By Lasiter

(M+g, prost, interr, oral, anal, inc, blackmail)

Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted 2011 with all rights expressly reserved by its author unless explicitly granted.

Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read or view sexually explicit material in the community you view such material, please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex between minors and adults, or any other situation, please check the story code before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.

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The early fall weather had been perfect and the fishing had been exceptional.  By the time we returned to Joe Bob’s fishing camp it was nearly dark.  While we chatted it up and told dirty jokes, our host exhibited his consummate skill at frying fresh bass and hush puppies. We all made pigs of ourselves and ate until we couldn’t eat anymore.  By the time we had eaten our fill, the four of us were each well into our second six pack for the day. 

Under the dim yellow light of the single 100 watt bulb that lit the single room cabin, Bubba commented that it had been the absolute best day ever.  Joe Bob beamed, very pleased with himself that he’d shown his friends a really good time out at his fishing camp. “The best is yet to come, boys,” Joe Bob announced confidently.

“Bull shit,” replied Bubba playfully, “it can’t possibly get any better than this!”

“Don’t be so sure about that, Fat Boy!” retorted Joe Bob.  “Today’s Hank’s birthday.  Ain’t that right, Hank?”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I replied as I braced myself for a ration of shit from my good buddies.  I didn’t have long to wait before Jack broke into the Happy Birthday song. My other two near drunken companions joined in, none of them anywhere close to being on key and bellowed out the absolute worse rendition of that song ever. 

After the god awful ruckus died down, Joe Bob announced, “Seeing that it’s Hank’s special day, I have a real treat lined up for tonight.  I promise boys, this will be a night you won’t forget.”

“Hey, somebody’s coming,” remarked Bubba.  We all looked out the window to where Bubba was pointing and saw the headlights of an approaching vehicle making its way up the track in the woods to the fishing camp.

“Well, right on time!” declared Joe Bob with a smile. 

Jack, Bubba and I looked at each other in anticipation.  Joe Bob was pretty good about putting on a deal and we were all wondering what Joe Bob had planned.  The pickup truck came to a stop, followed by the sound of the cab door slamming shut.  A moment later there was a gentle rapping on the door. 

“C’mon on in, Lester!” Joe Bob called out.  To our collective surprise (or at least the three of us), a middle aged black man stepped into the cabin.  “You got the goods with you?” Joe Bob asked.  Lester nodded.  “Good.  Help yourself to a beer, Lester.  Just get one out of that red cooler over there,” directed Joe Bob.  Lester again nodded his head in silence and went into the red cooler and pulled out an ice cold brew for himself. Lester cracked open the longneck and took a long swallow.    

“I’ve known Lester here ever since I built this place,” Joe Bob explained.  “Lester helped me and did a fine job for me.  He’s fallen on some hard times lately and I thought of Hank’s birthday and how I might help Lester out.  Now I know you boys were expecting to play a little poker tonight so I know you all brought along some extra cash.  Now I want each of you sons of bitches to hand Lester fifty dollars.”

“What?  What for?” demanded Jack indignantly.  

“’Cause I told you too!” countered Joe Bob.  “Now trust me on this, boys.  C’mon, give the man the money.”

Let me tell you, we were all wondering just what in the fuck old Joe Bob was up to.  Fifty bucks?   For what?   There was grumbling a plenty!  But Joe Bob, by force of personality and our long time friendship convinced us all to fork over the dough. He even chipped in his own fifty bucks which sealed the deal.

One bill at a time, Lester accepted the cash, but it was curious that he kept his head down like some old time darkie.  Once the all the money was counted out into Lester’s hands Joe Bob said, “Okay Lester, tell these gentlemen what we bought for two hundred bucks.”

Chivas,” the blackman answered in a whisper. 

“What’d he say?” asked Jack.  “Speak up!”

Chivas,” Lester said louder.

Chivas?   Did he say, Chivas?” asked Jack incredulously.  Lester nodded.  “We bought scotch from him for two hundred bucks?  Are you out of your friggin’ mind, Joe Bob!

“No, no, no,” replied Joe Bob with a laugh.  “We didn’t buy scotch.  Go on, Lester, tell them what Chivas is.”

