Chapter 6

The Club

By Lasiter

(exhib, mast, Mg, rim, oral, prost, buk)






Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted 2011 with all rights expressly reserved by its author unless explicitly granted.

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Late Friday afternoon, after a trip to the beauty parlor, Clint and I dressed the girls and then the  four of us rode out to the address Bart had given to us.  Being in the middle of spring, it was already getting dark when we arrived at The Club.  The grounds were walled and from the guarded gate, you really couldn’t see what lay beyond. I told the guard what Bart had told me to tell him, showed him our IDs issued earlier that morning and once we checked out to his satisfaction, we were granted admission onto the grounds.  In the waning twilight everything was more or less in black and white and it was hard to get a feeling for the grounds, except it was apparent that there was a golf course here.

We followed the winding roadway until we came to what appeared to be a stately country club clubhouse.  Despite the slight chill in the air, a teenage boy, wearing nothing more than an open vest and a g-string, was ready to valet park my car.  We stepped out and entered the building. 

Immediately we were greeted by a well endowed teenage girl, all of sixteen or so, totally nude except for the black thong and bow tie she wore, that and high heels, diamond earrings and a diamond ankle bracelet.  The breathtaking blonde beauty checked her notebook, greeted us by our names, and escorted us into a lavish dining room.  I was thinking that all four of us would be dining, but she then hustled the two girls off.  Moments later another similarly scantily clad red headed teenage girl appeared at our table, introduced herself as Stephaney and our waitress.  Clint and I were thereupon served a four course gourmet dinner, complete with desert and drinks.

As we dined, I looked about and noticed the other patrons, men with young girls ranging in age from ten to fifteen, and groups of just men, well dressed men.  I also noticed that other than the mostly nude waitresses, there were also a handful women dining in the room.  Apparently The Club catered to well-heeled women too.

Looking about I gathered that it was apparently permissible to touch the waitresses, though I didn’t see any outright groping. That’s not exactly true, there was this one woman in her forties, very well dressed and decked out with flashy jewelry, stroking the hard cock of a muscular naked teenage boy who by the black bow tie he wore I surmised to be her waiter. 

When we had our finished diner, Stephaney led us to the Stag Bar, where a young girl was doing a strip tease up on the stage for her appreciative audience of well dressed men.  Scattered about in dimly lit booths there other young girls, some teens, some younger, naked and chatting it up with a member. 

Clint and I sat about, drinking beer and watching all the nubile flesh, both up on stage and in the laps of other men.  Bart suddenly showed up and joined us at our table.  Immediately a near naked waitress delivered him a drink and refreshed our beers.  “So what do you think?” he asked cheerily.

“This is great,” I honestly replied.  “So is this where the show will be tomorrow night?”

“Oh, no.   We’ll have the auction in the “Showroom”.  These girls are for, let’s just say company.” 

About that time I saw one man leading girl out through a door. “What about that guy?” I asked just before he disappeared.

“What about him?”

“Is he taking out for some ‘Company’?”

“No, he’s taking her out to screw her.”

“How much?”

“For company or for sex?”Bart paused then answered his own question, “For just company, fifty dollars for thirty minutes.  For sex, two hundred for thirty minutes,” he replied.  From Clint’s expression I could tell that he was pleased with that rate.

There was a clamor in the room and a well stacked babe came strutting out.  She was pretty much like any other stripper I had ever seen, young, pretty and rather whorish.  The climax of her act was rubbing her bare pussy up and down on the pole in a simulated sex act.

Clint excused himself and few moments later he reappeared on the stage. “Gentlemen!   I have the pleasure to introduce to you tonight two young newbies whose cunts and asses will be auctioned off tomorrow night. So please show your appreciation and give a big hand to Hanna!”

The music cranked up and out strode Hanna in a school uniform.  From first appearances, it seemed she was back at the mall modeling back to school clothes, but the similarities quickly ended once she began unbuttoning her blouse.  She was really pretty good at stripping, teasing like pro by granting quick glimpses of what treasures lay under the skirt, before getting rid of it completely.  She completed her act to applause, whistles and catcalls, then disappeared back stage.

