Chapter 3
Playing Games With Jack
(mg, inc, mast, oral, 1st, voy)
Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted 2012 with all rights expressly reserved by its author unless explicitly granted.
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unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.
As far as I knew, it was Lacy’s entire family that moved in early May, and I was again stuck with having to “watch out for her.” That was bad enough the final days of school, but when summer began, it meant being stuck with her all day and having her tag along with me to the neighborhood pool. Actually at the pool, I could pretty much ignore her and let her fend for herself, but it still restricted me and prevented me from disappearing to a friend’s house to do what young adolescent boys do when there is no parental supervision, such as visit porn sites on the computer, get into the parent’s liquor supply and have beat off competitions.
But as the first days of summer arose, things got very interesting. For one thing, Debbie whined to Mom about the yukky bathing suit she had last summer. It was a two piece, yellow with blue flowers, but it was rather blah. The bottoms were more like shorts with a short frilly skirt and the top was more like a belly shirt. Mom took her to the store and bought her two new swim suits, and they were as unlike the old suit as possible. First the bottoms, though covering, were quite high cut on her hips and the top… my, oh, my, when did she sprout those tits? She wasn’t top heavy by any means, but Debbie suddenly had a nice pair of tits, I’d guess A cups, A cups that by the end of summer would be B cups and she’d be almost falling out of that top.
But the real mind blower for me was one evening about two weeks after school had let out. Our house had a split bedroom arrangement with Debbie and my bedrooms on the other side of the house from our parents. It was like we had our own little wing of the house. Our two bedrooms were connected by a shared bath, which had the tub and toilet in a separate room from the twin vanities. Of course the tub/toilet room had a lock on the door that was locked from the inside. But the doors leading from the vanity area to the two bedrooms each had two sets of locks, one locked from the inside and the other locked from the outside to insure privacy when privacy was needed. Of course both she and I both had a bad habit of not unlocking the other’s door when we were finished and that led to endless conflicts.
But on this night, when I finished taking a shower, my clothes and towel were gone! I went out into the vanity area and it was stripped bare of all towels; not only that, but the dirty clothes hamper was empty. I knew who the perpetuator was as it could only have been Debbie. Peeved at the mostly irritating inconvenience she’d caused me, I tried to open the door to my bedroom and found that it was locked from the other side! I was trapped in the bathroom naked with only one possible escape… through Debbie’s room.
I poked my head out into her room and called for her to bring me my clothes, but she wasn’t there, or at least I didn’t think that she was there. At that point I considered the possibility that I had inadvertently locked myself out of my room, and somehow missed the fact that there weren’t any towels in the bathroom. But what had happened to my clothes? Debbie wasn’t anywhere to be seen, so what would her point be? My only choice now was to make a quick dash out into the hallway and then duck into room without being seem.
Gathering my courage, I made a quick dash out Debbie’s room and into the hall. Damn! My door was locked! As that fact was dawning on me, I heard Debbie’s door shut and click locked. I was trapped, out in the hallway buck naked and any moment, my mom, or god forbid, one of her friends who was over planning for a baby shower, might walk by at any moment. My only chance was… my sister.
I rapped on her door as lightly as possible and called out as silently as I could, “Debbie! Debbie! Let me in you twit!” The seconds seemed to be agonizing minutes as I pleaded with her to let me in. Thankfully the door opened and I slipped into her room.
“Jack! What are doing?” Debbie said in mock surprise, the smirk on her face giving her up completely. “You’re naked! Ooooo, I’m gonna to tell, Mom!”
“Damn it, Debbie, this isn’t funny!”
“No, you’re mistaken, Jack. This is very funny,” she replied as she burst into laughter.
“What in the fuck are you doing?”
“Don’t get so huffy, dear brother. I just wanted to see you… naked.”
“If Mom finds out…”
“She’ll kill you. Then Dad will kill you for making a spectacle of yourself in my bedroom!”
“But, but…”
“Yes, you do have a nice butt, Jack. Nice dick too.” I think I turned three shades of red at those remarks.
“Okay, okay, you’ve seen me. Now can I go to my room?” I pleaded.
“Sure, but you can’t get in; door’s locked.”
“I know the door’s locked…”
“Just relax, I’ll let you go in a minute or two.”
“A minute or two?”
