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unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.
A knock on the door in the middle of the night is always unnerving, always unwelcome. Worse, this one had the sharp, tense, emergency sound of trouble. Jimmy, rolled out of bed quickly, his snub nose 38, always close by in his hand. Wearing only his boxers, he flattened himself next to the door and listened.
"Ya," he said concentrating…listening…for what?
"Jimmy! It's me, Danny! Man, let me in quick!"
Jimmy recognized the panicky voice that was lowered to a tight whisper. He thumbed off the dead bolt, dropped the security chain and opened the door a crack, checked the hall...then opened it wider to let Danny in, along with his scrawny kid.
“What the fuck’s up, Danny? You know what time it is?”
"Fuck the time! I'm in big trouble man. Son-of-a-bitch big trouble! The fucking Puerto Rican gang is looking for my ass. And this time they won't be talking like before. I knocked off one of their runners a couple of days ago and I thought in the dark he wouldn't know me. Hell, the way I cracked his fucking skull, I thought the son-of-a-bitch was dead. But today the shit came to in the hospital and fingered me... the cock sucker. Now I have to split town... fast… real fucking fast. And I need money Jimmy. At least a thou." He looked at Jimmy with wet, beggar’s eyes.
"Danny, I don't have a grand and I wouldn't give it to you if I did. We both know I'll never see it again. Sorry buddy, you should be more careful. I told ya not to fuck with the Ricans. They are assholes but seriously mean fucking assholes."
"Come on, man!” Tears were starting to build in Danny’s eyes, his hands shaking noticeably. ”Fuck man, ya can't say “no” to a friend. Anyway,” his eyes flashed to the little girl, “you can keep my kid as security. She’s a sweetheart. She can clean for ya and, uh, stuff. When I have some dough, I'll be back for her. What da'ya say, man?"
"I say, I don't need a maid and I still don't have a grand." He glanced at the scrawny red headed girl and looked back at Danny.
But Jimmy was getting nervous too, and for good reason. A pack of pissed off Puerto Ricans looking for someone that had ripped them off could be dangerous as a pack of wild dogs. They would probably find Danny, Jimmy knew. It was too dangerous to have this moron in his apartment. He looked at Danny and thought quickly.
"Look, I have today's numbers cash but nothing else. Two, three hundred tops... maybe. Take that and get the hell out of here."
Jimmy had several thousand in the apartment, but figured he could get rid of his ‘friend’ quickly and on the cheap. Jimmy was right, a couple of minutes later Danny was gone with three hundred dollars and Jimmy had himself a new house guest.
Jimmy slid the lock into place and re-attached the chain. Then he turned around to look at the girl. She was less than five feet tall, with a slim body and long red hair. She was quite pretty and he guessed she was about thirteen or so.
"Well, Sweetheart, looks like it’s you and me for awhile. At least until things cool off for your dad.”
She stared back at him with clear green eyes, and a faint smile. "I guess so," she said, a faint smile returned to her lips. "I think my dad is in big trouble."
“Yeah, kiddo, he’s in big trouble, but he can take care of himself. Well, seeing that you belong to me until your father comes back, do you have clothes somewhere?”
"I don't have too many anyway, but I guess the Ricans are watching our apartment now. So… I don't have anything."
Jimmy sighed. "Well, kiddo, we'll buy you some things tomorrow. What's your name anyway? My name is Jimmy."
"Hi, Mr. Jimmy. My name is Rachel. I'm named after my mom.” Rachel forced the corners of her mouth up in the mimic of a smile and added, "She's in jail."
"Well, take off your jacket, honey and make yourself at home, Rachel. You can sleep on the coach for now. I'll give you a t-shirt to sleep in. The bath room is right around the corner and if you like, you can use the shower."
"Thanks, Mr. Jimmy. We haven't been back to our apartment since this morning when Daddy found out the fucking Ricans were after him. Do you have hot water? We didn't." The mild sprinkling of freckles across her nose and under her eyes ran together and darkened mildly when she smiled.
"Look honey, first why don't you call me Uncle Jimmy… not Mr. Whatever you said. And do you always fucking swear like that? Never mind. I don't care, but not in public. With me O.K., but no cursing in public? O.K?"
