Chapter 2
Mall Fashion Model
(voy, exhib, Mg, oral, anal, inc)
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Finally in early August the big day came. Ann took Mitzi to her hairdresser that morning and at the designated hour I took a very dolled-up Mitzi to the mall and to the backstage area for the Back-to-School Fashion Show. I introduced myself and a very nice lady who identified herself as the manager of the little girl’s store told me that she was expecting me. She led us back to this rather open area that had several racks of clothes, plus a few folding chairs. The woman then showed me the four outfits that Mitzi would be wearing during the show. I looked about for a changing area, but saw none. “Go ahead and dress her in the first outfit,” the woman told me before scurrying off to attend to a mother and her daughter.
Not willing to make a fool of myself right out of the box, I waited and watched what the other girls and their mothers were doing. They were undressing and dressing their little girls right out in the open! Directly opposite from Mitzi’s rack of clothes was another little girl whose dad was helping her out of her clothes.
I tried not to stare, but suddenly the place was filled young girls, 5 to 10 years old, running about in just their panties. As amazing as that was, at least half the girls didn’t even have that on, just a thong, showing off their summer two-tones. Now some of the moms were careful to shield their children from the gaze of the two male interlopers, but most of the moms, fixated I suppose by their desire to have their little darlings 'discovered', didn't pay us any mind at all. I looked back over to the other guy who was “helping” his daughter adjust her dress while his eyes were elsewhere.
“Okay, I guess,” I said to no one in particular and set about stripping Mitzi down to her cotton panties. I pulled the first dress off the rack and slipped it on. It was either too small or it was a form fitting dress.
Suddenly the lady who was running the show came by and tried to smooth out the wrinkles caused by Mitzi’s undies. “This just won’t do at all,” she fussed. Then she lifted the dress and pulled Mitzi’s panties down and off; she would remain that way for the entire show. Pleased with the lack of unsightly wrinkles, the woman shooed us off to get in line for the opening.
With the girls all in order and in line, I heard the MC announcer and then the first girl went out. Soon she was back and the next girl went out. Before I knew it, it was Mitzi’s turn. “Just remember what Mommy told you,” I encouraged; then she was gone. I heard some appreciate clapping and she was back. There was no time to waste. I hustled Mitzi back to her rack of clothes. A moment later she was standing waiting for me to get the next outfit, standing in just her little white Hanna Jane’s and nothing else other than tan lines. I glanced over to the other guy who had just stripped his kid down to bare skin too. Our eyes met only briefly, as we ogled the other’s young daughter’s nudity. Lest I stare too long at his girl, I looked about. They all still had on shoes, but the only girls with any covering at all were the girls who mothers had dressed them in thongs to begin with.
“Daddy! Daddy! I need to get dressed,” Mitzi reminded me. With one eye on dressing Mitzi and the other on a variety of little girl skin, I set about getting her ready for the next set. Actually we had more time than I anticipated, because rather than immediately sending the little girls out again, they were alternating with the teenage girls. That plus the MC prattled on and on about the fantastic values and high fashion that the two stores offered. After a long break, it was time for the second set. This time it didn’t seem so rushed to me. Soon Mitzi went out, modeled her outfit and we went to change into the third outfit.
As I stripped by little girl down to bare skin, the other guy was doing the same. As there was really no rush, I left Mitzi naked while I casually rummaged through her rack of clothes, my eyes everywhere but on the rack of clothes. I looked back across the aisle to the other man and his girl. He too was in no hurry to get his little darling covered. This time when our eyes met, we exchanged a knowing smile… this was fun!
During the last change, I sent Mitzi over to ask the guy if he had a safety pin. He knelt down to meet her eye to eye, but I could see that he wasn’t looking at her eyes. Then he stood up, dug into his pocket and came up with a safety pin. But rather than just handing it to Mitzi to bring back to me, he gave it to his equally naked daughter and sent her across the aisle to deliver it to me up close. Having delivered the safety pin, she then turned and walked back slowly, giving me a good look at her bare buns. The girl’s met halfway across the aisle, stopped and giggled, then continued on their way.
