cock. Without so much as a grimace on her part, it went up inside her to the hilt like sword being sheathed, her tummy bulging obscenely from the intrusion so deep into her. I had seen it last night, but not as graphically as this.
“Admit it. This turns you on,” he said to me. He was right, I was hard as steel. “Put your hand on her belly.” I did as instructed and felt the lump inside her. He lifted her, and I felt the lump recede, then as he lowered her onto his prong again, I felt it’s hard presence once again.
He lifted her off his sex spike and laid her face down on the table with her legs hanging towards the floor. Spreading her ass checks apart to display the gaping hole of her anus he asked me, “You want some of this, Dad? Sure you do.” He was right about that too.
I shucked my robe and put my rampant hard-on to her abused asshole and went at her. She was a bit looser than I was used to, but she was also incredibly slippery too. While Reggie assisted by holding her butt cheeks apart, I pounded my eight year old daughter’s ass while Tate watched from just a foot way. Jennifer and Tasha had completely drained my balls earlier, and I couldn’t have mustered a cum if my life depended upon it. After a few minutes of hard vigorous buggering, I staggered back, my chest heaving as I caught my breath.
“Tate, you want some this little whore?” Reggie asked the big black servant. “No, sorry Tate, I take that back! Only Mr. Randy can offer her up to your dick.”
“So how about it, Randy? Want to see Tate take her?”
I looked back at Tate. He had his pants down and his ebony cock out and ready. “‘Jeezus,” I muttered looking at the thing. Suddenly it was as if I was having an out-of-body experience. Somewhere, deep down in my brain my better angel desperately pleaded, ‘No! No! No!’ but another voice, a much strong voice said, ‘‘Oh, what the hell. Do it! Do it!’ As if I were far, far away I heard myself say, “Go ahead, Tate. Fuck her.” A moment later he was balls deep in my baby’s pussy.
It wasn’t until later that afternoon when I was home alone, waiting for delivery of my new students, that I thinking about all the great fun I had had over the past 24 hours. I was hot and bothered, embracing the salacious trill that now ruled me, remembering the sight of Tate, spanking Mitzi face with his long black dong, wet with juices from her pussy, while Mitzi laughingly tried to catch it with her mouth. Tate stopped and squeezed out a dollop of cum from his cock tube and painted her pouty lips with it. My little girl’s lips surrounded the glistening head of his very black cock....
Suddenly I realized exactly what I had done at breakfast that morning… Reggie now knew beyond any reasonable doubt that I would allow anything with Mitzi as long as I got my kicks. She wouldn’t be cherished or pampered like Jennifer, but used and debased the older she got. Visions came to my mind of her hanging by her wrists, her blonde curly hair caked with cum, her tits stretched by the weights attached to her nipples as she was worked over by a high powered vibrator, her cutie bubble butt glowing a brighter and brighter red as she was being soundly spanked. Would I allow that? Then a vision formed of her up on stage, perhaps in The Club’s Stag Bar, a German Sheppard humping her ass for the entertainment of a bunch of perverts. What have I’ve done?!?!
“Fuck,” I muttered in moment of genuine self-loathing. “I’m hard just thinking about it,” I added in disgust. It had all been great fun for both Mitzi and me up to the point that I had sold her ass to be someone else’s sex slave. This wasn’t fun, it was total betrayal! I was a bad, bad father to have let things go so far. From this point on, I knew I couldn’t live with myself.
My gloomy thoughts were disrupted when the doorbell rang. I answered and there was Bart with three little girls in tow, my new babies to train for The Club. They were a pretty, yet raggedy lot, with shabby clothes and unkempt hair.
“This is your new daddy,” Bart told the girls. “Now, you listen to him and do exactly what he says. If you’re bad and disobey him, he will spank you.”
Bart then looked to me and said, “Well, they are all yours, Dad. Teach them well.” He handed me a sheath of papers, papers showing that I was the legal guardian of these little sprites. Then he turned and walked out the door, leaving me alone with my new playmates, all of whom seemed to be awed by their new surroundings. Shuffling through the guardianship papers an idea came to mind, an idea that needed careful planning and careful timing. A plan to extricate Mitzi from the life of sexual servitude I had so carelessly committed her to.
Suddenly I felt much better and knew what I had to do… for Mitzi and these little angles too. I knelt down to their level and asked each girl, “What is your name?... Oh, that’s such a pretty name for a pretty girl.” Once I knew all three’s names, I told them that they all needed a bath. Without any reluctance on their part I led my new charges to the big two-man Jacuzzi in my master bath. As the naked little girls squealed and played in the swirling bath, it reminded me of the early days with Mitzi, when sex was a joyful discovery for the both of us.