The truth of the matter was that Jimmy found it was kind of sexy to hear the "F", word from such a young innocent looking girl. It was a turn on for Jimmy to hear the word `fuck', slide so naturally from her tender lips. He felt a mild twitch in his shorts, and remembered he was only wearing his boxers.
"And yes, there is hot water. Knock yourself out sweetie."
In the bathroom Rachel stripped down and hopped in the shower. This was much nicer than at her dad’s apartment. She guessed she would never again see that apartment or even, she seemed to accept, her father. The sparkling salmon, colored tile, the sliding glass shower doors, the hot water itself, were all luxuries to the young girl. As she showered the warm water and soap bubbles slid down over her young body she hummed and giggled to herself.
Jimmy, surprised that Rachel hadn't closed the bathroom door, had no second thoughts about looking at her young image on the opaque glass of the sliding glass doors. Now he really had a hard-on. He went to get her a blanket, pillow and sheet and left them on the couch.
"Do you have any shampoo, Mr. Jim... I mean Uncle Jimmy?” she called out.
"Ya" he called back from the hall, "it's on the shelf over the toilet, Rachel. Do you want me to hand it to you?”
"Yes, Please".
Jimmy checked to be sure his cock wasn't showing, then smiling, went into the bathroom. "Here honey," he said as he opened the glass door a few inches and handed in the shampoo. "Do you always leave the door open when you’re taking a shower?”
"My Daddy likes me to.”
‘I'll just bet he does', Jimmy, thought to himself.
“So, yep, I do. Is it O.K.?"
“It’s fine with me, sweetie,” he replied with a lecherous grin.
Rachel reached for the plastic bottle. Jimmy held the bottle so that had to open the door even more to reach the shampoo, giving Jimmy had a full view of her skinny nude body. He liked the view.
Her soaking red mat of hair hung over her shoulder and back like steaming red icicles. The fine red patch that should have covered her young pussy was either invisible from the water or just not there yet. She was undeniably developing the curves of a young woman, but developing was the key word. She had a ways to go. Still the promise was tantalizing. Two perfect half rounds formed her ass cheeks and small 'tea cup’ sized tits sent blood rushing into Jimmy's cock. It only lasted a minute; the sensual view that is, the memory would last a life time. Jimmy saw her look at his thinly covered cock then move her eyes upward without expression.
"Am I pretty?” she asked as the man’s eyes roved across her body. “I bet I am. Daddy liked to look at me naked too," she said matter of factly, the slightest hint of pride in her voice and a tiny glint in her eyes as she tilted her head gave Jimmy an amenable, but bold, very adult stare.
"Oh, yes,” he whispered as he openly checked her out “You are very pretty... very, very pretty, Rachel."
Jimmy didn't know what to say next. The father-daughter relationship confused him. Looking down he could see his cock head had moved above the elastic waist band of his shorts, and he guessed Rachel must have seen it too. "How old are you Rachel?”
The water continued to splash down on her as she lifted her face to the cascading stream and rubbed shampoo into her hair. She slowly closed the sliding door and said, "Thanks for the shampoo. How old? Twelve... Well, in a few more months anyway."
Jimmy didn't know what else to say. He considered the way she let him leer at her nakedness and considered joining the shameless girl in the shower, but then realized that that might be a little too forward. ‘You best get in your room and just jack off,’ he thought to himself. Then, perhaps, the erotic thoughts in his head would disappear and he would stay out of trouble. `Sure Jimmy', he said to himself, `that should do it... NOT!' Instinctively he knew it wouldn't work, but he had better try.
"Alright sweetie, help yourself to anything you want to eat. I put a fresh pillow, a sheet and a blanket on the couch for you. I'll see you in the morning."
"Good night, Uncle Jimmy. Thanks for taking me in."
"No problem Rachel. Sleep tight."
Jimmy was actually relieved to have the temptation removed as he walked into the bedroom. A few minutes later, as he listened to the water continue to run, he had a wonderful climax as he thought about Rachel and her young body in the shower. He then visualized watching her kneeling before Danny, looking up at her worthless daddy and sucking his dick until he exploded onto her freckled face. “Oh yes,” he whispered to himself, “now wrap those cock sucking lips around my dick, honey.”