“Yeah, I want to look at you. I know all about boys from Sex Ed, but I’ve never seen one in person.”
“Why me?”
“Because you’re my brother. Because you’re available and you’re naked.”
“Okay, okay. What do you want to see?”
“Everything. Now turn around.” Having no choice, I put myself on display for my little sis. Upon completing her request, I demanded that she let me back into my own room.
“The door’s unlocked,” she said with a grin.
“No, it’s not.”
“Why don’t you go check it,” she said. I turned and walked across her room and into the bath. Sure enough the door was still locked. I turned and saw Debbie standing in her doorway.
“Can you make your dick get hard?”
“Can you make your dick get hard?”
“You want me to…?” She didn’t answer, but stood there grinning at me. “Sure, I can make it hard.” After a few minutes of playing with myself while my sister watched, I was hard.
“How big is it?” she asked as if she was taking about something other than my dick.
“I dunno,’ I honestly replied.
“Wait right there!” She disappeared into her room and I waited… as if I had a choice. In a moment she returned with a tape measure. Handing it to me she asked, “How long?” I couldn’t believe this; she wanted me to measure my dick while she watched. So I did.
“Five inches,” I pronounced.
“And how big around?”
I circled my erection with the tape and pronounced, “Three and three quarters of an inches.”
“Thanks, Jack.”
“What’s this all about?”
“Hmmmm, I just wanted to know. In case someone asked me.”
“Someone’s going to ask you how big my dick is?”
“Lacy did.”
“Lacy moved away.”
“She wrote me a letter.”
“You’re not going to tell her…”
“Sure, why not?” She brushed past me and using a small screwdriver, unlocked the door to my bedroom.
Hastily I made my way into my sanctuary, but when I turned, I saw that Debbie had followed me in. Before I could order her out of my room, she asked, “Do you beat off?” I was so stunned that I couldn’t reply. “I heard that all boys your age beat off… every night. Do you beat off every night?”
“Out! Out! Out!” I shouted and to make sure that she got the message that show-and-tell was over, I grabbed her by the arm and hauled to the bathroom, shoved her through the door, shut it and locked it.
For a moment I stood in the middle of my room, wondering just what in the hell had just taken place. I heard a click, turned and saw Debbie in the bathroom doorway, holding her little screwdriver and taunting, “I see you!” I lunged at the door and she quickly shut it and locked it from the inside.
For a moment my dander was up, but then it dawned on me that she was just messing with me, like my tight buddy Dutch might do. But this was also far, far different. This wasn’t another guy hassling me, and expecting to be hassled in return, this was a girl. “So what if she’s a girl, payback is in order,” I reasoned. And the game she had initiated… involved nudity! The more I thought about it, the more I liked the whole concept. In my mind’s eye I visualized the pay back, of having Debbie naked, of Debbie displaying herself for me and of personally measuring her tits. I’d never seen a real live naked girl before, and suddenly it was all possible. I flopped back on my bed, stroking my cock while fantasizing what my little sister looked like in the buff.
Next day at the pool, I took special notice of her. She was downright cute in that red bikini and I knew she’d be even cuter out of it. I made an effort to include her with my crowd, playing water games at the pool and such. After all, she was no longer a lowly elementary school girl, as next fall she would be attending Herbert Hoover Junior High as a seventh grader, while I would be a worldly ninth grader.
That night was perfect for payback time as it was Friday and the folks were going out to dinner with some friends. I relished the fact that when she screamed, no one would hear her. I felt it would be important to mimic what and how she had done things to me the night before, so as to minimize the possibility that she would revert to type and squeal on me. I waited and waited for my opportunity. Finally she left me watching a Bruce Lee movie and made her way to her room. I gave her a few minutes and then quietly entered my room. Through the bathroom door, I could hear the shower running. Zero hour! I quickly circled around to her room, picked the lock with my own small screwdriver and entered her room. She’d left her bathroom door open, so I quietly shut and locked it from the outside. Then I circled back to my room, picked the lock on the bathroom door and entered. With a little luck… yes, the door to the tub and toilet was open. Barefoot and stealthily, I removed her clothes and her towel, retreated to my room, sat on my bed and waited. The water stopped running. Any moment… The door to the bathroom opened and out stepped my little sister, very wet, but also very covered by the large t-shirt she wore. Damn!
