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unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.
This is a continuation of the story... Following is the last few sentences of Part 2:
["That was wonderful, Rachel," Jimmy said as he stared at the ceiling, wiped sweat from his face with one hand and held her hand tightly with the other.
Relieved to get the weight off her so she could take a deep breath, but disappointed that the grown up cock was gone from her hole, she moistened her lips and said to Jimmy, "Let's rest and do it again ?”]
IT had been an interesting first month with the eleven, (almost twelve) year old Rachel. Jimmy loved sexing her and did so every morning and night, often several times every night. Rachel enjoyed it of course, but Jimmy wondered a few times if she had been disappointed when he came off more quickly than she perhaps would have liked. She was a horny little (almost) twelve pre-teen; of that he was certain, and he generally just had to imagine her sweet, perfect ass and he would get hard again.
Jimmy did teach her some new stuff to keep things interesting. He fucked her doggy style and in a half dozen different positions he just made up as he went along. They did it sitting in a chair and then with her on top. They did it on the kitchen table and in a parking garage in the back seat of Jimmy’s car. She jerked him off while he drove down the freeway and jerked him off when they sat in the movies. They did it a lot. Jimmy’s nine inch cock had its work cut out for it with the skinny little pre-teen with the great ass, long red hair, white skin, freckles and a million dollar smile. Yes, Jimmy had his hands full and he loved it.
When school was finished for the day (she was in the sixth grade), she would visit Jimmy at the bar in the stripper club. That’s where she got the idea of stripping slowly for Jimmy. When Jimmy got his dinner break they would go somewhere cheap and eat together then she would go home and wait for him… and his wonderful dick. The other thing she did was to hide Jimmy’s numbers money in her panties. “In case they bust me, Honey, I won’t be holding any dough and they will never frisk you… not even the women cops would do that.” She took the money home and put it in a secret hiding place.
It was a warm lazy day with few customers. Jimmy was polishing glasses watching Rachel sitting at a table, studying her actually. He enjoyed watching her and tingled at the way she crossed and re-crossed her skinny legs. Rachel was too young to sit at the bar, she shouldn’t have even been in the club, but he liked her there. Jimmy, for the thousandth time, thanked the almighty for the fate that had brought them together.
She was such a perfectly innocent girl… or at least she appeared to be. She wore red leggings and a long brown skirt. Her top was a tan shirt that was buttoned almost to her neck. That is when it dawned on him what a great looking model she would be. He pictured her in black mesh stockings and black lace panties. He would have to buy her a black lacy bra as well but thought that was really silly given the fact that she had such tinny tits… eleven year old tiny tits, still... It would look good, so why not? Maybe at the lingerie store he could find a few other treats as well. And of course he would.
The more he dwelt with the subject the more he wondered why he hadn’t thought of it before. Sure, why not? It was a natural. For money, a strip show for his poker buddies. They knew her already. All of the five men all knew that Rachel was a ‘special’ niece; that she and Jimmy had something going and it wasn’t uncle-niece action.
Sam, one of the players, had been a little forward with her, already sliding his hand under her skirt several times to grope her bare ass. Jimmy pretended not to notice. Jimmy noticed the she always moved away from Sam, a bit slowly and she never put up a fuss. Fifteen, twenty minutes later she right back standing next to Sam, just as she’d been standing before.
On the way to the mall in Jimmy’s old red V.W. camper/van, Jimmy had told Rachel what he had in mind. “You can be a real stripper honey. Just like at the club, only your tits are smaller and it will be private at our apartment. You wouldn’t mind getting naked in front of a few men, will you baby? You already know the men, they’re all nice guys. We can make some decent money.”
Rachel couldn’t believe what she was hearing. ‘Would she mind getting naked in front of a bunch of men… men who were willing to pay to see her?’ Of course she wouldn’t mind! Fuck, she’d do it free! She just didn’t think Jimmy would ever go for anything like that.
What, she wondered, was what was, what was wrong with Jimmy … with men. Her own Daddy had asked her similar questions. Why didn’t they know all little girls loved to dance? She loved to dance and wiggle, all little girls loved to dance and wiggle. They liked to make men a little crazy and know they had gotten their cocks hard as rocks.