The smell of coffee is the only civilized way for a man to wake from a night’s sleep; even an interrupted night’s sleep. It was just this civilized smell that woke Jimmy. It took him a moment as he regained consciousness to remember his house guest and understand the aroma.
`Oh my', he thought with a big smile, ‘that little shit is for real. Lord save me from temptation.' But of course, he really didn't want to be saved. He would have put a robe on if he had owned one, but he didn't. Anyway his dick wasn't hard so he was reasonably decent.
naked save for his boxers, he strolled into the kitchen and greeted cheerfully, "Good morning, Rachel. Aren't you the little homemaker? Coffee smells great, kid." Walking to her as she poured his coffee he gave her a fatherly kiss on the forehead and a not very fatherly squeeze of her ass. She made no attempt to avoid or end his groping.
"Well, your timing is perfect,” he continued as he voluntarily withdrew his hand from her butt noting that she wasn’t wearing any panties. “Today is Saturday, my day to shop. So we can get you a few things and you can help me buy some groceries."
"That sounds neat. I really need some new shoes... and underwear... and Jeans ... and..."
"Stop, stop, stop! We'll see, Rachel. Don't get so crazy." Jimmy gave her butt another squeeze and enjoyed the fact that she didn’t pay any attention to his hands on her. "We may be able to get to some of your own stuff yet. The Puerto Ricans can't watch the apartment forever. We'll just see. We'll buy whatever you need for a day or so."
"O.K. Uncle Jimmy,” she replied letting Jimmy caress and fondle her ass cheeks through the thin fabric of the big t-shirt he’d given her to sleep in.
He was about to slide his hand up under the t-shirt and take a handful of her bare ass in his hands when the telephone rang. Reluctantly he stopped groping the girl and answered the phone.
“Yeah!” he answered simply. It was the only thing he’d said until the end of ‘conversation’. It was a friend who told Jimmy all he had to know. Danny wouldn't be coming to get his daughter. An hour or so after he had left Jimmy's, the gang had found him at a bus station. Now he was dead. Jimmy took a deep breath.
"Hey that's life in the shit lane," he replied at the conclusion of the report on Danny’s demise. He looked over at Rachel who was busy at the sink, deciding not to say anything to her. Maybe later, but not now.
With her father out of the way for good… Stepping up behind her, he was tempted once again to run his hand up inside the t-shirt and grope her bare butt. Rachel turned and looked back at him with a sly smile. iJmmy stopped himself thinking, ‘For Christ’s sake, her daddy’s dead and still warm. For once, be a decent fellow… for the moment. This’ll wait. She ain’t going nowhere.’
They spent the better part of the day shopping. He spent too much on her, but he had it, so why not? And he felt sorry for her. She was on her own now. They bought clothes and food, dropped it off at Jimmy's and then went to Danny's apartment. Rachel had her own keys. No Puerto Ricans around now of course; he knew why, but she didn't, even though she suspected the truth. They brought all her clothes and stuff, including her TV and brought it all back to Jimmy's apartment. What a damned mess, piled in the middle of the living room floor.
Jimmy gave her half the closet space and then gave her more. Little by little things did get straightened out. And what didn't could wait. Together they strolled across the street and had a pizza for supper.
"Looks like you'll be with me for a while Rachel. Where do you go to school?"
"Not very far. I have a bus pass, so no problem. I'll try not to be a problem, Uncle Jimmy." She watched him out of the corner of her eyes. Did he really want her? She wasn’t sure.
"You’re no problem sweetie. What year are you in school?”
"I'm in the sixth grade, Lincoln Jr. High, on Third Avenue and Louis.”
Sitting across from Rachel watching her eat, Jimmy thought about how pretty she really was, even though she was very young. He found himself watching her lips and wondering deviant things like how they would look wrapped around his cock. After feeling her ass up in the kitchen this morning, he knew he had it right about her and her daddy. Then he realized that she was watching him, watch her. She smiled as if she read his mind.