Next day I telephoned The Club and requested an older girl to babysit my new girls while I tended to some business. A few hours later, a girl, about fifteen showed up at my door. Her name was Candy and she looked the part. The first question the stacked redhead minx asked once she was inside is whether I wanted her undressed. Hell, yeah, I wanted her undressed, but what I really needed her to do was to watch out after my unruly little herd of younguns. I told her that she could get undressed after I got back from my errands. Candy seemed pleased about that.
Having settled the girls in with the sitter, I set out to put my plan into motion. The first order of business was to make contact with this guy (a friend of a friend of a friend twice removed) who specialized in fake identification papers for illegal aliens.
Second order of business was to go see Mitzi. I identified myself to the gate guard goon and was granted permission to go to Reggie’s house. Tate answered the door. “I need to see, Mitzi,” I told him.
“Mr. Reggie is not here,” he informed me.
“I’m not here to see Reggie, Tate. I’m here to see my daughter.”
“Mr. Reggie is not here,” the blackman said again.
“Reggie said I could see her anytime I wanted while she was here, and I want to see her.”
“For what?”
“For sex,” I replied as evenly as possible.
Tate grinned broadly at me. “Why didn’t you say that to begin with, Dad.” he said as I was granted entrance into the plush home. The way he said it made me cringe, but I hid my emotions.
I was led upstairs and shown a room with a lock on the outside. Tate unlocked the door and said, “Enjoy yourself, Dad.” There were no windows and it was lit with only single small lamp. There in the half-light I saw my baby, naked and curled up in ball on an enormous bed under a ceiling of mirrors. The company I used to write instruction manual for made surveillance equipment and I suspected that behind those mirror were cameras recording everything that took place in that room. No doubt there were well concealed microphones too.
I gently shook my slumbering baby. Her eyes groggily opened… she smiled up at me, then rolled on her back with her legs spread wide. “Hey, sweetie,” I said to her softly as I gently stroked her nude body. She didn’t answer, indeed it was apparent that she couldn’t quite focus her emerald green eyes. “Bastards!” I muttered so as not to be heard.
“Daddy’s going to get you out of here, baby,” I whispered near her ear. “It’s going to take some time, but I will get you out. Daddy will get you out. Okay. I can’t do that today, but in a few days, I’ll take you away from here… far, far, away. In the meantime, I will come and see you every day. Would you like that, baby?” Mitzi nodded though from the blank stare it was hard to gauge whether she really heard, much less understood what I was saying.
I could feel the uncaring electronic eyes upon me and knew what I had to do so as not garner suspicion. I shed my clothes and lay down beside her. In the reflection of the overhead mirrors, she looked much like she always looked to me, beautiful beyond measure and ready for some daddy cock. But close up, she looked dazed and uncomprehending. I knew that when I mounted her, that she would just think that I was just another strange man using her and not the father that loved her so much, a father whose unrestrained perversions had allowed her to used like this.
“I’m going to fuck you, baby. I have to. They’re watching,” I whispered. She didn’t respond. I knew I had to do the act, but nature wasn’t cooperating; my libido and my dick just didn’t have it in it. I closed my eyes and tired to remember the happy times, when it was just Mitzi and me along with Hanna and Clint and all the licentious things we did together and in twos and threes. I thought about the more innocent times too, when it was so exciting to have her naked backstage, and to when dear sweet Ann was with us and what we did when Mommy was at work. With no rise, I focused on individual events, and when I thought of the first time I watched her sucking Clint’s cock while he was blindfold, that did it.
Quickly I climbed on top of her and positioned my aroused organ to enter her. I pushed my hips forward and my entire dick sank into her like she had a limitless fuck canal. She was wet too, wet with other men’s semen, and she was loose. As I humped away I couldn’t help but notice how different and unsatisfying this fuck was. She wasn’t responding to my cock at all, but instead lay lifeless as I fucked her like she was some sort of blow-up sex doll.
I held my weight completely off her little body and gazed down in her angelic face, her own gaze fixed and unseeing as I screwed her. Certainly Reggie and these other bastards couldn’t possibly get enjoyment from fucking her like this.
Nowhere near completing the act, I withdrew, dismounted and proceeded to dress. I kissed her tenderly, told her how much I loved her and that I would soon come back and take her away. She just stared up into the overhead mirrors. I wanted to shout, to rage and to smash everything in this house, but to display such anger would not be such a good idea, not that I’d had a good idea in long, long time.