‘Did she mind?’ Shit, her pussy was getting wet just thinking about it. She just looked at Jimmy defenselessly, smiled demurely, twisted a strand of her red hair around a finger.
Jimmy thought that maybe he’d gone too far, but then she answered in a tiny voice, “No, I don’t mind.” Actually she was thrilled with the idea. “As long as you think it’s alright, Uncle Jimmy.” She smiled to herself and wanted to yell, “Fucking “A” bro… I’ll wiggle my ass… you grab the bucks!”
She wondered if she should tell Jimmy just how she had learned how to give such expert blow jobs. About the money her dad’s friends had given her. She decided she would, but just not now, not yet.
“Good, then I’ll set it up. Maybe a few men from the bar will want to look at you naked too.”
Then another fertile thought passed into her churning brain. “Will I have to …you know…do it with them, Jimmy?” The question seemed more informational than urgent or problematic as there was no positive or negative connotation to her voice.
Jimmy hadn’t really planned it out yet. And the question stopped him for the moment. “I hadn’t thought about it like that, Rachel. He’d decided to push his luck a little and added, “Maybe, if we can get enough money and you don’t mind.”
'Bingo!’ went Rachel’s brain. She had to turn away from Jimmy and look out the side window to keep him from seeing the big smile and dancing green eyes. Not wanting to sound too eager she replied, “Let me think about that, take one step at a time.”
Jimmy pulled into an empty space at the Mall behind the lingerie shop.
Rachel was of course thrilled to be going shopping with her ‘uncle’ in a grown up lingerie specialty shop. Hand in hand they walked up and down the aisles, Rachel with huge eyes and a quiet gasp at the wonderfully shocking sexual display and Jimmy with a seemingly permanent hard-on and a wide smile.
“Look, Uncle Jimmy, look at the really pretty lace panties,” Rachel giggled as she held the panties up for his examination. “I bet everyone would like these.” Then looking at the size she realized that her size was just not available. “Damn, they don’t have my size. Everything is too big.”
“That’s because you’re in the wrong section, Honey,” said a pleasant female voice from behind them. The clerk they hadn’t noticed finished hanging some bras. “We keep the ‘special’ little girl lingerie in the back, Sweetheart. You just have to have an adult relative with you.”
“Oh, hi.” Rachel hadn’t seen the clerk/store owner until she had spoken. “Oh goody, I need some special things for a show I’m doing. I’m going to be a dancer.” Seeing the clerks name tag, Rachel held out her hand, “Hi, Ann, my name is Rachel. This is my Uncle Jimmy. We are looking for big girl stuff, but in my size.” Jimmy was surprised to hear Rachel speak up in such an adult way. He just smiled at the clerk.
“Hello, Rachel. Rachel, that’s a pretty name.” Ann turned toward Jimmy, “Uncle Jimmy?” she smirked, “I’m just sooo sure you are. Can I assume we are looking for little girl sexy underwear and that kind of interesting things?”
Jimmy realized at once that the clerk knew what kind of ‘show’ Rachel would be doing, and her involvement with grown men. “Yes, I think you understand perfectly. I expect to pay a little extra for privacy.”
“Good, then there is no problem at all,” she smiled to no one in particular,” we have a lot of Uncle’s and Daddies looking for just the right outfit for their little dream girls. So I understand just what you’re looking for. ”
Ann led them into the back room and asked Rachel to strip to try on the new clothing. She stood the girl on a low table and just stood back and looked at her for a minute. Nude now, Rachel, her long red hair flowing over her shoulders and down her back like an erotic waterfall, had assumed a shy, embarrassed attitude… one she at first had given Jimmy. Moving her shoulders slowly from side to side her green eyes focused on the floor between Jimmy and Ann, she moistened her lips and held a tight almost bored smile. ‘Why,’ wondered Rachel, doesn’t this woman just give me a big kiss. I know she wants to. Adults, I’ll never understand them.’