Now she knew. "You really like me don't you, Uncle Jimmy?” She kept her eyes on him. Then she giggled, "I know you do." She grinned at him as she sucked at the bottom of the Coke can with a straw.
"Yes, I think I do, Rachel. Wha’cha say we go home and get comfortable. It's been a long day."
Back in the apartment, Rachel took a shower while Jimmy found a movie for them to watch in his bed room. Even though she once again left the door wide open, he thought it best if he stayed away from the shower, until he knew the rules better. He put on an old Clint Eastwood DVD that he thought would be pretty age neutral.
A couple of minutes later, Rachel jumped into the bed, her red hair still wet. She had on the same "T" that she had on the night before and this morning. Jimmy wondered if she’d “forgotten” her panties again. Puffing up the pillow, she laid down right next to Jimmy.
“I picked out a movie for you, Rachel.”
Her big green eyes looked up at him. "Is it a stupid Walt Disney thing or something more fun, Uncle Jimmy?”
“I don’t know what you mean ‘more fun’ this is Clint Eastwood movie. Is that alright?”
She wrinkled her nose and seemed to be thinking… deciding. Then she said “You won’t be mad, will you?” She looked back at him again.
He just raised an eyebrow. “What do you want, Baby? Just ask.”
“Well, you don’t have to do it but… do you have any of those. Uh, sexy ones? You know with the girls and guys fooling around? I'm in the mood to watch something like that. Does that make you hate me?"
Jimmy smiled to himself. “Of course I don’t hate you. I think you’re terrific.” He was getting another hard-on. “Do you watch movies like that with your Dad?”
“Sometimes… A lot of times really. I have the CD’s in the bottom of a box in the other room.”
“Well, maybe we can watch them sometime. I have some right here.” Jimmy ejected Eastwood and dropped in a fuck film.
Jimmy had picked out a DVD, about a young girl that did her whole high school football team including the coach. As they lay back to watch the orgy, Rachel laid her head on “Uncle” Jimmy's chest and pulled her knees up into a comfortable position. Jimmy saw almost immediately, in the mirror in back of the T.V. was the perfect image up under Rachel's `night shirt'. He couldn't quite see her pussy, but even in the dark shadows it was clear that she wasn't wearing panties.
Jimmy's cock was definitely on its way up. This time he wasn't worried about Rachel seeing it. Fact was, he hoped she would notice it.
As the movie started Jimmy moved his left arm around Rachel, his hand resting by her hip. His other hand lay on top of his boxers over his cock. Rachel looked up at him smiled and wiggled closer.
They watched the young girl in the movie, dressed in cheerleader’s uniform of course, as she started to jack off two players finally taking one of their cocks in her mouth.
"Yuck! That’s nasty, Uncle Jimmy! Putting that boy’s cock in her mouth like that. I wouldn't do that."
The girl’s seemingly naďve comment gave Jimmy pause. Did he have it all wrong?
Rachel looked down at Jimmy's hand noticing that he had started to rub his cock slowly. She wondered what his cock looked like. She had seen her daddies a lot, and had seen some of her dad’s friends as well. But the outline of Jimmy’s in his shorts seemed bigger.
Jimmy looked down at her. "It's not nasty Rachel. Lots of people do that and it really feels good for the man. I love it when a lady does that to me."
Rachel didn't say much more. She knew it wasn’t nasty at all as she had sucked her Daddy’s cock often and thought that it was kind of fun. Still, it was best not to say too much just yet to her new Uncle. She spent time now watching Jimmy's hand as he rubbed his cock while he watched the movie.
Watching him and big lump he was fondling she coyly asked, "Does that feel good, Uncle Jimmy?”
"Yes, it feels really nice, sweetie. Don't you ever put your fingers between your legs, honey? I bet you do. Don’t you?”
Not looking at him, she hesitated then softly replied, "Sometimes."
"Well, then you know what it feels like that when I touch myself.” Jimmy paused before plunging ahead with his plan. “This movie gets me hot as hell. How about you, Rachel. Does the movie get you hot?”
“I guess,” she replied coyly.