She paused with a frown on her face. “Jack,” she said giving me THE eye, “you can be so lame sometimes.” Then she stepped forward. “You forgot to check the dirty clothes hamper,” she said tugging at the t-shirt. “You don’t even get an ‘E’ for effort, you get an ‘F’.” She cocked her head to one side and said, “But I guess it’s the thought that counts… So, you want to see me naked?”
I wasn’t sure if that was a question or a statement, either way the answer was,”Yes.”
She grasped the tails of the shirt and pulled upward a little, tantalizing but not high enough to let me see anything. She turned and raised the shirttail a little higher revealing just a hint of her ass. Her next move wasn’t at all what I was anticipating as she dropped the helm of the shirt and strode out my bedroom door. Damn!
Defeated, I sat and pondered my next move. So far it was 2 to zip in this game of tit for tat. I was all out of brilliant ideas, so I decided to return to my Bruce Lee movie. Stepping out into the hall, I noticed that Debbie’s door was wide open. I turned and looked inside. She was looking right at me. She turned her back and in the next moment, she pulled the t-shirt over her head!
“Holy shit!” I muttered as I stared at her bare back and very nice ass.
She turned and with a feigned look of surprise, crossed her arms over her chest. Charging towards the open door she fussed, “Gawd, Jack! Give me some privacy, will ya!” I had presence of mind to stick my foot in the door and was rewarded with the door doing some serious damage to my bare foot.
“Owwww! Mother fuck!” I hollered as the skin was torn off the top of my foot.
Debbie immediately opened the door exclaiming, “Oh, Jack! I’m sorry. I’m sorry! Does it hurt?”
“What the fuck do you think?” I spat in pain.
“Oh… come here,” she said taking my hand and leading me hobbling to her bed, where I was directed to sit. Then she scurried off into the bathroom and brought back a wad of toilet tissue to soak up the blood. “I’m so sorry, Jack. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
It did hurt but I was somewhat distracted by Debbie’s nudity. Wow! So that’s what real girls really look like! She’d bend over and dab at my bleeding foot, then sit upright and look at me with pleading eyes, except I wasn’t looking at her eyes. She ran off to get some bandages and I followed those flexing bare buttocks out the door. Oh yeah! A moment later, she was back, her little boobies bouncing. Damn! She put some first aid cream on my wound, covered it with a gauze bandage, and taped it to my foot, using up an entire roll of paper tape. It wasn’t elegant, but I really didn’t care.
With my foot tended to she sat at my feet for several moments, looking up at me with a look of pained concern. There wasn’t a hint that she was self-conscious about her state of undress. “I’m really sorry, Jack,” she said again. “I really didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“It’s okay, Deb. I shouldn’t have stuck my foot in the door.”
“No, I should have just let you see me. You don’t hate me, do you?”
“No. It was an accident. Besides, if I hadn’t stuck my foot in the door…”
She stood and let my eyes crawl all over her body. Of particular interest were her tits. They weren’t very large, just a nice handful, but her nipples… fat puffy cones with long nipples. Her hairless mons and the pussy lips protruding from between her legs were also of great interest, especially the lips. They weren’t hidden away under a tight fleshy clam shell like you’d expect of a budding girl who hadn’t started her period yet, but rather they hung out, like the stretched pussy lips of a porn site girl who was fucked often by well endowed men. Having never seen a real pussy before, I didn’t realize just why they hung out like they did, nor did I realize that her nipples were like they were because she had been suckled on nearly every day the previous year by a man who fucked her at will.
“Am I pretty?” she asked after I had gawked for several minutes. “Do you like what you see?”
“You’re gorgeous, Debbie.”
“You really think so?”
“I had no idea…” Man, whatever happened to my pain-in-the-ass little sis? I sat and stared at her naked body, my brain oblivious of anything else and my dick trying to rip out of my shorts.
“Well, seeing that I hurt you, you can look all you want. No harm in looking, is there?”
“Uh, what did you say?” I asked tearing my eyes away for a moment from her hairless but distended cunt.
“I said, no harm in looking and that you can look all you want. Do you like looking at me?”
“Oh, god, yes,” I muttered.
“Well, I’d like to look at you too.”