Dat’s mah girl,” he said softly.   Jack, Bubba and I looked at each other and then looked back at Lester.

“That’s right, boys.   We bought some pussy for tonight!  Young pussy.   Young black pussy.  We bought his daughter,” Joe Bob declared smugly.  Once what Joe Bob and Lester had said sank in, my jaw dropped as did Jack’s and Bubba’s. 

He turned to Lester and said, “We bought her black ass, now go get her.” 

Lester disappeared outside.  We heard a truck door slamming and a moment later, Lester stepped back inside holding the hand of a young black girl.  She was only five foot two at the most and was dwarfed by Lester’s large frame.  Lester pushed her forward with the instructions, “Go on, girl.  Do like Ah tolya.” Barefoot she shuffled forward with her head cast down. 

“Boys, this is Chivas,” Joe Bob said as a way of introduction.  “How old are you, girl?”

“Eleven,” she answered softly.

“Eleven!” repeated Joe Bob in case we all didn’t hear.  “You know why you’re here?” he asked her. 

“Yes, suh,” she replied in a whisper.

“Tell these men why you’re here tonight.”

She dropped her head a little more and replied, “To be used.” 

"What was that, girl?" Joe Bob chided. "Speak up so that we can hear you."

To be used," she repeated louder.

With a big grin on his face, Joe Bob triumphantly looked back us with our mouths hanging open in disbelief.  “That’s right, boys.  This is what you bought… to be used.”

Joe Bob turned back to the young black girl.  “Is Lester your father?”  She nodded her answer.  “Where’s your, mama?”  She merely shrugged her shoulders in reply.  “Girls like you don’t need no mama, do they?”  She shook her head. 

“She’s kinda young, ain’t she?” asked Jack.

“She’s old enough, Jack” replied Joe Bob.  “Believe me, she’s old enough.”

He turned back to Chivas. “Tell them, girl.  Tell them when your father first sold you to me to be used.”

“I dunno,” she replied to the floor.

“Well, let me think… we were building this cabin, so that was five years ago.  Isn’t that right, Lester?” I was so stunned already that the implications of the math of that statement missed me completely.  

Lester took another sip of beer and replied, “Yas, suh!”   

“Lester.  Tell me, was there ever a time in your girl’s life that she was a virgin?”

Lester looked up at the ceiling as if he was thinking hard and then took another swig before replying, “Yas, suh, ah do believe der was… but not dat she ‘members none.”

Chivas,” Joe Bob said, “why don’t you stand on the table here so these boys can get a good look at you.”  The young black girl stepped on a chair and then onto the table still littered with the remains of diner and numerous empty beer bottles. 

While we were examining the girl on display, Joe Bob had Lester clear the table.  Her hair was done up in what must have been fifty short pig-tails, a look not uncommon for country black girls her age.  Despite the hair do, she was a pretty girl with nice facial features.  She wasn’t nearly as dark skinned as her father was, but a very pleasing light milk chocolate color.  She wasn’t particularly tall, maybe five foot two and she was thin.  Barefoot, she wore a faded and tattered blue gingham dress that was clearly too small for her, the helm coming halfway up her thighs.  The dress buttoned up from the front, the buttons straining as the dress stretched across her rather smallish tits, making them more prominent than they were. However, the main thing that tight dress emphasized was her butt.  She had big butt for girl her size, a butt that was shaped like two basketballs.  What is it about black girls and big butts?

“Turn around, girl, so these boys can see all of you,” instructed Joe Bob.  She turned slowly like she’d done this sort of thing before, her eyes downcast and avoiding eye contact with her audience. 

Bubba leaned his considerable frame forward and twisted his head to see up her dress.  “Fuck! She ain’t got no panties,” he announced.  Then with her back to him, he lifted the back of her dress with his ham sized paw, lifting it just enough to reveal the bottom half of her brown cheeks.

“Damn,” muttered Jack upon seeing enough of her ass to know that this was no prank on Joe Bob’s part.  As for me, my cock sprang to attention and required a quick adjustment in my jeans.

