(bb, Mb, ped, MMb, 1st, inter, oral, anal, nc)
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unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.
As a kid, once school was out, every summer my folks would pack me up and send me off to stay at my grandmother’s farm. To me, it was a wonderful time. I had lots of cousins, first, second, third, both boys and girls, older and younger, as well a host of aunts and uncles, great aunts and great uncles, who either lived on adjacent farms or who regularly visited my grandmother. You could walk the countryside for hours and hours, crossing fence line after fence line and still be on property owned by some relative.
I especially looked forward to seeing my cousin Jimmy Joe, who was not quite a year older than me, as we had lots in common. We’d spend the mornings doing chores and then have all afternoon to goof off (well, most afternoons). The chores were the usual sort for a farm, feeding the chickens, gathering eggs, hoeing the garden, shelling peas, fixing whatever needed emergency repairs, shingling the barn, moving bales of hay, bush hogging pastures, you name it, Jimmy Joe and I did it.
Neither of us was particularly thrilled with the work, but we made a game of it and attacked our assignments with gusto each and every morning, six days a week, rain or shine. On Sundays we went to church with Granny where all our relatives and neighbors gathered for a Sunday potluck dinner on the church grounds. That was a fun time as we met up with some of second and third cousins to swap lies. Invariably the kids, young and old, would all get together to go swimming later Sundayt afternoon at one of the several swimming holes we had available to us. Sometimes it would just be us boys, and we’d head off to skinny dip over at Uncle Ed’s.
During the week, Jimmy Joe and I would skinny dip in the big stock pond down on the lower forty, or we would head off cross country and visit someone who was somehow related to us. It was on one of these adventures I first got to know my Uncle JD.
Uncle JD was one of my grandmother’s brothers. He was also the black sheep of the family. Never saw him once at the church and he never dropped by Granny’s like all her other brothers and sisters did. The only time I ever heard his name was when someone had something unkind to say about him. Granny in particular held him in distain, but she didn’t have much use for the wicked in this world, wicked brothers included.
So it was with some surprise when exploring an unfamiliar farm that Uncle JD confronted Jimmy Joe and me with a double-barreled 12-guage shotgun. Even after we identified ourselves, it took him a few moments, moments that seemed like an eternity, before he lowered the menacing gun.
“So, how is your grandmother?” he asked. “Still ornery?”
“Uh, she’s fine,” I replied.
“Ya boys are lucky that I’m in a good mood today. Last time I caught someone snooping around and spying on me, I filled their backside with buckshot.”
Jimmy Joe and I had both heard about this incident from one of our cousins, Billy Bob, who had the scars to prove it. Of course Uncle JD didn’t actually shoot him with buckshot, but with a round loaded with rock salt. Billy Bob said it hurt like hell, especially as the salt melted away in the shallow wounds. Billy Bob never mentioned it to anyone else, his folks in particular, as there was strict rule to stay away from JD and stay off his property. That applied to everyone, including JD’s brothers and sisters. JD liked his privacy and didn’t have much use for his family.
Uncle JD regarded us for a few moments with a penetrating stare that seemed to bore into you. He then casually flicked on the safety of his shotgun, reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pint of Early Times. He took a swig and then asked us if we wanted any. I was only eleven that summer and Jimmy Joe and I were way too young to be drinking anything harder than a root beer, besides, no one in my family drank anything with alcohol in it, or at least not openly.
“Uh, no thanks,” I answered.
“Drink it!” he ordered thrusting the open bottle in my face.
“I, I shouldn’t,” I pleaded.
“Why the hell not?”
“We ain’t allowed,” answered Jimmy Joe. “Gran would skin us alive.”
“Listen up, and listen up good, boy. You’re on my property now, so ya follow my rules, not your grandmother’s rules or anyone else’s rules, but MY RULES! Now, I said… DRINK IT!”
With great trepidation I took the bottle, put it to my lips and tossed a mouthful down. I drank of the demon and Satan immediately announced his presence by scalding my throat. As I coughed and whizzed, Uncle JD had a good laugh. Then it was Jimmy Joe’s turn. Immediately upon swallowing, his eyes got big and he too started sputtering.