“I said, I want to look at you too… naked.” I sat there in total disbelief with what was happening. Once she had started wearing that bikini to the pool, I’d been wondering what she really looked like, but I never expected to be treated to a display like this. Then she moved in closer. With her tits just inches from my face, she tugged my t-shirt up and over my head. Then her hands went to my cargo shorts, unsnapping and unzipping them. She began to tug, I lifted my ass off the bed and just like that, I was nude too.
“Did I do that?” she coyly said in reference to my boner. “That’s so sweet of you, Jack.”
She had me stand up and turn around for her inspection. Then she delivered the coup de grace. “Is it okay if I touch you, Jack? You can touch me too.” I was speechless as Debbie’s fingers curled around my hard shaft, touching me lightly and sending a surge of blood into my already hard prick.
“Oh, fuck, Debbie. That feels so good,” I gasped as my little sister took liberties with my cock, lightly stroking the skin up and down my rigid tube of meat, pausing to caress and explore my balls and then caress the length of my dick, ending with smearing the leaking pre-cum over my glans, her thumb circling and circling around my cock crown until… “Uhhhhh! Uhhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! Fuuuucccckkkk! Ohhhhhh shit! Oh, shit!”
When my vision and senses cleared enough, I looked down at her bare tummy and saw that my cum was splattered all over my sister. I thought that she’d get upset, but instead she began giggling. She looked up at me with a grin, her eyes filled with glee.
We both looked to her open door and towards the source of the noise. Then we heard voices. Mom and Dad were home! Leaving my clothes where Debbie had discarded them, I bolted for the bathroom door while Debbie quickly shut her bedroom door. Remembering that my clothes were still in Debbie’s room and knowing that questions would be asked if Mom found them there, I darted back into Debbie’s room to grab my clothes while Debbie scurried about trying to find a towel… of course all the towels were in my room.
I made it back into my room only to discover that my bedroom door was wide open. Just as my door closed, I caught a glimpse of figure passing the hallway. Hurriedly, I donned my clothes just as there was a knock on my door. “Jack?” I heard my mother say. Dressed, I immediately opened the door.
“Mom! You and Dad are home?”
“What’s going on?”
“What do you mean?” I replied acting dumb.
“Why did you just shut your door?”
“I was just about to get undressed and go to bed.”
“You left the TV on in the den.”
“I did? Sorry.” She frowned, shook her head, turned and walked away. Whew! That was close!
Once my panic had abated, I noticed the sound of the shower running; Debbie was washing my cum off. The sound of the running water quit and a moment later, Debbie popped into my room dripping wet. “I need a towel,” she announced.
“Oh, yeah,” I replied, “I’ll get it.”
“Sorry,” I said as I handed her a clean towel.
“No, you’re not,” she rejoined with a grin.
I reached out and cupped her wet tit. “No, I’m not,” I replied taking her nipple between my fingers.
Debbie closed her eyes and whispered, “That feels good.” If it felt good to her, my first handful of bare tit felt great to me. I felt her up for a few moments before she broke it off saying, “Mom might come in. We can do this later, if you like.” If I’d like? Oh, yeah, I’d definitely like that! A lot!
As my naked little sister disappeared through the bathroom door, I had a need that just wouldn’t wait. I threw off my clothes and flopped down on my bed and began stroking myself. That was something of a tactical error. There I was, sprawled out and flogging the monkey furiously when my bedroom door opened. Christ! I’d forgotten to lock the frigging door! I froze staring at my dad staring at me. “For heaven’s sake, Jack! If you’re going to be doing that, have sense enough to lock the door.” Then he retreated, closing the door behind him leaving me in a near panicked state with my now limp organ still in hand. Once the shock wore off a bit, I got up, locked the door, put my drawers back on and crawled back into bed.
I lay in bed thinking about my recent encounters with Debbie that night and the other day and tried to make sense of it all, concluding that my little sis was hot babe who was really, really cool. I knew I’d see her naked again and soon… or at least I hoped I would. Up until then I hadn’t much experience with girls and really didn’t know how fickle they could be. Had I known, I guess I would have had more realistic expectations. As it was, I thought that she’d come sneaking into my room. After an hour or so, she hadn’t.