“Well aren’t you the most darling little thing,” Ann said while her shameless eye raped the young girl. She lifted Rachel’s head until she was looking into the eleven year old’s eyes. “We’ll have some fun dressing you, Baby.”
Rachel’s eyes began to glisten... she had felt Ann’s eyes on her. ”Do you like to look at me naked, Ann? I think you do. So does my Uncle Jimmy.” She gave Ann a big conspiratorial grin. Jimmy had noticed, it would have been impossible not to notice, the special attraction Ann was giving Rachel.
“Yes, Sweetie, just like your “uncle,” I do like looking at you nude.”
Ann fitted Rachel with a black garter belt the proper size and showed her how to adjust it. She added another in white and one in red onto a growing pile. She gave her matching lace panties and mesh stocking in all three colors. She gave her glossy regular nylons in brown, black and white. Ann carefully showed Rachel how to shimmy the fish net hose up her thin legs and attach the garter belt. She pulled a pair of the lace panties up Rachel’s legs and asked, “Did you ever have panties like these, Sweetheart?” She looked into Rachel’s eyes and slid her finger through the slit in the crotch of the panties and fingered the girl playfully.
Rachel surprised at first, grinned and said “Owww … that’s cool the panties are open down there. I bet your going to like that, Uncle Jimmy.” She grinned and stuck her tongue out at him. Then she turned to Ann and kissed her on the lips. Ann just looked at her for a moment unable to move. Then she cleared her throat and simply said, “Oh, my. You are such a little whore. I just love you.”
Soon the two females were jabbering away and for the time being, Jimmy just let them be. Rachel learned how to put on a ‘G’ string and how to wear a teddy in a very sexy suggestive way. Eventually she had all the clothes she would need for the stripper show and many, many more. But they were not done, not nearly so.
Ann sat Rachel on her lap as she wrote out a list of things Rachel and her “uncle”‘ would need. She was slowly massaging one of Rachel’s nipples while they talked.
“Of course you’ll need some sexy high heels won’t you, dear?”
“I guess so.” Rachel answered loving the feelings in her nipple.
“Well, we sell high heel slippers but men like the shinny leather heels, so I’ll give you a name of a store to go to. You’ll need to have your beautiful red hair done; I’ll send you to someone who does all the ‘special’ girls and she’ll show you how to do your own make up. Then the head shop in town will have a short leather whip you’ll need and a collection of stripper music. Also get a long handled vibrator for the pleasure of the men.” She stopped writing and seemed to be concentrating.
Rachel popped up with, “You sure do know what I need don’t you. You must do this a lot.”
“Yes, I do Rachel. There are lots of Daddies and Uncles that use their girls for… well, let’s just say, for dancing.” Then she began writing again, “Can’t forget some body oil and long gloves. I have the gloves here.” She gave Rachel a squeeze and a kiss on her cheek. “Someday we’ll have to spend more time together, Sweetie.” She turned toward Jimmy as she put Rachel back on the floor. “Here is the bill “Uncle”….I’ll get the long gloves.”
Jimmy handed her a credit card and she left them to run the card and package the clothing. Minutes later she was back. Jimmy looked over the bill. The rather large large amount for “accessories” demanded his attention, but then he realized it was actually a gratuity for the woman’s silence.
“Now one last thing, Uncle Jimmy, we should talk some time. A number of Daddies and “Uncles” have formed a club you might be interested in.”
Jimmy was surprised that pedophilia was so organized. “If this goes well, I’ll get back to you Ann.” She handed him a business card with her name and cell phone number on it.
The regular poker night was Friday, so he had a couple of days to set things up. The first two guys he asked from the club were definitely very interested in coming. Both of them knew Rachel from times she had been at the club. When he called his regular poker buddies, they too were all for the “Rachel Strip Show.” Sam was especially enthusiastic and asked Jimmy why it had taken him so long to see the possibilities. The next day two more friends of friends called Jimmy at work to see if they could join the party and Jimmy said yes. So the party would be eight men, counting Jimmy, and one girl… Rachel the dancer.