Uncle JD took the bottle from Jimmy Joe and took another swig himself. To my dismay, he thrust the bottle back towards me. “Have another drink,” he ordered. With my throat still on fire from my first taste of whiskey, I put the bottle to my lips, but I didn’t take any into my mouth. “I said, drink!” he ordered while shoving the shotgun in my gut. I had no choice but to take another swallow. This one burned just as bad as the first and made me cough. Then Jimmy Joe took his second drink.
JD took the bottle from Jimmy Joe, screwed back on the cap and put it back into his back pocket. Suddenly I felt my head beginning to spin. Everything around me seemed suddenly different. A few moments later, I was lying face up with the world wildly spinning around.
Next thing I knew, I woke up, feeling something awful. My head was pounding, my stomach felt queasy, and my mouth felt like it was full of burnt cotton. I could hardly move so I just lay there. I guess I fell back asleep because when I woke up again, it was very late in the afternoon. Jimmy Joe was sleeping next to me. Thoroughly disoriented, I looked around not sure where I was or how I got there. I shook Jimmy Joe and he stirred.
Jimmy Joe sat up and looked around. It was apparent that he was as mystified as I was. Then I recalled that we had been on Uncle JD’s property and had run into him. “C’mon Jimmy Joe. We gotta get home.”
“We’re my shoes?” Jimmy Joe asked with puzzled gestures.
“I dunno. Guess JD took ‘em. He got mine too.”
“Why’d he take our shoes, Bobby Ray?”
“I dunno,” I answered. “He’s just mean, I reckon. Mean as a rabid raccoon. Just like everybody says.”
Having no shoes and no other options, Jimmy Joe and I made our way back through the woods, pastures and fields barefoot. I don’t know about Jimmy Joe, but my brain felt like someone was attacking it with a hammer. It was nearly dark when we made it to Granny’s and past suppertime.
“Where have you boys been?” she demanded.
“Uh, we got lost and…”
“Where’re your shoes?”
“Uh, I dunno,” answered Jimmy Joe.
“You don’t know?”
”No, Ma’am. We somehow misplaced them and couldn’t find them. That’s why we’re late.”
Granny looked at us sternly but seemed to buy into the story. “Very well, come get something to eat.”
Jimmy Joe stepped closer to Granny and her nose wrinkled up. “You’ve been drinking whiskey!” she exploded. “Where did you get whiskey?”
“Uh, uh…”
“Don’t you lie to me!” she shrieked as she swatted Jimmy Joe and then me about the ears.
Well, Jimmy Joe and I caught hell from Granny. Maybe we should have said that Uncle JD made us drink it, but we weren’t supposed to be on his property to begin with. Had she known, no doubt she would have given us both a major blistering with Grandpa’s old razor strap. It was already bad enough. We both steadfastly refused to divulge any information and were sent to bed without supper. It could have been worse, in fact, both Jimmy Joe and I were surprised that it wasn’t worse, much worse.
Next day after doing our chores and eating for the first time (we also didn’t get any breakfast) Gran told us to go find our shoes. Neither Jimmy Joe nor I wanted to do that, but Granny made it clear that she expected us to find our shoes. Then she added, “I suspect you’ll be tempted by the Devil again, but don’t think that I won’t know if you’re drinking again.” Granny then gave us a clear picture of what our sorry fates would be if we ever came home again stinking of the devil’s potion. Both Jimmy Joe and I each had only one pair of work shoes, so we headed out cross-country barefoot. As we went barefoot most of the time anyway, it wasn’t too bad, but walking through the woods I must have stepped on every stick and stone between Granny’s and Uncle JD’s. But it didn’t seem to bother Jimmy Joe and I kept my complaints to myself.
Upon arriving at the fence line marking my malicious great uncle’s property, Jimmy Joe and I paused, both reluctant to forge ahead. We discussed it and considered just going back to Granny’s sans our shoes and taking whatever punishment she had in mind for actually losing them. Jimmy Joe wanted to do that, but I wasn’t so sure.
