Another of the "Come" series, featuring young Janet and her old nemesis, Jim. The stories in correct order are: Come Out and Play, Come Play By the Pool, Come Fix the Pool, and Come Back Later Janet. Enjoy.

By JimBob

(Mg, fond, oral, pedo, cons)

This can be a standalone story, but will make more sense if you first read “Come Out and Play” and “Come Play by the Pool”.




Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted 2010 with all rights expressly reserved by its author unless explicitly granted.

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Janet discretely pulled the swimsuit out of her butt crack as she stepped off the ladder and onto the deck. Realizing what she had just done, she jerked her hand away as she looked around.  Yes, Jim was looking at her and he was laughing.  'Darn him, he sees everything,' she silently sluked.  She stuck her tongue out at him, but she had to laugh too.

Yesterday they were sitting on one of the double lounges, and Jim asked her why girls had to adjust their swimsuits all the time, but boys almost never did.  She said girls didn't do that!  Then that darn Jim told her to watch the girls, and he had nudged her with his elbow every time a girl did it, and he was right.  Girls did it a lot.  Some of them did it every time they got out of the pool.  Then Jim said she did it too!  Every time!

No way!  He just liked to tease her.  But today he was proving he was right.  Or rather she was doing it for him.  She just could not remember to watch her hands.

In a way, Jim's teasing made her feel better about herself.  She knew that he sometimes did things to her that men weren't supposed to do to girls.  She had let him do some of them, even though she knew her mom would have a cow if she found out.  But darn it, it all felt so good, and she was curious too. 

Like the "boob enhancer."  She had figured that out after he tried that thing about the doctor saying he should suck on her boobies.  She had been kind of suspicious for a couple of weeks, after Donna and Sharon were talking about letting guys touch their boobs at a party.  What the boys did and wanted to do to them sounded a lot to her like what Jim did with her. 

"To help your boobs get big," he said.  And she had believed him at first; that was what got to her.  That Jim was such a tease!

So one day she was mad, and she started over to his house to tell him off, but on the way, she thought it over.  He didn't do that with Mandy, or Lynn.  She had artfully asked them questions about their boobs, and nobody was doing anything to them.  That meant she was the only one who had boobs he liked.  That made her feel special.  So she went over that day and had another "boob enhancement."  It felt good.  She liked how it felt, so she wasn't going to stop him just yet.

And then the other day!  Wow!  He sure was slick, the way he got all her clothes off.  Oh man, if her mom ever found out about THAT, she would be grounded for the rest of her life!  But again, what he did that day felt really good... really good.  She said it to herself again,  'I've been fucked.  A man fucked me.  Jim fucked me.'  She liked to think about that.  She liked to say it.  It gave her a thrill and made her thing itch, just thinking about it.

Janet made an adjustment down there, not thinking, then glanced around and caught Jim's eye once more.  He was laughing at her again!  She jerked her hand away from down there.  'Darn him!  I'll show him.  Just wait until he wants to do it again!' 

At the same time, she thought about how good it felt, how grown up it made her feel around the other kids.  She had done something none of the other girls had done yet.  She was special.

The forbidden thought came again,  'I'm going to fuck with Jim again!'  No!  She couldn't think that.  That wasn't nice, and she was a nice girl.  Still, it would be fun... 

No! She jumped in the pool and swam under water and pinched her sister Tammy on her big butt. Then she had to head for Jim for protection from Tammy.

Jim had Ellen in his arms, with one arm around her waist, and one hand between her legs, fingers inside her loose swimsuit crotch.  He hurried to free his left arm as Janet swam up and grabbed him to get away from Tammy.  She was too busy looking back and screeching to see anything.

Ellen said she had to go. She headed for the pool steps.  Her sister was already on her way out of the pool yard. 

Jim pulled Janet in close, and whispered in her ear.  "Can you come back later?  After everyone leaves?   I'll close the pool soon."

Janet knew what he wanted.  "No!  I'm not letting you do that nasty stuff again!"

"Aw, come on, Janet.  You know you liked it."

"No, I didn't!  I didn't want you to do that, and... you just did it anyway.  I'm not doing that again." She waited for him to beg her some more...

"Oh, all right." 