Jimmy was excited as any of the other seven men, perhaps more so. They were all looking forward to seeing the horny little girl nude and Jimmy was looking forward to them looking at her.
For two nights they practiced the routine. She learned how to dress and how to undress smoothly, seductively. They had decided on the black outfit. It was truly sexy and the black sequins glittered and winked in the small spot light Jimmy had rigged over the ‘stage’. He had a 32 inch wide by 6 foot long folding table only thirty inches off the floor, that he covered with new wine colored table cloth. A small kitchen step ladder would be the steps. He set-up the stage in front of the kitchen door and hung a drape over the door. With the lights dimmed, the stage was well lit, but near darkness filled the rest of the living room. The music was downloaded onto a CD and that was controlled by Rachel herself. She recorded five different genre of music, traditional Oriental, Jazz, hot Rock, cool rock, and traditional mellow. With a tiny wireless control she could easily switch from one to another and adjust the volume to suit the mood.
The easiest for Rachel was the dancing. She danced all the time in her room. Stripping would be fun in front of the guys. The teasing with her body she looked forward to and practiced it with enthusiasm. The hardest part was the smooth, natural moves needed to take off the clothes.
As she practiced coming onto the stage and went through her moves, Jimmy watched her objectively for a little while and offered suggestions, but after a short while he just grabbed her in her costume and took her to bed to fuck for a half hour or so. Still, after two nights they were both confident that they would be giving the boys their money’s worth.
On the big night Jimmy was very nervous… he didn’t know why. Rachel was just excited and at eight thirty when they heard a knock at the door Rachel scurried off to the hall that led to her room and the back entrance to the kitchen.
Rachel had spent two hours at the beauticians getting her hair done and her makeup applied professionally. Her gorgeous shimmering red hair was piled high on her head held in place with two long wooden pins that crossed each other and captured the mound of hair except for the few arrant locks that were purposely left to frame her pretty face. She looked much older than her eleven (almost twelve) years. The blue eye shadow was light but effective; the mascara exaggerated the length of her eye lashes and gave her green eyes a length they didn’t really have. Only the slightest rose blush and blood red lipstick gave her face an immediate erotic and exotic look that would stop any man. Her only body make-up was on her nipples and areola. The beautician used brown rough to emphasize her areola and a mahogany color for her nipples.
The men all arrived within twenty minutes of each other and each gave Jimmy the agreed on hundred dollars. The air was quickly filled with cigarette and cigar smoke and nervous laughter.
More than one man asked himself, ‘Were they really here to watch a preteen perform nude?’ That was exciting enough, but they also asked themselves, ‘And what else would she do?’ It was at the same time an erotic and an intimidating thought. It would be bad to get caught at a pre-teen sex show, but then her dad set it up, so did that make it… O.K.? Whatever doubts they may harbored, no one left.
Free bourbon and mixers were on a side table, but most just helped themselves to bottles of Budweiser or Sam Adams from the red cooler next to the table. There was also a courtesy box of good cigars. A mixture of mismatched chairs formed a semi-circle around the ‘Stage’.
When all of the invite guests had arrived, Jimmy simply raised his voice and told the men it was time for the show to start.
The music started with an oriental mix. Rachel appeared from the folds of the certain that covered the kitchen door. She walked up the makeshift steps and on to the back of the temporary stage.
‘Just outstanding’ was the only way Rachel could be described. She had dressed in a slick black Japanese kimono. Moving slowly, with small steps, to the middle of the small stage, hands flat together in the common position of prayer, she bowed respectively to her audience with a frozen non-committal expression on her face. Her eyes in keeping with her Japanese persona were heavy lidded, lowered to expose only a tiny slit of her eyes that were focused on the floor. Straightening from her bow she lifted her eye lids to show her pretty blue eyes, her eyes moved over the several men in front of her. The tinkling of the traditional music continued as she began to move slowly to the strange beat.
Rachel’s fiercely beating heart felt like it would explode as she began to move in a mimic of an oriental dance she found on the web. She certainly had their attention and that made the nipples on her flat chest hard and push against the satin material of her costume. She moved delicately from one side of the little stage to the other; arms extended, she seemed to float. Then she abruptly stopped and turned her back to the men.