“Aw, he ain’t gonna shoot us, Jimmy Joe,” I reasoned. “We’re kin.”
“That’s why he’ll shoot us, Booby Ray, because we’re kin. He shot Billy Bob.”
“I know, I know, but he didn’t shoot us yesterday. If we don’t get our shoes back, Gran’s going be awfully angry with us.”
“I suppose,” replied my cousin, “but I ain’t going over there!”
“You chicken?” I challenged. Predictably, Jimmy Joe bristled to that ultimate dare of boyhood.
“No! I ain’t chicken! I ain’t afraid. C’mon, let’s go get shot if we have to!”
“He ain’t gonna shoot us,” I said without true conviction.
“No, maybe not, but then again… Are ya sure ya really wanna to do this, Bobby Ray? I don’t need those shoes that badly.”
“Yeah, I’m sure, Jimmy Joe. C’mon, let’s get it over with.”
With great trepidation, we expertly crawled through the strains of bared wire without snagging our overalls. Alert for any sudden appearance of our mean-as-a-wild-boar great uncle, we made it through the woods and to the edge of a field of corn. Beyond the field was his house. Jimmy Joe and I paused and discussed our options. We could cut straight through the cornfield or we could skirt along the edge. We opted to make a beeline through the corn, with me leading the way.
I made it through the corn without incident, only to discover that Jimmy Joe was nowhere to be seen. Turning away from JD’s house, I peered down the row of corn and then tried to see through to the next rows without avail. Suddenly, a big hand grabbed the back of my overalls and nearly yanked me off my feet.
“You again!” growled Uncle JD.
Petrified as I was, I blurted out, “I gotta get our shoes back!”
“They’re my shoes now,” he replied gruffly.
“I gotta get them back. I don’t got any other shoes except my Sunday School shoes.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes, sir. Please, Uncle JD. We need our shoes back. Granny told us we had to get them.”
“She knows you’re here?”
“No, sir!”
“She knows that ya was here yesterday?”
“No, sir! We didn’t tell her. She thought we had found some whiskey and…”
“Ya didn’t tell her it was me?”
“No, sir! Honest! Please… I know we ain’t supposed to be here, but I…”
“We? Your cousin… where is he?”
“I dunno. He just disappeared all of a sudden.”
“He’s here?”
“Yes, sir. At least he was a minute ago.”
“I see.” The entire time I was standing on my toes as JD held me by the back of my overalls. He let go and spun me around to face him. “Ya didn’t tell your Gran that I got ya and Jimmy… his name is Jimmy Joe, ain’t it? Ya didn’t tell her that I got you drunk and took your shoes?”
“No, sir. Can I please have our shoes back?”
“Well, I’ll be… So, you can keep your mouth shut, eh?”
“Yes, sir.” A smile came cross his face, the first on him that I’d ever seen. “Well, I suppose that if ya can keep your mouth shut, maybe I can give back those shoes.”
“I’d be very thankful if ya did,” I replied sincerely.
“Very well, son. I’ll give them back, but ya must promise not to tell anyone about coming here.”
“I promise, I won’t tell.”
“On your mother’s soul ya promise?”
“My mother’s soul?” This was serious. If I ever told anyone, it would be my fault that my Mama would be sent to hell. Still, just who would I tell? Gran? No way! She’d blister me with Grandpa’s old razor strap for sure. Nothing was worse than a whipping with that razor strap. Nothing.
“Yes, sir. I promise on my mother’s soul.”
I nearly jumped out of my skin when Uncle JD suddenly discharged his shotgun in the air. “That’ll run him back in the woods,” chuckled my great uncle. “C’mon, boy. Follow me.”
As we approached the house, I saw a black boy, eight, maybe nine years old, playing on the front porch. He was naked, completely naked! He saw us approaching and stood, stonily watching as we approached. I know that if anyone ever saw me on the porch naked, I would have run inside, but he just stood there unconcerned with his nudity.