“Bullshit! I bet it does. Why don`t you touch yourself now, Rachel? I would like to see you do it."
“I don’t know.”
“It’d be even hotter than this movie to see you do it.”
"O.K. If you really want me to,” she whispered. Watching Jimmy rubbing his big cock and watching the girl doing what she was doing had made it difficult for Rachel not to touch herself. While Jimmy watched in the mirror, she slid her hand under the huge t-shirt and started to gently finger herself. “It feels all wet down there now," she said as her experienced fingers began sliding over her little girl clit. Jimmy already knew that she wasn’t as innocent as a girl her age should be, but it was a thrill to see that he had it right all along.
The scene on the video now had girl fucking one guy while she sucked the cock of a second. Jimmy boldly pushed his hand up under the t-shirt and found her puffy nipple. As he had expected, she didn’t try to stop him. He softly began rolling the puffy pink nipple between his thumb and forefinger, pulling on it gently.
Rachel didn't say anything. Instead she spread her legs further farther while hiking her butt off the mattress just enough to let Jimmy hike her the shirt tails higher to completely expose her as she continued to work at her slit. For the moment her eyes were locked on the T.V.. Then slowly her eye lids closed and she moaned.
The film all but forgotten, Jimmy grew more and more excited by the sight and feel of the young red head lying next to him wantonly masturbating. Moments later he hooked his finger into the waist band of his boxers and pushed them down over his very full erection. Now he was masturbating in full sight of Rachel.
Little by little they both lost interest in the porn flick. They were more interested in what the other was doing, each watching the other’s hand pleasuring themselves. Jimmy cock was now dripping pre-cum that ran over his fingers as he watched Rachel's fingers disappear between her open legs.
Anxious to test her further, Jimmy turned to her. "Let me have your finger baby," Jimmy said reaching for Rachel's pussy rubbing fingers. Taking her hand he put her wet fingers in his mouth. Jimmy watched her eyes as she watched with curiosity her fingers disappearing into his mouth. The small girl bit her lips as she enjoyed the new sensations.
"Mummmm... your juice tastes delicious, Rachel," he said salaciuosly, as he lewdly sucked, lapped and watched her reaction. Then he put his own finger between her legs, rubbed her and put that finger in his mouth. Her juice was sweet and salty at the same time. She closed her eyes. As his fingers began exploring her cunt, her tiny pink tongue moistened her suddenly dry lips.
"Do you like that Rachel? Do you want Uncle Jimmy to keep fingering your hot cunt, baby?"
"Oh yes…yes.. That does feel nice, Uncle Jimmy… Better than just nice. Yes… oh yes, yes it feels really good. Ohhhhhhh …ohhhhh."
"You have to promise you'll never tell anyone about what we are doing, Rachel. I would get in a lot of trouble and you wouldn't have a place to live. Do you understand?”
"I know. My Daddy told me that too." She pushed her hips up forcing more of Jimmy’s finger into herself. As his finger tip grazed her cervix, he realized that she lacked a hymen. And there it was again, the ‘Daddy’ stuff. ‘That fucker must have done something with her,’ he reasoned. ‘Maybe the bastard did a lot with her.’ Jimmy would think about that later; it didn’t matter what Danny had done, he wouldn’t be doing it ever again. Still Jimmy knew he should be thankful for his departed friend preparing her and then giving her to him. Maybe Danny hadn’t done anything at all, but he sure prepared her.
Jimmy turned on his side as he continued to slide his finger over Rachel's very hot and wet cunt lips. He could feel her erect clit now and started to give it more attention. He bent the few inches and kissed her lips. She welcomed his kiss with soft, moist, willing lips. Slowly he pressed his tongue against her lips and she responded by opening her mouth, accepting his tongue. Her saliva tasted like young girl erotic honey to Jimmy and he moaned into her mouth while their tongues twisted and turned over each other. This was obviously not her first adult kiss. His tongue explored the space between her lips and teeth. Jimmy's mouth being so much larger covered Rachel's mouth completely.