Dees men paid good money, girl,” Lester said from near the door.  Dey don’t wants to look at dat ole rag you be wearing.  Lose it, girl.”

“Yes, Papa,” the girl answered softly as she began to unbutton her dress.  She had to bend forward to get to the lower buttons and when she did, the top of her dress hung open, giving me a glimpse of her brown tit. I couldn’t see much other than the low swell of her budding breasts, but I could see that she had impressive nipples for a young girl, puffy cone shaped nipples that were much darker than her coffee-with-a touch-of-cream colored skin. 

With the last button undone, she stood up, letting the dress hang open on her shoulders.  You couldn’t see her tits clearly, but she had a huge deep navel, big enough that it promised to yield some perverse fun.  I had never seen a navel that big on anyone, old or young.  Her pussy mound wasn’t totally bare, as a few dark curly hairs had sprouted her and there, but not enough to be distracting.  After pausing for a moment, she pushed the dress off her shoulders, letting it hang on her elbows.

“Look at those fuckin’ nipples!” exclaimed Bubba as he gazed upon her bared breasts. I glanced towards him and noted the gleam in his rotund face as he lecherously ogled the near naked black girl. Bubba was right, that girl had some impressive nipples.

She dropped one arm and the dress slid down and off that arm.  She then brought her other arm forward and clutching her dress, she held it to her chest in a gesture of modesty.  Again she turned slowly, giving everyone a good look at her bubble butt, then facing me, she let the dress drop to her feet.  The shy, demure expression she had maintained so far, melted away as she smiled broadly looking me in the eye.  I smiled back, appreciating what she was offering. 

“Now ain’t that a fine piece of dark meat?” Joe Bob asked rhetorically.  “Honey child, show these boys some poontang.”

With her pearly white teeth beaming, Chivas hiked a knee so that her toes were pointed down.  Her hands went to her crotch and like a neon sign in a dark desert, the glistening bright pink interior of her cunt shone from between her legs. 

Fuckin’ aye!” hissed Bubba has he reached below his beer belly, grabbed his crotch and squeezed his hardening pecker.   He turned to Joe Bob and asked, “You say that we can use her… Does that mean what I think it means?”

Rather than answering Bubba directly, Joe Bob addressed the naked black girl standing on display.  Chivas, does this man understand correctly what we mean by using you?”

“Ah thinks so… Mister, if yo means usin’ me like a ‘ho, then yes, suh ,  Ah is a ‘ho.”

“And just which holes can we use?” Joe Bob asked for our benefit already knowing the answer.

The girl smiled and cut her eyes downward for a moment before answering, “Yo can use all mah holes.”

“Holy shit!” muttered Jack.

“Now which one of yo honky boys is da birthday boy?” the girl asked with a mischievous grin.

Joe Bob pointed to me and said, “The bald fucker.”

Chivas looked at me, smiled hugely and drawled, “Ah jus’ loves bald fuckers.  Yo gots a nice dick fo me, Mista?”  I was still flabbergasted by the situation I found myself in, and frankly I didn’t know what to say, not that she gave me much of an opportunity.  She crouched down and then in a quick move, sat briefly on the edge of the table before hopping onto the floor.  In an instant she was standing mere inches from me.  Looking up at me with her dark eyes and her bright smile, she began unbuttoning my shirt.  “Now yo jus’ be still, Mista and Ah’ll take care of yo real nice.”  With my shirt unbutton and opened, she ran her hands over the bare skin of my chest asking, “Wha yo name birthday boy?”

“Hank,” I muttered.

Mista Hank… dats a nice name. Do dat feels good to yo, Mista Hank?”

“Yeah, in fact it does, sugar.”

“Well, let’s be getting’ all yo clothes off,” she said pushing my shirt over my shoulders and then off, discarding it on the floor.  With my shirt disposed of, she went to work on my belt and zipper.  Soon she had my pants down around my ankles.  She had me sit in chair so that she could remove my shoes and thus my jeans.  I still had on my boxers, but she made quick work of that once I raised my butt off the chair to help her. 