Uncle JD rubbed the boy’s head and told him to go inside and fetch our shoes. In a flash the black boy disappeared inside. I didn’t know what to say or what to think. “He’s my house boy,” Uncle JD said by way of explanation.
“He ain’t got no clothes.”
“He don’t need clothes. Except when it’s cold. And neither do you, boy.”
I was speechless as I tried to comprehend what I was seeing and hearing. His house boy? Don’t need no clothes? What was he talking about? A few moments later, the boy stepped through the screen door holding Jimmy Joe and my shoes. JD motioned to him to remain put, then turned to me and ordered, “Take your clothes off. Only naked boys are allowed on this farm.” I hesitated. “Strip!” my uncle roared.
“Holy shit!” I uttered frozen in place.
“Ya want those god damned shoes, don’t ya? Then do as I tell you!”
Intimidated, I did as I was told and soon I was standing on Uncle JD’s front porch in just my white briefs.
“Get rid of the god damned panties, too,” he growled. “A boy shouldn’t wear panties.”
I wasn’t about to provoke him, so I pushed my underwear down to my ankles, very self-conscious that I had an erection and couldn’t hide it.
Holding out his calloused hand he commanded, “Give’em here!”
Dutifully, I stepped out of my shorts and handed them to my uncle who stuffed them in a pocket. “You ever been blown before?” I was still very naïve back then and didn’t exactly know what he was asking. “A blowjob,” he added. “Ever had your dick sucked?”
“No, sir,” I replied meekly while covering my jutting privates with my hands.
“Put your hands down, boy so I can see your pecker.” I dropped my hands wishing I had ran off instead of Jimmy Joe. “Excited?” he snorted with a grin. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to just disappear.
JD turned to the black boy and motioned to him with a nod of his head. The black boy set down the shoes, approached me and went down on his knees. Next thing I knew, his black hand surrounded my white dick and he began playing with it, fondling my dick while my great uncle watched! I had played with myself before, and Jimmy Joe and I had played with each other’s cock out in the woods a time or two, but this was different. I was out on the front porch while someone watched.
Then he did it. I felt his wet mouth slide over my dick. I’d never felt anything like it before. Nothing had ever felt this good before. I was so excited that I came in about ten seconds! The tingling sensations that I had recently grown to love when I beat off swept over me, making my knees wobbly and taking my breath away. I was still having dry orgasms at that time, but it felt great nonetheless.
The colored boy let my now soft cock slip from his mouth. He stood and stepped back grinning broadly and showing off his pearly white teeth.
After a moment, JD said to me, “Now get your ass out of here and go home to your grandmother. Next time ya come here, ya won’t be getting a blowjob, you’ll be giving them.”
Instinctively knowing not to ask for my underwear back, I started to pull on my overalls, but Uncle JD would have none of that. “Get your ass dressed out in the woods,” he commanded. Clutching my overalls, I picked up the two pairs of shoes and skedaddled, running back into the cornfield bare-assed naked. Near the far side I stopped and put on my clothes. Oddly I was somehow sorry I had to do so. The brief nudity I had experienced was an epiphany. It had been thrilling but now it was over.
Back in the woods, I found Jimmy Joe who was happy to see me still alive and astonished that I had recovered our shoes. Of course I didn’t tell him, anything… I couldn’t do that to my mama.
That night, I lay in my bed thinking about what had occurred that afternoon and how it had felt to be naked and what Uncle JD had said and done. I thought about it for days afterward and every time I thought about it I’d get a stiffy. I damn near tore my dick off those few days abusing myself.
About a week after I had recovered our shoes from Uncle JD, Jimmy Joe and I were cleaning up an old shed for Granny. Jimmy Joe got careless and disturbed the biggest red wasp nest I’d ever seen. Before he knew it, those mean bastards were all over him. He must have been stung a hundred times. That was the first and only time I’d ever seen him cry. He didn’t even cry when he fell out of the tree last summer and broke his arm. I thought that was pretty bad as it looked like he had two elbows! But this was worse, much worse. He started swelling up immediately. By the time we got to Granny’s house his face, arms and hands looked like they were about to explode!