By all accounts, the fashion show was a huge success, garnering coverage in the local newspaper as well as TV coverage. Ann was very pleased, as the entire thing had been her idea all along. Sales in both stores went up dramatically, tangible proof of the success of the show. I described what had taken place behind the stage, and Ann just laughed. “You should have seen what was going on with the teenage girls!”
Well, if she was fine with it, I was more than fine with it. I found the voyeur aspects and exhibiting Mitzi to be most exciting. Of course I didn’t tell Ann that.
I had now been playing with Mitzi naked for several months, but I always maintain my own modesty, wearing at least boxer shorts when I was pleasuring her, giving her my bare upper torso to kiss and stroke when it was her turn to play. But after the fashion show, the thrill of exhibiting her led me to exhibit myself to her.
I made sure that all but one snap on my boxers was undone and as planned, my cock made its debut to Mitzi. She was fascinated by it and ran her little hands all over it. Before long, the last snap gave way and I pushed them to the floor. Henceforth, we’d both be nude during “huggy and kissy time.”
Of course I fretted that she would say something to Ann, but apparently she never did. Indeed, when her mother was around, she acted as if nothing untoward was happening between us. From all outward appearances, she was just a happy little girl delighting in anything and everything new.
Mitzi turned seven in October before the next fashion show rolled around in early November. By that time, Mitzi had become quite accomplished at jacking me off. She was absolutely fascinated with the white stuff that squirted from my dick and squealed with delight as I shot off. She had also become quite a fan of my finger running up and down her slit and diddling her tiny clit.
The arrangements for the fashion show were the same as the last. The guy (Clint I’d latter learn) and his daughter (Hanna) again had the rack of clothes opposite of Mitzi’s. Ann had thought to put Mitzi in a thong, but before we ever went back stage, the thong was in my pocket. To my disappointment, Clint had Hanna in a thong, not that it covered much. We chatted briefly, Clint and I, about football and the upcoming Christmas season and this and that before getting our kids naked and ogling all the little girls. It really surprised me when I realized how much of kick I got from exhibiting her to another man. Displaying her to the ladies… who cares, but showing her off to Clint and he doing the same for me with Hanna was exciting beyond measure.
As Thanksgiving approached, Ann put in long hours at the store and I put in long hours too with Mitzi. It was right after the Fall Show that I introduced her to oral sex. It was after her bath and we were naked in my bed. I was kissing Mitzi all over and had worked my way down her tummy and legs to feet. I lifted her foot and put her toes in my mouth. Mitzi’s eyes grew wide at the feel of my tongue massaging her little toes one at a time. Naturally with her foot lifted to my mouth, I was staring right at her tight little slit, a slit my fingers knew very well. Leaving her toes I kissed up (or rather down) her legs and inner thighs until I was at her little bald pussy. Bypassing her cunt, I attacked the other thigh, all the while watching her expression. I was surprised at how excited she looked, her lips parted as she panted, her eyes filled with wonder. Taking measured deliberate licks, I worked toward her pussy, her eyes growing ever bigger.
“Daddy! That’s dirty!” she whispered as I licked her sweet cunt for the first time.
“You’re not dirty, sweetheart,” I told her. “Now just relax and enjoy what I’m doing.” Her cum had always been more or less little cums with my fingers, lots of them, but none noticeably intense. Bringing her off with my tongue, however, was an entirely different matter all together. She arched her back and practically drove her pussy into my face, then she shook while stiff as a board. Finally she collapsed, and that was that. Mitzi was fast asleep. I carefully gathered her up and took her to her own bed, dressed her and tucked her in.
Next night, she wanted me to do it to her again, but first, she wanted to do the same for me. I tucked my hands behind my head and watched as Mitzi licked my dick and mouthed my glans for the first time. She did a pretty good job too as she brought me off in her mouth. With the first spurt, she pulled off with a pained expression, not certain what she should do with the stuff in her mouth, meanwhile, I finished pumping out my load onto my stomach as usual. Her expression softened, the look of alarm faded and she smiled and went down on me again. There was plenty of spend on my dick and she cleaned it up without a trace. She wasn’t too eager to lick up the pool of cum on my tummy, but I didn’t press it. Instead I sat up, grabbed her by the ankles and pulled her hairless pussy to my mouth while she squealed in delight. She quickly learned the joys and art of sucking her daddy’s cock… not all at once, but over the weeks she gradually learned to take more and more of it in.