Lordy, Mr. Hank.   Yo do gots a big ole pecker fo ’ me!” she declared taking my white sex spike in her dark hand. 

At that point Joe Bob interjected, “Listen up everybody!  It’s traditional that on a birthday that there be a spanking; one spank for every year plus one to grow on.  How old are you today, Hank?”  If these bozos thought that they were going to give me a spanking… “C’mon, Hankie boy.   How old?”

“Fuck you, Joe Bob,” I snorted defiantly.

Joe Bob just laughed and then added, “I know for a fact that Hankie boy is fifty five today.  Ain’t that right, Hank?”

“No one’s gonna spank my ass!” I defiantly said feeling vulnerable in my nakedness.

“Who said anything about spanking your ugly ass?  You get to spank Chivas’ ass, and a fine ass for spanking she has, don’t you agree?” 

Suddenly a birthday spanking sounded like a splendid idea to me.  “Spank that big firm brown butt?  Hell, yes!” 

“Atta boy, Hank!” hooted Jack.

“Spank the little whore good, Hank!” added Bubba. 

Chivas glared at my two friends.  With her hands defiantly on her hips she declared,   Yo best be getting yo white asses nekked.  Ain’t gonna be no ass spankin’ of dis black girl until Ah sees mo white asses!  Now yo gets to it.  Ah don’ wanna any you boys scratchin’ me all up wid a zipper or nutin’, so let’s see those white peckers!”   Within moments the cabin was filled with raucous banter, four naked white men, one willing naked black girl, and her father.  Only Lester remained dressed and he seemed more interested in helping himself to our beer stash than what was happening with his girl.

Satisfied that everyone was properly dressed for the party, Chivas came and sat in my lap, giving me a chance to play with those dark, dark puffy nipples of hers.  The guys all seemed to enjoy watching me tug on those dark teats as I twisted them this way and that.  Chivas seemed to like what I was doing too, so I saw no reason to stop. 

Chivas may not have minded the delay, but Joe Bob did.  “C’mon Hank, put her black ass over your lap and have at that brown butt!”  Sounded like a plan to me!  I quickly moved her over my lap and had her assume the position.  For a moment I just stroked the firm globes of her round ass, enjoying the feel of her bare flesh in my hands while my stiff cock rubbed into the skin of her belly. 

Lester suddenly was at my side and to my surprise, he poured some beer on his daughter’s ass.  “It stings mo dat way,” he explained with a big toothy grin.  Yo can whip her ass wid jus’ yo open hand… no belts, whips or sticks, jus’ yo open hand.  Also yo can only swat her on the butt, not the back, not her legs, jus’ her butt.   Don’ worry none ‘bout hurtin’ her either.  She likes it.”

I smeared my open hand in the beer to get it good and wet and ‘SMACK!’ 

Owww!” Chivas hollered lifting her head.

I slowly raised my hand and ‘SMACK!’  I didn’t pay any attention to her protests, but did look to her father to make sure I wasn’t overstepping his “rules”.  Lester just grinned and nodded.  ‘SMACK!’ Her ass shook enticingly with the blow and I noticed the addition of a ruddy shade to her brown ass. I gave her ten good smacks and Lester added more beer to her butt.  Chivas made it a point to holler and protest with each wet slap, kicking her legs, but she made no real effort to escape from my lap.

Upon completing the second set of ten smacks.   I looked up at Lester waiting for more butt beer, but instead he said, “See how wet her coochie be.”  I drove my hand between her legs and into an ocean of slippery girlie juice. 

“Fuck!  She’s soaked,” I declared to my leering companions.  Realizing just how much she was enjoying this and in no hurry to take my remaining thirty six slaps to her ass, I dug my hand into her pussy, sliding it up and down her slippery slit before settling on her clit.  I could hardly believe the size of the clit on that girl… must go with the prominent ass.  With little more than a dozen rotations of my finger tip around her fat clit, she began to shudder and buck, thrusting her ass up and down and making unintelligible noises.  The orgasmic storm passed and I extracted my hand, now covered in juices.  I tasted a finger and it tasted good and fresh.  Then making a show of it, I sucked each of my fingers clean. 