Granny wasted no time. I helped put him in the back seat of Granny’s old Ford and she was off in a cloud of dust, heading to town to get him to a hospital. It was a good three days before they let him come home. Doctor said that if it had taken her another half hour to get there, Jimmy Joe may have died.
With Jimmy Joe and Granny gone, I didn’t have much to do. I sure wasn’t going anywhere near that shed with all those wasps. With a shrug, I rationalized to myself that I’d go see Uncle JD and thank him for giving the shoes back. After all, it was the polite and proper thing to do. With nothing better to do and no one to stop me, I made my way through the woods to my great uncle’s house, where I discovered that Uncle JD was good to his word.
“Just what in hell do ya think you’re doin’, boy?” the grizzled old bastard snarled.
“Uh, I just… uh… to thank ya for…”
Uncle JD gruffly cut me off and was in my face. “I told ya last time ya was here… only naked boys are allowed on this farm. Now get naked! And if I ever see you not naked on this farm again, I’ll blister your young ass so good ya won’t be able to sit for a week!” I did the prudent thing and shucked all of my clothes in a flash. “Now go put those clothes in the woods somewhere so you can find them when it’s time for ya to go. Go on! Ya heard me, damn it.”
I bundled up my belongings and headed back through the cornfield to the edge of the woods where I stashed my clothes, hoping that I’d be able to find them again while also hoping that no one else found them. I should’ve just kept on going, but naked as the day I was born, I headed back through the cornfield to my great uncle’s house.
Uncle JD was waiting for me on the front porch, sitting in a rocking chair, his naked houseboy sitting in the next chair beside him. He motion for me to come to him. Scaling the four steps I went to him.
“I see ya came back.” He snorted, “That’s twice ya come back. Does your grandmother know you’re here?”
“Uh, no sir.”
“What about your cousin?”
“Gran had to take him to the hospital. Wasps got him.”
“Had to go to the hospital for a little bitty old wasp sting?”
“He got stung a lot. Swoll up sumpthin’ awful!”
“So ya got all day to be here. Is that what ya saying, boy?” Uncle JD rose from his chair, unbuckled and unzipped his pants. Next thing I knew I was staring at his big uncut dick nestled in a forest of gray hair.
“Ya remember what I told ya last time, boy? I told ya that the next time ya come here, ya ain’t getting’ a blowjob, ya gonna be giving ‘em. Well, you’re here again, ain’t ya? Ya even had a chance to keep on going, but yer back. Tell me, boy, have ya ever sucked a man’s dick before? Ever sucked another boy’s dick? No? Not even Jimmy Joe’s dick? Hell, boy, ya two’ve been missing out! Hear that nigger? This boy ain’t ever sucked dick before! Imagine that. A virgin mouth.” Uncle JD stripped off his shirt. Now he was as naked as his houseboy and me except for the thick grey fur coat he had.
“Tell me, boy, ya ever been fucked in the ass? No? Well, I suspect that ya will before the day’s over, maybe even sooner. Now ya came here to suck my dick, so why don’t ya get started?”
“I, I, I just came to thank ya for giving back the shoes.” I blurted having reconsidered what I was doing.
“No, ya didn’t. Why else would ya be standing here nekked and looking at my dick?”
“I, I…”
“Don’t be afraid, son. Dick sucking won’t hurt ya.”
“But, I…”
“No buts, at least for now.” The double entandre completely missed me. “Now, I’m gonna teach ya the art of pleasuring a man. Go on, take it in your hand. Feel its heft and its substance. Yeah, that’s it, boy. You’re getting me hard.”
I’d touched and played with Jimmy Joe’s dick many times, but this was different. Very different. This was a huge dick! Or so it seemed to me at the time. Looking back, I realize that he wasn’t really huge, but he wasn’t small either, not by a long shot. I was just entering puberty and was still very much a boy, so that once he was fully erect, I couldn’t quite close my fingers around his cock and with both hands, I couldn’t completely encase the hot throbbing shaft.