I listened for sounds… of my parents mainly, and hearing none for quite some time, I slipped out bed and out into the hallway. Silence. Quietly I made my way to my parents’ bedroom door on the other side of the house. I listened and heard the bed squeaking and heard my mother softly urging my father, “Fuck me, harder, Eddie. Oh, god, that feels so good!” I knew next to nothing about sex at the time other than what I learned in Sex Ed and from what equally ignorant friends said about it. Still, I knew exactly what they were doing, my mom and my dad, they were fucking! It never occurred to me before that they fucked. Fucking… my parents fucking? That was a revelation.
I stayed for a while and heard things that no son should hear. Not able to stand it any longer, I scurried back to my room, stripped off my drawers and resumed what I had been doing earlier when my dad had popped in unexpectedly. Naturally, I got off rather quickly. Then biology took hold and sent me off to slumberland.
Next morning I got Debbie off to the side and asked why she didn’t come back to my room last night. “Jack, are you crazy?” she asked incredulously. “With Mom and Dad home?” She had a point.
“But they never get up after they’ve gone to bed.”
“Okay, almost never,” I conceded frustrated by the fact that my little sister had a better handle on things than I did. I was about to brag about what I’d heard last night, but thought better of it.
There must have been an alignment of the planets or something that day, for after church, Mom announced that she and my dad were going to visit her elderly aunt and that they wouldn’t be home until supper time. She told us that we had a choice, after we all ate Sunday dinner together, we could either go with them, stay home, or go to the pool. We both elected to go swimming.
As Mom and Dad were preparing to leave for their visit with Aunt Elaine, Debbie announced, “Well, I’m going to go get ready to go to the pool,” and headed to her bedroom. Sounded like a plan to me, so I followed suit. I changed in two minutes or so and when I came out, I saw the ‘rents backing out of the driveway. Then I waited and waited and waited. I was in the den wondering what was taking Deb so long when she appeared in the den dressed in a robe.
“Aren’t you ready yet?” I asked with irritation.
“Of course I’m ready!” she snapped. “I’ve been waiting for you! God, Jack, sometimes you can be so dense!”
“What are you talking about?” I defended.
“Mom. Dad. They’re gone! They won’t be home for hours.”
“Yeah, I know. They left fifteen minutes ago.” She rolled her eyes and let the robe fall open. The vertical line of bare flesh peeping through got my attention. Suddenly it dawned on me what she had been waiting for! “Oh! Yeah!” I exclaimed. Fourteen year old guys aren’t exactly the brightest bulbs around, and I was no exception to the rule.
“Oh, forget it, dear brother!” she snapped. “If you want to go swimming, then we’ll go swimming!” She turned and stormed off back to her room.
“No! No! No wait!” I called after her.
“I need to put on my swim suit!”
I had caught up to her and pleaded, “No! No! Don’t put it on, Sis!”
She turned and opening her robe she asked, “You want me to go to the pool like this?”
“No! Let’s not go swimming!”
“Are you sure? You’re not going to get bored and play those stupid video games all day are you?”
“Bored? No, I won’t get bored!”
She stepped up and placed her hand on my crotch and my stiff pecker. “My, did I do that?” she asked coyly. Then she added, “If you want to play my game, then we play by my rules. Agreed?” I could hardly breathe with her gripping my dick like that, so I just nodded my agreement. “Good, then I want you to get rid of that silly bathing suit and meet me in the den.”
She walked past me back towards the den. Before she’d gotten two steps away I had discarded my trunks and naked, followed her like a puppy dog.
“Go lie on the sofa,” she instructed me. I did as she asked and was rewarded with her discarding her robe in a very seductive manner. Oh, wow! This was great! Better than great! Even if she was my little sister, my cock throbbed at the sight of her. She was the most beautiful thing I’d ever laid my eyes upon!
Sitting on the edge of the sofa by my thighs, she told me “Now relax, Jack and just enjoy it.” The “it” being a slow and tantalizing hand job. Her touch was light as a feather. Never had I felt anything that good before! She accentuated the delectable feather light strokes up and down my pole by lightly raking her nails along the shaft. Holy cow! Her caresses extended to my nut sack and around my heaving bare belly, but she studiously avoided touching the crown of my seeping cock.