Lester had by then wandered off to eat some leftover fish and hush puppies. Ready to resume, I asked for more beer.  Bubba was there first and poured some cold liquid onto the upturned chocolate ass.  ‘Smack! Smack!  Smack!’ I laid it on her for another ten smacks, taking my time and making sure every slap stung as bad as the previous one.  At the end of the third set of ten, I stopped, trust my hand between her legs and masturbated her to another climax. 

I offered my fingers for my compatriots to sample.  Not surprisingly Bubba took me up on it.  That man has never turned down anything to taste.  It was kind of weird having my obese pal sucking on my fingers.  And like every other time he stuffed something between his puffy lips and fat jowls, it was somewhat disgusting to watch. 

With her full brown butt more red than brown, her ass was hot to the touch as I soothingly rubbed it before resuming my birthday spanking.  I also took note that my bare lap was soaked with her dripping cunt sauce. ‘SMACK!   SMACK!  SMACK!’   the black girl hollered and squirmed, but there was no relief until I reached forty, then I finger fucked her swampy coochie again, the cries of pain now replaced with cries of pleasure.  This little whore really got off on this shit.  Bubba wanted to suck my fingers clean again, but Joe Bob asserted his turn.

Lester wiped more beer over his daughter’s ass and I wailed away at her again.  By now my hand wasn’t just sore, but had actually begun to hurt; still I manned up and finished the final sixteen smacks to the girl’s ass.  I eschewed finger fucking her for a fourth time and more than ready to move things along I grasped the girl, stood up and deposited her on the table that was still littered with the debris from our fish dinner.

Grabbing her legs, I spread her open, and stepped into the slot.  I knew that she wasn’t gamey down there, so I dipped my head and fully tasted the first black pussy of my life.  Not surprisingly, it tasted like pussy and I’ve always loved the taste of pussy, unless it’s a bit overripe.  This girl was far from being overripe.  I guess I could have licked and sucked her another orgasm, but I was mostly interested my pleasure, not hers.  Standing, I teasingly poked my cock into her lips for effect.

Looking down at the pre-teen black girl, her nipples were raised far above her chest and I saw the wet spot my seeping cock had left on her belly.  Chivas opened her eyes and I sank into her pussy.  I have a fairly large cock, so I found her nice and tight, like I find most cunts, but she wasn’t tight-tight like you might expect from a pre-teen girl, but her cunt was more than experienced enough to take me with no problems… that is until the real fucking began.  I slammed into her cervix with an inch or more to go.  I thought that she would be one of those sluts that liked to have their cervix abused, but she wasn’t.  After about the third time, and she had grimaced each time, she told me to, “Stop!  Stop, Mista, stop!  Please stop, you’re hurting me!”

I felt rather bad about that.  I can’t stand the thought of hurting anyone, especially a child.  I wanted to use her, not hurt her.  The spanking had been erotic pain that she enjoyed.  However, this was nothing but pain for the girl, so I immediately stopped slamming into her and calibrated my strokes for maximum penetration without abusing her internally.

Nearing busting my nut in her, Joe Bob interrupted me and had me pull out.   I wasn’t ready to yield my birthday present, at least not yet, but that wasn’t Jo Bob’s intent. He told me to lie on the floor. 

The floor was covered by one of those blue plastic tarps splattered with paint.  Joe Bob had been working on this place, and not very diligently, since he first built it.  Frankly not much had changed over the years, still he always seemed to have some half finished project lingering and we all figured the tarp was for some project (painting?) and we had ignored it all day like it wasn’t there.  I would soon discover the real reason the tarp was down. 

Joe Bob had her father grease up her asshole.  It was very interesting to watch as he spread her cheeks open with the fingers of one hand, and then push a finger from his free hand into her ass.  He worked the grease round and in her.  She was light skinned enough that I could clearly see what he doing. 