The foreskin really fascinated me. For some reason, I had been circumcised. Jimmy Joe was too, but most of my other cousins and uncles weren’t. I’d noticed that when skinny dipping at Uncle Ed’s. At the time it was just a fact that I filed away and really never thought much about until now. The head of Uncle JD’s cock was just barely peeping out until I pushed the foreskin back, reveling an arrow-like head with a piss slit that seemed enormous. The color wasn’t that much different than my own, a dark dusky red.
As I toyed with his dick, a droplet of clear dew formed at the tip. The droplet steady grew into an ever enlarging drop until it was so big that gravity overcame the surface tension and it drooled to the floor, trailing a long strand that stretched nearly a foot before breaking. I’d never seen anything like it before.
“Ya like my dick?” asked my uncle huskily. “Yeah, I can see ya like it. All ya boys like it. Someday, maybe you’re gonna get a dick this big. Ya wanna big dick someday, boy?”
I nodded slowly, ‘yes’, mesmerized by the mature organ.
“Ya know what ya gotta do to get a big dick like this?”
I shook my headed slowly, ‘no’.
“Vitamins. Ya got to get the right vitamins. Ya know where ya get those vitamins? Right here, right from a big dick like this. That’s right, big dick vitamins… bet they never told ya that in school, eh, boy? Well, it’s true! Now in a minute I’m gonna have ya suck this dick, and I want ya to suck it until I, uh, give ya some vitamins. The vitamins are in my cum… Boy, do ya know what cum is? It’s what makes babies. A virile man’s cum is chock full of vitamins good for young growing whippersnappers like you. So if ya wanna big dick, ya gots to swallow my cum. Don’t worry, it don’t taste bad, in fact, some boys think it tastes real good. Now, boy, with your tongue, lick all over my dick.”
Tentatively I stuck out my tongue and touched his dick with it. I knew what I was doing was really nasty, so I was pleasantly surprised to discover that dicks, or at least Uncle JD’s dick, didn’t have a nasty taste to it. A bit salty perhaps, but then again, I like salty things. As I slid my tongue down his shaft, my olfactory glans kicked in, as I had my first close up smell of a man’s funk. It was a primeval scent. At first I was sort of repealed by the strong odor. It kinda reminded me when I’d wrestle with one my older cousins and they’d put me in headlock with my nose pressed into a sweaty armpit; like that only a little more… funky. Funny thing was that the more I smelled it, the more I liked it. Soon I was deeply inhaling while nuzzling into his heavily laden ball sack.
While I getting my first taste of dick, Uncle JD gently rubbed my head and told me what a good boy I was. That pleased me, that I was pleasing him. Who knows, maybe he wouldn’t be so mean anymore. It was worth a shot I figured, so I took the fat head into my mouth. Uncle JD put his hand behind my head, hissed, “Cocksucker,” and pushed my head so that I had to take in more of his dick into my mouth. “Suck, you god damned whore boy,” he snarled. “That’s it, learn your trade.”
I sucked and sucked, not really sure of what I was doing and getting a swat on the head each time my teeth scraped his dick. Uncle JD continued to give me instructions punctuated with endearing terms such as “fagot mouth queer” and stuff like that. I didn’t know what a “fagot” was but I didn’t care much for the “queer” part. He was now thrusting his hips and pulling my head into his crotch by my ears, his dick hitting the back of my throat and making me gag. All the gagging I was doing made my saliva run freely until globs were drooling from my lips and dripping to the floor in great foamy blobs.
I thought I might drown in my own spittle, but Uncle JD didn’t show any sign that he gave a damn. Then to my horror, I heard the crunching sound of tires rolling across gravel as a vehicle approached the house from behind me. Whoever was in that vehicle had to see what that I was naked and doing nasty things to Uncle JD. It never occurred to me that Uncle JD was naked too and that it was he who doing the nasty things to me. All I knew was that I had been discovered and that everyone would now know what a dirty boy I was. The tire and gravel sounds stopped and I heard the rough engine cough to a stop. Then I heard a car door slam.