Gradually her touch became firmer and firmer leaving me wiggling about like a worm on a hook and moaning like a sick cat. Suddenly she brought my cock crown into play. Ignoring the rest of my dick she concentrated on playing with just the head, smearing my pre-cum about and rolling it between her slippery fingers. “Uhhhhh!!!” I grunted as my dick erupted with a most intense orgasm. I shot and shot like crazy, squirting my junk all over the place while Debbie giggled with glee.
It took some minutes before I had recovered enough for my brain to start working again, and when it did I had cum spattered all over my chest and stomach. Debbie was still sitting by my thigh wearing the sweetest smile and nothing else. Once I was able to focus again, she began playing in the cum spatters and rubbing it into my nipples. To my complete surprise, she leaned over and began licking and sucking my cum coated nipples. Oh man! I never imagined that girls, much less my own sister, would ever do something like that! She glanced up and as our eyes met I caught a naughty sparkle in her eyes while an impish smile formed on her lips.
Mind you that my only sexual experience with a girl before Debbie began her games with me was some brief spit swapping and ear nibbling along with copping a quick feel of Trudy Smith’s tits through her blouse. What Debbie had just done to me was light years beyond my lone experience with Trudy at a party. I was so turned on that I immediately popped another boner (Ahhh… to be a young buck again able to have erections at will!).
Debbie rose from my chest and noticing my condition, playfully flicked my stiff pecker. “Did I do that?” she said mischievously. Then to my utter astonishment, she bent down and took me into her mouth! OH MY GOD! Did that ever feel good! In fact nothing had ever felt that good before. With my mind totally blown by what she was doing, I watched in utter disbelief as her lips slid up and down the shaft of my cock. I’d heard about these things… blow jobs that is, but usually in the context of some joke about a fag going down for quarters. Girls did that sort of thing? That was a revelation! I certainly didn’t object to what she was doing and let her suck away to her heart’s content.
But something else happened while I lay there getting my first of many blowjobs from Debbie. There was a subtle shift in power between us. Actually it began the night before, but the dynamic had now been forever changed between us. Debbie had taken control of me through my own dick! It’s not like I became her depraved sex slave or anything… just her slave. From then on all she had to do to get me to do something… anything she wanted… was to threaten to withhold her sexual favors… favors that she showered upon me generously. Though I didn’t know it at the time, I had been subjected to that primal control women have over men that can be generally sum up in a single word… pussy.
Of course none of that was on my mind at the time. Indeed, it would be years before I ever suspected, much less realized, what had transpired. All I knew at the time was that this was greatest feeling ever and I never wanted it to end.
Even after that fateful afternoon of sexual discovery was over, it never occurred to me to ask her where she learned any of this stuff. I just assumed that she made it up as she went. I had no idea that for the past year that she’d been the pre-teen fuck doll of a man our father’s age, a man who did to her what he wanted, whenever the opportunity presented itself and he had had many opportunities. All I knew was that my twit of a little sister was no longer a twit, but suddenly most exciting person I’d ever met!
Thinking back, her new found control over me was clearly demonstrated immediately following cumming in her mouth. I was still catching my breath when she asked me to return the favor. I didn’t understand at first what she wanted, but when she made herself clear, I was appalled. Again my detailed knowledge of girls and their pussies was confined to the crude tuna-finger jokes that were so popular with my compatriots.
“No way!” I declared with finality of will.
Debbie just leaned back on the sofa facing me, spread her legs and said, “If you don’t, I won’t ever suck your dick again.”
If there was one thing I knew with absolute certainty, it was that I wanted her to suck my dick again… and again… and again. After only one blowjob, the threat of withholding from me was enough to demolish my will. She had thrown down the price of future bliss and appalling or not, I was willing to pay up. She was quite helpful by positioning a pillow under her hips.
I moved into position on my belly between her legs and studied her pussy up close. The more I looked at that hairless clam shell, the less appalling it became. Slowly I moved in closer and closer. Soon the aroma of aroused female drifted into my nostrils. The bouquet was heady, but oh, so tantalizing. As those first molecules of pussy scent locked into my nasal receptors, I had no idea that by nightfall, that scent would become my all time favorite scent.
Gathering my courage, I stuck out my tongue and licked upward along the closed slit. To my surprise, I found nothing even remotely gross in the faint flavor. Timidly I licked upward again, this time a little more forcefully. Again, there was nothing repulsive. Building my courage, one lick at a time, I delved deeper and deeper between her labia and each time I tasted more and more of her until I finally tasted her in full. The salty, aromatic flavor, I discovered, was beyond delicious; it was intoxicating… intoxicating and as addictive as crack cocaine.