The music changed and new music began as a slow steady beat with promise. With the high heel of her right foot, Rachel kept a hard beat… and tap, and tap, and tap. The only sound in the room now was the music and the steady, “tap, tap, tap.” Her audience kept the beat with silent foot taps, fingers or head nods, they were hooked and she hadn’t even started.
Rachel certainly had everyone’s attention. On the stage floor she slowly pulled the two long wooden pins from her hair and her beautiful, long, red curly hair tumbled down her back. The men smiled. Some began to rub their still covered cocks and watched in anticipation as she un-did the kimono sash and let the wide belt slide to the floor from her right hand like some strange compliant serpent. Some men put their smokes to one side to watch while others smoked faster and harder. All found their mouths begin to feel dry and one after another they moistened their dry lips.
With her back still to the men, Rachel kept up the beat. The pre-teen girl let the kimono slide off her shoulders and rest in the crux of her arm. The music quickened again to a moderate light rock sound.
With a snap of her fingers, she turned around and insolently stared at the men with hands on her hips. Her perfectly painted mouth broke into a huge smile; her eyes, glistening like diamonds, met each man’s eyes in the small room. The robe was open and she let it fall behind her. Now the men could see the eleven year old (almost twelve) in her tantalizingly revealing costume. Her black mesh thigh high stocking were held up by a very attractive black lace garter belt. Her skinny pre-teen legs were suddenly attractive, her glossy black two inch heels made her hips sway as she walked and aroused all the men. The men looked amazed at how grown up she looked in her black see-through teddy as she danced more or less to the beat back and forth across the stage.
To a man, they all were transfixed by the young beauty. Her red hair flowed over her shoulders and enriched the picture with its soft shinny looking mass. What they would not do to have their fingers in that hair... or their cocks. They could see the stiff nipples and cupcake tits under the teddy and thin see-through bra. Her pussy was covered by a patch of black silk held there by a thin black ribbon that circled her waist, disappeared between her clearly visible ass cheeks and finally held the bottom of the pussy-patch in place.
Rachel danced back and forth several times, turning each time so the men could appreciate and drool over her full firm ass. The music changed but continued the same rock beat. Rachel untied the black ribbon that held her teddy in place and she let it drift to the floor as she moved. Next she put her hands over her head and swayed back and forth smiling at the men. At each end of the small stage she turned around bent from the waist and wiggled her pre-teen ass in a not very discreet invitation to her audience. Looking back over her shoulder she asked, “Do you like it? “
One by one the men had taken out their cocks and were slowly jacking off to her swaying moves; they began talking to her with all kinds of sexual questions, suggestions and invitations. She answered some that seemed like they really wanted an answer; she ignored the others who evidently were getting off asking dirty questions of an eleven year old.
“Oh ,yes, Baby wiggle that little ass… Do you like it up the ass, honey?” said a strip club customer who had his pants down to his knees.
“My uncle Jimmy does that to me,” she answered with a mischievous grin. “I love it.” Still smiling she turned to other men while she continued to sway. “I love it up the ass. Wouldn’t all of you like to fuck the ass of an eleven year old?”
“When are you going to come down here and suck my cock, Rachel? I need you to lap up this pre-cum,” said another. The man, a friend of a friend, made sure that Rachel could see his dripping cock… a huge beast of a dick… a dick to challenge any adult female.
“Mmmmmmm, it looks like fun. I’ll get down there very soon now.” Once again she swayed away. Teasing the men she reached behind her and un-fastened her black see through bra and let it slip down her arms, letting it joined her teddy on the floor. She massaged her little tits and pulled at the nipples much the way Jimmy did every night. It was driving the men crazy and they hooted and howled at her.
“Come on, Sweetie! Bring that little sweet cunt down here. I want to finger you,” asked the youngest and most handsome man in the room.