The sex play between Mitzi and me continued, escalating slowly, but surely, with each passing week. Playtime now began with bath time, with me taking a bath with her in the big two-man Jacuzzi tub in the master bath. I’d wash her down and she’d wash me down with nothing left untouched. Sometime in February or early March, it was during bath time that anal play was first seriously engaged in. First, just rubbing her anus with a soapy finger and then penetrating her asshole with just the tip of a finger. Soon it was one knuckle, then two knuckled deep into her rectum. Then to the hilt and finally in and out. She said it felt really good when I did that and because I had done it to her, she insisted on fingering fucking my asshole too. Unfortunately we missed the Spring Show, as both Mitzi and I were down with a nasty stomach bug, possibly the result of careless anal play.
In early May, it was time for another fashion show. With the summer beginning the theme was of course swim wear. I was happy to see Clint and Hanna back at their usual spot. I was expecting dowdy one piece suits with little skirts, and for sure there was some of that. But there were some tiny two piece suits too, suits that left little skin uncovered. Some of the swim suits, including one of Mitzi’s outfits, even had a thong that displayed everything backside. Being backstage, I could only imagine what the men in the audience thought when Mitzi walked out in that thing. My only objection was that she wasn’t out showing herself off for very long.
As before, both Clint and I were quick to get the girls stripped, but slow to get them dressed. The girls were both barefoot too, so between sets neither had even a pair of shoes on. Also by this time, the girls had struck up a friendship and were in the habit of getting together in the middle of the aisle to giggle and gossip while Clint and I fumbled with their next bathing suit. What a pair of cuties!
When the summer break started, someone had to look after Mitzi. I hit the office in the morning while Ann was home, then came home early to take charge of Mitzi before Ann left for work. “Huggy and Kissy Time” was now spent in my bed for hours at a time. As soon as Ann left for work, Mitzi would strip off her clothes and hop onto the bed with her butt hiked in the air. I could have fucked her if I wanted, but she was too small and I knew that I would hurt her if I did. I firmly resolved not to fuck her and it was the one resolution about boundaries that I kept... for the moment.
However, oral sex was not off the table. She was waiting for me to finger fuck her butt when I first ran my tongue up her butt cleft. I remember her saying, “Oooooooo, Daddy! That’s dirty!” Dirty or not she was quite fond of me licking her everywhere, especially anywhere between her chubby legs. I could lie there for hours feasting between that little girl’s legs. Her pussy was sweet and her asshole was tasty.
With sex play at the top of the agenda, it was difficult for me muster the discipline to do my work at home. We spent most of the day in the pool, skinny dipping of course, or in bed having a good time. Somehow I managed to get my work done, sometimes with Mitzi sitting beneath my computer desk playing quietly until I was finished, then it was swimming or sex games again until bedtime.
It was early July and even though the start of school was weeks away, Ann was in full planning mode for the Back to School Fashion Show. Mitzi and I had been skinny dipping in the pool most of the afternoon. We were both somewhat fatigued and had hopped into the sack. I was hoping for a quick nap, but she wanted to play. I tried to lull her back to sleep by rubbing on her. She always enjoyed that and today was no exception. She turned her head towards me with a very contented look on her face as I rubbed her chest and tummy. When my hand strayed down her leg and I drew up her silky smooth inner thigh, her little legs sprang open to give me full access to her bald pussy. I rubbed her cunt for a minute or two and she whispered, “Lick me, Daddy. Please.”
“Is that what you want, baby?” I whispered back. She smiled demurely and nodded her head. I sat up partially so that I could kiss down her tummy to her prize.
“I love you, Daddy,” she said in a low dreamy voice as my tongue began wandering up and down inside her slit. The girl positively loved being eaten out, especially with a finger up inside her too, and I was glad to please her. Her hips began to buck up and down and she made gasping noises just before she hollered out, “Ooooooooooooo, Daaaaadddddyyyyy!!!”