His cock was on fire, hard as iron, the veins standing out along the sides, the purple head an evil looking monster. As he continued to kiss Rachel's willing and responsive lips and mouth, Jimmy's right hand found Rachel's hand and wrapped it around his throbbing cock. She never broke their kiss as he began to use her hand, training her really, to be a good whore. As Rachel picked up the pace a little, Jimmy just wanted to have her keep masturbating him.
"Your hand feels so wonderful, Rachael, I really love this. I hope you like it half as much as I do. Oh fuck, do I feel horny! I really like you, but you know that don't you?"
“Yes, I know you do and I really like you too.” She wiggled her pussy slowly enjoying the feeling of his finger in different positions.
"Take off the t-shirt, baby,” he commanded extremely happy kissing his, ‘still eleven’ year old little girl. “You really don't need a top and I want to get a real close look at you and suck on those pretty nipples of yours." When had any woman excited him like this? ‘Never,’ he decided. Jimmy began to push his finger deeper into her sweet fuck hole. He realized how good her whole body smelled.
"Oh Daddy, I mean Uncle Jimmy. My tummy feels like it is on fire, it's so excited Daddy Jimmy. I like the way it feels."
"Kiss me again like a grown up, Rachel."
Rachel's hand continued pulling up and down on Jimmy's cock as she opened her mouth to kiss him again. Her lips were the softest and smoothest as he had ever felt, the sweetest by far he had ever tasted. Her tongue was as active as his; a soft small pink tongue that excited him to touch. Again and again he ran his tongue over her honeyed, silk soft lips.
`Oh,' he dared to wonder, `would she suck my fat cock?' He was fairly certain that she would, but the “nasty” comment she’d made earlier still gave him doubts.
Jimmy went back sucking her puffy nipples and rubbing her clit. She was moaning in pleasure now. He moved down and got between her legs. His hand went under her ass cheeks and he lifted her up a few inches and covered her young cunt with his mouth. His tongue probed deep into her hole and then he sucked her clit into his mouth. He wiggled his tongue back and forth over the erect little bud. Pulling, probing, and manipulating her feminine magic.
"Oh...oh...oh, Uncle Jimmy that feels so good ... It tickles… even better than that. It feels so good, Jimmy, don`t stop. Do it, do it... I love that... Oh, it's coming, it’s coming! Ohhhhh the special feeling is coming." Rachel had played with her own cunt often enough to know when she was climaxing. But she knew this was going to be different... bigger... stronger. Uncle Jimmy was doing such nice things to her, things her daddy had never done to her.
As she started to cum, Jimmy moved his hands back to her nipples while his tongue continued raping her. While her body began to shake, he twisted and pulled on her now firm nipples and sucked harder on her erect clit. A gush of liquid, her love juice filled his mouth and ran off his chin. Both were in heaven, but Rachel shrieked and shook in pleasure as Jimmy pushed a very wet finger up her ass.
Her climax finished in decreasing waves. Jimmy moved up and kissed her gently. Rachel relaxed and caught her breath. "Oh God, Daddy Jimmy. That was so wonderful."
"You have such a delicious pussy, Rachel. Just as sweet as sugar. I think you're my new, special desert."
She looked at him now a relaxed adoring expression in her eyes. Her fingers ran through his thick black chest hair and then ran through his wavy, black hair, while she stared at her new lover. "That was fantastic Uncle Jimmy... I didn't know it could feel so good. It never did when I did it to myself." She flushed realizing she had given away a secret.
Jimmy slowly lapped her swollen nipples, pausing between licks to say, "It's always better,” slurp, “when you have,” slurp, “help Sweetie,” slurp, “and now,” slurp, “you can,” slurp, ”help me."
"Good, I want to see the ‘cookie monster’ cock shoot off." Now that she had become more animated once again, she rolled onto her side as Jimmy lay back on the bed beside her, his needy and ridgid sex spike pointing towards the ceiling. "Daddy's isn't half as big as you and his cock shoots out a ton of white stuff.” The caught herself giving away another secret, but realized that it was too late to do anything about it. She grinned up at him, excitement written across her freckled face. “I can imagine what your cock is going to do. What should I do?”