“Wouldn’t you rather want to use a vibrator on my pussy?” Rachel asked feigning surprise with a sad look. She winked at the handsome man. “I’ll let you go first.” She smiled and moved across the stage working her black thong over her narrow hips. She picked up a vibrator, turned it on and rubbed her cunt with it. Jimmy had modified the vibrator by adding a three foot handle to it allowing men to use the vibrator on Rachel while she was kneeling on stage.
As she came to the front of the stage, she looked at all the men that were staring at her cunt and the vibrator. She moaned loudly as she reached her first climax. Her juice covered vibrator entered her cunt for an inch or so then she pulled it out. Getting control of herself, she smiled with a great shiver and offered the short handled vibrator to one of the men. All the men were jacking off by now and the man she had chosen had a huge hard-on.
“Would you like to help me cum again, Mister?” Rachel looked at the man with a begging attitude her lower lip pushed out, her eyebrow raised, like a young girl asking if he wanted to buy her Girl Scout Cookies. “I like that super big cock. Can I lap it later?”
Reaching for the vibrator handle the man responded, “I would love to fuck you with your vibrator Rachel and yes, you can lap and suck my cock… I have a load of very hot cum just for you little girl.”
Rachel smiled at him handed him the vibrator with the three foot handle and laid down on the stage as he began to run the vibrator along her sopping cunt slit. One man on each side of her un-snapped her nylons and stripped them from her young legs. They took off her shoes and took off her garter belt. They spread open her cunt lips allowing the man with the vibrator to fuck deeper into her.
The men were restless now. With no pretense by Rachel to dance, she lewdly displayed her hot sex. She lay with her legs spread with the vibrator assaulting her. Standing while they jacked, one by one they stepped out of their pants and underwear and enjoyed their cocks while they enjoyed Rachel’s display. Once they got close enough to smell her sex, their desire only rushed forward. Eight fat cocks were ready to fuck her.
“Fuck the kid, Billy.”
“Give her a good fucking Bill. Stick it in deep.”
“Turn her around and do her ass, Buddy.”
“Spread that pretty cunt, Baby. Fuck the vibrator like a big girl.”
Rachel quickly reached another climax and screamed her pleasure. She dug her finger nails into her own thighs and through gritted teeth said… “Yes, yes, yes! That’s it, push it deeper you bastard… Fuck me hard… Do it… do it… Shit that feels so fucking good.”
She wiggled herself on the vibrator. She had always loved to talk dirty while she was riding Jimmy, now she just continued what came so naturally. “Fuck me, fuck me… You know you want to fuck a little girl, so do it!”
Because the table was so small and low the eight men (including Jimmy, who had a huge hard on himself) stood all around it. One man in back of her used a wet finger to tease her ass hole then entered her dark hole. His wet fingers fucked her slowly with soft strokes. Two other men pulled and pinched her glass hard nipples while she reached still another height.
After the men took turns with the vibrator and fingering her ass then twisting her nipples, Rachel finally just laid down on the stage and let her sweating body just rest for a minute or two. The men, mostly nude now, took cigarette and cigar break while they opened cold beers or poured bourbon over ice and sipped. They laughed, but continued to stroke their hard cocks. Some men had cum off, shooting their cum over Rachel’s body or onto the stage. Now they were all hard again.
Sitting up, Rachel sipped on a cold Perrier and lime, watching the men as they kept stealing glances at her. She did like the looks of their big cocks… Rachel loved fat hard cocks. Many were similar but a few were extra large and thick. Then again at least one was very small and Rachel had trouble looking at it without laughing.
Twenty minutes later the temporary stage was removed as planned and the chairs arranged in a circle. Rachel refreshed by her short break, stood in the middle of the circle, turning this way and that. Fresh and ready, the pre-teen preened for all to admire and lust over her total nudity. Her cupcake tits with glass hard nipples were very exciting to all, and her hairless pussy with the dripping slit so visible, made the men swallow hard.
But it was her eleven year old ass that got the most attention. Full, firm and round half melons that called out to be touched, squeezed and fucked. Rachel’s ass was so perfect that it almost made a shelf just below her waist. Rachel knew what the men were thinking and that just made her hotter and filled her belly with sexual fire. Putting her finger into her own cunt she withdrew it and painted two men’s lips with her pussy juice and then she did it again to two other men.