But it wasn't all right.  Jim just let her go and swam over to the ladder.  He used to play with her a lot more.  She missed that.  All right for him!

She called her sisters, and herded them all out of the pool.

After the four sisters left, Jim felt kind of bad for acting so short with Janet.  But the contrary little girl pissed him off sometimes.  He got the feeling she wanted it as bad as he did.  Now it looked like the pool was emptying for this afternoon.  His boys were getting out, and their friends were on their way out of the pool yard.

Jim went to the fence and got the long handled net.  He used it to pick up all the abandoned rings and other toys scattered on the bottom of the pool, and then to lift out some floating junk and a leaf or two.  He went in to the pump house and got his chlorine and sprinkled some around the pool perimeter to kill the germs and bring the ph value up.  Then he went to sit in the sun and listen to the quiet for a while after all the screeching kids had left.

Janet left her sisters to walk home alone.  She had ridden her bike the block and a half from her house.  She rode home, dropped her towel off, and rode slowly back to check on her sisters’ progress.  As usual they were stopped at Ellen's house, where there was a hopscotch diagram chalked onto the sidewalk.  Janet yelled at them to get them on their way.  She rode part way back, then stopped and thought as she gazed back at Jim's house.

Janet made up her mind.  Okay, she would go back.  But not in her swimsuit.   It came off too easily.  She wheeled her bike around, and rode home fast, passing her sisters again on the way.  She rushed into her room, and hurriedly pulled off her swimsuit.  She grabbed her clothes, then changed her mind.  She grabbed shorts, panties and a Tee shirt out of her drawer, and started to slip on the panties, but they had a small rip down one side, which got to be a big rip as she started to pull them up.  The darn things were too small.  She took them off, threw them on the floor, and slipped into the shorts.  She pulled the Tee shirt on, and tucked it into the shorts and ran back out just as her sisters were coming in.

Jim was almost asleep when Barry came out to tell him that he and Tommy were heading for Bobby's house and would be back at six.  Jim sat there for a few more minutes, and decided to go in, have a quick shower and get dressed.

The girls scattered out of Janet's way as she whipped her bike around and down their driveway.  She raced back to Jim's house, dropping it right in the garage door as she usually did.  Jim still had the open sign up for the pool.  She flipped it over as she went through the garage and out the back door to the pool.

"Hey Jim!   You left the ‘Pool is Open’ sign up."  She called out as she went through the pool house door onto the deck.  Hmmm!  No Jim.  She walked toward the back of the house.  There was no one in the pool or the ping pong room.  She went back to Jim's bedroom, and slid the sliding door open.  She heard the shower going.  The idea was followed up by immediate action.

Jim finished his shower and stepped out and picked up his towel.  He dried off as he looked in the mirror.  He picked up his swim suit and hung it on a vacant towel rack, and then walked out to his bedroom in the buff, and stopped short.

Janet put on her brightest smile for him, which was all she had on.  Then after a brief glance at his face, to see the surprise register there, she looked down at the thing that had drawn her back here.  She watched as the little soft cock started to swell, get longer start to stand out instead of drooping down.  She did that!  It was just a little old thing until he spotted her, and look at it now!  She did that to a man!  A warm feeling infused her whole body.  He had stopped short and was just looking up and down her whole body as his cock got big and hard.  And she did that with her body!  Wow!  She had power.

Mandy had found some Playboy magazines in her brother's room and she had shared them with Janet, and they had tried out some of the poses.  Buck naked, Janet had fallen into one of them on the bed.  Jim sat on the edge and traced his fingers up the precocious ten-year-old's slightly bent leg, the thrust up hip, the waist curve.  He caressed one of the little breasts buds he was so familiar with.

"Wow!"  Jim echoed aloud her unspoken thought.  "Wow, Janet!  You are so sexy!  I knew you were a beautiful girl, but I had no idea...  Look what you did to me!”  And he turned so she could see his full erection in profile, straining to get at her.

Janet had no idea she was going to do it, until she had done it.  She wrapped her fingers partially around the shaft, and she squeezed as if to test the hardness.  It was the first time she had touched one that was hard.  No, it was the first time she had touched a man's thing.  She had touched Mandy's little brother when Mandy was changing his diaper one day.