I dug into her cunt with my tongue and licked and licked, feasting on her delectable juices. I was enjoying myself so much that I was irritated with her when she grabbed my head and made me stop for a moment. “Lick me here,” she told me while spreading her cunt open and pointing out the little bump that craved attention. So I licked her like she wanted me to lick her and soon, she was humping her hips into my face, making it difficult for me to maintain tongue-to-clit contact. The humping became more and more pronounced until she was thrashing about while noises bubbled from her throat. The noises increased in amplitude until I thought that someone outside would hear her. Then she pushed me away while simultaneously twisting her body away from me.
I sat up, my face coated with girlie sap and salvia, watching as she shuddered with her head buried in a throw pillow. I took that time to admire the pleasing shape of her firm ass and laying on appreciate kisses all over each fleshy cheek, I worshiped her. I think that at that moment had she asked me to eat her turd, I would have gobbled it down without hesitation... thankfully she didn’t.
After several minutes she rolled back onto her back, denying my lips access to her bare buttocks. Sitting upright she declared, “Your turn, brother.” At her direction I lay back and watched as she took my hard-on into her mouth again. I remember thinking, ‘Oh, yeah! I definitely could get used to this!’
Much to my disappointment, after only a minute she stopped sucking on my cock. Instead she crawled up on top of me and then sitting up, she reached between her legs. Grasping my cock, she slotted it between her lips and sank down on me, taking me fully into her snatch. As good as her blowjobs felt, the feel of having my cock engulfed by the hot, slippery sheath of her cunt was better, far better if that was possible!
She rose and fell, driving my dick in and out of her cunt. Even after all that had happened since Mom and Dad left for the day, I never dreamed that this would be happening. We were fucking! Actually, she was fucking me. I was being fucked by a girl! Never mind our sibling relationship, we were fucking and instantly I liked it… I liked it a lot! As we performed the taboo incestuous act, I had no idea that the future had arrived and that in that future, my sister and I would fuck often, sometimes several times a day. The only times she’d say no was when she wanted something from me… and she got it… every time. From a purely objective point of view, it would be hard to determine who was whose slut. Neither of us ever said “no” to the other when it came to sex.
I had seen countless fuck-videos on the internet over at Dutch’s house, so the mechanics of all this were known to me. I just hadn’t had the opportunity to put that knowledge into practice. I sat up and still connected by our genitalia, I maneuvered us onto the carpeted floor with me on top, where I returned the favor and fucked her.
As I had already cum twice in the past forty minutes or so, I was nowhere near coming again anytime soon, so we fucked and we fucked and we fucked, which gave me the opportunity to try out the various positions I was familiar with from the porn that I’d watched with Dutch. We had ended up in a missionary for the third time, when I finally let loose and hosed her cunt. Actually, I only dribbled in her cunt, but to me it felt just as good as unloading a huge wad that had been saved up for days. Exhausted, I collapsed on her. She let me crush her for a few moments before prodding me to roll off and onto my back. That’s when I learned something else about Debbie. She was insatiable, especially when it came to sucking dick. She went down on me again, sucking on my limp noodle, cleaning me and trying without success to get another rise from me. I just let her suck.
Suddenly she straddled me in a 69 and lowered her freshly fucked cunt to my face. I saw a slight trickle of my cum seep from between her engorged lips. Other than gripping her butt, I did nothing untoward to her pussy. She stopped sucking my still limp dick and looking back she said, “Eat my pussy, Jack.” After all that we’d done, it was still a shock to hear my little sister talking like that. “Eat me, or you’ll be sorry.”
Now I’d tasted my cum on a few occasions and while not crazy about the taste or texture, I knew it wasn’t poisonous either. I did what she demanded of me and began licking her cum laden cunt. Like I said, there really wasn’t much there to begin with, but whatever psychological barrier I may have had regarding creampies was then and forever dispensed with. In that future I spoke of earlier, I would be lapping up and eating many a creampie and not all of them my own.