“Ya got yerself a white boy now, JD?” I heard a man say with a laugh.
“Emma Lou’s boy,” JD said while still fucking my mouth.
“Emma Lou? Cousin Emma Lou?”
“That’s right, Seth. Boy loves dick. Wanna blow job?”
Seth! Seth Johnson! Seth, he worked for my Uncle Ed, Granny’s youngest brother! Sometimes he worked for Granny. Somehow, someway, he was remotely related. I felt my anus pucker, knowing for sure that everyone would now know!
“Don’t mind if I do,” Seth replied with a chuckle. Uncle JD pushed me off his cock and I saw Seth drop his pants. He had a menacing looking dick, dark and gnarly, but when it was hard, it was downright ugly with a pronounced kink about halfway down the shaft. It stunk too! He rolled back his foreskin and I saw the globs of white smeg that had accumulated under the hood over the past few days. Pressing his nasty dick to my mouth, I turned away in revulsion. Uncle JD grabbed me by the ear, twisting it until it felt like he was going to rip it off until I turned my head back, I opened my mouth wide, and let Seth slide his nasty cock past my lips.
Tears filled my eyes as the awful taste permeated my mouth. Uncle JD snarled, “Ya wanted to come over and suck cock, now you’re sucking cock, boy.” It was over a lot quicker than I expected, considering how long Uncle JD had raped my mouth. Having no experience with semen, I thought at first that Seth was pissing into my mouth, but it was an odd piss, thick and slimy. Needless to say I spat it out as soon as I could, but with the softening prick still filling my mouth, it ran down my chin and neck and the joined with all the spit and spittle that coated my chest.
Thankfully, the ordeal was quickly over. Uncle JD, Seth and the naked black boy all laughed at my plight as I crumpled to floor coated with slim. Uncle JD then chided, “You didn’t eat all of your vitamins, boy. Didn’t yer mama teach ya not to waste food?” Then to my horror I felt the warm splash of piss as Uncle JD urinated on me.
I wanted to get away, run back home to Granny’s where I belonged. Uncle JD dissuaded me of that notion when he growled in his meanest voice, “Stay put, ya little shit. Ya move and I’ll whip the skin off yer back.” I had no reason to believe that he was bluffing so I stayed put soaked in piss and Seth’s cum.
I heard him then tell his house boy, “Go get some rope! And be quick about it!” A few moments later, Uncle JD was tying my hands together. I had a real bad feeling about all this, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it. Next he tied my hands to the base of a wooden porch post.
He started kicking me in the butt, not hard, but enough to ensure that he had my attention. “I warned ya about coming around here. Now get up on yer knees, boy,” he gruffly ordered. “Ya know what corn holing is?” I shook my head in reply. “Well,” he snickered, “yer gonna soon find out.”
“Get him all slick,” I heard him say. Then I felt my upturned ass cheeks being pried apart, and then felt a wet tongue lick my bung hole. Looking back between my legs, I could see it that was Uncle JD’s house boy licking my ass. He slobbered all over my anus, repeatedly stuck his tongue into my hole and forced his spit inside me. It really felt kind of good, but I was too scared to really enjoy it.
Looking from side to side, I could see Seth standing close by, playing with his cock. On the other side was my great uncle, stroking his enormous boner. Uncle JD stepped closer and with his bare foot, roughly shoved the black boy away from me, sending him sprawling off to the side.
The old bastard grabbed my hips and I felt something pressing between my butt cheeks. With my butt firmly gripped, he spread me open with his thumbs and he pressed against my anus. The pressure increased until his cock head began opening me up.
Realizing that he was going to force his dick into my ass, I hollered, “No! No! No!” but he ignored me. I struggled to get away, but being tied like I was, fighting was futile. I just had to tolerate what he was about to do to me as my hole was forced open. Suddenly, he was in! It felt like a huge turd stuck in my butt, but rather than going out, it was going in, deeper and deeper!