After getting her off, I felt for sure that she just roll away from me and go to sleep, but once she had recovered, she popped upright. “Your turn, Daddy!” she announced. In this context, ‘Your turn,’ meant that she wanted to suck my cock.
I could have just lay there and let her blow me, but I really got a kick out of her kneeling between my legs to suck me, so I sat up on the edge of the bed, with my feet on the ground, leaning back on my arms. Quickly Mitzi got down on to the floor and between my knees and began licking my balls and shaft while I looked down watching her. Soon the licking was centered on the head of my cock and the licking quickly transitioned into knob sucking and then taking as much dick into her mouth as she could fit while she massaged my balls. She would look up at me with her green eyes with my cock in her mouth, her pretty little girl face framed by her wet, but still curly blonde hair and work me over good. For not being quite eight, she really performed fellatio like a pro.
While enjoying her oral ministrations the phone rang. I ignored it and let the answering machine pick it up.
“Randy, this is Susan,” said the nearly hysterical woman. “There’s been an accident. You need to get to the store right away,” said the distressed voice. I knew Susan worked for Ann and I knew what store she was referring to, but I was too close to stop until I blew my wad into Mitzi’s seven-and-three-quarters-year-old mouth.
As usual, Mitzi gobbled up my cum and kept on sucking. I would have let her, but then the tone of urgency in Susan’s voice made me push her off my dick. It’s not like I wouldn’t be able to get Mitzi to suck me again after I returned the phone call. All it took was a simple request, “Mitzi, suck my dick,” and she’d suck away until I made her stop. I never had to make her suck my dick, she just did it happily.
I had to look up the phone number of the store and then I couldn’t get through. Finally I got in touch with Susan, but she was blubbering so much as to be incomprehensible. It was obvious that something was wrong, terribly wrong, but I didn’t know what. I dressed Mitzi and myself and headed to the mall. By the time I arrived, they were wheeling Ann out on a stretcher, only I didn’t know it was Ann because her face and body was covered with a sheet.
It was with stunned disbelief that I learned that Mitzi’s mother had somehow slipped or fallen in the storeroom. She struck her head against the corner of something and before anyone knew that anything had happened, she bled out. Just like that, at the snap of finger, my wife was gone from me and gone from her daughter forever. She was happy and enthusiastic when I last saw her. Now she was dead.
The timing wasn’t perfect, but I couldn’t help but think that as Ann’s life drained out onto the floor of the storeroom, Mitzi was draining my balls. I felt awful about that.
Naturally Mitzi was devastated. Me, it hurt, it hurt to the core. I truly did love Ann, though I lived in constant fear of discovery, discovery that would have certainly led to ruin. So it was with conflicted feelings and emotions that Mitzi and I coped with our loss. But, as bad as this might sound, there was a silver lining… the fear of discovery had been removed, by Ann at least. There were also the financial aspects. At Ann’s insistence, we carried a large term life policy on each other. Two million dollars tax free is definitely a silver lining. Then there was a company settlement on top of that. Suddenly, I didn’t have to work anymore. I could be a full time parent and maybe pursue something a little more exciting than writing instruction manuals that no one bothered to read. Just what that might be, I didn’t know, but even before the checks cleared in September and invested in an annuity guaranteeing me a hefty lifetime income, I quit and became a full time house-dad.
Within a week or so of Ann’s funeral, things were back to normal between Mitzi and me, except that she no longer slept in her own bed as she was sleeping with me. In just a few months she would be eight. Kids that age grow so quickly that you can almost see the changes day by day. Mitzi was no exception. She had lost all of her baby fat and was now growing taller by the day. I had known for quite some time that one day, one day soon, I would fuck her. I wanted to make it special for her, so I planned to deflower my little girl on her eighth birthday. But that was months away and I only had my own restraint from not taking her before then. I steeled myself to be patient, knowing that it would be worth the wait.
This is Chapter 2 of an eight chapter story.
In Chapter 3 - After his wife's untimely death, Randy agrees to do one more fashion show where he invites Clint and Hanna over to skinny dip.
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