With her father finished, she knelt over me and took my cock into her mouth.  That pink tongue of hers did a fine job of entertaining my jutting pecker, but she only did that for a minute before she stopped blowing me and sat on my cock, taking me up her ass.  She rested her hands on my shoulders and began bouncing her brown ass over my dick.   That was pretty good and I was enjoying what Joe Bob had arranged, when I saw him standing over us with a big gallon jug of Mazola oil.  He just poured the stuff over us, mainly over the girl’s back, but when she reared back supporting her arms on my legs, we both were coated.  She stopped fucking for a moment and lay on top of me.  I gripped her slippery back and she squirmed about on me, our bodies slippery with oil, my dick sliding deep in her asshole.  What a feeling that was! The girl never stayed still, even for a moment and first thing I knew, she had rotated around and was facing my feet with my cock still up her butt.   

Joe Bob had the guys draw a card, and drew on for himself.  Jack drew the high card, Joe drew the two of hearts, but Bubba held the two of clubs.  Chivas had by then laid back on top of me face up.  I was enjoying my hands sliding over her greased body and puffy nipples while humping up into her ass when Lester reached down and spread his daughter’s legs apart. 

“Go on, Jack,” Joe Bob urged.  “You’re first.  Fuck her.  What are you waiting for?”

Now I’ve been married and divorced twice and have three kids, two grandkids and couple of current girlfriends, so I never considered that I’d led a sheltered life.  Then again, I’d never done anything like this… sex with a under aged girl, sex with a black girl, nor have I ever been part of a gangbang, but here I was and I was loving it. 

Joe Bob had apparently screwed this girl several times over the years and had done god knows what with her.  No wonder he never got anything done around the camp!   But for myself and the other guys, doubling up on a girl was something we’d only read about.  That couldn’t be said after that night.

After her father poured on a little more oil, Jack, with a little coaxing, mounted her.  As Jack forced his dick up her snatch, her asshole became incredibly tight and I could feel his cock through the thin membrane that separated us on the underside of my cock.  He had a hard time holding his weight off of her as his hands kept slipping on the tarp and he finally gave up, crushing me and her as he humped away.  With the unbelievable feelings coming from my dick, I hardly noticed the additional two hundred pounds, but I’m sure the young girl did.  Very quickly this became too much for me and I came in an explosive, blinding, mind bending orgasm, pumping her ass full of my cum.  By the time the fog cleared from my brain, I was going soft as Jack continued hammering away at her cunt. 

I managed to roll the three of us over onto our sides, and extracted myself.  Joe Bob was waiting and getting Jack on his back still fucking the girl, he mounted her from behind.  What a sight to behold and to think that I was in the middle of it only moments before!

Poor Bubba was beside himself watching the threesomes while he had to wait and wait and wait.  Finally his turn with the girl came, but both Joe Bob and Jack were out of commission for the moment.  Once the guys cleared away, Bubba tried to mount her, but she wouldn’t allow him to be on top.  Like the great blob that he was, Bubba lay on the oily tarp.  Lester poured the rest of the oil over his ponderous body and the girl hopped on board, taking his dick up her snatch while she played games with his tits. 

Joe Bob then whispered to Lester.  Lester nodded and stripped off his tattered overalls and the grimy undershirt he wore.  I expected to see more ass action, but Lester stepped over Bubba’s considerable frame and offered his dick to his daughter who immediately gobbled it down!    There was Bubba looking up between the very black legs of the girl’s father, looking up at his big black ball sack and watching as the black prong disappeared and reappeared from the young whore's mouth. 

It was hard to tell when Bubba got his rocks off as he made no grunting noises nor any other outward signs that he had cum.  He just became, very, very still, lying beneath the blackman fucking his slut daughter’s face. 

Lester’s haunches tightened and he pulled his dick from Chivas’ mouth, his cum flying initially into her face, but as he backed away, his cum was spattering down on Bubba’s ponderous belly.  Bubba began yelling, flopping around like a beached whale while we all roared in laughter. 

The laughter didn’t last long as Joe Bob exclaimed, “Oh, shit!”  I looked up and saw what he was seeing and I felt sick to my stomach.  Soon the raucous laughter had given way to total silence.  We were in trouble, big trouble.  There at the door glaring at us was the county Sherriff!

He addressed Lester first.  “Lester, I see that you’re pimping out your girl again.  You remember what I told you the last time?  She just isn’t some whore like your mother or your sisters, she’s a minor.”