It was very uncomfortable, but it really wasn’t all that painful. I felt him pulling out. For a second, I thought that it was about all over. The thick dick forcing its way back up my rectum quickly disabused me of that notion.
It was weird. While he sodomized me, I seemed to be out of body. I could hear myself grunting, “Uhhh! Uhhh! Uhhh!” as the corn holing continued. As uncomfortable as it was at first, soon it wasn’t so bad. In fact, I must’ve enjoyed it on some level, because I remember him saying, “That’s it, boy. Push back. Push back. You’ve got a nice boy pussy. Real nice.” It went on and on, and the longer it went, the easier his cock moved in my ass.
Uncle JD started grunting and mumbling about “cumming up my ass.” Suddenly the friction disappeared altogether and his cock slipped in and out with ease. I felt it soften and shrink a little. Then it was gone. It was over.
I wasn’t but a half a minute before I knew it wasn’t over after all. Seth took Uncle JD’s place behind me and drove his nasty dick up my ass. Thankfully, he wasn’t as big as Uncle JD and it really it really didn’t hurt at all. I was being anally raped, but I knew what to expect and knew that it would soon be over. Having no choice, I just took it.
I must’ve been fucked in the butt a half a dozen times or more that afternoon. The black house boy was kept busy too, sucking Uncle JD and Seth back to a hardness to sodomize me again and again. When Uncle JD finally untied my hands, I was so sore and stiff that I could hardly move. He roughly tapped me with his foot and knocked over onto my side.
“Now ya better run along, boy. Run a long or I’ll give ya to Seth here for the night.” I didn’t want any part of that and scrambled to my feet and hobbled off through the cornfield to find my clothes. My butt was some sore and it really made me walk funny. But the worst part was as I walked, I kept feeling stuff dribbling out of my ass and down my down my legs. I reached back and was horrified to discover the gaping hole that was my asshole. I could almost stick my whole finger up it and never hit the sides!
I liked to have never found where I stashed my clothes, but eventually I did find them. Making it back to Granny’s, I was thankful she wasn’t there. It gave me a chance to get a hot soaking bath and a chance to rinse my overalls out.
Late in the afternoon when Granny got home from the hospital, my asshole had pretty much returned to normal. When asked why my clothes were wet, I told her I had stumbled into a pond. I’m not sure if she bought that, but she didn’t make an issue of it either.
After that I stayed the hell away from Uncle JD’s. He was just like everyone said he was, mean as they come. Thankfully Jimmy Joe came home from the hospital the next day,so I had some company and wasn’t too prone getting into any real trouble over the next few weeks. I didn’t tell him or anyone about what happened at Uncle JD’s and I sure as hell didn’t ever want a repeat.
The only problem was when Seth came around Granny’s for whatever reason. I always made myself scarce. But that didn’t save me though. One day I came into the house and Seth was there talking to Granny. She had a job for Seth and he told her that he needed an extra hand. What could I say? I knew what would happen, but I had no choice but to get in Seth’s pickup and be hauled off into the woods where a fence was down. Seth made quick work of fixing the fence and he didn’t need my help. Once he finished, he turned to me and grinned evilly.
I had already considered my options and had made my choice. I bolted off into woods with Seth in close pursuit. Being smaller and more agile came in right handy that day and I managed to elude my would-be attacker. By and by I made my way back to Granny’s house arriving there about the same time as Seth. Of course, he didn’t try anything there.
Granny paid him for fixing the fence and then made a fuss because I was all scratched up. “Boys will be boys,” Seth commented. She accepted that and nothing more was ever said about it.
Next week, my folks showed up and after a few days, we headed home. All except for that one day at Uncle JD’s, the summer was great. Even that experience wasn’t all that bad and I thought about it quite a bit, especially about the big dick vitamin part. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted a big dick too. I remember actually thinking that maybe by next summer, Uncle JD would have mellowed out a little and wouldn’t be so damned mean. Being a dumb kid, I found out he was just as mean as ever.
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