Jimmy put a blind fold on Rachel and turned her around several times then let her go. She understood what she was to do and looked forward to it. She moved slowly with outstretched hands toward the seated men that surrounded her. Once she touched one, she dropped to her knees and on all fours began to play, lap and suck his cock. She lapped his balls and worked her way up the shaft. She jerked his hard prick up and down, then started to suck the cock head. Deeper and deeper the fat cock moved into her mouth and then her throat. She gently squeezed his balls and played with the plumb sized cock head with her tongue. When she thought he was ready, she let a finger slide under his balls and find his dark hole and entered him. With her finger up his ass, his hands held her head close to his body while he shot his very hot cum into her throat. Rachel gagged slightly as she tried to swallow his discharge but ended up swallowing all of it without a major problem. Finished, she gave him a spermy kiss and stood up waiting for Jimmy.
Rachel stood not knowing what to expect next. She and Jimmy had talked about it, but were not sure what would happen. Jimmy turned her around several times and once again she walked until she found the next man. Almost exactly the same thing happened again. She really loved sucking cock, except that when it came time to cum the man held Rachel’s head firmly and shot his load over her face and chest. Cum covered her cheek and nose. Some did go into her mouth and some dripped from her chin. One load landed on her chest covering her right nipple, then ran down over her belly. When the man was finally done, he wiped his drooling cock clean in her hair and tongue kissed her, tasting his own cum.
Still another blow job and then another. The men were not satisfied yet and all continued to have hard-ons even though each had come off once, twice or even three times. After her fourth or fifth blow job, (everyone was losing count), the man she found with her blind fold still on, told her to just stay in the doggie position. He walked around behind her and wiggled his cock into her cunt from the rear. She immediately responded by pushing back and rotating her ass. She loved to fuck. The man didn’t last very long in the tight eleven year old’s cunt.
When he slowly pulled his cock out of her, his cum dripped from her cunt in long white strings. Four strong hands lifted her up and slowly lowered her onto the fat cock of another man lying on the floor. She was positioned in the doggie position again and with a monster cock filling her small pussy, a second man entered her ass.
The two cocks in her at once were almost, but not quite, too much for her. Slowly she stretched to accommodate both and started to move in rhythm with the two strangers. She wasn’t surprised when a third hard cock pushed rudely into her mouth. The man’s fingers wove their way into her hair and he held her firmly in one place as he face fucked the pretty pre-teen. She loved the feeling of being at their mercy, their sex slave, the very meaning of slut.
Rachel loved the whole thing even if she was getting a little tired and a little sore, especially her back hole. But she loved the feeling all the same. She began to lose track of time, or who was doing her or what was happening. At some point the blind fold fell off and no one bothered to replace it.
Rachel loved to see the cocks. Fat long cocks with purple heads; purple and red veins stood out the length of the steel-hard maleness. She had known that several times men changed places and new fresh cocks drove into one of her holes. She was only vaguely aware that most or all of the men had shot loads of cum over her body while they watched other men fucking her holes and waiting for their turn.
Jimmy enjoyed rubbing the cum into her skin while the men did her, and enjoyed spreading open her ass cheeks while a new man pushed his cock into her and used her tight young ass hole. Her hair was a sticky matted mess, her ears soaked with cum and some cum was leaking from the corners of her mouth and ran from her nostrils; still she lapped and sucked.
One by one the men wore out and exhausted, they left. Finally around four in the morning the last one left and Rachel was asleep on the floor. Gently Jimmy picked her up, turned out the lights and put her in their bed. He took a minute or two to look at her eleven (almost twelve) year old body. He loved her and she was the perfect pre-teen fucking machine.
Jimmy got hard looking at her despite the fact that he had already fucked her four times during the night. She was lying on her stomach, so he just spread her legs apart and slid into her cum filled ass hole, slowly fucking her in the dark.
She moaned once and he thought she said, “Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck me.” When he came, he just jammed his hardness deep into her and fell asleep.
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