Jimmy had again started to play with his cock. While he had concentrated on eating Rachel’s young snatch, it had never softened and he was still dripping pre-cum. He instructed her to, “Take a hold of my cock again, Baby and pull it up and down. Do it really, really slow so it won't be over to soon." She took hold of his hot hard cock and began to masturbate him. "Awwwww, yeah, just like that, sweetie."
She had set a slow, even pace. She was fascinated by the copious quantity of pre-cum flowing from his cock as it ran over her fingers and fascinated by the length and girth of his fat cock. She had to hold the hot fleshy, iron rod with two hands. One hand was not nearly big enough to wrap around his entire cock. She couldn't take her eyes off his massive organ as she contemplated having the impressive monster deep inside her. Could she take it? Would he rip her apart?
"Come, Rachel. Sit on my chest facing my cock, your pretty butt toward my face. You can bend forward and kiss my cock, if you want to. You can make a name for it if you like."
Rachel giggled at the thought of naming Jimmy's cock. She sat on his hairy chest continuing to stroke his cock. "Does that feel good, Uncle Jimmy? Should I squeeze harder?”
"Oh damn, Rachel its perfect.. don't do anything different, except.. kiss it, baby. Kiss it!"
Rachel bent forward and kissed Jimmy's oozing cock. The kiss sent electric-like thrills up and down Jimmy's body. "Oh baby ... that feels so nice. Put the top in your mouth and suck it, Rachel."
"OK, Uncle Jimmy, but it did taste a little salty... I guess that’s O.K. It was pretty good," she said as she stared at the fat almost purple head that looked a big as a big plum… Would it even fit in her mouth she wondered?
She bent forward as she continued to pull his cock and molded her lips around his seeping cockhead. He was almost too big to fit but she got it in and an inch or so of cock, her little tongue lapping at the swollen knob. She drank down Jimmy's pre-cum without a thought as it continued to flow.
To Jimmy her mouth felt like an epically soft, wet, warm cunt. He found himself rotating his hips to get more cock in her sweet little mouth. Thrilled by the sight of her ass right in front of his face, he spread open her ass cheeks. He had already fingered her tight little back hole, but now he pulled her to him slightly and buried his mouth in her rosebud, his tongue having no trouble sliding an inch or so into her. He continued to lap her asshole, her cunt, and the narrow patch of skin between them. Rachel rotated her hips into his face and kept up her rhythm, giving his cock great young lady attention... half blow job, half jack-off.
He felt his climax rising, building as Rachel maintained the slow even rhythm and kept her lips wrapped tightly around his cock. He pushed into her mouth deeper and managed to stuff another inch of man-sausage into her mouth. With another thrust of his hips, his cock was forced even deeper. She gagged once, but kept going. Reaching forward he held her head in place as he face fucked the little girl until he started to cum. Pushing his cock into Rachel’s mouth as far as possible, he filled her mouth with hot silver-white cum.
When the huge cock in her mouth began to erupt, she held her breath as and tried to swallow as fast as she could, but cum ran from the corners of her mouth. Finally Jimmy let go of her head and she was able to gulp air and swallow more of his seed.
She continued to suck him until he stopped her. "You have to stop, Baby. My cock is to sensitive... just let it rest for awhile."
Rachel slid off his chest and smiled at him. "Was that good Uncle Jimmy? Boy, that was a lot of stuff! But it didn't taste bad at all.”
“You like the taste of cum?”
“Yeah, I do like it. But now my mouth is really tired."
Jimmy pulled her into his arms and kissed her again. "That was a super blowjob, sweetheart. Now you are an expert cock sucker." Kissing her on her spermy lips, he tasted his own slippery cum and lapped the cum from her in her mouth and lips. "I think we are going to be doing that a lot, sweetie. Would you like that?”
“Uh huh,” she nodded with a smile.
Jimmy smiled back thinking, ‘Thank you, Danny. She’s a nice little slut and I am going enjoy having her as my personal little whore. Just like you did, Dad.’
The two of them sexually sated, cuddled together, Rachel's sweet round ass pressing against his cock. In only a few minutes they were asleep.
In Part 2, Jimmy isn't satified just to have a pre-teen cocksucker sharing his bed.
Link to PART 2
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