“But Sherriff, we needs da money!”

“The law is the law.”

“But mah other babies, dey needs food an’ I ain’t got no work fo ’ months!”

“Twenty years, Lester.  Twenty years hard time.”

Ah’ll come and cut yo grass, paint yo house, whatever yo wants, Sherriff, ah’ll do it.   Just don’ put me in prison!”

The Sherriff lowered his harsh gaze and shook his head. “Lester, I’ve known you all my life.  You’re a good man, but a bad father.”

Ah’s good to mah chillins.”

“If you say so.   But I can’t just let this stand.”  The Sherriff seemed to think for a minute and then demanded, “How much did they pay you tonight?”

“Ah needs dat money!”

“How much?”  

Lester stepped away from his oily and cum coated daughter and away from Bubba who had by now had pissed on himself.  Lester picked up his overalls, dug into the pockets and extracted the wad of money we had paid him to use his daughter. He looked at the Sherriff’s outstretched hand and then pleadingly at the stone faced lawman. “Please… ah needs da money.”  The Sherriff moved his fingers in demand of the money.  Lester, with anguish upon his face, placed the $200 wad of cash into his hand. 

Chivas wailed, "Dat's mah money! Dats mah money!"

The Sherriff ignored the now sobbing girl.  “Don’t ever let me catch you doing this again, Lester,” the Sherriff said as he pocketed the cash.  Then he turned his attention to us.

“You boys are in heap of trouble.  Working whore or not, she’s a minor and for fucking a minor you can get twenty years a piece.  But I’m a fair man.  I know you only did this because she was offered to you.  You didn’t seek her out, she came to you.  Now I’m a fair man.  I’m giving Lester a pass.  Guess I need to offer you boys the same.  Let’s see your wallets.”

With the Sherriff willing to take a bribe, we hurriedly retrieved our wallets with a collective sigh of relief.  One by one we handed over our wallets to be pilfered of our cash money.  I know I had nearly two hundred dollars and the others no doubt had also brought a stash for tonight’s poker game.

Having emptied our wallets and discarding them on the floor, the Sherriff told Lester that he had five minutes to take his girl and get the hell out of here.  Then he turned and disappeared into the night.  

As the headlights of the Sherriff’s car played shadows on the wall, Lester pulled on his overalls.  Leaving his grimy shirt, he grabbed his girl, her dark skin still glistening with Mazola oil and hauled her naked into the night.  We heard the doors to his pickup slam shut and heard the rumble of his truck crank up.  A moment later, there was silence.  The party was over.

“Hey, she left her dress,” Jack noted holding up the worn blue gingham dress.  He turned to Joe Bob, “You have a hammer and some nails?  We’ll tack it to the wall as a trophy!”


Lester drove down the deserted country road away from Joe Bob’s fishing camp.  Suddenly he saw blue and red lights flash briefly behind him.  At his first opportunity he pulled off the road at a long abandoned farm house.   The police cruiser pulled up behind him.  A moment later, the Sherriff was at the passenger side and yanked open the door.  “Get your black ass out of the truck, girl,” he growled. 

Still naked, Chivas exited the truck and walked to the front of her father’s truck which was illuminated by the headlights of the two vehicles.  The Sherriff spun her around facing the truck and pushed her against the hood.  Lester watched as the Sherriff dropped his pants and ordered Chivas to spread her legs.  Grasping the black girl by her full brown hips, he thrust into her.  By the third hard thrust up into her, Chivas’ pink tongue partially hung from her parted lips.  In silence for the next five minutes, Lester watched the Sherriff take his pleasure on his smiling daughter. 

The Sherriff stepped back and pulled his pants up.  When he walked around to the open driver’s window, Lester handed him a rag to wipe the oil from his hands.  Returning the rag to Lester the Sherriff said, “Lester, we did real good with those boys tonight. I got another six hundred seventy six dollars from them.  With your two hundred, that makes eight hundred seventy six dollars.  Your cut is four hundred thirty eight dollars.  Not bad, not bad at all.”



The End


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