"Wow.  It's hot!"  Well, warm anyway.  Very warm.   My gosh,’ Janet thought as she felt the shaft throb and jump at her touch.  ‘Did that big thing really go up inside of me?  I'm really just a little girl.  I wonder… would that thing go in my little sister Tammy?  Maybe.   She is almost as big as me.  How about Sammy?  Kammie ?   No, they are way too small.’  She shook her head, a little mad at herself for such nasty thoughts.  She would like to see someone else doing it though.  Just like the Playboy pictures, thinking about it made her itch down there.  She was getting wet, she could feel it and smell it.  Whether she wanted it or not, her thing sure did.

Jim could smell Janet's sex perfume wafting from between her closed thighs.  He took the swim towel he was going to hang outside, and spread it on the bed next to Janet.  He crawled up next to her on the towel, and pushed her upper body into a supine position, as he brought his right hand up between her legs.  Janet opened her thighs for him and his middle finger slipped easily between her lips, into the tender pink flesh there, picking up her girl juice and becoming slick.  Right into her pre-teen hole it went, all the way.  Jim pulled it out and slipped it between his lips, sucking her slippery juice off as she watched.  The finger went back in, and then out, but its target was her lips this time.  She sucked it in without thinking about it; she had licked her own juice off her fingers before.  What she wasn't ready for was Jim’s lips hard on hers as he put the middle finger along with the fore finger back up in her cunt as far as they would go.  His tongue went into her mouth too, and searched out all her juice that was left in there.

Janet had never had a man's tongue in her mouth.  She had tried a French kiss with Mandy, after they had read a passage in a magazine that had given a graphic description.  Actually they just touched tongues so it wasn't much of a test. Neither one of them got a thrill.  But she did now.  The combination of tongue in her mouth and two fingers up inside her did the trick.  The thumb caressing her clit didn't hurt any either.  She was getting so warm!  When Jim pulled away, Janet followed him.  She wanted more.

Jim laid back.  "You get on top this time,” he told her.

"Huh?  Me?"

"Yeah, you.   I did all the work last time."  He took her arm and pulled.  She came up over his body and straddled him, sitting on his belly.   "No, move back.   Wait!  Move up.  Get that little pussy on my mouth."  Putting his hands on her hips, he positioned her where he wanted her.

Janet threw her head back and moaned as she felt his tongue on her clit, and felt it tease it until it thrust out and her juice started to really flow, and then he pushed her off and guided her hips to where they were positioned over his.  His erection was pressing into her lips down there.

Janet clutched Jim's arms for balance.  Now feeling the head of his cock between her pussy lips, she took hold of his shaft with her right hand, guiding the purplish head into her vagina.  It spread the lips as she let her body sink down onto Jim, then it spread open the hole as it slipped up her tight sheath until his hard penis was buried inside her and her engorged clit was rubbing his pubis and being tickled by the curly hairs down there.  Oh man, that big thing was all the way in her.  Jim was touching her boobies now!  She knew that good feeling was going to come now.

Jim began a rapid thrusting and rocking of his hips.  At the same time he was pulling her hips now, so the penis was rubbing up and down inside of her.  She felt several thrills at once.  The fire started down there and spread up her belly and chest.  Even her ears felt warm.  Her bare toes were curling and flexing as Jim varied his strokes, from short and quick to long, slow, deep thrusts.

Janet had thought when they first started that she was not going to have that terrific feeling again, since she was going to have to work her body.  But to her delight she found that with herself on top, she was able to help herself move, cranking her body around so that his cock was stroking the best places in there, giving rise to small orgasms all along.  Each one got a little better, which kept her on track.  She knew that somewhere up there, there was that really mind blowing one, and that was the thing that had brought her back to this bed.

Jim could see he had a very hot little broad on his hands, er, actually on his cock.  She was giving him quite a ride.  He had caught her gasp and felt her little climaxes several times and he knew she would go over the top soon.  Jim's cock swelled even bigger and harder knowing that Janet was having such a good time with her ride on his rigid pole.  This girl was almost too good to be true.  If he could just keep her going on her instincts, and have her forget that moral code of hers...