Clint again resumed the role of MC and introduced Mitzi. Once he dismounted the stage, he returned to our table and rejoined us.  The music started and out came Mitzi, beaming a smile that alone would win a man’s heart.  But what she was wearing surprised me by the fact that it so dissimilar to what Hanna had worn onstage. I can’t say that she was exactly graceful as she clopped about in high heels trying to maintain her balance, but the flowing white gossamer nightie she wore concealed yet didn’t conceal what was underneath.  She tried to do a turn at the end of the stage, but lost it and wound up on the floor much to the amusement of her audience. If she was upset, she didn’t show it, instead she made a big show of discarding the damned shoes like it was all part of the act.

Standing and barefoot, she began to twirl this way and that with the see-through nightie billowing out.  She released the belt that held the nightie closed and it billowed open to reveal almost everything that could be revealed, except it was now apparent that she was wearing panties or perhaps a thong.

Mitzi then strutted away with her curls bouncing while allowing the nightie to slide off her shoulders down to her waist, then she turned and strode out again.  The whistling made it clear that she was pleasing this jaded crowd.  On her next trip away, she allowed the nightie to slide even lower and it was clear from the half revealed bare ass cheeks that she was wearing a thong.  She dropped the nightie altogether near the back of the stage and then came back out playing coy.  For a minute or so, she danced just in her white thong, before she inched it down about halfway off her ass.  The guys loved it!  So did I! 

I couldn’t contain my enthusiasm for her show any longer and shouted out, “Take it off, Mitzi!”  Mitzi looked my way smiling broadly and down and away went the thong.  She was now completely nude as she danced and I loved it.

When the music stopped and she bent down to retrieve her thong.  A man jumped up and shouted out to Bart, “I want to buy her ass now!”

“Now Reggie, you know the rules.  Just a look-see tonight.”

“Oh, screw the rules!” the man retorted as he approached the stage.

“You will have to wait until tomorrow night.”

Looking away from Mitzi for a moment, he countered, “Two thousand, right now!”

“You’ll have to wait, Reggie, and that’s final.”  The man glared at Bart.  It was obvious that this guy wasn’t accustomed to anyone telling him “no” about anything.  He turned back to Mitzi and said something to her. She stepped closer and he ran his hand up and down her bare leg several times before he turned to go back to his table.

Bart turned to me and said, “Reggie really wants her ass, but fair is fair and she should be sold for market price, don’t you think?” 

“Wow, two thousand bucks,” Clint muttered.  “Man, you should have grabbed the cash, Randy.”

“That cute little cunt will fetch more than two thousand,” Bart replied, but my mind was elsewhere.  The money was astounding enough, but the opportunity to see that guy (or whomever might be the highest bidder tomorrow) slide his cock into her took my breath away.  Hell, I was ready to go talk to the guy and make a side deal with him for tonight, but I didn’t want to get on Bart’s bad side right away.

A few minutes passed and another girl just sprouting tits came out to entertain the club members.  She was definitely not as cute as my Mitzi and judging from her lukewarm reception, I surmised the other men felt that way too. Once this girl was naked, she danced with a dildo and that warmed up the crowd.  It wasn’t a monstrous dildo by any means, still how a girl that young could take something that big was a mystery to me, but she seemed to have no problem with it.

My attention was diverted from the lewd display onstage by Mitzi jumping up into lap.  “Daddy!” she shouted enthusiastically.  She planted a big kiss on my lips and demanded to know what I thought about her show. 

“You were fantastic, pumpkin,” I replied.  “Where did you learn to be sexy?”

“From you, silly!”

“Oh, okay… So, where are your clothes?”

“I’m not supposed to wear clothes in here.  That’s the rules!” she declared authoritatively.  I noted that Hanna was back to, likewise naked and sitting in Bart’s lap. 

Mitzi stood in my lap and while I balanced her with a firm grip on her bare ass cheeks, she waved to the man who had approached her on stage.  Then she looked down and said to me, “That man really likes me.”

“Every man here likes you, honey.  What’s not to like.”

“He said I was the sexiest little girl he’d seen in long time.”

“What else did he say?”

“That he was going to buy me tomorrow night.”

I glanced around an d noted the number on men watching her and not the little slut with the dildo.  “Well, he just might have some competition on that,” I replied making a show of feeling her ass for her admirers’ benefit.

The show onstage ended and snappy dance tune that always got Mitzi moving began to play. The way she was bouncing on the balls of feet was sure to leave bruises on my thighs so I suggested that she dance on the table.  Mitzi liked that idea and so did the club members.  They put a spotlight on her and she danced and danced seemingly with a glow about her that radiated sexuality as well as innocence.   Song after song was played and she danced and danced. 