We stayed like that for I don’t know how long, orally pleasuring one another, quitting only when it felt like my tongue would fall off from overuse. We broke apart and took a nap on the den floor. Fortunately Mom and Dad didn’t come home early and catch us like that. When I rose, Debbie had a cold Coca-Cola waiting for me. After slaking my thirst, she took on this pouting expression.
“What’s the matter, Debbie?” I asked knowing that something was up. What, I had no idea, but something was up and it wasn’t my dick.
“You haven’t played with my tits,” she said with a whine.
As remarkable as it seems now, there hadn’t been any foreplay. That Sunday afternoon, we had had sex and then more sex and nowhere along the way had I taken a handful of her tit. Not that I didn’t want to feel her up, it was just that she never gave me the chance. Now she was practically demanding it and I was happy to do as she wished. We sat on the sofa and I stroked her budding breasts, toying with her nipples, generally making her happy while making me very happy. Now I had seen some impressive nipples on the porn sites Dutch and I visited, and Deb had some truly impressive nipples, especially for a budding pre-teen. The brown aureoles were the size of half-dollar coins and slightly elevated from the swell of her A-cup tits, but the most impressive aspect were her nipples, about the length of last joint of my thumb and as big around as the last joint of my pinkie. These were nipples that begged for a good suckling session, and despite the weary condition of my tongue, I latched my lips onto those babies and had at it! As much as I enjoyed sucking her tits, I know she enjoyed it even more. Soon she was panting and soon thereafter she was moaning and bodily shuddering. As I realized later, Debbie has a direct neurological connection between her nipples and her clit. Give her a good tit sucking and she can cum and cum and cum, all without any direct pussy play. Add some pussy play and she goes into orbit. When I added finger fucking to the mix the results were memorable.
When she finally couldn’t stand it anymore, she pushed me away, gasping, “Enough! Enough! Enough!” That was fine by me as I too had had enough for the day. Trouble was, Debbie only had enough for the moment. After a short ten minute break, she was back at my cock, sucking away until she finally got a rise out me. Then we fucked again.
I only lasted fifteen minutes before I gave it up and wandered off for a shower. Once in the sanctity of my shower, I thought I was safe, but Debbie had other ideas. The shower curtain was yanked back and my little sister joined me in the spray. Immediately she took over washing me and I in turn washed her. Showers would henceforth never be the same. It didn’t surprise me that she lovingly washed my cock and balls, but I was truly surprised at the soapy attention she lavished on my asshole. It also surprised me that I liked it so much.
“That feels so good, Debbie,” I remember telling her as I stood with my legs spread and bracing myself against the wall while she toyed with my anus.
“You like that you dirty boy?” she cooed driving a finger up into me.
“Oh, fuck yeah!” To my disappointment she removed her finger and stepped from the tub. She threw me a towel and taunted, “Is my big sexy brother too tired to play anymore?”
I was sorely tempted to say, “Yes. Leave me alone, will ya,” but like I said before, she had gained control over me and I followed her like a dog to her bed. She had me lie on my stomach and began rubbing my neck and shoulders. That felt great. Soon she was rubbing my back; that too felt great and I more or less melted into the mattress. Soon she was rubbing and kneading my buttocks; that too felt great and I let her do whatever she wanted. I felt my ass cheeks begin pulled apart and thought that she would be fingering my ass again. At the first contact of her wet tongue on my asshole my eyes flew open. I was speechless and lay perfectly still. Soon my eyelids closed to mere slits and I settled in to enjoy my first ever rim job. It was so nasty what my little sister was doing to me, but it felt oh, so good!
I must have fallen asleep, because it was late afternoon when Debbie woke me. “Jack! Jack! Wake up, Jack! Mom and Dad are home! Get up and go to your own room.”
‘Mom. Dad. What?’ I groggily thought. Then I bolted upright. “Oh, shit! Mom and Dad are home?”
“Shhhh!” Debbie urged. She was dressed and her bedroom door was closed. Quickly she ushered me into the bathroom that connected our bedrooms. I heard voices, garbled but familiar voices, and peeked out into my bedroom. My door was wide open and Mom and Debbie were talking in the hallway. I waited until the voices faded, then dashed out into my room naked and closed the door. Whew! That was close!
This is Chapter 3 of an eight chapter story.
Coming soon in Chapter 4 - Doing chores in the morning had never been more fun...
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