Janet had to calm herself down a little and hold back some of her more adventurous moves.  The increased girth of his shaft caused a small strain to the hymeneal tear of their first encounter, and she felt a little discomfort when she got too wild.

Then Jim did something that made her forget all that.  He had let her hips go and had been petting her little boobies with both hands, now he dropped one hand to her crotch and flicked the clit that was protruding just above his shaft.  Now he was rubbing it!  Janet forgot any small discomfort, and she started to hit the apple, hit the peach, hit the pear and all the while she was grinding that coffee.*  She hit the big one, and she came so hard, she actually ejaculated some of her juices onto the shaft that was buried in her vagina. 

Jim had felt an increased flow from some women when they had their orgasm, but this was a first for him, he had felt it hit his fingers on her clit, a regular little spatter of cum. Now it was running down the shaft, and it was smeared down into his pubic hair.

Janet stiffened and moaned and cried out in her orgasm.  She clutched Jim's arms to hold herself up, as her body seemed to start to melt down onto him as her muscles went limp.  Jim put a hand on each side of her chest and eased her down so she was lying forward against his chest as her chest pumped and she tried to catch her breath.  Jim held her tight, and moved his big thing in her deeply a few more times, and then she felt his hot juice squirt up into her.  She wondered if that made him feel as good as she did, because he grunted and thrust harder when he did that.  Then he relaxed all over too.  Janet decided she loved Jim very much right then.  He made her feel so good!

Jim lay there sated, with the limp little body on his chest, the top of her head just under his chin.  He patted and rubbed her smooth back, and down over her even smoother, softer butt cheeks.  What a perfect little body she had!  He felt his cock deflate and slip out of the little pussy.  He pulled her up and sought out her lips with his and she responded by giving him her lips and tongue.  Then she looked around.

“What time is it?”  Her eyes caught his bed side alarm clock. “Oh!  I have to go.”  Janet knew she would catch Hell if she didn't beat her mom home.

“Wait!  We have to clean you up first.”  Jim could see cum running out of her pussy, and down her thigh.  His belly and pubic hair was full of it too. He rolled off the bed, and picked the girl up and carried her into the bath, and deposited her on the toilet.  Janet suddenly felt an urge to go.  When Jim turned to the sink to pick up a washrag, she let it go and heard her pee tinkling into the bowl.  Janet was a little embarrassed at this intimacy, but then she considered what they had just done, so peeing in front of him didn't seem so bad.

Jim was considerate, he kept his back turned as Janet peed, but he was watching her in the mirror over the sink. He got the rag wet with warm water, and turned as she wiped and dropped the paper in the bowl.  Then he spread her legs out until she protested, and then cleaned the gooey mess between her legs, and wiped her thighs good.  Not satisfied that she was clean enough to go home to Mama, he pulled her up to stand by the sink while he gave her a second going over.  He tore off several sheets of paper. He made them into a pad and handed them to her.

“What are these for?”

“Put them into your panties to catch anything that comes out.”

“I didn't wear any panties.”

“Well, wipe yourself good now and then go in the bathroom when you get home and do it again.  Why didn't you wear panties?”

“I was in a hurry and they ripped.”

“Why were you in a hurry?”

“Because I...”  Janet saw what Jim was trying to do.  He wanted her to admit she liked to do it.  Well, that wasn't gonna happen.  “I noticed your pool sign still said open, and I wanted to tell you to fix it.”  She wiped with the paper and dropped it in the bowl, flushed and walked out into the bedroom.

“Uh, huh,” Jim followed as he wiped himself down with the washrag.  He was smiling as he watched her little butt wiggle.

Janet grabbed her shorts and shirt and put them on and started out the door.

“Thanks for coming back and letting me do it.  I really had fun.”

“Humph!”  Janet didn't pause to reply.  But on her bike on the way home, she did smile, and say to herself, ‘I had fun too, but I ain't gonna tell that big teaser.’



I hope you liked my story.  It is a fantasy, and all characters, and places and events are figments of my imagination.  Don't try this at home.

*Hit the apple, hit the peach, hit the pear, and make like grinding coffee." Or some variation of this saying, used to be an action description applied to either partner who was on top.


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