My admiring gaze was interrupted by Bart.  “Reggie wants to know if she could come dance on his table.”  I looked over and he gave me a nod.  “He understands that there will be no contact with her genitalia... club rules for newbies.  He just wants to see her up close.”

“Sure, why not?” I replied. 

Bart grabbed Mitzi by the ankle to get her attention and told to go to the man.  I gave her a nod.  She held out her arms to Bart to help her down and he hand delivered her to the other table.  Hanna now took to our table top to dance, but my attention was on my daughter and her admirer. He may not have been touching her bare cunt, but as she sat on his lap he touched just about everything else.  I was fairly certain that he might be pressing the bounds of what may or may not be done with a newbie, but no one seemed to object and I certainly didn’t!      

He had get up on his table, but rather than dance, he had her more or less lying down and squirming to the music. After a few minutes of the writhing motion, he caught her by the ankle. Pulling her to him he placed to captured foot to his mouth and began sucking on her toes while he rubbed her leg.  With her other leg now dangling off the edge of the table, the effect was to give him a direct look at her bald pussy. I wanted to shout out, “Eat her cunt!” but I restrained myself.  

After several minutes of laving on her toes and getting perilously close to her exposed cunt with his hand, he released her foot, stood up and dropped his pants.  I was certain that rules or no rules, he was going to fuck her right on the table.  Hell, I didn’t give a damn about the money from the auction, I just wanted to see her being fucked and silently I urged him to, “Fuck her!  Fuck her!  Fuck her!”  Apparently he had more self control than I did and instead, began stroking off over her nude body.  From my vantage point I saw mostly his backside, but it was obvious what he was doing.  Soon I saw his buttocks clinch followed by a thick glob that shoot out from his body to spatter upon her, then another and another.  That almost as good as seeing her screwed on the table.

He pulled up his pants and flopped back down on the chair.  Soon the table was surrounded by several men, men whose pants were down to their knees and talking nasty.  By now my view was totally blocked, but it was obvious that she was being hosed down with splooge, just like some Japanese bukkake whore.  Men would fall out of the circle, only to be replaced by another eager man.  I’m not at all certain how many men spermed her, but it was at least a dozen or more. 

So absorbed was I with Mitzi, that I completely missed what was happening to Hanna at the table behind me.  A quick glance and it was apparent that she was getting a cum bath just like Mitzi was. 

The circle of men around Mitzi dissipated and I could see her sitting up.  She was covered in junk,  laughing and smearing the stuff all over her body. 

Bart removed her from the table and deposited her back on stage.  A moment later he had Hanna up there with her.  He turned and asked, “Who wants to see them lick each other clean?”

“YEAH!!!!” roared the laughing men.  Bart said something to the girls and then stepped aside as the girls began licking cum from each other.  I had a good idea where this would all lead, and sure enough, the girls began to go after each other’s snatch which pleased the men in the Stag Bar to no end. 

Bart took the stage and with Mitzi and Hanna in a 69 at his feet, he reminded the men in the Stag Bar that both girls “will be auctioned off at the monthly show tomorrow night.  You’ve seen how enthusiastic these two nymphs are and I can assure you that even though neither girl is a virgin, I can testify that they both have nice snug fuck holes.  So, if you haven’t reserved your seat, you’re running out of time to have first crack at the cracks of one of these newbies.”

Bart then signaled for Clint and I to come here.  Walking up to the stage we were told to take our “girls to the showers, get them cleaned up and take them home to rest up for tomorrow night. The little sluts are going to need their rest.”


Back home the girls were anything but ready to rest up for tomorrow night.  They were really wound up about their introduction to The Club and the reception they had received.  Mitzi went on and on about how big of a dick that Reggie guy had. I never saw it clearly so I really couldn’t say if he was big or really big, frankly I didn’t care.  I had a bad case of the blue balls watching Mitzi in the Stag Bar and I was determined to get some relief.  Clint had pretty much the same affliction so we screwed them side by side on my bed, changing girls as well as positions for two cums apiece. I slept very well that night.

The End of Chapter 6

This is Chapter 6 of an eight chapter story. Coming soon, Chapter 7

In Chapter 7 - Enthused by Mitzi's introduction to The Club in the Stag Bar, Randy commits himself to auction off Mitzi for sex...



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