As I sulked away to go home to my new babies, I could feel Tate laughing at me. Indeed, every eye on this street seemed to be upon me, judging me to be a monster like themselves, and thereby validating what they were doing to my baby. After all, I had permitted this and had no one to blame but myself.
I kept my promise to Mitzi and visited her every day, and every day thereafter she had been moved to a different house on the block. The rooms where she was kept and fucked were all pretty much the same and one house seemed to me to be pretty much like all the others. She was much more alert the third day I visited and by the fourth she was pretty much her old self, and despite my manifest faults, she was happy to see her daddy and happy to go down on me, providing entertainment for her keepers.
One day, I told that she was at such and such house. I was admitted without question and led to the room. Inside I was surprised to find Hanna. She was very happy to see me, as Clint hadn’t bothered to check up on her since the show and auction. Once I had dressed and left her for the next man, I made another decision. I would take Hanna too, and after my conjugal visit with Mitzi, I meet with my forger and had another set of phony papers drawn up, this time listing Mitzi and Hanna as twin sisters on the off chance that I could get both of them out at the same time.
Then came the day I was waiting for. Bart called me and told me to come pick up Mitzi at The Club. I met him in the Stag Bar. Hanna was up on the stage, down to her thong as she did a strip tease. With her set completed she ran backstage, wiggling her bare butt at the audience as a parting shot. Then it was Mitzi’s turn. She stripped off her clothes slowly like a good stripper would. A naked boy came out, about her age and she performed fellatio on him, then another boy, a teenager came out and fucked her like a dog, then sucked his dick clean. She too then disappeared backstage.
“Well, Randy,” greeted Bart, “What do you think of our new whores?”
“They’re both terrific,” I replied trying my best to be disarmingly at ease with everything, “but then you already know that.”
“How are the newbies coming along?”
“Fine, just fine. In a few more days I’m sure that they will be comfortable sucking cock.” That wasn’t exactly true… I already had them all comfortable sucking cock.
“Excellent! You do have a genuine talent for training girls. They all still have their hymens intact I trust.”
“Like you told me, I was to teach them oral. They are too little for vaginal sex.”
“Little or not, once you have them ready, they won’t have those hymens for long. Each of those virgins will fetch a handsome price for The Club.”
“They’ll be ready soon, Bart.”
“Good, I have another shipment ready to be delivered in a week or so. If you’ve done a good job with the first set, I’ll want you to train them as well.”
“That will be my pleasure, Bart. Now, I miss my daughter, so can I take her home now?”
“Yes, of course! She’ll be dressed and ready to go in a few moments. Oh, by the way. Clint called and asked me to ask you if you’ll pick up Hanna for him.”
I had to restrain myself from jumping up and yelling, “YES!!!” Maintaining my cool I replied, “Sure, no problem. You know she’s like a daughter to me.” Bart laughed, but I was serious.
On the way home the two girls chatted it up like they always did and compared notes about this man and that man, conversations that two lovely eight and half year olds should never be having. I stopped off at the realtor’s office and signed the contract to sell my home for whatever she could fetch in this down market. Then I swung by the rental car outlet and picked up a minivan, leaving my own car parked on the street with the keys left in the ignition.
I drove straight away to the house and instructing Mitzi and Hanna to stay put, I went inside and fetched my three little ones, plus the redheaded teenage slut-whore babysitter from The Club and few bags of luggage. Candy, the babysitter, was as confused as everyone else as I turned into the regional airport.
“Here’s the deal, Candy. I’m taking these girls and getting on a plane I have chartered. We’re going somewhere where we can’t be found by The Club. Now you can stay here and have Bart send someone out to pick you up, or you can go with us to wherever it is that we go.”
Candy quickly answered, “I want to go with you. Please?”
“Good girl. Let’s go.” Candy was a good girl, a good girl who liked to fuck, but also one who liked to be treated nicely. I fucked her and treated her nicely; she was also really good with the little girls, the perfect babysitter for guy like me. I had planned for this last minute contingency and told her that she would be traveling as my wife. I had all the papers, just needed to get rid of the ones that didn’t fit the story. I also had Ann’s wedding ring set which I would place on her finger once we were airborne.
There was only one loose end of any consequence. What to do about Clint? He was a buddy and except for his money grubbing, I really liked the guy and I genuinely enjoyed our raunchy escapades. Besides, there was no way that I could take care of six girls all by myself. I’d have to figure that one out, but in the meantime… damn, they’re all so cute… and available.
This is the final chapter of the story. Hope you have enjoyed it and by all means, don't try any of this stuff at home! This is FICTION and should stay that way.
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